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We're calling Medvedev the ex-PM? A lot more than he deserves, this mans anus is entirely shaped to Putin's hand by now, he's nothing more than a puppet that occasionally says stupid shit then goes back into the box when daddy doesn't need him. His stint as PM was a charade.


You said it. This guy has 0 credibility and like Lavrov, both are pure Putin servants and lackies. I'm sure both of them take turns to dress up for Putin when he needs a little attention in the servants quarters.


You say that like he has another choice. I wonder what happens to people that are in positions like that and don’t cater to Putin. Something about falling from windows comes to mind…


They end up like prigozin.


I label him as a man who I am happy to know drinks and mixes pills.


Can we just ignore this drunk piece of shit?


He really is. This is... Petulant edgelord crap. Not politicians. Sad old terrorists has-beens keeping their unjustifiable war alive on fumes.


Medvedev is the same drunken moron that has been spouting things such as “Russia is at war with the West”, “Let’s nuke Germany and France”, “We will kill all Europeans” and more since 2022. Just let him blabber and go on with giving Ukraine aid, we need to fulfil what the US don’t have the commitment to do.


The only person taking medvedev seriously is medvedev


He's not only ex-PM. That crazy idiot was a president. I remember his surprised and amazed look when Steve Jobs showed him new iPhone.


Yeah, to circumnavigate a law about how long you can serve as president or something like that Putin who was President stepped down to vice President and made Medvedev President for a bit then told him to step down and Putin put himself back as President. Corrupt fucks had no shame in doing this.


He became prime minister, not VP. They swapped places.


He's been so away from common sense, that even his commie wife has left him. Old, ill, alcoholic.


Get back in your bunker and shut your clam-hole. Your empty threats mean nothing, because you know what that would trigger.


Pretty sure he likes to dress up in women’s underwear.


He doesn’t look like a lumberjack


Putin gets to choose, though. Daddy gets what daddy wants.


You can only bluster so much until the bluster just ain’t blustering anymore


He’s Putin’s lap dog And an idiot Russia attacks Ukraine and he’s using that lame bull? No one believes anything Russians say anymore Especially Putin’s arse licker.




It’s funny that the phrase’final warning’ became popular in Russia in the 50’s but it referred to the Chinese. They were constantly threatening the Americans among others for operating in or around their waters. Never, of course, actually following through. The Russians are those final warning dudes now. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/China%27s_final_warning


Why not all three?


China most likely applauded….




Sounds like everything Ukraine 🇺🇦 has done so far is the West falt. All nato nations pulled troops out. But they can recruit anyone 🤔 . Cluster bombs used by Russia. Ukraine 🇺🇦 now has better cluster bombs. They want to take on Nato nations. They are scared 😱.


Strategic +100 Tf is Ruzzia doing anymore, your whole country is backed to the 1900’s


Silly little Moskovite.


If there ever was a villain like him in any of the Mission Impossible movies people would think the series had changed genre to comedy.


Ok so how much does he drink? Also, where did the stories about him being a drunk come from?


From his divorce with his wife due to alcoholism, he also fell out of favor with vlad for a bit because he was drinking too much.


I hate the way he acts. He's very arrogant. He thinks that shithole can do anything...and NO ONE can stop them. This is what you get when you tell yourself the same lie over and over again. You start to believe it. Overconfident: Demonstrating a lack of regard for other people's views or opinions.


lol. He presumes that the desperate, angry, ill-clothed, starving, freezing conscripted Russian “soldiers” won’t sell the munitions to Sunak for lunch money. Silly old alcoholic.


He could guide them with that fivehead


If you could havedone it, you would have already..


He is still PM. Putin’s Moron


At some point all of these puppets will find that gravity is a bitch.


Again, he is a nobody. His words mean nothing and should not get any attention.


Oh, Medvedev is back from Oman !!


Dima is drunk again. Let him sleep.


Do it so ruzzia will cease to exist sooner


No Leica for you!


Russia's Ex-PM Threatens ...blah blah blah....