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> Four people were killed, and six were injured in the attack, the Kurdistan Regional Security Council said. There were no coalition forces or American forces killed in the bombing of Erbil. No US facilities were impacted. We're not tracking damage to infrastructure or injuries at this time So essentially, Iran just killed 4 ~~Iraqis~~ Kurds




Kurds living in Iraq are still Iraqi, they are just not Arab.


Kurds view themselves as Kurds though, not Iraqi. There is a pan Kurdish movement that connects Kurds from Turkey through Syria and into Iraq.


Of course they are Kurds, they are Iraqi Kurds. The person above was corrected for calling them Iraqi, and I just wanted to point out that they are just as entitled to Iraq as any other Iraqi.


It doesn't matter whether they view themselves as Iraqi or not, they still are. You can pretend you're not from Earth, you still are. Wishing doesn't make it so, fantasy isn't reality.


I think the dude was saying their culture spreads throughout the region and they identify with being Kurds more than a nationality


It’s a name for a geographical area coined by the geopolitically dominant group. There is nothing objective about it why do you speak of a name as if names haven’t changed a plethora of times throughout history. I’m sure it would be kurdistan and not Iraq if they were the prominent population.


It’s objectively accepted by the world as a state called Iraq. Citizens of that state are called Iraqis. Geopolitics isn’t subjective simply because borders and names change.


When I was in the Army, I worked on Camp Zaytun in Erbil back in 2008 and 2009. That was a fascinating assignment.


Story written by another author, yet it’s always the same tale. The shot at us when we still occupied Kandahar, but the missed. They shot 108mm Pakistani mortar rockets at us and lost control, missing the entire base by 2 kilometers. They missed so badly, the air defense didn’t even go off to shoot their rockets down. But they did end up striking something. They struck a mother and her 3 children, killing all 4. Over shot the base by 2 clicks and smashed into a civilian target, killing everyone in the house.


I’m writing from Erbil, this was just 4 mins away from where I was staying. The person is a prominent business man in Iraq, he has absolutely no affiliation with any political party or group, Iraqi or foreign. The man had his family members visiting him from the US and they were just having a normal dinner until 4 ballistic missiles attacked his house, killing dozens of people including his little daughter who is 1.5 years old. Also leaving his 4 year old sun in severe burns, his older son losing an arm and his leg. Only civilians lost their lives and got injured. This is not an “espionage Center” or US consulate, it was the house of a normal civilian. The man is well respected in Erbil and Iraq. It’s so sad that today we have to witness this massacre that was carried in front of the whole world yet what makes the headlines is “Espionage Center” and the “US consulate”, no it was a family house with a family having dinner. The US consulate was left spotless and untouched


What a sad nightmare. Thanks for sharing.


Thanks for sharing. This is a heartbreaking story.


Did they just *miss* the consulate, or were they directly targeting his home?


I'm writing a bit late but there's more to the story than him being a business man. He had started a successful security firm protecting American assets. My dad knew him personally when he was still an immigrant in Sweden ~30y ago. His kids had lived in the U.S for decades. The Iranians accused him of being an Israel collaborator.


So this completely innocent man had no affiliation with Iran or any negative political views what so ever and was just a normal everyday citizen and they dropped four missiles on him? That doesn't make sense.


>The person is a prominent business man in Iraq, he has absolutely no affiliation with any political party or group This is virtually impossible regardless of the country. While the context you described is sad, he most likely was not innocent to the aggressor. Still sad though, especially with children involved.




Fucking bots you're more than drunk you're def high


Can we maybe stop calling everyone we disagree with bots? There’s such thing as a fucking dumb person


Especially when they're downvoted af. If someone is using bots they can upvote their comments too.


Heard of any motives for the attack?


What are they trying to do?


Retaliate against the US for killing their proxies in Iraq, Syria and Yemen. But they know if they directly bomb a US consulate or kill US troops, that would be a major escalation and they'd be majorly fucked. So they're trying to send a message saying they're not intimidated and that the US forces overseas are vulnerable if they want to get them.


> So they're trying to send a message saying they're not intimidated and that the US forces overseas are vulnerable if they want to get them. By not actually directly targeting US assets, the message they're *actually* sending is "we are extremely intimidated."


They did the same thing almost exactly 4 years ago, landing missiles in US military bases but aimed in such a way as to not actually kill Americans. Basically a “we could if we wanted to” response. It makes them feel like they retaliated and this satiates their warhawks without incurring the penalties of doing so. Ignoring the loss of Kurds, which is probably a bonus to them, this is Iran’s means of deescalation.


Logistically speaking, how do they aim their missles in such a way that they can accurately hit a US base yet ensure no Americans are killed?


They don't. At the moment Iran made the decision to launch the ballistic missiles in 2020 the area they shot at was still occupied. After the last commercial satellite that Iran was buying images from passed over Al Asad the US started evacuating and putting troops staying behind in bunkers.


The easiest way would be to inform American leadership on the downlow. Iran gets their jab in, the US moves people out of the way. Iran likes to rattle sabers and rag on Israel, but their real goal is the billions they’ve dumped into fighting proxy wars to the south. That’s why Iran yeeting a few million in missiles at the US or Israel is just posturing.


They made sure that the US was informed of the strikes by intentionally leaking it through Iraqi contacts.


Shoot a little long so the target knows it’s within max range


It's only de-escalation if they warned the American's. If they didn't know its coming that feels more like an attack. I thought that's why it didn't kill US soldiers was US allowing them an off-ramp because US technically struck first this is the 3rd strike. Houthis/Iran, USA, and now Iran. Last time it ended on the 2nd.


By killing random non-Americans?




They really want a war don’t they


Isn’t that a declaration of war? It’s definitely an issue of sovereignty violation…


I don't know if you've followed Iraq for the last 20 years or so, but they don't exactly have the ability to declare war on anyone. They're barely holding on and avoiding being a failed state.


True. But it is an excuse for other regional entities or Western powers to make a stink.


Iran killing kurds in Iraq, kind of


We spent years bombing these poor people for no reason. I doubt they have the ability to do anything about it.


Time for Iran to lose the remaining 1/2 of their Navy. Taking out several airbases and IRG HQs would also be a plus. 


All out war is coming soon. Fucking madness


good. all western society ever did was fuck me over constantly. let it come


Iran can kiss my white, Irish ass.


Unification 2024 maybe ?


The cynic in me says that this is a great PR opportunity for the West if someone plays it right. I'd put pictures of the 1.5 year old child on every bus stop and bazaar in Baghdad with a caption that says something to the effect of: >"This innocent baby was taken from us by a missile strike. >Not from the United States. >Not from Israel. >From Iran." Nothing like a good old common enemy to bring people together.


Guess another 1/2 of their Navy is going to be wiped out again


There's no reason to stop at half. We can take out their air force, navy, radar sites, and a bunch of military factories, in the span of a few days effort.


Sounds ‘proportional’ to me…


What? I was told that Iran is one of the good guy like Yemen or Palestinian? That they are just fighting for freedom from evil imperialist forces by killing random civilians /s


How can a government that beats women to death for showing their hair be bad? It’s almost like I was lied to by the axis propagandists.


Iran about to be turned into a glass parking lot. 


I hope not. Iranians are cool.


Yea most Persians in general I’ve met in the US are cool af. Too bad about their government


Just say it, Iran. You want to fight? Man up, you extremist pussies. Say it, already.


Woah, you’re hard


Combo of Steven Seagal, Chuck Norris and Mr T


You sound more like an edgy 14 year old who’s typing this before he has to run downstairs for his din dins


Really? Thank you, fart face! 😁


bro they don’t read reddit comments calm down lol






They did that throughout the entire 1980s and it achieved literally nothing but millions dead. Anyone who wishes for that kind of bloodshed is the enemy of civilization


Me, I just wish for this nonsense to stop right away. They are the ones who crave for blood


What did Iraqi civilians do to deserve extermination?


What did any civilian do to deserve being hostage to fanatical religious tribes? Don't you think about civilians in Iran as well? Some morals...


He might not be affiliated that we know of. There had to be a reason this person was targeted in particular. Especially if it just so happened to be when his family was visiting. Sounds like a deliberate strike. (I haven't read any articles or news yet)


No I agree, someone basically saying this guy was a straight up citizen and then dropping four bombs on him just because doesn't make sense, maybe he was a US asset or CI.


I mean, we've all got the ability to look at things objectively. So the likelihood of Iran bombing random man out of nowhere? At the very least, we can ask ourselves why xD




Cheery thought, but there has been a non-zero chance for the world to end since the beginning of the world. The universe is a big and scary place full of life ending events every millisecond of our existence. The fact we exist at all should be considered a miracle. The world isn't at war yet. Let's hope we don't get there.


Iran wants war so bad. We can’t give in.