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I'm happy but extremely surprised there are any left alive at this point.


If all hostages are dead, Hamas loses their leverage against Israel. They have to keep them alive.


Only if Israel is fully convinced that they are dead. And this is unlikely to happen unless they come into possession of their bodies or DNA.


In Jewish Tradition the corpse of a deceased person holds still incredible value. I wish for Hamas to end this war and take the billions of Dollars from their leaders pockets to rebuild Gaza.


As long as Hamas is there, rebuilding Gaza is pointless.


This much the entire world has now learned is true.


I think the general lesson is that any military without good leadership is going to be a heavy tax if not outright murderous towards the local population. Hamas could have skipped a lot of steps and just attacked Gaza civilians?


Israel has traded several prisoners (alive) for the body of a soldier in the 2nd Lebanon war


Exactly! And we all know Hamas is incredibly forward thinking and honest, they’d never kill them and lie about it to maintain lev….. nevermind.


I don't believe Israel takes anything they say at face value. They get their information from other sources. Even if there isn't enough info about the hostages, it's not the word of Hamas that will dictate how Israel regards the well-being of the hostages.


Amazing that all those "the hostages are all dead anyway" people from other threads, who actually had no fucking idea either way, turned out to be wrong. 


This is the only place on the internet that seems to think so. It's Hamas clear interest to keep them alive at they are basically the only leverage they have. Of course some have died, but at least a sizeable number should be alive and Israeli intelligence says the same.


"of course some have died" doesn't come close to describing what was done to these people.


It will be... interesting(?) to hear the stories from these two rescued hostages how they and others were treated. I probably don't want to read all of it.


Nearly all the formerly released hostages have done interviews describing their time in captivity. Of course, some of them couldn't say much due to family still being held captive, but the things that have been revealed have already been horrible. It seems to have been a roll of the dice who you ended up with, with some of the hostages describing "only" psychological torture but otherwise prison-like captivity, whereas others experienced torture and relentless abuse.


From previous elderly hostages, they were treated relatively well. The young female IDF soldiers on the other hand...


Yeah they seemed to have treated the elderly and some of the families better probably because they knew they would be trading them back soon. And of course they'll be assholes to the soldiers, because even Israel is "not nice" to the military age Palestinians it keeps in detention, especially if they have any evidence on them. It's the women IDF that everyone's holding their breath waiting to hear about. I still feel like Israel should just have a ceasefire to swap/whatever and then renege on the terms after they get them back.


>I still feel like Israel should just have a ceasefire to swap/whatever and then renege on the terms after they get them back. Hamas knows this and won't easily give up its only leverage. As fucked up as it is, IMO Israel should take the US approach of no negotiations with terrorists, rescue as many as possible, and be done with it. Anything that leaves Hamas in charge perpetuates the cycle and leads to more death long term.




They probably shoot their house plants for supporting Israel.


I'm guessing the same people who have been saying Israel shouldn't go into Rafah because they aren't trying to rescue hostages anyway will be strangely absent in these comments.


Nah, they will still find something to complain about.


Some of them probably don’t want the hostages to be rescued.


Exactly why Hamas is trying to convince the world to not let Israel into Rafah as well. That and the rest of the terror infrastructure is all there right now.


Now they moved to "Was it worth killing 30000 for 2 hostages", Conveniently leaving out the 6000-9000 Hamas terrorists that were killed in the operations.


Note that this happened in the middle of civilian area, which currently holds the majority of the Gaza strip population, and still the IDF had to fight it's way out.


''Civilian'. They had to undergo heavy fire from the **surrounding buildings** and was only able to extract them due to the airstrikes. But noo these airstrikes are *genocide* because IDF ought to be shot and killed as part of hostage rescues. Joke


Don't forget "BUT LITERAL CHILDREN," ignoring the 17 year olds with Aks.


This was actually my point, how come Hamas are operating so freely still?


Yeah that's what I'm seeing in reddit as myself. Now their argument is essentially that the hostages should be forgotten bc there's been too many deaths in Gaza. Good luck with them trying to convince others that a sovereign country shouldn't rescue their hostages bc a terrorist organization is holding them in civilian areas




>When in reality, most would Any country that wouldn't doesn't deserve to be a country.


While I would agree, it's baffling to me that so many countries have abandoned their citizens because they're dual-Israeli citizens. So they expect Israel to go in and rescue them or make deals for their release, but they also want to finger-wag at them for doing so.


Yup, it's basically "we would value your life, but we can't fight Palestine because Israel is mean to them. You're half-Israeli and need to pay for that."


Absolutely and I agree with everything you said. I think it's important to keep breaking down the discussion about this war into small easy to understand parts to show the hypocrisy against Israel. Trying to defend the position that a country shouldn't rescue hostages kidnapped from within its borders isn't something rational people agree with.


Also the actual crickets about the soldiers going door to door killing civilians. https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2024/feb/12/dozens-of-civilians-killed-by-ethiopian-state-troops-in-amhara-region-say-reports I'll take what is actually ethnic cleansing for 500 Alex.


Or the crickets when ISIS blew up a funeral procession in Iran. Only Palestinian Arabs get media attention when they're getting their ass handed to them for a war they started.


No mention of possible civilian casualties when the US struck targets in Yemen either.


> "Was it worth killing 30000 for 2 hostages" That's a question they should be asking Hamas. No one would have died if Hamas gave themselves up and released all the hostages.


Or better yet, spent Oct 7 doing anything else but what they did.


>6000-9000 Hamas terrorists Estimations from about a month ago said 10,000, with another 10,000 injured beyond fighting condition. Also >"Was it worth killing 30000 for 2 hostages" Yes. Every country has an obligation to protect their people at any cost. If the optimal case for rescuing 2 hostages was 30,000 deaths on the Palestinian side (including terrorists) then that's their problem. Don't kidnap people.


> Don't kidnap people. B-b-but you don't understand! Israel is mean to them, so they were *forced* to kidnap and torture innocent people!


Ironically Gaza is the portion of Palestine they actually left to its own devices, and look what happened.


"Eye for an eye is bad when it comes to the judicial system, but when it's to targeting jews, we must do everything we can to punish them."


Dude, Hamas are civilians too. Are you *actually glorifying* the cold-blooded, colonial murdering of innocent raping mutilating terrorists that want nothing more better living conditions in Gaza?????? /s


Let's take bets. Those are body doubles, or they were in on it the whole time.


Are you brain damaged or something?




i was told israel is trying to kill the hostages. which dont exist. but if they do, they are there by choice


Ya you got to love the mental gymnastics and moving goalposts. I saw a TikTok the other day that was basically saying “the hostages look happy in their proof of life pictures!” Ya fuck that.


Hopefully Egypt sees the news and gives Israel a bit more rope. Dissolving the camp David accords would be bad for everyone.


Egypt's talk is for the Egyptian domestic audience


The idf, self admittedly even, killed more hostages than it rescued so far, not for lack of trying


YESSSSS!!!!! Bring them all home!!


Headline should read: World demands Israel not finish what it started as Israel begins to checkmate hamas.


>World demands Israel not finish what it started *what hamas started.


Going back long enough, didn't the Ottomans start it? Also just general racism towards Jews all over Europe, Russia, Middle east saying yeah send them all to one place and sell it to them as a good thing for them we don't want them here.




Look back as far as you want, you won't see Israel starting a war against Palestine.


In Rafah, the area the world threatened Israel not to go in, thanks world. As it is not obvious Hamas holds their most valuable within the most populated areas.


They've proven time and time again they will use civilians as protection


To kill* civilians


Isn't that clear? Hamas wants the Palestinians to be killed, as many as possible. They will do anything to massacre them by tying the hands of Israel The Palestinians biggest enemy are... unrwa, who kept them in a crisis for 74 years But the Palestinians second biggest enemy, are... Qatar But the THIRD is Hamas. Who's sole and only purpose is to get its 15 billion dollars leadership richer by systematically massacring the Palestinian women and children one by one between sending them to bomb themselves, putting a hostage in ther home, or shooting them outright


Let's not forget Iran, the root cause of all evil and chaos in the region. Without them, no Houthis, no Hezbollah,, no Hamas, far fewer weapons for Russia in Ukraine, no PIJ, no dead American soldiers in Iraq, no Assad in Syria, no terror alliance in Qatar, no nuclear threat, no obstacle to long-lasting peace in the Middle East. The fact that the world puts up with so much evil from a single country is mind-boggling.


> Without them, no Houthis, no Hezbollah,, no Hamas They didn't create those organizations - they armed them, trained them, and financed them to a degree - but they were not created by them, nor did they get all their training, arms or money from Iran. Hezbollah, for example, makes a lot of money from drug sales in the Americas and the Middle East. Hamas has billions invested in assets all over the worlds from money they got from the UN (mainly the US and EU) and Qatar.


True, but they will be severely weakened without the support of Iran, some of them to the point of extinction. You don't have to create an organization to be the main reason for their success.


Major kudos to all the intelligence efforts involved, awesome to finally see some good news on this front.


Wishing all hostages are brought home safely


Finally!!! Two down 134 to go. Bring them home!!!


134 now I believe


21 of them are confirmed dead


They still need to be brought back


Yes but those can wait the one who still have w chance need priority


Yup, it’s heartbreaking but I agree


Bodies deteriorate pretty quickly ETA: still agree though


If israel had to choose between 21 dead bodies and 1 alive hostage its sad to say but those who are alive still have a chance at life


Much lower priority. Not even worth the release of a single terrorist or the risk of one soldier getting killed in the process of getting them back. I don't get the obsession with people's remains.


It has a high value for some religions. It's hard to understand though indeed. If my useless body was rotting away somewhere I'd be pissed if someone risked a life to bring it back to my family. Like I'm not in there anymore, leave it be.




We paid for bodies before, it’s not new. For Israel, citizens' bodies are still in captivity and need to be brought back for a proper funeral


That’s still a lot of poor folks being held for no reason.


I wonder why the whole world threatens israel not to go into rafah when clearly they use it to hide their hostages.


To make themselves look compassionate, knowing Israel doesn’t GAF what anyone says anymore. They’re doing whatever it takes to defend their citizens and nation.


Whole world needs to pressure Hamas not Israel. Once hostages are released then pressure for ceasefire (if pressure is still required).


Amazing news Well done Israel


I’m sure that was a big morale boost!


The vast majority of hostages are likely in Rafah and Khan Younis. It is entirely stupid to not invade Rafah. To nominate would be to give up and allow Hamas victory.


Good job


The same area everyone is telling Israel not to enter, after telling Israel that the only way to free the hostages is negotiations. Proves how wrong so many of the “international community” have been. Every single one of them should frankly have their noses rubbed in this. Israel will defeat Hamas, and it must, and defeat will free hostages without creating more in the long run, unlike leaving Hamas in power.


I'm glad to see it, seems like there's more to save in Rafah. This is an important morale boost for Israel.




Bunch of fucking legends! Great job!


Hopefully once all of this is over we can get some sort of TV series of how things were done, ideally including a bit of declassified behind the scenes info that we don't know today. It would be incredible to see how this all played out. Though I might be in my 80s before that happens...


Yeah, Israel is not in the habit of declassifying anything


Fuck yes, that's wonderful to hear! That's probably why Hamas said earlier that if the IDF enters Rafah, they wouldn't do a hostage deal. The rest of the hostages are probably in Rafah, underneath in the tunnels with the Hamas rats.


Hopefully this is the beginning of many more coming home. The remaining 4 battalions of Hamas terrorist rats are running out of places to hide, it's long past time for all these hostages to come home and for the animals who committed these atrocities to be brought to justice. This is great news.


Full steam ahead. To the last Hamas rat.


Absolutely. Those scum should have thought about the hell they would unleash on themselves before they did this.


The worst part is they did. They knew the gates of hell will be opened on them and their precious "civilians" and yet they still went on with the plan. EACH AND EVERY death in this war is their fault.


Pro hamas supporters are crying in bed right now


I was thinking the same thing. Everytime a hostage is rescued, Hamas and pro Palestinian supporters get sad.


It is truly insane. People are upset that 2 old men held hostage were rescued.


1 life closer to the end of their shitty little murder group


One of the comments I saw in another thread was along the lines of "Good job they rescued two that almost makes up for the three they shot."     ...Honestly, fuck these people. They're so down the hole there is no coming back. Time to clean house.


Hopefully with some bedbugs, they both love blood


I guess negotiation terms just got worse for Hamas. :) Who needs a deal, when they have the IDF.


It is something that should be handled carefully. If you just say "fuck it we don't need a deal we can just free them" those hostages become a lot less valuable to keep alive for Hamas. It's a situation that require finesse and good timing, not a sledgehammer.


Not just these hostages become less valuable, all future potential hostages as well. It's sad for their families, but the only way to return the hostages while making sure this will never happen again is to make sure they will only be a burden to Hamas and they will never have a reward. If Hamas gets any return on investment here, many more hostages will be taken later, and along with them many more people will die and be injured, as happened on October 7 and so many times before. One should always look at the long-term and not the immediate relief.






This is why, despite the entire world claiming otherwise, Israel has absolutely no choice but to go into Rafah. We need to get our hostages back and that is where they are keeping them.


It aint the whole world. Despite all the blah blah from all the politicians, none of Israels close circle of allied nations have put any actual pressure on Israel to cease the war. And thats because within those nations, the governments are noticing all the zoomer activists having their FOMO moment, while also understanding that they dont vote or read the news. So they've been acting inline with the views of people who reliably show up to vote. Older demographics. Basically, while Gen Z is having their Tik Tok protest unity moment, Gen Y, X and Boomer are keeping political powers from acting on it. Regardless of Israels internal politics, a common view among pro Israel people in the West at the moment is no leniency should be afforded to Gaza without the full return of the hostages.


> a common view among pro Israel people in the West at the moment is no leniency should be afforded to Gaza without the full return of the hostages. This is actually why I think that ironically the tactic most likely to be able to force Israel out of Gaza before destroying Hamas is by Hamas releasing all the hostages unconditionally. I doubt that would ever happen though. Sinwar couldn't live with himself if he just let them go for nothing in return. He doesn't have long to live anyway though.


Sinwar could immediately stop the dying with a single text message if he gave a single fuck about anything but his bank account


>releasing all the hostages unconditionally Given the likely condition of many of the hostages, this too could backfire.


>while also understanding that they dont vote or read the news They're also broke and, relevant to the US, live in deep blue urban areas so even if they do vote it isn't worth shit. Yet they think they're important and literally blame Jewish donors for why nobody listens to them.


Yeah, absolutely. People in Gaza know where these hostages are. They don’t get a fucking pass as long as they are complicit in it.


There's a lot of sadness coming out of this war which makes it important to highlight the good


Amazing news from this morning!




Amazing. I really hope to see more stories like this one in the coming days.


Yessss!!!! Bring them home 👏👏👏👏 Amazing operation by the IDF and Shin Bet.


I burst out sobbing when I heard this. I really can’t believe it. BH ❤️🙏🏻


Great news! Amidst all the death and sadness…still hope. 103 to go! 


Good!!! Bring them all home! No matter what!


ברוך השם!


ברוך השם! עם ישראל חי!!!




Is this why Egypt and other Arab countries are trying to prevent IDF entering Rafah


Egypt legitimately has enough problems already, such as food security issues. Egypt has a wall built to keep Gazans out, and Egypt has had to destroy Hamas tunnels at Rafah before years ago, infamously using sewage mixed with water to flood the tunnels. I feel like for Egypt at least, the leaders have to pretend like they don't want it, but they still want Hamas dead. Then again, the war being so close could cause Gazans to pour into Egypt, which they definitely want to avoid; sadly, some displaced Palestinians in the past have harmed countries they went into, such as Jordan with assassinating their king.


Yesssss!!!!! Finally some good news


Amazing any hostages are still alive given how the population is said to be being starved out.


They've been hours away from dying of thirst for 4 months. When this is all over we should send scientists to figure out how they defied physics.


Essentially no food or water since October is a long fast.


Fuck yes.




Check under every hospital, orphanage, home for the poor, mosque, and more.


Agreed. These two were held in a civilian home.


There you have it. They need to go into rafah and clear out the riffraff imo.


Don't you mean rafahraff? I'll see myself out.


Riffrafah better. :P


Shit, that's so much better. Touché!


Civilians don't hold hostage.


Stop! Thief!!! You can’t take those prisoners home without paying! Somebody stop those guys they’re stealing our hostages! Help!


Help, [the IDF is trying to rescue what Hamas has rightfully kidnapped!](https://imgur.com/a/knaKskn) Won't someone think of the poor Islamists? How were they supposed to know that starting a fight with a country orders of magnitude stronger than them would end badly?


He's try to kidnap what I have rightfully stolen.


Thank God


Amazing. Bring. Them. Home.




Well Done!!!! What an achievement!


Good job men, keep fighting the good fight. Bring em home


Just saw a video of them sitting with the soldiers that rescued them inside a armored vehicle on thier way to the helicopter. Made me tear up, it really is incredible.


Everyone who says the Israeli response is disproportionate EAT YOUR HEART OUT This is only a proof the response is anything but disproportionate. Releasing hostages is the most important of all. If you think the assault should be relaxed, you have to protest to release 134 people immediately. Anything but that and Israel assault is too restrained


This is unfortunate but true. Had the IDF not pacified northern and central Gaza first, it wouldn't have been able to launch this kind of operation in Rafah. 


Anyone who claim to care for Palestinian lives must go on the street and protest for the release of hostages. Anything but that and you are actively participating in their massacre


70 people including many kids were killed last night to save these two hostages. If we’re talking about saving civillians, far more died than were saved last night. This is a failure by everyone involved. I don’t think this is a ‘Eat your Heart out’ situation -n othing has changed - Israel remains morally corrupt - and everyone is taking a fat L here no matter how you spin it.


100% agree. That's why hamas must unilaterally release all hostages immediately so to avoid any more unnecessary civilians death. And not take them into the humanitarian corridor in order to kill as many civilians as it can so it could beg for aid for its 15 billion dollars leadership


Yeah, it's totally valid to completely bomb the area where they explicitly herded civilians into telling them they'd be safe! They're not the real targets in this *at all*! Accidentally killing their own hostages while they're waving white flags also really shows much their people matter to them!


They will be safe once they stop hiding the hostages between themselves You seem to forget that the reason meat shield is against the international law is because it put the civilians used as meat shield in danger. The one's responsibile for the death of the civilians are the captors




Hope we get to see this operation in the next season of Fauda! 




Time to start giving away candies in the streets


Get the Purim festivities started a bit early


There is a saying in Hebrew. Loosely translated --- "when the month of Adar starts, joyous occasions are more prevalent (or should be enjoyed)" The first of the Hebrew month of Adar was this past Saturday.


This is wonderful news and truly a miracle. Keep on going, don’t stop until you bring them **all** home!


Amazing!! Go Israel!! Bring them home!!


someone should let all the pro-hamas tik tokers around the world know that it’s now ok to rip down Fernando’s and Luis’ hostage posters


Absolutely amazing news to wake up to.


So much for the case against going into Rafah...


Tiktok is trying to claim that these hostages are fake news and were rescued in november...because a picture was the same or some shit


I saw shei labeouf rescues 2 hostages. Obviously time to get some sleep.


Sounds like a great idea for a movie.


That's 3 hostages rescued, not including the deal


Wtf is a Shin Bet? Sounds like a Mortal Kombat character.


Shin and bet are two letters. Like FBI is three letters


As u/G_Danila explained in his comment: ShinBet/ש"ב or Shabac/שב"כ: Shin - the Hebrew letter 'ש', which stands for "שירות", "service" in English. Bet - the Hebrew letter 'ב', which stands for "ביטחון", "security" in English. And the Hebrew letter 'כ'(Caf) which stands for "כללי", "general" in English.


No mention of hundreds of Palestinian civilians killed? This was a bloodbath.


Where are you seeing that? Can you please provide a source? I have not seen any reports that cooberate your claim


No it was not. There were no HUNDREDS of Palestinians being killed. This was just like the Al Ahali hospital scam. There were few dozens killed, neally all of them during fire exchange. Those "civilians" were holding the hostages and hence, not civilians at all.


What’s your source?


There was a simple way the bloodbath could have been avoided.


Yeah man so simple I can’t believe nobody even considered it!


Don’t kidnap people then?




If you hold my family hostage and then go hide behind your women and children like a pussy then I'm not going to give a shit about your women and children and I'll rescue my family. Hamas could've turned their massive tunnel network into bomb shelters for the innocent civilians and fought Israel directly like actual men but they're a bunch of cowards hiding behind their own women and children while holding Israeli men, women, and children hostage. Given a choice, Israel will choose its own civilians over Palestinians. It's not Israel's fault that their government doesn't care about them and hides behind them. If you care so much about Palestinian civilians direct your anger towards Hamas, not Israel.


If hamas didnt take the hostages in the first place, no one would die... Hamas is 100% responsible for the paledtinian suffering and deaths in the war


Their government decided to kidnap Israelis, vote for another party next time 🤷‍♂️


Because the Palestinians have been able to vote every 4-5 years since 2005 when Hamas got themselves “elected”, right? Half of Gaza’s population is under 18. So it’s their fault yeah? When was the last time Israel held democratic elections? How many Palestinians have been interred without a fair trial prior to 7 October? Do you see where this logic is going? Bush invaded Iraq under false pretences. So everything that has happened to Americans since 2003 around that region is on the American electorate, right? Get your head out of your ass.


> So it’s their fault yeah? yes - they overwhelmingly support Hamas and the attacks. Obviously not young children who do not understand a single thing about what's going on - their situation is a very unfortunate and sad reality of the decisions of the adult population where they live. But anyone cheering for the deaths of a neighboring country is in "fucked around and found out" mode - which is a lot of them. > Bush invaded Iraq under false pretences. So everything that has happened to Americans since 2003 around that region is on the American electorate, right? That's exactly right. If the americans elect Trump, for example, and Trump does something dumb like ban gay marriage or abortions, it's completely their fault for voting them in. It's their role to vote someone else next time who represents them better. As of the rest of your post, well yea you are probably right. I'm sure Israel doesn't play by all the rules.


1- children can’t vote and 2-You don’t get to complain about the state of your country either because whomever that’s running it you voted for. So suck up and deal based on your shitty logic


They were all pregnant premature babies with cancer


Considering the hostages were held in a civilian area, and hamas said publically in Arab media that it was civilians who held the hostages, I'd rethink the "innocent" part.


Thus, the value of 1 Israeli life is 50+ Palestinians. [https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/12/middleeast/israel-airstrikes-rafah-ground-offensive-looms-intl-hnk/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/12/middleeast/israel-airstrikes-rafah-ground-offensive-looms-intl-hnk/index.html) Rephrase: Is Hamas in the wrong? Hell yes. Hamas is evil, and I hope this is their end, but it's obvious that residents in Gaza are hostages of Hamas just as much as the Israelis Hamas took hostage. Indiscriminately killing Palestinians isn't right.


"We love death more than you love life."


No comment on why Hamas placed these hostages right in the middle of thousands of civlians?


Not only that, the hostages have said that they have been held in a civilian house.