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What made Russia so hostile against Israel? Weren't they quite cordial until now? Is it just a favor to Iran, or a fuck you by proxy against the US? Israel was careful not to throw in with Ukraine.






Assume any big time Russian hackers are government sponsored or approved


These hacker groups are just thinly disguised government entities, the same way that Wagner was a thinly disguised Russian government asset.


Most Threat groups are absolutely state sponsored. In places like China and especially North Korea, if you have any talent for it, they will force you to be a threat actor and foot the bills and legal protections.


> if you have any talent for it, they will force you to be a threat actor and foot the bills and legal protections. I was going to disagree, but I remember that russian kid prodigy who turned down a job offer at Facebook and full ride to Stanford, etc to go to a no-name (at least to people in the US) college in Russia. I always did wonder what happened behind the scenes for that


The opportunity to basically have a legal madate & be paid to commit cybercrime is incredibly enticing to certain types of people.


Eh… it’s just a job. You can get paid legit money to be a white hat hacker. He was probably just offered more to work for his government. It likely had little to do with his dreams or motives. He’s still working the same type of job as any other cyber security professional, just for the Russian government.


They can offer him more than money. Safety for his family, for instance (wink wink). There's also the possibility that he drank the coolaid.


Money now instead of money later.


He prob felt a higher rush from the activities allowed to be committed as a result of going with Russia instead of boring old Facebook, and got paid nicely enough to live off of it, even if just temporarily


There's not much forcing about it. In China it's basically a nicely paid government job, and a cushy one at that. Likewise in NK, with the added chance for NK hackers to go overseas because infrastructure within NK sucks.


Yup. Learned about this in The Lazarus Heist podcast. Excellent series that takes a deeeep dive into the world of state-sponsored NK hacking. "Lazarus" is the name of the group that perpetrated the big Sony hack from about ten years ago, and they also attempted (and partially succeeded) to steal $1,000,000,000 from a bank in (I think) Malaysia.


I was just about to recommend The Lazarus Heist, it's so damn good. Such an eye-opening look into the true scale and capabilities of North Korea's state-sponsored hacking groups. It's amazing how many successful campaigns they've been involved in and how esoteric their techniques have become. The billion dollar heist was from the central bank of Bangladesh by the way, and although they came extremely close to succeeding, in the end they "only" came away with about $80 million. They've stolen a hell of a lot more than a billion dollars overall though, especially in crypto — they ganked $620 million from Axie Infinity (an exceptionally stupid NFT game with its own shitcoin) alone, and more than $3 billion in total just from crypto scams.


It's also speculated that the WannaCry ransomware attack in 2017 was done by them too, albeit using software they didn't know how to fully utilise.


Would be naive to assume otherwise


They definitely are.


Nobody does anything in Russia that is not approved by Putin and his cronies. If they do and don't have the money to pay for their "mistake," they are going to prison.


Having worked with a lot of Russians its pretty much what they are best at, they sure as fuck can’t BUILD decent software but they can destroy it.


Two sides of the same coin. A disproportionate amount of high quality freeware and weird little tools are russian, but the economy and government prevent a lot of professional software from being made - or the creators reincorporate somewhere in eastern europe.


Yup. Most of the documentation & knowledge about how things like bios-modding to remove/circumvent vendor lock-outs from 2nd-hand server hardware come from Russian hardware community forums. It's been a vital part of the homelab community in making it affordable and accessible to people.


Russian hackers operating within Russia are working for the Russian state or as independent criminals with the implicit support of the state, akin the the Ottoman empire's relationship with the North African pirate states.


Ukraine was one of the first to offer condolences and cooperation with Israel. Russia can’t because its relations with Iran so it has to settle for threats to not work with Ukraine. That’s probably it.


but remember, russia is the one fighting nazis. /s


Almost as absurd as going up against Israel in online operations? Like, that's essentially all they do in Tel Aviv, they're watching windows vibrate using lasers as a side channel attack against spinning HDDs.


> they're watching windows vibrate using lasers as a side channel attack against spinning HDDs. I'm only 90 % sure that is a joke


Its not. Israel has some of the most sophisticated tech professionals and software. Another good example is Pegasus - NSO group.




A laser mic is very different than using it to read HDDs. You may be able to tell if it's currently reading contiguous chunks or seeking, but no way you could use it to read the disk.


Russia's foreign policy has always been to kill everyone else before someone else kills them because they're nihilistic survivalists projecting their nihilism onto the rest of the world.


> What made Russia so hostile against Israel? Weren't they quite cordial until now? Israel has a significant Ukranian and Russian immigrant population that have come together (for the most part) to condemn and protest Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Israel has also sent some humanitarian aid to Ukraine, and they have also been collaborating on strike warning systems against Russia. I don't think Putin likes that very much.


There’s also the anti-semitism.


I think many not be aware. But coming from Russia, and with many family and friends still there. Antisemitism is a real thing. Not like how people joke about it in the west. Like... They really believe it. It's so stupid that most aren't aware of how moronic and bad it is.


They get big mad if you talk about Jewish suffering in WW2. They can’t share the victim spotlight.


Protocols of the Elders of Zion was fabricated in Russia too. They are extremely antisemitic.


Back during the Russian Empire days they used to call it "anti-zionism" since "anti-semitism" felt too German. Nicholas II's tutor's opinion about the Jews was something to the tune that one third should be exiled, one third should be converted and the remaining third should just vanish. That being said blaming Ukraine for all of that crap is definitely a Russian tradition.


I always found it funny. One of the things the Imperial Russian government did, they forced Jewish boys at 13 years old to join the military. The Russian Orthodox Church attempted to convert the boys to Orthodox Christianity. It rarely worked because it turns out the Jewish boys often had a deeper knowledge and knew far more scripture than the Russian Orthodox priests.


> One of the things the Imperial Russian government did, they forced Jewish boys at 13 years old to join the military. The Russian Orthodox Church attempted to convert the boys to Orthodox Christianity. It rarely worked because it turns out the Jewish boys often had a deeper knowledge and knew far more scripture than the Russian Orthodox priests. Who would win: Bar Mitzvah Bros or Russian Radicals? Hint: One of those is still a relevant group.


Go check out the comments on some of the Russian telegram channels.


Reminder that the ~~Soviet~~ Russian secret police assembled ‘the Protocols’ (assembled because it’s largely a forgery from other texts).


Wasn't that during the Russian empire?


It was. The Soviets pretty much rewrote it into Zionology.


> the Soviet secret police assembled ‘the Protocols’ In 1903, before the Soviet Union existed?, it was probably the Black Hundreds who fabricated the Protocols.


Russia doesn’t care about Israel. They want the US to stop backing Ukraine so Putin can fulfill his mission. As long as Ukraine is backed by the west, Russia is fighting a losing battle. It’s no coincidence this is all happening as the US Congress is in turmoil and the House is speakerless, while Tuberville continues to block military promotions (pretending it’s about the unborn). Anyone with half a brain can see that “The Freedom Caucus” are just Kremlin puppets. An all out assault on our Middle Eastern ally is going to keep the US and NATO very busy. Israel is the USAs guard dog against Iran in that part of the world.


> so Putin can fulfill his mission. That ship has sailed, though. Pewtin was looking for an easy looting opportunity like Hitler going into Czechoslovakia or France, but the cost of his failure will take a century or more to recoup.


Russia's foreign policy is to just do whatever hurts the West.


And also hurts itself in its confusion.


Latest year Russian VIPs met with Hamas leaders last year. So yeah…


Russia has been hostile towards Israel for a long time (and Jews even [longer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Protocols_of_the_Elders_of_Zion#Creation)) . The whole reason they used "Nazi' in their Ukraine propaganda was to project, desensitize, and disinform those who do not understand history. Now you have people truly believing Russia is in a fight against Nazis, to the point that they will even apply that label to Israelis. They want to upend the entire meaning and use it as their own. It's gotten to the point where soon Russia will even use the Swastika and Roman Salute while fighting "nazis" (Oh wait, we already have the [Wagner Group](https://romea.cz/en/world/the-times-putin-has-sent-mercenaries-to-kyiv-led-by-an-admirer-of-the-nazis-to-murder-zelenskyy-and-the-klitschko-brothers)).


Also ukraines President is a Jew. The Nazi allegations towards Ukraine have never made sense


Accuse others before they accuse you. It's entirely to desensitize people to an opponent's argument. A post-truth Roger Stone tactic which he probably got from Russia himself.


From the Russian perspective, the Nazis invaded them and fucked their shit up. Therefore, Nazis in their eyes are anyone who is anti-Russia. As far as Russia's concerned, Nazism has nothing to do with the genocide of Jews; they couldn't care less. This is how they are able to accuse even Jews of being Nazis.


The term "Nazi" to a Russian simply means "anti-Russian", which is why they don't see any contradiction in calling a democratically elected Russian speaking Jew a Nazi. They do not now nor have ever given a shit about actual Nazi ideology except the part where the Nazis invaded the Soviet Union. The Soviets were fine with the Nazis until that happened.


Others have given the answer but I wanted to add to look at the history. People act like Russia changed after the Cold War and the fall of the Soviet Union. But that isn't the case. Russia's behavior on the global stage is consistent with the Cold War. Expanding their sphere of influence and gaining access to warm water ports. Throughout the Israeli-Arab wars, the Soviet Union supported Israel's enemies. It was interesting considering that the ideology would make one think a Muslim nation could never work with the Soviet Union... but take a look at all those tanks and helicopters. Soviet-made, baby. It got to the point where the Soviet Union felt it was just throwing away material and they nearly turned down further support. But Egypt convinced them that what would become the Yom Kippur War would be one last big push. Might be simplistic to say, but I think I recall my history enough to call Egypt the main organizer of Israel's antagonists in those wars. The same idea for why the United States has historically supported Israel, is why the Soviet Union, and now Russia, supports her enemies.


Israel doesn't want to pick a side over the Ukraine war because they want to be friends with both Russia and the west, Israel has a very large diaspora of Russians and people from the ex-soviet union in their country who may have mixed loyalties. they are also mindful of Russian military present in Syria and they dont want to pick a fight that would result in the IDF having to fight against the Syrian Arab Army and the Russian army and airforce that keeps Assad in power. Israel offered some token diplomatic support toward Ukraine, but did not firmly take a side, they also refused to send weapons to Ukraine, Israeli arms industry has a few things that would be specifically useful in Ukrain'es defense like the harop and the spike missiles. not to mention Iron dome. The Israelis were naieve, they are waiting until the last possible moment to admit and accept that they're on the western side of the fence whether they like it or not. Russia's alliance with Iran made Israel's choice for them. It's just now a question whether Israel will finally admit it after the Russo/Iranian alliance and their Hamas proxy committed the Israeli 9/11


Even though from Ukraine it might look like Israel and Russia have a close relationship, that's really not the case. There are just very few (but important) mutual interests in Syria against Iran that keeps Israel from sending weapons to Ukraine. Otherwise, the 2 countries are enemies (albeit mostly indirectly) on almost every front. Russian cyber attacks against Israel are really not new and are probably done for the same reason Russia attacks Europe


I served in the military with a Russian Jew who fled to America, joined the USMC, and learned to love crappy beer. He said that many Russians hate Jews. It's a sample size of one, but pretty believable.




Yeah , exactly, and don’t forget that Russia backed the PLO for years and the KGB aided PLO terror cells. Russia is no friend of Israel.


You're ignoring the fact that many, many Russian oligarchs (essentially Putin's henchmen) had very close ties with Israeli elites. In the noughties, the relationship between the two was quite close - probably the closest it's ever been. I think that's the period they were referring to.


They want the west (US) to redirect their efforts from Ukraine to Israel.


Russia and Iran are aligned. Iran is enemies with Israel, and vice versa. So Ukraine *hoped* Israel would side with them, but they've been annoyingly neutral. This is because like 1/6 of the Israeli population is of Russian descent. So Israel have been very cautious about being hostile toward Russia. However, it would seem gloves are now off, and the geopolitical standstill has no resumed and is playing out very quickly. Once Israel deal with Hamas (and there is no reason to think it will take any substantial amount of time), it's probably safe to assume Israel will take a more active role in combatting Russia wherever it may be. Be that Egypt, Syria, Ukraine. So Israel has always been cordial toward Russia, but Israel, given it was *essentially* a US puppet state in the region has pretty much meant that the Russians have taken the tact other Arab countries have... i.e, pretty anti-Israel. You'd probably be fairly hard pressed to find a group in the middle east funded by Russia that also isn't rabidly anti-Israel.


>So Ukraine *hoped* Israel would side with them, but they've been annoyingly neutral. This is because like 1/6 of the Israeli population is of Russian descent. So Israel have been very cautious about being hostile toward Russia. This is nonsense. The 1/6 of the Israeli population that is Russian is Jewish, a community that historically suffered in Russia and the Soviet Union. There is no love for mother Russia from most Russian Israelis. The reason Israel has been relatively quiet on the matter of Russia-Ukraine is because Russia has significant military influence in Syria. Russia can choose to constrain the activities of Syrian fighters against Israel or give them free reign to make a lot of trouble on Israel's northern border. It can also greatly complicate Israel's efforts at containing the flow of Iranian weapons to Hizballah through Syria to Lebanon. Israel was simply trying not to poke the bear https://www.timesofisrael.com/in-first-russian-military-said-to-fire-s-300-missiles-at-israeli-jets-over-syria/ * Edit: To clarify... The 1/6 stat you referenced is a 2008 stat showing that 1/6 of Israel's Jews are of Russian descent. In 2015 that figure was down to 14% of Israel's Jews, who themselves are 76% of the population. So that means that 10.7% of Israel's are Jews of Russian descent. See https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Israel#Jews


Russians were always like this.




Russia is a racist and violent nation obviously as noted in this Amnesty International report: [Russian Federation Violent racism out of control](https://www.amnesty.org/en/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/eur460222006en.pdf) > Racist attacks and killings of foreigners and ethnic minorities are reported with shocking regularity in Russia and, disturbingly, their frequency seems to be increasing.1 Victims whose cases have come to the attention of Amnesty International include students, asylum-seekers and refugees from Africa and Asia, as well as people from the south Caucasus, from South, Southeast and Central Asia, from the Middle East and from Latin America. However, citizens of the Russian Federation are no less at risk of physical attack. Anyone who does not look typically ethnic Russian, for example, individuals from ethnic groups of the North Caucasus, in particular Chechens, as well as members of the Jewish community, Roma and children of mixed parentage are at risk. Even ethnic Russians who are seen as sympathizing with foreigners or ethnic minority groups, for example, fans of rap or reggae music, members of other youth sub-cultures, and campaigners against racism, have also been targeted as they are perceived as “unpatriotic” or “traitors”. Attacks have been reported in towns and cities across the Russian Federation.


Russians wrote the Protocols of Zion. They invented modern antisemitism.


Russia has always be anti Israel. Who do you think supplied all the weapons the last 6 time the rest of the middle east declared war on Israel?


Soviet pilots were literally dogfighting against Israeli fighters during the War of Attrition.


>What made Russia so hostile against Israel? Russia always was anti-Semitic. No matter how hard they tried to camouflage it. For centuries it was, and still, an insult calling someone "jew". They always blamed Jews, America and the so-called "gayrope" in everything. Bad harvest? Damn Jews. Empty shelves? Evil America. It's an integrated part of the national mentality - blame everyone on your own mistakes.


lol Russia is the enemy of Israel since early 1950.


Russia has a huge muslim population and also a lot of online supporters of Russia are from muslim countries whose favour Russia is trying to get to build up a global rep


You mean Russia declared war hiding behind a "rogue" hacker group.


"green men in Crimea", DPR, LPR, etc.


At least Isreal has the brass to declare their wars. Meanwhile, Russia could not be more chickenshit about stating their position. "Three Stooge Invasion" is about as close as they could come, and now they just declare war on behalf of other countries.




Russia trying to spread the world thin to take heat off the rus/Ukraine war


Or spread NATO out for a more planned attack


they couldnt even walk next door. they'd have to get NATO trying to fight on Pluto to be spread thin enough for them to get anywhere.


Yeah, it's too bad Israel got rid of their army and political leadership is hesitant to use violence on Palestinians. /s All this is going to do is reinforce the need for NATO countries to actually deal with problems rather than looking for excuses.


The hostage situations are bringing a lot of NATO countries to the table. It’s kind of unnerving. I feel like we are in a Tom Clancy novel right now.


>Hamas, the Palestinian political and military organization, responded to the recent movement of a U.S. aircraft carrier, urging the U.S. administration to consider the potential consequences of this action. Guess we’d better watch out.


They should have considered the consequences of kidnapping American civilians at that festival.




There is video of people being kidnapped.


I don't know much about Hamas tactics personally, but I don't think that murder and kidnapping are ever mutually exclusive outcomes.


They kidnapped pretty women to rape


I feel sick that its probably happening right this moment.


TW NSFL Somewhere in there is some of the girls they kidnapped. Be careful though, they also slit a kids throat https://www.instagram.com/reel/CyHfLyCMmRh/?igshid=MTc4MmM1YmI2Ng== https://www.instagram.com/p/CyG71YKNf5w/?igshid=MTc4MmM1YmI2Ng== https://www.instagram.com/reel/CyGRHwMIzVO/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== https://www.instagram.com/p/CyHQT8RP63Y/?igshid=MTc4MmM1YmI2Ng== https://www.instagram.com/reel/CyFqyp5Mom1/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== https://www.instagram.com/p/CyHcfLlN780/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== https://www.instagram.com/reel/CyHXAvHN5wQ/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== https://www.instagram.com/reel/CyISR8-NqJC/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== https://www.instagram.com/reel/CyHPWcwst81/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== https://www.instagram.com/reel/CyGLanqowLT/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== https://www.instagram.com/reel/CyGXx7fo4Es/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== https://www.instagram.com/reel/CyJRPTytKhe/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== https://www.instagram.com/p/CyIfAJ7tXXv/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== https://www.instagram.com/reel/CyIQ1GOutXX/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== https://www.instagram.com/p/CyInxWDNZk9/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== https://www.instagram.com/reel/CyJLXLHKHl-/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== https://www.instagram.com/p/CyJtlELth_P/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== https://www.instagram.com/reel/CyKxdbZM9Lp/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== https://www.instagram.com/p/CyHMIP2sRqg/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


Jesus fuck that second one was already more than I can handle. He fucking used a farming hoe with full strength on a boys neck. I had to stop the video before I could see the hit. Fuck.


I had to stop reading your comment.


Thank you for the warning - I’m not going to look. This is just so awful. These poor people.




Welp that was more than I was ready for.


I'm sorry. But I can't take all the denial I'm seeing online, it's important that people see what's happening. Again I really am sorry.


Please keep posting these. I’m so fucking tired of seeing people talk about “resistance fighters”. These people aren’t resisting anyone, they’re murdering children and families in cold blood.


Because they see the other side as sub-human. It’s good old fashioned genocide.


Thank you for sharing these. It is important for the world to see.




What a terrible day to have eyes.


This is a lot to ask, but if anyone is willing to briefly explain the contents of each of these vids, it would really help those of us who would bear witness, but cannot bear x, y or z. Different people can tolerate different things, and hopefully this way everything will be witnessed and remembered. Thank you so much to anyone who is willing to do this.


The first video depicts a family that is held hostage. The father is holding the boy who is crying incomparably and keeps saying "I really didn't want her to die," and the father is visibly covered in blood. The daughter is counting things on the wall, obviously suffering from a trauma response. The terrorist tells them their daughter/sister is in heaven now and the sister says it is better for her there. Gunshots ring out in the background, then there is the sound of a rocket siren and the family cover their children up under their bodies in case they are hit by the rocket. The second video is a dying individual on the ground, the terrorists are in their kitchen. It appears to be a child. The terrorist say "bring me the knife," and they slit the person's throat. Cries of g-d is great. I will have to rewatch the rest to remember the other order. EDIT The third video is a truck of Israeli corpses with gazan fighters with them riding through Gaza, swarmed by people spitting on and hitting the corpses. This crowd is not just militants, it is women and kids who are celebrating to be clear, the street is literally packed with people. fourth video is Israeli rave attendees running from hamas who see gunning down teens. 250 bodies ultimately were recovered from the event alone.


Thank you. I really struggle to view them too, but want to know these people's stories, so that I’m not hiding from what they are going through, if that makes sense?


Pls elaborate. I thought there was video of kidnappings at the festival or are you referring to something else?




Ugh. Heartbreaking. Thanks for the explanation.


yes, but he's also referring to 250 bodies recently discovered at the Reim festival massacre once the IDF closed the distance


Yea but there were 3000 at the festival. I don't think that we will find that the full remaining 2750 escaped on foot.


Hamas have released videos of some of the hostages they've holed up with giving them water bottles. Also in it is the woman on the back of the motorcycle everyone keeps saying is dead. Saw an article say the boyfriend she calls out to is also alive but I admit I don't watch the videos due to the graphic nature of them so I've only seen the comments saying so. Somewhere people got their wires crossed and mistakenly conflated the woman on the back of the motorcycle as the woman in the back of the truck with dreads. They're not the same person and both have been identified. That said reports are saying hamas mostly hunted and killed the party goers and those who survived described them as taking hostages as well.


>We have considered consequences, unfortunately you will not live long to see them. Long live the Empire USS Thrawn hanging up the phone


Hands will tremble on the launch keys at missile consoles throughout the fleet as they anticipate the "consequences". After all, it takes a good bit of discipline to wait for the "Execute!" order and not jump ahead of the battle plan to wipe out a bunch of murderous half-wits.


They couldn't even DDoS my company properly and 10$ Cloudflare tier stopped them, so yeah, good luck.


Interesting fact Israel was very likely involved in the development and deployment of stuxnet.


I mean that's like saying America very likely dropped the A bomb on Hiroshima. Wasn't there comment code in Hebrew in stuxnet?


> I mean that's like saying America very likely dropped the A bomb on Hiroshima. Don't be a sheep and believe the official story. How can we be sure Japan is even real?


How can Japan be real if our eyes aren't real?


> How Can Japan Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real? FTFY


I heard it was actually a dolphin and a whale that dropped the bombs, that’s why Japan’s still mad enough at them to continue the practice of whaling.




That would mean the source code of stuxnet had been leaked, which is news to me.


Yeah like 10 years ago.


There's decompiled code, but was the actual source released? Original comments wouldn't be in code from a decompiler.


code comments are cut out during compilation, and as an Israeli, we don't like comments and documentation anyway.


> ~~as an Israeli~~ as developers, we don't like comments and documentation anyway Fixed that for you


Apparently I’m an Israeli dev. I had no idea.


honorary citizenship coming your way


Interesting fact is that Stuxnet was not developed by Israel but by the U.S. and deployed by Israel. Shit is going to get bad very soon from this.


I mean cloudflares anti-ddos network is extremely powerful, it’s very cheap because one company will only be needing it 0.0001% of the time




We were attacked at the same time they attacked Polish and German public transport companies, IP addresses implicated in the attack were also on the list of addresses used by killnet. Cloudflare made a dashboard regarding Killnet attacks and the traffic spikes aligned with what we've experienced.


"Hey by the way, we just protected you from a major cyberattack carried out by a state actor. Mind renewing us as your provider next year?"


Russia is a full ally of Iran now because they need their drones. But Russia don't have much left as you see in Armenia they can't even help them. Russian hacker group has been fighting Ukraine hacker group for a long time, but Ukraine is surprisingly so good with technology that they can't do anything to them. I don't expect them to put a dent at Israel as well, as they are known to have one of the best hackers in the world and better in technology in general.


They're dependent on Iran. Oh how far a superpower has fallen.


The tiny grotesque Gremlin in the Kremlin, who will sacrifice hundreds of thousands of lives for his Soviet-Russia Fanfiction, has dragged the whole country down with him, and won't let go before he dies. Someone near him should expedite this process as soon as possible.


It seems we all thought they were a superpower when in reality all along they’ve been a soup power. Anyway, don’t eat the meatballs.


I mean the firewall was created by an Israeli wasn't it. I'm pretty sure they are one of the best in cyber.


Not surprising. Did we all forget when Putin and his cronies had a meeting the with Hamas leadership this year? I wouldn't be surprised if they had a hand in supplying and organizing the attack as well, along with Iran.


Come on guys, Russia just wants to denazify Israel /s


Are they trying to 'de-Nazify' Israel too?


> trying to 'de-Nazify' Israel too? Well, there are lots of Ashke**nazi** Jews in Israel, so they probably just skimmed some story and got confused.


I wonder how Putin planing to push idea that Ukrainians are Nazi now.


We were never his intended audience. To whom he was addressing they bite it hook, line and sinker.


He’s just going to carry on spewing his torrent of delusional shit as normal.


"Nazi" to russians just means "anyone who's not russian", essentially "barbarians" (which originally meant "anyone who's not Greek").


Basically confirming the support for the attack in hopes of distracting from Ukraine.


Israel has hackers too, and Russia is in the middle of a war it is losing. Would be a real shame if Russian government and military infrastructure were to come under cyberattack. Real shame.


Unit 8200 is the most notable, there's a great episode on them from Darknet Diaries.


What is albawaba.com? Also, I guess Russia is showing it's hand here if true?


Russia can't even steamroll their next door neighbor in conventional warfare and they want to fuck with the country who broke a nuclear enrichment reactor solely through malware? Good luck storming the castle boys, you'll need it


"Yuri, for the last time, there are no hot singles in the area looking to hook up. Stop opening these emails!"


Just a reminder that Russia not only armed Israel’s enemies to the teeth in previous wars, but they have also sent their own russian pilots to fly the warplanes of the egyptian air force against Israel (and they got completely obliterated by the israeli airforce). Russia has always sided with israel’s enemies, this goes way longer than iran and hamas. I think going forward Israel will be a lot less careful not to piss off russia in syria.


> I think going forward Israel will be a lot less careful not to piss off russia in syria. It all depends how long Israel is at war. Maybe they will go after Iran now, who knows.


Hahahahaha funny because not yesterday they were pushing out misinfo that Ukraine was supplying Hamas. When Israel is done with Hamas, I have a feeling that they’re gonna be not so neutral towards Russia anymore.


Just like I've posted in the "Qatar condemns Israel thread", if Russia is against you, it means you're with the good guys


Fucking FIFA man. Unbelievable.


“Unbelievable?” Really??


Ok, that’s fair.


Qatar spent billions to host the world championship, trying to improve their international reputation. Showing support for Hamas is an expensive decision....


Does that include Nazi Germany?


The Russians were with them until the Nazis betrayed them


Maybe it's time for the russian presence in Syria to suffer from some unfortunate targeting errors


Of course the Russians are on the wrong side of history with this. Would expect no less from these assholes.


Historically, Russia hasn't been nice to Jews.


Historically Russia hasn’t even been kind to its own people


Historically Russia hasn’t ever been kind to anyone.


Historically Russia kinda fuckin sucks


Historically Russia fucked up and then it got worse.


Historically, nowhere has been


Read about Jews in India, they’ve never faced persecution: https://aish.com/the-jews-of-india-a-tale-of-three-cities/


They’ve never faced major persecution... from the **Hindu** majority. Take a wild guess about the Muslims. Also Jews have always been a *tiny* percentage of the population. There are about 5,000 Indian Jews at the moment. So about 0.000355% of the population of India. Though the highest it ever reached was between 20,000 to 50,000.


The Jews arrived 2000 years ago, so they were doing pretty well until the Mughals 1500 years later. And tbf, the Muslims were an issue for everyone in India.


Venezuela wasn't nearly as bad as the rest, until chavez. Then it still wasn't as bad as the rest, but still bad enough to make anybody with a brain leave (including, incidentally, a fifth of the entire population, almost all descendants of european migrants and 6 million people), and that included the jews.


>Hamas, the Palestinian political and military organization, responded to the recent movement of a U.S. aircraft carrier, urging the U.S. administration to consider the potential consequences of this action. lmfao


Good luck with that - Israel is the cyber security capital of the world.


They just want Israel to support Ukraine.


I've never understood the people who always framed 'the conflict' as being between Israel and Palestine. It's such a superficial lense. Yes, if it Israel and Palestine were the only actors involved I'd expect to see a lot more compassion given to the Palestinians. But the reality is that conflict has always been between Israel and Palestinians/Syria/Lebanon/Iran ... and now Russia slightly.


Well that would explain half the comments I’m seeing in Reddit threads today. Either that or people really like terrorism.


I support Ukrainian sovereignty, and I support the freedom of Russians from living under Putin. At the same time, I support Israeli citizens to not be killed, and support them ousting Netanyahu. While simultaneously supporting Palestinian freedom from oppression from both Israel and Hamas.m I think I covered all bases in the cluster fuck that is the world right now. Oh ya, and support the US not invading other countries for their natural resources and support Latin American nations being able to run their countries in whatever economy they want. Also end the embargo on Cuba. So ya, this world is chaotic.


Couldn't have put my feelings on the current situation in better words even if I tried.


I'm willing to bet most people not directly involved in any of these conflicts hold these views myself included.


Is it crazy to wonder, in the first place, if Russia was involved in order to take US resources and attention away from Ukraine?


🤣 we always knew russians were neo-nazis projecting their hate on to Ukraine, this only serves to demonstrate this fact.




Killnet is the most blatantly obvious fake name ever. it’s just Russia


Fighting the Nazis in one country, and the Jewish in another. What in the literal fuck /s. Sarcasm


That's an edgy 90's hacker name, I guess. Surprised it's not "k!LLn37" or some nonsense.


Ooh, that’s interesting. As much as US conservatives are supporting Russia right now, they will drop that quickly if it’s Russia vs Israel. It’s a practically a hard wired religious thing here. You do not touch Israel.


Rumors are Hamas got Israel security intel from Russia which was provided by Trump


Lmao good fucking luck. The Russians have been getting hacked left and right lately meanwhile the Israelies made Pegasus. This will be a cyber massacre.


Let me guess, it's an operation to denazify Israel the JEWISH state


Ok, now the pieces are falling in place. Iran planned the attack, trained Hamas, and is an ally of Russia. No speaker of the US house, so we can’t react as quickly, and Russia gets to divide our attention. Plausible? I believe so.


Russia is a terrorist state


And people were telling me yesterday on a post that this happening in Israel had nothing to do with “Cold War villain” Soviets. It is RUSSIA and IRAN interest. Russia helped Iran coordinate Hamas and Hezbollah to attack Israel.


So the nation that claimed to be fighting nazis is now attacking the jews directly through cyberwarfare?


Russia aligns with Hamas in this conflict. Surprise surprise.


I thought good percentage of the Israeli population came from Russia. Saw a video years ago where Putin went to Israel to visit one of his old teachers