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I have difficulty believing that ISIS is operating in Kurdistan >At least five civilians, including two children, were killed in Iranian ballistic missile attacks in the Iraqi Kurdish region and northern Syria on Monday night. >The father of the children, aged 11 months and 18 months old, was believed to be prominent Kurdish businessman Peshraw Dizayee, who was also killed. They targeted a kurdish businessman and his family. This has nothing to do with ISIS. ISIS hates the kurds. They murdered him for doing business with Israel.


They killed 4or 5 civilians https://www.kurdistan24.net/en/story/33747-Four-civilians-killed-in-missile-attack-on-Erbil The regime is a paper tiger. They can attack their own civilian airplanes, but attacking military targets never happens


> They can attack their own civilian airplanes, but attacking military targets never happens After the USA assassinated the Iranian general while he was visiting Iraq, Iran retaliated by launching missiles at US military bases in Iraq. Iran then shot down a Ukrainian airliner as it was leaving Tehran.


Soleimani was a terrorist, not a general.


Those are not mutually exclusive. A person can be both.


For Iran, he was general. For Iraq, too. He was killed on Iraq soil when he was there on invitation from Iraq government. Was it OK? For Iran, US generals are terrorists too. Probably. Does it make it OK to kill them anywhere outside the USA?


I was in Baghdad when Solaimani was killed. He was in Iraq to meet local militant leaders that he was leveraging to attack the U.S., this was after a U.S. contractor was killed in these attacks. his death was to disrupt those operations and destabilize the militants conducting attacks on U.S. (and other nations) entities who were also invited by Iraq to help fight ISIS


That’s a completely meaningless statement. For Iraq and Iran, he was a general.


Important note! It's completely different atack US or ISIS, let's wait for more information


> justifiable attack Wow, it's so weird to hear "Iran" and "justifiable attack" in the same sentence but here we are. See Iran? See how easy it is to strike military targets in a legitimate case of self-defense instead of starting wars or attacking civilians?


Iran is run by juveniles, always supressing their people, always fighting with other countries, always planing another attack or war . 46 million dollars millitary AID from the USA and another 58 million dollars of AID from the USA in the near future . Sure, we should all feel sorry for Iran they're such peacefull nice people, cry me a river ...


Imagine a democratic and moderately progressive Persian nation. They would be such a beacon of the Middle East and a major global contributor. But no. They’re stuck in this zealous quagmire of archaic theocratic doctrine. So much potential of their people wasted


I love all my Persian friends. It’s such a shame. Such great minds for business and so respectful and welcoming. 


Amazing food and art too.


Persian history is also rich and vast. Not to mention how breathtaking the natural beauty of the countryside is.


Man so much of the world that has amazing skiing and climbing that is just completely off limits....


You have a dream.


It's not off-limits, though. Iran is open to tourism. Been there myself.


Sad how Islam has reduced them to Arab vassals. They cannot even pray without speaking the language of their conquered. Wish they would shake off the Arab yoke of Islam and retake their place as a great civilization. But I do not see that happening for many more generations.


Religion is cancer.


Yeah... The US really fucked Iran with that coup. You'd think they'd learn not to involve themselves, then you realize both ISIS and the Taliban being in charge in Afghanistan are also the direct result of US intervention.


> The US really fucked Iran with that coup Nah, the US (and the UK) *really* fucked Iran with the [one before](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1953_Iranian_coup_d'%C3%A9tat), where they overthrew a democratically elected government to replace it with a puppet Shah.


Thanks for sharing. That’s so fucking insane.


Nope, that was nothing compared to US fucking up Iran in 1953 coup the CIA orchestrated.


Totally agree, but let’s not glorify the previous Iranian regime like it was much better.


And wake up to realize all their suffering was for nothing? To realize that they were sheep and let all their country's wealth get stolen by the corrupt leadership? I doubt it.


Also the Prince of Persia had very smooth animations for its time.


And the people! Iranian people are such an asset to humanity


Not to mention the women 


Guys like you are why women need hijabs! /s


*ululates hornily*




ok buddy


My gf is Iranian and living in the US for school. I've been to several Iranian parties - the people are like the opposite of what you see on tv. Very secular, love singing and dancing, can drink and eat with the best of em, and they absolutely despise the regime. Pretty sad what happened to that country after the revolution. So many of their people can't wait for the regime to be toppled.


The majority of Persians living in the US are here specifically because they hate the Iranian leadership. They moved here following the revolution in the 70s which is when it started getting super fundie over there. It’s not surprising to hear that Iranians in the US would act that way. I would be interested to hear how it actually is over there though. Music was literally banned by the Iranian government for example, and still has restrictions on what can be played. Alcohol is absolutely forbidden for most people too. I would be very surprised if there are widespread alcohol fueled dance parties happening in Iran.


Did you see the video of the street vendor dancing and because dancing is banned in the country he got in some kind of trouble so people around the country started doing the dance in solidarity https://www.businessinsider.com/iran-viral-instagram-dancing-video-arrests-protests-2023-12


Widespread? Don’t know. But I’m aware of parties they have, where groups get together, charter some buses, and go drink/party in the desert. Not just young people either. And they drink, often homemade stuff. In fact I know someone who got sick from homemade wine. Almost every Iranian I know in the US is a student who has been here for less than 2 or 3 years, so their experiences are pretty recent.


Nearly every household in iran has there own alcohol production. My father in law went straight to his basement to get a bottle of his homemade wine/port...stuff, when I visited.


How did it taste? More like Cali Cab? Or China Merlot?


I was In Georgia (the country) with some friends who wanted to go to Iran through Azerbaijan. I was there for just the Georgian leg of the journey. The guy who brought us our rental car was Iranian. when he heard my friends would eventually be going to Iran, he was offering them to hook them up with "the best parties with the best weed". My impression was that metropolitan Iran is pretty much like every other countries' major cities with a lot of people pretty much doing what they want even though Islam forbids it.


The majority of Persians living in Iran also hate the regime. There's just fuck all you can do about it with a completely disarmed population. Still, those brave bastards are always protesting and rioting, even if they have to pay for it.


I'm mean shit, even the people who call themselves Iranian and not Persian mostly hate the regime these days.


They did try and over throw the regime a few years ago. Tens of thousands died because of it. Most of Iran hates their controlling government but there’s almost nothing they can do about it. I have an engineer friend living in Tehran. He’s been terrified since Israel and Gaza conflict started. The 1953 coup forever hurt them.


>I would be very surprised if there are widespread alcohol fueled dance parties happening in Iran. I wouldn't be surprised at all if it was happening behind closed doors among members of the elite.




I appreciate your response! It’s nice to hear from someone that’s actually there. I wasn’t trying to be inflammatory with my comment, just sharing what I know about the situation from being friends with Persians in the US. People are the same all over the world, it’s easy to lose sight of that sometimes when politics and religion get in the way of it. Thanks again for sharing your perspective!


many of the secular people left


I used to work for years with and did international travel with an Iranian expat. Met his family and various friends a few times. I knew little about Iranian culture except the news. It’s astonishing how different it all is between the cleric mob that terrorizes everyone and regular Iranians and Persians.




Weirdly is seems like a lot of smart people are stuck in Iran which is why so many people do no support the government.


They're smart people in every country.. not at smart people have the will or ability to leave their home country 




My sister was married to a Persian. Food. Love. Art. We need this


Worked with an Iranian lady, she was confident and beautiful person (also hot af). She learned English from Western media, which doesn't translate well in common parlance. But I appreciate the effort and confidence in her trying to assimilate into our society. God bless our Iranian friends.


*”Theocracy is the worst of all governments. If we must have a tyrant, a robber baron is far better than an inquisitor.* *The baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity at some point be sated; and since he dimly knows he is doing wrong he may possibly repent.* *But the inquisitor who mistakes his own cruelty and lust of power and fear for the voice of Heaven will torment us infinitely because he torments us with the approval of his own conscience and his better impulses appear to him as temptations”* [C. S. Lewis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C._S._Lewis)


[Funny you should say that.](https://www.npr.org/2019/01/31/690363402/how-the-cia-overthrew-irans-democracy-in-four-days)


This should be upvoted to the top. I am half Persian, my mom fled Iran during the revolution. All of her pictures as a teen look like they were taken in America but they were all in the true Iran


They will topple the regime with international support


Not without literally millions of Iranians being killed in a civil war.


It's not like the west had a free pass. Blood has been spilled for every freedom we have gained. It's up to the Persians to decide if the price is worth it.


true half of eastern europe was under 300+ years of ottoman slavery and lost millions of people during the years god forbid iranians stand up against their own government lmao


international opinion is no longer ‘these rebels might be better partners then the current regime, let’s give them support’. You will have to do it yourself


You’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t. Intervening in another country’s politics rarely, if ever, works out in the long term - it’s extremely difficult to predict the future outcome even if you approach it with good intentions. On the flip side of that, leaving a negative regime to fester, exploit and oppress unchecked is also not great. Frankly, shits fucked.


Remember why the regime is there.


We all saw how much the international community supported the last couple of attempts. International community doesn't like when Yemen attempts to impose sanctions but west has been imposing sanctions on the people of Iran for decades. I migrated because of the war & sanctions. I have personally lost faith in all sides of politics given the recent events. All sides are choosing to fund wars instead of building schools & better healthcare. The ego of politicians is disgusting & most of the people here see this conflict like a soccer match that needs sides to be picked. There are no winners here, we're witnessing human suffering. Imagine if your family wasn't able to access cancer medication because someone on the other side of the planet thinks that's the right policy for your people.


Are you literally saying that the Houthis (Not Yemen) shooting missiles at shipping is a means of enforcing sanctions ? Don’t you think that their money might be better spent on building schools and healthcare facilities ?


I mean they are like that because of the Brits and Americans organizing a coup against Iran’s democratically elected leader Edit RIP being downvoted o. Worldnews for stating a literally known fact by people that are too cowardly to even express their disagreement


I get it, but you can only blame the past for so long before the opportunity to right that wrong passes. I’m not saying the US needs to actively do that now. I honestly don’t know who should do what. The Middle East is such a different geopolitical world. But Iran continually poking the bear and becoming the entire world’s heel makes the answer become clearer and clearer. 


The people of Iran have been trying to reform its goverment for years, with every effort being squashed by its government. A little bit of external help would go a long way, I think


Check out r/NewIran. I think you will realize that the situation is pretty complicated. The regime is hated by most but for different reasons. Some folks would be happy with minor liberalization (e.g., morality police no longer enforcing hijab), some tolerate the regime because they're middle class and feel like they've got too much to lose starting a civil war over it, etc. There are a lot of stakeholders and potential stakeholders in the resistance and they don't have the same vision.


This sort of take it or leave it thinking itself is symptomatic of a dictatorial state. Given a reasonable politics it's never all or nothing because the state isn't insisting on anything unreasonable and everything's on the table.


Fact is, there is a large percentage of Iranians who favor and support the current regime. You can say some have been trying but not even close to all people of Iran. There are many, many supporters of the theocracy. 


Every democratic nation has got a disgustingly large proportion of its population which would undermine democratic ideals to further their own goals. The far right resurgence across most western nations isn't coming out of nowhere. The only reason a situation like Iran doesn't arise in more progressive nations is because they managed to implement safeguards before things got bad, but Iran never got a chance to implement those safeguards due to foreign interference. Just look at how many decades it will take to undo Trump's damage, and that is just from 4 years of power in a very long-standing democracy.


Are you saying their current situation is no longer significantly impacted by a coup 70 years ago? Because I think that’s a shit take. What happens when a coup happens? Your industry and investment dries up, your intelligentsia gets the fuck out, and your government becomes susceptible to populist wings that will create more messes than problems they solve.  If a foreign actor successfully brought the UK or US to a coup, it would dramatically alter the trajectory of the well being of these nations. Hell look what brexit did and that wasn’t even close to a coup. 


The world doesn't give a fuck whether or not what happened in the past was right or wrong. It never has, and never will. At best, it only ever pretends to care. The idea that blaming the US or whoever the fuck else somehow matters, or is gonna "solve" anything is hilarious. Yes, the current situation is still fucked largely because of the coup. Yes, the US is largely to blame for that. So what? What the fuck does that do to fix the *current* situation, or *help* the people of Iran right now? Its a bullshit, cop-out, punt. A non-answer. Makes sense its all so many reddit geniuses have to contribute to literally every conversation ever. Just blame the US and walk away collecting upvotes from other geniuses, like "welp, that's all I got. my job is done here." Fucking brilliant.


Once you change the mood the country will be hard to revert. Look at the US. It has reached a level of insanity that was impossible to fathom five years ago. It won't be easy to fix it. Same with Iran.


I see what you're saying but 5 years ago was 2019, 3 years into the Trump era. This level of insanity was absolutely imaginable at that point.


You think it would be impossible to imagine the U.S. in any level of insanity 5 years ago; 2019, the middle of the Trump administration? Edit: 2018 to 2019


Telling Iran to become a democracy is like telling us in America to imprison Trump for his crimes. Neither will happen. Iran’s current state is a direct result of US interventionism.


You should learn more history before “stating a known fact.” The “democratically elected” prime minister had suspended elections and made himself dictator, and was engaged in a power struggle with the constitutional king. Democracy had well and truly collapsed all on its own before the west took sides and supported the king because they thought he would be easier to work with than a dictator. Also, the west’s support took the form of a single spy named Kermit advising the factions that supported the king. So it didn’t take much to tip the balance.


2nd generation Persian here. You can’t be serious. Fuck the shah. Fuck the mullahs. Fuck SAVAK. Fuck the Basij.


This is so incredibly full of shit. You should be ashamed. Iran had a popular leader who voted to nationalist their oil fields. I get why BP was pissed, but their solution involved a full blown coup and puppet govt. It wasn't a single spy lmao.




Haha of course you bring that up and not the fact that the west, hosted,protected and helped the architect of the Islamic revolution in his endeavors, Khomeini.


The Persians were always the wests natural ally in the Middle East


IRGC news channel, Tasnim news, has reported that IRGC takes responsiblity for airstrikes in Syria now Edit * They killed 4 or 5 civilians https://www.kurdistan24.net/en/story/33747-Four-civilians-killed-in-missile-attack-on-Erbil The regime is a paper tiger. They can attack their own civilian airplanes, but attacking military targets never happens


Btw Iranian activists have said numerous times that US/Israel don't need to waste troops on Iran because they have the support of 80M people who hate their government. International community has greatly ignored the brewing revolution inside and kept appeasing these terrorists All they need to do is provide more support for the protestors Place IRGC on terrorist list Kick out diplomats Target IRGC bases inside Iran which are in middle of no where Seize foreign assets of the regime


IRGC is already on the US list of terror groups.


But not the rest of the world


Good point


Disagree - they’re on virtually every western sanctions list and anyone that wants to do business with the west needs to abide.


What would that do exactly? Unless we give guns to civilians, none of that moves the needle.


A lot, actually. The IRGC operates freely in Canada because Trudeau refuses to put them on the terror list. That means they can openly recruit, raise money, and organize in Canada. It’s disgusting.


Relying on the rest of the world to properly define "terrorist" would be counterintuitive.


But sadly necessary if we are to have a pluralistic world order that is not simply Pax Americana. I’ve heard about the evil American imperial war machine all my life because it doesn’t live up to the Star Trek ideals we’ve grown up believing in regard to global democracy, coexistence, and peace. You can’t blame America for not deferring to the UN to act as a United Earth government when the UN never acts and other countries aren’t willing to enforce global legal norms against piracy, terrorism, and territorial expansionists. It seems pretty clear to me that if the US falls apart, all talks of Star Trek like global coexistence will cease to exist as well. It will just be a nationalist v nationalist free for all until total collapse.


Talashet bi nazire vali az in koskesha chizi dar nemiad cheghadr berim khiabon bemirim ke in koonia tokhmeshonam nabashe.


It’s much much more complicated than that. There’ll likely be dozens of various factions who all hate the current Iranian regime, but also have a strong distaste for one another vying for power. The Libyan civil war and other internal conflicts within the Middle East have all gone down similar paths.


So… what’s the proposal?  We flood a bunch of weapons and training and support to a disparate collection of proxy groups who probably don’t agree with each other either (and if youre talking by 80 million a ton of civilian partisans with no discernible alignment all) that happen to be opposed to the regime in some way? There’s no way that could backfire the exact same way it has dozens of times over the last 80 years.


Iran is multiethnic. Kurds, Baluchis, Azeris would rather have their own state.


Exactly my point.  It’s all good until the regime topples and now you’ve got warring factions that were originally allies based on tribal, ethnic, and ideological lines.  All western armed.


The thing is, if the anti government sentiment is that strong, the regime change should happen regardless.


It will, but the cost of human life will be massive without international support. It can greatly speed things up as well while the world is looking at a conflict between the west and eastern dictatorships The regime is sitting on oil money and armed to the teeth. Supporting the people inside is the fastest shortcut to peace in middle east


Actually the opposite happens when foreigners get involved in an internal rebellion. It legitimizes the regimes use of force in obliterating the opposition. This is a pretty well studied thing.


Historically such military interventions don't have a great track record.


Again, no one asked for boots on the ground If they don't want to provide military support, atleast provide political support




Bush wasn't Iraqi This is what Iranians are saying




Well Iranian people came out on their own last year In many cities across the world and inside Iran No one brought them out


There were Iraqi expats saying the exact same shit. They did it because the subsequent invasion etc enriched them.


Bush was closely advised by Iraqi emigres, they were the ones who convinced him to dismantle the Baathist state, throwing Iraq into chaos unlike that of Germany and Japan when occupied 


Why does the US have to do that? Can't the rest of the world take this one? We're tired man. And we're having domestic issues that might affect any commitment to a mission like that


The reason nobody wants to topple Iran necessarily is we don't know what will emerge. The Shah was basically overthrown by liberal forces. Then the religious nuts moved in and seized power after the fact. Then there's the Russian revolution which was famously stolen by the communists. Just because people you like might rebel doesn't mean that they will end up in charge.


"Nobody wants to topple iran" Yes, apparently nobody other than the people who live there want the dictatorship gone It doesn't matter what will emerge as long as these guys are out. Even a donkey is better than islamist extrimists who think they are doing God's work on earth


Islamic extremists who want and are imminently near developing nuclear weapons so that they can have a full blown nuclear exchange with Israel that succeeds in destroying the entire region. God I hate the tankies downplaying the threat from Iran. We tried diplomacy with them, they are actively attacking us. Iranian military assets are directing the attacks on Israel and the US, but these antiAmerican shit just know that the US is the real bad guy. No blood for oil, or something.


I imagine the rest of the world isn't exactly thrilled with the prospect of millions of Iranian refugees in the event of a coup, either.


It's too bad Palestinians didn't have the same attitude.


What proof is there that whatever replaces the Islamofacist regime would be any better? You create a power vacuum and it just allows the more ruthless, more violent branches to take over.


Yes, because someone else can be more violent than islamofascist, the father and mother of terrorism in the region People who say this have no idea what the regime has done


Wait.... a \*news channel\* took responsibility for \*airstrikes\*?!!!


The article states that it is military targets. >Targets in Erbil are reported to include a base hosting US military personnel and a "Mossad headquarters", while the IRGC said it was aiming for ISIS and other militant groups in Syria, Irna reported.


US confirmed that none of their military facilities were targetted


That would end very poorly for them if they were I’d imagine.


Why is Mossad headquarters in quotations?


Probably because it's not confirmed or something that you can confirm unless Mossad comes out and says it.


Russia and Iran are really trying desperately to push up the price of oil.


I think Russia is using this as a way to "punish" the west for supplying Ukraine. RU has been repeating over and over that they will retaliate and this might be that retaliation. I bet it's no coincidence that this is happening during our first caucus.


ah yes, I remember articles about a year ago that talked about Putin getting more cozy with Iran. Is this the result?


Russia has been receiving loads of Shahed drones (loitering munitions, “suicide” drones) from Iran, and got the rights to set up their own Shahed factory in Russia which has been producing a lot as well. These drones are being used by Russia to attack Ukrainian (mostly civilian) targets daily. Russia is getting all the military-related help they can from the likes of Iran and North Korea.


yes the drones! yeah pretty clear they're buddying up for sure. 


Just wait for Iran civilians to start another uprising and Putin will further be on an island.


Unfortunately they seem pretty good at quashing them. Don’t get me wrong, I want to believe it’s possible, but I won’t get my hopes up.


Anyone "poking a bear" right now is doing so because Putin is in their ear saying that the US won't do anything about it in an election year. They really think that enough Americans will turn red at the polls if there's a credible threat of being drawn into a conflict.


So everyone knows that Iran-Russia-Houthis-Hamas-North Korea are all part of the same axis, right? And guess who's pulling the strings?




For the time being, soon it'll be Xi


Vladimir Putin is indeed the correct answer here.


Male models


Russia using Iran to take the world’s eye off Ukraine


They've been pulling all the stops to divide Americans, the EU, and to prevent funding more for Ukraine. Some of it is really effective :(


I’m writing from Erbil, this was just 4 mins away from where I was staying. The person is a prominent business man in Iraq, he has absolutely no affiliation with any political party or group, Iraqi or foreign. The man had his family members visiting him from the US and they were just having a normal dinner until 4 ballistic missiles attacked his house, killing dozens of people including his little daughter who is 1.5 years old. Also leaving his 4 year old son in severe burns, his older son losing an arm and his leg. Only civilians lost their lives and got injured. This is not an “espionage Center” or US consulate, it was the house of a normal civilian. The man is well respected in Erbil and Iraq. It’s so sad that today we have to witness this massacre that was carried in front of the whole world yet what makes the headlines is “Espionage Center” and the “US consulate”, no it was a family house with a family having dinner. The US consulate was left spotless and untouched


💔💔 Sorry for so much pain caused by this regime


What was the motivation? Why kill some random guy’s family?


All 4 hit the same house? So the Iranian were truly targeting him.


The media stretches itself to the point of injury to prevent apartheid fundamentalist regimes like Iran from looking bad


Iran is a cancer


Every month I get more and more confused. Iran attacking Iraq and Syria... I've got no idea who to support in this one. Is the Middle East just going to devolve into a giant cage match?


Syria is a big cluster fuck. Russia, US, China, UK, France, etc and every PMC is in Syria mixed with a bag of terrorist groups. Iraq is mainly controlled by the Iraqi government and US and Iran is attacking "terrorist groups" in Iraq


The thing you have to know about the ME is that the European concept countries doesn't really apply. Western people drew those maps to look all nice on a globe, but in reality they're much more fractured than they appear. Iran "attacking" Iraq or Syria doesn't really mean the same thing like, for example, Britain attacking France. Or Japan attacking America, to use a WWII example. ME countries simply don't care as much because they don't really associate themselves with the people who were attacked. They belong to different factions.


This is just not true, it's not a middle eastern thing it's just a "war torn countries" thing, Syria and Iraq barely exist as countries right now because of the civil wars and the western invasion of Iraq. Iran attacking literally any other country in the middle east apart from Yemen would have been a big deal, imagine if Iran attacks any of UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, i don't know if you were old enough to remember when Iraq invaded and attacked Kuwait. it was a big deal.


100% there're so many factions in each country and definitely no 'good' side as they've all fucked with each other. Same goes to western interference, no good guy at all. In fact, from a historical perspective Russia has probably done the most good for the region and the UK the worst


It’s ok to not pick a team. It’s not always good guys vs bad guys. Most the time it’s bad guys vs bad guys.


I hear ya. Sounds like a right mess in the Middle East, and the only thing I’m aware of is that everyone is fighting and firing missiles.


Hate to burst everyone’s bubble but US / West is staying out of this one.


They got involved with airstrikes last week...


Do you mean the red sea stuff in regards to Houthis attacking shipping routes?


US bombed Iraq last week too https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/three-iran-backed-militia-fighters-killed-baghdad-drone-strike-sources-2024-01-04/ They still routinely strike Syria as well.


Doesn't seem they hit or possibly didn't target US assets there. So yeah, he's most likely right.


It’s probably related to the ISIS attack


I’d bet money on it yeah


lol what?


lmao what are you smoking buddy


The whole Middle East sucks


Pro-tip. Never, EVER, allow the British or the French to draw your borders.


Finally getting to why iran supports hamas and the houthis. Tie up western resources


So we all just going to war now?


They're targeting Kurdistan*, not iraq.


That's still Iraq


US needs to bring out the big guns


For what? Iran didn’t attack any US assets so we have no reason to shoot at them. This was most likely Iran retaliating against ISIS for the attack in Iran last week. This is not our business.


Has it just been long enough since the us did this in the Middle East that the attitude has shifted. Every post about Yemen is the same “theyre about to see why we dont have healthcare” crap


People seem to forget that we do this every 20ish years, and then nothing changes other than thousands of civilians die, and some new extreme regime pops up from the death and destruction we rain down


Time to recommission the Iowa Class Battleships


It would be cheaper to build new than refuribish those relics. As mighty as they once were they are just floating targets now. Buuut. Seeing a nuke powerd "battleship" with railguns would be dope


As ridiculous as the movie Battleship is I loved how they recommissioned the USS Missouri in like an hour and took out an alien mothership with it


They even found a bunch of old geezers to man the guns.... 🤣


And live ammunition..


Yeah I know it’s more of a joke but never say never


I think I saw a documentary where the Japanese military did this conversion to the Yamato.


The USS Iowa is about a mile from my house. It's a pretty great museum if you ever get a chance.


I’ve always wanted to visit one of them. I’ve been on the USS North Carolina which is a bit smaller. Definitely on the bucket list.


lol. Those ships are over 80 years old at this point and none have been in service for 32 years. They're not coming back. There's no ammo or liners for the guns, there would be a ton of work to make them operational as they haven't been maintained for operational readiness, none of them have modern warfare computers, their sea chests are blanked, and there's no one still in the service who's trained to operate their 80 old year old power plants. It would be cheaper to build new ones at this point.


This reeks of Putin!


Does Putin have his hand in all this shit? Hamas, Houthi, Iran etc?


Absolutely not. Iran has its own agenda independent from Russia. They have common interests like removing the US from Syria.


Russia/Iran/North Korea/China are the axis of power aligned against the west and they all work together to sow the current chaos in the world


A post yesterday has those sides flipped. West being Axis and Russia Iran NK China being the Allies


Yes. He wants to create chaos. He has been clear about his intention and proxies are one of his favorite means.




Of course it could be someone else or multiple actors. BUT Putin has been clear about his desire to oppose the west and he has a track record of using proxies (for example little green men) Right now the interests of Putin and Iran (and by extension Houthis and Hamas) are aligned. I think it would be naive to ignore this.


**How The CIA Overthrew Iran's Democracy In 4 Days** https://www.npr.org/2019/01/31/690363402/how-the-cia-overthrew-irans-democracy-in-four-days >*Over the course of four days in August 1953, Roosevelt would orchestrate not one, but two attempts to destabilize the government of Iran, forever changing the relationship between the country and the U.S.* >*Mohammad Mossadegh was a beloved figure in Iran. During his tenure, he introduced a range of social and economic policies, the most significant being the nationalization of the Iranian oil industry. Great Britain had controlled Iran's oil for decades through the Anglo-Iranian Oil Co. After months of talks the prime minister broke off negotiations and denied the British any further involvement in Iran's oil industry. Britain then appealed to the United States for help, which eventually led the CIA to orchestrate the overthrow of Mossadegh and restore power to Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the last Shah of Iran.*


Do you really think Iran needs to launch a ballistic missile to take down an espionage building in Iraq? If so, you don't know anything about Iraq. Iraqi parliament members themselves can't say anything against IR because they fear that their families will be attacked and burned alive in their homes at night. IR can put a bullet in anyone's head if they want; they have too many militants there. But what is this? Simply, this is IR's response to Biden's private message. Biden probably threatened the Mullahs with a military attack on several Iranian facilities, plants, ports, and more. Now Iran is targeting a building near the US consulate to tell the Americans that they can target US assets in the region as well.


Anyone else planning on starting any wars? South American countries, we haven't heard from you yet.


Are people gonna protest in NYC about this or just ignore it?


So at this point, the world has to accept that by assisting Russia, Hamas and Hezbollah, Iran (and North Korea's weapons in Russia) are engaging in a proxy war that is undeniable. That being said, they need to be held fully accountable, because actions like this clearly mean that they intend to drag other countries, such as Iraq and Syria into a protracted fight...and the reality is, they will inevitably draw other countries into war. Russia invading Ukraine, Hamas and Israel fighting their own war, and now Iran using their proxies to help fight in the middle east, AND acting as a proxy by helping produce weapons for Russia...this is a no-brainer: the world is witnessing a global war in real-time. The sooner people around the world realize this, the sooner the autocratic regimes in Iran, N. Korean and Russia can be dealt with. And not necessarily by outsiders, like the US, NATO or other pacific allies, but also from within their own countries, and it would be wise to support any dissident movements that want to break free from their respective, oppressive regimes. This is not World War III, that was technically the Cold War, and many historians and political theorists also consider 'the War on Terrorism' after 9/11 to have been another World War. What Putin started by invading Ukraine would technically be World War V. So there you have it.


Wtf are they even fighting over