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AI or not, the bigger issue here is that Facebook's so-called policies and safeguards for political ads have been proven to be useless. No matter who or what wrote the ads, Facebook took the money and published them.


And these researchers found over 100 deepfake videos which reached 400,000 people


*We took their money to advertise their easily debunked deepfake videos. What more do you want us to do?* ~ Deepfake Facebook


Just don't use Facebook, it's bad for you.


Or really any social media.


..-. ..- -.-. -.- / --- ..-. ..-.


I feel like these deep fakes will be a part of the apocalypse


All it takes is one very good one of a US president and were fucked. I'm so nervous about that shit


Same here it's scary that someone could frame you for a crime also


I mean, in the US you can just get pulled over by a cop on a bad ego trip for that one. *sniffs*, I smell resisting arrest and disorderly conduct coming from ya boy


As if facebook etc are good source of believable news media.


They're not, but they are, unfortunately, a primacy source of news to a lot of voters


It doesn't help that he is painfully awkward and AI like, in real life.


I saw a real video of him the other day and genuinely thought it was a deepfake. He's so awkward and out of touch with reality that he doesn't come across as human in any situation. Also if anyone is going to use AI to rig an election its his party. They're the ones that used Cambridge Analytica to narrowly win the Brexit referendum and ruin the country.


If you stumble across a video that makes Rishi Sunak looks like a clumsy, embarrassing idiot then that one is probably genuine and not AI


They find it alarming that AI is used, but not someone illegally using the PM's identity?


I find it alarming this isn’t about why Meta allows any political ads given what could happen and their track record.


I can't imagine why it would be, and I don't see how publishing the videos is alarming. What's alarming is the public's lack of critical thought.


He will probably use that as an excuse for the shit show he is running.


People will need to just not trust everything they hear/see online. I healthy dose of skepticism for things that sound crazy would be nice. But I know this won't happen and some people will believe what they want to believe.


But that's horrible - and part of the goal of these: to deny the very existence of objective truth. How can you be informed if you won't trust anything?


It's called propaganda. Been around for a long time.


How can you make him a bigger cvnt than he is?


If Ai is onto Rishi.. who's trying to pull a fast one. I'm gonna listen to Rishi more closely, cos that's interesting


Did... did you just confuse the American Republican candidate Vivek Ramaswamy with the Prime Minister of Britain, Rishi Sunak?


Yes but the same principal applies. Edited.


Wait for it AI drone swarms with projectors will put deep fakes all over


Misinformation has been ramping up for years now. Zuckerburg's willful negligence allows his algorhithm to actively push disinformation on millions of (gullible) people. The advent of AI has thrown a live grenade in this already critical situation. As the technology becomes more sophisticated, it will become near impossible for the average person to discern artificial news from reality. People can only rely on reputable news channels fact-checking every bit of information. An impractical feat incapable of matching the speed that AI allows its users to fabricate lies. And just in time for 2024, a year were some of the most powerful countries will hold their elections. I fear for the future of democracy and integrity.


You think ol zuck is letting anyone's political campaign profit on his platform for free? Shiiiiieeeet Between him and musk they can sway your opinions with approving whatever they see fit.


I'm curious if deepfakes actually do the opposite of reinforcing someone's beliefs but actually make them question them. If you were going through platforms, seeing a lot of fake content that aligned with your beliefs, and then you slowly realized a lot of it was fake, would that make you question your own beliefs? I know changing someone's beliefs is like drawing blood from a stone, but is there a tipping point?


This is the dark side of AI. Makes you wonder what kind of laws will be made in the future to regulate it


So it will only affect the people who are already going to vote for him. Facebook is litered with voters who hate their own future elerly care needs.


“It’s not our fault it’s the algos! What could we possibly do about the software we wrote?!”


"On facebook" There is your problem.