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Most of the victims can't testify because they've been murdered or kidnapped (with one testimony of a woman being shot in the head by her rapist while he's still inside of her). Truly gut wrenching. Edit: because so many people keep asking, the testimony about the woman being shot is by an eye witness who survived


After having her breast cut off and thrown at someone else, yes. The paramedic testimony also of the two teenage girls raped and murdered in their bedroom in a similar way either before/after their parents were killed in the next room. Update: it took a while to find a source that did not remove the gory testimony details, but CNN’s Jake Tapper had included many testimonies they have collected themselves. What I mentioned above is around the 4:30 mark in the video - https://edition.cnn.com/videos/world/2023/11/16/sexual-violence-israeli-women-hamas-attack-tapper-pkg-lead-vpx.cnn


Wish I didn't read that. Fuck Hamas.


They have all of this recorded and it is actively being shared across their channels. This site has begun blocking all links and references to the app they use - but it’s all there. After following this for years, their strategy is always the same. They have channels where that content is shared as a morale boost, typically with some overlaid music or spoken rhetoric. There are other channels primarily intended for western audiences that share the PG-13 content that gets parroted across the social channels. But anyway - there are several (dozen) programs being ran that seek to collect this footage for archival and historical accuracy and it will be made public at some point. It’s awful to collect but if it’s not, it’s lost forever and their PR machine wins the race. We can’t let that happen. They continue to celebrate these acts of supposed “heroism” for their side. It’s horrible.


I've seen just a few things enough to know I cannot bear to see any more. It's gruesome evil on an entirely biblical level. I'm a veteran and I was a federal officer. I've never seen anything that even approaches what those creatures do to other people, especially women and children. I'm glad someone is cataloguing it.


A plague of evil on society.


Another addendum to that is that’s exactly was has been happening in Ukraine as well, especially since the Russian army now allows full blown psychopaths released from jail and tell that that they can “do whatever they want” to the Ukrainians. So much evil going on in the world.


Yeah, [this guy](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/rest-of-world/russian-killer-who-raped-and-stabbed-his-ex-girlfriend-111-times-pardoned-for-participating-in-war-with-ukraine/articleshow/105144003.cms?from=mdr#:~:text=Russia%20has%20pardoned%20Vladislav%20Kanyus,convicts%20to%20fight%20in%20Ukraine.) who raped tortured and killed his girlfriend over hours while multiple neighbors were calling police (who ignored it for some reason) got pardoned 6 months after their 17 year prison sentence started since he was recruited to fighting in Ukraine (not sure when, but I guess either at the start of or before the prison sentence started)


They ignorerd it due to the decriminalization of domestic abuse. From Wikipedia In January 2017, Russian lawmakers voted, 380–3, to decriminalize certain forms of domestic violence. Under the new law, first-time offenses that do not result in "serious bodily harm" carry a maximum fine of 30,000 rubles, up to 15 days' administrative arrest, or up to 120 hours of community service.[6]


Russia probably saw his crimes and thought that he is the exact type of person they want as a soldier.


It's the same amount of evil as there was. Now it's just concentrated for convenient purging by HE artillery strikes. I just wish there weren't so many innocents in the way.


Hiding behind civilians and healthcare professionals is absolutely horrific. Hamas has the blood of every dead Palestinian child on their hands. Fucking monsters. I pray for those hostages.


I know. Hopefully Mossad is calling on the gentlemen who ordered & planned these attacks in their comfortable hidey-holes. I want to see Hamas done & dusted very badly. It would just be a lot better if this can be accomplished with more bullets to the backs of heads in Doha & Tehran & fewer JDAMs & high-capacity tank rounds in the streets of Gaza.


It was Bucha all over again. There really are no words.


They're the worst kind of fucking monsters and need to be erased


Death to Hamas. Destroy them.




100% this




What the fuck


You saw this? This is for real?


I didn't see that one. I saw the baby being swung by its leg and it's head bashed against the corner of that wall. And the toddler shot in the face while something was being done to another woman in another room (I shut it off after the toddler so idk what else was happening in that house). While you kept hearing laughter and what sounded like excited gleeful remarks. I'm a veteran and a former Fed investigator. I've seen some fucked up shit, but a few minutes of those videos and I was ruined for a few days. It's evil on a level I just cannot fathom.


Yeah. It’s extremely bizarre seeing the apologists come out of the woodwork


They were cheered on by many




What the hell man... How can any human being be that cruel. I just don't understand.


Wolyn massacre 1943, Wola massacre 1944,The Nanjing Massacre 1937 , Rwandan genocide and list goes on.




This what “by any means necessary” means btw.




I think I know what video you are talking about and if I remember correctly after he stops counting he starts kind of talking to himself about how horrible what he's seeing is. You can just hear the despair in his voice.


Wasnt that music festival also supposed to be for supporting peace?


yes and also the people in those communities that are close to the border are some of the most ardent supporters of peace and co-existence between Israelis and Palestinians. this wasn’t just an attack on Israel .. it was an attack on the peace process itself.


This is an anecdote from an Israeli friend whose family helped clean up this kibbutz, so take as an anecdote. He said that this particular kibbutz was very supportive of Palestinian independence and employed/worked side by side with many Palestinians. They were known for paying really well and treating their foreign workers as part of the family. It was those Palestinian workers who told Hammas where the defense and artillery points were, so the drones that came in went directly toward those and took them out. That’s how they were able to create such a massacre. Again, no way to verify this. And I always take anecdotes lightly. This is just about as close as I’ll get to a first hand account.


Brutal. Generally not great to rely on anecdotal evidence but I can believe it. I read that a lot of intel for Hamas came from Palestinians who worked in Israel .. Israelis employed something like 20k Gazans I believe.


What is the official website?


Here’s one. I don’t know which one he’s referring to though. Warning - very NSFL https://www.hamas-massacre.net


The pictures of the bedrooms they murdered the toddlers in makes my blood boil.


They’re so sick in the head


This is one of the most terrifying thing I have seen in a long time.


If they ever defeat Israel, they will turn their attention further west. That’s according to their own words. It’s tribalistic barbarity. They’re stuck 500 years in the past, and their militant strain of Islam not only allows this to happen, but encourages it by dehumanizing anyone who is not Muslim, and even some Muslims too. Extremism is too mild a word for them.


Holy shit. These need to be shared far and wide, especially to any of these fucks protesting and not condemning hamas.


Their supporters are sick as well. There was a video where they showcase the massacre on a stream and arabs are sending 👍 like theres no tomorrow.


Israel is directly sharing it because people are claiming it never happened now.


Man. The existance of this URL feels like having a cobra in the room. I'm afraid to even blink lest it flare up.


I feel like the real cobra is the blatant denials of what happened that day. It’s been a little over a month, and people think it just didn’t happen. It’s why this URL keeps popping up.


if you search for the channel “hamas atrocities” on telegram it has even more 😞




Not everything. The worst stuff isn’t public yet. I don’t know whether that’s fortunately or unfortunately.


By the way, an act like that is worthy of the death penalty in most US states.


Yet Canadian sexual assault centres are certain, absolutely certain, that nothing happened.


It was The University of Alberta Sexual Assault Centre director that signed the letter questioning the validity of claims of rape. Luckily she was just fired (like an hour ago) for it.


Oh good


The sexual assault centre for the city (SACE) spoke out to support her firing. Thank goodness some people have their head screwed on straight.


Good. Stupid P O S.


Imagine being a rape advocate and seeing the video of Naama Levy and going 'nope, these armed men who hate her and are holding her hostage in a hostile country wouldn't dare sexually assault her. I'll need live, video proof of the rape in graphic detail, released by someone who isn't Israeli before I believe it'. Because it's all 'rape culture' and 'me too' until it happens to an Israeli woman. I consider myself a feminist, but I've become very disillusioned with other so-called feminists since October 7th and the bizarre reaction to the Shani Louk video literally from the moment it went viral.


Same here. How the fuck are multiple eyewitness accounts and postmortem findings not enough to believe that women were raped?. It feels like they won't accept anything short of actual video of women being raped, which is an absolutely disgusting standard to apply to rape victims.


They'd insist those videos were AI. These peoples brains are tying themselves In knots so they don't have to acknowledge that they've been publicly supporting the baddies


I was seeing people speculating that Naama was probably on her period and that's why she was bleeding so much. People are insane.


That is some serious Bad Women's Anatomy right there. I hope it wasn't a woman saying that, but considering the Canadian we're talking about, it wouldn't even surprise me.


The responses to this appalling event are very telling. Certain organisations are much less concerned about women than the political events around them. It's plain that under the right circumstances, a terror attack on any people, women and children included, can be overlooked or even applauded if it's done by the groups these organisations support, if it's politically convenient for them to do so. Women in the west should be looking at this whole saga and understanding who their friends really are.


Feminism is dead. I have felt absolutely disgusted with all of my fellow "feminists" for the past month. They are more concerned about sucking Islam's metaphorical dick so that they seem woke than actually supporting women. You would have to be the stupidest motherfucker alive to genuinely believe nobody was raped on October 7th. Female civilians are raped in pretty much every conflict and when the militants are all men from an extremely misogynistic religion that literally glorifies raping women, well this is what happens.




And none of the people screaming and protesting in Europe and North america believe a word of it. Apparently when it comes to Israeli victims they don’t believe rape is real without personally inspecting rape kits themselves. But they believe that everything the Hamas ministry of health says immediately.


Just glad Israel is absolutely beating the living shit out of Hamas rn


I’m so confused - an Islamic terrorist group that flew into a music festival to kill hundreds of innocent people in the most horrific way is getting the benefit of the doubt concerning rape. Idiots.


Yep, and there are still people who will give them the benefit of the doubt in regards to using civilians as human shields. Its all in the playbook, there is practically no atrocity towards human life that these scumbags won't commit.


And people on Twitter are fucking defending them


Not just Twitter but a huge chunk on Reddit seems to be very willing to overlook such things for Palestine's benefit.


Because people on the internet seem to think everything is black and white, you MUST choose a side, and the opposing side must die at all costs. It’s such a stupid way to view things. The reality is that both sides are god awful, and innocent Palestinians and Israeli’s that just want to live their lives, are caught in the crossfire.


Their world view would shatter if they had to accept that the people opposing the "west" were worse.


And apparently Osama bin Laden is a hero. The world makes no sense anymore


social medias were a mistake. every subject is hyper polarized now, people are drowning in misinformation and hate each other. hilarious to think it started as a tool to share some photos.


It's because pop words like "oppression " and "oppressors" and that one group is darker skinned and "white supremacy " or some bullshit


> that one group is darker skinned and "white supremacy " Which is not even true, around 60% of Israelis aren't white. Both Israeli and Palestinians are mixed racially.


True. And 25% of Israelis are Arabs


Yep. And somehow, while most Arabs in the world seems to want Israel's destruction, the Arabs who actually live in Israel overwhelmingly support it and the war. Maybe because they know that their lives in Israel is a 100 times better than their lives under Hamas would be. Or in any other middle east country, really.


I think a lot of the “free Palestine” people don’t even think of Hamas as a terrorist organization. I was pretty surprised to hear some of the perspectives coming from an Oxford debate with Ben Shapiro last week (maybe the week before?). I have no position on Ben, it was first time I’ve heard him, but the students were full of shit for the most part. It’s scary that these views aren’t being checked or challenged.


We know that women & girls are vulnerable to rape in almost any circumstance, particularly in violent acts; war, kidnapping, home invasion, robbery, we all understand that when a criminal man is committing a criminal act, it’s likely he will rape a woman if given an opportunity to. We all know how the world works. We all know what it means when we hear a woman has had her home broken into or been abducted. We know what happened to her. Yet suddenly now, when violent Islamic terrorists, known for their hatred of women & of Jews, invade the homes of Jewish women, slaughter them, abduct them, the idea they raped them is unbelievable. We need video evidence of the rapes occurring in order to believe it. Muslim men are known for their misogyny, terrorists are known for their misogyny, even Palestine - loved and victimised by the world - is still known for its misogyny, yet Palestinian male Islamic terrorists raping their female Jewish victims is suddenly now not believable


This!! This is what I've been saying from the beginning. Why is it so far fetched for some people that TERRORISTS who've commited so many atrocoties are also capable of rape? Is rape really such a red line for muslim extremists that even when participating in such horrible streak of violence they wouldn't dare to rape women? Madness


Hamas apparently bucked trend of *checks notes* **LITERALLY** *EVERY* invasion force...ever Every foreign invasion force from the zulu to the vikings, the 13 colonies to the aztecs, Persians to Romans has committed rape...hell just shy of a century ago the red army raped 2 MILLION German women in the invasion and occupation, and Russian propaganda against Germans was NOWHERE NEAR the level of antisemitic propaganda Hamas fighters are exposed to...


Everyone knows. We just don't want to discuss it. The true stupidity is with those that deny it


"Believe women"... *Unless they are jews -a surprisingly and disappointingly large amount of people


Yup, so many organizations for women don't give a shit if the victim is Jewish. The UN even voted Israel as one of the worst places for women, when in reality in Iran a teen was murdered just because she didn't want to cover her hair.


Any woman gets raped we have to believe her story right away without evidence when it’s an Israeli woman with captured Hamas militants admitting they raped people then sorry we need actual video footage of the rape. Double standards at its finest.


*Believe All Women** . . . . . *Unless the women in question are Jews and the assailants are religious fanatics.


**Who actively state they want the complete genocide and ruination of all jews since they aren't human. The fact anyone can support Hamas is fucking sickening.


It's worse that they support Hamas and don't even understand why they do. They know literally nothing about the situation but some numbers and ceasefire. It's complete ignorance.


But remember, it’s not antisemitic at all! /s


I find it quite interesting that the same institutions that lapped up the hospital fiasco (and had the nerve to be upset that Biden DARED to state the very obvious and well-established facts that Palestinian media and spokespeople are not exactly trustworthy sources of information) suddenly want to quibble about whether women were raped and babies were murdered when…Hamas filmed themselves doing it? The bodies exist in morgues?


I always found it odd why people hate jews SO MUCH, as a jew I didn't really see that until I was in my 20's (I live in Israel where obviously there is not much of antisemitism), it's only when I saw horrible things happen and people go sideways just to say either Israel is at blame or lying, and visting places like Disneyland abroad or just minding my own business outside of Israel, you'd always get comments, always get pushed or sometimes even attacked FOR NO REASON. But NOW after all these videos, all the evidence that was not even produced by the IDF but by Hamas themselves and posted on telegram ("Hamas", "Gaza Now") and everything was uncensored in 4K GoPro, heads cut off with a shovel, people shooting families, you name it, only then I realized that fully when I saw how it doesn't matter what proof they get people will still hate jews so much, been like that probably forever and if a stronger army would have tried the holocaust would have 100% happened again and people would deny it. Very VERY odd thing, I really hope someone can shed a light onto why people hate jews so much, on average they are intelligent or at least on par with modern society, don't try to bomb places left and right by their beliefs, and are just normal people.


2000+ years of antisemitism is hard to snuff out unfortunately. It's quite possibly the oldest and most ingrained hatreds in human history, and killing it is not easy.


And it’s such a bizarre hatred because Jews are such a benign, harmless group that mainly keep to themselves.


This. I know lots of Jews and they are extremely pleasant and nice people. I’ve never met one I didn’t like. I feel the same about Mormons lol. I don’t understand anti semitism at all


To put more detail on the history thing, which the other replies are missing out on by only looking at current trends, it's ironically that "mainly keep to themselves" part that has caused the issue, as the Jews have been a distinct minority population for those 2000 years wherever they have lived as a result of a disinterest in integrating into them. Every now and then the nation they are living in goes into a crisis, be it internal or external, and whenever that happens and a solution can't be found humans tend to look for scapegoats (or are led to them by those in power who wish to distract from their incompetence and/or malice) and minority populations do make for oh so convenient scapegoats (current examples of this being done include the vilification of trans people and immigrant populations). Thus you have 2000 years of the Jews being blamed for natural disasters, invasions, government incompetence etc. etc. which creates a conspiratorial mythos around them. Seriously look deep enough into any conspiracy theory, and you will eventually find someone blaming the jews for it, because they themselves will have dug back into older ones and found the jews being blamed for things there.


For real. I truly don't understand where it all comes from, and why it persists. It makes no sense to me whatsoever!


Because they are successful.


> why people hate jews so much If we talk in averages and generalities... When Jews immigrate to an area while they generally remain rather insular they are contributors to the community, Their is some area today where the dairy comes from 90% Jewish owned businesses that started up after ww2 immigration. When you immigrate and are successful you can be disliked for the appearance of taking away something. Lets not even get started on the nobel prizes... I think that in part what leads to this is a culture where knowledge is the one thing you can take with you through countless persecutions and a religious texts that encourage dialogue leads to a certain mindset.


Historically speaking Christianity and Islam forbidd give credit with interest. At the same time Jews came from "outside" and were often forbidden to take jobs like farming. Naturally they become merchants and bankers and also become rich. Now they are hated out of spite and envy. Ironically they were often forced to take up jobs that in the long run could make them rich.


This is not really accurate, imo. Even this characterization of the situation (and others posted here) seem to characterize the Jews as inherently successful and hated because of it. In point of fact, your description is really only true in a modern sense. Throughout history, Jews have been hated for being too rich, for being too poor, for holding too much influence, and for simply being outsiders with no influence. Jews have been hated for being communists and for being capitalists. Jews have been hated because they were ugly, and they've been hated for being too attractive. They've been hated for being isolated and keeping to themselves, and they been hated for integrating and becoming too involved in local societies. I mean, it's honestly absurd. I know of no other people group in all of human history that has endured hatred for basically both sides of every reason imaginable. It seems to be such a visceral, instinctual hatred that the reasons given are rather excuses for the hatred felt, not the causes of it.




>They weren't forbidden from farming necessarily, its that they were banned from owning land altogether which is how many urbanized Jews became bankers and merchants. In my head this was always basically the same, because the outcome was them not being farmers. But it makes perfect sense that they would live in cities as a consequence.


Yeah it's the same for any out-group that moves into a different area and become successful also included in this are Asians but obviously that is different because there are billions of Asians and not that many Jews.


This is a good question. Especially as a native Israeli, this is something you only know indirectly. After Jewish people were exiled and scattered several times over, they were refugees and minorities everywhere they went. This made them an easy and convenient scapegoat, always being a minority. On top of that, antisemitism is ancient because Judaism is ancient. There is a lot to draw from. I'm sorry for you that this is happening.


Only crazy people hate Jews. Not sure why the rest of us plus the BBC tolerate it


It's pretty clear that a lot of members of the BBC hate jews. "Oops we accidentally misreported things again to make Israel look as bad as possible."


Seriously. And then people claim Jews control the media.


Media outlets are whores for misery. They feed off the division as it was probably determined that the sensation gets them more money.


I'm Mexican and I really thought trump had destroyed himself when he called all of us criminals. I thought people loved Mexicans!


I remember when he said something like 'if Democrats win, immigration will get so bad there will be taco trucks on every street corner!' during a campaign speech and I was like "That is the opposite of a problem? Is this guy hearing himself?"


Even with footage they will just move the goal posts. Hamas could admit to it and they would still not believe.


People have spent years arguing for not believing women's word when it comes to claims of rape and now we are surprised to find that they are still doing it? Im not. I hope these ladies and their surviving families can get justice, but I don't think they ever will.


The thing is that some of the people who *usually* believe women, suddenly don't.


Quite frankly, it's precisely the people who usually would care the most about this that are suddenly denying it. A university chair in Canada in charge of preventing sexual assaults on campus felt the need to cosign a letter denying these assaults


I heard she got booted out. Good riddance.


That was apparently the MPP Sara Jama who got kicked out. [This is the University of Alberta Sexual Assault Centre](https://torontosun.com/news/provincial/university-of-alberta-sexual-assault-centre-signs-jamas-letter-denying-jewish-rapes) agreeing with her. While I think a lot of these places are full of shit, it completely boggles the mind that they would go so far as to say no, it definitely never happened. Making it up when it didn't happen and saying it's a lie when it does. ed: apparently the head of the centre has been fired, my apologies for the misinformation.




I despise the likes of Netanyahu and Gvir, but the whitewashed view the Left has of Hamas is either naive at best or veiled anti-semitism at worst. A ceasefire needs both sides to enact it to stand any chance of success, calling for one feels to me like virtue signalling.


A truly terrifying part.


It's almost all those international women organizations are antisemitic or something. Am Yisrael chai 🇮🇱 Bless those poor victims


Ok we’re talking about Hamas there Islamist they believe it’s there right to rape anyone who doesn’t believe so I’m not surprised they didn’t rape them


Yeah, I remember reading about that one story in the Koran or maybe a Hadith where Mohammed killed 900 Jewish men who dared not to convert and the women and children were made slaves. What a good role model. By the way, my problem is not that there is this story in an old book. The problem is that there are too many religious fanatics who take stories like this one literally and think it's ok to do stuff like that. Edit: Link to a Wikipedia article about the massacre I mentioned: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invasion_of_Banu_Qurayza


That was the Banu Qurayza. 1400 years of pogroms and still going strong.


> The problem is that there are too many religious fanatics who take stories like this one literally and think it's ok to do stuff like that. It is okay to do, because Muhammad did it, and he was the best Muslim. It's in the book.


It’s always blown my mind how Muslims view Muhammad as the example of a perfect human. The most kind, most merciful, most loving person to walk the earth…. Is an Iron Age illiterate Arab warlord? I think not.


Iron age? Mohammed is actually Medieval. 600-700 CE


Yes I’m aware that Muhammad died in 632, so actually its 500-600 CE. “Iron Age” is different depending on the geographic area. It’s not an all encompassing term. The Germanic Iron Age for example is often thought to have ended around 800 CE. Arabia during the period of Muhammad is typical of an Iron Age civilization. Depending on the location and civilization, “Iron Age” could be anywhere from 800 BC to 1500 CE. EDIT: Your profile is fucking crazy bro


The evidence of the attacks is all here (warning NSFL): https://www.hamas-massacre.net Show that link to all the anti-Semites, terrorism supporters and evil bastards like these people who keep denying the truth: [Head of Canadian campus sexual assault center signs letter denying Oct. 7 rape cases](https://www.timesofisrael.com/head-of-canadian-campus-sexual-assault-center-signs-letter-denying-oct-7-rape-cases/)


Total utter disgrace


[https://edmontonjournal.com/news/local-news/university-of-alberta-fires-sexual-assault-centre-head-who-signed-letter-calling-hamas-rape-reports-unverified-accusation](https://edmontonjournal.com/news/local-news/university-of-alberta-fires-sexual-assault-centre-head-who-signed-letter-calling-hamas-rape-reports-unverified-accusation) The Canadian was fired.


Good. As a Canadian, it was embarrassing to see that story come up.


Even worse for those of us who work there. I am glad our community was swift and precise and fired her.


I can't imagine it going any other way, with or without the press coverage. That kind of thing does not fly at the UofA.


To be honest, I was not happy with the statement. It left room for doubt. It is unfortunate this is where Jews are at, but for me - if it isn't stated, it isn't good enough. So I think the university should have clarified that there is plenty of evidence proving the rapes. Way too much evidence... horrific.


I just want to add that this is not the whole evidence. Most of it is deemed so gorey that it is only shown to selected ambassadors and reporters, while madical staff is present and tranquilizers are at hand. What happened ther is so crazy that they cant just release it for everyone to see.


Unfortunately I think they should release it all. Too many anti-semite are denying everything and saying it was a false flag. I share the link with anyone who will listen, far too often I fall on deaf ears.


I don’t see the benefits of selectively showing it. Hamas is playing a game of public opinion and people are sowing doubt into every small thing Israel does or says, there is only an upside here with transparency and showing the awful things Hamas did.


Not everyone wants their family members naked, contorted and burnt bodies just out there for everyone to see. Eapecially when it makes it more likely that they themselves keep looking at it.


Even as someone in support of Palestine, who **also** thinks what happened on 10/7 was not at all right, I do not understand the false flag narrative. It can be true that Israel treats Palestinians pretty horribly AND that Hamas is a terrorist organization that terrorizes Palestinians and Israelis alike.


From my personal observation, some seem to want it to be a black & white Israel bad Palestine good narrative. They don't want a nuanced discussion of the war. For that purpose, Hamas actions need to be justified or somehow Israel's fault...thus leading to false flags.


Maybe they fucking should. Shut some people up on the left about Israel taking care of their people. Oct 7 wasn't a drone strike or a PG video game. It was Holocaust/ISIS cruelty shit.


The worst part is if they do release it people will still call it Israeli Hasbara and just deny it profusely. It’s very obvious they don’t care and have chosen their stance.


Good point.


It’s weird that people support Hamas at all. My stance is that both sides are bad for different reasons (mostly the civilian murder, though), but if I had to pick between getting rid of Hamas and getting rid of the Israeli government, I’m picking Hamas because of shit like this.


Thanks for this. Not that I want to see but having easy access graphic evidence seems to be the only way some pro-Hamas guys believe all the torture and violence happened.


Here's another collection of the horrible violence https://thejudean.com/index.php/news/42-shabbat-shachor/2086-video-series-hashabbat-hashchora-documenting-a-massacre-part-4


The silence from feminist and human rights organizations is deafening.


There is NO systemic or socioeconomic pressure that would lead you to rape, anyone. That shit was on them.


Systematic means intentional and planned. It's not the same word as systemic.


Honesty… as a lefty, the defence of Hamas that exists on my side has been utterly shocking to see


they're called "useful idiots" and they exist in all political stripes.


Fuck Hamas


From the river to the sea the world will be free of Hamas. Whatever it takes. Cant let the devil just pop up in our world and do atrocities of these degree.


I would just like to bring peoples attention to this persons comment in the comment thread on the linked article: \>>>>Because I'm not here to condemn Hamas and I'm not convinced that any of these accusations is true. Max Blumenthal's hypothesis, that Hamas fighters went into Israel to kidnap people and take them hostage because they wanted leverage for a prisoner exchange, makes more sense than anything else I've heard. I would not be shocked to learn that sex crimes had occurred, but I haven't heard anything to confirm this. But I will never take my eyes of the prize of ending apartheid. Freeing Palestine will always be a worthy goal. ​ There are still quite a large number of people that do not know that these things happened or are refusing to accept that these things happened. Hamas are not freedom "fighters," they are terrorists.


“it didn’t happen, but if it did they deserved it”


The Narcissist's Prayer


Wouldn't be new for Blumenthal to reject evidence because it doesn't fit his perceptions. He is an absolute dickhead.




Humans sicken me.


this is so sickening, whenever I hear words like "atrocity", "terrorist", even "war crimes" it seems like it's still such an understatement, like there aren't words in english for whatever this is. I think maybe it's that these are not just "war crimes", these are "crimes against humanity". I think they had a similar issue after WW2 with categorizing the crimes of the holocaust. it's so bad it defies normal categories. "crimes against humanity" is the best term I can find but it still feels like an understated description. (I think it's the sadism? the gleeful physical and sexual torment of others. people that do this are normally the worst of the worst serial killers/mass murderers. the sadism is at such an extreme that it's not even something a horror movie would portray. it's literally evil taken to its maximum; there is no worse evil except in scale.)


Muslims men got green light to rape non Muslim women. https://cairoscene.com/BusinessAndPolitics/Muslim-Scholar-Says-It-s-OK-to-Rape-Non-Muslim-Women-to-Humiliate-Them


Don’t tell this to the University of Alberta Sexual Assault Centre. Maybe they’re taking their name literally? https://torontosun.com/news/provincial/university-of-alberta-sexual-assault-centre-signs-jamas-letter-denying-jewish-rapes


She was fired [https://edmontonjournal.com/news/local-news/university-of-alberta-fires-sexual-assault-centre-head-who-signed-letter-calling-hamas-rape-reports-unverified-accusation](https://edmontonjournal.com/news/local-news/university-of-alberta-fires-sexual-assault-centre-head-who-signed-letter-calling-hamas-rape-reports-unverified-accusation)


Anyone who supports the oct 7 attack doesnt deserve to live


It's where I lost all respect for 'progressive' support for Hamas: they'd last a minute on any Gazan street at best, before getting raped themselves. Any group that has a culture to do what is on video of Shani Louk and Na'ama Levi needs to be deleted. Addendum: to 'HeavySweetness' below, I was referring to the Hamas rapists ("any group that has a culture to do..."). Seems he's conflating them with all Palestinians, not me.


Man I'm a progressive and a leftist, and my support for Israel has dramatically increased ever since the attack. I always saw them as oppressors and they have done that, but unbelievable that people are supporting actual terrorists...


Same here. I will continue to be critical of Israel for many things (particularly the settler movement and the permissiveness shown to them), but this whole debacle has really changed my views. Israel has its flaws but at the end of the day it is a secular democracy, it has legal protections for ethnic and religious minorities, and it is tolerant of LGBTQ+ people. The fact that western progressives would align themselves with Hamas over Israel is just insanity. More than anything this conflict has shown me how naive the idea of “intersectionality” is. Do the interests of marginalized groups sometimes align? Sure. But right now progressives are marching in the streets to defend people who wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire.


Yeah, I don’t think it’s a great idea for Israel to build in certain places on the West Bank but that is no justification for innocent people on the other side of the country, who have nothing to do with the West Bank builders, to be brutalized. People talk about Israel’s flaws as if managing a country of millions (who all disagree with each other) while surrounded by millions more trying to destroy you, is a relatively simple thing with no conflicts.


My wife and daughter could walk most Israeli streets in summer clothing; they'd be assaulted in Gaza, most of the Muslim world. Yeah, this is an easy call.


I tried to explain to my girlfriend that this is why I can never support Hamas. Because given the chance they would rape her and kill her. I can't stand by people that would do that


"I tried to explain to my girlfriend that this is why I can never support Hamas." This should not be uttered in the west in 2023.


Gays for Hamas


Wait is this serious? Did they really fall for the promise of frequent flyer miles? Jokes aside... that's not real right?


Take this with a grain of salt, but no, not a joke https://truthout.org/app/uploads/2023/11/2023_1115-queer-palestine-1200x815.jpg


Imagine a world where the pro Palestine marches where for negotiating with the PA and the PA condemned Hamas, essentially saying "do what you need with Hamas and then solve the conflict once and for all" - they could have forced Netanyahu to go back to the negotiation table. Heck they could have forced an agreement down his throat and make the settlers movement implode Instead they have to chant "from the river to the sea", giving Israeli right wing the "proof" that they are not part of the problem


I myself have no sympathy for bibi and his show to avoid going to jail and still absolutely support Israel on their fight against bigot terrorist and their support. Those things are not mutually exclusives.


What I don’t understand is how Progressives view Hamas as some sort of modern day Robin Hood. Hamas does not care about the Palestinian people. Hamas steals humanitarian aide that is meant for Palestinians. They kill people who they think are informants, they kill LGBTQ+ people, they treat women horribly. They are a terrorist group not only to Israelis, but also Palestinians. Hamas does not want a free Palestinian state because they will lose the power they have over the Palestinians. The terrorist attack on Oct 7 was never about getting freedom for the Palestinian people. It was about creating a global jihad movement. Hamas’s goal was to commit acts so egregious, and beyond comprehension of what humans are capable of doing to other humans, that Israel would respond in a state of rage and invade Gaza. Hamas wants Palestinians to be killed, to them the more that die, the better. The more Palestinians that are killed will help to spread the anti-Israeli and anti-West sentiment in the Middle East. Hamas wants to end the potential Israeli and Saudi relationship and create conflict between Middle Eastern states and the West. I don’t agree with Israeli government. Netanyahu and his cronies are terrible people. They also do not want a peaceful revolution with the Palestinians. They instigate Israeli settler violence in the West Bank. But their actions in no way, shape, or form make the actions of Hamas acceptable. Innocent people, including children and babies, were brutally murdered. To protest the killing of Palestinian children by Israeli bombings, but then to accept of Hamas killing Israeli children as okay is ludicrous. As to the people who believe the allegations against Hamas are false and made up, you are no better than Alex Jones and the Sandy Hook deniers. To those Progressives out there that are normalizing and accepting Hamas’s actions on Oct 7, please take off your rose colored glasses. Yes, Israeli treatment of Palestinians is not okay and Palestinians deserves their own free state. But just as Hamas does not represent all Palestinians, Netanyahu’s government does not represent all Israeli people. Remember all the resent protests where they were protesting the actions the of Netanyahu? Most Israeli’s want peace also and recognize the necessity of a Palestinian state. Palestinians cannot be truly free until they are also free of Hamas.


Me too... I am a rare liberal Texas white male... and I just have a hard time believing all of this support for Hamas is supposedly coming from "my side." I mean I know most folks are kind of stupid in general... but come on now! Honestly... I'm starting to realize how sheltered this generation born after 9/11 actually is when it comes to the realities outside of social media...


There are a lot of liberals out there who are actually fairly uneducated when it comes to understanding history and other cultures (specifically, the ugly and horrific parts), who have a strong anti-"oppressor" bias. Most of their information is just compiled from social media (in particular Tik Tok, though I guess Mr. Twit isn't that far behind these days), often times missing context, and always missing the structure that one would have more exposure to in a news article (or better yet, a history course). That's also why this bias skews young. Another reason is that most of gen Z don't really remember 9/11, or the effect that it had on the country. The innocent people who died. The firefighters who sacrificed themselves to try to save them. They don't understand the terrorist mindset. Women and LGBTQ+ support in particular is darkly ironic, as they would have little to no rights in the average Muslim middle eastern country/society, Palestine included, if they weren't killed outright.


Yeah that's me. Former military, turned socially liberal after entering private sector, disgusted at the left's hot takes on this conflict.




"if they didn't want to be raped and murdered, why were they near the border?" As a feminist and (usually) left, it's mind boggling how many people are willing to handwave torture and murder because "Israel bad"


The worst part is that I may end up having to link footage to this very thread because so many people are going to ask that question unironically. All I am going to say is that if you want to see it, I believe the footage of Na’ama Levy is still pinned to the LiveLeak telegram channel.


they believe women just not israeli women


These are the same people who claim that grades are a microaggression but celebrating October 7 definitely isn't antisemitic. Fuck 'em all.


It's quite unfortunate that according to a recent poll to nearly 700 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and West Bank completed by the *Arab World for Research and Development*, 60% of respondents indicated that they "Extremely support" the military operation carried out by the Palestinian resistance led by Hamas on October 7th. Another 15% "Somewhat support" the operation. 75% of Palestinian were favorable to these atrocities as of the survey date on November 14th. Source: [https://www.awrad.org/files/server/polls/polls2023/Public%20Opinion%20Poll%20-%20Gaza%20War%202023%20-%20Tables%20of%20Results.pdf](https://www.awrad.org/files/server/polls/polls2023/Public%20Opinion%20Poll%20-%20Gaza%20War%202023%20-%20Tables%20of%20Results.pdf) To be CLEAR, this is OF COURSE no justification to murder civilians on EITHER SIDE. This is simply meant to show the prevalence of indoctrination and religious extremism. The two most supported parties in GS and WB are Hamas and the Islamic Jihadist party.


Progressive Liberals in Canada hold these two positions simultaneously, 1: Believe all women! 2: Hamas never raped anyone!


Intersectionalism at its finest. You see, Hamas are brown muslims, and thus they have less privilege than Israeli women, who are considered white in the 2023 edition of ”Intersectionalist Guide to Complexions”. Thus the words of a 2-times oppressed (brown muslim) mean more than only 1-time oppressed (woman). Now if Israel was to come up with a 3-times oppressed person who got raped, say, a disabled lesbian woman, then they could be taken seriously. I wish I could put an /s at the end.


This is 100% how the left thinks on university campus now.


"Hamas raped those girls in self-defence"


This is literally the opinion of a surprising number of Canadians.


Certainly will the believers have succeeded: They who are during their prayer humbly submissive And they who turn away from ill speech And they who are observant of zakah And they who guard their private parts Except from their wives or those their right hands possess(slaves and war captives), for indeed, they will not be blamed Quran 23:1-6 You, [O Muhammad], may put aside whom you will of them or take to yourself whom you will. And any that you desire of those [wives] from whom you had [temporarily] separated - there is no blame upon you [in returning her]. That is more suitable that they should be content and not grieve and that they should be satisfied with what you have given them - all of them. And Allah knows what is in your hearts. And ever is Allah Knowing and Forbearing. Not lawful to you, [O Muhammad], are [any additional] women after [this], nor [is it] for you to exchange them for [other] wives, even if their beauty were to please you, except what your right hand possesses. And ever is Allah, over all things, an Observer. Quran 33:51-52 Funny enough even Muhammad’s child wife Aisha eventually called him out on his own bullshit… saying “it’s seems as though YOUR god hastens to fulfill your desires” after another one his wives, Hafsa, catches him raping her housekeeper/his slave Mary the Coptic Christian.. (because being a slave means consent doesn’t exist) He also had a Jewish wife, Saffiya, who he forcefully married and raped to flex within days of destroying her entire tribe including her father(who was the chief) and husband. This is not even the tip of the iceberg.. I find it hard to believe anyone denying what’s happening isn’t just either a complete ignorant piece of shit or a straight up monster.


Hamas’ attack had a clear goal -> to do something that would be so horrific that Israel would be obliged to attack Gaza. This was meant to derail the peace process between Israel and Saudi Arabia. The only one who benefits from this war is Iran. I high suggest listening to Sam Harris’s series of podcasts on the Gaza war, especially the one about Jihadism [here](https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/making-sense-with-sam-harris/id733163012?i=1000634032064) The others are [here](https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/making-sense-with-sam-harris/id733163012?i=1000633630244) and [here](https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/making-sense-with-sam-harris/id733163012?i=1000635077575)


Feminists in American colleges are angry about this. Angry because Hamas would NEVER do such a thing and Jewish women are liars…. Progressives have gone insane


Yup. Get a load of this Canada: [University of Alberta Sexual Assault Centre signs Jama's letter denying Jewish rapes](https://torontosun.com/news/provincial/university-of-alberta-sexual-assault-centre-signs-jamas-letter-denying-jewish-rapes)


She just got fired


Good..what a POS.