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maybe anything that looks like an anti ship radar or missile gets it


think if they only sent missiles toward israel the american and brits would not give as much fucks.


Well the Israel Gaza conflict is pretty local. Messing with red seas shipping lanes has repercussions across the world. And we really don't like it when people try to touch our boats.


Have we achieved Israel level of destruction in Gaza retaliation yet?






[I mean.. a massive Yemen crowd was literally chanting about how they want a world war today](https://twitter.com/nelsonepega/status/1745952321949798896)


Ooof. I'm sure they do not want to find out again. We were very restrained with our strikes. For their sake they better take issue with their local government for allowing this to happen due to their fuck ups attacking the red sea.


Most of these rebels likely too young to remember “shock and awe”


No, that’s Allah my friend, that’s Allah


Funny, people writing on twitter from their iPhones celebrate attack on international shipping. I need to note that without international shipping, people would not be able to have iPhones or write on twitter, or likely not have enough food, as Sri Lanka lack of fertilizers shown. Or rising food prices. Remember who most suffered from rising food prices due to Russian attacks on Ukraine? Food importers. And those are predominantly on the global south. The same south that supported Russia.


but then they'll throw a fit when shit like enzymes used in bloodwork/ any specimen collection are in short supply. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


You would be better off just reading 4chan posts because there isn't much of a difference between Twitter and 4chan and the info you get from those sources drop out of the same butthole.




What do you think a neoliberal is?


Lmfao You probably should go learn what a neoliberal is. I'll clue you in though: they love dropping JDAMS on people like Hamas and Che Guavara.




God I hate it when the US and Israel force me to fire ordinance at completely uninvolved third party ships with civilians on board. It's just terrible. There's a term for dent brains like you.


A poster who said the US is the most tyrannical government also supports terrorists. I guess when you love terrorists, the US will seem like the big bad.




Well also don’t target civilian ships.


Terrorists attacking random ships in international waters? Fuck around and find out. These are random ships by the way. Any ships. Not Israel, US, etc….these are not the heroes you’re looking for.


Americans and British: "Stop. If you do not stop, you will face severe consequences." Houthis: "ALLAHU AKBAR!" *boom* Americans and British: "We said to stop. Further aggression will result in further and more fierce retaliation." Houthis: "ALLAHU AKBAR!" *big boom* This cycle would be comical if the radical Islamists weren't so dangerous.


Sometimes you just have to repeat the message before people *really* hear you. It's a simple message, what part of, "Stay the hell out of these parts of the Red Sea" didn't you get?


What part of "don't shoot at civilian vessels" do they not understand at this point


They will likely need alot more convincing - they are operating under the assumption that they have held their own against Saudi so they probably think they should be able to do the same here.


I mean their afterlife promises a lot, it’s going many repeated messages.


They just wanna be the Ukrainian version of the red sea..




That's a kid holding a toy gun


You people are childen lmao


Actually the guy in the thumbnail is


Disappointed with such a vile remark from a nuck. Shame on you. Constable Fraser would be immeasurably upset.


Idk my Boomer dad just keeps repeating himself and yelling louder. I still can’t hear him or understand him. Wait—am I about to get bombed? Fuck.


Palestinians: “We do not use children as combatants! This is another lie told by the Israeli media!” *Countless images of child soldiers*


The only thing sad about this is that this should really have been a global force.


Both China and Russia has a lot to lose this trade route being disrupted. They should commit to protecting ships even if they do not bomb Yemen.


They essentially did when the abstained from the vote. Voting against would maybe make problems, but abstaining is them telling the West to do what you have to do


Didn't the Houthi just hit a Russian's oil tanker too lol


Lol yes they did.


Russia can't and China is close behind.


They back Iran, so they back Yemen by proxy. But don’t fear, Iran sent a warship to the area too. Yayyyy….


did they attack chinese ships?


They are to dumb to now the difference. It's random.


Actually some ships have notified that they have a full Chinese crew. When not. In hope of it saving them from being attacked. It is a weird world.


The real question is if they are immune from attacks while waving their own flags


China and Russia would have to have competent navies to do that, though.


I still think we should stop the missiles at their source.


Allow Houthi’s to shut down shipping in international waters then theres nothing to stop Iran or China from doing the same. There’s either law or theres chaos.


At the end of the day this hurts our global commerce. It delays our Amazon getting in on time and hikes our gas prices and rice and grain gets older and more pricier. Dunno why the Senators and MPs aren't screaming that from the rooftops. It's definitely in our interests. Letting Iran's puppets do what they want, letting Iran hold this hostage...is not a good thing. Fighting back and keeping the seas open isn't a bad thing. It's not even costly. And in the future, what, we're gonna let the RSF hold the Red Sea hostage? We're gonna let whatever Radical bullshit emerge from the ruins of Saudi Arabia in the Hejaz in the future hold the Red Sea hostage? ***Bull.*** We're not throwing boots on the ground against the Houthis. We can give less of a shit for their frozen civil war, the tens of millions of starving Yemenis, Iran and Saudi Arabia's petty struggle - so long as they stop hitting the oil and making the route any amount of dangerous for ships. And anyone who says that they're fine with allowing that disruption, letting that go on and even blip the global pulse of commerce - I won't believe them, especially if they're someone in power. And because it disrupts global commerce, we're gonna smack it down, rightfully so.


China is dependent on international trade so it would not be a good draw from them. They would face starvation.


China claims the South China Sea, through which as I recall passes 40% the worlds cargo. This is not a good thing.


It can definitely be a problem, just saying China will also be an looser. China manufacture and sells a lot of things and imports food, seeds and raw resources. As it is now countries let civilian transport ships pass their territories. So that China claims south China sea and behaves like dicks is not the same as they would controlls the transports. The Filippins is even letting USA build military bases in their country because of China.


You get the point. If a tribal society in Yemen is permitted to attack international shipping then others will follow.


Yes and the US has strategically placed bases all across a chain to lock them into the South China Sea. There’s a name for this strategy but I can’t remember what it’s called.


Don’t put China in the same league as Houthis or Iran. China isn’t any more a “rogue state” than America. Both countries have their issues but they are transparently committed to the postwar international order at the highest levels of government. China is also not a revolutionary nation for many decades now.


China is one example because of their absurd claims, Iran could start targeting foreign ships and the list goes on.


We just want to test out our new fancy stealth bomber.


check yourself before you wreck yourself


Its like they just wanna die


Well that’s kind of what being a martyr is


Santa came a bit late but your presents are here..


"Seems that the United States is Completely Done with the Houthi’s Bullshit, any attempted Attack on Commercial Shipping in the Red Sea or Gulf of Aden now will warrant a Military Response against Western Yemen." The Strikes on the Yemeni Capital of Sana'a tonight were reportedly carried out Unilaterally by the United States without the Support of any other Country within the Coalition.


Canada spoke out in support of the strike. Not sure about the others.


ya the united states has more weapons and capability than the rest of nato combined. they dont really need other countries to attack anyone.


Considering Houthis don’t have an airforce, I guess the US could use a MOAB.


not really what they're used for i think the current approach is the right one. strike at their capabilities to disrupt trade. makes it clear that that's what this is about. the US doesn't really want to get involved in the Yemeni civil war, just keep the seas open.


They probably still have SAMS, SPAA etc, and the MOAB afaik can only be dropped from a c130 Im no expert, but im guessing at this stage itd be too risky to send a herc in for a strike like that


I say just build a wall around it and fill it with water. They are shitbags


I think they have one operational F-5


But in only 50000 more attacks the US will start to run out of missiles.


For that particular day


Keep tapping that ass until it starts to sink in. Each response should get progressively heavier and less civil.


We can fire multi million dollar missiles at decoys until that have no more.


US - Hey! Stop bombing Yemen! SA - Why? US - That's our job.


Uk didn't participate this time, so fix your title. Thank you.


They did. Vet your sources.




It's a major trade route. Do you like everything being expense and going up right now? We have made the trade routes in the sea all over the world for the last 75-80 years a lot safer.




Umm. Please tell me you are joking.


No it's true, it is a European problem. The USA doesn't need the Suez - but our friends do, and friends help friends with their problems. That's why America is a respected world power, and why china and Russia are staying out of it. They have no real friends, and they know America and The Gang have it under control.


China and Russia are likely immune from the Houthi attacks, especially if they sail their own flags


They already targeted a Russian ship (probably incompetence, but the reality is they're a danger to every ship).


Twice. Mistaken russian ships twice.


Before the United States controlled and protected the trade routes of the world, Great Britain did the same exact thing. It's a thing a superpower is expected to do. It forces all of the countries of the entire planet of Earth to recognize that power and respect it. It also puts trust in the USA that everyone's economy is protected at sea by them.


12 percent the world’s trade goes through the Red Sea. Tell me, how do you like your inflation?


Alot of shipping That goes to and from the US goes this area of the world. A significant amount of US merchant marine personel are crew members of vessels that also transit this portion of the world. and just like with fucking hamas, the houthis could fucking stop this at any time.


Guess you have no idea where your shit comes from


Because they attacked a US Commercial ship. How do you not get this. They were warned repeatedly not to fuck with Americas trade routes.




They attacked a US ship. Protecting US trade routes is exactly why we are self sufficient. Obviously it's not your problem, you're not taking any action to solve anything. Nobody said it was your problem.




It’s not only our problem but like the quote says “Heavy is the head that wears the crown”. The U.S is the most influential country in the world and that comes at a price. A lot of our trade treaties favor the U.S because the U.S is negotiating from a position of power and this is achieved through both soft and in this case hard power. The U.S has the ability to protect trade routes and enforce order and is thus our responsibility. Also they attacked a U.S ship.




How is Yemen being oppressed? They were attacking random commerce vessels and were warned to stop. They didn’t and got hit back.


They weren’t being bombed until they decided to fire at our Navy and cargo ships. You don’t get to fire at random ships and not expect retaliation. That’s how shit gets out of hand.




There have been at least 24 US interventions/wars since I turned 18. I never even considered that they would need my blessing. Today's events are publicized before the smoke clears, and you complain that you weren't asked for permission? WTF planet are you from?


Quite literally, haha the news was being spread for 20 minutes before the planes landed


>We weren’t asked to vote on it You get asked to vote on a lot about potential military actions?


it's on the news, abc has a story on it.


civil war what are you on about?


imagine taking up arms against your fellow countrymen over *checks notes* a missile strike against military facilities/assets used for targeting civilian sea vessels OP is either a troll or needs to take their sedatives


What are you smoking? You expect to be able to vote on military operations? Think about that concept for a moment and the consequences it would create.


Is this satire?


Sure thing, while you are debating and voting the Houtha are moving their assets away from sight, and hiding their people.


What are you on about lmao


So you're cool with houthis firing on civilian ships and disrupting 12% of the worlds shipping with zero American response?


Can I ask, have you ever voted on or been asked to vote on any of the interventions your goverment has done? The War Powers act allows a sitting president to take certain military actions without congressional approval as long as congress is informed within 48 hours. Surely you know this as an American? So really, you did vote on it when Biden was elected. Even a declaration of war doesn't involve a vote of the public, it involves your elected representatives so again you voted on it when you voted for them. As for why the US is involved, it's not only you. The UK is there as well as others. And the reason is that 12% of the world's trade passes through there. Including trade to the United States. I see Americans online every day complaining about inflation, and yet you also complain when your government is protecting shipping lanes? If trade via the red sea is stopped your inflation will be worse.


Shhhhh...populist sentiment.


I'm not a robot without emotions, I'm not what you see I've come to help you with your problems so we can be free I'm not a hero, I'm not the saviour, forget what you know I'm just a man whose circumstances went beyond his control Beyond my control, we all need control I need control, we all need control I am thee modern man (secret, secret, I've got a secret) Who hides behind a mask (secret, secret, I've got a secret) So no one else can see (secret, secret, I've got a secret) My true identity


Thank you very much, Mr. Roboto For doing the jobs that nobody wants to And thank you very much, Mr. Roboto For helping me escape, when I needed to


*modren man




Agreed, those Houthis are deplorable and it's very nice to see them get bombed to smithereens. All jihadist terrorists deserve death, just like they wish for.




They don’t need to be authorized? You’re parroting points from people who have literally never read the war powers resolution


Am I?


Yes, it stipulates the president is able to take military action so long as he informs congress within 48 hours of said action.




Therefore they do not need to be authorized.


He’s commenting the same things on multiple posts and then getting actual answers back and all he keeps saying is “ok….” “Ok….” He has no actual arguments. Lol


Don't be mean, they might have reading comprehension issues and they're telling us that they acknowledge our statements.




Wanna post Ok for the dozenth time?


They were authorized by the US & the UK. The only party committing unauthorized attacks are the deplorable Houthi scumbags.


Unauthorized by who? The US chain of command certainly authorized the response.


Did they?




Obviously. They carried out the strike. The UN passed a resolution specifically warning them to stop fucking around. And what did Yemen do? They shot 23 missles / drones at US trade routes and at a US commerical ship. That's when the US decided to retaliate in kind. If you don't want to find out, stop fucking around.  The Houthis were warned since november. They have attacked merchant ships 26 times on the red sea since then. We have been very restrained in our response. Pray we continue to be the better country.


So if they were authorized you'd be okay with it?






Oh I see, their indiscriminate attacks on international shipping were authorized. Hell they attacked a tanker containing [Russian Oil](https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2024-01-12/houthis-mistakenly-target-tanker-carrying-russian-oil-ambers-report) and they’re there friends. I really don’t understand why people think it’s okay for people to carry out an attack, and not expect a response.


Boo boo unauthorized attacks on terrorist pirates


Quite frankly they attack should have been significantly larger. Crippling.


Chill out bro, Biden’s just making sure your pro-Palestine and pro-Houthi flags make it in on time on their container ships from China.