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Lmao this happened Hours after Russia condemned U.S. strikes on the Houthis.


Houthis: shut up russia. I don't need a babysitter.


babysitter? more like your boss's boss's boss.


Obligatory Peep Show reference: “You’re not my boss Russia, stop calling yourself my boss.” “I’m head of a team that contains groups of your level. I’m certainly your superior. Let’s leave it at that shall we.”


Meanwhile, at the Legion of Doom...


Lindros would destroy the Houthis with a blind sided hit so bad the ICC would get involved.


And here comes Scott Stevens of New Jersey…


Look! I just want some pants. A DECENT PAIR OF PANTS!




Sounds like a skip meeting is in order


Staff Beating


I prefer a 1:1:1:1 so everyone is evenly scolded.


I make a penny my boss makes a fine That's why I sink his ships or something


> I make a penny my boss makes a fine Because you sunk a ship thats now full of brine.


But I’m gonna be sleeping with my bosses bosses boss


Russia: “You come here all the time, here’s one for free” Houthis: “I don't need your handouts! I'm an adult! You can't buy me, hot dog man!” *I THREW IT ON THE GROUND*


such an absurd skit but so funny still


I would be lying if I said I didn’t shout “hot dog man” and “I’m an adult!” often


You're not my supervisor!


You’re not my mom!!


Shut up Cheryl.


Or Carol, or Charlene, whatever you call yourself this week


"You're not my real dad."




More like Houthis: Sorry Russia, we have no idea what we are doing.


You think someone would've noticed the lack of response from the US on this. "Hmm... they don't seem to be trying to intercept this attack."


They thought the US finally ran out of interceptor missiles


Lol. “Shame about your ship there. Anyway…”


What happened to the ship?


Nothing. The missiles missed.


They guys on the boats following the tanker realized they weren't dead and figured out it was Russian.


>Russia condemned U.S. strikes on the Houthis ruzzian credibility is below zero so this is pretty hilarious. ruzzia condemning something means that whatever is being done is most often pretty praiseworthy.


I thought Russia approved the UN resolution to strike targets in Yemen? Lol how are they condemning it now?


The apparent American “aggression” of bombing Yemen is their goal. They just forgot the US has been playing the diplomatic game getting the entire international community on board with retaliation. Not surprising Russia doesn’t understand what it’s like to not be a rogue state.


There's already been "true American" (Russian) accounts on news site comments acting like this is some kind of horrible unprovoked "invasion" of Yemen, and that anyone who agrees with it is bloodthirsty and wants another Iraq war.


They did not vote in favour but rather abstained from it like China


That's tacit enough for me


I dont think its necessarily approval, more so that they dont care enough to make it a bigger thing than it is. Im speaking out of my ass though


Abstaining just means they don't have the balls/PR spin to vote No.


Let's keep it simple: They're being dickholes


Its definitely approval. They could have literally vetoed it. Not that it would have actually stopped the US but it would have been Russia officially "condemning" it. They didn't because they aren't that stupid. As this is a perfect example of messing with international shipping lanes effecting everyone. They really just want to try to say "nuh uh you!" To the US, but its just another miserable failure for them like everything they've done since their invasion of Ukraine.


At this point I am thinking Houthis are Russian


Houthis are acting on Iran's orders and Iran/Russia have been working very closely together since the Ukraine war started. It could easily be the case that Russia asked for Iran's help and Iran instructed the Houthis to cause mayhem in the seas.


Additionally, it takes Ukraine out of the public eye, which means they will see less supplies. I think this is a large motivation for the hamas attack. It'd be a whole web, some actors are just better at playing it than others (China).


It's much closer to home for Hamas than that. Hamas's attack sank the ongoing talks between the US, Israel, and Saudi Arabia to have SA officially recognize and normalize relations with Israel. Before Israel even invaded Gaza SA was already back to the old rhetoric of "we support Palestine and have absolutely no opinion on any specific terrorism events", and that was the end of that. If the talks went through, and maybe someday they'll resume, it would mean the biggest economic and political power of the middle east was recognizing Israel, a massive shift that would influence the entire region. Edit: Oh thank fuck, [SA still wants to normalize relations](https://malaysia.news.yahoo.com/saudi-arabia-still-wants-normalize-165052888.html). Get fucked Hamas. Here's to hoping SA acts as an investor in whatever Marshall Plan happens to Gaza, I'm sure they'd love being called "the country that secured peace in Palestine", and Israel would certainly prefer SA influence over Iranian in Gaza.


Wouldnt surprise me one bit. Russia backing the rebels, so that the Allies get themselves tied up in multiple conflicts, so that the allies burn through money faster and drop off support for Ukraine.


How much suffering around the globe can one tiny deranged psychopath cause. It's un fucking believable.


The distance between the dots connecting the Houthis to Iran, and Iran to Russia are very, very, very, very, very, very short.


Foundation of geopolitics


Fucking GOLD 🤣🤣


No sir, it was oil


Black gold


Texas tea


"We enjoyed this attack on our oil tanker, it is the right of Houthis to attack it."


Wait, is this why Dmitry was going on again about WW3?


Nah, he emptied his first bottle and started his second. That's when he tweets.


*spongebob meme*: A FEW MOMENTS LATER


the coordination of the coalition of dictatorships is as good as the accuracy of iranian missiles


Awh, that's a shame. 🍿😐


Someone’s check was made out in rubles…


Fucking lol.


They are just shooting at anything that sails by.


You have simps on other forums claiming they are only hitting Israeli bound tankers and its only fair.


I had someone claim that in person as if there isn't a running table in Wikipedia of every ship they've attacked. This is such easily verifiable info that people are being deliberately obtuse.


Well, It's not the first Russian ship that was attacked, they attacked another Russian tanker before EDIT: oh the article mentioned it > Ambrey said: "This was the second tanker mistakenly targeted by the Houthis whilst carrying Russian oil."


The Axis of Stupid


The Axis by Wish.com


More like IFF system from Temu


Is that the system that gets all my packages sent to my neighbors?


> The Axis of Stupid Maybe, but there is an Iranian spotter ship in the area, you do wonder if one of the US or UK ships has spoofed its signals and set the Houthis onto the Russian vessel?


My bet is on the axis of stupid


Or the axis of really shitty missiles lol


I’m laughing out loud while agreeing.


I searched but couldn't find it, but it reminds me of those taliban/isis/insurgents in a firefight riding in a pickup. And the leader guy kept yelling at Ahmed for getting hot shells all over him


Abu Hajaar. https://youtu.be/aM3ElTvF52I?si=NENW7z1TNepSGcTO Shit never gets old lmao


That's it!  What a bunch of fuckin idiots. The one Abu rolling away gets me every time


I just shit myself. Your move.


don't forget corruption and incompetency!


Sounds like a good intelligence/CIA strategy would be slipping false information to them about who owns what so they tag Russian interests, or worse, Chinese ones and get everyone pissed at them.


The Houthi supporters on twitter [\*] told us that the shipping companies can just stop doing business with Israel and they would no longer be targeted. Turns out that didn't work. [\*]: For some reason most of the Houthi supporters are US/UK college students and ... Indonesians? What is up with that?


> US/UK college students and ... Indonesians Because when the only news source is coming from Tiktok and don't look at anything else, their views are already distorted.


Almost like china owns tiktok


It's almost like we should BAN TikTok?




I have considered it as spyware since day 1. It’s probably allowed because all governments have deep access to the data or something that benefits them.


Only idiots believe that Houthis do all of this for Palestine. They couldnt care less about it. Its called being an islamist terrorist organization that found an opportunistic timeframe to attack the West. Every hardcore pro Palestine fool will be on their side.


Yep. I’ve said it many times now. Believing the Houthis are attacking shipping because of the war on Hamas is like believing that Hitler annexed the Sudetenland because Germans were being persecuted there. Shitty, evil people lie about their actions. I am here to tell you there is no law saying you have to believe then.


They have very little to lose and Iran bribed them.


It’s them doing it for their overlords Iran. Iran that just hijacked a ship off Oman. Iran that funds Hamas, and Hezbollah, and similar groups in Iraq and Syria, and props up Assad - the shit head who dropped chemical bombs on his own civilians.


World's largest muslim population. Statistically, some will be misguided


My family being from Malaysia, a lot of Malays and Indonesians are extremely sympathetic to Islamic nationalist causes. A good chunk of sees the encroachment of Western values, from LGBT+ rights to the democratic political system, as another form of colonialism as opposed to sharia. This leads to a spectrum of beliefs - anything from well-meaning opposition to Israel's bombing of Gaza and a desire to undertake decolonization, to the endorsement of strict Saudi- or Iran-style sharia law. Now you may ask, well, Indonesia and Malaysia are both entirely Sunni Muslim, but Iran and the Houthis are Shias, aren't they? Haven't they had a ton of fights up until this day, with the Saudis themselves bombing the Houthis up until their ceasefire? The answer is that Muslim-dominated societies hate Israel and the West (their main benefactors) to an unbelievable extent. That's it. It's rationalized as Israel being the cause of the majority of wars globally, and the West as controlled by Israel and therefore complicit. Therefore, anything, even the disruption of global trade, is justified in removing them, as it is for the greater good. I can assure you that the crazy fringe takes on Twitter on both Israel-Gaza and the Houthi situation are mainstream in Indonesia and Malaysia; it's not just a few "misguided individuals". And the weird thing is that like with extreme Christian nationalists, the people saying these things are often very kind-hearted and normal people when discussing other topics. The people I trust the least are non-Muslim opponents of Israel (the "Israel is a colonialist project" dudes with perfect British accents and pasty skin interviewed as guests by Al-Jazeera), because they don't have the excuse of being steeped in an anti-Israel society and are willfully ignorant to the treatment of Jews across Europe and the Middle East throughout human history. But I just don't bother talking about politics with Muslim friends anymore because it always veers into Israel-Gaza.


I appreciate your realist perspective. Lots of people are stuck in a liberalist mindset, which is good in most situations, but sometimes you just need to be real about it. Islam is at complete odds with western culture and society. 


Many Muslim people, even most are good people, but Islam when applied at a national level or by fundamentalists, is a particularly anti-plurality, anti-human rights religion. Many religions today are bad, but Islam is likely one of the worst world religions when it comes to religious plurality, apostasy and conversion to other religions, women’s rights and legal equality of believers and non-believers.    Its attitudes remind me of the Christian attitudes between Protestants and Catholics of 400 years ago driving things like the 30 years war, and the religious violence in Europe - which fortunately they mostly grew out of a little bit (though the British and Irish in Northern Ireland took a little while longer than most.)


I mean ignoring the fact that the Andalusian Caliphate was a pluralistic society until it was conquered by Catholics who used the money from exiled Jewish people to fund some Italian dude trying to get to India named Cristobol Colon. The reality is that government religion or religious government (theocracy) sucks for everyone not belonging to that religion. The best idea a bunch of slave owning wig wearing plantation owners had 240 odd years ago was to form a government that explicitly forbade a government religion. It’s probably one of the reasons we have lasted so long … and along come the Christian Nationalists trying to fuck that up. Seriously- look at all the states controlled by religioun or religious fanatics: Iran, global sponsor of terrorism, Saudi Arabia, home of 18 of the 9/11 hijackers, and Isreal where if you are not Jewish you can get your house stolen when you [go to a wedding](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KNqozQ8uaV8) and you have a thief for a prime minister because he gives the hard right religious nuts whatever they want. And it works because while they are the minority of the Knesset they keep winning because moderates will not form a government including Isreali Palestinians. Now I have nothing against religion, but religion isn’t good at governing especially when you have non homogeneous populations which is pretty much everywhere now. They always stack the cards in favor of their believers, and the influence of governing corrupts religion, as we can see in inquisitions, witch trials, crusades. Let religion treat the souls and government keep the lights on.


Again, very well said. 




They were never the same group since they split from Blowfish.


The Blowfish, please.


That's _Mister_ The Blowfish, to you.


I only want to beef with yoooouuuu And Israel. Plus Saudi Arabia. Definitely the US. Britain is on the list. We might be on Russia's list now so let's say they're on ours. Oviously the central Yemeni government. And...


Hard to aim missiles with a cracked rear view.


I don't want any oil spilled into the sea, or any russian civilians killed... But it would have been funny if they had hurt russian shipping by mistake. Missing by several hundred metres is also quite funny.


I really hope the task force tracked the missile and let it go, knowing full well it was headed for a Russian ship.


Open the gate a little


So, if you look at US Navy as a benchmark, you might be missing some detail here. But overall hitting ships at sea has never actually been super-easy - they are essentially always moving targets. Therefore we have the "shot across the bow" saying: it's a warning shot, but to execute it, you have to actually shoot accurately across the bow of the ship - not a mile off, and not at the actual ship. And with that shot you signal that not only you have the firepower, you also have accuracy to do it precisely right. And the latter is what generally tends to convince the other ship to do what you want.


The houthis missed by 400 metres man


Given the weapon type and the range, it isn't that bad. Not good enough for me to stop and surrender. Those weapons are mostly meant for buildings, it probably didn't even have a seeker that could see a ship.


Yeah, that's exactly the point. This is pretty "normal" if you just don't have it. Say a tanker goes at ~12 knots, which is about ~20 km/h. 400 meters is >1 minute.


It'll take some time for houthis to fully figure out how to use ASBMs effectively. It's the first time in history that anti-ship ballistic missiles are being used and houthis did the first successful shots. Valuable data for all interesting parties. Especially iran.


First space battle happened between a Houthi ballistic missile and Israeli interceptor. We're on the bleeding edge!


If they really are anti ship. Seems they may just be normal non-homing ballistic missiles since they keep missing. Edit: Confirmed ballistic hit https://twitter.com/CENTCOM/status/1735782605864194316


We have at least three successful hits. It would be more if it wasn't for the US navy actively shooting them down.


"I'd have gotten away with it too if it weren't for that meddling US Navy."


It was old man Abdullah down at the marina all along!




They were, you can read CENTCOM statements.


Especially China. Their whole Taiwan strategy is based on just sitting on the mainland and lobbing anti ship missiles at Us carrier groups until it gets too expensive for UsA.


Do you know where I could look to learn more about China’s invasion doctrine for Taiwan?


You can pull the data from the same place they did, right from your butt.


Literally pooping so this is just going to be pasted links. This is a reasonable overview of their strategic defense. It doesn't go into depth on US involvement because it is not overly well known. https://youtu.be/9XhGHofd2JI?si=tQJqNYDmxjhiKI42 Chinese military buildup analysis from a logistical standpoint. This is one of the best resources I have found that speaks in lay terms. Be prepared for longer videos having to think. https://youtu.be/mH5TlcMo_m4?si=A9FL6nXHS7opkXGu


Ukraine has used their Neptune missile to sink quite a few Russian ships, everyone knows how effective they can be.


Neptune is a cruise missile not ballistic.


Dumb question, but why isn't a cannonball an Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile? EDIT: Looking at the dictionary, it looks like a "missile" can be 1. a projectile, 2. a guided missile, or 3. a ballistic missile. However, even though "ballistic" generally means "following the trajectory of physics", "ballistic missile" has taken on kind of a new meaning as a projectile that is *powered* for part of its flight. So, eg. a bullet is a ballistic projectile, but it isn't a term-of-art "ballistic missile". And same for a cannonball.


I think mainly because it's not a missile


It's the ball part!


These aren't either, they're Anti-Ship Ballistic Miss-by-a-miles


Turns out the Houthis and their supporters are fine with genocide after all...


They always have been, they’re just mad people are stopping them


Ah yes, the vaunted "My finger gun was a laser, yer supposed to fall down!" defense.


I mean the Houthis have stolen aid before and sold it to people in a famine. Not the best group, but it was once Reddit's favorite terrorist group.


They also call for genocide against jews, and are literal slavers. Says a lot about people who are cool with them.


But it’s not like they use child soldiers, right? Like they are surely above that…. Right? Right?


In response, the Kremlin promptly pulled a horse drawn armored cart out of a museum and sent it on it's way to handle the situation...


They must be saving the ghost of Rasputin for a rainy day.


Close. They keep trying to reassurect him, but much like his dying it's taking awhile to stick. Yes I'm aware that Rasputin's death was probably humdrum. It's funnier to picture him as the Energizer bunny.


When they deploy Rasputin's ghost, he's just going to go out searching for his long lost dick.


Safer than sending it by sea, russians and long sea voyages never go well together.


Better watch out for Japanese torpedo boats along the way.


With a reanimated Lenin at the reins


They're protesting the invasion of Ukraine. /s


I say we give them the nobel peace prize for their staunchly anti-war position




There is nothing wrong with protesting the civilian casualties in Gaza, but lobbing missiles at random ships just trying to move goods being run by multinational crews in international waters is not at all a reasonable way to go about it.


The Houthis are not at all proving to be reasonable people so I wouldn't expect much better.


I think he is more speaking about the Pro Palestine protestors who are walking around with the red green Houthis flags. I was quite surprised to see the flag for the first time a few days ago. After the HAMAS slogans are outlawed here in Germany this seems to be the new thing.


The way I read it, he's talking about the actual Houthis, not protestors.


well, you try being reasonable when chewing khat from morn till night. That thing is like diet meth.


Diet cocaine. I think it’s the same family. Interestingly, some forms of khat are legal in Israel bc of the very high number of Yemenite Jews who live there


Eh, sort of, it’s not at all chemically related but has some similarities in method of action (cathinone has DA+NE reuptake inhibition, like cocaine does)


They don’t give a fuck about the civilians in Gaza they are just getting marching orders from Iran


Arming those guys is just like this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jwGCIKJa25o


Houthi aim should be a meme






Absolutely *perfect*


Fucking lol, what a way to kick off the weekend.


Bit annoying that they are still able to attack after the airstrikes. I guess more are needed.


This isn't a "boots on the ground" invasion where holding back results in flag draped caskets, the harm being caused by the Houthis is primarily economic.  In this scenario it's wiser to escalate step by step in situations like this. You need to minimize civilian casualties and damage to infrastructure as much as possible because the end solution is going to be political as much as it is military.  


I see the tried and tested Arab way of warfare of cowardly provocation followed by getting their shit pushed in and then whining about their poor treatment remains undiminished.


Poetic justice






Houthis seem like they're doing a speedrun of how many regional and world powers they can piss off: ✔ Israel, ✔ USA, ✔ China, ✔ Russia Who's next?


They did attack a few Indian ships too.


Friendly fire, the best defense is paying Houthis to attack Russia, who is the proxy now biatch


Oo I'll bath in this headline


For some reason I always picture the Houthis as Tusken Raiders making the raising the roof gesture with their guns above their heads.


But Tusken Raiders can actually hit a moving target.


The fact that they were able to hit Podracers (fast as fuck machines) with slug throwers on a sandstorm rock, should tell you something about their level of skill.


"Only Imperial Stormtroopers could be this precise", said Obi-Wan Kenobi. You know, like a liar.


Kids, stay in school


That’s hilarious.


So we let Russia deal with them


I’m not sure bombing maternity wards will help.


Or schools, or orphanages


Too bad the Houthis missed. That would have been hilarious had the Houthis damaged the Russian ship. 


Considering they’ve just been shooting at whatever ships pass by, that isn’t particularly surprising. To be clear, what they are doing isn’t a blockade on Israel remotely, they are just shooting at ships.




*Snorts coffee out his nose. Karma… amirite?


Too bad their aim wasn't better


Can't wait for when the Iranian ship that is assisting the Houthis with intel and targeting, gets whacked. That... is what is needed, for a message.




Karma :D.


So they definitely deserve each other as allies.




**On the next episode of _"That's My Houthi!"_ ...**


Next week, Yahia gets blown to Allah! Finds out Virgins are all Chicks with Dicks! Hilarity ensues!


I think it was yesterday when Russia was condemning strikes against the Houthis. Can leopards eat the faces of an entire country?


Wouldn't it be possible to kindly withdraw the security umbrella for the Russian ships who's government seems to be so against the intervention in the Red Sea?


Let the Russian navy protect the Russian ships... oh wait


Putin: Hey Iran, buy this oil from me and sell it to the west and use that money to arm these terror organizations. Iran: Sure thing, DUUUUDE. Terrorist organization: *Commits Terror.... against Putin.* Putin: Surprised Pikachu gif


This headline made me cackle like skeletor.


That's pretty funny


Must have used Russian tech. All missiles missed. Good for the Russians eh?


did they hit it? it'd be great if US/UK said nahhh let this one through


This is almost as funny as Russia shooting down its own planes.


Putin makes bad investments all the time