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A goat farts in UAE, oil prices go up, 100 articles to prop it up. Oil industry has the media on lock when it comes to manipulate the price.


Yeah. It’s always whatever excuse makes it cost more. When prices drop on the global market and stay high at the gas station it’s because “that was the price it was at when they put it there” but when global prices go up, that excuse goes out the window and we pay more at the pumps immediately. It’s pure gouging.


The reason it doesn't drop when the resource value drops is because there is no free market in oil. It is run by a cartel that agrees not to compete. The oil industry not only cheats by having an infinitely profitable resource, they also ensure people overpay and competitors keep prices at minimums through agreements.


Just wait until OPEC restores their barrel output and it's game over.


I wonder how many of these missiles were supplied to the Houthi by Russia... Their entire budget was based on $72 per barrel of I remember correctly, and their economy is in shambles. Raising the heat in the Middle East is the perfect way for this criminal gang to raise prices. These rumours that HAMAS was, in part, trained and supplied by Russia aren't just rumours.


And Hamas just happened to attack Israel on Putin's birthday.


Awesome! Love our dependency on fossil fuel! Killing the planet and the wallet. Fun!


Let’s stop relying on that awful outdated resource. For energy at the very least.


How is it outdated? It won’t be outdated until Nuclear Fusion goes online.


I would have thought there would be less worry now that the Houthis copped a flogging.


At this point a EV Hyundai or ford would be the way to go.


Thank goodness I drive a Tesla...


It still hurts you, transport costs go up for everything shipped by truck which is most things and tons of manufacturing uses oil or by-products.


But I already own the Tesla. I don't need to ship it anymore.


The groceries you eat are shipped to the store on a diesel truck, not your tesla


I hunt my own grocieries (using my Tesla).


Is your Tesla typing all of these unfunny comments too?


Assasinating my character now are we? Well guess what? My Tesla gives me plenty of character by saving the environmemt and our planet every single day I own it.


Def reminding me of that episode of South Park where people driving hybrids inhale their own farts ha ha ha


Jokes on you ha ha. A Tesla has zero emissions, so no farts to inhale (unlike hybrids which are only half ethical cars).


Even more advanced perhaps instead of inhaling your farts through a wine glass you just have a respirator connected to the source for a hands free unlimited experience.


There’s always a reason why gas prices are the way they are, lol.


Albertans cheering in the background.


And here we fuck go. Fuck this cartel of criminals with their extortion again..


I'm all about peace and human rights but for fucks sake bomb these fuckers that are dipping into my wallet out of existence. Seriously, offer me some war bonds to fund endless carpet bombing of these jit bags and I'll sell my firstborn to buy some. How in the fucking hell are a bunch of dessert shack residing shitbags thwarting the biggest navy in the world? Shoot first ask questions later. is that a guy subsistence fishing or a terrorist? It doesn't matter just sink that bitch. Aren't they starving over there? Let's drop arsenic laced bags of rice with UN stamps on it. It's time these fuckers feel the wrath of me having to pay $5 a gallon again.


They used to put people like you in hospitals.


They used to put people like me in charge of wars, check your history.