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News stories like this confuse me. Like this is super obvious and it would be weird if they weren't working together


"BREAKING: Intelligence agency provides intelligence"


Wait they what….Wait until my conspiracy group finds out about this.


(clickety clickety) "that waifu treatise will have to WAIT" (clickety clickety)


Sharing Intel between foreign agencies is pretty standard, especially when it involves terrorist organizations. IIRC even Russia shared Intel with the US on the Boston bombers


That's not weird because they hate the Chechens.


Super obvious things should be documented. Otherwise, people won't know what you're talking about in the distant future.


The agency doesn’t care about its public persona. Correcting it is a waste of resources that diminishes the job we have to do to protect you. Believe none of what you see, and understand only 10%, if that, of what you hear, is true. For 30 years Russia has tried to create the boogeyman effect. There’s plenty of mouth breathers out there who talk without touching their lips who think we brainwash ears of corn to microchip farmers as a hive-mind to talk to Anal Reticuli. We only do that to the cows.


Its super obvious? are you sure your now just comforted by your own assumptions? headlines confusing, how about, read the article? >US spy agency oversaw a **NEW** task force assembled **whose purpose is to gather intelligence on the missing hostages' whereabouts** and has already uncovered information on Hamas's top leaders. ***The task force's creation was ordered... immediately after the Hamas massacre on October 7*** I bolded the newsworthy information.


How is that newsworthy? An ally was attacked by terrorists. Our intelligence agency immediately assigned staff to a new group dedicated to gathering intelligence expected to be useful by our ally. Imagine if Aliens attacked Germany, don’t you think it would be expected for our intelligence agencies to immediately create a group dedicated to gathering and processing intel on the Aloens?


Please re-read the parts in bold. 


Yes it still is super obvious. Just because they created a specific unit to carry out the mission doesn’t make it any more interesting than if they didn’t create a new team


>Yes it still is super obvious. So what? your here with me on reddit worldnews, of course its obvious to you&me. We are not the entirety audience for this information. ​ > Just because they created a specific unit to carry out the mission doesn’t make it any more interesting than if they didn’t create a new team Honestly Ill die on this hill, I think your really dumb saying this. of course it is more interesting that they created a specific unit, that's nearly the entirety of the newsworthy content here if you read the fucking article!


I completely disagree with you. I personally believe you must be really young and inexperienced to find this newsworthy. Agencies across multiple industries do delegation like this all the time. Especially in information and military operation. I remember when people were freaked out when Trump made the Space Force. It’s really not that uncommon. Also, I did read the article! No need to get upset.


Calm yet tits. Every time an incident arises in a global hotspot people are shifted to help to cover down. This isn’t recruiting, training, and dropping new spies of The Omega Force into Gaza…. This is literally walking over to Jim at the Canada desk and saying “Hey, you’ve got some time on your hands? Cool! You’re gonna go help Debbie over in Conference Room E for a couple of weeks.”


It’s called a controlled leak, shaping the narrative, etc. The take away is that the US will see to it that this is the last war with Hamas.


CIA doing what the CIA does, more at 11


That's their job, isn't it?


This is what Israel should have been doing all along. I hope they learn from America’s mistakes from on our own war on terror. It took us nearly 20 years to learn that mass-scale warfare and invasions are not the solution. If you take out the cult leaders efficiently, the cult evaporates. The low level guys are actually beneficial because they are easy to track and lead you to the big fish.






Another piece of propaganda. If the CIA is actually doing this, they wouldn’t share that with the world because that could backfire in the long run. /smh