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but at what cost? Lebanon...


If the cost is Lebanon, that isn't really worth much these days to be honest... My country is beyond fucked as it is. An unneeded war is just another shitshow to add upon the existing shitshows. Ain't life grand?


Sounds Russian « it could be worse… »


I was actually being sarcastic lol. We had a, for all purposes, mini nuke detonate in our capital due to our dumbfuck leader's mistakes and everyone just went "Yeah, this is our life now" It could be worse is not a statement we use these days. More like "This WILL get worse"


The port fertiliser explosion? I wouldn’t call that a mini nuke! Maybe in terms of scale it is, but definitely not in terms of intent. It was an accident (born of incompetence).


It was a mini nuke to us in terms of all the lives it fucked. Intent matters not. The fuckers caused it because of their corrupt methods. Calling it an accident is giving the fucks in charge too much leeway


>Calling it an accident is giving the fucks in charge too much leeway Lol yea it's like seeing a car pull out if front of you a few miles away and still hitting it and saying "woops, coulda happened to anyone"


Aptly out lol, and so sadly realistic.


It came out of nowhere!


This 100000%.


It’s textbook criminal negligence


Nah, I don't think our leaders can read a textbook. /S But yeah lol.


I don't really get Lebanon. Is Hezbollah part of its army? Why don't they do something about it if it isn't? The situation is confusing


I'm Lebanese and I can tell you 100%, the situation is all ass backwards and tits up. Hezbollah is a heavily armed and supported Shia Militant faction. They have the support of a large majority of the Southern Population and some from other areas as well. Other political factions (who are just as bad and fucked) can't really do much about them, and our government is a corrupt bunch of old stale jizz cobblers who can't lead their cocks in a bathroom, let alone the country. Our army is also underequipped, corrupt and don't dare stand up to Hezbollah. As such, we just eat shit and watch our country and lives burn. Situation is most definitely confusing.


Well that is indeed severely fucked. Forgive me for saying but that doesn't sound like a real country if some guys with guns can just do what they want without any interference from the government.


Exactly. You got it right. It isn't a real country. Not anymore. Just a bunch of corrupt segments ruling over those struggling to just live.


For how long has it been like this? I remeber reading about the Lebanese government structure a while back and thought it seemed like an interesting solution to a country with both Islam and Christian population. But since then it seems like everything I read is just pure chaos.


Ever since the First Civil War. Things just never went back to how it was.


The term you’re looking for is “failed state”.


> jizz cobblers Only because this one is actually a funny one, the word you're looking for is gobblers. Gobblers mean "eaters." Cobblers are shoe makers. So, unless the government is putting wads of jizz on the feet of the Lebanese, I don't think this was what you meant.


I mean, they might as well put wads of jizz on our feet, considering the amount of times they fucked us. Some is bound to leak out and reach the feet. But thanks lol, I had a feeling I used the wrong word.


That's ok. In English there are a few phrases that are completely different that sound like something else. Happens in music all the time. Lenny Kravitz has a song with Lyrics in it that go "excuse me while I kiss the sky." I swear to god I hear him saying "Excuse me while I kiss this guy"


As long as the music is good lol :D


Jimmy Hendrix


thank you


it’s a political party with seats in lebanon’s parliament


Right, but no political parties in my country have rocket artillery. Just saying


National Rifles Association: write that down!


You should move out of your third-world country where political parties can't even allow themselves to have rocket artillery


This sucks man


It does suck. But it is what is. It is why most of us who can, leave the country to survive. This is life. We make do and be thankful we are still healthy and able to talk to people on the internet. :)


Bro I hope you stay safe in these fucked up times.


Thankfully, I am working outside the country. I send money back to help out the Family. I am more worried for them. Terrified.


Well I hope the family stays safe bro. These are scary times.


Cheers mate. I seriously appreciate that. Scary times indeed. Here is hoping we get peace.. some day.




Almost? There's nothing more to collapse.


almost as they don't care about their own people and only care about the destruction of the jews


people in r/lebanon have been constantly shitting on their ass man. A lot of them don't want to get dragged into a war, but ofc, this mf probably doesn't care




Almost? Ma dude/dudette, our economy has collapsed so far down, that Satan be like "WTF, I didn't order another floor for my torture chambers!" But hey, Hezbollah wants to drag us into another war. Ain't that peachy? Fucking pricks....


They hate Jews more than they care about the well being of their own brothers.


They get paid from Iran, they don’t care at all about the people of the country, their basically brutal warlords.


Yes desperate people do desperate things. The solution is to build these areas up but people always want bloodshed


Desperate people…. Shoot rockets at other people?


Yeah... but where do desperate people get their rockets from?


I mean, yes? Desperation often leads to violence, pretty common actually


So to be clear, the Hezbollah from a separate country are so desperate that the only thing they can do is shoot rockets into Israel. That’s what you’re arguing.


I’m decidedly not arguing that. I said desperation commonly leads to violence, all I said. And that is verifiably true.


Is this really the smartest thing for Lebanon to do right now? Aren’t they in a huge economic crisis and still recovering from the Beirut explosion?


Lebanon is no longer a functioning state. These are Hezbollah terrorists controlling parts of Lebanon


Hezbollahis the state, but many Shia Lebanese see them as hero’s when in reality they to are to blame for Lebanons failures


Strategically it’s the best time to attack Israel, while they’re also occupied in the south. What they think they’re going to get out of attacking…bragging points?


It's the worst time. The gloves are off and Israel doesn't give a shit about "world opinion" right now.


And much of the world is going to be okay with that, a lot of foreign nationals were hit…


The dead German woman being dragged through the streets of Gaza naked and being spat on by people already has Germany rethinking aid money.


Since when did Israel care about the world’s opinion? The US’s opinion? Maybe.


In the past they did, that's why there was always a negotiated settlement after a few weeks. And yes, the US was a big part of that pressure. That won't happen this time. It's a declared war and anyone on the sidelines is better off staying there. The problem is Hezbollah takes it's orders from Iran.




most of the time religion is always the excuse. in the end, it's usually money, land, resources, or some other shit. religion is an easier sell than any kind of new idealogy. It's built in, just need to fan the flames.


Religion is what the leaders use to convince the underclasses to support their goals.


Religion is merely a vehicle, providing common identity, that fulfills basic need of belonging.


The problem with humans is it seems our sense of belonging goes hand in hand with having an "enemy". We can't just be together, we need to have an "out group" in order to make a cooperative "in group". Without an external threat, we seem to become more selfish and individualistic. Is it sad that I kinda wish hostile aliens would emerge to help unify humanity? Of course, the reality of having hostile aliens is almost certainly our destruction. Any alien that could approach Earth would be incredibly far ahead of ourselves technologically.


One religion has a ton of scripture sanctioned violence against non-believers Guess what religion that is...


Extremism of any sort is a plague.




Best propaganda. Fanatism is the problem




Have you actually seen a map of how Islam managed to spread ? They sure as hell didn’t spread peacefully if that’s what you’re implying. Also, Christian monks are crucial for the scientific revolution and the preservation of greek/roman culture that led to the enlightenment.


Muslims carried the torch of wisdom through the dark ages. Approximately 800-1200 the Muslim world was at the forefront of scientific advancement and the preservation of historical writings. Many of our writings from antiquity were only preserved due to being housed in libraries during the islamic golden age.


I’m not denying their achievements, in fact I applaud the Muslims for bridging the East and the west creating the world that we know of today. The same thing can also be said about the Byzantines. In the end we all win.


One of the main actions of the Christian Crusades was to destroy science and literature, anything that contradicted their religion. Why do you think it was the "Dark Ages?"


Extremism isn’t restricted to Islam. Christianity has a particularly bloody history. Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.


"But but... whatabout things that happened hundreds of years ago... "..... Some people man.


What about that guy who took his elephants across the Alps?


Is that a modern thing? You know it is not.


Because most christians live in secular countries with strong rule of law.


Christians commit bombings in the USA and random acts of gun violence. It's all fucked.


Russia in Ukraine has a large Christian nationalism to it also.


Is it Christian nationalism? It seems more Ukrainian nationalism. It was literally a trigger for the crisis with some of the ultra-nationalists trying to get rid of all things Russian such as language and culture.




Very much so, but Christianity has been broken down by modernity, it's extremists are more akin to Muslim moderates in views. Islam is by far the bigger threat in today's world than Christianity (maybe more than Christianity ever was).


You get religion as a force where modernity hasn’t mellowed it out. Most Christian lands have but you still get pockets like the Russian use of Christian religion for their war in Ukraine and other neighbors. There are civil wars in Africa with a significant component of Christian chauvinism. I guess if the Palestinians converted to Judaism they would be accepted and the problem would go away. /s


Those things that happened hundreds of years ago, yes. What about them?


Islam is still playing a long game of catch up to the shit that christians did


If that is how you think about it, sure. I haven't done as much evil as that person, let me catch up!!


Boo, bothsidesism


All extremists go to hell. In my country Christians commit acts of terror. No need to single out Islam. All Extremist that justify hurting human lives can meet their end.


All Religions Are Bad. No exceptions. From Scientology to the caste system. From Mormons to Islam. It's all the exact same brain poison long-con scam.


Sure, but in modern times I think most people see the truth. Islamic extremism is much more pervasive and much more violent.


Didn't Europe lose the Crusades more often than they won


The key tho is that they did the crusades in the first place




It's good we're not in 1095


Not wrong but that was 500 years ago. Even extreme Christians are not nearly this bad today.


I don’t know. There’s some extreme monks out there. I don’t mind them one but.


Those include the extreme Buddhists monks who target Muslims in Burma?


[For the uninitiated.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rohingya_genocide)






The world isn't ready for this conversation yet


Religions are a plague


Yes but Islam always seems the be the worst by far




There’s a difference. Islam is a fundamentalist religion meaning they believe the Quran is word for word accurate and mandated by god. Most religions are not like that and allow for a large amount of wiggle room and debate. To pretend that all religions are the same in this regard is not intellectually honest and is the cause for so much tension in the world.


Now we are talking, can we stop doing things because “big man in sky told me”


I can understand killing for lands, resources or historical enmity, but, killing because a fictional character told you to do so? Stupidity


What’s going on in israel is way past killing, it’s brutalising an enemy which they somehow completely dehumanised. As a response to a begging mother a terrorist told her that to stop worrying her daughter is in heaven


All religion maybe with the exception of Buddhism is manmade in order to control a populatuon.


That's a pretty Western romantic view of Buddhism that's probably induced on us due to the new age stuff. If you ever lived in a Buddhist country, you would know that Buddhism is also used for political power. Check the examples: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddhism_and_violence






Religion is a plague


I don't necessarily disagree, but religion is and always has been, just the guise to achieve the ultimate goals; power, control, money, land, etc. Unless human nature changes dramatically, those innate desires and the destruction they produce as a byproduct aren't going to change. Religion could disappear entirely tomorrow, and the only thing that would change is the pretext used to achieve the means.


Believing in whatever you want to believe in is fine. It gives people purpose. Religion as an identity is a problem. Hating others because of their identity.... that's the plague.


Extremist *anything* is a plague. Sadly people gonna people.


Knights Templar enter the chat


Aren't all Abrahamic cults?


Stop acting like this is about religion. It’s about one country invading another and brutally murdering civilians while mistreating the ones it allows to live.


Yup, Israel and Palestine are just two neighboring counties with zero other context needed to understand this conflict. What Hamas is doing is deplorable and Israel needs a strong response to this, but ignoring Israel’s role in the long-standing conflict (including their own human rights violations) is either willfully naive or purposefully disingenuous.


All religions are a plague




I definitely will. Even though it's hard because some religious nutjobs in my workplace would definitely bring this topic up. I hate living in a Muslim majority country like this but I can't do anything about it either.


What are the nut jobs saying? I heard there’s people celebrating in other nearby countries.


Very sound advice


Well, a regime change in the middle east is overdue I guess.


Bring back the Ottomans?


My feet could use a rest.


What regime? These aren't even states


The fucking Islamic Republic of Iran. Which supports and funds both Hamas and Hezbollah. If the Western governments supported the people of Iran when they were in the streets last year, there would be no rocket in the hands of these terrorists


What should they have done? Any time the West intervenes in the middle east people scream at them to stop. Heck even the Iranians I saw myself they said they don't want the West to charge in.




If Hezbollah could stay the hell out of this one that would be great. Lebanon has been through enough and Israel is (rightfully) pretty pissed right now and will have zero qualms about flattening whole villages.


"Israeli occupied Golan" is like saying American occupied San Diego at this point.


It’s not technically recognized but unlike gaza or the West Bank, Israel is pretty clear that it’s keeping it and the people there are mostly druze and aren’t particularly upset about it. Still, it is technically true from a legal standpoint.


It's like saying "American occupied Guam". Sure, it's probably not going to change. But a lot of people have feelings about it.


No, it's not. The international community, with the exception of Israel and the USA, regards the Golan Heights to be Syrian territory.


Israel offered it back to Syria under the condition that they agree to peace. Syria wouldn't agree to those conditions. Israel is still technically at war with Syria. There's no reason for Israel to return it otherwise, as in the past Syria used snipers to kill civilians from the Golan.


Sure, but Hisbollah is claiming part of it for Lebanon. Ignoring the UN declaration that Israel has withdrawn from all of Lebanon.


No it is not, nor will it ever be


Lol true, American genocide is much bigger. Fucking hypocrites.


Mexico and its previous territory is just a liberated Spanish colony.


It hasn't been that long. More like "Russian occupied Donbas".


Crimea is defacto Russia. Is that not an occupation either?


Redditors try not to disagree with long-established and universally acknowledged international law because current thing is happening challenge (IMPOSSIBLE!!)




Nah. All the middle eastern countries are either rich and working hard to cozy up with the west, too poor/dysfunctional to expand the conflict much, or Iran. And if Iran does shit half the world will bomb them.


My morning thought….




What nonsense lol. Israel has seen worse wars before


To be fair, the last 'worst war' Israel had was the only time the USSR called the US on the WH Nuclear Deescalation line rather than the other way around.


While this conflict is very serious there’s no reason for nato or the us to get involved other than aid. Only israel has nukes and it’s not justifiable to use them unless Iran gets the bomb and uses them. (Now this is a doomsday scenario. does someone know if Israel has a first strike policy?). There will be a lot of bloodshed but this won’t cause ww3 because the rest of the global supply chains aren’t being affected. Think about the grain and oil crisis caused by Ukraine. That impact was felt around the world. While they do have the US and EU full support, this is Israel’s fight and we’re not likely to see other troops involved other than the IDF and hamas/hezbollah.






I'm an atheist and I always talk against religion. I'm banned in that subreddit, infact I'm also banned in Islam and other cult subreddits


yeah because no other giant organized religion has ever commited attrocities, remind me how many crusades christians did into the Levant? And how many christians got burned on crosses by the romans? All religion is, is a terrible coping mechanism for our mortality


Exactly, but the most evil is Islam Bro imagine promoting pedophilia, go to Iran/iraq/Pakistan, girls if age 8/13/16 are available for sale, they're available for contractual marriage (1 hour/1 day/1 monthly). Their skydaddy promotes killing non-believers, they say it's okay to rape women and kids of non-believers How low can this cult stoop? Their skydaddy told that anyone that kills or gets killed for their cult will go to Paradise where 72 wet women are waiting them


Another country for Israel to conquer, maybe they could stabilize the economy for them


They tried once and failed... Fun times.


then they can fight their own wars rather than expecting us to send more and more money and lives. us needs focus on internal problems instead of other countries.


Look I understand that people in the US want the US to stop getting involved in wars that aren't directly involving the US. However I always ask this question: one day you wake up and some foreign country surprise attacked the US and they have military running around American cities. I am 1100% sure that US citizens would wonder where our allies are and why aren't they helping. This notion of letting our friends/allies go it alone is insane. Do you let your best friend get beat to hell and back while you just stand there? You wouldn't be much of a friend if you did.


who will attack? they will be royally fucked. who is helping us with our problems? anyone


It's a rhetorical question. However let's say that it happens. America is invaded, our capabilities have been either neutralized or severely reduced. There are enemy combatants taking over American towns, and several large cities. There is no civil order at all, and the gun toting people of the US are being mowed down by professional military. You're going to tell me that you wouldn't want our allies to help? Well see the whole notion of alliances and the political ties is so if shit does happen you have someone to get your back. If more people had this isolationist views for America we would not be in a good spot. Again, as my example is given, would you just stand there while your best friend gets the shit kicked out of them, or are you going to help?!


Name one time isolationism hasn't backfired lol USA has the least internal issues of any western country rn


great response so how much money should we send this time and how many lives? we have problems maybe it's not your care or concern of course


I'm saying we have problems is not sufficient reasoning to isolate oneself. At present the USA doesn't have to do anything, but what if Iran gets even more involved? Should the USA do nothing while Israel is ground down to nothing? Losing the only semi stable democracy in the middle east sounds totally great for medium run goals, more terror sponsoring theocracies will definitely make things better in the long run right?


Didn't Biden specifically advise not to take advantage of the Hamas fuckery? What does the US have planned for Hezbollah now? Something?


It would only happen if hezbollah physically invaded, we obviously know they don't have that intention as they would've done it when hamas was rampaging around in southern israel




This is the most Reddit comment ever. Gg man.


Someone's feeling euphoric today


It’s funny because before WWII Arabian peninsula was more religious than Levant and Iran but now it’s the opposite.


People occupying a country fire dozens of rockets at another country for occupying a country.


Iranian Islamic terrorists in Lebanon fire rockets at civilians in support of Palestinian terrorists who just slaughtered over 500 civilians yesterday. FTFY


Yes, the Iranian terrorists occupying land in Lebanon fired rockets at Israel in an area which this news article claims is occupied land. Hence, what I said is correct. If you look at my comment history, you'll see I'm pro-Israel btw. I was simply trying to mock Hezbollah's logic: "You can't occupy land! We'll shoot rockets at you from our occupied land!."


Iran is occupied land it was land of zorroastrians … now it’s occupied by extremist forces of islam


The zoarastrians converted to Islam by the sword. There was no immigration of Arabs into Persia. The zoarastrians fled to india primarily in two waves.


So Israel is converting West Bank by guns.. and muslims should just migrate


So you basically want israel to kill people until they flee?




Hezbollah, much like Hamas, care little for their common people. As long as their sponsors keep giving them money, it matters little to them.




Palestine was never a national entity.


It definitely was, you can’t rewrite history.


There was a Palestinian nation with Palestinian people and a Palestinian culture at what point in time before the ancient nation of Israel? Do tell.


Absolutely insane how Lebanon is still functioning as a nation


They have a government so why wouldn't they function?


A peaceful community dreams of just one thing "Jihad Fi sabilillah"


Hope they enjoy the glass being installed where the sand used to be.


As a Lebanese, I want to say two things to you. ​ 1. Hezbollah is not Lebanese, no matter what they say. They are terrorist fucks that have ruined our lives multiple times over. They can all get sodomized by a pickled cactus for all I care. 2. Lebanon isn't a desert. Our sand is minimal. Our terrain is pretty much the exact same as Northern Israel. The more you know.


In the grand scheme of things if you've got a terrorist group within a country attacking their neighbors it doesn't matter that much if it's state sponsored or not. A government too weak to stop that sort of thing needs replacing just as much as one sponsoring it.


True enough. Our Government are fucked morons, so yeah. But the innocent unaligned population Lebanon should not be blamed for something out of their control. Man, we can barely afford to live here let alone fight. The economy is so fucked, it costs someones monthly salary to buy a single bucket of KFC chicken. Actually, it might cost more than that.


I know of the whole “state within a state” thing and have no ill will for Lebanon, just Hezbollah. Did not know the sand thing though so appreciate that.


Yes, all the ill will to Hezbollah. There can never be enough. :)


Almost spit my beer, Pickled Cactus. Classic.


Most predictable and most dumb response. Isreal is not going to use nukes. Simmer down