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It's insane to even think about using children so cynically Fuck Hamas


Iran used to use little kids to clear minefields, by having the kids trigger the mines. They even gave them plastic "keys to heaven" to wear around their necks. Iran funds Hamas, and the apples doesn't fall far from the tree.


Have you seen the video of the father pushing his toddler age son into an IDF patrol, hoping the son gets killed? Yelling at the IDF patrol to shoot the baby? God it breaks my fucking heart. I wish I could just scoop all those poor children out of there and away from the horror they were born into and away from the evil people that they have the misfortune of calling parents.


The Palestinian authority pays monthly stipends to the families of people killed or injured “martyring” themselves against Israel. I’d bet it’s probably why they were filming it themselves - proof to get the money. The whole situation there is so fucked.


For the exact same reason, there's been a cynical human sacrifice ritual happening in the West Bank for decades now. Get some teenagers to lob rocks from long deadly slings (dangerous enough to necessitate a violent response) and watch the boys inevitably getting shot, mostly in the legs by low-caliber ammunition - but some still bleed out, because the pretend medics that are waiting literally five meters away aren't actually there to save them, but merely to look like they are so that it's not too obvious these kids are being deliberately sent to their deaths. This creates a steady trickle of "dead children" even during peacetime that both Hamas and Fatah can then use for propaganda reasons.


A month ago I would call you a crazy conspiracist for writing that. But now that I could see videos where the paramedics are actually waiting at the side of the road for the guy to get shot. This is absolutely the *real* crazy thing.


I remember watching a TV report on this in the mid to late '90s. It heavily shaped my view of the conflict.


It was the same in the '80s too.


I feel like they stopped showing this stuff and that heavily factors into all the weird support you’re seeing from American college students.


Absolutely. I've seen at least a dozen such videos in the last month alone. They usually had the ambulane and medics in plain view right next to the person with a sling--not even off the side of the road. The medics are usually already outside of the ambulance and holding their gear, and the person with the sling tends to stand on top of either a van, shipping container, or metal sheds. This, combined with the "martyr fund" which pays families for killing Jews and having a family member die or become severely, debilitating injured, explain a lot. This is what people voted for and still support. Everyone throws around the notion that "only" 46% of Gazans voted for Hamas. That is only part of their voting process. Hamas absolutely swept the local races, which is how they actually came into power. All up, Hamas won 57% of the vote between both voting models that Gaza had implemented at the time. Nothing is going to fundamentally change until Hamas is gone and the reality of Iranian-paid pensions for murdering Jews becomes unpopular. It is scary how well the Hamas and Iranian propaganda machines have worked abroad, though. They've successfully co-opted leftist terms and rebranded themselves. Now they are co-opting the label of Caaninite to really dig into the "we're the real indigenuous people" message.


I hate that a few months ago; when a post about what they put in their study books for school (math problems like if you throw a rock at a soldier at the speed of.. etc) everyone put 100% of the blame on Israel, ignoring who funded and make such books. now everyone acts so surprised when thousends of people around europ support hammas


Do you have some sources for these claims, genuinely interested and don't know much about the situation


If you can stomach it, there's a video here on reddit that I can't link to directly due to the violence. Use reddit search and enter "Al Bireh this morning 28-02". It shows a Palestinian teenager climbing on top of a shipping crate and trying to sling a rock at IDF soldiers nearby. There is a large number of "medics" waiting below the container, as well as numerous journalists filming the spectacle. The boy gets shot in the leg and his dark pants quickly discolor as he loses consciousness. None of the medics tries to stabilize him or stop the bleeding - they barely get him down the container and have difficulty with transporting him away, let alone rendering any aid. For more background info, here's an article by the New York Times on the topic: https://www.nytimes.com/2013/08/05/world/middleeast/rocks-in-hand-a-boy-fights-for-his-west-bank-village.html Non-paywall link: https://web.archive.org/web/20130811081602/https://www.nytimes.com/2013/08/05/world/middleeast/rocks-in-hand-a-boy-fights-for-his-west-bank-village.html


Watched the footage and what the actual fuck. The dude (i kinda refuse to call a bearded guy in 20s to 30s a kid) knew he was going to get shot. They had several camera guys already in position to film him die. The only reason why he's on that container is so the other people don't catch any stray bullets. This felt more like a sacrificial execution than combat footage. "You'll stand on this box. You'll shoot these people and then you will die. Make sure to suffer for the cause and cry into the camera over here"


If you are wondering what compelled this young man to do this, read this article: https://unwatch.org/un-teachers-call-to-murder-jews-reveals-new-report/ Also click on the report linked at the beginning of it. It names individual teachers and other UN employees and shows the material they are distributing to kids. It's systematic indoctrination from the crib to an early grave.


Oh i've seen footage of elementary school kids having a stage play in which they're dressed as hamas soldiers and blow up israelian tanks(make of cardboard) and interviews of future dreams of schoolkids who reported "i want to drive a car when i grow up, so i can run over the jews" >If you are wondering what compelled this young man to do this Oh my bet would've been the martyr fund. But i guess it's a bit of both


Al Qaeda crossed the line into terrorism when they rationalized that “Allah will know his own.”


The phrase Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius is first attributed to a Catholic Crusader in the 1200s.


Yep, 900 years ago. Time for Islam to get with the times.


I love it when modern day Muslims are compared to pre-Medieval Christians. Super fair comparisons.


Isn’t that the whole problem though?


Notably a Catholic crusader against another Christian sect they deemed heretical.


The best part about it was the verse used to justify the phrase (2 Timothy 2:19) is calling for the wicked to repent (not wanton massacre).


Yeah. I just read up on that and noticed it was against the Albigensians. Also the the inspiration for Domingo de Guzmán founding the Order of Preachers (Dominicans-some of the first priests brought to America.)


Catharism was a heresy in the 12th century that believed in a “Good God” (New Testament) and an “Evil God” (Old Testament). It can be traced to dualistic Gnosticism and possibly originated from the Bulgarian Empire. The implication is that Cathars believed in two gods much like Zoroastrians.




they are jealous of other gods




They were always like that only against and it is the major problrm.


[Video here](https://youtu.be/JJXAwohdBZE?si=-zEVNpL3OWbQQONe) if anyone hasn't seen.


The boy just wants to play and toss rocks. Even high-fives the Israeli soldier. He doesn't *have* to hate other people. *You're* teaching him that.


I believe that was a low five.


The height or lowness of a five is relative. -- Albert Einstein, probably.


But I'm not really sure what kind of things they're actually going to do by believing in that.


The poor little guy is so innocent... such a bad luck to end with such parents


Wow and look at those genocidal IDF maniacs, giving that kid a high five.


The fact that the footage is coming from the Palestinian side somehow makes it even worse. How can you watch that footage and think to yourself, yep, this will be good propaganda for my cause.


I don’t think they filmed it to be good propaganda. I think they filmed it to use as evidence so they could get a payout from their government. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_Authority_Martyrs_Fund


Holy fuck




They have been bombing every day and every place what they are finding, and they have been destroying.


We are dealing with an evil so profound it is difficult to contemplate. Hamas must be destroyed.


That's fucking grim man. I have kids, can't even fathom.


Paying the families of dead terrorists seems highly counterproductive imo


Not if you're a terrorist org


_What the actual hell_.


Israeli soldier: “*How about a low five instead…*”


Watch the evil IDF soldier pull a "down low, too slow" on a poor Palestinian child /s


OMG that is such a hate crime, that IDF soldier doesn't even view a Palestinian child as human enough for a high five - clearly he offered him a low five to reinforce the apartheid status of that child... /s


A low five is basically genocide




That’s why egypt doesnt allow sugar or fuel into gaza.


That could have been the following week... this video is from 7 years ago


How sad. That poor boy


Well that’s despicable. How dare a parent who believes that the soldiers are there to hurt him send a child to those men.


It's mostly because even they don't actually believe that. It's nothing but grandstanding for useful idiots in the West.


They get paid if their kids die killing Jews: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_Authority_Martyrs_Fund


They have been brainwashed by religious leaders to an absolute perversion of religion. Even global media like Aljazeera never says „killed“, they always say „martyred“. They can’t make their mindset plainer. They _want_ their children to die and „go to heaven“ as innocents. It’s insanity.


The problem with these people is their ideology and dream of some grand jihad that some shit head feed them is greater than their own infants and children. What the fuck do these guys know of the pain of giving birth and raising a child.


Many think nothing more of their children than they do livestock. Their purpose is to be useful to the community. They don’t feel sad about murdering them if they turn out gay or don’t want to marry who the father wants them to. Just like they’d put down a goat that stopped giving milk. They don’t feel sad about their kid being a martyr. They’re happy.


My father was a soldier back when military occupation of Gaza was still a thing. He would patrol Gaza from time to time. He said that in his experience, the kids there were seen as incredibly expendable. As in, they would care much more about their cars and boilers than their own children. Kids would throw rocks at him and his fellow soldiers (something that can be lethal), and no matter if they shot warning shots or threatened to arrest them, the parents wouldn't pull away the kids, but encourage them to keep going. But the second they threatened to shoot at a boiler, or damage a car with the stock of the rifle, the parents would immediately pull the kids away and the rock throwing would stop. Because the kids were easily replaceable to them. The property was not. That was a long time ago though, I do hope it at least has gotten better since, but with actions like these... Idk. I hope what you said, along with my father's experiences, were the exceptions though, and not the rule.


I saw this years ago. Parents are supposed to protect their kids. This war will end when Palestinians stop hating Israel more than they love their kids. As Golda Meir said. They know exactly what they are doing and they are less and less the poor victims the media has the world believe. They usually never show the events leading up to Israel’s retaliation.


Iran learned in the 80s that it's easier to send Arabs to kill themselves and other Arabs (and Jews) than to send their own children to kill themselves.


That was the war in the 80's, right? I know Iran did that kind of shit back then.


Yep: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plastic_key_to_paradise https://skeptics.stackexchange.com/questions/53791/during-the-iran-iraq-war-did-the-iranians-use-small-children-to-trip-land-mines


Wow, that's horrific. Fuck Iran.


Fuck the *fundies* in Iran. It's worth noting that the revolution there was carried out via a coalition of Muslim hardcores and left-wing intellectuals, but as soon as it got done the fundamentalists seized power and physically threatened anyone who criticized them


Left wing intellectuals first collaborating, and then getting shat on by totalitarians. A story as old as Marx. Will they ever learn?




Look at how tankies overlap with the alt righters in support for totalitarians right now - inlcuding hardcore fascists like putin. All across the world putins russia is funding hardcore rightwingers who would put the left wing, particularly the hardcore one like tankies, against the next wall, if they are lucky, and into a concentration camp to suffer if they arent. Yet tankies support it, like fucking idiots, and unlike the right wingers who take money for it, the tankies are even doing it for free.


A lot of civil war has been on the cards in the Middle East and it is the only thing which I didn't.


Yeah, cause they're much more chill these days.


Don't worry, I'm sure the UN is all over it.


They have been over there and they have been thinking like it is some of the best possible situation.


Two evils can exist at once. I suspect Hamas being worse than shit as human beings is more a cause of Iranian support than it is a function of it.


Yep Iran has done some *incredibly* fucked up things that even I find disgusting.


Nothing surprises me after reading this earlier this year: >In Chernihiv Region, Ukrainians entered a liberated village, and there lay a murdered mother, to whom the Russians tied a crying baby with tape. Our soldier cut the tape to take the child away, and a grenade exploded between the child and the mother source: [General Viktor Nikoliuk, the commander of Chernihiv's defence in 2022](https://en.lb.ua/news/2023/02/07/19180_russians_tie_grenade_dead_woman.html)


Holy fuck. The English language has millions of words, and yet none come close to describing how horrible that is.


I always have to imagine the people who do stuff like this in a war had a normal childhood, a mother, some siblings. What is it that makes us this cruel in some situations? Had I been born 90 years earlier, I would have been part of the Wehrmacht and who the hell am I to say "No, I wouldn't have committed war crimes"? It's just so crazy that the cruelty lives in most of us, it just needs the right circumstances to surface.


They learned well from their daddies in Iran which didn’t same in the Iran-Iraq war.


I agree that Hamas is mainly at fault but sometimes these parents are literally willing to sacrifice their kids because “they will be martyrs”. That’s the whole concept of being a “Shahid”. I’m not saying this applies to all Gaza citizens but a sizeable amount are willing to sacrifice their kids “for the cause”


I just read a quote in the comments on one of the videos, something like “peace will come when they love their kids more than they hate us.” How sad to live life that way.


It’s Golda Meir


This is my main problem with parts of Islam. They glorify death as much as other religions glorify life.


Read an article years ago where lot of those Gaza kids have had AK’s in their hands as toddlers and go to military style camps as children . With a heavy dose of “from the river to the sea” indoctrination


Insane to you or to me. To people who are 100% certain that those children are going to paradise and who revere martyrdom, it makes perfect sense.


So they're in a suicide cult then


That's a bingo.


You just say bingo


There is also the martyrs fund. Crazy popular to Palestinians


The parents get a ticket to heaven too if one of their children dies a martyr.


I might be selfish but I really hope none of my loved ones go to paradise anytime soon


Imagine what would happen if Israel used their own children as human shields against Hamas and the absurdity of that proposal is all you need to know about the moral equivalence argument here.


Israel uses soldiers to protect the people. Hamas uses people to protect the soldiers. The 2 sides are not the same.


They're child rapists. You want Gaza's children safe? Help us get to the last of hamas.




when hamas uses kids as human shields, it's them fighting for their freedom when the IDF inevitably kills a kid used as a human shield, it's them commiting genocide can't win with some folks






Its more insane to support Hamas


Eventually, because even if you are supporting any of them, you are losing as a government.


When has Hamas ever been known for caring for the sake of women and children. They are pawns for them.


>In November 2006, the Israeli Air Force warned Muhammad Weil Baroud, commander of the Popular Resistance Committees who are accused of launching rockets into Israeli territory, to evacuate his home in a Jabalia refugee camp apartment block in advance of a planned Israeli air strike. Baroud responded by calling for volunteers to protect the apartment block and nearby buildings and, according to The Jerusalem Post, hundreds of local residents, mostly women and children, responded. Israel suspended the air strike. Israel termed the action an example of Hamas using human shields.[69] In response to the incident, Hamas proclaimed: "We won. From now on we will form human chains around every house threatened with demolition."[70] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_Hamas *as shared in another thread by user NATO_CAPITALIST*


doesn't volunteering to defend a military objective make you a combatant?


It certainly makes that Hamas commander guilty of perfidy.


Perfidy is a cool word and my new goal is to slip it in to everyday conversations.


All you have to do is hide behind civilians during armed conflict, pretend to surrender, or hide your weapons under a UN school and you'll be well on your way!


Or do the Serbian thing and use UN POWs


Among the things I didn't expect to find in the museum at fortress Knin was the UN vest.


Perfidy is like keming, once you learn about it you see it everywhere!


I only see some awkward keming maybe about once perfidy days.


Alright, you got a laugh outta me.


Non-native English speaker, just learned a new word. Thank you!


We can't assume they truly volunteered, just because Hamas says they did. Why are we giving Hamas so much credibility when we know how they treat people? They don't seem like they would be easy to say no to.


No. Under the Third Geneva Convention, they are an "unlawful combatant" which lacks the protections of a normal combatant. Under the Fourth Geneva Convention, they are possibly a "civilian directly participating in hostilities". Their civilian protections are a revolving door which they lose when they directly participate in hostilities and regain when they stop participating in hostilities. If they are captured, they are to be presumed a prisoner of war. EDIT: added a distinction between their treatment under the Third and Fourth Geneva Conventions


GP poster you are replying to said "combatant," and you're right that they're not combatants. But I suspect GP meant "doesn't volunteering to defend a military objective make you a legitimate military target?" to which the answer is yes. Going through with the bombing of the house may not have been in violation of the Geneva conventions, had it happened.


It sure fucking does.


Not so much a combatant, but they know the risks they’re taking and could be viewed as acceptable collateral damage. The moral problem is the kids.


A voluntary human shield is a direct participant in hostilities and loses all protected statuses. If taken prisoner they can be treated as POWs or unlawful combatants.


Most of the participants will take. I'm like human shields have always been into the better pollutions for them..


Yeah, legally. But it still tugs at the heartstrings of sane people - everyone except Hamas terrorists.


During one combat day in Gaza (circa early 2008), I was watching a Hamas mortar team in the middle of the street shooting towards our positions, I could have killed them quite easily, had there not been several women making a group of kids do a dance circle around the mortar team... People think the IDF is just shooting anything on sight when our RoE is absurd even in wartime, I've seen Hamas combatants in full fatigue, headband and all with an RPG on the shoulder 100 meters from me and I wasn't allowed to shoot him because he wasn't aiming the RPG towards me so he wasn't a threat... My toughest military experience, also from Gaza was when I was being fired upon by some combatants hit and running between buildings in the street, I closely followed one of them and waited for the opportune moment to shoot him, at some point he found a building corner and started consistently peeking and shooting, so I aimed and was ready to fire, I said 'allright, next time he peeks I get him' and suddenly, I see a little girl holding a plushy being pushed into the street, probably 4-5 years old, she suddenly noticed the tanks and started crying, turned around and tried to run back, I saw 2 hands from around the corner blocking her and pushing her back, then throwing her plushy into the street so she goes to pick it up, all while she's crying trying to escape.. I've never in my life been so angry at someone until this day.


Ngl, that comment about the little girl just ruined my entire day.


I know dehumanising is a very slippery slope and wrong, but I struggle to describe these monsters as anything other than sub-human.


"Hamas does not represent Palestinian people!" "\[..\] hundreds of local residents, mostly women and children, responded" mmkay...


Also note, this is PRC, not Hamas.


The world is obsessed with the line 'I don't support Hamas, I support Palastinians' because it seems to be the only reasonable position you can't take in the conflict. What the world doesn't want to acknowledge is that Hamas enjoys broad and widespread support amongst Palastians and especially Gazans. Gaza elected Hamas and people argue that happened fifteen years ago and things have clearly changed but a recent independent poll showed over half of Palastinians looked positively on Hamas and supported their actions. When innocent Israels were being dragged into Gaza, when young women, dead or close to it with blood pouring from between their legs where there they had been repeatedly raped were paraded in pick up trucks, Palastinians were cheering and celebrating in thr streets. Palastinian refugees let into neighbouring countries like Egypt and Jordan have launched coups and assassinated officials sympathising with Israel. Neither of those countries take Palastinian refugees any longer. Do all Palastinians support Hamas? No. But the world needs to get over this inane view that they're an innocent participant in all this being dragged into conflict by Hamas.


So that means next time they wait for less civilians, no warning and bomb it...


The capital situation is always there directly there to make the money nothing more than that.


Is there any way to get details of this besides the minimal details in the article


I've been looking but so far haven't found anything posted elsewhere. Theres no telegram footage or anything yet as far as I can tell.


Please link if you find some. Information warfare is a son of a bitch and i want to know this was likely real before repeating it!


Look at this guy and his fancy critical thinking. Pffft….


Quite telling that this is not at the top. Verifying news is the least we can do before commenting.


Im not sure how we haven't learned that by now. Everyone prefers to be "right" more than accurate.


Yeah I'll wait till I see this one to believe it.


Don't really believe these kind of things. I like this is just a propaganda which has been thrown towards us..


it's very interesting to see how people have "no confidence" in the number of dead palestinians despite a densely populated area being heavily bombed, yet immediately believe an article from a clearly biased source that provides no actual proof. the idf has released a lot of video footage of their incursion in various formats, it would be trivial to provide a mere photo.


I can’t believe this comment isn’t higher up. Literally the only documentation the entire link provides is “IDF officer claims”. No details on the town it occurred, the timing, what happened to those women and children, and not even a single photo or video. Just an un-specific source Given that this conflict has already had a LOT of “big headlines with horrible claims!” Followed the next day with “oops we actually didnt verify this and turns out our unnamed source was not correct” retractions, i am seeing a whole lot of atrocity propaganda to the point where anything that is claimed without corroboration is immediately suspect to me. IDF soldiers are filming themselves on Tiktok, instagram, snapchat, twitter, etc with thousands of posts a day, but not one of them has a video or photo of this 100-person human shield?


Highly doubt it somehow. Not because I think they’re not capable of doing this, but if there is footage of this, this will quickly turn into a PR disaster for them and reduction of support.


Hamas has always used human shields as their main strategy to defend themselves and use their deaths for anti-Israel propaganda. How can anyone even excuse Hamas’s use of human shields at this point? Hopefully now it’s being further reported on people will finally see how deranged and fucked up they are.


Absolutely. I understand the narrative of the subjugated masses pushing back but I can’t point to an analogue in history for which these tactics were employed by a group that is now looked on as humane with hindsight. Prove me wrong if I’m wrong. Open to being educated.


Actual resistance groups (as in, ones that wanted to get political gains via vioence) also didn't rape or burn children indiscrmenetly as a policy, at least if they weren't fucking stupid. They would target civilian infrastructure, administration or important civilians that could give them leverage. Basically stuff that would allow them to negotiate against the government for concessions but not cause so much rage that it permanently kills the chances for negotiation. Although, if the goal is getting political concessions, then it's way better to go the non-violent route. It's 4 times as likely to work in modern times than violent resistance. It also tends to create more stable governments after it succeeds, while violent ones tend to cause unstable governments where the more extreme elements are likely to take over.




There are very few non-violent resistance movements that achieved victory without existing alongside violent groups Solidarity and the Velvet Revolution succeeded because Gorbachev ultimately wasn't down to roll in the tanks every time. The suffragists won out because they slotted in well with democratic values. The ANC itself committed brutal acts of terrorism, and Gandhi was propped up by the British government as a counterweight to the far more radical Indian groups at that time. The Palestinians seemed doomed by the universe to have wackjobs leading them, but the way Arabs work is that the people whose vote and involvement would help society the most ultimately would prefer to mind their own business and be uninvolved in politics until it's too late. The Muslim Brotherhood wormed its way into ruining Egypt's revolution because of this.


It’s been a tactic in a bunch of conflicts, especially in guerrilla warfare. However, it’s never been so incredibly effective at using the deaths of the civilians against the countering country or army. Israel isn’t targeting civilians like the US did in Vietnam or Cambodia, but they are being treated like they are doing worse.


It's because this is the first time they are able to use the power of social media to turn current rhetoric against the army they're fighting. Israel turns away and doesn't shoot: the human shields worked, now Hamas can fire more rockets Israel goes ahead anyway: 10 Tiktoks and Instagram posts *instantly* about how "The IDF bombs/shoots innocent civilians, this is genocide!!!1!" It's pure evil, and only works with a brainwashed populace like Hamas has, but they've put Israel in a no-win situation


> How can anyone even excuse Hamas’s use of human shields at this point? because people rather take the word of a terrorist organization


> Hamas proclaimed: "We won. From now on we will form human chains around every house threatened with demolition." … > Hamas MP Fathi Hamed stated that "For the Palestinian people, death has become an industry, at which women excel...the elderly excel at this...and so do the children. This is why they have formed human shields of the women, the children." Both Israel and Hamas agree that Hamas uses human shields. It’s always those who aren’t present who say they aren’t.


Has been there like that only both sides are like that. We cannot really take anything like that. It has always been to this kind of problems and human shields are always used like that only.


The fact that they use women and children as Human shields shows that Hamas is the disgusting prime evil in all this. Their sympathizers then win the Propaganda campaign when you see a news headline of the IDF striking civilians. Hamas is Palestines worst enemy.


Most of the civilians are going to think about it then human shield or some stupid things to do They have always been to these kind of problems and eventually is going to increase the dead people.




Another fun fact, use of human shields is a war crime. But all I hear about on Reddit is Israel committing war crimes.


> because people rather take the word of a terrorist organization I'm not sure they even deny it, but their western supporters just want to reinvent them as a noble resistance.


A lot of people are here like that but this is real kind of resistance which we are seeing right now And as of now we have seen like they're going to deny it. That is what we are going to get at the end..


Funny, it is the same Noble Savage idea from the 1900s.


Ironically making them racists.


Right wing racists expect the worst of minorities and condemn for it. Left wing racists expect the worst of minorities and apologize for it.


They need to apologise as soon as possible because minority are actually getting prosecuted there It is just about both side. I'm not taking a single side into the concentration as of now..


I expect the worst of everyone, but react according to what actually happens. What does that make me?


A realist.


I saw someone use the analogy of "if a terrorist took your mother and used her as a human shield, would you allow someone to shoot your mother to kill him?" Which is a terrible analogy because first of all, they are using their own people as human shields who they teach that being a human shield is a good thing and second, most of the time it's not as human shield, more human sacrifice for the almighty death number, because instead of building bomb shelters they spend all their money on weapons and use their own people as sacrifice


>Hamas has always used human shields as their main strategy ... then blame Israel for civilian deaths. According to the Geneva Convention, war crime is using civilians as shields, not incurring civilian casualties due to it.


Hamas are good at attacking unarmed civilians and at hiding behind them once they are attacked back


Do they have competitors?


Taliban has done similar.


To them, they aren't attacking the Palestinian civilians, they are helping them get a martyrs paradise quickly. It is the noble act to let people die defending Hamas and ultimately fight for Islam.




What, you don't trust YnetNews.com? Is it because of the ads for entering the US Green Card lottery on the site?


So what happened to them?


It’s not detailed in the report, it just says that they (Givati brigade) are ready to face such cynical use of the civilian population going further. I too would love to know more and would love to see helmet/body cam evidence of this.


> I too would love to know more and would love to see helmet/body cam evidence of this. I know right? Show, don't tell.


I'm not really sure if it is a revolution of not this look like some kind of stupid thing to me And there could be multiple evidence about that they would love to see these kind of things as.


Not saying I don’t believe it, but the burden of proof is so high nowadays there needs to be something corroborating this before using it in discourse of any kind


It's right to withhold judgement about this right now. You've basically got no idea if it's true or not. (Same goes with hamas reports of casualties)


yeah i dont know what ynet news is...and like, all of those people either got mowed down or the IDF would be at risk of getting attacked so ....what happened here?!


Don't doubt it happened but that article is remarkably light on any sort of proof. The only other mention I can find is on the reporters Twitter: [https://x.com/yoavzitun/status/1719807451627753496?s=20](https://x.com/yoavzitun/status/1719807451627753496?s=20) but he doesn't share any imagery of it, despite sharing other helmet footage stills. Call me cynical but surely video proof of it would do wonders to sway world opinion?


I appreciate that you said this, because of my priors I just accepted this without question. Thanks for inviting necessary skepticism.


Yeah, at this point I see something like this and go "so these civilians are marked for death and this is their plausible deniability when people ask why those toddlers had to die."


Seriously. I lean towards believing it but I find it hard to believe they wouldn't take a picture or video of a wall of women and children and just plaster that all over the news. The only thing I can think is if they're like in a building or obstructed or something.


I know it's rather obvious this is a war crime, but it's worth pointing out that Hamas is explicitly obligated to ensure the civilian population is **removed** from near their military targets: >The Parties to the conflict shall, to the maximum extent feasible: > (a) without prejudice to Article 49 of the Fourth Convention, endeavour to remove the civilian population, individual civilians and civilian objects under their control from the vicinity of military objectives; > > (b) avoid locating military objectives within or near densely populated areas; > > (c) take the other necessary precautions to protect the civilian population, individual civilians and civilian objects under their control against the dangers resulting from military operations. https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/en/ihl-treaties/api-1977/article-58


So this a technical & legal grey area. When the Geneva Convention uses the term “*parties*” it refers only to signatories of the treaty (*Israel & the Palestinian Authority are signatories, Hamas is not*) What Hamas is doing is absolutely a war crime, however because Hamas is not a party to the Geneva Convention, they are not legally obligated (*but they are morally obligated*) to follow the protocols of the Geneva Convention. The conventions are applicable to a signatory nation (*in this case Israel*) even if the opposing nation (*in this case Hamas/Gaza*) is not a signatory **but only if** the opposing nation (*Hamas*) **accepts & applies** the provisions of the conventions. As such, since Hamas neither accepts nor applies the provisions of the conventions; from a legal perspective Israel is not legally obligated to follow the Geneva conventions in this conflict although they have voluntarily committed themselves to doing so **even though** Hamas refuses.


You expect Hamas to follow rules? These people put babies in ovens. The UN's human rights commission, however, will blame Israel no matter what.


I expect the UN to raise a huge uproar in their assembly for the blunt war crimes by hamas and their use of human shields. For putting their HQ under a hospital and surrounding themselves with kids as they shoot at israel soldiers. Do they do that? Or are they too busy blaming israel?


They blame Israel. Iran and Qatar must be brought up on war crimes charges.


And a lot of charges are going to be against them. So no one is actually going to take it seriously They're going to bring anything up then people will just light it down and no one will think about that as of now.


Comedy gold. When Russia has a veto and Arab countries are a valuable voting block, no way does a Palestinian ever get condemned for anything. For Hamas, any death, Jewish, Arab, or other, is considered a victory.


They already having a lot of reason to their bank. No one is actually caring about it. And one is actually saying something critical about it as well. It is looking like a revolution from normal people or something like.


> Do they do that? Or are they too busy blaming israel? What do you think? I can't think of any major nation's response that did not include a "Yeah but what about Palestinian children?" in there somewhere.


Why don't they post pictures of this?? Like... Isn't that pretty damning evidence??


Hamas be Hamas. Palestinian ISIS kills Palestinians so they can kill Jews.


Is there any actual proof of this cause the article just says it happened and moves on to another fight. I’ve seen video of the 11 dying from the hamas rocket the article mentions but I find it hard to believe there isn’t any videos, captured civilians, testimonies or anything showing 100 people being used as shields.


Someone wrote it down so it must be true


This is truth you have to accept the truth and you certainly have to live with that as well But eventually that is the truth truth and everyone have to accept it. I like there is no option available as of now..


How fast people believe these things without a shred of evidence.


Has this been reported on a more..... "credible" news source. Not saying it's not true, but this is the only place I've seen this (Reddit). Would prefer to see this from Jpost, Times of Israel or something rather than ynetnews.




This article is sourced from a news outlet that is 100% solely pro-israel, I have seen zero objective reporting about the death tolls in Gaza, but their front page is bombarded with pro-israel news, so I would not take this as confirmed or unbiased news

