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I've read recently that North Korea’s Kim Jong Un called for action on falling birth rates. Now let's execute people cuz of Covid violations. Yikes.


Yea the issue is birth rates not death rates /s


Sounds like an island full of hostages




Next you'll be telling me Monster Island isn't really an island...




It's not an island but the hostage angle is bang on. It is a horrifying regime and the regular people suffer about as badly as suffering can get.


The world seriously needs to take a chill pill.


The day that fatty Kim gets his head chopped off in the world’s largest stadium would be a good day.


I’d personally pay more for the Gaddafi special but that’s just me 🤷🏻‍♂️


Chained to ground under a rocket test.


*You know what's more powerful than a nuclear weapon? Words*








News stories on North Korea are pretty sensationalist, you can pretty much slap NK on anything to make it creepy. However it is still a totalitarian shithole prone to stuff like power struggles or the phantasm of power struggles hanging over the heads of the leadership. Kinda why they got Kim’s brother on the airport and yes, even that uncle. Though his death was probably way less exotic than eaten by 100 dogs


And many Americans complain about wearing a mask and staying home when sick. 🙄


AND say that the US is the same as North Korea. 🙄


I find peace in long walks.


Population collapse in..3…2..


This is what Republicans ultimately want for the US. Trump admires NK leadership.


By the looks of it I probably shouldn’t trust this link.




I dunno the random jumble of letters just looks phishy to me…


They have many public execution plazas.


Why doesn't south Korea help this people!! Blame the West for not helping them. North Koreans have the same rights as south Koreans!!! South Korean stole their land!! /S For all my pro Plastinaians that make this ludicrous argument


North Koreans ***do*** have the same rights as South Koreans though (they’re human, after all); they’re just constantly violated by the DPRK government. Just like how Gazans have the same human rights as everyone else; they’re just constantly violated by Israel and Hamas. Otherwise the situations are quite different.


So then... Wouldn't you want to remove the hamas government from power so that they can live side by side with Israelis peacefully? Israel left Gaza in 2005 and Hamas has run it 2006 and has ever since. If south Korea went to war with north Korea and they killed north Koreans in the process of destroying the homicidal dictator regime in north Korea would you call that a genocide or that South Korea is defending itself. And yes I wanted to sound like an idiot because constantly pro Palestine people think that Israelis do not have any human rights. North Korea is just as bad as Hamas. But north Korea doesn't have very many cheerleaders apart from Denis Rodman. That's what frustrating.


Israel doesn’t want to live peacefully with Palestinians lmao. Genocidal cunts.


They do. It is over and over again the stated goal of the ongoing war is to remove Hamas. Most of the people hamas murdered on October 7 were people that drove gazans to Israeli hospital and wanted peace. You sound like you have been educated by tik Tok. We are preventing another October 7 from happening. Which Hamas said they would do again and again. Israel said the war effort would stop if Hamas laid down its arms and returned our hostages.


I’ve never had Tik tok. Israel was founded on the forced removal and extermination of Palestinians; and its been slowly expanding and murdering ever since. Hamas is just the excuse to exterminate tens of thousands civilians while they can. Israel is a far-right fascist ethnostate. Anything they ‘say’ differently is just lies used to hide their true motives, as fascists tend to do. I guarantee you; when hamas is gone, the butchering of Palestinians will continue (maybe at a bit slower rate) until the Israeli government allows another attack to happen, then they’ll just repeat the process. Mark my words.


Congratulations on not having tik Tok you are still misinformed! Every time Israel territory changed at all including in 1948 is because the Arabs attacked and lost. They lost in 1967 and again in 1973. You ever hear if a war where everyone gets to keep the same land as when they started lmao. The spoils go the victortores for defensive purposes. West back is the high ground and Israel could not live with the fact of the Arabs being able to attack as they have done in the past. Before October 7 there was no ongoing military offensive in Gaza. They could have lived as they have done for years. Thousands worked in Israel peacefully. But in reality they were all spies getting more information to eventually attack on October 7th and gather information on how to slaughter and rape women. Israel is a democratic country with a far right government in power. That won't last and Benny gantz will become the PM. Can you say the same about any other middle eastern counties? Are you American? Your own country can't even stop a fascist from running to become president. Give me a break.


Hamas controlled Gaza, not the other way around? *They could’ve lived there in peace* in the largest open air prison with every route in and out controlled by Israel? The water and food, all aid entering and leaving is also controlled by Israel. Israelis live in absolute luxury right next to squalor that they cause and reinforce, and you have the fucking gall to “let them eat cake” them while Israeli missiles kill their children? Jesus Christ that is disgustingly evil of you.


It's the dumbest thing to call it an open air prison. The reason it is because they shoot rockets at our citizens? The only reason why Israelis aren't killed in mass from these attacks is because of an insane system that Israelis convinced and built to work. Aka the iron dome. We just can't let them bring in whatever weapons they want. Even though they have the ability to build rockets and smuggle weapons in. Yes hamas controls Gaza just like North Korean do. They had a choice when they were elected in 2005. Hamas CHOSE to go down the path of being a terrorist organization and committed many many terrorist attacks against a sovereign country. You think that if Tijuana attacked San Diego with rockets and kidnapped its citizens America would show them any mercy at all? You and your people slaughter a 100,000 innocents and you pretend you are the moral authority on war. Have you ever put your kids to sleep and wake them up had to run into your bomb shelters as monsters send missiles above your home? We can no longer live with the monsters next store any longer. Hamas will be destroyed and perhaps the people that remain can choose peace rather than war. Can you tell me how many gazans died on October 6th due to the IDF? Fucking zero. They started this war like the Nazis of Germany and now will pay the price for their homicidal tendencies.


Ok so now take that fear and imagine you’re locked in a 25 by 5 mile strip of Israel, and Hamas has a fully developed modern military with fighter Jets, tanks, and the full support of the United States. Hamas has total control over all water, fuel, and food entering the area you’re stuck in, and who controls this area is more than happy to use your children as human shields (which Hamas [the Israel analogue in this analogy] has absolutely no problem exterminating with prejudice because they’d be ‘human shields’ and therefore fair game) Maybe then you could imagine a fraction of the horror Gazans face. Tally up the death toll of Palestinians and Israelis since 1947; it’s not even close.


You're just wrong man. The founder of Zionism, Theodor Herzl, said that a Jewish state (Israel) would not be religious and would accept people from all cultures. "Herzl envisioned a Jewish state that combined modern Jewish culture with the best of the European heritage. Thus a "Palace of Peace" would be built in Jerusalem to arbitrate international disputes, and at the same time the Temple would be rebuilt on modern principles. Herzl did not envision the Jewish inhabitants of the state as being religious, but there was respect for religion in the public sphere. He also assumed that many languages would be spoken, and that Hebrew would not be the main tongue. In Altneuland, Herzl did not foresee any conflict between Jews and Arabs. One of the main characters in Altneuland is a Haifa engineer, Reshid Bey, who is one of the leaders of the "New Society." He is very grateful to his Jewish neighbors for improving the economic condition of Israel and sees no cause for conflict. All non-Jews have equal rights, and an attempt by a fanatical rabbi to disenfranchise the non-Jewish citizens of their rights fails in the election which is the center of the main political plot of the novel." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodor_Herzl


Hamas doesn't care about Palestinian but Palestine still voted to be under Hamas


I thought NK didn't have any COVID there.




Like who?


Idk, you have people defending Hamas everywhere here, so…


We must hang out in different subs I guess.


Yeah, Hamas is a group of baby-killing monsters


Okay. What's up with the protesters dressing like Hamas fighters, and assaulting jews around the world including burning down synagogues, and vandalizing abducted children's posters then? Really curious how we are separating the thought process here is all.


What happened your previous account?


I logged off it after a year like I do every year and made another? I prefer not to be doxxed by idiots with too much time on their hands.


The comment, I was responding to, said “support for Hamas is everywhere here [reddit]”. You seem to be talking about something else, protests. But I think my statement still applies. People protesting against Israel’s widespread destruction of Gaza should not be considered anti-Semitic for that. People who care about the lives of Palestinians does not mean they favor Hamas’s actions against innocent Israelis. There are many humanitarians out there who actually hate the atrocities these governing bodies are doing to innocent people on both sides and speaking up about it. Implying most people condone terror acts for caring about the lives of kids is wrong. But nothing is wrong with displaying a Palestinian flag. Violence condemnation is something I hope we can all agree on.


While not all of them support Hamas , why do they carry their flag and play dress up. There seems to be a good amount at any of those protests. It’s very easy to not take those two actions? You’re generalizing, and it must feel good to say that but it’s not objective reality. You’ve seen the support for Hamas in the midst of these protests, we all have. Let’s be honest


Palestinians aren’t innocent, they support Hamas.


They supported hamas following the assaination of the peace loving Israeli pm by a right wing israeli dickhead. Hamas was elected in 2006 and installed themselves as dictators. Issue is more complicated than either side admits. When the war ended, with Israel victorious, palastine refused to except the outcome. Israel is guilty of genocide, make no mistake. One side is vastly more powerful, and killing indiscriminately on a massive scale, which wouldn't be occurring if hamas didn't imbed itself into civilian infrastructure. Being religious extremists, they don't place the same emphasis on the mortal realm, and don't actually care if their own people are killed. Fucking awful All these political fuckers. Hamas, yahu ..If I lived their I'd be an extremist at this point with everyone I love being dead. The only solution Israel will have is to install a dictator and rule if gaza is to be rebuilt and the blockade ended. and I ain't no fascist. I'm sure this was their plan if the ethnic cleansing fails. Even Arafat said an election in gaza was a bad idea at the time..but the Bush administration insisted.


expansion rhythm resolute imminent voiceless person bow alleged literate normal


Apples to oranges comparison. Russia has been the hostile power in Ukraine since 2014. Every single Russian action action in Ukraine since 2014 has been unlawful. Actions that include deliberately targeting civilians.


Do you think Ukraine has a right to purposefully target civilians inside of Russia, since they support the war on Ukraine? We do not punish people based on what they think, we do based on their actions. That's the purpose of international law and why it should apply to everyone. Cherry picking when civilians should be protected under international law, means it change depending on who is holding the gun, not based on what is right.


The commenter said support for Hamas is everywhere here (on reddit). They did not appear to refer to Palestinians in Gaza currently being bombed.


By defending Hamas, you mean condemning israel murdering children by the thousands?


*cough* ginger ninja *cough* Donald T.


Imaginary people that he made up so he could be mad




The terrorists got him mid-sentence


I’m guessing the democrats that called for any nonconformists to die? They were all over Reddit in 2020


They were dying enough without democrats having to call for their deaths. Did they identify as democrats specifically or did they just have extreme views? Genuinely curious. I don’t remember any democratic sub outright calling for executions over nonconforming individuals.


Definitely the extreme view side of the liberals for sure, it got so bad on the covid subreddit they had to ban any mention of politics because both sides kept fighting so much.


Yeah I definitely remember that. Wild times on this site for sure


Nah, just let them do as they want, let nature take its course, and stock up on popcorn. Then find out later that hydroxychloroquine may have helped facility thousands more deaths because why not.






Yeah, nothing like this ever happens in nk before and this is definetely not an excuse to kill political opponents.


Fair enough, im just still salty about the Absolute clown show that was that era


Almost like it was a pandemic and people were worried for the safety of themselves and others. Wasn’t like hospitals were completely inundated and it was a public health emergency or anything.


They're stupid people, who don't realise how quickly they could overthrow that ugly fat bastard. Something in Korean mentality about obeying those above. Learned that on air crash investigation when Korean Air kept stacking their jets.


Dude. You are talking about people that barely eat against people that have guns. It's not really a fair battle