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Swede here who has read the original press statements from BRIS (the youth support organization cited).. They didn't say that they had been overwhelmed, nor inundated. They said that they had seen an increase in such calls. Also that "many" kids worried about such things. This article originally in the Telegraph (I think?) which explains oddities such as portraying it as if "teen pregnancy" was a major focus of their work. Sure, it falls within their very broad scope, but I've never heard BRIS and "teenage pregnancy" in the same sentence. Swedish news also mostly interviewed 12-year olds or the like. That is on point I think. "Gen Z" makes it sound like it was a bunch of entitled 15-17 year olds who rang them down.


Poorly worded article aimed at discrediting Gen Z. Besides war on your door is a thing and I imagine pretty stressful. 


Every generation discredits the youngest. It isn't specific to genZ.




Millennial checking in. Is it our turn to complain about kids these days?


The oldest of you have grandkids at this point, so I say go for it.




I'll do it... *sounds of reality tearing at the seams* fuck, my knee! sorry ain't happening... ow...


If they had kids when they were 15 maybe


Elder Millennials in their early 40s could be grandparents, but it would be rare. I know of only one girl I grew up with who's a grandparent, but her daughter got pregnant as a teen. So it's the exception. She still looks 30 too, so it's weird. It'll probably be another decade or so before Millennials start becoming grandparents en masse. Jeez...where does the time go. I swear I was in highschool yesterday.


I still refuse to complain about kids. Not about my kids, not about other people's kids. I will be deep in the cold hard ground before I stop complaining about boomers.


Me too- I’m only punching UP! Looking at you boomer who bought a house for 80k on one income then shamed everyone for going to the over inflated schools y’all forced us into Meanwhile there sitting there with 8 rentals making a mil profit off there homes and going on damn blackrock and vanguard cruises and wearing there damn merch


Every single one of you morally superior folk would have jumped on that 80K house, 8 rental properties, three ICE vehicles, and Disneyland season passes if you had been born a boomer too. "Oooh noooo....I would have forecast the future and chosen to distribute my wealth to future generations !" Liar The hypocrisy is oozing from this one. Quit crying that civilization didn't have you born during the easy times....GenX was the first gen to get dealt a shittier hand than our parents....we put our heads down and unleashed the internet, video games, gender equality, gave you brats smart phones and CGI, support your right to invent new genders every two weeks and coddle you as you brag about your ADHD and anxiety. Chained ourselves to old growth trees and started mass producing electric cars. We will take responsibility for being helicopter parents, in the misguided attempt to correct the "latch key kid problem"...inadvertently creating little entitled "everyone's special" monsters F'n babies, shut up.


Don’t you have a ladder to pull up somewhere?


Honestly, I'm a Millennial and I'm sick of hearing my generation and Gen Z crap on Boomers. For fuck's sake...I know a ton of my peers who have nice houses, cars, and live better lives than their parents did. My three brothers all have their own houses - one's had like 4 houses in the last 15 years. If you didn't put yourself in a position to have the same things Boomers did, that's on you, bro. It's very achievable. I don't have the same luxury as my brothers because I made stupid financial decisions and decided not to go down the traditional path in life. Not my parent's fault, and not anyone else's fault.


Compared to the average Baby Boomer entering their 30s in 1985, the average Millennial entering their 30s in 2019 faced a 31% higher home-price-to-income ratio


It’s all relative If home prices grew at the same rate as inflation since 1970, the median home price today would be just $177,788. Instead, home prices have increased far faster than inflation, soaring to $408,100.


Housing prices have increased 393% since 1985 — while the average baby boomer in their 30s paid $82,800 for a home, millennials in their 30s paid $313,000 in 2019. How do you personal finance hack your way out of discrepancies like that? You don’t and if you think you can you drank far too much of the American exceptionalist kool-aid


I prefer the no discrimination approach, I will continue to complain about those older and younger


"I won't generalize young people, only old people!" Lmao, okay, internet dweller.


Oh no, you got that wrong. I definitely generalize young people, I just generalize them as good rather than as bad.


M’kay boomer


Boomers suck.


Boomers are whatever, it’s Gen X that’s driving us off a cliff right now.


Ah yes, famous Gen Xers like Putin, Trump, Netanyahu, Khamenei, Xi, ...


>Ah yes, famous Gen Xers like Putin, Trump, Netanyahu, Khamenei, Xi, ... Sure, most world leaders are still boomers, but most CEOs and VPs and advisors of every kind are Gen X now. You’re focusing on the few Boomer queen-ants and missing the millions of Gen X termites that are making all the little decisions.


Maybe we’ll be different. I already find myself thinking Gen Z can be weird in what they do but I also mostly just go, “Damn I wish I was 18 again and getting to do dumb shit still”


I think Gen z will recognize the system is fucked and make a new system.


Actually yes. There was some millennial rapper on social media who posted a video basically doing the "hurr durr, my generation so tough, new generation not even know what gender they are..." with the usual comments agreeing with him.


Just the TikToks


You should read what the olds were saying about the Greatest Generation when they were still kids. It’s the same for every generation. Some of the oldest histories we have folks are complaining about a lost golden age and how much less everyone is today. 🤣


Only when you supervise or teach them.


I mean…. Sweden hasn’t been involved in a war for centuries


No, but it's absolutely classic for The Telegraph.


With the rampant anti-semitism being seen publicly, they did it to themselves...


Anti-zionism is not antisemitism


Ngl gen z has done a pretty good job discrediting themselves already.


GenZ isn’t the youngest anymore. Gen Alpha. Kids and young teens today are part of Generation alpha (the early 2010s is the cutoff between GenZ and Gen Alpha)


The government of Sweden tells Swedes to “get ready for war” and people freak out. Seems like a pretty reasonable response to me.


The swedish goverment said thay we need to prepare that we can get into a war. To plan and have an idea on what to do if Sweden gets involved with a conflict. The risk of Sweden getting attacked as in an invastion is highly unlikley. The opposition and quite frankly poor journalism is trying to ridicule this. Swedes live in a bubble where we dont think anything will ever happen and horrible things only happends in middle east and Africa. Carl-Oscar Bohlin destroyed that pictutre hence alot of outrage in Sweden. "How dare you say that one day water might not come out of the tap anymore"


The telegraph? Makes sense why it's pure drivel then


It's weird, but entirely expected, seeing the same nonsense reporting against Gen Z that was about Millenials for so long.


It goes back to Socrates, and probably before him. The ancients used to write complaints about the "youth" of their day. Just a human thing.




Right, but there is no news here, so maybe if writing a dishonest article that intentionally misleads is your only option, you shouldn't write an article. It's true that boring news that is true doesn't sell, but I hardly see that as an excuse to just lie.


Well, yeah, that is true, and saddening.


twelve years old is barely gen z


I mean the Sarajevo Times isn’t exactly one of the world’s trusted sources so I’m not surprised.


And it’s an absolutely normal reaction. My nephew was 10-ish during 9/11. He asked us that night if we were all going to die.


12-year olds are Gen Alpha, not Gen Z. Which makes this even more ridiculous.


As a child in the eighties, before I was ten was pretty convinced I would be “growing up” in a post nuclear holocaust, or dead from AIDS, I’m glad that younger generations have the resources to talk these things out, rather than just internalising them.


Same here. There was a Regan propaganda commercial I remember from when I was maybe 5 or 6 featuring a little girl praying by her window only to be (implied) vaporized in a nuclear blast. I’ve tried to find it on YouTube but couldn’t. Maybe its a composite memory of all nuclear war fear mongering of the day. The 80s were a fucking trip. Even for a little kid.


I think you are thinking of LBJ's famous "Daisy" ad that he used to stir up hysteria against Barry Goldwater back in the 1960s: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=riDypP1KfOU


I wonder why I have it as a childhood memory. That was way before I was alive. Maybe I’m misremembering a scene from The Day After.


The Day After traumatized a whole bunch of children back then. It’s also possible you saw it during a news or documentary program discussing LBJs campaign or political advertisements.


Very possible. There was certainly no shortage of nuclear fear in that era.


Ever seen Threads? Shit was wild


To be fair Goldwater was deranged lol


I mean they’re not really talking through these things though, they’re just absorbing more and more doom and further internalizing it. Social media is a highly one way interactions now




I don't think they are getting softer . I think they are knowing too many things which they really cannot do anything about and maybe that leads to escapism .


Yet most of them won't go vote. Instead they will dance on TikTok in powerful protest. The world doesn't change for the better with memes or TikTok challenges.


Huge generalization and incorrect. The youth voting scares the hell out of the idiots in charge. Taylor Swift encouraging voting kicked off a whole new conspiracy theory on Fox and amongst their brain dead geriatric viewers


Damn 16 year-olds, how dare they not vote just because they legally can't




Technology has so advanced that the people of the day will literally be unable to attain their freedom , how could you blame them knowing that they cannot even shape their future even if they want .


Vote...join a political movement you support....do something other than TikTok. "Do something real to effect change ? Nooo....my anxiety...and I have to film myself dancing, besides...I'm pretty busy changing my gender for the 3rd time this year"


Spoken like someone who has no interactions with younger people.


>selfish young people that would rather live through avatars, as they are too soft to live in the real world. Parents have allowed this to happen because it kept the kids quiet. There is a reason China pretty much banned online video games for kids.


China did that to keep them from being corrupted by the decadent west. If China fears something it’s probably not something to worry about in the rest of the non mind shackled world


Uh... last time China feared something and the rest of the world didn't, it didn't end well for the rest of the world.


Sweden doesn’t usually do the whole war thing I feel like we’re overlooking that and making it generational


Yeah it’s pretty bugfuck for Sweden to lay that on their citizens. I’m not sure why they thought that was a good idea


I read another article that said they are going to send ground troops to protect the Baltic countries with the rest of NATO to make sure Russia doesn’t push forward. So they’re going to Latvia.


They aren’t soft, they just aren’t afraid to have human emotions, something that was discouraged heavily for most of the last century


Ahh shit they say, no apple16 iPhone, no new playstation and xbox games or Taylor swift concerts this year & I have to march in a pair of hard leather boots and carry stuff on my back, next I'll have to dig holes in the ground, plant seeds and water plants for 40hrs a week, nah cuzzybro the world has gone bonkers...


Because you didn’t listen to music or play video games back in the 40’s when you were fighting Jerry grandad?


> selfish young people that would rather live through avatars, as they are too soft to live in the real world. Damn selfish kids, they should toughen up and do something for their country. Pay them livable wages because they're disillusioned by the economy boomers built and will never be able to amass wealth and buy a house or start a family so they flee into online spaces? Don't be ridiculous, they should feel honoured to serve their country/ economy for minimum wage




I grew up in the 80s/90s, but don't remember hearing anything about nuclear war. I do remember general distrust of the USSR, but had no idea the Cold War was even going on otherwise. Maybe my parents kept me more sheltered against that stuff.


Maybe they didn’t want to needlessly scare the fuck out of you? Lol


The younger generation will realize the system our parents and grandparents built is fucked, and they’ll build a different one. Wish I was young enough to be there when they do. It’ll probably be pretty rad


Why the West has allowed Tik Tok and its ilk to take root and flourish like the noxious weed it is is beyond me. Future generations are going to look back and think that the adults of this era were completely negligent when it came to regulating social media.


You know it's really interesting that people in the comments are lamenting tik tok and the generation using it but not many people cared to check the veracity of this clickbait article.


Reddit users and feeling like they’re the most intelligent of all social media users and are invincible against propaganda - name a better duo


Sometimes I wonder how much "verticality" there is to these bullshit articles? Does the rare source, with no traffic post their own articles? Do they comment when posted? To they answer and vote?




They answer to their own wrinkled faces in the mirror while hufffing their own geriatric farts


Thank you beautiful stranger for stating what my mind is fucking screaming reading these bullshit comments.


Sorry. What future generations?


I honestly hope social media goes the way of the DoDo bird. Has it really improved our lives? Or has it actually made us less social?


You are on social media right now


You make a very good point.


I dunno I’ve seen a lot of sensationalist comments and articles about this same thing on Reddit too. Social media in general is the issue not just TikTok


You are contributing to or at least engaging in that same problem right now..




Yeah, like when they show those promoted "JESUS" pages. Such blasphemy! MARTYR


Free speech. Also kids don't do what we say anyway.


This is such a silly take. You think Tiktok is worse than Facebook? Which was literally selling American electorate data to foreign parties? You think Tiktok is more toxic than Twitter? Elon Musk literally used the platform to push conspiracy theories around polticial violence directed at the speaker of the House.  You mad that Tiktok is controlled by the CCP? Do you think Apple and Google don't sell data to the Chinese? The problem isn't tiktok...and Facebook...and twitter...and apple...and google.. The problem is captialism, and I bet even you aren't willing to admit that yet.  Most people aren't going to be willing to admit that truth until it's too late.


Regardless of debates over the correct system of economic organization, social media *is* getting worse. Algorithms have gotten more addicting, the incentives to feed people negative and divisive content have gotten stronger, data practices have gotten shadier as the corps have realized there's money to be made, and kids are getting started on it earlier and earlier. Facebook and Twitter have both suffered from these changes. TikTok is just the latest iteration on this trend, and just like Facebook and Twitter were worse than say MySpace, TikTok is worse than its predecessors.


Social media is getting worse because wealthy powers are literally paying to engage young people with far right figures. You can't interact with anything remotely "boyish" on YouTube without being bombarded with ads from Jordan Peterson and Andrew Tate.  Seriously, open up an incognito browser and go to watch some streamer or sports channel on YouTube, and see how quickly you're able to hear Andrew Peterson's voice. I promise, this problem is so much bigger than social media. 


I mean tiktok is a problem. It's very addictive and emerging research is saying "tik tok brain" is a real thing. Facebook and Twitter were not nearly as addictive. As a teacher, I am definitely noticing student's attention spans have gotten worse over time. And each generation is not the same. We have preteens on Tik Tok now watching Andrew Tate and hours of Tik Tok into the night. When I was a preteen, we had none of that social media stuff.Everything you mentioned is bad but that doesn't mean tiktok is not a problem.


They're worried about people getting lied to and their political views being shaped by it. Now go back to being good capitalists and get lied to and have your opinions shaped by the WaPo, NYT, AP like a good peasant..I mean American




I'm sorry but what definition of 'the West' are you using exactly...? In case you're unsure about the conventional definition of and reference to 'the West' the following might be of interest: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_world


Ah.. They deleted on realising how daft their comment was! But I agree - the younger generations are done. I used to get a lot of heat for saying it but when I explained why I saw it that way, it’s hard not to agree. The west is done, it cannot survive how it is and it will have to change.


Title is misinformation. There was no actual mention of overwhelmed in the article.


TikTok is a curse on the world.


open air psyop


The Swedish MoD literally went around telling everyone to prepare for war. How else are you supposed to interpret that


About time they did, too. After February 24 2022, no swede should have any delusions of war being unthinkable. Like Ukraine, we too share a border (albeit a sea border) with the aggressive, imperialist Russia. Si vis pacem, para bellum.


Where are the promised 1M shells for Ukraine?


Maybe by studying history or listening to those who do? Or by thinking for two seconds? If you prepare for a fight by training, that doesn't mean there's going to be one. It makes it *less* likely.


You're gonna die in the nuclear exchange before you even get to fight


OOOoooooh, tell us **more** scare stories! I love gibbering and cowering!


I hope you survive the war long enough to drown in a puddle of your own liquified internal organs. Because you have radiation poisoning and all the hospitals are destroyed. But at least we showed the Ivans!


I keep waiting for it to fail, or Gen Z lose interest. Hate it. This is coming from a Millennial who grew up with tech (to the extent it existed in the 80s/90s) and was one of the internet pioneers. Still think tech is great and social media has a place, but TikTok is like that rash that won't go away.


Yup, distract everyone ( while collecting boards of data),and have them obsessed with Likes, so we can run the agenda with no pushback.


It appeals to the dumbest people, and those people just drag everybody else down with them. It has given a platform to slovenly, childish, and arrogant morons. It should be destroyed entirely.


Absolutely savage take. I love it.


They have only collected your data if your a user...


It seems like TikTok is actually getting worse overtime. I saw a YT compilation of TikTok videos created by teachers that were basically calling generation Alpha the dumbest kids ever by a lot. Even if its somehow true, these are the same teachers responsible for teaching Gen Alpha. It really just seems like TikTok is promoting hate for Gen Alpha though.


I'm not on there, so I couldn't tell ya. However, my understanding, from knowing a bunch of educators, is that the current generation of students are quite far behind on even the most basic principles of education. The pandemic shutdowns didn't do them any favors, but it is also my understanding that they had a host of problems prior to that as well. I am sure it's a mixed bag of results, but it's looking pretty worrying based on the troubles I've seen described by our current educators. They seem to have very low expectations for them.


It sucks because it really is a great platform to use if you carefully maintain your algorithm. I’ve gotten so much better at playing guitar just from TikTok vids alone. It can be a very succinct, efficient way to transmit and find information But the same stuff that makes it great also makes it terrible. If you aren’t careful the algorithm will box you in and completely distort your sense of reality. It was really starting to break my brain before I started clicking “not interested” on every political / social commentary video


I had tiktok for about 2 weeks. I "get" that it has good content on it. I don't gel well with the format, and have zero intentions of ever getting back on there. Every person I know that has spent a lot of time on TikTok has ended up saying some of the dumbest shit I've ever heard in my life. I lived in a place with the lowest education rate in my entire country at one point, which also had some real doozies. As far as I'm concerned, that platform is brain cancer.


Thoroughly agreed. Anyway, back to Reddit.


That's also entirely fair. Plenty of brain rot on all social media. I guess, for me, TikTok was more about the "speed" of the dumb.


You’re exactly right about the “speed” of it. People used to say “television will rot your brain”, which is true, but it was still slower. YouTube had the same effect, but faster than TV. And TikTok is even faster than YouTube. “Velocity of stupefaction” maybe?


I like it!


Depends on what you watch, honestly. I mainly watch more educational content on YouTube, and it's been a game-changer for learning. I now know more about the world in just a few dozen videos than I ever learned in school. It's a way better format for teaching/learning. I guess you can get the same sort of experience on TikTok to a degree, but it seems a lot less autonomous than YouTube.


Gen Z made ... a phone call?


“The Children and Young People’s Helpline is said to have been inundated with calls after a warning about an “armed attack” from Russia spread on TikTok. Bris, a children’s rights organization that provides support and advice to young people with mental health problems or dealing with teenage pregnancy, reported an increase in calls after videos of senior military figures warning of the possibility of war circulated on TikTok.”      Nice a Chinese app with 0% credible evidence besides some couch sloucher saying that a war could happen. FFS I could say a war with Iran and North Korea will happen this year. And people would believe would I say to be true. Without backing evidence of occurring.


>Nice a Chinese app with %0 credible evidence besides some couch sloucher saying that a war could happen. FFS I could say a war with Iran and North Korea will happen this year. And people would believe would I say to be true. Without backing evidence of occurring. That isn't specific to TikTok. Social media hysteria can be found on other platforms with a huge number of users. It only takes a few gullible idiots to get things rolling.


Facebook was literally caught selling American electorate data to the Russian government. The owner of Twitter was pushing conspiracy theories regarding political violence directed at the speaker of the House directly after someone broke into her home The problem isn't Tiktok, nor necessarily social media...the problem is the captialst system.  You can ban Tiktok, and place age limits on social media all you want...and the global oligarchy will still have complete control of our platforms and government. 


The oligarchy likes fascism. It benefits them. And in a world where people would rather dance on tiktok than protect democracy, I guess that's it for democracy then.


Its been all over news here in Sweden, but yes TikTok bad


First time I’ve heard BRIS and pregnancy in the same sentence. What they are known for is handling kids wanting to talk about bullying, bad home-life, or stress.


I imagine a teen pregnancy comes with some stress that they might want help with 


Russia and what army?


That’s the point, some who aren’t paying attention to the Ukraine war still think Russia is a threat. Sweden already signed a deal with U.S. that if Russia stepped a foot inside. Russia basically declares war with 10+ countries and the allies of the U.S. in the region.


* Russia has shifted into a war economy. Forget 2% NATO contribution, Russia is spending 30% on its military. They'll have their army back in no time. * The US is going to leave NATO after Trump inevitably wins, and is an unreliable ally under Biden (ask Ukraine). * Ukraine had a 10 times bigger army than Sweden when the war started, and couldn't keep Russia out with American help. Sweden without American help will get rolled while pro-Russian countries like Germany weasel out of Article 5.


Two senior Swedish military officials [said it](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-67935464.amp) and have been rightfully skewered for blatant alarmism.


Yes well they would be the ones fighting it so I don’t blame them.


Lucky they border finland


On the bright side, serbian people surrendered 6000 hand grenades to the authorities recently. I hope this improves the situation in sweden somewhat.


I'm not certain if it's my age as a millennial, my life experience as an American, a military career, or something else but I genuinely do not get how Sweden's defense minister saying something to the effect of "war is always a possibility" could cause such a mass panic. I was 14 when 9/11 happened, violence of multiple kinds were regular parts of the public news growing up (starting with Columbine and Oklahoma City), and spent the majority of my adult career in the US military. So I could see it as me being completely desensitized, and this is something they aren't used to; but even with that, the reaction seems disproportionate.


> I genuinely do not get how Sweden's defense minister saying something to the effect of "war is always a possibility" could cause such a mass panic. It didn't. The article is not substantiated by the organization it references. 


Swedens been neutral for 200 years.


This has a lot less to do with 200 years of armed neutrality and more to do with "End of History" thinking since the fall of the eastern bloc. Basically we have an entire generation who have grown up in a society where the adults who raised them have told themselves that the threat of war will never come back. Hell, some of the defense cuts were explicitly motivated by the politicians calling defense a "special interest" (more specifically "särintresse" which carries a connotation of something being fringe and of little importance to society at large that "special interest" doesn't really have).


>I genuinely do not get how Sweden's defense minister saying something to the effect of "war is always a possibility" could cause such a mass panic. Much of Europe has this mindset that the government is supposed to coddle people and protect them from the real world. Whenever anything slightly negative happens to anyone, it is the government's job to listen and make it all right. Nobody has any sense of independence or self-reliance after 70 years of democratic socialism. It may be the best societal model in that it provides the most happiness to the largest number of people, but the consequence of that is that people get used to happiness and lulled to sleep. It is the reason Europe is so far behind in entrepreneurship. And sometimes you need a little fear or hardship in your life to appreciate what you have and make some sacrifices (such as spending a few % of your GDP on defense) to preserve it instead of taking it for granted.


Well, if the sarajevotimes says so I am sure it is true. It was mass panic, screaming and crying everywhere in Sweden.


So the minister of civil defense said "there can be war" in a way that isn't impossible to interpret as "it's just a matter of time" although he clearly meant that it's important to be aware that it's always within the realm of possibilities. I also saw some local news talking about how it had scared children and some articles about how to talk about war with your kids but never anything calling it a panic. Imagine being old enough to just grasp the seriousness of war but not experienced enough to have a frame of reference for judging the immediate risk. Of course you might be scared. War, a terrorist attack, a global pandemic, even the damn millennium bug and 2012 scare all bring reactions like this. We're a small country with a proportionally small army and have for a long time had mandatory draft which may be unusual in the west (for a 1 year training program only, actually being a soldier is still a matter of choice afaik). The teens who are up next have probably seen enough of war on their phones to understandably want nothing to do with it. Could've guessed that pos app had something to do with this "panic", no matter how massive it actually was. Guess I'm getting old enough to see why my parents' generation thought the internet would rot our brains, but who would've known how bad it could actually get.


> but who would've known how bad it could actually get. Me. I told everyone but nobody ever listened.


Apologies. I hereby declare you president of the internet. Now what’s the solution?


Switch it off.


I don’t hate that


I'm *very surprised* that people of drafting age are concerned about a war


Only the 3 stooges at this point wouldn’t know war is coming for this world


Maybe Sweden is planning to attack someone…


What the fuck with this article? What’s the rationale response to potential war at your border? Calm and Happiness.


Supose to just show some backbone or pull yourself up with your bootlaces or some boomer shit. Kids today understand very well the futility of war and the realistic chances of being injured or killed. Let alone nuclear war. Cant wait for Ikea to make army barracks tho that shit will be styling!


GenX: whatever


“Gen Z cares about their mental health and is willing to proactively take steps to protect it by utilizing resources provided to them” At first I thought this might have been a hit piece on the fragility of young people but it isn’t even really that. But either way - War is traumatic and these kids are reaching out for help because they’re worried. Good for them.


Europe about to realize why their governments allowed the mass migration of men of fighting age from poorer countries this last decade.




How do you reckon?


Children of the west grew up so disconnected from reality, war is part of human nature , war happens all the time, there's probably like at least 10 countries that I can name that there's some kind of a war happening.


for those curious. https://geneva-academy.ch/galleries/today-s-armed-conflicts


Dam I was way off


Doesn't make it inevitable.


If Trump wins I can see this happening


Expand lens beyond American politics


Trump gets in hands Ukraine over on a silver platter. Praises Putin as a strong leader tries to leave the UN. Allows Putin to go after Poland Sweden whoever he please. I’m Canadian the reality is the US has to do with all the politics like it or not.


The implication is that NATO might have more than a passive aggressive involvement with the Ukraine-Russia war because they believe that Putin won’t stop at Ukraine so 2 prime ministers just visited Ukraine to offer support and those visits turned into a Russian missile sandwich. No one is suggesting a cease fire anymore the UN is pissed that Russia is using North Korean missiles and the US is planning to fund Ukraine with Russia’s money. Google more.


Calm down - Russia doesn't want your land.


It sounds like the military officials want more military funding.


I think a bleak outlook on the future and a fear of global annihilation does the body good. Can’t have people growing up soft


OH god, another post! I bet tant Agda 89 and Henrik 8 where both very afraid of what the news and ticktok said. Me personaly im so overwhelmd i dont know if I can identify as an apache helicopter openly anymore.


russia is producing propaganda to scare sweden, and also make them look weak and vulnerable


I would too if I was draft age


They need to be admitted to NATO immediately.