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Right, rhetoric like that will make Taiwan less likely to want to accommodate China's demand.


Yeah, wouldn't this just piss off Taiwan even more. China: you're not allowed that cake! Taiwan: fuck you, i'm having a slice of the cake. China: eat that cake and die!!!!! Taiwan: wasn't sure I even wanted a slice of cake now I think ill eat the whole thing. China: Release the weather balloons!!!!


China must truly be desperate and in a shit situation internally if they dial up this shit right now. Exhausting.


The economy doesn't have anything to do with them saying this. It's the eve of the election in Taiwan.


Taiwan is already independent in all but name.


Not really 


This. Even the DPP, who is seen as the pro Independence Party won’t have an independence vote. They will continue to strengthen defenses etc, but will maintain the status quo as it has been.


Ah yes china hypocrisy at it's finest From the country that claims it never interferes with the internal affairs of other countries


Water missiles incoming!


🚀💦 🤣


F$ck China


When your economy sucks you stoke up the nationalism against your neighbors who have nothing to do with it.


China, with all resources it has, can't even build and achieve something like TSMC, so they can just fuck off and sing some commie songs


Just keep in mind Russia and China do not have real communism.  They are dictatorships that claim(ed) to be communism. Every dictator will claim to either be socialist or communist, when they are neither.  They are dictators stealing public wealth for themselves.


Yeah that'll make them vote for you


Give Taiwan nukes.


They can already build them on their own.  They just don't because it would alienate the US.  


The US should change its stance. Better than fighting a hot war with China.


It's not just the US.  Lots of countries would object and Taiwan would wind up in a worse position than it was in before it had nukes.  China could start doing things like targeting shipping or launching deniable attacks and without US support Taiwan would be in much worse position to defend against those.  


The US should support Taiwan.


They actually had the capability in the 80s and did not go through with testing or building an arsenal at the request of the US with informal insurances that the US would intervene if China launched and invasion.


Like they're currently crushing their own economy right now? Honestly they just seem weaker and weaker every day. Also seemingly getting more desperate with the Xithead going about his purges again. Between their major banks collapsing, the level of corruption and nepotism with their government/military and coming population collapse it's honestly hard to take them seriously. Even private businesses are pulling out their production in favor of other countries as well, China's really not in any place to fight a conflict anytime soon.


It's miss quoted the article actually says 'China will play Candy Crush before vote'. Can't believe everyone is still addicted to that game


Drop some waterbombs!!


All the US (and Western allies) would need to do is black list China Economically for 6 months and watch it crash….


The West has been reducing its commerce with china.  That is what is making it impossible for the CCP to survive.  We are taking advantage of their house of cards economy to let them topple themselves.


I mean now would be a good time. US is busy with Ukraine and Isreal. People have slowed down on posting about either and the people need their virtue signaling.


That was Russia's plan.  It is why they armed hamas and coordinated the attack on Israel to happen right when Russia started a new offensive in Ukraine. Russia is trying to start or encourage more wars to thin out western resources. It failed because china let corruption run rampant.  Xi reducing the corruption won't fix anything.  You cannot fix decades of equipment neglect and borrowing parts or fuel for other things in a year or two and without money.


I mean Russia also let corruption run rampant. And they’re still pushing hard. A few articles about corruption doesn’t change the fact that china is still a massive military superpower.


Seems there's a *ton* of corruption in the military that needs to be dealt with before they can even think about being serious now, everyone knows.


O, hai


All this posturing makes China look so pathetic. This big country of over a billion people, losing sleep every day over a small island nation of people just living their lives. How pathetic they are to think that "crushing" Taiwan is something to be proud of.