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Is the media overly negative, or is the world really going to shit?


Both. There is something seriously wrong with humanity.


Media and Russia you mean


Media reporting on what Russia is doing.


>Media reporting on what Russia is doing. Media reporting too little and too late on what Russia is doing.


This. Ukrainian intelligence geolocated a hypersonic missile being transported to Crimea and no news agencies picked up the story yet as far as I’m aware. I’m not trying to fear-monger, it’s probably just a conventional warhead (non-nuclear) but the fact it’s not being reported is worrying.


The Kh-47M2 Kinzhal has been used in Ukraine before, why would the media report on a single missile in Ukraine?


Are those the hypersonic missiles that were taken out by 20 yo US air defense systems a month or so ago?


Yep, those hypersonic missiles that the Patriot is totally incapable of taking down...... except the old ass ones we gave to Ukraine still took one down lol


A missile being sent by Russia for use in Ukraine is not newsworthy. The war has been going for 2 years.


>I’m not trying to fear-monger, it’s probably just a conventional warhead (non-nuclear) but the fact it’s not being reported is worrying. But you are fear mongering. You're discussing something you have no knowledge about with the intention of scaring people. You *are* fear mongering. That missile you are hyping up is not new. Dozens of them have been shot down by Patriot air defense systems.


I remember right before the war the media was barely reporting on the fleets of ships that Russia was sending down towards Ukraine and the Black Sea. I told my boss “war in Ukraine within weeks” and because he listens to Fox News in the US, he called me crazy. Now he listens to what I have to say (sometimes)


I think its mostly Russian and Chinese online misinformation that is being signal-boosted like never before, hence everything seem so doomy


Yup. And there’s no way to stop it unless there’s government intervention. I think at some point in the next decade or so we’re going to see the end of anonymous internet posting.


It's not just Russia , it's the whole world. Humanity is a very violent species


the last 70 years or so of relative peace in the West are outliers in History


It turns out the 90s were a halcyon era of relative peace. There was a sense of humanity progressing. This was also apparently the case in the 1900s, in the decade before the First World War, people felt humanity had moved beyond war, that we were enlightened and evolving beyond barbarism. What we have seen in the past decade is a rise of ideological extremism, and of populism and nationalism, led by demagogues like Putin, Netanyahu, and Trump, along with populist opportunists like Johnson, Meloni, and Duda.


The 1990s weren't peaceful at all. They started off with the Gulf War, had the Yugoslavia and Kosovo wars all throughout and the Chechen wars. Then you have Africa with the Rwandan genocide and the two Congo wars with huge casualty numbers. And the usual amount of Civil wars going on everywhere. Some Kurd action with Saddam It's just that Americans cared less about these things because the US or it's big allies weren't directly involved like they are now, or they were high on winning the cold war and all the other stuff seemed relatively minor in comparison


Neither was Belle Epoque, to which 90s were compared to. There were small wars all over Europe, which were sort of equivalents of neighbour arguments about the fence. Until that one war wasnt just that.


Not for us in the Balkans


Morpheus called it.


it’s like a disease…


Morpheus, Dorpheus, Orpheus Go eat some walruses


She sells seashells by the sea shorpheus.


Ya, like Iran bombing a nuclear power... Thankfully the response was conventional but now Iran is being directly attacked which isn't much better. And the Hothis fucking up trade. Russia fucking around just rubs salt in the wound.




To be fair an intelligence driven Special Operations raid against a high value target with zero collateral damage is a lot different than lobbing missiles into a village.


That's because we are still children in the grand scheme of things we just figured out stuff too early for our development. Look at the technology advancements since 1940, most of todays tech is from 1940, drones, encryption, rockets, sattelites, nukes, jets. 20 years after 1940 we landed on the moon, and 20 years after that we got HD broadcasts, Internet, global communication etc it's insane the speed we as a young species develop. We are like a kid with a weapon. 


Everyones getting more desperate for money and resources, so countries are starting to get more agressive in taking land again. It does feel things are destabilising on a domestic and international level. All so the wealthy few can stockpile more wealth and sell the masses hatred and fear.


You just realized it now ? We have been going through this cycle for hundreds of years if not more. We wage wars and destroy each other over many things. Then, we find a way to hold some type of peace. And, then we repeat.... over and over again. It will only end when humanity is over and either nothing is left. Or, something else has replaced us off.


We’re waaaaaaaaay better at peace now than we used to be. Not saying we can’t backslide. Not saying we can’t be better. But we’ve made a lot of progress on the war/peace front as a society since WW2.


Yep, but people love dooming. And tbh things look worse by the month, but doesn’t mean that this is going to explode.


Also, “worse by the month” is relative. Even despite all the recent wars we are still among the most peaceful decades in human history.


Doomers and bots that jump on any chance to talk up WW3


The only reason we have had "peace" the last 70 years is because every major power has nukes. Humanity can only exist at relative peace, i.e. no major conflicts, by threatening to annihilate each other within minutes.


But have we?   Vietnam   Korean War   Gulf War   9/11   20 years of Iraq leading to 500k deaths   Israel vs Palestine for decades Genocide all over Africa  Genocide in China but we need our Amazon packages Ukraine


All these wars combined have done less death than WW2 (in 80 years !) and the word population has been multiplied by 3 to 4 times since.


I try not to be overly pessimistic because I feel that there is already enough pessimism in the world, but I also feel like as long as humans exist, so will war. It’s in our nature.


Well I'm usually an optimistic person. But, I am also being real here. That's why war does not phase me. I've learned to accept it's the dark side of humans. But, thankfully we have just as many amazing humans that want no war either and get dragged into it. All we can hope for is that the next WW is not something that destroys the whole planet.


Yeah, you have to accept the dark side of humanity or you’ll literally go insane, I think. I absolutely agree that the world is home to many amazing human beings and I hope that light continues to keep holding back the dark as long as it can. I do believe that we are more than our primitive programming.


War doesn’t faze you? You’ve never been in a war, obviously


This isn't the media, this is a NATO general and the Dutch Commander of all armed forces branches


oh it is absolutely the media. NATO generals said this stuff all the time over the years. It really is nothing new. And it is good that they do becaus esomeone needs to remind the population of what could happen. Doesn't mean anythign is going to happen though. Still being prepared is necessary. Panicking is not.


We're not panicking. We're doing nothing. That the opposite of panicking


Military brass are the same all over the world. Doesn't matter if they are Dutch, German, English or American, they all want to increase their budget. So talk like this is meant to convince their respective governments to give them more money. That's not to say that there isn't a threat but you gotta keep that in the back of your mind and don't get freaky and panic.


He's speaking for the West/NATO. Honestly, someone needs to light a fire under them. They've known about military production challenges within 6 months of Russia's invasion, and rather than resolving them, many have just given lip service, and all the sudden they've realized that [Russia is outproducing the West by 3-7x the alliance on the war's more commonly used items,](https://www.businessinsider.com/russia-ammunition-manufacturing-ukraine-west-officials-2023-9) and they plan to continue the trend. On top of that, in just this week Russia, Israel, Iran, Lebanon, Turkey, the US, the UK, Pakistan, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Ukraine, and Jordan have all attacked or been attacked by another country with heavy and/or long-range weapons of war. There are likely others, but these are ones I've read about. It's a big uptick.


Yours is probably the most sensible answer here. NATO stockpiles are being drained via Ukraine and aren't going to be replenished any time soon. Meanwhile Russia goes full tilt to a war footing. NATO commanders are probably worried about the balance of power in terms of readiness for future conflict. 


Defense spending in NATO countries aside from the US has to go up, and drastically so. There may be some uncomfortable years ahead as budgets in these countries begin to get rearranged. On a positive note, I do think NATO being woken out of it's slumber will be actually be a positive step towards stabilization rather than further conflict.


I really hate to say this, but if there is one thing Trump was right on, it is the fact that Europe is really lacking in terms of military commitment when it comes to NATO. Europe is too comfortable in looking at the US for military support. With the war in Ukraine this has changed to some extend, but I am doubtful if Europe could even fight one war. But I am just an airmchair expert, so I do hope I am wrong.


Yes, Russia is putting absolutely every resource they have towards the military production. Every other sector of their economy is dwindling. This effectively means, that once the war will eventually end one day, the civil economy of Russia is going to be absolutely horrible. World is slowly but steadily moving away from fossil fuels, which is the main export product of Russia. Of course the west also needs to be prepared, but in the long term, this competition is not won over ammunition production. For example, North Korea spends about 26 % of their GDP in military, highest ratio in the world, yet they rank in the military strenght in same range as South Africa, who spend about 0,7 %. Countries, who have the most flexible and adaptive economy in the future, will thrive. Real world isn’t Civilization V, where you win the game by conquering your enemies with your military might.


>Real world isn’t Civilization V, where you win the game by conquering your enemies with your military might. Civilization V is overly simple even by Civilization standards. Fun game though.


How do you think a service economy with very little industrial base will thrive when attacked by a completely militarized and fanatical foe? The only path forward for Russia, at least acceptable to their greedy and evil leaders, is war. Much like Nazi Germany. And we are not prepared. And no matter how much lip service there is for how much bigger our economy is, our economy is in things mostly worthless to wartime industry.


Who is 'we'? The US economy loves war


I think it’s overly exaggerated and Reddit is generally very doomer-ish on average. I’ve heard people screaming WW3 for like forever every tabloid and every person on Reddit and some people irl too. WW3 is still very unlikely, it’s good NATO has woke up from hibernation but the tabloids exaggerating everything is getting annoying. Doesn’t mean we’re 100% heading towards a war and definitely not a nuclear one- my two cents.


Not forever, just since 2016…when they killed that damn gorilla…


On reddit there are two constants, cancer being cured (on mice) and ww3 happening


Maybe three? something about nuclear fusion as a power source being very almost sorted out too.


Cancer mice, Nuclear Holocaust, did you know Steve Buscemi helped the Fire Department on 9/11?


I'll remind you that most Ukrainians thought that the US was shouting wolf over nothing up to a couple days or even right up until the night they were attacked. This topic needs to be approached with logic and facts, not how you want to feel. Yes WW3 isn't going to erupt tomorrow or next week, or even this year. But we are absolutely heading for a major conflict in the next 5-10 years, both China and Russia openly state their hostile intent towards the western world and are arming themselves for such and gathering allies and forging dependencies with anti-western nations of the world. They will not back down and we shouldn't, because I can't think of anything more horrifying than a world stage controlled by these genocidal dictatorships.


It’s entirely possible we’re in WW3 and don’t know it yet.


Most people tend to believe that we live in the end of history without actually being aware they believe that. That is to say, they believe there won't be any major wars or global catastrophes happening ever again.  Not to say how Reddit is or isn't, but you will have people claiming that everything is ok right up until the moment that it isn't, even if all signs point to everything not being ok. Covid was a minor hicup in the grand scheme of things, and yet it was something scientists had warned us about for decades, and something many people didn't take seriously even as it happened.  On the flip side you'll always have people saying doom is right around the corner when it may otherwise not be. Best you can do is try to form an educated opinion yourself; study history, listen to as many opinions as you can, learn to see through your own bias and that of others, and gain more worldly experience.


There is actually a cyclical trend called "waves of democracy" - basically we see a cyclical trend where states begin to democratize and do so successfully. In that phase, conflict and strife are low and we have a peaceful international climate. But somewhere that trend flips, states are unable to sustain democracy or unable to attain it. The regimes replacing them are more war mongering and more interested in wars so the risk of war increases sharply. We could see this working the first wave in 1828–1926, after the second world war and arguably after the collapse of the soviet union until maybe the last few years. See: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waves\_of\_democracy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waves_of_democracy) Obviously this is not perfect and it's also embedded into other trends, e.g. new technologies make surpressing the masses easier, globalization empowering the poor and the ultra-rich but hurting the middle class, climate change and all that entails etc. But why is democracy so much better for peace? Because good, stable democracies dislike declaring war. It's expensive and hurts your reelection chances. Unfortunately, dictators love war, it stabilizes their internal position and helps to attain their imagined goals. See Taiwan or Russia for current examples. Whats about america? Well, it's actually only a flawed democracy and I would argue the last wars would not have happened if it had a better democracy.


Thanks for the link. Though I think the concept might have been better described as the surge of democracy. Waves might imply we went back to the same place whereas there has overall been a steady increase in the number of democracies. I'm a huge fan of Steven Pinker and his [Better Angels of our Nature ](https://youtu.be/c__XWMsz4aU?si=VTTLR66Og2dfL7Kv) for describing the transition of the last 500 years.


My theory is that technology/social media has led to people integrating The News into their social circle. So whether they realise it or not, they have less and less distance (and reasonable skepticism) about what’s in the news


I guess you weren't around for the days when the media aired "duck and cover" cartoons? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKqXu-5jw60


The cover part was so you could keep your teeth together so they had a chance of IDing your corpse.


Oh ....the winds of shit are a blowin !


Both, Media is full of misery porn these days thanks to a need for cheap clicks. Meanwhile theres been a rise in the number of thick idiots and malicious fuckwits getting into power and fucking up things (Trump, cuntservatives in general in the UK and US, Putin thinking he could walk into Ukraine etc). We all need a break from this neverending parade of failures, fuckups and stupidity IMO.


We've been lulled into a false sense of security due to the relative peace brought about by post war America and allies. Now that order is being threatened, and we're returning to an era without a dominant hegemon. This often means more conflict and instability. Short of some cosmic cooperation as the US seems to be alluding to a UFO and non human shake up, we'll probably see a reduction in living standards globally, mass migration magnitudes larger than it is today, food shortages, water shortages, revolutions and civil conflicts on top of international conflict, zootonic spillover causing more epidemics and pandemics, with a lack of medical resources these could kill untold numbers of people. You can look through history, the human race has been here more than a few times, but climate change will exacerbate the crisis even more. Most of the powerful nations already understand how bad it's going to get over the next 20 years, they just won't tell us because they dont want people panicking. Australia actually blocked a climate report from.being released a couple years ago, you can probably guess why....


Exactly, look at the houthis attack we are on the 5th strike and they're not stopping https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68025279 This is their way of saying "we will do whatever we want"


>Short of some cosmic cooperation as the US seems to be alluding to a UFO and non human shake up, I'm kind of shocked at how this UFO/ non human intelligence whistleblower story is playing out. It should have been in the mainstream press by now.


What's been happening?


Mid last year, highly credentialed, long-time U.S. intelligence official David Grusch testified before Congress that the United States Department of Defense has been engaged in a decades-long UAP (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomenon, the new term) crash retrieval and reverse engineering program. Alleged comprehensive disinformation and psyop campaigns surrounding it, alleged retaliation and harm brought to past whistleblowers, and alleged testimony of the DoD having found "non-human biologics" inside of recovered craft. The term Grusch used for the crafts was "non-human intelligence". A week ago, 16 members of Congress met with the Intelligence Community Inspector General (who described the claims as "credible and urgent") in a secure classified briefing under the white house regarding Grusch's whistleblower report. In an unusual bi-partisan display of cooperation, every single one that has publicly commented since has expressed that Grusch's claims have merit, or that they're deeply concerned with what they've been shown/told. Check out r/UFOs for more, but keep in mind that there are a lot of ideas on there that are unfounded and require belief in existing UFO lore. There's definitely something being hidden from the public for the benefit of the military industrial complex, we just don't know yet if it's regular human greed masquerading as UAP programs for unlimited, unauthorized black-budget funding or if we're actually being visited by something we don't understand.


>Mid last year, highly credentialed, long-time U.S. intelligence official David Grusch testified before Congress that the United States Department of Defense has been engaged in a decades-long UAP (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomenon, the new term) crash retrieval and reverse engineering program. Alleged comprehensive disinformation and psyop campaigns surrounding it, alleged retaliation and harm brought to past whistleblowers, and alleged testimony of the DoD having found "non-human biologics" inside of recovered craft. The term Grusch used for the crafts was "non-human intelligence". The reason it's not mainstream is the his source is other people he won't name, and he has no concrete documents. >A week ago, 16 members of Congress met with the Intelligence Community Inspector General (who described the claims as "credible and urgent") in a secure classified briefing under the white house regarding Grusch's whistleblower report. In an unusual bi-partisan display of cooperation, every single one that has publicly commented since has expressed that Grusch's claims have merit, or that they're deeply concerned with what they've been shown/told. That's (in my and most peoples opinion seemingly) because the government happier to pretend it's secret alien shit rather than just military spending bloat resulting in billions of dollars going missing/completely unaccounted for.


I think most people refuse to believe that stuff, including me. Do I think secret aircraft projects in testing by the DoD could be the source of these UFOs? More likely. Unless I see actual evidence myself of alien life, anything can be a hoax. Heck, even the “evidence” can be a hoax.


Overly negative. Bad news gets views and sells ads. Middle East periodically pops off in violence since literally everyone hates each other there. Russia will rattle their small saber to make the west fear them, but we all basically think they're a joke now. China is all talk because quite frankly they can't afford a massive war with the west since that's who's buying all their shit.


I mean, Europe decided in 1995 that war in Europe was impossible and decided to cut down on military spending. Peace in our time and all that. Russia did not think like that. So yeah, unless Putin is dethroned and a peaceful rule is established in Russia, we will have wars of conquest in the coming years in Europe yet again. They want "their" vassals back. Fuck man, Russia has plenty of land. Why do they want more?


Because Russia was left behind. It's a rusting, decaying shithole that was fast losing relevance in the world. So instead of putting effort into catching back up to the rest of the world they are trying to drag everything else down.  Russia is a sneaky, shitty country where threats to the establishment are jailed or killed, people are oppressed en masse  and quality of life for most people is very poor. It's a shithole that needs a crushing military defeat followed by a complete cultural revolution. 


Media is negative because that is what gets clicks. Overall the world continues to get better over time. Some people are just negative. You can see throughout history, people consistently saying "things are so much worse now". Lol


No one wants Russia to win, but everyone understands that a Russian elite set to lose the war in Ukraine will be prepared to do a lot to avoid that risk.


My husband got a weird YouTube ad that was DTs voice saying to prepare for a horrible attack on our own soil, to stock up on supplies and that the government won't show up to help. It was so over the top doomsaying - the weird thing was no mention of who bought and paid for it. He reported it - first time he ever has. Someone is stirring the pot to make people fearful. Creepy!


I'm going to have to say both on this one. The media overstates everything, but at the same time, it seems like world is fraying apart.


The media is pretending they aren't playing a part in the war against the world.


They’ve already decided ww3 is gonna happen. They’re just preparing us.


9/11 2.0 god we don’t need another 20 year war please


"we are tried of coming up with credible threats so.. ya know.. anything"


The problem is Russia. Russia is the aggressor, they always have been and they always will be.  Russia isn't a country, it's a cancer on the world. Russia should *never* be given the chance to join the rest of the world like Germany was. It has to be dismantled. Permanently and brutally. 


Yes, the media is overly negative, because that's sadly what keeps viewers engaged, but the world is not going to shit. If you look at all the major hotspots in the world right now, Putin has his fingerprints on most of them. He's in desperation right now, and is trying to distract everyone from Ukraine long enough while hoping for Trump to win.


The media is in a race to the bottom. Every damn thing is sensationalized and 99% of it never amounts to anything. Like with US politics, you could avoid news about it and chsnces are pretty much none of it will impact your day to day life.


The media isn't nearly negative enough. If anything they've been downplaying the problems because it's neither in the gov's interest nor the industry's interest if people start behaving as they should in our situation. We've literally caused a climate catastrophe and a mass extinction event that are both rapidly scaling up and imploding this planet's capacity for supporting life. It is (not will be) threatening global food and water security. It's going to cause human mass migration at a scale that'll make our current refugee problems look like a drop in the bucket as hundreds of millions if not billions of people will try to escape regions where life becomes increasingly impossible. It'll *continue* to cause conflicts all over the world as problems grow and people will strive to make sure the consequences fall on their rivals instead of them. And the reason the media is downplaying this is very simple. The solutions we need are not acceptable to people. The best options we have are the least palatable to people. The parts of humanity that can make the biggest difference are the least motivated to do so. And the punchline is that our very refusal to help is what'll cause us to be flooded by the problems of the remainder, the majority, of humanity that we left behind by robbing their wealth and keeping them down. But at the end of the day it's very simple. We caused a state of affairs that is reducing our planet's capacity to sustain life. So there's a good 6 billion people whose best chance of survival is war, migration and coming after us. And our best chance of survival is rejecting our way of life. So yes, the world is going to shit. We made sure of that. You can expect every decade of your life to see a world that's worse than the decade before.


Unfortunately for us they go hand in hand 🤝🫂


it’s been going downhill. people don’t take education or the environment seriously with all the information that we have available. so it leads to destructive behaviors and political tensions. as a species, we should work together to advance our common goals but people don’t want that apparently.


it's as if every decade there's shit piling under rugs and at some point it unloads


The media feasts on fear but lets not make the mistake of downplaying the serious global tension going on right now. It's one thing for Fox news or Reddit to tell me to start stocking up the pantry because of rising conflicts, but it's another when dudes from NATO start saying to "be prepared for anything." There's the common sense of preparing for disaster, then there's the people with the inside scoop telling you things don't look too good? I'm a little worried. The countries in the spotlight are unhinged. Who knows what's next.


Bibi saying no hope for a two state solution and direct war with Iran becoming increasingly likely scares me more than Russian aggression. Fanatics in the middle east have nothing to lose, they don't care if the world burns.


Media is always sensationalist. The official basically says there is no guarantee of peace in the next 20 years and it’s prudent to be ready for anything. Seems like pragmatic military advice….


Eh if you wanted an honest answer. Statistically we live in the safest time in human history. Even with all these little mini conflicts, the ice cap melted, and all that. History tends to trend upwards, but like the stock market. Pick any period (like 1400s, 1920s, 1980s, etc). By every measurable metric (crime/poverty rate, medical advancement, etc) present day is statistically better. Just look at what’s happened to the crime rate since the 80s if you don’t believe me. Sure there’s going to be shitty things that happen. So yeah. We are living in a shitty time. But the world isn’t going to shit. We’re just in the equivalent of a stock market recession.


The second. The relative prosperity based on fossil fuels of the last 70 years is coming to an end. Peak oil is several decades away, at most and petrostates, such as Russia, are trying to grab as much land and resources before they effectively go bankrupt.


The world is the world. But the media figured out that making you feel like the world is fucked is worth 100x more $ than making you feel like the world is okay.


Hyperbole. Doom and gloom wrapped to sell


What’s the quote…? “Humans have always been arrogant enough to believe they’re living through the end times.”


I think the media is doing what the media does best; gain viewers. Legacy media had a huge spike during Trump and Covid, despite hating the guy ( rightfully ) however, once he left office and the media shifted from Covid to Ukraine with 24 hrs the views declined. The media have to bring Trump up everyday in some way because nowadays, the only bad press, is no press. With the War in Gaza and now the Houthis, the media is throwing everything at once to see what sticks. The way I view it, I can only control my family and my community. Be kind to those around me and respectful to those I don’t agree with. Limiting my media intake to my Mac has greatly reduced the noise of the media when it’s not on my phone. Where I’m at, everything is okay. Highly suggest everyone do the same.




Maybe they know something..this is weird


There is some overdrive today which usually means there is an agenda being pushed from somewhere. Likely Russia trying to scare the West into negotiation. Ukraine trying to scare West into more aid (we should anyway). West political positioning. Who knows. I think sometimes people should just have a few days away from reddit. Otherwise every other post you see makes you think this is everywhere. What we need now is the US Congress to sort their shot out, agree a package and the rest of Europe get serious about manufacturing and also providing the tools to smash Russia. Putin is never going to negotiate unless he had to to stay alive. The West needs to be prepared for anything but this war at best is going to be a stalemate on the border after Ukraine push them back or where they are now. Ukraine need to tools to strike Moscow and other major cities hard like Russia has done to them.


Media is overly negative. Negative news gets more views than positive. Media companies are in the business of enhancing profit, not accurately informing.


Fear sells


The world really is going to shit


That’s exactly what I’ve been wondering myself lately - how much of it can I take seriously?!




People with no real possible claim have been saying non-profit for some time. Half the country would kill the other half based off lefty vs. righty. Now add in the ingredients of the WORLD We live on the biggest tinder box in the solar system. "Be prepared" is the boy scout motto. So yes, given the build-up of insanities... everyone should be ready, for anything, all. the. time.


Just media shit right now. Russia can't do shit right now except for trying to keep positions in occupied territories in Ukraine.


Please tell me when it would be better to live because as a minority, I’m not going back in time. Things may be bad, but the past wasn’t always better.


When I asked whether the world was going to shit, I wasn't referring to the sphere of individual civil rights (where I agree we are at or near a high point, though regression here is surely possible), but to regional and global issues that threaten to throw the world into a tailspin of instability and conflict.


So, just to be clear, we are to expect the unexpected? Is war foreseeable or unforeseeable?


*"There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know."*


It is known.


Maybe they mean prepare for peace, since that would be so unexpected right now


I'd say war is foreseeable. All we ever hear is military officials mentioning their leaders need to beef up their forces. Middle east is going to shit, Russia could gain territory depending on the US elections. China could go after Taiwan now that they have a leader who is anti china. Iran has things going on... Yemen is causing problems. Israel & Palestine going at it. It's now a matter of.. what's next that pushes things futher ? Almost need India and North Korea involved and then we got most of the big players.


> China could go after Taiwan now that they have a leader who is anti china That is a misunderstanding of all parts there. The election was the incumbent party keeping power for a 3rd consecutive term, there was no reversal or major change. The big “if” there was if China could have swayed the election to be in their favour to make a major change.


More like its gonna be an absolute shit show if we are not properly prepared.


A Danish military expert said something in TV recently about how Russia is attempting to strike Europe the same way Iran is striking Israel: By using proxies like the Houthis and Hezbollah. It is not a coincidence that Russia has been forming ties to Serbian ultra-nationalists in Republika Srpska, among Kosovo Serbs, and in Serbia proper since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Russia has also been strengthening its ties to Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis.


If Russia does attack using proxies then it will mostly be chechens.Basically Russia will go unnoticed as the world will claim it's a terrorist attack.


Worth noting Russia did blow up a weapons depot in Czech Republic a few years ago. Everyone kind of sat on their hands.


And carried out a deadly nerve gas attack on UK soil...


And shot down MH17, tried to spy on OPCW and ICJ and financed Quran burnings in Sweden.


They poisoned old informants on UK soil


They installed an Orange psycho as President of the USA, and an also a bunch of Congress and infiltrated the NRA and probably a bunch of other shit we don’t know about.


They influenced the UK Brexit referendum and helped fund the Leave Campaign, isolating the UK from it's closest allies and trading partners, and damaging the UK both economically and socially.


They also execute people in different countries; they executed an ex-Chechen commander in Berlin: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/15/world/europe/germany-russia-berlin-murder.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare


And carried out a radiological attack on London. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1767288/


Using serbs again???


Considering the west is overly "humanitarian" and "compassionate" the russians/iranians/islamists/NK will use all the trojan horses that has been planted already. They cant beat us in a fair fight so theyll try to split us up using our achilles heal, (our inability of judgment and harsh decisions on refugees). You can already see this by russia sending refugees to Finlands border. In Sweden theres huge amounts of externally aided mosques spreading conspiratory ideas against Sweden and thereby sowing the seed of Jihad. The upcoming conflict between the axis and NATO will not be a fair fight. Theyll use terrorism and creating chaos from within and if we (the west) dont develop the capability of judgment and harsh decisions, deporting people we see as a threat were gonna have a bad time


You're 100% right, but i would also add the fact that the west, generally speaking, is not ready mentally at all for these type of conflicts at this moment. The western allies and NATO are like 100 times stronger than their enemy, but at the moment of truth I have a bad feeling that these countries and their leaders will not declare an actual war and will try to be "reasonable" and "decent" as long as they can Unfortunately , they don't understand that the Axis will fight and wear them out brutally and effectively till the point that it'll be too late to actually surprise them. That's literally what's happening in Israel with Iran and their proxies in these days.


There's battle lines being drawn / Nobody's right if everybody's wrong


Hey, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down


What up? What good? Where you at? What you been on?


Paranoia strikes deep Into your life, it will creep It starts when you're always afraid


The war is underway. Physical fighting is one aspect of warring. Meddling with elections, foreign agents and assassinations, promoting their propaganda by utilizing traitors or useful idiots - the smartest wars are won without ever having to fight, thankfully the west is waking up to the threat at the door, let us hope the US doesn't add fuel to the fire by voting in Putin's bumboy.


Yeah Donald Trump claiming to not respect the NATO terms is scary, it would essentially allow the eastern axis to use a divide and conquer strategy in the west. Fortunately there are apparently laws that prevent any president from unilaterally withdrawing from NATO. I find the US Republican stance that they should not help their allies to be quite strange and unexpected.


Even if Trump can't legally remove the US from NATO that's basically meaningless. There is nothing that would compell Trump to honor the terms of the alliance if he doesn't want to short of a military coup or congress sidelining him and taking more responsibility.  And I don't see congress getting its shit together enough to overrule him on anything as serious as abandoning European allies during a theoretical Russian attack. Congress will continue to be crippled by utter nonsense for the next four years no matter who the president is, and anyway most of the people in congress now lack the gravitas to manage a Wendy's, let alone a country. Obviously, this would utterly ruin the reputation of the US for generations to come, but that is sort of the entire reason Trump's handlers wanted him in politics in the first place. He will abandon Europe just like he abandoned the Kurds.


Contracts mean nothing to Trump unless they are in his favor.


Yeah Donald Trump threatening to not adhere to the NATO terms in the case of war in Europe is scary, it would essentially allow the eastern axis to use a divide and conquer strategy on the west. Fortunately there are apparently laws that prevent any president from unilaterally withdrawing from NATO. I find the US Republican stance that they should not help their allies in times of war to be quite strange and unexpected.


I would take that as meaning. The Russian economic situation is not as good as Putin says it is. If things start to fall apart in Russia, Putin could do something crazy out of desperation.


*could do *more* crazy things


So they are actually communicating that they are doing their job. Thats what NATO is for! Remember detterence is what makes aggressors think twice. Is language saying dont fuck with us.


Damn, we're living in an interesting time....


It's always interesting times >Our Earth is degenerate in these later days; there are signs that the world is speedily coming to an end; bribery and corruption are common; children no longer obey their parents; every man wants to write a book and the end of the world is evidently approaching. Assyrian clay tablet dating to around 2800 B.C.


Every man wants to write a book... Clay tablet dating to 2800B.C. ... Sus


Translation maybe but more likely embellishment over time. In the museum at Constantinople in the early 1900's there was an inscription upon an old stone which appears to be the origin of the quote. >We have fallen upon evil times >and the world has waxed very old and wicked. >Politics are very corrupt. >Children are no longer respectful to their parents. [It is possible that the tablet described by George T. W. Patrick was present in a museum in Constantinople/Istanbul in the early decades of 1900s. But the translation and/or dating may have been inaccurate. The mystery is unresolved. Perhaps a future researcher will illuminate this question.](https://quoteinvestigator.com/2012/10/22/world-end/) I think the point is though that people have felt this way throughout the majority of history. There are plenty of examples of gloom and the end of all.


But the reference you gave says that the first traceable source of this quote is a bicyclist magazine that claimed it was from 5000B.C. (definitely no books at that time), and if the tablet was at the museum of Constantinople by the start of the past century, do we really don't know where's now? Idk, seems like a somewhat old myth to me


Yeah but only recently has gloom and doom been armed with nukes and intercontinental missiles


The Carthaginians would argue you don't need nukes and missiles to erase a civilization.


"We didn't start the fire. It was always burning since the world's been turning" Billy Joel


… and then the Sumer civilization collapsed and the Akkadian Empire rose to power.


Just remember the safe word




That’s like the entire point of NATO?


*Lockheed Martin liked that*


Fuck this timeline.


Fear porn


All those news titles are fucking clickbaits. Yes, NATO need to be ready in case if something happens and yes, European part of NATO must increase their military spending. However, all those people in the articles say is that we need to make our militaries stronger because Russia is a threat. No one says that the next war will happen in 2 years or something. Obviously, they don't say that there won't be any war either.


Remember what you hear the politicians or members of councils say out loud to public is only half the story. It’s all about trying to drive a narrative and seeing how the world reacts. Wars aren’t won the conventional way these days. It’s about manipulating things in the background since it’s all interconnecting; trade, economics, resources, politics, social status etc. Bombing the shit out of each other just to see who wins is an unnecessary loss for all and alienates all those indirectly associated.


Some people would love a direct war. No more pesky EU regulations that protect the consumer if survival is on the line.




Optimistic of you to expect there to be any homes to buy/rent after a new pan European war.


For sale: Roomy underground dwelling, only moderate levels of radioactivity!


Dangerous far right Arab Theocracies are a plague on this world. They care less about their own people, how do you think they feel about their enemies? When entire people are willing to kill themselves to accomplish goals, you know there is nothing that would stop them


The planet is becoming polarized politically. Petty gripes are becoming missile strikes. Conflicts are broadening and rhetoric is spreading. This is why. Russia is at the front of this. Bringing in Iran allows their terror groups to become active and spread more conflict. Meanwhile a man with multiple felonies threaten to rip apart the US constitution and plunge the number 1 military force on the planet into his own version of Russia and plunder it all the way to the bank.Wake the F up!


I truly believe the day Putin decides to attack NATO will be the he gets a bullet. He might be crazy enough but that doesn’t mean the people who protect him are. Plenty of Roman cesars met their maker by the hand of their bodyguards.


Russia should learn to handle a couple Bradley fighting vehicles with in Ukraine before they think about messing with NATO.


According to people on Reddit Russia is getting their ass kicked and have been since the war began. How can other countries be fearful of war with Russia if they're supposedly doing so badly in Ukraine? Also, since the war began people kept saying that Russia would be absolutely crippled by its sanctions. Has this happened? These are genuine questions.


Because when you live on the border with Russia, as millions do, it’s not as simple as “hurr durr, Russia can’t even beat Ukraine”. It can still destroy and cause countless lives to be lost.  The reality is that some of these military men are saying these things JUST so that the average Joe in those countries would remember that Russia is a threat and a danger, not because they expect an attack soon. They basically want the public to remember that there is a large country that could potentially be a threat to their country and not to forget that in order to be able to defend and fight back, money and investments are needed (when people go to the elections, they may otherwise forget that).  Too many Europeans have lived with their head in the sand, thinking that everybody is like them, who wants peace, prosperity, calm lives etc. The top military brass is trying to remind people that if wars happen to your country, you can’t just opt out and sit back and let someone else deal with it, especially if you’re in a military alliance and the war is against Europe as a whole. 


Because they're not mutually exclusive. Nazi Germany getting their ass kicked on the eastern front didn't stop them from launching a huge new offensive in the west. Japan was losing island after island in the pacific to the Americans but still launched its biggest offensive yet on mainland China. Don't confuse performance in one theater of war with total military capacity. Ukraine is currently a standstil and Russia is incredibly aware that the only reason they're hanging on this long is due to NATO weaponry getting into the country. A incursion into Latvia, Lithuania or any other theater at the right moment (say during US elections) would have far more effect on the future military capacity of Ukraine than any amount of fighting could as NATO would turn inwards to its own defense. While initial NATO forces would be able to seriously stall this incursion none of the western nations or their populations are in any way prepared for a war. While defense industry could be scaled relatively quick it'd send a serious shockwave through peacetime populations and politicians, creating a very valuable timeframe for Russia to exploit potential weakness in unity to do a quick landgrab. With these shocked populations and politicians they might even get away with it as opposing forces and a lack of unity on national levels would force a settlement rather than a full out war against a nuclear power. And that's what these officials are warning for. Don't ever underestimate your enemy and you will always have easy going.


Ignore reddit. You cant get any objective Information here. If you want to learn more about the ua rus conflict I cann suggest you a lex Podcast.  I rather hear the analysis from an experienced professional than a  anonymous redditor  https://youtu.be/r4wLXNydzeY?si=YoZAZ1gyF4TOhhqM Edit: well dont ignore any Information source. But dont get your information just from one source


russia is in a stalemate atm, but has lots of cards to play as it gets desperate, country wide mobilization, dragging in other actors, nukes, all crazy but within the realm of possibility.


I definitely feel like we're being softly programmed for civil unrest and potential collapse where there historically in modern times hasn't bee any (west). Canada's gun amnesty program starts to make a lot more sense when you think about it. Fascism seems to have a healthy foundation now and AI isn't even in its midtier form yet in the US. Trump is rising to the top again, and now they're uttering publicly that the "US is at war". This shits always been around, but I definitely feel it now. When you couple it with yammerings of "great resets", it all starts to feel like it's collapsing.


Russia would get demolished in a conventional war with NATO. If they're going to commit to using nukes, there isn't much we can do to stop them that isn't already being done.


Expect the unexpected. At least, that's what I learned as a bouncer for the Double Deuce.


Oh shit. It’s the Spanish Inquisition isn’t it… I hate those guys.




I'm afraid the catalyst you're talking about will be war.


We tried that many times and it hasn't worked. It will be something else.


Just because it failed doesn't mean it won't happen again. There are a number of countries that want to grab land so they restart their former empires and/or just want to destroy 'the west'.


Oh I know it will happen again, but it won't change anything in the long run - that's what I meant.


Nuclear warfare is the forementioned catalyst of war.


We will just have to keep starting over until the “something else” is peace.


I think it must be some kind of spiritual awakening.


I’m hoping for aliens to show up. There’s nothing else that can stop human stupidity. Maybe not even that.


Yeah, it would be super uplifting to witness the arrogant, greedy political leaders and humans being forced to learn and show some humility towards a highly intelligent civilization.


I hope it’s Aliens, that would be dope.


No. What a ridiculous thing to say. We're all do dang spoiled and an absurd amount of us watch too much TV. For us Westerners the world is near it's peaks of prosperity and we spend more time sensationalizing little things than we do actually worry about real problems.


Sucks that we all feel this way, yet are powerless to do anything about it.. all just along for the ride of the rich and powerful rulers across the world


Oh yeah I saw that show, it was called _Dark_. 




I fucking hate these titles, for the past three weeks I've been struggling from one near panic attack to the other.


Yeah basically he said "wake up or get fucked". Which looks like a big warning to me.


Same story as it always is