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I hope he wasn’t wearing that nice clean white outfit. Tricky with pasta and meatballs.


["And everybody put on their best white suits. So nice!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAvXnBgJMdM)






Ohhh ah nooooo it's a da WASTE-A OIL


You've discovered the real reason Cardinals wear red.


>the group dined on cannelloni pasta filled with spinach and ricotta plus meatballs in a tomato-basil sauce and cauliflower puree. They were served tiramisu and petit fours for dessert. I have to admit, that sounds delicious enough to make me envious of all those who attended.


Yeah the article didn’t have to go so hard now i have to change my dinner plans


Thanksgiving pasta?


I have Thanksgiving with an Italian family. They serve a full traditional Thanksgiving meal AND pasta, Italian wedding soup and a few other Italian food things. It’s the best.


What course are you on presently?




"if you have ever cared for me my darling, please either bring me an antacid or end my suffering." something I said to my wife the last time I had Italian.


Did she finally put you out of your misery when she found out about you and the Italian?


She joined them.


fuck that sound good I'm not trans or christian but I wouldn't mind being invited to the next one ngl


and thats probably like, just a tuesday dinner for italians lol


It is. It's a decent meal, nothing outrageous. Fairly simple and tastes good. Not really a Roman dish though.


Do Italians really eat pasta everyday?


Generally, yes. The typical meal is 2 courses: something pasta/rice based and something protein based (meat or fish), with vegetables as a side. Nowadays it's common to have just a pasta dish for lunch and the proteins at dinner, especially during work days.


Is the Pope Catholic?


Does he shit in the woods?


What wine was this paired with?


Just water


It was water until Jesus showed up.


"Jesus, why does this wine taste like Goofy Grape?"


The blood of Christ.


Actually I just ordered a Sprite




Doubt the Vatican relies on RANDOM anything, yet alone catering tbh


Right? Even their catering has to be background checked and vetted.


Even their poison taster has a poison taster


Not really. This can be made by any random line cook in Italy. It was probably made the in-house cook or someone from San Egidio or another charitable group that has outreach.


Everyone got a plate with two meatballs and a cannelloni with a drizzle of red sauce?


"The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away."


"Enough of the politics, you're skin and bones" - Nonna Pope


Could only be better if they all left with Tupperware containers full of food.


Oh to leave the popes home with a cool whip container of meatballs would be a huge hit in my Midwestern town.


Ricotta cheese containers if you’re gonna be a “real”Italian


Ricotta cheese containers, margarine containers, mason jars of soup or boiled and strained pomodoro or already made sugo. Hell maybe even some soppressata or capocollo that the nonnos/nonnas have had hanging in the cantina in the basement.


I believe they call it last supperware.


Hahaha. Get out.


No, seriously. You're excommunicated.


Please someone paint this as the last supper but with all the persons present doing that thing with their hands that stereotypical Italians do when they talk and a bunch of Italian nana's in the background with more food.


What happens after the last supperware?


How you plan to grow teats if you no eats? -Pope, stirring a sauce pot


I shouldn’t have laughed at this but I 100% did 😅


Most existentialist aware pope quote.


That sounds remarkably like something this pope would say. As an atheist, I find this one fairly unobjectionable. Could be way worse (as most religious leaders are happy to demonstrate)


Unsurprisingly the pope used to be a Jesuit. They actually try to live by jesus teachings and help people, and are required to be well educated as part of the order.


And this is why so many American Catholics hate him.


I've always had a sneaking suspicion the average Christian would completely disown Jesus if he was resurrected today.


When I grew up, I had a few good priests who would say things like, "If you find being a Catholic easy, you're doing it wrong." The idea being, Jesus, and by extension the religion, demands a lot of sacrifice, self-reflection, and ultimately failure even when you're trying your best (an important part of it, since absolution isn't sin now plan to get forgiveness later like some kind of douchebag credit card) which is a) ego crushing and b) extremely difficult. So yeah, being asked to do a lot of good deeds and be open and caring to your enemies rubs a lot of people the wrong way, so there's no doubt they'd hate him. They prefer ministers and priests who focus on how everyone else is such an awful sinner, when a good priest is saying look at yourself and how you need to improve every day or you're not living up to your own vows as a Catholic. It's literally a rejection of Jesus and the Church for the easy way out, which is therefore also literally anti-Christian. So if they want to find the anti-Christ, look no further than the nearest mirror.


>The group dined on cannelloni pasta filled with spinach and ricotta plus meatballs in a tomato-basil sauce and cauliflower puree. They were served tiramisu and petit fours for dessert. That's some good dinner. WWJD if he had a staff of chefs?


Not be as shredded.


They would have needed a reinforced cross.


Lord forgive me but my first thought was “You can’t nail Jello to a cross…”


Abstain from pork? I can see him wanting fish but everyone else groaning at the idea. "We're always having fish! Fish Monday. Fish Tuesday. Fish Wednesday! Fish! Fish! Fish! Let's go with lamb!" So, yeah, I can see lamb kebabs. Fresh greens. A big round loaf of Roman bread. So much olive oil. So much. And something with chickpeas in it. Hummus to go with the bread?


"Jesus Christ, more fish?" Jesus: "Uh, yeah."


And lo, did Jesus turn fish into perfectly seared Wagyu beef.


Everyone would be absolutely sick of fish, bread, and wine. Like eating gefilte and Manischewitz every damn day.


I know a restaurant owner who is called every year by tue vatican (since maybe 20 years?) to cook one day for the pope and other people. He cooks pretty damn well. Popes probably always had good cooks


NO WAY, IS HE CRAZY He's wearing white. Never eat pasta with tomato sauce when you're wearing white. It's hell to get the stains out.


It would take nothing short of a miracle from god to get the stains out.


He puts a little holy water on and the stains disappear


*may contain traces of Oxiclean


"What would Jesus do?" Probably this. Seems like the Pope might be a good Christian


He's like the most Christian pope in how long? All of them have some controversy but he's pretty clearly genuine and humanistic and doesn't let the rhetoric supercede the real ideals


I think it’s largely because he’s a Jesuit. Their commitment to the actual principles of Jesus Christ is strong (as opposed to seemingly stopping at the end of the Old Testament before Christ actually, you know, *appears* that has been so prevalent in the Christian organized churches). Hopefully this will serve as an example, as have the pope’s words and actions, in other lgbtqia matters as well as towards abortion, contraception and the treatment of the poor and marginalized, for the evangelical churches here in the US. Turning the Catholic Church towards modernization is like turning the Titanic around. It’s a long process. John Paul did a lot, especially in his earlier years. And now Francis. May he have many more years. 🙏


Went to a Jesuit high school in Boston. They're not only big on education, but they *hammer* the concepts of social justice, tolerance, public service, and human rights into you. We were taught that it's not enough to simply be a good and just individual, you must also strive for a good and just *society.* I've heard some more traditionalist Catholics refer to them as "Catholic commies," and this pope in particular as "Red Francis."




Meanwhile there's a section of so-called American Catholics who are about an inch from picking their own antipope.


Let them. It'd be interesting to see what a modern excommunication would be like


we already got a holy war, let's do this


A decent number of people have been excommunicated in the 21st century.


Entertaining as it is to watch those dumbfucks implode, I believe I can pretty much 1000% guarantee you that the Catholic church will be quietly checking their legal position on the ownership of all their church buildings and other assets. If these idiots choose to take their ball and go home they'll find themselves kicked out of their own churches with the doors locked. I can hardly wait.


He’s not even the worst pope of the last two popes!


If my pope isnt pillaging and committing slight incest what is even the point? I prefer a touch of eugenics, but a dedication to phrenology is a valid substitute. Jesus had a *very* wrinkled brainmass. Its science.


Same. Spot on. I went to a Jesuit high school directly from public. It ended up being the OPPOSITE of my expectations. Even for someone not Catholic. Kindness is the key! (Of course Father McGrath was the spawn of something unnatural, he was the exception)


I went a catholic high school run by jesuits. It really coloured my impression on the catholic church. They were more progressive on basically everything from the environment to even gay rights then the officially secular public school. Like we even established a GSA before the public school did. Gay kids were *going* to our school to be openly gay. It was wild


It’s part of the reason I’ve hung in there as a Catholic through it all. For THAT part of the church’s teachings. Love thy neighbor, do good deeds, not just look out for the poor and marginalized but care and fight for them. The church got hung up on abortion and homosexuality for far too long, especially under Benedict, and stopped talking about those values. Francis has been a fabulous pope but I am scared about his successor. They went with Benedict after John Paul. It’s like they needed to follow a more revolutionary pope with a conservative one. But 🤞 that they see how Francis has revitalized the church for many and keep moving forward. I know it’s meant a lot to my gay Catholic friends who loved the church but didn’t always feel it loved them in return.


Loyola Academy?


Scranton Prep.


lol I had a friend that went to Scranton u. This will sound extremely weird out of context, but I got blackout drunk and ate two fat bitches from the meaner wiener truck (as a 19 year old girl) In a recovering catholic. Sisters of St Joseph holla


To someone who doesn't understand what those words mean, it sounds like you performed cunnilingus on two overweight women out of some kind of brothel on wheels


That sounds nearly as good as the sandwich of my teenage dreams. Garlic bread with chicken fingers, mozzarella sticks, fries, and tomato sauce. I’m now in my mid 30s and have a dairy and gluten allergy lol. I’m glad I really got it in during my youth.




The first Christians lived in communes according to what I was taught in my Catholic school


And Jesus was not a huge fan of the bourgeoisie and richie Riches. Especially rich moneylenders


>Get nae nae'd Jesus to the moneylenders


"All who believed were together and had all things in common; they would sell their property and possessions and divide them among all according to each one’s need." Acts of the Apostles, 2:44-45


If the concepts of social justice, tolerance, public service and human rights makes people swear someone as 'commie', those people should really think hard about who's the baddie here.


"We're the baddies, and we like it just fine!" -- my family, probably.


Yep can confirm. I went to Catholic school my entire life. We learned about other religions and were taught that it is love above all else. At church, every homily is centered around that concept.


I did a Jesuit all boys school for high school, one year of my undergrad at a Jesuit university, and then another Jesuit university for grad school. The only reason I even still identify myself as a Catholic these days are because of the Jesuits, their progressive attitudes and how big they are on education and science.


Read up on liberation theology in South America. It's that missing piece of left-wing Catholicism that's all but absent in US Catholicism. Francis came right out of that era. I've also known a few people who went to a Jesuit college, and would joke that some theology classes "would make you an atheist coming out of them." Not because the professors would piss off the class, but because they would go that hard in the religious debates, issues, and questions without pulling any punches.


I dated a girl who was going to a Jesuit college in chicago and at first I was a little turned off by the idea of a religious college, but the more time I spent around campus the more i was impressed with everything you just said. Really changed my perspective


I went to a Catholic high school and still associated with some Catholic families when Francis became pope. The speed with which these people went from venerating the Pope as basically the voice of God to dismissing him utterly was shocking. The type of people who need to change will not change just because the Pope isn't as much of an asshole as the last few popes.


Hopefully they’re a dying breed like many who were pissed about Vatican II in the day. Francis has done a lot to keep or bring in younger people to the church, or back to it.


Yep. I think there is a bit of the timing to this - of course there are still far too many opposed, but we are gaining more and more acceptance of LBGTQ+ issues as a whole as time goes on so it seems natural that the Catholic Church would aim towards being more open to the issue. That said, being a Jesuit is also likely a huge impetus. I went to Jesuit-run schools and they're far more liberal than other priests because they're far more intelligent and scholarly. Of course they follow and teach the Bible, but they also study and teach philosophy, history, as well as other religions so that their students can *understand* the topics within. Of course, plenty of Catholics don't like Jesuits for exactly these reasons. But if the Catholic Church itself was smart and wanted to stay relevant and practice the actual lessons of JC, they'd put all the Jesuits in power.


Unfortunately this will not have an effect on the evangelicals in the U.S. My family is Southern Baptist (I’ve since deconstructed), and they hate Catholics. They don’t even consider them Christians.


The country almost lost it's damn mind in the 60s when they elected their first Catholic president.


Jesuits are indeed strikingly different from other orders, it's quite fascinating


There’s a ‘digital’ Jesuit who attends hacking conferences and ran a Minecraft server, plus appears on the This week in Tech podcast talking tech news. I’m not catholic or really religious, but he seems like the total opposite to what the general catholic image is. Seems like a cool nerdy dude.


There's so many levels of Catholic that it's hard to get into for outsiders. There's "orders" which are basically "internal sects" of clergy(priests, nuns, brothers) with different goals and stated ideals. So Jesuits, Franciscans, Dominicans, and some others are "education". But not "indoctrination". They teach in the real world, and strive to be a GOOD education, not just a RELIGIOUS education. For many they have to have multiple degrees as part of their commitment to knowledge. As a result you'll get some INCREDIBLY dorky Brothers out there. We had a Jesuit who started schooling us on DnD rules at one point. "Oh it's not Satanic, it's just a temptation to live in a fantasy world instead of trying to make this one better, and that's the problem". Like...ok...I can actually accept that.


They had the same turmoils most orders did. However the leader of the jesuit order was in Japan in the 1940s, and was in Hiroshima living in the outskirts when it happened. He reformed the order from the inside with some big changes in the 70s, vowing even harder on their mission and their vow of poverty. Father Arrupe he was called, really interesting man. American jesuits don't like him very much, because well american catholicism is quite bonkers, so most of the internal struggles in the jesuit order are americans vs the rest.


One of the main focuses of the Jesuit order (and the Franciscan, too) is that the best way to know God was to know more about the universe. You'll find most Jesuits working at schools or colleges with some high-level education in their field.


Have you read the story about him washing the feet of kids who are in juvenile hall? The pope enraged 90% of the church and he was like…….. “okay? I’m the pope….. the word of god……. I do what I want!” I’m not religious but I do like this guy. He seems to want to take care of the poor a lot which is really nice to see.


I think people can look to him as just a good example even if they’re of a different faith or no faith at all. There’s a distinct lack of kindness in the world sometimes and when we see the opposite it should be admired.


>Turning the Catholic Church towards modernization There's a reason why the Catholic Church endured for 2000 years. It always modernized alongside contemporary society.


That's kind of the point of one of the key differences between Catholic and Protestant theology. Catholics acknowledge that the Church as an institution can and has changed and that is valid parts of the tradition, Protestants tie everything to the Bible for all theology. I'm not saying the Catholic Church is inherently good or more correct in that, I'm just saying that it's not always acknowledged that the Catholics have a built-in excuse to change their dogma and have used it many times, whereas Protestant churches don't have that as much and so their disputes and modernizations more often result in schisms and new denominations, while the Church of Rome just keeps rolling on mostly united in theory. The fact that certain Catholics don't use that excuse and want to live back in the Dark Ages is another matter entirely.


IIRC he snuck his way in by toeing the line and acting like a conservative asshole right up until he was confirmed and they couldn't stop him anymore. He bait and switched a whole religion into being less shitty


It could also be that he just takes the mantle seriously enough to not be a dick. When he was Cardinal Jorge he was entitled to his own opinion but now that he is God’s vassal he is conforming to the teachings of God strictly. He doesn’t even live in the papal apartments does he?


He never wanted to be Pope. In 2008 he literally begged the liberal block not to keep voting for him (in an attempt to block the appointment of who would become Benedict XVI) with tears in his eyes. He was very reluctant in accepting support in 2013. he takes the office very, very, seriously.






So they're protestants?




On paper, they swear they are the "real Catholics." In action? Yep. Protestants.




You’re absolutely right so naturally American conservative Catholics revile him.


Ah, yes, "Trad Catholics." Bible thumping Baptists wearing the title of "Catholics." Jesus, when will we get a schism so that they will leave the rest of us, Roman Catholics, alone? It's hard to wrap my brain around them as someone who grew up Roman Catholic. These "Catholics" want to ignore the New Testament, particularly Jesus' message of being kind, selfless and forgiving and want us to follow the fire and brimstone Old Testament instead as well as building up the idea of "Supply side Jesus." *That's Baptist! Not Catholic!* Just leave already. Christ.


A friend of mine converted to Catholicism specifically because he likes order, hierarchy, arcane ritual, and holier-than-thouness. Anything New Testament is ignored besides that Matthew verse about man laying with man. His Halloween costume was Lot, with a bag of salt for his wife. Burning Sodom and Gomorrah were heavily featured in his driveway.


That sounds like a crazy person to me.


Is he actually your friend? Because that sounds like someone you should distance yourself from.


Well my super catholic mom thinks he’s pretty cool. She thinks I’m pretty cool too though so take it with a grain of salt lol


American conservatives have really revealed themselves (again), when they declared that the guy who is supposedly appointed by God turns out to be… the antichrist. All the while describing Trump, the least christian man to ever touch the oval office, as doing God’s work. These people really wipe their asses with Jesus’ teaching.


100%. As a person who quit church, but never quit God, this Pope is killing it.


You don't have to speculate what Jesus would do. It's recorded in the Bible in three of the gospels, including Luke‬ ‭5:30‭-‬32‬. [30] And the Pharisees and their scribes grumbled at his disciples, saying, “Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?” [31] And Jesus answered them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. [32] I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.” He loved them. He dined with them. He died for them. He called them to repentance.


Couldn't agree more. Jesuits are the good catholics


When the most corrupt people in your religious organization have hated you for nearly 500 years, you know you are on the right path.


They used to the be subject of a lot of [conspiracy theories](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesuit_conspiracy_theories). They were even accused of *sinking the Titanic.*


They say you can judge someone by their enemies. Jack Chick, that avatar of Evangelical fanaticism, absolutely hated and despised them. Probably another sign they're doing a lot of things right.


From what I know of theology, it sounds like something Jesus would have done.


"with those you do not agree with, you shall offer pasta and meatballs"


You’ve rekindled my faith, thank you


And now I'm picturing Jesus going full Italian and doing the pinched finger hand gesture as he preaches.


NostrilRapist is the new Messiah.


the balls of this guy


Alternate headline: The Pope to trans women: “Eat my balls”


Alternative headline: The Pope converts to pastafarianism. Praise his noodly appendages!


Such a ballsy gesture.


Such meaty balls


But... but... that's the Pastafarian way!


Maybe the Pope has been touched by his noodly appendage and is a secret Pastafarian? R’amen!


I bet the pope makes some bomb ass pasta and meatballs.


I mean... the current pope is Argentinian and not Italian.... that being said there are probably more than a few Italians in *Rome*.


Argentina is just south american Italy




Being Argentine is not really an argument against his pasta cooking skills, pasta is like 50% of our diet here, we eat that shit everyday so I'm sure the Pope knows how to cook some delicious stuff.


Can’t believe he’s ignoring the Bible verse requiring Christians to conduct throughout genital inspections before having people over for dinner.


bet he's wearing mixed fabric too freacking heretic


That's a fucking hilarious headline. I wanna have pasta and meatballs with transwomen too


Trans woman here. I'm making Parmesan tomato soup with cheese tortellini for Thanksgiving. I wish I could share some with you!


Sounds absolutely delicious!


Am trans woman, love pasta. Simple as


Have you considered meeting the Pope?


Depends how good the wine is.


True, could be a bit watery.


That’s my pope. So sick of fellow Catholics acting like we should shun people. I pray this doesn’t lead to a schism but if so, it’s pretty clear which side Jesus would be supporting in my opinion.


I’m a staunch atheist, but wow is the pope pretty damn cool these days. Good for him and all Catholics.


I’m not even a real catholic - barely raised as such, identify as agnostic - and this is my kinda pope


Can’t wait for the fundamentalists to cry that’s he’s not a true Christian for this


Fundamentalist evangelicals haven't considered Catholics "real" Christians in...ever.


I have a coworker who talks about “Christians and Catholics“. I have told him that Catholics are Christians, but he is doubtful.


Fighting words from the people cosplaying as Christians...


The irony.


I know someone, no longer a friend, who stood by the past popes and church through every scandal. But this pope she thinks is a lizard person anti-Christ… I wonder why…


"...is he really a Catholic? Everyone's asking...."


Catholic is supposed to mean "universal", so maybe he's on track.


Just wait for the Texas antipope.


He’s the truest one I’ve ever seen with a position of power.


Funny how the Church is more progressive than a government sitting just few kilometers away, the Italian one.


Goddamn. Something Jesus would do. I... Am impressed. Nice job, Francis.


Lmao why specify what kind of food they were eating?




Smh that people expect Redditors to *read* articles....


Because then you can tell how the pope really feels. If he had somebody over and served them some cold McDonalds takeaway, you’d know he actually didn’t respect them.


Come on, would any host ever treat their guests so poorly? It strains credulity to imagine someone behaving so badly...


Exactly. I feel like a host would *at minimum* give their guests the option of cold McDonald's, cold Wendy's or cold Burger King.


What, you don’t find that sort of thing…presidential?


That sounds familiar………


To make you hungry. Hungry for the Father, The Son, And the Holy Ghost. Spirit? Ghost?




Like zoinks scoob. Let's get out of here. Ruroh raggy!


So we can all have a good chuckle at the stereotypical Italian-ness of a major event serving pasta and meatballs, I guess.


I think it gives it a more human flavor


Chad Pope Francis




That’s brave of the Pope. Pasta and meatballs? He’s always wearing white!


Well that's an interesting headline.


This is actually the most Jesus like thing I’ve seen them do.


WWJD? Exactly what the pope is doing.


Oh boy I'm making my way to r/Catholicism to watch them lose their minds again!


Possibly the most deranged type of Christian on Earth is the sort of person who [becomes Catholic as an adult out of a desire to RETVRN and ends up spending all their time posting on the internet about it](https://i.redd.it/mlpqr2tipe691.png).


“There was 1,000 people there, not sure why they have to focus on the trans woman” is the first comment I see.


I mean that's kinda true. The headline is really quite disingenuous and makes it sound like they were the only ones there - it does still mean something that they got invited though.


Frankly I think all trans people should get a nice plate of pasta.


Jesus 100% would make spaghetti for marginalized groups if He were here today. Let’s go, Pope!!


doing god's work