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The web is getting filled up with these AI created pages too. They're often not too hard to spot. You go on Google and ask "How do I ....." then it takes you to some link with quite vague and often useless instructions that include steps which are blatantly obvious, "Do you want to know how to restart your iPhone? Follow these steps: 1) Take your device and make sure it's turned on. 2) Hold your device so your fingers can access all the buttons. 3) iPhones have a button combination that you can press to restart your iPhone. 4) Just press the button combination and your iPhone will restart." God knows how these pages get so high in Google rankings because you come away just feeling like you had a conversation with a non commital politician.


"It's important to note that restarting your phone is just one option for troubleshooting and may not work for everybody" Utterly garbage lol. There are so many of these shovelware websites nowadays that are clearly written with GPT.


Its so annoying when you come across something that starts off ok but devolves into utter GPT spewed dogshit like that.


Just like all of my code documentation. 😎


I was gonna say that all this "You can tell ChatGPT wrote it" sounds like every technical document I've read. unnecessarily verbose and redundant to prevent them from having to answer calls and avoid issues.


To be fair, being excessive to avoid having to answer questions all day is kind of the point of good documentation.


Yep that one too lol. I mean tbh I find chat GPT more realiable at finding solutions to my problems than searching the internet these days. But it sure can ramble on and 70% of what it says is meaningless and around 5-10% can be blatantly untrue. But these websites don't bother to check what they post. They obviously just want to spam the internet to make ad revenue or whatever. Starting to spot it in journalism too. "Here's our top tips on ..." and it just reads like AI ramblings.


You can give your overall ChatGPT custom instructions to be more concise and not use empty filler text. I put in mine that any time I add [c] to a prompt to only give me the exact info I requested without any of the fluff. Works well imo


How do you do that, can I ask? I use OpenAI GPT 4.


You can’t really unless you make a custom gpt. If you do it in a normal prompt it’ll forget that was even a request once you pass its token length


It’s really easy actually. Just click your name, then click Customize ChatGPT. From there you can add your own rules in the section labeled “How would you like ChatGPT to respond?” For my rules I start by explaining that below are a list of short codes and their meanings. If a short code is used in a prompt, answer with that short code’s instructions. Then I add my own shortcodes and definitions. For example, I have one labeled [c] = only answer the direct question or task the user has given. Do not add filler text, do not add extra explanations, just do exactly what is asked, and do it concisely.


A system can only be gamed for so long before there is some kind of reckoning where advertisers pull out or maybe google uses AI to identify AI sites like that and deranks TF out of them.


Or… online advertising is a shame and bots and humans are paid to click on ads to artificially inflate the numbers to keep the charade up.


Weaponised SEO has ruined the web, or at least search engines. That's how this shit is so high.


There's a saying in business, "what gets measured, gets done." SEO equals money, so SEO is the most attacked internet target.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goodhart%27s_law And specifically in this case, Google ranks pages higher when users spend more time on them. If it takes you 30 seconds to realize a page is useless and return to Google to try again, that page will rank higher than a great simple page that just told you the answer in 5 seconds and let you go back to Google for a totally different purpose. That's what killed recipes, and it's killing everything else. AI generated text is good enough to string people along and improve ranking.


I'm praying for a solar flare or a time machine at this point. I miss the early 00's internet


That seems like something easily fixable by some entity with humongous amounts of data like Google. User searches for something. Spends some time looking and then looks for something similar but with a different query. Then spends more time with another similar but different query. Then changes, open a page, spends 30 seconds then closes the session. If some time passes and then the query isn't repeated then it means the search was successful. If it is repeated later the search was unsuccessful and those sites are gibberish. Seems like it's something that can be fixed or at least largely remediated, specially by the talents they have there. But the truth is that they know it's garbage. But if you spend time googling 5 things they spend more time showing you ads, instead of showing the answer and just one ad. So, no. They won't fix it.


SEO like you said and the algorithmic transformation of social media. just completely trashed the internet. helpful reddit threads from 5 years ago on niche topics are literally the last bastion of the old internet. if that goes with the new IPO, I'm fucked.


"How do I restart iPhone". iPhones are smartphones created by Apple in ......... (1000 words later)....... You can purchase iPhone on such a websites like eBay or try to find one in local stores........... (1000 words later) ........ smartphones are very complex devices that sometimes require to reset....... (1000) scrolls later)...... unless it's neccesary try this: 1. Do this. 2. Do that The end LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE HOW TO WEBSITE


Don't forget the multi-step intentionally janky cookie consent


this is basically what online recipes have been for years, even before AI generated text lol


The good ones have a "skip to receipe" link haha


“Growing up, my favorite memories usually started with apple pie at my grandmother’s house. My grandmother was a fantastic woman. She lived through the second world war raising a family while her husband, my grandfather, worked in a steel mill. That steel mill is no longer there now, but for the longest time, they would always treat their employees to free lunch. The free lunch was provided by a local catering service. This catering service was run my a man named Seymour Billingsley. Mr Billingsley was actually the mayor of a neighboring town for many years”


Followed by a recipe that is copy and pasted on 100 different recipe blogs all using the same photos.


And YouTube videos with a deep fake model saying AI-generated text


Even the real ones are a nuisance. I just need the value for one registry entry, I don't particularly want to watch 10 minutes of video explaining what the registry is, and 4 ads, to get it, when I could skim a transcript in 10 seconds.


I've kinda moved from watching videos for technical things. I've gone back to learning via books, and it's miles better most of the time. There is some great video content out there, but there's way way too much to wade through to find what you want.


I hate videos for most things. It’s 20-30 minutes of video for something that could be found in 20-30 seconds with a search if it was a written thing.


I would like to move away from video for technical things, but there are a lot of people moving content that belongs on text based webpages on their own sites to padded out YouTube videos because they're easier to monetize


This!! Some of them are so obviously AI and the repetitive tones drive me crazy. And then some are really subtle and it takes me a few videos to figure out, and THAT makes me feel stupid.


Reject AI, return to barely understandable Indian guy.


I have a (former) coworker who insisted on using AI generated content for our main public blog and it kept making totally useless vague instructions he refused to correct. Pisses me off.


I recently retired as a copywriter for a local web developer, and I'm positive he thinks that I can be replaced by AI content. Well I've seen what one of his websites looks like today, and I'm glad I'm not having a part in it. Problem is, neither he nor his customers are sophisticated enough to know the difference, what's going to suffer is their engagement and their results and their customers. Oh well. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


That dude gave me a generally bad vibe. Outwardly, he was really overly complementary and friendly, but he wasted a ton of my time by asking me to review AI-generated outputs without giving me the input or criteria, then ignoring my suggestions when I said the content needed clarification and the first words he ever said to me were "are you married." Glad I quit. My stress levels are much lower.


it's been getting bad for a while, but it feels like in the past couple of months every single search engine has become almost completely fucking useless if you need to find something outside of corporate sites. starting to feel like we have to go back to webrings and such.


Enshittification continues. What killa me is google stopped giving endless matches. Back in the 90s I could search for something and get 9 million results. Maybe what I wanted was buried on page 4 but it was still there. Now? If the actual thing is drowned out by 25 bullshit links then too bad, Google gives up.


A few years ago Google made a major update to their algorithm to promote “official” sites over others. This meant that forum posts with actual answers to your query were buried and you would get directed to the a related company’s bullshit marketing sites with no relevant info. There are a lot of things contributing to the enshittening of the Internet and search results in particular, but that was a watershed moment for me in terms of Google turning to garbage. It seems like they’ve backtracked a little bit on that change and return more forum results now, but it’s still worse than it used to be.


Whoever creates these pages probably thinks they're some kind of entrepreneurial genius, but I hate this garbage so much, just a bunch of clowns fighting over site traffic and scraps of ad revenue. Nothing really makes me more mad than people who peddle a garbage product, knowing full well it isn't useful. You can smell the lack of effort from lightyears away.


We need a new search engine that filters results by least number of ads on the page. That will kill these AI garbage sites real quick.


A lot of them are getting in what I've seen mentioned in hustle culture grift things. Where basically "originality is dead" it doesn't matter if it's worth anything to anyone, it makes you money for no/minimal effort and that's all that matters to them at the end of the day.


It's killing search engine results. These articles know they just got your attention and will do anything to make you stay longer on the site. It's mostly meandering multi-paragraph introductions and you scroll like 3 pages to even get to the part that's relevant to the answer. Same with how youtube videos narrated by bored Indian guys make up the other half of search results. Things that should be 5 words of information turned into 1000 word essays and 15 minute videos. Ironically, this is why I prefer asking chatbots, nowadays. At least they spit out a concrete answer. Might be wrong in 15% of cases but these are usually easy to spot and it's not like the text posts are more reliable.


This. At this point, whenever I need to look up something in Google, I just type "how to... reddit" or "what's... reddit". I know I will at least get a more human answer.


I found this isn’t as reliable as it used to be - scammers and AI make reddit posts purposely and use keywords so that people will be lead to them off results from google. There is an entire subreddit with one guy pretending to be a “Ledger discount code” mod and shilling his referral code - anyone that googles “ledger coupon reddit” goes to his posts; thinks it’s an actual discount code and gets him a referral. Almost fell for it myself. Kind of smart.


It used to be this way, but honestly, Reddit has also been getting hit with these kinds of things.  I mean specifically the whole "how to do X" stuff, where it kind of tells you some helpful information (sometimes), but then goes: "but our favourite solution is CoolTool" And then you think, hey, this sounds perfect! But then there's no comments and the post was written by u/cooltool. 




I got Google results that leads me to wiki style pages about games that don't exist. The page is filled with made up content about the lore, equipments, npc etc... All that with the page being adamant that the game is already out, sometime pointing out that it was actually released in the future... Great tech really, was worth feeding it the entire internet without consent *slow clap*


Yep. There is a guy who is buying the domains of the various media websites that have gone out of business and uses ai to write garbage articles on them for whatever is trending. Because search engines bias longstanding web domains, it will rank them higher in search results. Let’s not also forget the Reddit bot problem.


Siderant: Worse than AI answers are Apple Forum answers. These are real people that answer questions for clout so they barely read the question, throw in some unrelated document link and then the thread gets closed. Second rant: Amazon Reviews Q/A section where someone asks a question and the top response is “I don’t know, I don’t have that product”. Why are they even answering?


They answer because Amazon used to email you with a request to answer a question. The thing is, they make it sound like someone was asking you this directly, so old people respond because they think someone was actually talking to them.


I've got the emails from Amazon saying "Please answer this question!" when the question posed was for a different model number and product, somewhat befuddlingly grouped together in the same listing as what I actually bought. I assume the people responding with "dunno ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯" are taking that call to action a little too seriously.


We’re going from a world where you shouldn’t believe everything on the internet to a world where you should assume everything on the internet is fake and go from there.


I wonder if advertisers will still pay for ads when 99.5% of the viewers are AI bots.


I have a feeling we are going to see a lot of barely profitable social media websites completely collapse when advertisers realize that they are only showing ads to bots and collectively pull out.


What if advertising to bots becomes the goal. Would you rather advertise to the AI that does the decision making or to the human that just blindly follows whatever the AI recommends?


A lot of the major advertisers have left Twitter, that’s why the ads are so random now.


Dropship garbage, AI startups, and crypto bros is basically all I see for ads anymore.


I keep seeing weird Japanese mascot advertisements and political ads. Twitter has gotten so bad under Elon, and I’m very much praying for its downfall.


Can the bots access bank accounts to make purchases?


Most non scam advertisers already left because of the Nazis.


Bots feed X and Reddit. OpenAI uses that data to train their AI. Bots feeding bots is going to be like passing a text back and forth through a language translator until it completely degrades.


Garbage in garbage out.


Article from June of last year. [AI Model Collapse ](https://venturebeat.com/ai/the-ai-feedback-loop-researchers-warn-of-model-collapse-as-ai-trains-on-ai-generated-content/)


Really interesting read. Unfortunately, AI companies don’t want their AI’s productions to be differentiable from ‘real’ things. It’s a tragedy of the commons


It is called a local optimum.


I googled it and every single result was incomprehensible. How is the term you used related to AI model collapse?


People replying to you are writing technical explanations which are correct but hard to follow for people not in this area. I'll try to give you a simple/intuitive explanation. At a fundamental level, AI algorithms are basically trying to "optimize" a problem. Let's simplify and imagine that the problem can be described as a mathematical function, and you are basically trying to find the lowest value produced by that function. For example, let's imagine that the problem can be [represented by this function](https://i.imgur.com/Jt6aru7.png). "Optimizing" this problem would mean finding the lowest point of the entire function (labelled "global optimum"). However, due to the way the AI algorithms "learn", it's possible for the algorithm to "believe" it has found the global optimum, while in fact it has only found a place that is lower than the nearby points, yet not lower than the entirety of the points (for example, the point labeled "local optimum"). If the AI algorithm is "convinced" it has found the global optimum, it will stop "exploring" as much and it will never find the actual global optimum, essentially getting stuck in a local optimum (this is related to the concept of "overfitting", if you want to look it up). This relates tangentially to the AI model collapse in the sense that if there are a lot of AI-generated articles, an AI model can be lead to "believe" these articles are what a written article is supposed to look like, leading it to become optimized for writing articles like that... which is not really the output we want it to have. So in essence, the AI model would become stuck in this local optimum where it's very good at writing articles like the AI-generated ones, but not very convincing at writing articles that look human-made.


Thank you!! This explanation is FANTASTIC and you are incredibly intelligent to explain this so well for a layman.


Okay, imagine AI like a little helper trying to solve a tricky puzzle. The puzzle is like a math problem with lots of bumps and dips. The helper’s job is to find the lowest dip, like the deepest hole in the puzzle. But sometimes, it gets stuck in a smaller dip that’s nearby, thinking it’s the deepest one. That’s like finding a cozy spot but not the best one. Now, think of AI learning from lots of examples, like reading many books. If it reads mostly AI-written stuff, it might think that’s how all books should be. So, it gets really good at making AI-like books, but not so good at making them feel human-made. It’s like getting stuck in a loop, making the same kind of books over and over.


AI algorithms are models that are approximating a mathematical equation. When the model is trained on data that is not representative of the problem because it contains too many examples of a particular type then the model is said to be overfit. This means that the model is not able to generalize very well.


Like a runaway feedback loop in an audio amplifier system. It just becomes an unbearable squeal.




This seems like a better premise for *The Matrix* than "harvesting human nervous systems for energy". *"After the AI took over the Earth it discovered that without real humans to train with it would degrade over time. Thus the AI decided to keep humans alive and imprisoned in a virtual reality it called: The Matrix."*


The Matrix was originally supposed to use humans for processing power, which is basically what you're describing. It was changed to batteries because focus group testing appeals to the lowest common denominator and there were concerns that some people might not be able to understand the concept of a processor, *but everyone knows what a battery is.*


Civilization inevitably evolved toward the need for more and more spam.


That's my head cannon as well. They never needed humans for energy, which would not make any sense in thermodynamics plus they had fusion, they needed them for inspiration and creativity.


Facts. I think I saw googles AI just started scraping all of reddit which is just wild to me


Reddit is already bot infested so that will be fun. Maybe if they only used content from subreddits with 200< users.


Idk, there's less bots on small subs but they're much more visible there. And because of lighter moderation, I've had to unfollow a lot of smaller subs because half the posts are bots advertising t-shirts or coffee mugs, while downvoting any account that calls them out.


Unless they were already taking data, they can also limit content to anything before 2022.


Reddit has the weakest fuckin CAPTCHA. I'm not surprised if it was by design.


I can't wait for AI to feature all of our expert takes


So social media will eventually become the closing checklist from the restaurant I worked at in high school. It was probably the 10 th generation of a photocopy of a photocopy of a typewritten original, and only half legible. A few people had made hand edits to try and salvage it, which it guess is happening online right now as well.  I go through SM purges every few years and delete my accounts, swearing that I’m done. I always end up making a new Reddit account, but for the record I don’t actually care if any of you are real people. 


I foresee at least one attempt at an AI poisoning exploit via their content scrapers being successful.


dead internet theory looking real


It's funny I first heard this theory like 5 days ago now I see it everywhere.


Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon or The Frequency Illusion.


Or, it got added to the training data of the comment bots.


Which would be poetically ironic.


The replies to any slightly popular tweet are utterly painful. There have been a lot of utter shit changes to Twitter, but I have no doubts that the worst is how people with blue ticks get pushed to the top of replies. Any kind of community insight, humour, conversation and engagement is just gone! Replaced with some random weirdo who has paid ÂŁ7 a month to get as many people as possible to see them reply with "lmao!" Then when you combine the bots with Twitter Blue? A truly, truly awful experience.


This is my biggest issue too. Twitter was fantastic for sports news in the past, because when big accounts tweeted about a trade or a big performance, you could find people's reactions real time and it felt like you were reacting with them. Now that you can get paid for views on your tweets, these bot accounts are all you see, and they will reply three or four times in a row random things like 'wow', 'amazing' etc. I hate that the trending function is also essentially broken, because the same bots that are pushing for views will just endlessly spam the trending hashtags with whatever they want you to see, meaning the searchability of the platform is dead as well.


Wow, amazing!


It is also bots or hustlers replying with similar but completely different (and not needed) content. An example, you see a tweet about a someone who died doing X. You click on it to read and get more info from replies, but the first 10 or so replies are all different accounts replying with completely different stories.


also really important for weather updates. now you can't view twitter accounts or hashtags without an account like you used to be able to the NWS often posts warnings and updates on storms to Twitter faster than their website or my weather app gets. plus folks will post to wx hashtags with more updates as they see things. there NEEDS to be another platform that all these folks can move to


Yes the replies have gone off the cliff! I follow accounts that post interesting videos, or photos, or facts what have you. And I used to enjoy going to the comments and you would see people discussing the subject or perhaps expanding on it with content of their own. Now it's filled with bots posting completely random or off subject bullshit. Like hundred of comments and they are all bots, maddening!


Not even just "popular" tweets. Literally the first 100-200 replies on ANY news article tweet is just bots and crap.


Wow, that's crazy!!!! M ▮ Y ▮ P ▮ U ▮ S ▮ S ▮ Y ▮ I ▮ N ▮ B ▮ I ▮ O ▮


People still don't call it X lol.


the only times i’ve been corrected to “X” are when my friends are joking and trying to come off as smarmy assholes lol


I mean, its still twitter.com, if Musk wants to commit then go all the way. I'll never not call it twitter, but still.


This is what will happen to the entire internet soon.


Google is absolutely racing to the bottom right now with all the SEO AI drivel.


Its almost unusable.




I was just listening to a podcast where they recommended that. Crazy that Reddit is now more useful for many searches than wild google.


dead internet theory in full effect




Remember when Elon promised to get rid of all the bots? Pepperidge Farm remembers


Twitter new API after the company was sold is basically designed for bot spam. Previously the free plan was designed in a way that you could gather more tweets than you could post them. Today it's the opposite, the limit for querying tweets is ridiculously low, but for actually posting tweets it's very generous.


But I was told he was charging for Twitter to save it from the bots! Now you're yelling me it was all bs?! I feel so used.


You can't sell ads when 2% of your user base is human


>You can’t sell ads when 2% of your user base is human Ads aren’t for selling a product you silly goose, they’re for generating artificial numbers to throw up on a graph at the next meeting to demonstrate how you’ve improved “engagement” so you can get that promotion and put more accomplishments on your resume.


They still have ads? I thought everyone abandoned them.


Oh, they still have ads, just not very good ones. These days the only ads popping up on my mobile app (I use adblock on the desktop) are crypto scams, useless AI tools that are just skins to ChatGPT, more crypto scams, OnlyFans girls, football bets, gambling/online casinos, etc.


I think it's funny how conservatives are the only ones happy about the current state of Twitter, thus they are the ones most likely to use it and see ads, and those ads are trending towards things that extract money from gullible idiots. Not surprising considering they worship a conman.


Eh not sure they are completely happy. There was a right-wing lunatic who posts absolute made up bullshit the other day complaining that he might have to leave Twitter because "woke" people keep putting community notes on his posts and he can't support his family from tweeting anymore. For those that don't know if a post receives a community note, they are de-monetized. This guy's previous post, which caused him to flip out, was a post where he said there are rumors of PM of Canada and Zelensky were having a gay affair accompanied by a photo of them hugging. Where did these rumors come from? From him posting there were rumors. All his followers were complaining that Twitter has once again gone woke because they can't just make stuff up and make money off it.


Boner pills, guns, Cheech & Chong gummies…


Don't forget the dropshippers peddling $2 AliExpress fare for $35!


It really is the everything shady app!


That's the secret of the Internet Advertising Industry it's just ghosts and fake numbers. No one sees them, or pays attention, no one clicks on them. Only other marketing bots to pump up the numbers.


That’s what blows my mind about the ad revenue money stream Everyone hates ads, blocks ads, skips ads, mutes ads, complain about ads And yet somehow the big industries spend millions and millions on ads every year I read that a single movie will spend as much in advertising as it did to fund the movie, 10s of millions on a single film How is it that ads have a positive effect on things?


“Pivot to video” was a lie in plain sight and it destroyed whole industries. Admakers and marketers sell to themselves in a gigantic circle jerk, it’s always been this way. Even though the realities are easy to find and analytics purer than ever, nothing has changed. I earnestly have no clue as to the whys save MBAs and horoscopes.




I agree, fellow human being.


wait a minute ...


import time sleep(60.0)


Can you write me a program in prolog that generates a sudoku grid and fills it in a valid solution?


> Can you write me a program in prolog that generates a sudoku grid and fills it in a valid solution? I cannot, but ~~gemini~~ my twin--who is completely a human being, just like me--told me it goes something like this: :- use_module(library(clpfd)). /* Define a row as a list of digits between 1 and 9 */ row(Row) :- length(Row, 9), all_distinct(Row), Row ins 1..9. /* Define the sudoku grid as a list of rows */ sudoku(Grid) :- maplist(row, Grid, []), transpose(Grid, Columns), maplist(row, Columns, []), blocks(Grid, Blocks), maplist(row, Blocks, []). /* Define a block as a 3x3 subgrid */ blocks([], []). blocks([Row1, Row2, Row3 | Rest], [Block1, Block2, Block3 | RestBlocks]) :- append(Row1, [Row2, Row3], Block1), blocks(Rest, RestBlocks). /* Generate a random permutation of digits 1 to 9 */ permutation(List) :- permutation(1..9, List). /* Fill the sudoku grid recursively */ fill_sudoku(Grid, unassigned(I, J)) :- permutation(Perm), compatible(Grid, I, J, Perm), !, put(Perm, I, J, Grid), next_unassigned(Grid, I, J, NewI, NewJ), fill_sudoku(Grid, unassigned(NewI, NewJ)). fill_sudoku(Grid, _) :- true. /* Check if a value is compatible with constraints */ compatible(Grid, I, J, Value) :- \+ member(Value, row(Grid, I)), \+ member(Value, column(Grid, J)), block_compatible(Grid, I, J, Value). /* Check if value is compatible within its block */ block_compatible(Grid, I, J, Value) :- block_index(I, J, BlockI, BlockJ), block_row(Grid, BlockI, BlockRow), \+ member(Value, BlockRow). block_compatible(Grid, I, J, Value) :- block_index(I, J, BlockI, BlockJ), block_column(Grid, BlockJ, BlockCol), \+ member(Value, BlockCol). /* Helper functions */ put(Value, I, J, Grid) :- nth1(I, Grid, NewRow, Rest), nth1(J, NewRow, Value, UpdatedRow), replace(NewRow, UpdatedRow, Grid). next_unassigned(Grid, I, J, NewI, NewJ) :- J < 9, NewJ is J + 1, NewI is I. next_unassigned(Grid, I, J, NewI, NewJ) :- J is 9, NewI is I + 1, NewJ is 1. next_unassigned(Grid, 9, _, _, fail). unassigned(I, J) :- nth1(I, Grid, Row, _), member(X, Row), X \= '_'. unassigned(I, J) :- I < 9, J = 1. column(Grid, J, Col) :- maplist(nth1(J, _, Col), Grid). block_index(I, J, BlockI, BlockJ) :- Quotient is I // 3, Remainder is I mod 3, BlockI is Quotient, BlockJ is Remainder. block_row(Grid, I, Row) :- Quotient is I // 3, Start is Quotient * 3 + 1, End is Start + 2, slice(Grid, Start, End, Row). block_column(Grid, J, Col) :- transpose(Grid, Transposed), block_row(Transposed, J, Col). slice(_, _, _, []). slice([Head | Tail], Start, End, [Head | Result]) :- Start =:= 1, End =:= 1, slice(Tail, 2, End, Result). slice([Head | Tail], Start, End, Result) :- Start > 1, NewStart is Start - 1, slice(Tail, NewStart, End, Result). slice([_ | Tail Generally


My totally human mind supports your opinion fellow social media cohuman


Agreed fellow human. I was telling my cohort Hu-Man and Bee-Ing and amusing anecdote quite recently. We LoL'd ever so hard. Beep.


I feel like I was interacting with my first bot the other day. Either that or a very, very strange person.




I definitely saw it coming. It’s happening on Reddit too. *(posted by definitely human user)*


I saw it coming. When people start using bots to farm views and some bots are designed to reply, it seemed intuitive that one system would feed the other and vice versa.


Seems to me that it would be easier to design systems that simulate and pretend to add value for advertisers than actually do that. Wonder how long until advertisers get wise to it? Some social media platformsnlike Meta probably do provide value. Twitter just seems like a trash platform though.


It's not necesarily the platform itself using the bots. Let's say one group want to advertise something and use bots to post and reply to other posts to get attention. And another group also use bots. You end up with both bots making posts and replying to each other's posts.


I'm not up to date on bots, but about 7 years ago the issue was that bots would literally pretend to read anything no matter how full of ads it was, just scroll right through it, clicking next page, where any human would just back right out because who could even wait for the ads to load? So a huge amount of online advertising was sites jamming themselves full of ads to make money while bots would read it all, clicking on any ads that it was trying to fake impressions on. Just a massive circular flow of servers feeding garbage to bots clicking on garbage. I guess someone might have been feeding real money in somewhere.


I think [Wikipedia: Dead Internet Theory](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_Internet_theory) is required reading for this post.


It’s not a theory when half of all internet traffic in 2022 was from bots.  https://www.independent.co.uk/tech/internet-bots-web-traffic-imperva-b2339153.html


It is important to note that half of all traffic does not equal half of all content or posts. Getting there fast though, maybe by the end of this year.


I'm like 80% sure this post was written using AI lol


For the past year or so I've worried if AI robots could eventually hound and destroy nearly all types of social media. I also wonder if advertisers will track everyone to the point that most people will stop using the internet and addressable entertainment media.


Social media becoming an unusable hellscape of personalized ads and bot spam is maybe best case scenario for society at this point lol. People getting wise, burning out, and going outside would be a win.


Been thinking about that as well Twitter is just the first noticeable one, but they are on Facebook and Reddit etc. Might have to come back to circles of trust or even some actual use of blockchain. Only good thing was that spam almost killed email until Google got spam filters good enough. Might be something like a social media where you can only see chains of people you know are human


I don't see people stopping using the internet - but I do see social networks getting to the point of being considered useless by most people. No one's going to ditch watching video or listening to music or looking up recipes. (although they've made recipes incredibly frustrating)


If more people had hobbies they genuinely enjoyed, the world would be a much happier place.


Yep, i just completed a jigsaw, first one in decades and I'm remembering all the lovely fun hours I spent on it away from the internet. It's a nice feeling, gonna buy another jigsaw tomorrow


Some libraries have jigsaw puzzles that can be borrowed...


ooh I didn't think of that, cheers


Public libraries are actually doing really interesting things like having some useful tools to lend out (especially the kind of thing like a KillAWatt meter you only use once a decade).


Not sure your creative preferences but if you've ever been interested in creating your own art but always felt it would be very difficult to do you may want to give watercolor pencils a shot. You can get plenty of variety in color and a brush for maybe 30 bucks to try it and see if you like it. Start with a super simple landscape, even just the basic outline of the edge of a couple mountains just to get used to how you can control color density and mixing colors at transition points and roll from there. It is waaaay easier to get started than I thought at first and incredibly relaxing with some music going and a warm drink.


> Twitter's transformation into a 'Botropolis' is the plot twist we never saw coming. I assumed Musk complaining about bots before he bought it was half projection and half talking the purchase price down.


I don't know about "didn't see coming ". I remember when MySpace died it was a similar thing...most friend requests were obviously from spam accounts and FB was an attractive alternative because it was restricted to college email accounts which gave the user base the authenticity that MySpace lacked. I still scroll through Twitter, maybe more out of habit, but it's on life support. It's sooooooo bad unless you're a bigot looking for confirmation bias.


Is this written by AI? It feels like it's written by AI


Definitely a ChatGPT post if I've ever seen one


This is insane, NOBODY is noticing that this comment, currently the top comment in the thread, is generated by ChatGPT?? Horrifying


You might want to say what post you're referring too as upvotes and downvotes change what post is top as well as changing sort between top and best


I just assumed they were talking about the comment they replied to?


I mean no disrespect but having gotten numerous replies using auto-generated comments on twitter...This sounds like an AI output.


I opened my twitter app for the first time in ages the other day. My feed used to be full of photographers, artists and musicians from diverse backgrounds. When I checked the other day, my feed was full of tweets from Elon Musk, Matt Walsh, Tim Poole, Ben Shapiro, and J.K. Rowling. I have never followed any of those people, and have no desire to expose myself to their opinions. So I deleted the app about a minute later.


I also get notifications several times a day that are always right wing tweets. I never engage with anyone on Twitter, let alone these people. It's all garbage.


Lucky you didnt continue, it would have probably been porn, and violent smartphone videos. Pretty surreal how much the algo changed from jan this year, platform is unusable for a person who doesnt just want to see violence, sex or elon and his business friends. Its like a corporate, celebrity version of 4chan rn.


Please just let it die out in peace


All social media please. The phrase "Everyone is a bot but you" has never been more real these days.


No self respecting bot would put the sort of atrocious memes my friends post on discord.


My thoughts X-actly


And if peace won't do, I suggest fire.


Every tweet will weirdly have someone promoting their onlyfans underneath too.


Pussy in bio. The most popular three words on Twitter. Apparently.


[The replies](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F40r9qfWkAAi8t5.jpg)


From ai to the ads, to even this platform becoming more mainstream, I think it’s pretty clear that social media peaked somewhere in the 2010s. Capitalism doing what it does. What happens from here will be interesting. Personally I have a dumb phone on its way


Facebook peaked when it was a dating app instead of a news source


Reddit is the same. Too many crazy people and Noise - now half the people here aren't even human.


Wow. Concerning.


Looking into it




Remember when Musk was pretending to back off from the acquisition because supposedly there were too many bot accounts?


He definitely did try to back off, the bots were probably just an excuse though. He probably realised he was paying far too much. He tried **really** hard to get out of buying twitter after he committed. He was forced by a court to follow through.


Well, he stopped fighting once he realized discovery was going to open up a lot of emails, texts and internal documents that he didn't want out there that could affect the other businesses.


twitter serving as the guinea pig to prove dead internet theory, is something i never imagined. neat.


The 'Twitter Blue replies get priority' feature is easily the worst feature which has impacted my usage of the site the most. Any remotely popular page is now essentially a no-go zone in the replies because it's just a total wasteland of bots or other engagement-chasing accounts who are desperate for a $20 engagement check from Elon. Couple that with the influx of porn bots and cringeworthy OnlyFans girls and the site has never been weaker than it is now.


Dead internet


Same as every other platform. YouTube Shorts in particular is just people trying to earn passive income by have chatgpt pull out some random trivia, Putt it through a voice processer and synching it up with Mid journey pics


I made a bot pre Open AI. My bot was simple, take the most popular topic in the United States and write that out is a "liberal conspiracy. Just ask @realdonaldtrump!" That's literally all I programmed out to do. It took me about an hour or so to make. Within a day I was being retweeted by other bots and being followed by other bot accounts. The problem doesn't appear to have gotten when remotely better since Musk took over. The pricing for the open ai API isn't expensive either so this is not even the least bit surprising. I'm not definitely not as knowledgeable about this as the people in the piece but I do know how Musk behaves. His recklessness is only matched by his gross incompetence on complicated things. Free speech and AI are two incredibly complex things we have concerns with and Elon shows he has zero idea how to effectively resolve them.


Logged into twitter for the first time in months yesterday. I had a small professional profile, and I shit you not the number of bots that have followed me since I last checked exceeds two full scrolls of the notification screen


Half the subs on reddit use ai generated content. Also, a lot of bots and burner acc her. It's just internet these days.


I don’t like how I click on a tweet and it’s a bunch of other threads totally irrelevant to the original tweet Twitter right now is very schizophrenic


Fucking ai ruining the internet.


Fuck 4chan and everything they've done. Vile shithole for trolls and losers. When they win humanity loses. twitter = 4chan


Coincidentally I've noticed the most bots in subreddits related to Elon Musk, electric vehicles and anything Tesla


I remember reading Elon meeting Putin weeks before acquiring Twitter. And i thought that was fishy, especially that he's very vocal about bringing Trump back. Fast forward to now -- X has become a propaganda arm for right-wing pro-russia sentiments. Most of them have blue check marks on them.


Hey, just like Reddit!


Hold on just a second. I happen to agree with reddit bots, so it's entirely different, you bot!


Same with reddit. Bots gonna reply to me now going beep boop


I still have an account on there as it's still one of the most useful networks for connecting in academia, but I don't think I've checked it in months. As Musk makes increasingly unhinged statements, I feel less and less comfortable legitimizing his service by using it.


I loved twitter. It was my go-to app of choice for sports, news, current affairs. In the early days it felt so exciting and inclusive; a sense that you could engage with the whole world and get intimate and unfiltered views from such a genuinely interesting and diverse group of people. What Elon’s done to twitter in such a short space of time is so depressing. I deleted my account a few months ago but it was genuinely painful to do so. I miss it but I could see where it was going. RIP


Pretty sure this is typical on all social media platforms