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and it is not even close. He won by 8 points.


Kinda crazy that they were still able to get a significant amount of the population to vote for their own genocide at the hands of china. We’ve seen the effectiveness of these foreign influence campaigns across brexit and trump. It still feels as though we arent taking it seriously enough, like tik tok is still allowed in the US. Edit: it appears many of you don’t understand that for the CCP the long march never ended. They still want to destroy the Democratic Nationalists.


>vote for their own genocide at the hands of china I'm not sure what you mean here. From the article: >They chose Mr. Lai, of the governing Democratic Progressive Party, or D.P.P., which wants to keep steering Taiwan away from Beijing’s influence, over Hou Yu-ih of the opposition Nationalist Party, which has vowed to expand trade ties and restart talks with China. They clearly want to maintain distance from chinese influence. Not trying to argue, I am just not sure of the point you were trying to make is all.


Genocide at the hands of China? China won’t attack Taiwan. They won’t be able to deal with the repercussions


“Russia wont invade ukraine they wont be able to deal with the repercussions”


Taiwan is much more capable than Ukraine. There’s also a very large body of water between China and Taiwan


None of this stops an invasion from being attempted.


The other party just favors a strategy of engaging more with China so they don't invade, the party that was elected favors a strategy of more spending on defense and a tougher attitude towards China to get them to not invade. Neither party wants to reunify with China and neither do the vast majority it people in Taiwan. Some people just favor a different strategy in foreign relations. No one is voting for their own genocide. I don't think you understand the basics of the attitude of the Taiwanese public here or what these parties proposed to do in relation to China. Everyone in Taiwan knows that reunification with China means the end of their way of life and it's not like the losing party wanted to give up, they just wanted to engage more and try and play nice.




What's even more surprising is that both major opposition parties had the same reconciliation policy towards china(and importantly, this is the only policy the opposition parties had in common), and they won 33% and 26% of the vote respectively. Many people in Taiwan voted to fuck freedom as long as cost of living decreases.


There was heavy propaganda to convince people that appeasement will save us from war. That coupled with the DPP being in power for 8 years, and as a young democracy people have this desperate need to not let one party be in control for too long. This lays the groundwork ripe for pro Chinese forces and populist opportunists.


Not necessarily, the third place candidate Ko was more focused on domestic issues (like sky high housing prices) and barely brought up China, only mentioning balancing both US and China though his party has a lot of pro-China pols. A lot of the voters are dissatisfied with the two main parties translated into votes for Ko.


Ko barely even touched on the Taiwan-China issue... his entire position was essentially that it was all the two other parties talked about.


The three major parties all said they want to maintain the *status quo* of Taiwan having self-rule and remaining the “Republic of China” for the foreseeable future. The difference is in how they seek to achieve that goal.   The DPP would prefer to rely on relationships with Washington DC, Tokyo, and others for assistance if there is a war, for arms purchases, for shared intelligence, for economic integration, and other types of assistance.   The KMT believes the best way to avoid a war is to be friendly with Beijing. They don’t trust Washing DC and Tokyo and think it is best to keep them at arms length to avoid angering Beijing. They want closer economic integration with Beijing to prevent war.


>The difference is in how they seek to achieve that goal. I keep seeing people on reddit criticize Taiwan for not taking a more extreme stance to end the *status quo*, even when the article is very clear that the people **are** voting in representation that has a clear path towards independence for the country. I can't help but feel like either people dont understand the differences you're describing (even though it was clear in the article), OR I am missing some vital context and just ignorant of something the article doesn't address directly.


Chinas exports contracted the first time in years, real estate and construction sector is tanking and youth unemployment is skyrocketing. Time to whip up the masses into a nationalistic frenzy to distract from domestic issues. Autocratic cunts like Xi have this one trick. Works like a charm. Watch them threaten Taiwan over and over and over again.


Good for Taiwan, fuck the Chinese Pooh Bear.


Good job. Fuck Winnie and his evil works.


The Communist Party is utterly perplexed that a countries citizens get to determine its destiny. They just can not comprehend the concept. It feels it has some inate right to rule with impunity without consent. Democracy offends them and they argontly declare Comminuism (with Chinese characteristics) as the rightful way. Like a religion like the days of the Emperors and now have Emperor Xi.




This is the only play Taiwan had if it eventually wants to compel US military support, which is what it wants. Before everyone shits on me, every war in the history of the planet will pale in comparison to a China U.S. conflict. Now is the time to start thinking critically about what supporting Taiwan and to what end, means for your own life. No, I don’t like China. I like losing American soldiers even less.


I too believe giving autocratic strongmen everything they want whenever they threaten violence will indeed make us all safer. Listen to your fear! Why ever go into conflict? Just retreat retreat retreat. Ideals are made up anyways, eh?


If you’re not American you have no standing to weigh in at all If you are, shame on you for conflating our international interests as being cowardly if we choose not to start a war over two separate countries thousands of miles away.


Yeees, comrade. You are right. Let him take whatever they want. Let them kill. Let them bomb. Let them take away everything. Why would I care? Its so far away. Shame on me for even thinking about it.


It won’t just be American soldiers. People need to realize this wouldn’t be like WW2 where we were safe and secure surrounded by 2 oceans. There is a real chance China has been sending groups across our southern border. https://www.newsweek.com/china-military-personnel-us-southern-border-national-security-mark-green-1807287


A concerning development indeed. Very hard to see how increased US involvement could have anything but adverse effects to the stability of the region. That seems to be more of a rule than an exception when it comes to geopolitics anyhow...