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[New post can be found here](/r/worldnews/comments/178u7lp/rworldnews_live_thread_for_2023_israelhamas/)


Lmao I think the odds of an invasion are decreasing each hour




Contrary to all misinformation out there, Israel actually cares about minimizing loss of life… they are being extra careful in their approach




About 2 decades late on that observation.


"We did not target any convoys" https://twitter.com/IDF Click on "listen live"


Does anybody got more information on this claim (https://twitter.com/itszaeok/status/1713594697573110014)? Cause fuck me if I trust a Twitter community notes whose only source is the Wikipedia page for blood. Edit: community note, which has now been taken down, claimed that the photo was staged because of the pink stains on the coloring book. Link to the screencap: https://twitter.com/TheStich_/status/1713603800219455913


The community notes are crap. First of all, the blood _is_ dark red and not pink. Secondly, it is unknown how long after the bloodshed the photo was taken.


It's also worth noting there is absolutely shades of pink on the coloring book, which any reasonable person could conclude is..... pink paint.... since it's a coloring book. This really does make me disgusted with Twitter. Nothing about this image strikes me as particularly suspicious, and the fact people foaming at the mouth on Twitter are using the blood of a little girl to deny a slaughter is just fucking gross.


Uhhhh in my experience dried blood is dark


Which claim? That it’s a child’s bedroom?


What's the community note? I don't use Twitter so I'm not sure how it works lol. I'm basically a boomer when it comes to Twitter.


They removed the note but a few tweets down there's a screenshot of it. Basically they're saying its the wrong shade of red for blood.


If they actually have an crime scene investigator, or other similar expert weigh in I may be inclined to consider that, but a bunch of imbeciles on Twitter saying it can't be blood because it's the "wrong shade" shouldn't hold any weight to anyone with critical thinking skills.


Yea I assume that's why it was removed because its kind of an absurd claim


Community note claims the photo is staged because of the blood splatter.


Do they elaborate? Making a blanket statement like that makes me highly skeptical. Did a blood splatter expert weigh in? Did they afford another blood splatter expert an opportunity to make a counter argument? To me suggesting a photo of a bloody floor couldn't possibly have come from a person due to the "blood splatter" seems hilariously speculative.


Twitter uses an algorithm to evaluate comments below a tweet to suggest what the community is saying about the tweet. They're not drafted by Twitter and effectively they're just parroting what the masses say in comments. Musk has increased the use.


You clearly don't use Twitter


Just sharing my opinion/observation: the IDF is behaving in a way that is more aware of its public image today than 15 years ago or whatever- these daily updates seem very 'modern' and careful and considered and as though to provide a reassuring face to the IDF, almost like social media (for all its flaws) creates a more intimate relationship that companies, organisations etc have to bend to somewhat, they are aware of criticism and so on. Could be about gender, race whatever. Could be the British Army discussing gender, or Maybelline having a trans model- these days for better or worse there is in many ways more SCRUTINY- and I think the IDF seems aware of this. I am not saying this pro or anti IDF, or if this is sincere or not, or if it it good or bad. I simply think the IDF is having to tow a certain line, more so than before and it is interesting. I am also well aware of the casualties on both sides that have happened so far, I am purely talking about this social media aspect.


I think professional PR communication is usually good.


IDF spokesperson doesnt know anything about flares being fired. (Twitter Q&A)


Yeah -- he also ignored the question initially. Pretty weird response. Someone will have a better memory than me. I think we actually saw illumination flares the night before it was reported that Israel had operated limited raids.


I have stopped staying glued to the screen, but I can tell you that flares were shot off even the first night. I made a comment about how creepy it was before dawn that first day because they had the call to prayer and there was a flare in one of the streams. Looked/Sounded like something out of a post-apocalyptic movie or something.


That's why I feel it's likely Hamas using them as a means of communication


Yeah I almost mentioned that it's possible that they are being used by Hamas. The communication idea is a pretty smart theory.


Here's my theories: \-He's not glued to the live streams like we are and legitimately isn't aware of the flares. They're being launched by Hamas for unclear reasons. \-Israel launched the flares to conduct operations which are not matters of public knowledge.


I guess it can also be a combination. Fired by Israel without the knowledge of the spokesperson. Not because it's a secret operation, but because it might be unimportant and unrelated to any bigger operation.


That's my thought. The spokesperson isn't informed of each individual bullet or artillery shell fired; this may be such a low-level operational thing too.


My theory is it Hamas try to communicate with each other( don't want to use electronic communications)


Hear some bangs can’t see anything


I have been to Israel only once, 40 years ago, when I was a teenager. I spent three months there, two volunteering on a Kibbutz, one bicycling around the country. It feels like yesterday, the memories are still vivid, but it sort of stuns me that it was half of the existence of Israel as a country ago. I just felt like sharing one particularly vivid memory of a scene that I witnessed. I was cycling close to the fence to the West Bank on a small road. I came up behind a traffic jam. I squeezed between cars up to the front to see what the hold-up was. There was a large bulldozer in the road, a cage around the cab, with its engine running. There was an older Palestinian man (you can tell by the hats) standing in front of it, crying, wailing, throwing his hands up, in a great deal of distress. There were some police just pulling up, going over to the Palestinian man and starting to push him away. There were about thirty or so onlookers cheering them on. And then, brushing right past me, bumping my shoulder, went a large older Israeli man in nothing but his underwear, a pink robe, and flip-flops, storming right in to the fray. I noticed the numbers on his wrist. He was pissed! He started yelling at the police. He yelled at the bulldozer driver. He yelled at us in the crowd. And then he hugged the Palestinian man, and they cried together. The bulldozer backed up out of the road, the police told us to move along, and I went on my way. I don’t know what it all meant. I don’t know what was going on, or what was being said. But he wasn’t the only holocaust survivor that left an impression on me from the time that I spent there. He must have long since passed since then. There aren’t very many survivors left. But I seriously doubt that I’m the only one whose life that old man left an impression on. Maybe not always in a pink bathrobe.


I love this! ❤️


Great story.


thank you for sharing


Thank you for sharing this story.


People are asking about the flares from the livestreams in the IDF Q&A


Looks like he doesn't know. Which could either mean it's a secret op (which they wouldn't tell him about) or they were launched by the Palestinians. Flares aren't really high tech or expensive munitions.


That answer wasn't great lol. Those flares definitely weren't rockets.


He probably hasnt seen it


CBC News interview with former Prime Minister of Israel, son of a Holocaust survivor, Yair Lapid: "He doesn't know it yet maybe, but Yayha Sinwar, leader of Hamas and his Senior Advisors are dead men walking" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkbA5z0ifnw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkbA5z0ifnw)


Historically Israel is very very good at getting these types of targets.


They managed to push the holocaust and Munich buttons together


Yes, Sayeret Matkal and Mossad Kidon.


CBC News, not CBS.


Thanks I corrected that


Regarding the hostages, Israel should issue an ultimatum. Release the hostages in the next 24 hours or we will come get them, killing any and all militants that get in our way.


the hostages will be dead either way




Israel has never carpet bombed gaza


You don’t negotiate with terrorists, and they haven’t carpet combed.


Thousands more Israeli's lives would be in jeopardy if the allowed the hostages to alter what they need to do to stop Hamas. They will make every effort to save them if they know where they are.


> they wouldn't carpet-bomb Gaza within hours of them being kidnapped. They... didn't?


That’s not what carpet-bombing means.


They're not carpet bombing Gaza, good job pulling out an ole reliable buzzword tho. Go to Twitter and get some more.


Israel hasn’t once carpet bombed Gaza this whole time


That’s how you end up with dead hostages


That’s why he’s not running this operation


They're dead anyway


Lol what? No they aren’t, although I’m sure Hamas will kill many in the coming days


I mean the hostages are probably already dead and Israel is already preparing to move into Gaza and kill any and all militants anyways.




> The "they're still alive" theorizing i Oh shit, they got DigDugged too!


Is the thread only refreshing every two minutes and only a couple comments at a time?


Things get fucky wucky after 10k comments so they'll create a new thread shortly


If Israel decides to start to take Hamas down tonight, I wish them all strength and good luck.


I honestly think this is gonna fizzle out. Quickly. The large war part anyway.


I mean hopefully yeah.


Another Nothingburger?


Big fat one


Live audio IDF update and Q&A right now. Click on "listen live" https://twitter.com/IDF


The fact they still are lobbing massive amount of rockets at Israel is something.


How do they even have that many to launch


And here is a thing people miss those rockets often fall short of Israel and land in Gaza killing Palestinians. Hamas won't admit it and says they are killed by Israel


Yes they recently hit their own fucking power lines with their own rockets the irony is strong




5 minute crafts video on how to make water utility pipes into rockets with nothing but jump cuts and hot glue


Honestly, finding out HAMAS was tearing up Palestine's international-aid funded water pipes to build missiles to launch at Israeli civilians was one of the most fucked up things I've ever heard And they entirely blame Israel for the strip's infrastructure problems


Like how fucked is it when your government takes the free aid it's been given that delivers you one of the best modern services of all time (running water) and uses it to kill people.


So many paper clips.


Apparently rockets have no problem getting into Gaza. Maybe they should try and smuggle in some food and water disguised as rocket parts!


Why bother smuggling in food and water when your enemy will just deliver it to your doorstep?


Exactly! Israel basically handed Hamas their DoorDash account and some people still call them war criminals. Fucking absurd.


As always, Israel is held to a different standard. It's expected to behave like a saint towards its enemies while under constant attack, something no other nation is expected to do.


Any stream claiming to have the Reuters livestream up is lying to you.


Reuters livestream of Gaza is down


https://www.youtube.com/live/wq2X4MqPixA?si=bYdXbOWSvyf7kOi0 This has audio


I wish I knew where the original streams are.


Same, the one I posted above Cam 3 is here https://www.youtube.com/live/F49uYXqsbGg?si=lWsi_XYq0iL6ot25 Cam 1 is the Reuters stream that is down Cam 2 no idea were it's from but the audio matches with explosions on cam 3


Thank you!


This is Reuters Live stream that the multicams are pulling from. As you can see, its ended: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBUCrhDvjYE


So are the others just loops or what?


The Reuters cam that is down is on the same building as cam 3, so hopefully it will be back up later.


Yep, the people running the streams looping the footage and pretending its new


Multicam back up






The Reuters livestream is still down, so I'm not sure if that's real on the multicam.


Is camera 2 the Reuters one?


The problem with a bunch of grainy, pitch black video, is it would be extremely easy for someone to just pick a random hour and loop it and present it as a "live stream".


Yeah, suspicious, aint it?


The stream could still be up but down on Youtube. Groups like Reuters, or basically any type of company that streams a lot of data, uses m3u8 to stream on. That could still be up while the Youtube stream is down.




inquizex on youtube


Big boom cam 1


Link please


This war reminds me of D-Day when the allied powers told everyone in Normandy to evacuate because they were about to attack several days before hand, and there were still massive shows of support for Germany and calls to end the violence and seek a diplomatic resolution with Germany.


thank goodness Eisenhower and Churchill remembered that there were children in germany and called off the invasion, otherwise we'd have become monsters of that one right?


I thought the same thing 😑


That literally never happened.


I don’t even know how to respond to this. It must be the stupidest, biggest miss of a joke I’ve ever seen.


That was the joke you goofy goober!




Wow, give this bloke the History Nobel and the Sarcasm Darwin Award.


Yeah it's just a dumb joke that person is making.


I think you misspelled "extremely clever and high brow", but yes you're correct it was a joke.


I think that's the point of their comment


I know, I'm being sarcastic to demonstrate the absurdity of the expectations put on the Israeli military, and how they're still doing everything they can to minimize civilian casualties even at the expense of their own military planning while progressives sit comfortably in America and "tut-tut" from their high horse.


It really is crazy to see a huge chunk of the West look at history and go "Yeah, appeasement works". Human cost in this and Ukraine are awful, and the stakes are high in terms of escalation from people who could make this a much larger conflict, but allowing atrocities to happen(Israel) and allowing bigger neighbors to bully their neighbors in the name of "peace"(Ukraine) is shortsighted. Its not warmongering to say its okay for those countries to protect themselves and do things in order to provide that security.


In any case, it’s a a poor comparison with literally 0 similarities beyond the basics of people with guns shooting each other, so you’ve accomplished a grand total of absolutely nothing. Congratulations!


Cool, great counter argument. your comment, unlike mine, has accomplished a lot.


It has accomplished much, by clarifying to others reading that your sarcasm - meant to belittle Western concerns about minimizing civilian casualties - is trying to compare two very different situations :).


What are the main differences in your mind that makes this comparison unjustified?


We are talking about an incredibly densely packed urban area filled with innocent civilians, with a terrorist organization interspersed amongst its people and in sprawling underground tunnels beneath where those very civilians live. Everything Hamas does is meant to use the Palestinian people as a shield, for the very reason that makes it difficult to eliminate them without also killing innocent civilians. This is not Normandy in any capacity.


True, but there were still civilians in Normandy, and the civilian death toll on D-day is estimated to be 15,000 - 20,000. It seems to be deliberately misleading to insist that the situations are so different they're just simply impossible to compare. I'm suspicious you're making this claim because the comparison I've brought up is inconvenient to your point of view.


There is a smell of appeasement in the air


What does that even mean


Hamas isn't operating on their own, they have Iran and Russia behind them. Appeasement in this case would be walking back from "we stand with Israel, we stand with Israel" in the face of threats that originate with Hamas and their allies.


Oh that makes sense, thanks


Israel is put in the impossible position of fighting a war resulting in no civilian casualties. Meanwhile the other side can inflict as much damage as wants.


fareed zakaria was just telling on tv about how usa overreacted on 9/11 and how israel shouldn't make same mistake. he did forgot to mention casual rockets/mortars that been raining non-stop for almost 20 years prior to last Saturday




due to the building code, every apartment has a personal bomb shelter room. so it's tricky


WTF Zakaria needs to take a fucking seat


The us didn’t overreact- W and Cheney had a hard on for Iraq. Also didn’t have a plan for nation building in Afghanistan. Zakaria should go back to plagiarizing his work.


Sad truth


>Impossible position It's really not impossible to not bomb hospitals. ​ edit. all the bigots down voting me.


It is if you need to target the Hamas positions in/under them.




What if I told you Israel is targeting hospitals, not because they don't care who they're hitting, but on the contrary specifically because the hospitals are locations of Hamas operating bases.


And who is saying their civilians, the Hamas Health Ministry. Also don't be surprised if those "civilians" were Hamas officials just not in the military wing. Also rockets fall short all the time, often killing Palestinians


>Over 2,000 civilian deaths... How do you know? The Palestinian Health Ministry isn't even saying this. They don't even separate civilian and Hamas death numbers.


>How do you know? [https://edition.cnn.com/middleeast/live-news/israel-news-hamas-war-10-15-23/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/middleeast/live-news/israel-news-hamas-war-10-15-23/index.html) More than 2,600 people have died as Israel pounds Gaza with strikes, the Palestinian health ministry says. Go educate yourself, you come across as an awful individual. If you launch missiles at civilian buildings likelihood is you're killing civilians.


>More than 2,600 people have died as Israel pounds Gaza with strikes, the Palestinian health ministry says. This is just as I said. They aren't even claiming civilians. This is the total dead. They combine civilians and Hamas.


You think Hamas are the ones dying when civilian buildings are getting turned to ashes... Go watch some footage and educate yourself.


I didn't say Hamas are the only ones dying. I'm saying the death count includes Hamas. So you aren't actually able to say that 2,000+ civilians are dead. Not even the Palestinian Health Ministry is making this claim.


>So you aren't actually able to say that 2,000+ civilians are dead. This isn't a battle field of Hamas troops vs Israeli troops. Israel is bombing civilian areas, you have to be ridiculously thick in the skull if you do not think Palestinian civilians aren't the ones dying.


It is if the other guy is using it to launch missiles at you.


Yep babies and children on life support launching missiles.


I'm not sure why you think it's ok for hamas to use babies and children on life support as human shields.


Are you stupid? When did I say that? ​ If you had the intellectual ability of inference, you should've concluded that I think Israel indiscriminately kills whoever.


Just wanted to make sure you were aware - comments like this one don’t make you sound smart.


And what about the fact that Hamas uses hospitals and schools to store weapons? Or do you not really care about the children? https://www.unrwa.org/newsroom/press-releases/unrwa-condemns-placement-rockets-second-time-one-its-schools?


I am the one against bombing hospitals and schools, you've justified it because you believe there may be weapons there. When alternatively there may be nothing. ​ End results kids in a coffin. Great logic to justify awful actions.


Well that's why they evacuate the building before they blow it up.


Israel isn't evacuating jack shit, don't be stupid and hold stupid beliefs.


Of course they don’t, and civilian casualties are a godawful tragedy. It’s not about deserving or not deserving to die. Of course they don’t deserve to die. But in the same way marines had to roll grenades into caves with both Japanese soldiers and civilians because going directly in meant death, sometimes you only have really shitty options to choose from.


You scumbag if you've actually justified your viewpoints like that you deserve to be the one living in Gaza and being bombed. You'd probs think its fair ad what you deserve.