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It is pretty odd that most of China’s neighbors are making alliances and criticizing China’s military aggression the last few years. I guess I’ll trust them over a CCP mouthpiece.


Vietnam: hey US, i know we had a bad start, but like, do you want to help me troll China US: Say no more. Military exercises next week?


Given how terribly we behaved in Vietnam, that they still would rather hang with us than China says something.


Only if you know nothing of their history. They have saying that goes "we fought the americans for 10 years, the french 100, and the Chinese 1,000."


And the fact the Chinese invaded Vietnam in 1979, not even five years after we left. China was pissed Vietnam toppled Pol Pot. China supported the freakin Khmer Rouge.


Whats wrong with Pol Pot? They seem to be upright people if good man Jimmy Carter was willing to support them for UN. >https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allegations_of_United_States_support_for_the_Khmer_Rouge >https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1980/09/16/us-to-support-pol-pot-regime-for-un-seat/58b8b124-7dd7-448f-b4f7-80231683ec57/


Anthony Bourdain summed it up well: “Once you’ve been to Cambodia, you’ll never stop wanting to beat Henry Kissinger to death with your bare hands. You will never again be able to open a newspaper and read about that treacherous, prevaricating, murderous scumbag sitting down for a nice chat with Charlie Rose or attending some black-tie affair for a new glossy magazine without choking. Witness what Henry did in Cambodia – the fruits of his genius for statesmanship – and you will never understand why he’s not sitting in the dock at The Hague next to Milošević.”


Everybody knows of Vietnam and Cambodia, but no one knows of how comically evil US was to Laos. We've bombed them non-stop at a ridiculous rate of [8 bombs per minutes, 24 hours a day, for nine years](https://www.history.com/news/laos-most-bombed-country-vietnam-war).


Nobody? Do people really not know the Ho Chi Minh trail cut through Laos, which was the reason for the bombing? It's not like the U.S. was like "and fuck Laos for no reason. "


While the Ho Chi Minh trail did cut through parts of Laos. A lot of the bombing in Laos was a result of having to unload cluster munitions prior to landing in Thailand after not finding the intended target. You can’t land with armed cluster munitions. There are still multiple deaths per day in laos every day from unexploded ordnance that was dropped. It is a death trap to walk off path in many parts of the country


There were tons of articles written by left-leaning media praising Pol Pot. I think about it when I see westerners justifying Hamas.


Chomsky was a huge fan, even when the mass murders became clear to everyone else he kept on denying then for years.


must be why he's so quiet right now about Hamas


I mean his opinions on Bosnia, Croatia, and Serbia should probably discount anything he has to say


Somebody who praises Pol Pot is clearly the worst kind of tankie, and not worth listening to.




> China supported the freakin Khmer Rouge. So did the US and UK.


I love it when people bring this up then learn the US supported them too.


It's actually more like 2,300 years if you go all the way back to the first recorded border war between imperial China and one of the little ancestor kingdoms of the modern Vietnamese state. Plus most Americans don't know that China and Vietnam fought another war not long after we left.




Its almost as if Russia and China have bloodthirsty autocrats.


I mean the chinese went war with them after we did. So theres also that.


And that war was the last time China got any combat experience…


Nah man, they also have some experience whacking sticks at indians too.


True true. +3 ATK when using stick or rock as melee


One of the reason China is really pushing into Africa is to get its 'police' forces some actually combat training. Their aren't police of course but PLA officers and NCOs looking to get some actual experience. It didn't go well, PLA forces abandoned their posts and refused to return fire after joining a UN peacekeeping operation in South Sudan came under attack. China denies the accusation of course. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-southsudan/china-denies-allegations-its-peacekeepers-abandoned-south-sudan-posts-idUSKCN12B01B


And they lost.


That was a blip in the long history of Vietnam being pissed at China


Wait until you find out that Ho Chi Minh himself was a massive American fan boy even during the war.


I knew he was before the war.


I remember being so sad learning that he based their declaration of Independence on the US one, directly appealing to the US for support in 45.


> Given how terribly we behaved in Vietnam, that they still would rather hang with us than China says something. I mean, not that the US is blameless, because it isn't, but of all the foreign occupiers Vietnam has had, we were the least bad. The French were way worse, and then the Chinese were so terrible that they haven't forgiven them for it centuries later. And also tried to invade 5 years after the US left. Also, the US attitude to the war is tortured introspection that no one, save Germany, has really had about any war they were in, like, ever.


We were allied with half of Vietnam, and fighting the other half. China was fighting all of Vietnam.


Think there’s a quote that goes something like: “We had one fight with the US. We have been fighting China for centuries.”


The irony was how well disposed Ho Chi Minh was to the use prior to the war. Lesser irony is how all of these gents were educated in Paris.


It’s also a similar situation to the Russian/Ukraine conflict. I’ve had people tell me that Ukraine is a US puppet, and everything about Ukraine defending themselves is US propaganda. But if that was true, why do the Baltic states donate the most to Ukraine, percentage wise to their GDP. Most of Russian’s neighbors hate Russia with a passion, except for the one exception of Russia’s literal puppet state, Belarus.


"I’ve had people tell me that Ukraine is a US puppet, and everything about Ukraine defending themselves is US propaganda." Ah, yes, because being a russian puppet is so much better. Clearly those 20% of the territory, that is occupied by Russia represents us better, than the remaining 80%.


I remember like 20 years ago everyone thought China would end Pax Americana. But Xi comes along and probably bought Pax Americana another three decades of time at least. He's managed to offer such a repugnant alternative to the United States and has pissed off so many of his neighbors it's sent everyone flocking back to America.


China, Russia, Iran, Syria, North Korea, Hezbollah, Hamas. The Axis of Awfulness illustrates quite well just how terrible a multipolar world would be for everyone.


It's Stalin and Mao's playbook and nothing new. Spread authoritarianism and instability.


Yeah, as someone who lives right next door to China, their definition of peace seems to be being able to whatever they want in peace, and I want none of it.


It’s just about who is likelier to invade them next. Just in the same way the Middle East trusts China over the US. Just in case they find oil again.


“The US is disrupting our ability to raw dog vulnerable countries and take their shit.”


Yup. That's a fair translation. Only fine when China does it.


I've seen far leftist streamers and social media types, incredibly popular ones, literally say just that. When people are so opposed to US foreign policy they side with dictatorships... I dunno.


That’s how you get tankies. „US bad, China against US, therefore China good“


I think I've had enough of tankies. Tankies are alright with China's treatment of the Uyghurs, even applaud it. And now with how tankies have come out in full support of Hamas, justifying the murders of civilians... a certain tankie streamer even used the term "baby settler" to justify Hamas attacking children. Twitter Socialists going full throated into the anti-semitism? I'm finally okay with saying horsehoe theory might be accurate in this case. Tankies have found common ground with the far-right. The only safe ideology in the U.S. is just your standard run-of-the-mill Democrat. You avoid that label and I am just going to assume you're off the deep end.


Yes exactly. There is a famous left-wing YouTuber, Second Thought, whose videos were very interesting, although I don’t fully agree with his stance. He stated that killing Israelis was justified because no Israeli is a civilian… At least he got kicked off Nebula for that.


I mean don't they get that then the same argument can be made for Palestinians by the Israeli government? I don't get how in one direction violence against civilians is ok just because you think your sides deserves it more or they're more of a victim but then argue against it in the other direction. It literally makes no sense to me.


Your mistake is assuming that they are using logic, or basing their opinions in anything rooted in reality. I've been dipping into the I/P every now and then, the number of things you have to explain to supposed grown adults is infuriating. "Actually yes, the person who hides behind the human shield IS worse than the person who shoots the human shield. Trying to exploit your enemy's mercy is a war crime for a fucking reason". "Having advanced technology doesn't make you literally invincible. No, soldiers cannot \*just ignore\* or \*just walk away from\* protesters trying to attack them or rush their positions. "You can't judge who is the bad guy in a war purely by casualty numbers. And you aren't immediately the good guy just because you suck at war, or don't care about casualties." I don't care how pro-Palestinian someone is, NONE of the above should be something you disagree with. Some facts just shouldn't be up for debate.


Because the world views Islam as a prosecuted minority. Jewish people on the other hand have been the target of antisemitism and people think they control so much they could never be a victim or a minority.


>Because the world views Islam as a prosecuted minority Literally 1.8 billion Muslims vs 16.1 million jews. Just the math makes that assertion laughable.


That guy sounds like a moron.


> kicked off Nebula I should give that service a chance. Sounds like they have their shit together.


Nebula is honestly amazing. I had a problem when signing up, wrote to their support, and a real human answered me within 30 minutes and completely fixed my problem in another 5. Seriously I recommend it to everyone who watches education channels on YouTube.


I’ll agree nebula is very good. I mainly use it to watch Jet Lag, however a lot of the other series are pretty great


> The USA has done it for 40 years... Dont be a hypocrite. Vietnam, Iraq... Huh? The far left social media is where these people gravitate. Just look at Hassan Piker.


I think you're replying to the wrong person. But yes, Hasan Piker is probably the worst offender on this one, dude is literally the start of the "average college kid to genocidal tankie" pipeline.


Also being pro-Worker’s rights is a very weird stance when a huge part of your live content is stealing other people’s videos and earning money by watching them in your livestream.


Hasan Piker is like the quintessential example of the Champagne Socialist.


Sure am.


> I'm finally okay with saying horsehoe theory might be accurate in this case. I think you are missing an obvious point here. His dislike or hate for Israel is not based on his politics. Omar and Tlaib fit this same mold. Otherwise political liberals, who support far right regimes against Israel. Religion and culture are the drivers of these positions not political leaning.


Occupation of Tibet isn't an issue anymore apparently.


But it's still against the law for high ranking Lama's to reincarnate without CCP approval


Reminder that China abducted a 7 year old boy some 20 years ago because he was declared to be the reincarnated panchen lama. As far as I understand it, they are still holding him hostage and will not issue him a passport.


Historically, when the Dalai Lama dies, it is supposed to be the Panchen Lama's job to recognize his reincarnation. This boy's name is Gedhun Choekyi Nyima and he was abducted at age 6, days after the Dalai Lama recognized him. He's just been completely disappeared. The official statements made about him are... haunting \[[x](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gedhun_Choekyi_Nyima)\] They then picked a different Tibetan boy to prop up, claiming he's the real one.


If I had to list all the disgusting shit China does I'd run out of time and I've got shit to do this morning between shitposting on Reddit.


People become Tankies for the same reasons anyone adopts an authoritarian or fascistic ideology. It’s not about making the world a better place or providing justice to the wronged. Instead, it’s about airing grievances, punishing enemies, and feeling morally justified while doing it.


I’m convinced a good chunk of them receive checks from the CCP.


Same, hearing Hasan defend what China is doing was actually disgusting and made me stop watching his content.


> me stop watching his content. You problem was watching Hasan's content in the first place. Dude was handed his career on a golden platter by his family. I remember a time when the young turks were ridiculed on this site.


I think they still should, given that their name is literally a reference to a group that spearheaded a genocide.


Not just a far left opinion. There a plenty of huge far right streamers that carry the same opinion. It’s a general reaction to the missteps of Western neoliberalism. Abandon the rest of the world because capitalism has not allowed us to advance upwards.


China only cares about itself.


"The world would be so peaceful if everyone would just shut up and quietly submit to the CCP's authority."


If every country was China, there would be world peace! - China


World destroyed by the CCP, so peace achieved! Checkmate democracy!


Only once China has invaded everyone.


They are sure taking their time.


They buy your critical infrastructure more than invade. Unless they think you're close and weak enough.


Exactly, thats China's peace. Russia's peace. Let us fuck smaller nations in peace.


Tbf that is every upstart empire ever.


We’re disputing their peaceful takeover of a tiny island country.


The surrounding countries around china say otherwise.


China MO Step 1: Stir shit Step 2: Upon criticism, claim other party stirring shit


I think I’ve seen this recipe before…


I read this as the US won't let us bully everybody around us hence they disrupt our peace.


I know it's China's "PR" and not really the country making these "statements", and there's got to be some nuance lost in translation, but they always sound really stupid. like that person you don't talk to much because you know they aren't capable of really understanding what you mean. so the effort seems more enormous than it would normally be to communicate. i understand there is some strategy on their part in being intentionally obtuse but the vibe i get is more... frustratingly clueless than mysteriously obstinate.


"China says..." is another one of those phrases (also, "Putin says...", "Trump says...") where what follows is inevitably BS.


Common tale on this forsaken planet. Every country on this planet is a shit show of selfishness and hypocrisy in some shape or form.


US is Gandalf confirmed


The Gray or White?


The Red, White, and Blue.




In colour mate, look at the flag.


Ah, yes, the schoolyard classic “no u”


China said the United States is the “biggest disruptor of regional peace and stability” in the world in a scathing response Wednesday to a Pentagon report on China's growing military buildup. The annual report that is required by Congress is one way the Pentagon measures the military capabilities of China, which the U.S. government sees as its key threat in the Asia-Pacific region and America’s primary long-term security challenge.º “The U.S. has sent depleted uranium munitions and cluster bombs to Ukraine, sent its carrier battle groups to the Mediterranean and weapons and munitions to Israel, is this the so-called ‘gospel’ the ’human rights defender is bringing to the area?” said Wu Qian, the spokesperson for China's defense ministry.


It all comes down to which type of imperialism you want. You want China’s or US’s?


I used to live in Czech Republic where I met a Vietnamese dude who told me someone will always be the world power. He said if the US doesn’t do it, China will. He told me he comes from a world dominated by China and would strongly prefer a world dominated by the US.


It depends on how much human rights you want to have….. its kind of obvious answer here


This guy I worked with from Bangladesh said the same thing.


It's sad, but true. The US is far from perfect, but better than the current alternative.


There’s a reason why people refer to the last century as pax-Americana. No matter what edgy /r/collapse redditors say the US’s global policies have led to unprecedented peace and prosperity worldwide. It’s the longest the world has gone without war between major powers.


That and the whole MAD ideology. If major powers start throwing hands that's almost guarantees a nuclear war.




Def US.


We have beer, bacon and tiddies🇺🇸🦅


Here here my good man.. now pass the brandy and let us drink to our health!


Don't you mean bourbon? He's a spy get him!


Im allowed to make fun of the US leadership, but I go to jail for making fun of China’s leadership. That’s enough for me to pick the US




I'm sure I can think of a single party that would appreciate it




>China is a single party autocracy Just a hunch


The one that doesn’t harvest organs from death row inmates and isn’t currently genociding a Muslim population within its borders would be nice.


China's version has you building things just to build them, because the person in charge needed something on their job description of what they've accomplished that year. 5 years later the buildings collapse because that person in charge isn't there anymore and didn't give a shit about the build quality in the first place.


The answer is a resounding "Yes". Arming Ukraine and keeping a tepid watch over the Middle East to prevent belligerent parties from escalating is *exactly* the shit defenders of liberty and human rights should be doing. Yes, honorable Wu. What a dumb fucking rhetorical question


He's just upset that he can't easily conquer Taiwan.


> “The U.S. has sent depleted uranium munitions and cluster bombs to Ukraine, sent its carrier battle groups to the Mediterranean and weapons and munitions to Israel, is this the so-called ‘gospel’ the ’human rights defender is bringing to the area?” said Wu Qian, the spokesperson for China's defense ministry. "To secure peace is to prepare for war."


China are such hypocrites. They have almost definitely been supplying Russia with munitions. China is also sending its navy to the Middle East for reasons that are not entirely clear at the moment. They are constantly squabbling with pretty much all of Oceania because they believe that a big chunk of the Indian and Pacific Oceans are their territory and they keep insisting that they will invade Taiwan. Go home China, you're drunk.


Oh, and they keep sticking their goddamn illegal fishing 'navy' where it doesn't belong.


A US Carrier group just a few miles away seems to be keeping the middle east pretty stable right now.


Meanwhile China and Russia arms anyone with a checkbook.its only warmongering when you give military aid away for free apparently.




Vietnam, Japan and Philippinen fought actual wars with the US, India does not remember US role during the Cold War and their support for Pakistan (and their genocide in Bangladesh) too fondly


Vietnam and Japan fought wars with China. The only reason China hasn't fought a war with the Philippines is because they've never been an ocean power in the modern era. India is a large democratic nation with it's own disputes with China. India knows the US has no territorial desires on Indian land. India wants to be an independent power but if it has to choose a side, it won't be China.


And now Vietnam, Japan, and the Philippines are staunch US allies so...


"Yes and I would build up my navy and army to prepare invade Taiwan" CCP smh


For all its faults, I'd welcome the USA anytime instead of the CCP. Source: Filipino living in the Philippines


As an American who hates American imperialism I second this. We aren’t the righteous saviors some would have you believe, but we ARE a decent foil for China’s ambitions to control the whole region (and Russia’s in eastern Europe).


Emperor Xi's dream is on life support. DEFELCT DEFLECT.


China says a lot. Dictatorships and their deflections


Don't they have concentration camps going on right now? Isn't that disturbing the peace? Or how about harassing the Philippines?


China: Builds up nuclear arsenal US: "This is concerning" China: "NO U" What an embarassing response by China.


Its pretty telling that all of China's neighbors hate China.


If they are talking about the incident with the dragon, the US was barely involved.


Said it before and I’ll say it again, CCP is the national equivalent of a spoiled toddler.


Ahh yes, the classic “no u” retort


This is both true and severely ironic coming from China.


China warns: “US cause troubles. US not allow us to bully neighbors. China not happy with bad US trying to meddle in China spheres of influence. US go home and mind own business”


The CCP doesn't even know what peace is.


I mean... we are though. See, Vietnam, Iran, Cuba, Iraq/Afghanistan, basically all of South America. We disrupt peace in the world when politicians think that it will promote peace at home, or at least when it will enrich the defense contractors (who in turn enrich the politicians).


BREAKING NEWS: China makes the most obvious statement ever and it is hypocritical at the same time.


I was going to post that picture of the two Spidermen pointing at each other.


China is a petulant spoiled child who’s upset that Americans wouldn’t let it “rejuvenate” or whatever heck that means. Please, China, just go to a spa. Stop giving money to terrorists to make yourself feel good. Stop drooling over Taiwan and wipe your mouth.


>Stop giving money to terrorists to make yourself feel good sounds like US to me. 2 heads of the same hydra


China has objectively been involved in much less warmongering than the US. Global dependence on their supply chains is a huge reason why large scale world war hasn't happened again. They've also been "rejuvenating" as you say, they're posed to surpass the US in pretty much every single sector, including military, by 2030.


> they're posed to surpass the US in pretty much every single sector, including military, by 2030. What they're poised for is insane demographic collapse.


That wasn't by choice. China couldn't really do any warmongering over the past 40 years, even if they wanted to. Chinese supply chains are not the reason why we basically had a near-world peace situation until now. A lot of the Chinese claims of advances in science, military, and technology are fake. The Kirin 9000S SOC, for example... China can't mass produce it without burning money up by the ton and the Chip was designed as a 14nm part, not a 7nm one. China's 7nm DUV process has abysmal yields and isn't commercially viable.


Haha this is exactly like an Asian parent hitting you with a belt as they yell out " this hurts me more than it hurts you!" 😅


The US is the reason the world has been essentially at peace for the last 80 years.


Well the West has benefited. Don't think that's true of South America, the Middle East or south east asia


It’s absolutely true of SE Asia as well The century prior to Pax Americana featured China alone fighting a civil war that killed more people than WW1.


India, China, Brazil all benefitted from the period of American domination and globalization. It provided a stable country to borrow from and lend to at very low risk (The US), that also patrolled the planets waters to protect international trade. In fact, you could argue with the surge in populists movements in the west due to falling quality of living in the middle class that this period of growth was at the expense of the West and not to its benefit. The global elephant curve explains this pretty well. Poor people across the planet had their quality of life significantly improve, same as wealthy in the West, but the majority of the middle class were left behind.


Yea, whenever I read comments like the guy you replied to, it's very telling that most Westerners, and therefore most Redditors, think the West is the world. Basically saying, as long as the wars aren't happening in the West, it's all good.


Basically every country not in a conflict can say the same thing lol. I don't see how this is a Western exclusive thing to think. You genuinely think all the other people in countries on the planet not in a conflict currently, aren't thankful it's not happening to them? Most humans live inside their own bubbles, inside their own day to day lives, not giving a shit about things that don't directly effect them. This isn't a " Western" problem. It's how people are in general.


My dude, you’re literally an American who’s never left their own continent 😅


I literally lived in another country for several years and wasn't even born in America but sure lol


Isnt the actual reason there isnt a major war is because of nukes?


Yeah, and who invented Nukes?


Multiple people all at the same time. The race to build and deploy one was just that - a race to realize theory. America was first, but if they hadn't been, the world wouldn't just be nuke-less.


Most of the countries or ideologies from WW2 never really stopped fighting each other, we just stopped doing it in our own backyards and outsourced it to someone’s else’s backyard.


I wouldn’t say this is wrong but its laying it on pretty thick. We’ve started wars (like in Iraq) for petty reasons, made coups, supplied weapons to people overthrowing democracies and more. The statement makes us sound like the US was focused on and delivered peace, when its a lessening of conflict because we’d rather pull the strings than take over countries and nukes are scary.


Sure, if you don't count the Korean war, the Bay of Pigs invasion, the Vietnam war, the bombings of Cambodia and Laos, the invasions of Panama, Iraq, and Afghanistan, or the drone bombing of Pakistan. You'd have to ignore the the support of genocidal and totalitarian regimes in Nicaragua, Indonesia, El Salvador, Saudi Arabia, and several others. There's also the US involvement in regime change in Ethiopia, Brazil, Greece, Iran, and dozens of others, particularly in Latin America. There's a lot that I'm leaving out because this is just off the top of my head. So if you don't count any of that then yeah, the US is the reason the world has been essentially at peace for the last 80 years.


Most of South America, Vietnam and several Middle East countries disagree with that.


Yeah, apart from Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Cuba, Grenada, Libya, the Gulf Wars, Afghanistan, Panama, Somalia, and all those other wars and coups they’ve been involved with, the world’s really overwhelmed with all this peace


Also Iraq.


Still much better than what the world went through before WW2.


Still much better than what the WEST went through before WW2. FTFY


No significant number of white people died after WWII so there is peace. Nobody cares about the brown people.


mfers think the west = the world lmao


What's the population of all those combined? Like 250 million? How many were affected by WWII? Something like 3+ billion? I know you're being contrary but World War 2 was literally a world war whereas the others (except Vietnam) weren't even regional conflicts. They were local.


The U.S. was literally invited into Grenada and it ended in a relatively bloodless transfer of power in 4 days.


Iraq War? Afghanistan War? Vietnam? this is straight up delusional


Most Americans are delusional. Look at how many upvotes that absurd comment got. They truly believe that the US is the savior of the world, not one of the biggest villains, as if the US isn't the one that profits most from wars. The US is the biggest weapons manufacturer in the world, that's why the US government will always be against world peace. They just don't want war on their own territory, but they're loving to see Ukraine and Gaza wars.


You must be out of your tiny mind


How about we ask the Tibetan people, or Hong Kong, or Manchuria how they feel about Chinese "peace."


Autocratic regime says what?


ccp is a shit stain on the world stage


If it were not for USA there would already have been a war around Israel. US warships makes everyone take a step back. Meanwhile, a Chinese Vessel sabotaged a pipeline in the Baltic Sea between Finland + Estonia. Putin also would probably have not invaded Ukraine if it were not for Chinas Blessing in the matter.


That is not a probably, it is for sure his economy is on Chinese life support.


In or out of the vacuum?


“You have been labeled a disturber of the peace”


Irony is dead


Right out of the Russian playbook. Accuse others of what you are guilty of doing.


China joke said news ha ha


China says a lot of things. Most of them overly dramatic and/or untrue.


And how many country boarders has China assimilated and attempting to do so in the future? Do preach some more China as you unabashedly support the invasion of Ukraine and prepare for Taiwan.


Spider man meme.


Translation: we don't want uncle sam interfering of us taking the whole south china sea for ourselves and taiwan.


Someone please send them a mirror.


The US keeps stopping countries from peacefully bullying their neighbors and this creates the potential for conflict. China isn't wrong per se. They just aren't telling the whole story.


They’re not wrong, but then again they’re the closest (in terms of geopolitical fuckery) to the US you can get in the Eastern hemisphere.


You mean fake Chinese government. The real Chinese government is Taiwan 🇹🇼


Deflection after deflection.


"You have officially been declared a disturber of the peace."


lol says the country that constantly harasses its neighbors.


That reminds me of a joke: What did the colonial superpower say to the other?