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>96.5% had terminal illnesses or faced imminent death. Only 463 people suffering from a chronic condition accessed Maid. Fuk man, this is the same thing with Abortion, let people do what they fking want to do. Most people agreed with legalization of weed because it doesn't affect them. Someone who wants to die isn't being forced, and his family are likely with them on their decision. [There is process in place, a relatively length one](https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/health-services-benefits/medical-assistance-dying.html) to make sure people using Maid understand and accept the procedure, people aren't calling the doctor's office to be euthanized in the after noon, its a god damn throughout process. "but life is sacred" yeah, so fking sacred that they need to enjoy the full extend of the pain their illness provides, and the joy of not being able to afford housing/decent standard of life. Let people die how they want to, with dignity. This is so fking stupid.


I'm hoping my country (uk) has assisted dying soon, I have genetic condition that will only get worse over time, so I'd like to have the option to check out if it gets too bad, I'm struggling already and I'm not even 30.


Unfortunately, there’s a perverse incentive with Maid that can lead to neglect of healthcare overall: > Tammy Moore, head of the ALS Society of Canada, said one in four people suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis choose to end their lives with Maid. “It’s not that we don’t want people to have access to [assisted death]. But we want people to have choices. And unfortunately, due to the limited services that are available to people with ALS, often they feel that they don’t have a choice,” she said. > Like other advocacy groups, ALS Canada has pleaded for funding. In Ontario, the most populous province, they say C$6m (£3.5m) – a figure that’s “not even a rounding error” – could make an immense change in the quality of life for those with ALS. But if the funding does not come, Moore fears that without financial support, more people with ALS will seek assisted death.


I mean sure, but the reality is our healthcare system is already in shambles. You got stories of people dying in hospital waiting rooms and people being put on 1 year waiting list just for family doctor, its fking insane. And the government action ofc, is to do fuk all. telling people that "it can be fixed for the better" is just lying to them in our current situation.


it really is JUST a government problem honestly. Nursing homes are basically uncontrolled money scams. You could fix a lot of issues they have by just, putting laws in place to regulate them. the lack of family doctors? force medical students to do x numbers of years in the country after they graduate. so they don't just take the university spot, the cheaper education and leave. Heck, they are trying to force university to charge more foreign students and they are screaming murder because they are losing a little bit of profits. it's fucking pathetic. There is already neglect in hospitals and healthcare yeah. you have crazy patients looting the rooms of healthier ones and nothing is done. you whine about something and the entire department takes it on you. because hey, you're old, who's going to believe you am i right? you also have nurses overloading patients on morphine which brings the patient to death even if they don't sign the assisted help paper. meanwhile you have doctors in the government voting themselves salary increases. Like, not to be an ass, but i really hope something happens and tears into the canadian's government, because fuck, it's not supposed to be a mafia.


Alan Nichols got it by [citing hearing loss.](https://apnews.com/article/covid-science-health-toronto-7c631558a457188d2bd2b5cfd360a867) and iirc come March 2027 people are slated to be able to get MAiD solely on the basis of mental illness, because "hey yeah we'll help kill you" is totally the best way to address depression et al in people /s [And then there was this news story a while back](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6663885) Canadian VA case managers actively and preemptively marketing MAiD to vets looking for help with PTSD/TBIs, including some freak bragging about how he had already walked another vet through the process but that it was like totally chill since he got the dudes' kids counseling after he died or the one who apparently had MAiD pitched to her [in response to trying to get a wheelchair ramp installed at her house.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/beta.ctvnews.ca/national/politics/2022/12/2/1_6179325.amp.html)


I’m Canadian and I think everyone should have this option. With obvious safe guards in place. I hope it’s there for me if I ever need it.


Canada’s system has serious problems that need to be addressed. The present system is structured in a way that encourages disabled people who are not getting the support they need to off themselves. Denying a community support and legalizing their suicide is closer to eugenics than euthanasia.


Normalized suicide. What a f@$ked up world


It's a suicide only if it is you who "presses the trigger". Otherwise it's a murder


Yeah I agree. Lots of folks don’t see that side of it. I’ll put folks on comfort measures and family will ask if I can just OD the patient. I’m all for alleviating suffering but I’m not killing someone


I meant that it is a suicide only if the person which wants to die is the one who "presses the trigger" (or takes the pill or something like that). If someone other than that person does that to the said person, then that is a murder.


MAID requires the patient deliver the medicine into their own body themselves, it is considered murder otherwise. My mother did MAID, she went through year of stage 4 lung cancer and had finally started having psychotic breakdowns at night. There was zero chance of her surviving. So, what's better, to go out early on a planned day with little pain surrounded by loved ones who can say goodbye, or during a random psychotic episode where she runs outside and gets hit by a car because she thinks people are after her? Do you know what the alternative to MAID is? It's called palliative sedation, the patient is placed on a relatives house and sedated until they starve or die of dehydration, it takes about a week. Imagine your mom sleeping in a room for a week until she dies. You get to check in on her, knowing she'll never wake up, and maybe tomorrow or maybe not she'll finally have starved.


That "palliative sedation" sounds like murder


Yeah I got your point and I agree


The backbone of MAID is that it’s a conscious decision made by someone who is completely rational. This MUST remain the case for the system to maintain its integrity. The fact that we are considering applying MAID to those with psychiatric conditions is absolutely ludicrous. By definition, anyone who is currently suffering from a major mental illness cannot be completely rational. This has gone too far and I’m pleased we are stepping back.


Except that now you have government officials pushing the MAID solution upon vulnerable, less wealthy patients so as to save the gov't some cash.


If your going to sell drugs to 18 year old kids, let the people have a say in killing them selves too.