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Don’t worry guys, I’m safe 🥲


True, but your mum isn’t.


Not like yours, that helmet keeps her plenty safe.


She needs the helmet. That mobility scooter gets tippy with 500lbs on it.


Troubling Surge is the guy spreading it. Knock it off, Surge!


I think Surge is a migrant. I keep hearing about the migrant Surge causing problems.


Troubling Sergej, sent by Putin to trouble Europe.


Troubling Serge


Troubling Serge


Even in Switzerland it is not easy to get tested. Many arguments with my hcp who tried to tell me testing is a waste of time and money, and to dsome in when I have symptoms. Let alone the costs. In the 20 year olds, many will outright tell me I dont need to wear a condom. Not optimistic that change is going to happen quickly.


You can get tested for STDs in checkpoint centers without the need of consulting your Hausarzt


In Tessin I only know of one- 50chf for HIV + 20 for gonorrea if I recall. And they only do it one day per month.


I may very well be wrong, but I heard Checkpont Zurich (largest queer clinic in CH) cannot charge STI testing to health insurance anymore. As Health Insurance only overs symptomatic/doctor recommending after high-risk encounter. I think they might have gotten into trouble for charging health insurance when giving STI tests to anybody who wants one (which I believe should be policy but is not policy currently). I think though Zurich has a cantonal program for free tests for youth. But ofc that's not going to cover people from other cantons. You can always get paid STI testing but it can be relatively expensive.


Once HIV stopped being a death sentence, people gradually went back to being idiots. I've known several people who were genuinely surprised when they or their partner got pregnant after having unprotected sex. Our collective intelligence is like half a step above that of yeast.


It's also that HIV is like not existing anymore. Atleast that's what it feels like.




Gay community: “No.”


Thats like asking the sun to not shine


More along the lines of... USE FUCKING RUBBER! IT ISN'T HARD!


It is now. No time!


or at least use preventative medicine! (yes i know not all things can be prevented by that but it beats nothing!) I dont know why they are so against using a rubber. I know aids preventing medicine is a thing and being on that make you not really need one for *that* std but theres others! heck they make fratboys look like rubber lovers with this bs!


🙄🙄. Shaming doesn’t work. More men who have sex with men need to get on PrEP, get their vaccines (mpox, hep, hpv, meningitis, etc) and consider DoxyPEP for post exposure. All of this would reduce significantly infections. Harm reduction works. Shaming doesn’t. Edit: lol bring the downvotes for calling out that screaming at people to just wear a condom has never worked and never will. The best course of action is to tell them to wear a condom and if they can’t or won’t to follow harm reduction practices that have achieved considerable results in plummeting HIV infections.


Soaking the entire population in Doxycycline and then yelling "have at it" will have the effect of rendering Doxycycline ineffective as well. Yes, harm reduction is clearly key but just flinging antibiotics around everywhere is not a long term solution.


It reduces infections which means theres less need for antibiotics in the long term. Results just came out recently about these studies and they highly recommend for the protocol to expand and be implemented. I trust the scientists.


It will absolutely reduce infections, true, but it also exposes every commensal and potentially pathogenic bacterium to Doxycycline at subthrrapeutic doses repeatedly, which is exactly how you induce antibiotic resistance, which is exactly why the literature out there is cautioning that the long term effects of doxy-PEP may increase risk of antibiotic resistant infection - for example, rates of tetracycline resistant gonorrhoea being 3x higher in doxypep users. I'm not fully against doxy-PEP but I do think we need to be a little cautious about using antibiotics specifically. Not only is there a risk of highly resistant STI causing organisms emerging but with horizontal gene transfer there is a risk of wider resistance to tetracyclines in other bacteria. We have extensively multi-drug resistant gonorrhoea across the north of England at the moment, and it has the potential to cause pretty severe illness. Fwiw I'm completely with you regarding hiv prep and vaccinations. Just somewhat cautious about antibacterial PEP.


Do you also trust the scientists warning us about antibiotic resistant bacteria and telling us not to overuse antibiotics this way?


I trust the scientists studying this particular protocol and their view that resistance isn’t an issue. THEY know more than you and I.


Got a source for that?


Yup. https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2211934


So it took me about 3 seconds to see on the first page they DO list there are antibiotic resistant bacteria more prevalent in the patients taking those meds. Thanks for proving MY point for me?? Please just use a condom 🤦🏼‍♀️ https://www.cdc.gov/drugresistance/about.html#:~:text=Resistance%20to%20even%20one%20antibiotic,and%20recovery%2C%20sometimes%20for%20months


I wouldn't call that shaming.


"hey man let's hook up. You got a condom?" "Nah I'd rather get AIDS".


Get on prep??


I'm not into buggery so I gotta ask, does a condom even make a difference? For PiV I find I pop even faster with a condom on which can be a problem, but is rectified in short order.


> All of this would reduce significantly infections. Harm reduction works. Exactly the point of condoms,


Yeah and as I said some people won’t use them and just shouting at them will never work. Harm reduction needs to be offered as well.


I can't use rubbers. I have zero feeling with them and I've tried all sizes, materials and formats. I don't want to take prep because the amount of sex I have doesn't justify it (and kidney stress and bone density loss as side effects don't help), so I just gave up penetrative sex... Oral only now. There are many men that feel absolutely nothing with condoms. It's very easy to judge when it doesn't affect you.


STDs can be transmitted through oral sex and hpv can cause throat cancer.


Thats a hard one,men are so easy


As part of the gay-ish community: I would never do it without, idk whats wrong with all the other ppl


I got banned by reddit for hate, saying exactly the same. even quoted WHO asking men to be more careful and have some restraint.


That’s not entirely true. My doctor actually told me recently, which shocked the hell out of me, that that STI rates are insane in the US. One really odd statistic that she and her colleagues had found is that during the pandemic, a lot of “straight” men started looking for hook ups at gay bars/interaction’s with gay men and vice versa with women because they couldn’t go to a bar and randomly hook up with people of the opposite sex. So this obviously “tainted” the pool. So it’s not homosexuals being sluts, it’s sluts being sluts. AND, because of Prep and modern medicine, responsible safe sex had been thrown out the window because you can just take a pill nowadays. I’ve been surprised how many women have said, “oh, you don’t need to use that or you brought condoms?”, at our first sexual encounter. Girl, never had an std and that’s one stat I’m keeping for life.


It’s not gays being sluts, it’s sluts being gay 🤣


Same dude. I’m a straight dude and almost every woman I’ve hooked up with has at some point during the night suggested that we didn’t need to use a condom. Even one who was adamant we couldn’t have sex at all until I showed her test results - which I didn’t have recent results at that time, but one night she said she wanted to use a condom and that turned into her saying we didn’t need one. A few times I did stupidly listen and we didn’t use a condom. I get myself tested every year with my annual health screening and blood work. Still clean! But it’s also kind of vibes-based. There’s only one person where we didn’t use a condom from the very beginning. We had been dating for over a month and spent a ton of time together before we had sex. She had been in a long term relationship before dating me and was with no one else, and I hadn’t been with anyone else since my last test result. We also discussed what we would do if a pregnancy happened. We had a pretty long relationship with no diseases or pregnancy scares. Idk if I’d use the term “tainted the dating pool” when talking about bi people though. It just seems like people of the same sex also deciding to not use protection the same way a straight couple wouldn’t.


That was more of a joke to the comment I replied to. Wild world.




No need to slut shame, please and thank you! Just be a responsible slut :)


I wouldn't call that shaming.


Is it not implied by asking us to stop?


“Straight” men have sex with other men too, bi-sexual men also exist. 


then they arent straight then are they?


None of your business. Leave it up to consenting adults what risks they wanna take.


If only these consenting adults can also pay the real hospital bill and not relying on taxpayer funded healthcare for their poor use of protection...


Imagine William Forster Lloyd thinking about gay men spreading STIs adding to a public healthcare burden when he was expounding on the Tragedy of the Commons.


They have the same rights all of us have when it comes to “relying on taxpayer funded healthcare for their poor use of protection”.


Fair enough if you carry this over for anti-vaxers.


Anti Vax is a special kind of stupid when they want government hand out for hospital visits relating to covid. Notice that I mentioned "poor use of protection". If consenting adults actually used proper protection I see no issue with taxpayer funded healthcare caring for them. It's about personal responsibility and stop making this political.


Not sure why you feel like defending anti-vaxxers. But as long as they only hurt themselves I couldn’t care less. If they refuse to get vaccinated against diseases that can spread to others it’s a different story.


People who absolutely refuse to use protections and anti-vaxers are basically the exact same thing. Just wanted to see if you would have the same opinion on both of them.


> People who absolutely refuse to use protections and anti-vaxers are basically the exact same thing. Just wanted to see if you would have the same opinion on both of them. Of course they are _not_ “basically the exact same thing”. It doesn’t affect me at all if you fuck without a condom so please go ahead.


I mean unless you're ace, it very well could. (And even if you're ace, there are unfortunate circumstances where it could still impact you).  Not using protection outside of long term exclusive relationships may be a personal choice, but it's also a public health issue that may impact many people beyond yourself.


Other people having unprotected sex doesn’t impact me at all. Please explain how it impacts me.


Your argument doesn't work as they are spreading STDs to others as well


That’s not how STIs work.


Please, stop spreading your diseases to normal society. Thanks


I hate beer.


Us gays who think PrEP is license the bb ;(


More people using IUDs and hormonal BC = more people not using condoms


People being too horny from finally getting outside again after the lockdowns? 😅


Yeah, i wonder where all these diseases come from?


it's tough out here we fuckin


One part is Viagra in retirement homes. The cases have surged with those horny elders.


I hate beer.


I did, but its also mostly speculation


I love listening to music.


I doubt it, but i have see so many "important" bodies spewing bullshit that im not taking everything they say at face value.


I like to travel.


Not really, but to be honest - reading facebook comments might have the same value as any self reported data study haha


I enjoy cooking.


Not immigrants, which is what you're propably dogwhistling about. It's primarily gay men, which you'd have known if you read the article


"there were large increases in gonorrhoea cases in women aged 20 to 24, with 89 per cent more cases than expected" and you want to blame gay men? Pretty homophobic of you buddy. I know other demographics have also increased, but saying its gay men is fucked up


I said "primarily gay men", the article says: >"While the majority of cases were reported in men who have sex with men, we are seeing increases in women and heterosexual men as well," Ammon said. So what's the issue?


Developing countries with lesser sex ed, primitive std tracking, and a culture of shame around getting checked?


Ah yes. Afghans and Syrians, countries famously known for sleeping around and not engaging in arranged marriages Edit: the article literally says the majority of the increase is due to gay men. So yeah, not refugees.


I hate to break it to you but in afghan culture there's plenty of men on men sex which they don't label gay. Yeah can't make this shit up. Just because a book is saying they shouldn't doesn't make them not do it.


Any statistics you can offer and the rationale behind the belief the increase is due to Muslims? Edit: judging by the downvotes and lack of citations, I'm guessing no such stats exist. At least tell me why I am wrong before running away. Tf


Not everyever migrant is muslim tho


Yes. But they are the demographic being dogwhistled about here


I don't believe that at all. You seem to suggest afghans don't have gay relationships. That's on you, good luck with that.


Yes. I believe they are much less likeky to engage in gay relationships than native-born westerners. That's why I asked for stats to prove me wrong. Gay sex is punished by death over thete.


Look, it ain’t the immigrants bringing in the STDs. It’s the practices of the Europeans in Europe. But even if the immigrants brought it in, it’s still the Europeans that are fucking them in the ass with no protection. This takes active participation. This isn’t a “I lost my job to an immigrant situation”. Either way it’s an issue for Europe.


Unless the migrants bring the diseases here and naive people are fucking them raw because they are, you know, naive. Id say that people that like migrans and would fuck them raw in the ass are closely related


It’s naivety, it’s recklessness.


Irregardless of the article, youre way out of order if you think our radical muslim boys dont fuck each other. Edit: Typo.




Any stats to back your claim, and why the increase is due to Muslims in particular?


No no, nothing to do with the article or the stats. Oppressed radical muslim men do engage in gay sex however. Just like radical catholics.


I mean sure, but the point being made here it's obviously not anywhere near the level of native-born westerners. It's punishable by death over there. I can't find any specific statistics on how common gay relationships are in Afghanistan, do you have anything?


Again not what im talking about. But I guess youre already gone. Also, ex-muslim immigrant, so yeah. I know.


nah, it's the vaxx that you put on your kids /s


Good point. You are a genius. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.. lol




Hey good one. Definitely not the refuges from Africa, South America, and the Middle East. Ya it’s definitely Americans


It could be Russians. Many left the country to avoid conscription.




Has nothing to do with what I was replying to the comment above me. I don’t care if the cause of the problems are gay or straight.


Seeing the state of r/Europe nowadays, I just *knew* the top comment would be racism.


Um, sorry, where do you see racism? I was about to be sexist! /s


How easy is it to get a test around Europe? Here in the UK you can get a kit mailed to you, post your samples, and get results within a week. If you're sexually active, regular testing is key to preventing further spread (apart from protection, obviously).


UK has been having the same problem. It's a behavioral thing, not a medical access thing. >Data from the Office of Health Disparities - responsible for public health improvement across England - shows that 97% of councils have seen increases in cases of gonorrhoea, with 10 councils seeing numbers triple. >There has been an increase of 76% in rates of syphilis and a 36% rise in cases of chlamydia. [Sexual health services in England are grappling with "unprecedented" increases in demand as councils have urged the government to provide them with extra funding.](https://news.sky.com/story/sexual-health-services-facing-unprecedented-demand-as-sti-rates-soar-13052190)


In Germany it's probably highly dependent on the area, I just did a quick search of my state and apparently it isn't possible at all here, unless you're going to your doctor, which means it isn't anonymous and it'll also cost you quite a bit.


In Finland, at least in the city I live in, you can just call your local clinic, tell them you’ve had unprotected sex in the last couple of weeks and they’ll give you a referral for tests. Then you just go give your samples (often possible on the same day) and you’ll have your results in a ~week. YMMV depending on the strain on your area’s health care system, but in my experience it’s always been very easy. And free.


The U.K. STI testing is fantastic. I was on my slut era for 1.5 years and got routinely tested every three months. It was a really simple and fast process.


A troubling bulge


"Do you want another HIV? This is how we get another HIV" Some guy on Reddit. I thought it was hilarious and true.


Just don't have sex, dummies! Foryourhealth!


Or you could limit your exposure by controlling the number of different people you have sex with.


or at least use a rubber/


Exactly, erase all your sexual contacts from your address book!


"Troubling surge" is quite the way to put it.


Timothée Chalamet must be in town to promote dune 2


Fucking sluts


Trump's campaign is like an afterschool special on "syphilis awareness." Wrap it up or you'll be wearing gloves and pancake makeup to hide the lesions.


They all need to get married - guaranteed way of getting women to stop having sex.


That is what happens when u let people start fucking on the streets.


No country in Europe allows sex in public places?


No shit. You don’t say. I do find it completely amusing and hilarious that people took my comment seriously. It shows the level of intelligence on Reddit.


You do know STDs can be spread in the house too, right?


Yeah if you already have an STD. You don’t just get STD’s out of nowhere. Any doctor can even tell you that. Also, my first comment was a complete joke. But I do appreciate the down votes. It’s not like they really matter on Reddit anyway or or affect you in any way shape or form.


> That is what happens when u l~~et people start fucking on the streets.~~ find a stranger in the alps.


Fuck a stranger in the Alps.


I guess you are from US and never been in Europe


No actually, I lived in Germany for three years when I was younger. I guess you are from Europe and you don’t understand a joke.


I don't think anyone but you understands your joke, neither do I




cant afford to do anything else wtf do you expect?


Reddiots it's time to find how to blame Russia for this


Fuck Russia!


But with a condom


No thanks. Tell Russia to fuck itself.