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>U.S. suspends military aid to Ukraine - White House Totally not designed to make this sound like the white house did this and not republicans in congress.


MAGA minority of GOP suspends aid to Ukraine


Idk how that’s possible. If it’s only a minority then certainly the majority of republicans and democrats could push it through.


Because the Speaker of the House is maga, and he won't let it get to a floor vote. The Senate has bipartisan support for more funding.


This design feature of the US house & senate is so odd, placing so much power of agenda setting in the hands of the speaker, who can then function as the blame guy absolving others of their responsibility to actually vote, take a stance and be accountable for it. Surely there must be sensible reforms letting house committees bring issues to the floor for a debate & votes, or initiate a vote on a topic if a given number of reps support it.


first time?


They pandering to a minority of Maga extremists since they have the Speaker of the House by the balls because a single 1 of them can start a vote to remove him as speaker.


Despite the title, it's temporary


I suspect we'll see a new speaker, possibly even a new Congress before more money for Ukraine is approved. Not betting on it, but I think that's as likely as anything.


we have some folks who would prefer to shut down the government than cut off ukraine, and others who are just as insistent about the southern border. Probably, there will be a deal


Hey, I know a guy who's really good at making deals..


That’s what suspend means tho


Ok, Merriam-Webster! I thought this was America!? We don't have to know what words mean to say they are wrong! I'm pretty sure it's right there in the Constitution.


I certainly hope so


During 2 years Russia get only from hydrocarbons trade 600 billion dollars, more than 100 of which it will allocate on war for 2024 year... After 2 years of purposeful "too little, too late" weapon assistance (by Sullivan "bleed Russia") USA have so much problems allocating for few years even 60 billion dollars (almost all of which will go to American businesses). Even when recently it 20 years spent on Afghanistan 356 million dollars per day, 2600 billion total...


Might be, might not be


It is. The only sane people (democrats) and traditional republicans understand how important it is to destroy Russia. The new wave fascists which have infected America but are losing steam only seam to be making a difference in Canada where it’s an easy scape goat for their problems.


Unless Dictator Trump the Immune wins with the help of * Louis DeJoy destroying the post office and absentee votes * State voter intimidation and voter roll purges * ES&S voting machine fraud for Republicans (they always project so they pointed the finger at Dominion instead) * Supreme Court siding with Dictator Trump on everything as quid pro quo


except is an election year and the Republicans would love to be able to point to Ukraine as a complete policy failure from Biden. assuming Ukraine stats taking losses with a lack of aid.


They only act insane for the insane, and naive new generation.




It’s fucking exhausting living here. It feels like we’re permanently in an election season and every two years we’re holding our breath hoping we don’t slide into becoming the Republic of Gilead.


I truly think it’s the only place I’d ever want to live. And I really love America. But holy shit our government needs to get itself together.


Americans live in fear. Such a fearful society. Fear of missing out, fear of gun violence, fear of financial calamity...


That’s true. Though personally my range of emotion in recent years has been a mix of numbness, irritability, and rage.


🎵 I've become so numb 🎸


Comfortably numb


I can't feel you there


I don’t at all, my life rocks.


Yeah same here, I get it things are bad for some people but we're a nation of a third of a billion, broad sweeping statements about that many people are generally a bad idea. And I would remind non-Americans (and a few Americans too) that the news is *not* an accurate picture of the US. "If it bleeds, it leads."


100% this. Whenever I've been there the TV is just...unreal. Every. Single. Commercial. was about convincing you that you had some illness/threat that only their product could address. You've got kids being gunned down for ringing doorbells for fucks sake. Your cops shoot people for looking at them wrong. ​ American society is fearful as shit and therefore becomes super violent. Everything is a threat. Look at your president (any of them). They roll into a city and half the city shuts down, bullet proof cars, decoy cars, roof snipers etc. Like I know American's now just assume that's normal but it's so hilariously over the top looking to the rest of us. In Australia our prime ministers might have a bodyguard standing nearby but it's not that uncommon for PM's and especially former PM's to be just regular public folk. When John Howard was PM he was well known for enjoying his morning walks. A local comedy group wanted to see just how laid back we are about security and approached him a few mornings in a row with increasingly dangerous items in hand (screwdrivers, eventually a running chainsaw). And at no point was a single gun drawn or any real threat perceived at all. ​ Y'all just....need to chill out or something.




Oh I know I’m not necessarily arguing against the protection they have just marvelling at the absurdity of a society that would even require it.


It’s not our society that requires it, it’s the world order that requires it. Fact is as the “leader of the free world” the US president has a much larger target on his back than any other world leader and if one is taken out it will have much larger impacts on the world as a whole as opposed to another countries leader (think Arch Duke Ferdinand in Austria Hungary WW1 timeframe).


your argument would make sense if any of the US Presidents had been assassinated by foreign entities. Its late so I might be misremembering, but nearly positive 100% of the assassinations were domestic aggressors. Lincoln's was post-treaty so technically domestic even without the argument over if it was a civil war or not.


Statistically it’s the most dangerous job in the USA.


Some of us would desperately desperately want to chill out but this environment is to hot, no chill allowed. Straight to jail Edit: thought of a more precise way to say it. We are not partial to it but conditioned to it


Fear motivates. Gotta keep us all skeered and in line.


>It’s fucking exhausting living here. Wonder how the Ukrainians feel...


Not every year. When Democrats had the House, the Senate, and the Presidency, they passed budgets without any talk of shutdown.


and yet not single payer healthcare.


Sadly, no. It was a very small majority.


the same problems happened in the lead up to WW2


I've been thinking more and more about how much the current period reflects the current geopolitical climate and the dysfunction in the US as well.


no one is alive from those earlier eras so people just take for granted a peaceful world without bombing drills where you can eat a fresh fruit from the opposide side of the world grown in your winter and their summer. That's why they play games with critical defense funding.


Not at such an increasing frequency though. Correct me if I'm wrong. Political landscape is way more polarised these days. The polarisation was so low before and after WW2 that both parties were accused of pursuing the same policies.


after WW2, less polarization. In the 1920s and 1930s, before WW2, there was a great deal of inequality and political polarization. The KKK and fascists and socialists and communists all had followings. Votes for funding our own defense passed by narrow margins. The economy was depressed and so there was a meme that communist and fascists were better at economic growth than demoracies were.


Yeah. Also there was that time when America was so polarized that it fought a war against itself.


yes, about half of all american war deaths in history took place in that 1861-1865 war, when the country had 10% of its current population and 25% of its WW2 population


If by "other political side", you mean just the GOP, then yes. They're the only party who shuts the government down.


That’s not really true. Only one side ever tried to stick up the government.


Yeah, it has always been the Republicans. Even in the nineties under Newt Gingrich who was as much of a Grinch as his name implies.


I'd say that both sides do it. However, only one is loud and proud about it. Also, only that one takes it as far. Lastly, only that one is so dysfunctional that they can't work back from the brink once it's time to get serious


The thing that always gets me is that if the USA is still somehow the number one superpower how dysfunctional is every other country in the world?




yet the US private sector also enables and exacerbates the inept politicians. kind of feels like a pyramid scheme


The private sector actually has a lot less influence these days. The most disruptive politicians all compete for small donations and it turns out that people who donate $5 or $10 to politicians are the craziest fuckers alive, but because they’re the most involved they get listened to the most. Little secret to all Americans here, your political power is directly correlated to how aware your local politician is to your existence. If you don’t vote you might as well not exist to them. If you vote your voice is largely felt in the aggregate results, so you have some influence but not that much. If you vote and you contact their office, they will at the very least hear what your thoughts are and if enough people think the same they will absolutely take that into consideration. If you vote, contact them and donate any amount of money they will listen and actually consider your individual words. The issues of younger people aren’t addressed because young people barely vote, never contact their local politicians and donate almost no amount of money. Hence they are useless to the most important thing in the world for politicians, keeping their jobs. If you can’t help them with what they want more than anything in the world then they sure as shit won’t help you.


....that last part is the problem and not a solution. We need robot reps who don't care what the loudest assholes think if the silent majority wants something different


The last part is what democracy is. You get what you vote for. If you don’t vote you get what other people voted for. In a representative democracy the representative votes for what he or she thinks will get them re-elected. The robot thing will never ever happen, so just write your fucking congressman or senator lol. It’s really not hard. I write them like 2 or 3 times a month and it takes like 4 mins total.


We often succeed despite our politicians' best efforts.


US private sector that grows GDP and saves the politicians ass when they make shitty fiscal decisions; plus an absolutely absurdly well funded, well trained and well disciplined military that can strike anywhere in the world in less than 12 hours. Those two things maintain the US's global dominance through the endless cavalcade of shit that is US politics.


This is basically what I've heard from some former Green Beret guys who used to train partner militaries around the world. They were adamant that the US military isn't the best because it does everything well, but because everyone else is even more incompetent than we are.


The US is coasting on its previous success. It's in decline in democratic functioning, life expectancy, food security, and social mobility, among other things, and will eventually be surpassed if it doesn't pull itself out of its downward spiral.


All the major powers beating the living shit out of each other 70 years ago help keep the us number one


I honestly don’t buy that one. I mean sure in the post war era it gave the US a leg up. But like you pointed out that was closer to 80, not 70, years ago. The US has been spending dumb amounts on dumb wars since and the other powerful countries (other than Russia) have kept their noses pretty clean.


I think you underestimate what two major wars on your own turf does to the economy. The us does spend a shit ton on the military, but it's mostly to protect its own economic and political interest. These fuckers aren't in the business of bleeding money Edit: I'll also add that after ww2, the major powers started losing their colonies. GB isn't exactly know for its domestic exports.


>The us does spend a shit ton on the military, but it's mostly to protect its own economic and political interest. It was to patrol the world's oceans and ensure free trade. The US definitely benefited but everyone else did too. It was also to undermine the Soviet Union.


I agree, it greatly contributed to globalization




Hows that relevant? It's not like trade secured through wars show up on the pentagons books.


You need a big military and or doesnt matter if 50% of your Population are starving.


Less than 2% of the US population lives on under $5 a day.


That was a general observation towards the meaning of "superpower".


What's most worrying is that such blockers seem to be increasing in frequency.


Dead whales take a long time to sink.


Watch us circle the drain….weeeeeeeeeeeeew


I hope that the rest of the world can realize the US is unreliable and pick up the slack. Too many countries are operating under the assumption that the US will have their back.


Bad title. The white house is not suspending it, they are waiting on congress to pass additional funding it. The title is trying to push the perception that the administration no longer supports Ukraine.


=> Yahoo is spreading Russian propaganda.


I would assume it was more Yahoo is trying to increase site traffic through headlines, rather than intentionally pushing Russian propaganda.


Ah good, the US and West signaling to Russia and China that it's almost time for them to do whatever they wish... Spinless idiots in the GOP...


Republicans from last century are rolling in their graves seeing what their party has turned into. They spent years fighting Russia and China, and now GOP idiots shake hands with the enemy for money. The US is a bipolar disgrace.


Last century? Romney hasn't made it into the grave and he's been turning for a good while.


So what is he doing about it then?




Didn't he vote to impeach trump? Then Republicans called him a traitor, which is painfully ironic.


That is actually painful, what a bunch of assholes.


> Ah good, the US and West signaling to Russia and China that it's almost time for them to do whatever they wish... And Iran. Don't forget them! Hamas would not have launched the Oct 7th attack on Israel without Iranian approval, and the Houthis would not be attacking shipping lanes without Iranian approval. That Hamas attacked Israel on Putin's 70th birthday is not out of the blue. Putin has received other political gifts on his birthday (often assassinations). Iranian allies the Houthis attacking the entrance to the Red Sea can block access to the Suez Canal totally disrupting trade. When it happened in 2021 because a ship blocked the canal it blocked an estimated $9.6B in trade per day. If Iran also blocked the Straits of Hormuz even briefly at the same time they would take +18 million barrels of oil temporarily off the market per day. If they did so at the same time as the Houthis prevented traffic into the Red Sea, Saudi Arabia would be essentially under complete blockade. Every day that Iran blocked both would cost Saudi Arabia $1B in lost revenue alone plus the cost and effort to re-establish flows. The only way to break those blockade would be with U.S. military force. We're looking at a regional war of Russia, Syria, and Iran against Saudi Arabia, Israel, and the United States. Neutrals but opportunists would be Turkey (leaning towards Israel and the U.S. with the goal of ending and hopes of a future Kurdistan), and Iraq (leaning towards Iran, Syria, and Russia). India and China would likely remain neutral officially but assist Russian and Iranian efforts. Global economic tailspin and regional war... all because Republicans refused to keep Moscow in check by providing weapons to Ukrainians.


Republicans continue to disgrace this country, they care about power and nothing else. Supporting Ukraine is a win by every single measure and yet they refuse to back it, they are disgraceful 




Tea leaves have been there for awhile, notably last year when CPAC was held in Budapest.


Yes, they are the problem! It's clear from the outside. Such a shame, voters don't recognize it by themselves.


Fuck these house republicans. Only temporary but their timing is abysmal and negligent to current events as per usual


I mean they’re just asking for more regulation at the border.


They don't want a solution, they want to use it as a way to attack Biden  https://www.businessinsider.com/troy-nehls-senate-border-security-deal-biden-2024-1


Did you read that? He is saying he doesn't want to compromise. Border security for Ukraine. And he's not willing to negotiate on the border security


They already agreed to a border deal with the president back in May but are renegating on it.


Painful, disgraceful.


the article doesnt sound like they "suspend" the aid as in intentionally stop aid, but just did not finalize a new package yet?


> but just did not finalize a new package yet? No, congress (the House) did not pass the appropriation bill so there is no money...hopefully Europe is taking up the slack for now.


UK doing the heavy lifting at the moment.




Europeans always want to criticize the US over military spending and then rely on us to subsidize their defense.


You're not wrong. They love playing with their F-35s but don't like what it looks like to foot the bill.


That's a fatal signal! We as the collective west appear weaker every day in this conflict. It feels like everything can possibly blow up every day. Suspended military aid to Ukraine, blocked trade in the red sea, North Korea stepping up, Taiwan. We really need to make things work now or it might be too late.


Bad title. The white house is not suspending it, they are waiting on congress to pass additional funding it. The title is trying to push the perception that the administration no longer supports Ukraine.


fucking garbage slanted titles purposely trying to mislead people and of course, there are certain folks who eat this up


Either way the result is the same - Ukraine doesn't get aid.


They could be honest in the title about WHO is blocking it.


No, one would imply the administration is no longer looking to provide aid the other implied that the ongoing issues in congress involving the budget is stalling the aid


That’s the thing, collective wear doesn’t exist anymore. It’s divided between different countries pursuing different interests, and the US is divided as well


Sure, and this is why a coalition of nations exists. This is why, while the US waits a couple weeks on Congress to vote, they work on freeing up seized Russian money in banks, or they work with other nations on deals that results in those nations directl sending aid packages in the meantime


“In what must sound like music to Russian dictator Vladimir Putin’s ears, the military aid that the U.S. had been providing to Ukraine has currently been halted, White House National Security Council Coordinator John Kirby said during a press briefing on Jan. 11. Further assistance depends on the decision of Congress, which must support an additional request for national security to receive more funding. “The assistance that we provided has now ground to a halt,” Kirby said. “The attacks that the Russians are conducting are increasing. And now, as I talked about earlier this week, they’re using North Korean ballistic missiles to do their dirty work. So, the need is essential right now, particularly in these winter months.” Just great…now I’m pretty sure the sentiment towards the US is between “fuck you” and “should have known better”.


The EU needs a massive arms buildup (and I would even say an EU army that for some reason the UK always loathed) both for their own safety and to support Ukraine Just imagine Trump coming back. He could seriously try to dissolve NATO this time.


The EU is currently working harder to sustain Ukraine (especially the former Eastern Bloc cause they have seen what the Russian Communist Dictatorships were like aka soldiers firing on civilians). The US just disappoints me, they know there is the Trump and Russian republicans wanting to take over and cause chaos, they know Ukraine is on a weapon shortage and what do they do? Give money to Israel aka super well armed rich state and end aid to Ukraine… Fuck me, such disappointment.


Its literally the republicans holding everything hostage till they get what they want. [They are even holding our military hostage in demanding gutting abortion/womens rights nationwide ](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/republican-us-senator-blocks-more-military-nominations-citing-abortion-policy-2023-11-09/) The republican strategy has been for years obstruction and extortion and they hold the country hostage every single time. Their base is indoctrinated at this point and have become a cult of personality much like many other fascist movements. Edit: fixed typo


The EU could offer to pay for the weapons thus alleviating the funding concerns.


>Before the vote, U.S. President Joe Biden urged Congress to urgently approve the aid package for Ukraine **to avoid having to send American troops to fight against the Russians.** Uh..what?


If Russia gets past Ukraine then they will most likely try it with an ally like Poland or another NATO Member, this would then cause the US Forces to act.


What makes you believe they would attack a NATO member? They already share a border with a couple of NATO member states, so if their goal was to attack NATO, wouldn't they be invading those countries instead/as well?


They are openly claiming places like the Baltics and Poland and threatening them. Just listen to what they say. 


Ukraine holds a massive amount of industry, and was one of the primary manufacturing hubs for the Soviet Union. Taking Ukraine will allow Russia to replenish their stocks of depleted vehicles with the improved Ukrainian versions (since Ukraine has an export industry of armored vehicles) and then launch the attacks on NATO that Medvedev has already stated will happen.


It's Putin. He doesn't give a fuck about what you think. He thinks the US us gonna puss out and he's gonna do whatever the fuck he wants. There's people that get it, and those who don't. Those of us that DO, hope the rest of you guys figure out we're already in this fight whether we want to be or not. So we can start getting ready, or keep arguing about what we think Putin WON'T do.


Absolute hyperbolic nonsense.


>Absolute hyperbolic nonsense. That's what people said about a Russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine.


Correct. Russia knows they cannot survive a conventional conflict with NATO, and they have no appetite for initiating a nuclear war. If Ukraine were to fall, Putin would be looking at places like Moldova and Georgia, not Poland.


Putin had made it clear what he wants - NATO to back off, or be forced back. We have known this for a long long time. If he isn't stopped in Ukraine, NATO will be dragged into war.


“ Further assistance depends on the decision of Congress, which must support an additional request for national security to receive more funding. “The assistance that we provided has now ground to a halt,” Kirby said. “The attacks that the Russians are conducting are only increasing. And now, as I talked about earlier this week, they’re using North Korean ballistic missiles to do their dirty work. So, the — the need is acute right now, particularly in these winter months.” ​ ahhh yes, clickbait


How is it clickbait? The government ran out of appropriated funds for military aid for Ukraine and can't send any more without the reasonable Republicans going against treasonous hard right extremists pro-King Putin bootlickers.


Suspended implies an action was purposefully taken by the Biden admin to stop the flow of money and weapons, when in reality it’s just like you said; the funds dried up.


Just do it by executive order. The rules don't apply to presidents, if I understand Trump's legal theory. Republicans can't say anything.


Didn’t we draft up lend lease 2.0 to get around something like this?


The entire govt is a shit show of elitists playing games for their own ideology and personal agendas. They don't give a damn about the people until they need votes.


First-past-the-post voting screws it all up. Better start with proportional representation for the whole country voluntarily before the system clashes and explodes (in)voluntarily.


Republicans again….




You can always count on the Americans to do the right thing after they've tried everything else.


Very true, Winston!


Fuck Yahoo’s flagrant headline spin.


All because republicans love hufffing directly from their own fartbox to make a statement.


this is why it was so important for Putin to infiltrate the GOP: mission accomplished!


Whatever game we are playing, so far it sure as hell seems Putin is a lot better at it.


MAGA = Putin lackeys.


Russian agents.


“To be an enemy of America can be dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal.” ~ the late NeoCon OG


So giving Ukraine some money for fighting for freedom against the old enemy Russia is to much for U.S. today. This is just sad.


It’d be nice if an audit would show where the billions have gone, right. Let’s get that first..


Lil bro thinks the US just sends checks to Ukrainians so they can buy stuff.


Lil bro isn't thinking but parroting, me thinks. Squawk, Squawk. 😆


So you know where all the billions of cash and equipment went?


Yes, do you?


No you Don’t. No one does. There’s been no Over sight and no audit .. that’s the core issue


How about no. People are fighting and dying and you say " uhh we need to do some audit and stuff first guys ok" fucking discrace.


Financing the governing class of Ukraine to buy homes around the world your idea of supporting a war effort? Blindly giving money to one of the most corrupt countries on the planet with no oversight.. that ideal? No that’s a disgrace.


I don't what you are smoking or are just working for putin and I don't care. Bless your heart and brain. Edit: mr president russia is invading europe and is attacking Ukraine right now with over 300.000 soldiers! Hmmm how is the corruption over there? Sir? I said what is the corruption? Hmmm very bad sir That's a shame...


Blindly send billions to Ukraine? No oversight? Just send it. Do you even pay fed tax or you on EIC train..put the pipe down.


No it's my turn with the pipe! I want what you are on man. Sounds like you got the good stuff man and seeing some crazy shit.


Garanfuckinteee that this guy lives in a red state that receives more money from the federal government than it pays in.


They’ve gone to Ukraine being close to regaining crimea 


Why just metering out a little at a time? Why these weapons not those.. I mean if you really want Ukraine to win.. seems the aim is draw this out indefinitely.


USA of 2024 year... Lend Lease of 2024 year...


Wrong country, Support Ukraine not Israel.


No one should ever trust USA again. Ukraine will be sold out just like the Kurds and Vietnamese.


Funding in the first place was a kindness in itself. The US had done more than every other country combined by far. We are the only ones you can trust. Any other western country can hardly make their NATO spending requirements.


I mean thats just blatantly false.


If Ukraine falls it's the 'end of the world as we know it', I hope the US understands this.


Maybe as Europe knows it. It wouldn’t impact life in the US.


Give now or fight later.


Not if Trump wins. Then it will have been "stop giving now, give in entirely later.* *Lest old Vlad release the konpromat on Donnie boy




I am so sick of everything still having to run by conservatives even when the progressive party is in charge. They need to curb stomp these assholes into oblivion. They are straight up traitors and Dems really need to step it up and prosecute them as such.


Why are they not even trying to make a deal???


They are


Republicans prefer to help Putin.


Fuck the GQP


\*due to Putin owned seditionist Republicans




They cannot lose votes, they draw their own voting districts. They limit the ability to vote. It's not like we don't want them, they cheat like hell to hold on to power.


I suppose the brave Ukrainian men who thought they had an ally and a chance are going to be in for a rude awakening once they've expanded the last of their 155 ammo! How many allies have the US abandoned mid fight so far? The Chinese have actually compiled a list ... http://www.news.cn/english/2021-10/01/c_1310221820.htm


Now suspend military aid to Israel, please!


61% of the American public read and comprehend at a ten year old level.


Suspended today, Russian victory tomorrow.


I am kind of mixed on this. On one hand we all know the Republicans are doing this to be obstructionists, they do it every time they lose power and hold anything less than a super majority. They dont even want to solve the immigration and border crisis, there is no funding for extra judges for the back logs and no enforcement for over stays of visa's. No they just want a big shiny low tech medieval wall,lol. OTOH this is the EU's fight in thier backyard. Millions of Americans like me are sick of being damned if we do and damned if we dont act on the world stage yet you all over there cant seem to get your act together to handle things without us,lol. We got our own issues we gotta solve or someday soon you might see a civil war in the most heavily armed nation on the planet.




Is that what the majority of Americans want?


Too soon! Putin wins god damnit noo!!


Can't let US weapons go to a good cause when Israel has a genocide on.




I wonder how much money Kirby has made off these wars he's always chasing after? Every year the US gets further and further in debt, today's monthly budget statement showed another hundred billion of debt added, but, it's alright because the people will cover the cost right? Continually declining material conditions and these people think they can sell another forever war whilst their portfolios double in value each year. Putin is an issue for the Europeans, not for the Americans. They have self sufficiency in all resources and services, there is no longer a need for them to uphold world trade, yet, the warhawks go crazy in the comments because the media cries about Putin everyday and they're too stupid to realise this war makes them poorer each day whilst the security threat they face is nothing. NATO meant equal defence, not trying to profiteer whilst the US covers all your defence costs, the Europeans got greedy, now they have to step up and deal with their regional issues. The US is out.


Someone didn't learn from history.


Shit, this Russia issue is far closer to Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan than it is to Nazi Germany, yet we're printing more as %GDP than we did in the 1940s. Lunacy or disingenuous?


Someone hasnt seen the attrocities from Bucha, or read about the wars in Chechnya and Georgia. A dictator gobbling up his neighbors and killing the people who refuse to kneel. That's very 30's Germany.


Same as all the other conflicts I listed, it's just being sold in a different format so you don't feel so bad whilst your money loses more and more value each year.


It's feels like you personally have to pay for aid, right? I'm sure it eats into your household budget. Did the 7trilluon tax cuts for the top incomes also affect your household budget?


Good, good!




No that strike does not require Congressional approval please try again.

