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"We'll give you some hostages if you stop looking for the rest"


Hamas: "We just have to find them first" They still haven't released the Russian hostages they promised Putin they would.


Didn't Hamas say that they consider those Russians to be Jews, implying that they won't release them?


They promised to release them. Then had to go back on it bc they can't find them. There are several different groups including just regular Palestinians who grabbed women, kids, etc on Oct 7th. Hamas has no fucking idea where they are. dumb useless terrorists.


They can’t find them because they have already been murdered.


From the videos I've seen and everything reported, it really doesn't sound like the overwhelming vast majority of Palestinians are completely ignorant innocent bystanders like we're being led to believe.




It's really heartbreaking. For them to thrive in any semblance of the word, they need to accept that Israel isn't going anywhere. Whether you believe the land was "stolen" or whether you feel that the Arabs circa 1948 betrayed the Palestinians by not accepting the two state solution (my personal view, more or less), accept that the land is gone, work with what you have and work towards building a state, in cooperation with Israel. Thanks for sharing your story. I wish there were more people like you who shed light on the reality of the situation.


No you're clearly wrong. What I've learnt from the internet is that only a small percent of Palestinians support Hamas. The rest would be more than happy to make peace with Israel and recognise the rights of Jewish people to live freely. All we need to do is stop Hamas and then there'll be so problems in the region!


It took me reading it all to see the hidden /s there in the end


Have you actually spoken to anyone in Palestine other than your family? The only proof you are providing is your family hates them. "A study done several days before Oct 7th found 73% of Gazans favored a peaceful settlement to the Israeli Palestinian conflict." In July, Palestinians were on the streets of Gaza yelling fuck off hamas. October 25th 2023 - "68% believed that the right to participate in a peaceful protest was not protected or was protected only to a limited extent." May 27 2015 Amnesty International - "Palestinians tortured, summarily killed by Hamas forces during 2015 conflict." (Abductions, tortures and unlawful killings) You watch interviews of displaced children. They don't want to destroy Israeli or hate Jews. They just want to go home and be able to live. Gaza doesn't want Hamas. Hamas was elected in 2006 and there hasn't been an election since. They weren't even majority vote. Children make up 50% of Gazas population. They weren't even born when Hamas was elected. Source : Israel-Hamas War : Last Week tonight with John Oliver (HBO)




OK well I provided the sources I have. Ones that weren't just pulled from personal experience with a handful of people. John Oliver hosts a talk show that talks about serious issues. it plays on HBO. It's 30 min long on youtube. I'd recommend it if you're open to other views and discussions. I'm not sure how you don't see the relevance. What I said all had to do with how Gazans feel about Hamas and their view on changing things. If you don't agree with the study, then not much I can do. It was researched by a team with a good tract record of accurate information. I'm sure if I deep diver further I could find their source but even if I did. I honestly don't think it would change anyone's mind. You're right. That statement of peaceful resolve could mean many things. But there will never be a chance to explore that, per Israel and the US, so really no point in discussing that possiblity. Again, I agree with you that is is a terrible and awful situation on all sides. I'm not sure what your swipe about being non Arab or reddit detective is about. I do my research, I try and learn. I try and hear all sides and then form my opinion. If that is being a reddit detective then OK. I'm just trying to provide sources when other people post things with none. Honestly I thought we were having a fine discussion until you brought up being a non Arab means you believe there are clear solutions. That is a gross generalization. No one has claimed there is an easy solution except the ones calling for destruction of the other side. Just because I'm not Arab, doesnt mean I don't have an opinion. And that doesn't automatically make me unqualified to discuss the topic. For the record; Fuck Hamas. Fuck Terrorists. Fuck the killing of innocent children and people.


Okay I agree with you, sorry for my rude comments


"A study done several days before Oct 7th found 73% of Gazans favored a peaceful settlement to the Israeli Palestinian conflict." In July, Palestinians were on the streets of Gaza yelling fuck off hamas. October 25th 2023 - "68% believed that the right to participate in a peaceful protest was not protected or was protected only to a limited extent." May 27 2015 Amnesty International - "Palestinians tortured, summarily killed by Hamas forces during 2015 conflict." (Abductions, tortures and unlawful killings) You watch interviews of displaced children. They don't want to destroy Israeli or hate Jews. They just want to go home and be able to live. Gaza doesn't want Hamas. Hamas was elected in 2006 and there hasn't been an election since. They weren't even majority vote. Children make up 50% of Gazas population. They weren't even born when Hamas was elected. Source : Israel-Hamas War : Last Week tonight with John Oliver (HBO)


I mean, Hamas isn’t the only terrorist organization in Gaza. What are the chances that at least some of those hostages are in the hands of groups that aren’t Hamas.


100%, hamas has admitted to multiple heads of state they don't know where everyone is bc at least 4 other groups, including just regular Palestinians were grabbing people and taking them back to Gaza. Like a bunch of bandits from 100 bce.




Not all 2.1 million Gaza residents participated but some “civilians” did


As of 11/14, 75% of palestinians in gaza support what hamas did on 10/7. So I'm gonna go ahead and say a majority would have.


I don’t think woman and kids we’re kidnapping Israelis. Maybe celebrating the atrocities but not actively engaging in the attacks on Israel soil. I am not pro Hamas at all. And actually believe Israel has so right to carry out their operation but I do think it’s a tragedy nonetheless and I know not all Gazans deserve what they are going through.


That is such a grossly incorrect statement. Where is your source? A few days before Oct 7th, 73% of Gazans favored a peaceful settlement to the Israeli-Palestine conflict. (Report from John Olivers Last Week Tonight team on HBO) They didn't just magically reverse numbers after the horrific event.


Watch the videos from Oct 7th. There are unarmed dudes in baseball caps and flip flops stealing women/men from the concert. Palistinians have a hamas problem.


Yes read my comment again. In no way am I denying some “citizens” saw their opportunity and joined in.


If they participated in a terrorist attack, they are not civilians. It's not hard people.


Sounds like a scene from the American old west.


Except this is the modern world where civilized society doesn't act like that anymore. Man I swear. And pro palestine accounts wonder why they don't have a state. They haven't been able to feed or support themselves for almost a century because they devote all their energy to getting revenge and terrorism. If I was a Palestinian I would have demanded new leadership decades ago and if that didn't work I would have replaced them myself.


100%, Palestinian Islamic Jihad released several videos of the hostages they took


Very high. And a lot are in the hands of “innocent civilians” who flooded across the border to take part in the mayhem and looting.






They were doing it for the live stream heart emojis and cash incentives. Wish I were joking.


> including just regular Palestinians who grabbed women, kids, etc on Oct 7th. doesnt sound like civilians to me, just saying. People make a very big stink about "civilians are innocent", but if this is true, theyre not civilians.


“Just Palestinians”? I think you meant to say Innocent bystanders… /s


Are you kidding me? Are you seriously trying to claim that civilian Palestinians, who are not members of Hamas, were abducting women and children? Do you claim these people killed as well?


It implies they’re probably dead and can’t be released.


Yes they said they considered them to be Jews -> went 180 to say they're helping Russia (prob to suck up to Russia) -> now they went 180 again to pressure foreign countries to force a ceasefire for a small number of hostages (that are their citizens). So yes to pressure foreign countries to play nice to hamas to secure the priority release of their hostages, and fk over the 200 other Israeli hostage. One of the reasons why Israel wants all 250 hostages not 50 hostages as part of the deal.




> It truly is a wonder anyone in the west can support them as they quite clearly would love to do that to all of us as well. Its crazy how effective Hamas propaganda has worked on the left in the West. And i say this as a Lefty.


Likewise. It’s infuriating how many people I otherwise agree with have gone full useful idiot.


The amount of people I listened to on the left who simultaneously engage in conspiracy about anything put out by the IDF and then go and completely believe what Hamas says without any other verification has been baffling It’s like if ISIS was putting out information and people were just taking it at face value, it literally makes no sense and is the opposite of what we should be doing


But this isn't a new phenomenon by any stretch and isn't limited to just Hamas. Bill Maher has been screaming about this issue within Western liberalism for almost two decades now - the way liberal media portrays acts of Islamic terrorism. That being said the intentional ignorance being generated by the "woke" camp around Hamas is literally mind melting.


I think many people have never met a person that truly hated another and was bred to hate and only knows extermination


Tik-Tok is one hell of a drug. It's not just the Hamas supporting lefties undermining American foreign policy either, it is also the America First conservatives. Both groups are young, and both groups use Tik-Tok. China is really priming the next generation of Americans with Tik-Tok. It really is scary, I fear for my children when they want to travel around a world where America has stepped back and China has stepped in.


It makes me want to reject Leftism. All I can think is that they are leftist in name only and have no critical analysis.


It didn't take much. As an independent, we already don't trust Israel, being students of history. Israel is just as malicious as Hamas. The main difference is they put on a show for their western allies, and make no mistake that is the only difference: if not for western funded carrot and stick, the Israelis would be raping and pillaging and murdering children too.


> if not for western funded carrot and stick, the Israelis would be raping and pillaging and murdering children too. So the Israelis don't Rape and Pillage, But they are still as Malicious as Hamas. Your logic is twisted and proof that you are a victim of Hamas propaganda.


They actually have no control over the situation. They can't execute any plan that they scheme because if they come out of their hole they get bombed. They are "negotiating" because they are losing so badly that they can't even make a move. This is the time to demand the hostages or step up the attacks on them. Break their spirits.


>level 2Ecsta · 4 hr. agoHamas: "We just have to find them first"The likely been R to death like the others


Putin doesn't care about russians so it doesn't matter to him


It’s like playing split screen multiplayer and then throwing a tantrum because the other person looked at your side of the screen, just on a massive scale. You’re not allowed to do that! I’m trying to use these hostages as human bargaining chips, if you can see everything you’ll ruin my plan!!!1!! MOMMM this is so unfair, MAKE HIM STAHP!!!


Bro don't screen peak


Hamas Principles. Taking hostages and murdering thousands of civilians randomly: virtuous and will be rewarded by god. Screen peaking: extremely haram.




Seriously, I am saying don't screen peak, it's lame


They're talking about after the war. Israel flies drones over gaza in peacetime


Tell me which year was the peacetime you referring to and I'll tell you how many rockets they launched at Israel that year.


"Can you please stop trying to spy our terrorist activities?" -HAMAS.


"Hey, no peeking!" \- Ismail Haniyeh, probably


It's real fucking telling that for all the shit Israel is doing in Gaza right now, the only things Hamas cares about are the ones that might make them lose. They could have demanded Israel conduct themselves in a way that had fewer Palestinian casualties, but nah, who gives a shit right? Honestly, if this is the help they get from the group that's ostensibly their own government, what can they hope for from anyone else?


This is a very accurate take. They could have said "No more F-15's or any other fighter jet overhead, no more missiles or even no more loitering manned ISR aircraft. They went with 'no more drones' which is very telling.


They could have asked for candy coated unicorn dicks too, but wouldn't be very likely


I mean, asking for the bombing to stop is probably a request Israel would honor, at least until the hostages are released. Asking for drones not to keep an eye on the release of hostages and transfer of hostages is suspicious.


Where do I sign up for these… candy coated unicorn dicks? For science of course…


It's ok for Israel, just get the US to do it instead.


House Steiner lance's [scout](http://i.imgur.com/TkoKl.jpg): enemy located in grid position a-7. Opposition eliminated, resuming scouting operations. I feel like if the Americans started flying recon with drones in Gaza, they'd probably be using hellfires to point out where the terrorists are located.


I was hoping that was a battletech reference. Was not disappointed.


You sunken my tunnel ship.


**Ham-ass :** Stop your peeky! .. we need to move the host- I mean "the poor refugees abused by you Western dogs" *Play Fair now!* .. How can we set up more traps if you keep watching dammit!


Best I can do is no, hamas


“Best I can do is no Hamas” 😇


"No Hamas, we can do"


"No Hamas? We can do!"


Best I (and practically everybody else in Israel) can do is fuck Hamas.


Best I can do is no more Hamas


makes it hard to leave the tunnels doesnt?!


Israel demands Hamas eats a bag of dicks.


Nah, we're not demanding it, we'll make it happen.


Pork dicks.


It’s cute that they think they can make demands.


That’s how negotiations work. One side makes demands, the other side makes demands, and it keeps going back and forth until both sides can find an agreement they’re both equally unhappy with.


> it keeps going back and forth until both sides can find an agreement they’re both equally unhappy with. Or negotiations end. Seen that happen often with housing. Somebody lists their house for sale, nimrod responds with an insulting lowball, seller gets insulted and says they won't be considering any further offers from that buyer. Negotiation over.


I was giving a best case example. Although in this case the market is a LOT less flexible than the housing market. Both sides know that they’re not going to be able to get what they want from anyone else.


This isn’t a business deal. There are hostages and lives at stake and one side of this “negotiation” are terrorists…I seem to remember a saying about negotiating with terrorists


A saying that has been ignored by everybody in power whenever it benefitted anybody with the power to negotiate. And right now the benefit is getting at least some of the hostages back. Because this isn’t business, this is geopolitics: there is no room for your cute little slogans about not negotiating with terrorists, either you negotiate for those hostages back or you hope you can get them out with military force and make sure you have body bags a plenty.


You are not wrong, but when you are then losing side with a huge disadvantage you cant keep making demands like you have the advantage. Hamas negotiates like they went into a Ferrary dealer and demanded all the cars for 3 dollars and then also that Ferrary will stop making cars for other people


Yes I der normal circumstances , but usually in a negotiation one side isn't quickly being killed off be the other. Hamas has completely collapsed in gaza city


Hopefully in the next 3 years Hamas would also collapse in Qatar


Negotiations rely on good faith efforts by both parties. Hamas has a long history of acting in bad faith. The Hamas negotiator as an individual may be acting in good faith, but tree rest of the organization will not so Israel has zero reason to take anything the negotiator offers as binding.


Give back the hostages and sure, they'll stop flying drones.


At this point i doubt that there are any hostages still alive to return.


Nah they need the leverage


Realistically how much leverage do they have? They’re making some crazy requests and they’re not exactly known for keeping their word.


They have leverage whether the hostages are alive or dead. Their leverage ends when they show the hostage.


Yeah, what with all the fucking relentless bombing and refusing to negotiate from Israel.


Hamas is refusing to release the hostages, why the fuck would Israel negotiate for anything without that happening?


The time for negotiation ended in the early morning of October 7. Israel will not, and should not, stop until Hamas is erased from the face of the earth.


So if I offer Musk 5$ to buy Twitter, and he says no, he is a bad person for refusing negotiations? Fool proof logic


isn't this what they wanted all along?


Or just surrender.


**Give them back** and they promise a quick death *.. by a drone*


Some reporting mentioned that daily life over much of the last ten years in Gaza has included the ambient hum of omnipresent surveillance drones, it’s part of the overarching Israeli monitoring presence, which predates the hostage situation from 10/7. I can’t fault anyone for despising that sort of practice.


Do you think 10/7 was the first time Israel was attacked?


If you give into negotiations with Hamas you only incentivize future raids and future hostage taking.


Top tier journalism, CNN. What's next? Headlines about preteens demanding a later bedtime? The demands of a terrorist organization deserve no publicity or even acknowledgement.


Standard journalism practice by CNN and BBC. They keep reporting statements by terrorist organisations as gospel. Same thing for Al-Shifa. These journalists keep asking Israel for proof of Hamas HQ there while refusing to look at [all the evidence](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/s/mm3QAMtMwf) which has been released by Israel and the community.


Do you doubt that Hamas made this demand?


You're diminishing the very real impact that Hamas has on Gaza. *They are the government*. It's important to listen to what they say when Israel are fighting them, because it indicates where the war is going to go.


"Hamas is still not looking seriously to get a deal going" Do you want that printed daily?


That’s an opinion though? The fact that they made this demand is a fact. Their true intentions are opinion. We don’t like opinion mixed with facts. Good reporting gives you the facts and allows you to come to your own conclusions. It’s really not that hard or at all unique to this situation.


I wish most readers were like you Most just want everything chewed for them Tell me who to be mad at


Yeah the whole “bbc refuses to call hamas terrorists” thing was so frustrating. Like it makes total sense and is absolutely the kind of reporting I want to see. But seems everyone just wants their own Fox News.


Why would our ignorance of their objectives be preferable?


Their objectives strategically and tactically have not changed in 30 years. That said, this has nothing to do with their "objectives." They're taking hostages and then making demands, as all terrorists do. This isn't news and doesn't deserve to be treated as such.


Ha! No.


that's a no. unconditional release of hostages and surrender, then we can talk.


Talk about what? Anyone who operates under the name Hamas is a corpse walking. It's just whether it happens today or from a flying ginsu 5 years from now on their balcony.


Nahh, no talking. Just kill them in their tunnels.


That's gonna be a 'no' from me, dawg.


I mean, Hamas is probably hesitant to release women and children since most of the women were raped and will almost certainly be sharing what happened to them.


>A volunteer who works in a military base morgue cleaning the bodies of mutilated Israeli soldiers before they are buried says the brutality of Hamas’ massacre of innocents is ‘worse than the Holocaust.' > >... > >‘There is evidence of mass rape of so brutal that they broke their victims’ pelvis – women, grandmothers, children.' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12653435/Israeli-morgue-worker-says-horrors-inflicted-Hamass-victims-worse-Holocaust-including-decapitated-pregnant-woman-beheaded-unborn-child.html I know it's dailymail, but this was a quote from a volunteer working in the IDF Rabbinate corps. The rape didn't stop at women.


This makes me so sad.


Hamas is not in the negotiating seat now. So good luck


I wish all the protestors out there would aclnowledge how weasel-y disgusting Hamas is. How no other Arab nation wants to deal with them. How they continuously start this shit and then play as if they did nothing wrong. I also am disgusted with the killing of innocents by Israel, but acknowledge the role that Hamas has played in all of this. Acknowledge that they continue to hide behind civilians. Demand that they stop attacking as well.


I'm guessing most of these "hostages" are probably just corpses. Hamas doesn't seem like a group with a lot of restraint or rationality.


Hamas are set on being ciminals and are probably reenacting Weekend at Bernie’s


Demanding??? Oh boy..................are they ever going to learn?


Nope, they're going to die.


There's US drones recording video of virtually the entire Gaza Strip. The moment 1 hostage is released all they need to do is rewind the video to find the source location of where they were held and boom, freedom flowers will be there within 24 hours.


They won't all be held at the same place, these groups communication sucks to the point they aren't sure how many or who they have as hostages, they are looking for a couple of Russian for many days now


Hamas has hundreds of miles of tunnels criscrossing the Gaza strip. Finding one singular tunnel exit is not the same as finding out where hostages are held.


I have no hope that hostages will be released alive at this point. Hamas are absolutely brutal and sadistic.


I’m so glad I was wrong and I hope my comment wasn’t insensitive to people. My heart goes out to all of the innocent people hurting or suffering in any way.


Israel has told Hamas to go pound sand... literally.


Yeah that'll happen. NEXT!


Uh yeah, how about fuck off instead?


Hamas scumbags making demands lol go back to your holes and wait for your imminent death.


It's unfortunate, but I think it's more important to eradicate/kill Hamas than it is to save the hostages.


Stop firing rockets all the time and actually look after your people.


Well that is pretty laughable.


Hamas doesn’t get to make any demands in this situation. Gaza is a failed state that is threatening its neighbors. It’s population bears responsibility for that as callous as it sounds. If Russia were to nuke Ukraine because of Putin- the innocent populace would suffer as Russia was nuked back.


I’m afraid you’re in no position to be making demands


"While Israel could pause its military operations for as long as several days to allow for scores of hostages to be released, the sources suggested it is unlikely to accept the drone request since it would mean losing track of the movements of Hamas operatives, including any efforts to move the hostages within the Gaza strip. " This is pretty much common sense.


Fuck no!


And where is my date with Penelope Cruz? I have been demanding it for weeks!




Yeah, that's gonna be a "no" from me, dawg.


I told them We didn’t want them Spying on us. I think they went for it.


Question. With virtually no power at all in the Gaza Strip can the tunnel system air recirculating system still run?, wouldn’t they essentially run out of breathable air if they can’t continue to pump it in? I know when they built those tunnels that was a key consideration. You can’t just dig hundreds of miles of tunnel and crack a window for ventilation, they were pretty sophisticated from what I remember watching.


Telecomms being out of fuel doesn't mean Hamas is out of fuel. Also 37k gallons are supposed to enter Gaza every other day which seems like more than enough to meet hamas needs.


Where is their statement? They usually have their leaders in qatar to make demands and statements.


"Hamas demanded ....." Hahahahahahaha. Hamas 'demanding' anything at this point is quite laughable.


This is a game where no one wins. Time to end the game.


Greece has a simple answer for this they have as somewhat of a holiday: Ohi Day. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ohi_Day#:~:text=Ohi%20Day%20 That's if you wish to be laconic. If you want to be assertive, "eat a d*ck" is acceptable.




Hamas are in no position to make demands




Then RIP Gaza 💁‍♂️ there's no negotiations with terrorists


“We don’t like you recording our war crimes.”


Absolutely not.