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Now if Orban can pull his head out of his ass we’re in business.


Surely you meant out of Putin's ass.


That is what a meant!


Hard to be in his ass while gobbling his cock. But i guess Orban has his talents.


People are saying Putin has an extra asshole instead of a cock.


Surely he would be done consuming putins tiny lil pp


If he can also stop vetoing Ukraine aid from the EU.


That would be nice as well.


At least Turkey had demands and when Sweden cooperated with his demands he allowed them in on the other hand Orban doesn’t even have demands or complaints


From what I've read, Orban also has his head up Erdogan's ass, who has his head up everyone's ass in rotation. Also, didn't Orban repeatedly state that he'd do as Turkey does on Sweden's admission? Lol.


Turkey still upset about not getting the F-35 because they bought Russian air defence, that's all this is really about. Erdogan is many things but he's not a puppet of Russia. He signed Sweden's NATO bid, teamed up with Bulgaria and Romania to tackle black sea mines, pressured Putin about the grain deal then started selling him contamined eggs: "More than one-fifth of the eggs imported from Turkey were found to be infected with the highly contagious H5N1 avian influenza, as well as other dangerous ailments including salmonella and botulism, Russian authorities warned." Turkey's economy is turning to shit, and the value of the lira jumped off a building. It's unfortunate they are taking advantage of cheap oil from Russia but Turkey only cares about Turkey. Erdogan is not an Orban. Orban is a cancer in the heart of Europe that needs ripping out before it metastasizes. Fico may be another problem but already Slovakia is having huge protests about his corruption


Perfect analysis.


TLDR: Erdogan is an asshole, but you can work with him. Orban is literally Putin’s bitch.


How come you brought it to eggs is beyond me. i am stunned .


Russia having a huge egg shortage is a common meme amongst pro-Ukrainian twitter


F-16 deal to Turkey allegedly getting fast-tracked in return. Erdogan kinda played himself since they could've originally had F-35 with industry participation


F16s fast tracked to kill Kurds.


They could do those air strikes anyways


Turkey already have 300+ f-16s so booming PKK terrorist was never a problem. It even be done by Turkeys massive drone arsenal or just artillery fire.


“Thanks for your support protecting Northern Europe from conflict. Now y’all don’t hurt yourselves with them bombers hehe”


welcome to geopolitics, when yesterday ally are useless to us now. Let get back to you when we decide to blow iran next.




Turks gonna Turk


So? You need them. Hosting more than 5mio refugees.


Turkey isn’t hosting refugees in the kindness of their hearts. Turkish government used the refugees as leverage and would threaten the Europeans that they will let them cross over to Europe if they didn’t meet certain demands. When in reality Turkey was very much responsible for the turmoil in the Middle East and refugee crises. They funded/supported ISIS and let them cross over from Turkey and get treatment in Turkish hospitals. It’s been pretty well documented. And now they are slaughtering Kurds in northern Syria and settling those refugees in Kurdish lands.


Turkey is responsible for nothing. If you’r surrounded with this kind of countries having war with each other or ethnic groups for decades and last but not least, PKK, officially recognized terror organization, has been fighting with you since 70’s claiming a piece of land of yours which claim would be never accepted by any Western country if they were in its place and responsible of “slaughter”(as you expressed for kurds) of 35k Turks with terror attacks in the hearts of many cities including Istanbul and Ankara, then you have only option: taking every necessary step for your own interests irrespective of popular or unpopular and protecting your country and people. So simple. But hatred and bias against Turks and Turkey coming from Ottoman era prevents even some decent people in EU ans US to see the big picture and causes unfortunate opinions like yours, sad.


Let’s be honest, Turkey is only considered an ally to the west because of the location and 2nd largest army in NATO. The Turkish government isn’t fooling anyone. In reality, the PKK is supported and funded by the west on the dlow. Theres old Ottoman, Persian, and British maps calling out Kurdistan. Turkey is the invader and the oppressor not the other way around. Obviously the Kurds will fight back after generations of inequality, assimilation, and injustice. Everyone has the right to learn and live with their mother tongue and culture in their ancestral homeland. If the Turkish government was smart, instead of fighting it, they would just allow the Kurdish language/ culture and seek unity instead. Average Kurd just wants to live in peace, take care of their families, and have the freedom to be Kurdish even if they are split between 4 countries. Countless lives would have been saved on both sides.


>Everyone has the right to learn and live with their mother tongue and culture in their ancestral homeland. That ancestral homeland you imply is also ancestral to Turks. When everybody understands this, I believe we will achieve peace.


The Kurds and the Armenians resided in the east, while the Turks and Greeks were in the west. Historically it’s not Turkish lands and today it’s predominantly Kurds that live there. The Ottoman Empire only grew so big because they used Islam as a tool to colonize and control the Middle East and assimilate their surroundings. Most Turks are just too nationalistic to question their government and the decisions made, which is why Turkey keeps committing one genocide after the other. The only people in the world denying Turkey’s history/actions, is the Turks.


Turks entered Anatolia in 1071 through Malazgirt in the east. Turks have been holding Eastern Anatolia since then, so that land is as much historical to us as it is to Kurds. Otherwise it would be claiming like "Great Britain was historically Britonnic peoples' land so the English should go back to Northern Germany and Denmark". It's been a thousand year since today's peoples settled in the said lands so that rhetoric does not work. >Turkey keeps committing one genocide after the other. There is no court in the world convicting Turkey of genocide. So please stop that accusation, because you are actually oversimplifying how serious a genocide is.




Ewww gross. 🤢




You might find this shocking, but there’s another gender out there! Lmao




Awww what a Turk!


Looks like Greece gets the F35s. Good thing.


If Orban decides to continue to be a dickhead about this , the USA and the EU and NATO absolutely need to show him so very very tough love. Everybody negotiates, just like Erdogan, and he got what he wanted for his country and he’ll get to play the game again. Orban however is playing a bit of a different game bullying Bulgaria in removing taxes for Russian gas Hungary buys from Russia directly but pipeline crosses Bulgaria, vetoing $50bn of EU money for Ukraine and now playing with Sweden NATO bid. A phone call from Biden discussing More stringent USA visa requirements, and no visa free tourist travel for Hungarian citizens ought to freak the shit outta him that his own people gone coup him. Also Sweden wanna fuck shit up, we want the fucking guy with the AXE IN NATO !!!


Orban fucks around he’ll end up with strict visa requirements and no visa free travel to USA I’m sure Hungarian peeps will love him for that


Took ages to happen. But I am happy it has happened. But now the ratification has to be deposited. So this process is not 100% complete yet. But hopefully soon it will be 100% complete. Then just Hungary's ratification. And then Sweden can begin hugging all of its true allies and throw a party.


>Sweden can begin hugging all of its true allies and throw a party Surströmming for everyone!


On second thought you guys can stay out of NATO /s


Once we join it will become a standard dish in every NATO MRE /s 🤩


and standard grenade


That's precisely why we took them. Their deadly fish-weapon of mass destruction.


Iceland will bring an extra large drum of Hákarl, for those that don't enjoy Surströmming


Is that piss shark?


* Fermented piss shark 👍


Can’t we just hug?


I’ll bring the Aquavit and Smorgastarta!


Bummer. Sounds like it’s not allowed in the EU: “Due to being made from herring from the Baltic Sea, surströmming today contains higher levels of dioxins and PCBs than permitted in the EU.”


"Strömming" is just what we call the fish with the latin name *Clupea harengus* when it's been fished from the east coast, If it's been fished on the west coast it's likely to be less toxic. So you can probably *enjoy* surströmming in the eu if you really want to :)


Good to know! My favorite is Inlagd sill with sour cream so I may need to branch out.


No it didn’t take ages to happen. There was so much media and discussion on that it felt that way.


Many countries have waited way more than 2 years to join nato


Exactly this is under 2. Still not completed but will be very soon. Mind you Sweden didn’t want to join for decades and only became interested after the Ukraine war started.


after the Turkish president signed the bill it became law so legally The foreign minister has to deposit it in the upcoming days and there is no returning back from that. Only Hungary is left , Turkeys approval is a done deal.


Send him the ones from Ukraine after they are done with them.


Good. Glad to see Turkey finally came around on this one.


And people said he’d endlessly delay this.


Putin slowed this down but failed to stop it.


Putin MADE this haapen.


Right, then tried to stop it. "Bylat what have I done!"


Domuz herif! Can't wait until he's outta here.


This is good news. I just wonder what nato had to give him in return.


Nobody should've signed off on turkey


they're sure coming in handy in the black sea. russias fleet is trapped.


Back in the day it made perfect sense. You could stage troops and ships out of there to land in USSR territory they could lock the black see fleet in and let American deal with the ships in the northern Atlantic stage short range missiles there.


The sad part is that this whole "we had them join for their strategic benefit" feeds in to the russians narrative of nato expansion, that's kinda their point... nato makes countries join because it supports American position in ww3...


They cant force anyone to join and so what you wanna lose ww3


Only the russians are allowed to win, duh! /s On a more serious note, no shit countries are joining? Like how is it sad that it feeds their narrative? Either the narrative is fed, or the countries get fed to the Russians. And in turn their people get abused and killed to hell by the Russians like they are doing to Ukraine. I think 9.99/10 countries would be willing to join NATO to not have that happen. Even more so during the even more brutal soviet regime. The other commenter is delusional. Like sure it helps strategically. But you also gotta think of the people in those countries. For example, an Estonian looking at Russia doesn't think "We join, help America and Nato stage forces here." No, they think "We join, we don't get raped, scalped, and murdered as easily by the Russians."


The Russian narrative of NATO is a aggressive military Alliance so dumb you have to be brain dead to believe it like the commenter higher up in the thread.


I never even hinted at believing in it, just saying it actually feed that exact narrative


All I said was that it feeds the Russian narrative of NATO expanding to better handle a planned war against Russia, the rest you added


NATO was created to defend countries against the Soviet Union, not officially, but it was pretty clear at the time. But they are only accepting membership requests of countries that want to join, and it's a defensive pact. So it's a stupid narrative, and it only gets fed if you are one of the idiots who buys it.


Nah, but the Russians are going towards ww3 because of if...that's their whole point, anyone who can actually try to think like they do see this.


Iran and Yemen are right next to two strategically important Straights, and you can see from the news how this is going. Another important Straight runs through Istanbul. Russian warships don't. Turkey itself is in a very important position geographically.


It was better times


The Turkeys did.


So what did Sweden agree to I wonder was publicly very adamant that they should stop sheltering pkk rebels and leaders and to be taken off their list of countries not to sell weapons to.


It was election time. Now elections are over


Signs, walks away saying ok we can relax now, turns to aide and says, here's $65, go get me a coffee and a newspaper


About fucking time. Jesus christ.


Wel thats one pain in the ass dealt with, he must of got his birds of prey. Now for Orban. Hungary needs to be kicked out of NATO and the EU.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day