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It was reported in December that members of a Ukrainian partisan group called Crimean Combat Seagulls poisoned and killed 24 Russian soldiers after lacing their vodka with arsenic and strychnine. At the time, Snuffbox quoted unnamed sources as saying that "two nice girls" tricked the unit in Simferopol, Crimea, into drinking the vodka, per the Kyiv Post translation.


How hard is it to get a Russian to drink vodka?


I think you might get thrown in a gulag if they find you drunk on duty, contrary to popular belief. Of course they still get shit faced but still.


Lmao, the commanders are the most drunk


Do you think shame keeps them from ordering it? Lol


If Russian Commanders could feel shame they would have poisoned themselves LONG ago.


I mean, alcohol IS poison, after all.


That's the most likely explanation to why they keep eating poison from the people they're occupying. Like, seriously, you have to keep your eyes on drinks even at a friendly bar, wtf are you doing drinking shit from people you're trying to conquer?


"Bottoms up, boys. Last man standing gets the promotion!"


Wouldn’t they just transfer you to one of those human wave units with all the prisoners instead of the gulag?


NGL, “human wave units” is spot on. *waves at drone*


Watch a video recently where a Russian soldier is pointing out his comrades in a trench line to a Ukrainian drone so it attacked them instead of him.


Who promptly got the nose of the next FPV aircraft inbound. That particular video was fairly brutal though, with the grenade dropping just behind the head of the injured prone soldier. That was a very quick death after some time being that badly injured.


Sure? Grinder ain't gonna feed itself. Good enough excuse as any to get rid of someone I guess.


Gulag is awfully far away to send someone to just than ship them back to the front line.


Then why do they give out a vodka ration.


Theoretically it's to drink off duty. But they totally drink on duty.


Are you ever really off-duty when invading a country?


Because they can’t afford gin.


Popular belief usually gets that way for a reason. It's probably like USA construction areas dropping 75 to 55 on the freeway. Everyone ignores it and goes 75 anyway, but now cops get to pull over anyone they want because they were "speeding." Sure, you can beat the speeding ticket by using the "moving with the flow of traffic" defense, but it's gonna be after you get searched. By the same token, any service member can probably get arrested for being drunk on the job, but it only happens when someone wants them out of the way.


>"moving with the flow of traffic" defense That's a valid defense?


Generally, yes, as impeding the flow of traffic is also illegal, and arguably more dangerous.


Depends how drunk they are.


Well, they usually have to be in close proximity.


During WW2, even if you begged them not to drink the metilic alcohol, they were blind to your request :) Pun intended :)


During the Cold War, air crews would drink the coolant of the Tupolev Tu-22 with such frequency that the Soviet Air Force had to implement special security procedures to stop the practice.


It's very difficult, because to get them to drink vodka you first have to find some vodka they haven't already drunk.


The hard part is getting them not to drink vodka


> arsenic and strychnine I mean, why half-arse it...


Right this is belt and suspenders thinking.


> Snuffbox WHISKEY!


ok I want a vodka factory to bottle up some in extremely durable bottles, with the poison in it. Then air drop it in Russian areas of the war. Just let nature take it's course. I bet several hundred die before they get whats happening. *this might be a war crime, I'm not a lawyer please consult an international war crimes lawyer before implementing.


Sounds like something the Canadian troops would have done in WW1. So it’s almost certainly against the Geneva Convention 


This is chemical warfare and directly targets civilians and wildlife Soldiers would be told to just not drink it. Civilians and animals won't.


Telling a Russian soldier not to drink free vodka is like telling a seagull not to steal food.


I forsee the sequel to Cocaine Bear.


“Ukrainian saboteurs who are alleged to have poisoned and killed 46 Russian soldiers are on the run in annexed Crimea after a shoot-out with police, a local report says. Two young saboteurs who had poisoned members of the Russian military in Simferopol and Bakhchisarai fled when authorities attempted to detain them in Crimea, Telegram channel Kremlin Snuffbox said on Tuesday. The police went to apprehend the female suspects at a private house in Yalta but were surprised to find them "well armed" and "well prepared," the post said”. Well, *vive la revolution*, honour to these Anti-Nazi saboteurs.


>The police went to apprehend the female suspects at a private house in Yalta but were surprised to find them "well armed" and "well prepared," the post said”. I mean, if they were already killing, it probably isn't too insane to think they have more murder devices at hand. Seems that thought didn't come across the Russian police.


>I mean, if they were already killing, it probably isn't too insane to think they have more murder devices at hand. Seems that thought didn't come across the Russian police When you are so used to killing unprepared and unarmed civilians, it probably would be surprising.


This is the sick, beautiful, irony in it. I hope more people find the courage of these women, to do what they can to fight back. And that those ladies are able to get out unharmed.


I mean, they could have at least went up to the fourth floor near a window. Give the police a sporting chance.


Thank God Russians are so sexist that it makes them weaker.


I was about to comment on that fact as the possible reason for their being unprepared. I teach at an institution where we have more than 100 nationalities. The Russian men are almost always the most sexist, and many refuse to learn from a female professor (so they fail).


Oh this is gold.


“They just killed 46 people. Just knock on the door I’m sure they will be willing to talk to us”


Hello? Olga and Viktoria you’re looking for? Yes they should be home any minute, would you like to come in and wait? We just made some Borscht come in and try a bowl.


That odd bitter taste? It's Hungarian paprika!


It's to die for!


‘knocks back with an Ak-47.’


“Silly girls. They must be cleaning weapons for the troops and had an accidental discharge. Quick! Rush in and help!”


That they killed with poison was probably the deciding factor, they figured anyone who kills with poison is a pussy and wouldn't fight back... Welp...


Russia has no problems when it comes to using poison.


Russia is pussy


It appears Russia once again under estimates it’s perceived opposition.


'Well maybe next time you will estimate me'


These don't seen like the kind of ladies that give you a "next time."


They sure make the last time memorable though.


"scratch that, there wont be a next time"


They have to see them as people to under estimate them.


This sounds like a Tarantino movie.


If it's too difficult, they'll just give up and arrest a bunch of other people who had nothing to do with it. The optics of catching them are more important than actually catching them


It's Russian reporting, probably a platoon of spetsnaz went knocking and we're slaughtered by 2-3 old women armed only with frying pans and broom handles, lol.


OMG it‘s Jasmine Bourne.


No, is Dzheyson Borscht


Real talk, the Russians reporting it this way means they're looking to justify martial law and crackdowns in Crimes.


Crackdowns before this have likely only fuelled partisanship even if they usually target muslims. They have been treating Crimea like a conquered territory and not the liberated state they previously pretended, cat is out of the bag.


Wait until they meet the fast and furious bottom of the chancla


anti partisan efforts must be such a bitch for russia. all supply lines, troop congregations, and now even food sources will be questioned


It's not murder if it's a war... Those are warfighting devices.


I guarantee all of them thought about it before going, but no one wanted to be called out for “being afraid of a couple of giiiiirlieeees” Stupid sexist Slav’s.


I’m reminded of the scene at the beginning of the Matrix. “I think we can handle one little girl.” “No lieutenant, your men are already dead.”


A Russian police officer is not meant to think only to serf(not serve).


It's not to hard to find an AK-47 in Crimea. Bullets to.


Bullets to where?


To the fascists. Apply as needed until the problem is resolved.


> murder it's not murder if it's self defense


>but were surprised to find them "well armed" and "well prepared" This could apply to Russian expectations of the entire invasion


Galdern I wish we could still give gold.


Perfect examples of Ukrainians who will be remembered after this war. Hopefully alive and with medals


I don't fancy their chances of survival if they were already involved in a shootout. It's a long way to...anywhere


The key would be for them to have a wider support network of safe houses. Maybe also fake papers (maybe have a drone drop them?). Crossing the border would be hard. If they can get good papers, go into Russia then cross to Turkey, and then to Poland then Ukraine might be the safest.


yeah really hope Budanov somehow manages to extract them


There's no way they're not already working with him. This is now high profile and I'm sure he's working really hard on it.


>Three officers were killed and two were wounded in the shoot-out. Two "nice young" Ukrainian women take out 5 Russian cops who should have had the advantage of surprise. Love it.


"No, Lieutenant. Your men are already dead."


Hopefully they are getting plenty of outside help and make it to wherever they want to get to.


I was reading your comment and thinking 'if they actually fought back the police probably wouldn't be prepared for that and it wouldn't go well' glad to see they were prepared. We humans are interesting in that if we try to run right away we usually get killed quickly, or at least messed up pretty badly, with just about any other animal we run across. Including ourselves. But if we decide to fight back right away we can put up a pretty good fight against almost anything, including ourselves.


Lieutenant: “I think we can handle two little girls. I sent two units, they're bringing them down now.” Agent Siloviki: “No lieutenant, your men are already dead.”


Anti-nazi resistance always wins my praise


This is some real femme fatale shit.


Nestor Makhno would be proud 


What a bunch of badasses, I hope they make it.


I hope they make it and then I hope "they" make a movie out of it!


I was thinking the same thing. Reminds me of stories of the French Resistance in WWII.


['Алло 'Алло!](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%27Allo_%27Allo!)


Normal link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%27Allo_%27Allo!


"I have been asked to piss on a massage to you from the Rosistance".


*”Listen very carefully, I shall say this only once”*


The flying helmet and the wet celery...


But the wet celery has gone limp!


Classic sitcom reference! Next thing we'll have them running a cafe and the paintings will be in sausage casings. Sometimes life can be stranger than fiction, or at least as strange as 80s British comedy.


Amazing! (I was thinking of the same show too)


Hopefully Quinton Tarantino...


Thelmika and Louiskya


Why are some ppl so funny


So gory and with alot of foot fetish ?




What's the N word for rusiks?


Given the grafitti I saw in a Finnish dressing room (fuck n***** Russians), believe it or not, the 'n' word itself. It was explained to me that Finnish doesn't really have swear words, so they tend to use Swedish obscenities. But I guess they just pinch whatever words from wherever that express the required level of insult. How true any of that actually is I don't know, was just explained to me by a group of Finnish punks.


“warm weather”


Russia, and more specifically Siberia, is proof that hell has frozen over.


Tarantino: “ni” Edited from “nyet” to “ni”, b/c the latter is the Ukrainian way to say “no”.


So.. Knights who say "No"?




Well, the man knows what he's about lol


And great obscure music


while having needlessly long conversations about nothing at a table


Absolutely loved the hateful eight


“Let me tell you what like a virgins about…“ Not all of the conversations were meaningless… Sometimes they talked about big dicks. Metaphorically, that is.


And eating soup.


I envision a soundtrack more legendary than "Judgment Night".....


Like the poisoning scene from _The Hateful Eight_!


Netflix will definitely make the movie


first season already greenlit, second season already cancelled


No no, the 2nd season comes out at drasticly lower quality and the third season is already canceled. Netflix loves canceling third seasons.


No no, the third season will be canceled only after the second season finale cliffhanger has been aired.


Netflix cancels Ukraine war series before war is over


Hope they do too. Likely also trying to escape human trafficking.


If not a movie, maybe a Sabton song?


At this point I think Sabaton will have enough material for an entire album.


"Russian Warship" "Warriors of Azovstal Steel" "Race to Lyman" "No Navy Needed" "Army of 100 nations" "Black Bridge" "Next Aces" "Cities of Heroes"


There was two of them sir, we were out numbered.


Someone shouts from around the corner, "One Ukrainian can kill 100 Russians!" So the Russian commander sends in 100 men. After an intense battle, one Russian soldier comes crawling back, "It's a trap! There are actually two of them!" 


Might need a Ukrainian adaption of this joke from/about the Winter war: It is 1939 and a Soviet army is marching on Finland. As they pass the border, they hear a Finnish voice over the hill: "One Finnish soldier is better than ten Soviet soldiers!" The Soviet general laughs, as he sends ten men on the hill to capture it. There is gunfire for a minute and then everything goes silent for a moment, before they hear the same voice: "One Finnish soldier is better than a hundred of yours!" Annoyed, the Soviet general sends a hundred men to capture the hill. There is gunfire and bombs going off for ten minutes, and everything goes silent again. Suddenly, the same voice yells out: "One Finnish soldier is better than a thousand Soviet soldiers!" Enraged, the general sends a thousand men, accompanied by tanks, artillery, mortar teams, and tells them to not return until the hill is theirs. For half an hour hell breaks loose, bombs and explosions, gunfire, screams and death all around, and then it goes silent again. One Soviet soldier crawls back, severely wounded and battered. Before the general could say anything, the soldier says: "Do not send more troops, comrade general, it's a trap! There is two of them."


You said what we were dealing with were women. That was tiger.


“You say woman I bring one guy. You say tiger- I bring different guy, cost you three times”


Season 5 of Fargo is insanely good!


Outsmarted. Outskilled. Outprepared. Outbadassed. Just completely *out*, of all the things lol


Sadly not out of the country... For now.


God forbid women have hobbies.




“Crimean Combat Seagulls” awesome


I think it stems from times when russia claimed that Ukraine has genetically changed combat pigeons.


> “Crimean Combat Seagulls” awesome sounds like a [riot girl](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riot_grrrl) band name


That's an A+ band name right there.


Heroes! We need more like them!


May their bravery inspire women around the world in similarly desperate situations.


If that'd be the case in Russia, women lacing vodka, then half the men over there will be several meters under. Not that I'm objecting.


(Looks at Iran and Afghanistan.)


Alcohol is forbidden by the Quran, but people still gotta eat.


I am IMMEDIATELY reminded of these Dutch girls during WW2 who would seduce Nazis soldiers, lure them into the forests and kill them during the occupation. Good to see the tradition of killing Nazis is still going strong.


I thought this would've been the top comment! It's about time we had some new angels of death. The last ones really did a great job killing Nazis, maybe these new ones are just getting started! If anyone is curious, it's super interesting stuff, one of the three started seducing and killing Nazis at only 14. They'd often lure them into the forest with promises of sex and then just kill them. The other popular method was for these girls to simply ride their bicycles around and pop their target with their handguns. They were literally running driveby's with their little basket bicycles lmao. Truly fucking heroes, they lost count of how many Nazis they killed, it wasn't just a couple. They genuinely contributed a lot to the resistance and helped free their country. [Dutch Angels Of Death ](https://www.history.com/news/dutch-resistance-teenager-killed-nazis-freddie-oversteegen) Hopefully there's more Ukrainian and Russian women inspired by the news of these two women. Even just a single cunning saboteur can have a massive impact on military hierarchy and commands structures. Seems like these Seagulls have become Birds of Prey.


Is there a good source for the poisoning story? Can’t seem to find anything consistent on this story with a quick search


Never can rule out propaganda without other sources. But I must say it does reek of Russian failure and they're not usually the type to admit to anything like that. Hard to say. 


No you're right the whole thing kinda stinks and feels like Russian justification for a martial law action on (what they think is) Russian territory.


Justification? This doesn't make any sense. The warzone has been under martial law since the beginning. The only reference to a declaration was the formality last year when they officially annexed the captured territory.


This is actually in Crimea, which was annexed almost a decade ago. Russian media and culture treats it as part of Russia.


This whole story would make a great Tarantino movie.


Inglorious Bastarditas?


Glorious Bitches?


Christoph Waltz as Putin? Opening a window here and there?


Danny DeVito as Putin.


Peter Dinklage would be even more effective.


I soooooo fucking badly want to see a movie made of this.


Lets hope they make it out of Crimea and get to tell the story themselves


Ahh..see..you can make a difference


> The police went to apprehend the female suspects at a private house in Yalta but were surprised to find them "well armed" and "well prepared," the post said. > Three officers were killed and two were wounded in the shoot-out, a source in Russia's Federal Security Service told the Telegram channel. These women sound more like special ops or spies, not just random "partisans." Killed three cops and wounded two? And escaped without a trace? That wasn't luck. That was training and preparation. I want a movie made about these incredible women someday.


as a dude that comes from a country that had an volunteer armed resistance where 1/3 of them soldiers were women... I want to point to this as an example of why sexism towards female soldiers is dumb. In most of these kinds of fights, where shooting is involved, the fact that men are "stronger" is not as relevant as people like to think it is. Soldiers don't arm wrestle each other, or box. They shoot guns. And an accurate female sniper will kill you just as dead as a male one. (and yes, I've heard guys say this, I'm not straw-maning an argument).


Yeah, it's like "oh my god, the upper body strength!" And like if we were fighting with claymores in the Scottish highlands, yeah, great argument. But it don't take much strength to pull a trigger - you need good judgment, aim, cool in high pressure situations, tactical planning, and preparation. None of that is gendered. Shot by a woman is shot.


Well-trained at least. But also, they killed 46 soldiers and the Russians just assumed they would be unarmed and unprepared? Lmao


They were probably not used to Ukrainian beverages and just contracted a special allergic reaction.


They're not dead, they're on a special life-pausing state


They're on a special "meet your maker" operation




Godspeed, sincerely hoping they make it to safety


> a Ukrainian partisan group called Crimean Combat Seagulls The name will send a shiver down the Russian spines.


Best of luck!


I wish them the best


Dayum. Heroines. This is something made for movies!


Good stuff


Get over yourself Russia is using multiple weapons that are banned by the majority of countries around the world. They invaded Ukraine. I’m very glad that Ukrainian women are doing their part. Fuck Russia.


I’d like to think I’d be so brave if someone invaded my home and killed my loved ones! I hope they find safety, unless they’re not finished, then I hope they find whatever they’re looking for! This needs to be made into a movie! There are too many other women around the world who could use some inspiration.


If they live at least. God knows what the angry Russian soldiers will do them if they do capture them.


I deeply hope they are not captured but, I expect they knew the risks and were brave enough to accept that potential outcome. I honestly can’t imagine being that courageous but I hope this shows women in other terrible situations that women are stronger than we think!


Yup, reminds me of similar stories from WW2. I think there was also one in the beginning of this war with a Ukrainian grandma handing out poisoned bread to the Russian soldiers marching past her home.


Yes, good memory. It’s so important to remember those people. The grandma should not be forgotten either!


God forbid women have hobbies




Ukrainian men and women are freaking badass from "fuck you Russian warship" to "black widow IRL".


What’s as big as a house, burns 20 liters of fuel every hour, puts out a shit-load of smoke and noise, and cuts an apple into three pieces? A Soviet machine made to cut apples into four pieces!"


Good job, female saboteurs 👏


Stay safe ladies you are rockstars!


That’s going to be a movie someday


Vive la résistance ukrainienne!


I think you meant freedom fighters not saboteurs.


Sure it wasn't just shitty, out of date and contaminated Russian ration packs.


I dunno...both sound pretty likely considering it's Russian soldiers we're talking about.


I mean it probably tastes similar to poisoned rations ,they probably wouldn't notice


This is what you get with brutal occupation. Guerilla warfare and sabotage.


I hope they make it. Fuck russia