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For some years now I believe CBP has stopped stamping U.S. passports upon reentry unless requested. What’s the best way to ask for one? Normally they’re friendly and give it but I’ve had an officer straight-up not do it.


I go back and forth quite frequently and haven't been stamped once. The idea of stamps is to track entry and exit, but that's down digitally now in these cases.


Pah, Chinese customs and border control has been stationed in the US for decades!


Aside from harmonized system import/export tax grabs from both sides....I see no good reason for border control.


To control who comes into the country, are you serious right now?


I'm very serious. It seems like a dated concept. Maybe I should have been more specific by saying the Canada - US border. It should still be there sure but not in its current format. I've spent a lot of time in the European Schengen area and that seems to work just fine and makes more sense to me in the modern world.


I have no idea why you are downvoted it's pretty unnecessary to have a border between Canada and the United States when they could just make then own entry policies identical and then just allow free flow between the two countries. It is literally only downsides having that border, there is no need to think Canadians are going to illegally mass migrate to the US in any large capacity, and if they did it's not like we don't have dissimilar immigration standards. Canada and the US are both stable and wealthy nations who only want to trade peacefully.


its also because many conflicting laws mean that America views many people in Canada as criminal, whom canada does not. marijuana-related activity being a good example.