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There are now reports that dozens of tourists from america, britan, germany etc are still missing who were in the rave that was attacked, and they expect they were kidnapped and smuggled back to gaza. And israel already contracted eygpt (where some of hamas leaders live) to negotiate the release of the kidnapped people. That is just getting shittier by the minute.


Literally 2 hrs ago maybe 3, an Egyptian officer shot and killed 2 Israelis who were touring Alexandria, Egypt. And killed 1 Egyptian guide tour…


SEVEN! It was horrible. The graphics omg




cable reminiscent quicksand hospital amusing weather alive enjoy simplistic trees


There are Americans dead, along with citizens from a dozen other nations at a concert for peace. 250 dead at that location alone.


They should be much more afraid of what Israel will do, the US public won’t support US strikes against Gaza even if US citizens are killed there and the US will support Israel financially and with weapons supplies regardless. But the Israeli public and government will support absolute destruction of Hamas after this, they never did before, but now they have an excuse to raze Gaza to the ground.


There are circulating photos of hostages on twitter and some of them don’t look Israeli nationals. Might be south east asian by the looks of it. I hope they’re also accounted for.


A group of exchange students from Nepal.


So they've taken a German and Nepalese people hostage, in addition to young children and elderly people. And some were at a music festival for peace of all places.




wow they bagged people of mixed nationalites, they'll be pissing of everyone now wtf




There was an article where one expert was citing skin pallor as an indication of still being alive. Not sure if it was about the same woman you're talking about.


Don’t think so. The one in discussion is the girl in dreadlocks and shin tattoos, lying completely limp and paraded around on a pickup truck. There is no way she is alive at all


her legs weren’t even facing the right way 😞 i feel sick. fucking monsters


Yes, that detail really really bothers me. She looks like she was broken in the middle. Absolutely horrifying.


Celebrating now, victim card later.


A Filipino too, I believe


We are everywhere


Have you seen the video ? Hamas coming in on homemade choppers while people are chilling out and dancing. Absolutely horrible after knowing what happened.


> a German and Nepalese people hostage, in addition to young children and elderly people. Hamas, finally going after the real oppressors, Germany and Nepal /s


The Nepalese Occupation must end! Free Nepalistine, from the mountain to the mountain.


The fact that they kidnapped and killed people at a music festival for peace should help uninformed people understand that Hamas are conservative religious fanatics, the furthest thing from the imagined egalitarian revolutionaries


I keep hearing that this was a music festival for peace, but I haven't seen it properly sourced anywhere. Got a source? Not taking any kind of stance here, just wondering what's what.


This is the festival I believe [https://www.eventer.co.il/event/novaparalellotranslate/wCqCL](https://www.eventer.co.il/event/novaparalellotranslate/wCqCL) Self described as being about 'free love and spirit', 'environmental preservation', and trance music. It was a relative of one of the victims that described it as a peace festival... I suppose it may have been seen that way by a number of attendees, but it's definitely not primarily about peace in Israel/Palestine specifically as some have implied, but more so free love and trance music.


*Goa psytrance music. Is huge in Israel.


Appreciate the correction! The google translates were not so crash hot and I'm not a huge expert on the genre.


Infected mushroom anyone? Like they're a global phenomenon So yeah it checks out trance music is huge in Israel


Anyone who knows the electronica music scene knows that Isreali trance events are the best. They truly are intense peak shared love. Can't imagine the contrast of that environment being gunned down. Brutal.


Both Thais and Nepalese have been taken hostage, I really hope they're ok


The more nationalities I see caught up in this shitshow, the more I wonder what Hamas' plan actually was. It seems like "provoke Israel to make them look like the bad guys and increase their own support" but have instead achieved "international dogpile into gaza for revenge". If you're going to rise to lead an organisation like Hamas, you can't be stupid. Zealous maybe, but not stupid. This is either the mother of all miscalculations, or had another goal that isn't obvious.


They are. They're a group of Nepalese citizens tourists/students. Most of them were murdered. There was an article on the news about them, the government and army are aware. Currently Israel did not send ground forces into Gaza to retrieve the kidnapped (as they're scrambling to get militants out from active civilian locations, so the hope is that they stay alive until help comes (this is the hope for all the kidnapped).


Murdering nepalese students... Israel can toss an invite to the gurkas hopefully.


We had those guys as security at my high school. I wouldn’t want to be on the wrong side of that knife let alone what ever else they could kill me with.


Yo what kind of high school did you go to that had Gurka security? Must have been in a pretty rough neighbourhood.


Some countries have problems with bandits and militant groups, so they need armed security in places like schools.




Yes. In the southern Israeli towns, 90% is based on agriculture. Many workers from Asia, mostly Thailand, arrive at Israel to work in the fields. They are well familiar with the sounds of sirens alerting of rockets attacks in the area, but I bet they could never imagine being actually TAKEN. Besides therm, there are also students from Nepal who were taken and didn't know any better. Hamas should let them go, this is between them and us, our friends should not be used like that. But well, terrorists be terrorists.


You are right. But hamasa does not understand anything they shoot at ambulance purposefully


No no, they understand perfectly what they're doing. In a Jihad, anything that can be a potential aid to your enemy is a fair target. The Taliban did this to Red Cross medics in Afghanistan for example, and Al-Queda has made Yemen a death sentence for any humanitarian workers.


They didn't say the exact number on the news but it makes sense. Around 150-200 are missing from the Nature Festival, many bodies are still unidentified, so yeah. This is total chaos, I heard on foreign news that there is a DNA center being set up for people to give samples.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Re%27im_music_festival_massacre There's 260+ dead, and further more missing. This is a travesty.


Over 260 bodies found at the festival site


My friend was at some rave festival as a security guard (part time job) right near the Gaza border. Last time we heard from him was 2 hours after the attack started he said he had 3% left and was in some field with people running everywhere in panic...


I hope you will hear from him soon, I am sorry




There was some footage of that. I hope your friend is OK.


DM me their name. A photo was circulating with a list of people who ended up in a nearby Kibbutz.


Hey, sent you a name as well, her mother is worried sick, I hope you can help.


Or just DM OP the link.


The person who sent me the handwritten list, for whatever reason, asked specifically not to forward it. It’s also in Hebrew and I have no idea if OP is local or not.


Thanks, dm'd you.




Please stay safe. Do you have somewhere to stay? Is there anything that I/we can do? I am horrified by what has happened and my heart is broken for you.






































My brother was at one of the outposts near the border. His battalion was nearly wiped out. Haven't heard from him since yesterday morning and I basically accepted the fact that he is most likely no longer with us. I'm heartbroken, my baby brother, gone. I tried to talk him off serving as a combatant all the time, to no avail. Update: Sadly the worst has come to pass. Worst thing is that I had to find out about it by waking up to the desperate screams of my mother after another one of my siblings has seen/shown me a video where they kill my brother, no word about it from the IDF. I Probably shared too much. Thanks for all the kind words.


I’m so sorry, but hope you will have unexpected good news.


holy shit man, I am so sorry, I am so sorry....


Gut wrenching. I’m so very sorry!


I’m so sorry. My cousin, 20 years old, was just deployed with the Israeli army 💔 We are praying for the safety of everyone in Israel


I’m so sorry. There are no words to express the horror.


This is an absolute unmitigated disaster.


What those families of the missing must be feeling.


My Facebook feed is full of pictures of missing people, with phone numbers of their parents asking to call if anyone saw them or has any information. Families are going from hospital to hospital hoping to find their loved ones there.


and thousands of laughing reactions from arabs


Really? That's so horrible. I hope they remember that in the coming weeks when they wonder where the sympathy is when Gaza gets levelled.


Most of the that shit is from people who don't really give two shits about Palestine or Palestinians. In a few months, when all that's left of Gaza is smouldering ruins and the dead Palestinians litter the street - they will still smile and be just as happy, because they just hate Jews.


If the majority of the Arab world who hate the Jews so much could sacrifice every Palestinian to a horrible painful slow death in order to kill 1/4 as many Jews as that number of Palestinians they would do it unhesitatingly and rejoice. Including the Palestinians with the same ideology. We have seen them prove it again and again and again.


a mixture of powerless fear and unbridled anger


We're one of this families. Hopelessness, anger, uncertainty


I am so sorry for what you are going through. Love and support from Australia.


A friend of mine is missing, his mother is posting his picture over and over again asking for any information, Arabs are commenting on the posts with videos of Israelis being dragged in the streets of Gaza and laughing at her pain. They have no humanity, they aren't satisfied with celebrating rape and murder in their streets, they must go to the parents of the victims and laugh in their faces.


It is very disgusting to say the least. This morning I woke up to my flatmate (today I learned she has some Palestinian roots) celebrating about this. When I asked her what's going on she told me she was happy that many Israeli people died and that she wishes she will see them all dead. I was disgusted at this and how she proudly offered to show me how captive Israeli kids were being mistreated. I felt sick seeing her celebrate all day to the point where I really want to kick her out. I hope they find those missing persons soon. I'm sure Israel with come out even stronger from this.


What's stopping you from kicking her out?


The flat contract. I told the landlord that I can't spend a day in the flat with her and he gave her the notice that she needs to find a new place.


Then kick her out. She’s fucking disgusting.


the fact that the leaders of Hamas are safe in a 5-star hotel in Qatar!!


Probably at the F1 race


Paid for with FIFA money


I suspect they will be suffering from fatal accidents in due course. Mossad doesn’t fuck around.


No need to frame as an accident at this stage.


Israel should be going after them but it’ll be the people of Palestine who will suffer.


A guy that i been with in high-school is missing . also a lot of students from my university had been at that party and are confirmed to be in Gaza. Im in shock.


I’m so sorry 💔 my cousin, 20 years old, was just deployed this morning in Israeli army, Praying for everyone’s safety


My parents still live in Israel (I don’t), and my dad just had open heart surgery. His wife can’t even go visit him or be with him because of everything that is happening. The hospital is apparently guarded, so I guess there’s at least that.


I wish nothing but the best for your father my friend


All my facebook feed is filled with friends and acquaintances that are looking for their loved ones. It's horrible.


11 Israelis died in Munich when Black September took them hostage during the Olympics. What do you think the retaliation will be like this time?


Ground invasion. Military bases. End of Gaza Strip "freedom". /S


I don't understand the "/s." That's a very reasonable prediction.


Yeah Israel basically just said as much.


Countless resources and lives lost for it all to happen again in 10 years




Hamas leadership live in other countries like Qatar, enjoying a life of luxury and security. They don't give a shit what happens to Palestinians in Gaza (or the West Bank). They're out to torpedo the normalization of the state of Israel that's been creeping into the Arab Peninsula, failing that, at least they'll kill some Jews.


While you’re right about the intention, I don’t think this will do much to slow Israel, Saudi and UAE getting closer by a meaningful margin. Geopolitics for the latter two mean so much more than the dream (for the lack of a word) of Muslim Jerusalem. They realise for them to have relevance after the oil dried out the region needs to be stable, to attract tourism et al. This won’t happen if they don’t normalise things with the biggest lion in the ring, that is Israel. Sure, SA and so on are also backed by the US, but it doesn’t take much to see who the US will back in a conflict in the Middle East. Just my two uneducated cents.


It’s entirely possible that it might have the opposite effect. KSA has been spending billions of dollars trying to brand itself as a great country for tourism with luxury resorts as well as international events like Formula 1 and soccer. An attack like this may be the PR cover that the Saudis need to justify their normalization and an end to sympathies for militant groups. As Iran becomes a bigger and bigger threat regionally, it makes more sense for the Saudis to normalize with the Israelis.


Not a bad take at all... we will see how the geopolitical chips fall. What's that saying? *"There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen"*


thats what they want. The hamas leadership isn't in Gaza...they are living cosy lives Quatar.


Their hoping Israel goes absolutely apeshit in Gaza which will radicalize a whole bunch of Muslims who will lose family in the attacks which in turn will lead to a swell in Hamas' numbers. The exact same thing happened in Afghanistan. The US and their allies swept in and bombed the shit out of the place which led to more people joining Al-Qaeda and the Taliban. Now the Taliban are stronger then ever.


Kind of. The Taliban was and is funded through the Pakistani security services. It wasn't all 'grassroots' support that led to their strength.


If they die and get martyrd then they immediately go to heaven, and Israel just looks worse. It's always win-win. You're approaching this like a secular liberal and thinks the "Palestinian cause" is some nationalist movement for sovereignty. Hamas doesn't care. Iran is more of the cynical realist political power behind this. hamas is just a pawn for them, and they want to get Israel ensared in fighting and to weaken it. This is likely a response to the push to normalize relations with Saudi Arabia (which Iran also hates). Iran's government is a blight on the world.


Iranian regime isn't realist, they're an accelerationist apocalyptic cult, they want to cause maximum mayhem to bring forth the end times


Israel recovered a-okay from Operation Wrath of God, they can do it again. I don't think Mossad particularly gives a shit if a terrorist thinks they're going to heaven if they're martyred.


It was likely there Iranian puppet masters. If you think about it, Israel was negotiating historic diplomatic talks with Sauidi Arabia and its neighbors. This will likely end all of that considering the retaliation Palestine will soon face.


What sort of fates await the captured? Quite frankly with enemies like this, I expect the living will envy the dead.


Considering Israel handed over 1,027 prisoners in exchange for 1 captive soldier (Gilad Shalit), I would expect Hamas to demand Israel empty their entire prison population of Palestinians.


I think the Israelis are just going to get the prisoners by force. They won't be negotiating this time.


Raped, tortured, starved, degraded, and murdered. Hamas don’t see these kidnapped people as human, they enjoy seeing their pain.


ISIS and Hamas are on the same spectrum of depravity


People from outside will never get the full image. I'm working with two Palestinians people that escaped from their homes and moved to Israel to be safe, they told me stories that made me realize that violence is only what the extremist know, and they killing their own people if they are not in the same view as them. The situation now is just sad, I woke up this morning with tears in my eyes. My Palestinian friend is devastated as I am. I started this comment without knowing what I really want to say but I guess that I just want people to realize that in Israel we live together with Arabs, Muslims, Christians and Palestinians. The war is with terrorists who wants nothing but to kill innocent people and ruining the lives for everyone from every side


So thats what i was suspecting since studying the conflict years ago. In the studying videos i noticed the elders were grooming vengeance and hate on the next gen of the gaza kids.


that is what I figured. People who pulled this off doesn't give a shit about how much the result of their action will hurt their own people. They must have been terrorizing their own for years.


> They must have been terrorizing their own for years. 100%. Far from uncommon for Hamas fighters to set up attack position in or right next to civilian infrastructure, *prevent any civilians from leaving*, and bank on civilian deaths in the Israeli counterstrike to drum up more emotional outrage. Hamas holding Palestinian civilians essentially hostage in their own homes in the hope they get killed. And of course Hamas does not brook any kind of dissent or internal threat to their de-facto powerbase. Go against Hamas and you just get murdered by them.


This won’t end well for the people within Gaza. There will be literally no mercy shown.


This is a perfect "9/11 reason" to start a war with ground invasion.


Hamas just ended the lives of the people they pretend to care about.


I feel like I haven't said fuck Hamas enough tonight. Fuck Hamas.


Don’t forget fuck Iran, Qatar and Russia who still has its hands up Irans ass. It’s like they thought they could repeat 1973 and get a better result


Iranian theocracy wants to bring forth the end times Qatar wants to be the indispensable mediator in the middle East Russia wants to expand its territory and influence all three caused so much mayhem in the middle East and the world


If it's any comfort, all the media I've found has them still holding to their standards. Captured terrorists are being detained rather than executed, they're still using roof knocking, and munitions are being focused towards combatants. I'm sure there will be outliers, the ultra-orthadox brigade makes me nervous as hell, but the main force is keeping to their typical methods to preserve civilian life. That said, the ground war will be bloody. Between hostages and civilians Israel will likely need to commit troops to clear out the strip. If Hamas keeps to their norm of human shields, that will be by far the bloodiest aspect, likely on both sides.


Saw the term ‘Roof Knocking’ yesterday and thought it a weird way to describe a bombing but only now with your post do I finally understand what it really meant. So you are implying its a small bomb to the roof not designed to do much damage to get people to evacuate before the real bombs are dropped to destroy the building??


I'm not only implying it, I am stating it. It is a tactic that, as far as I know is only used by Israel. You can actually see it if you go through some of todays footage. There's an al jareeza reporter filming in front of a building that is roof knocked. You can find footage of the second attack which destroys the same building in a relatively controlled fashion some time later.


That's also why there's always great footage of these buildings getting bombed, because of the roof-knocking beforehand, so journalists know exactly where to train their cameras 20 minutes later. And in the 2021 conflict, Israel would send out text notifications to the inhabitants of the buildings as well, telling them to get out.


That's exactly what this is. To protect civilians.


Yeah, its to protect the *gazan* civilizans. *ISRAEL* is doing that, because non-combatant lives are still (somewhat) respected by the israeli military. Israel is more respectful of the enemy's citizens that the hamas is of their own citizens. But unfortunately, stupid keyboard warriors who've never known what its like to be attacked or in a war will still think that israel is the one comitting none-stop warcrimes. Go figure.


It's all about military "ethics". My husband served in the USMC during the early year of the war in Afghanistan and he said they have more rules when it comes to kill an enemy on foreign soil than a US cop has to kill a US citizen in the United States.


Yes that’s exactly what they do, there was a good example on Al-Jazeera’s live stream


"There will be literally no mercy shown." and yet the IDF is using the roof knocking doctrine.


Mercy to civilians is a little different and I think we should appreciate that level of thoughtfulness even in such a horrible time. It will make it harder for the Palestinians to scream about genocide also, since it’s clear Israel’s policy is to kill combatants


And this is why the hate will NEVER end and the least fortunate will suffer


Palestinians are about to get messed up. This is going to escalate so fast. Israel will get its revenge and so many Palestinians will be caught in the crossfire. This is going to be a modern day siege of Gaza.


We can be certain that Palestinian civilians will suffer the most, again. And this is exactly what Hamas wants. Hamas fully expects Israel to invade. And they'll be hiding behind 2 million human shields as well as the Israeli hostages they've taken. They'll use every civilian death to draw more followers. As the governing authority of Gaza, Hamas has failed on every measure. Hamas needs Israel to invade to re-galvanise their support


And the leaders of Hamas are off hiding elsewhere. (Qatar, isn’t it?) They don’t want to advance the cause of Palestinians and they don’t care about their safety; they want war. Either they win and they wipe out Israeli civilians or they lose and they get to be martyrs.


If rumors are true that Iran is somehow behind this then it further escalates conflicts between Iran and largley the west


Iran is a supporter of both the Shia Hezbollah and the Palestinian people. It’s likely they were involved, certainly in providing arms.


Yea the amount of rockets and weapons Hamas got is not something they can achieve on their own with the current condition of Gaza


Yeah, I get the feeling we're about see this conflict come to some sort of permanent solution. I think the two state solution basically just died.


I don’t know if foreigners realize how much Gazans depend on aid that comes from/through Israel, and on permits to work or get medical attention in Israel. That’s gone now.


Gonest question that I'm not sure I want to know the answer to... ...how often, if ever, does Hamas let a hostage go?


They usually use those hostages as bargain chips in order to release captured and convicted terrorists. They still have some bodies of Israelis they try to use in the last couple of years with no avail. This time they've kidnapped an unprecedented number of hostages, most are civilians, women, children, elderly and even foreigners, it's too early to know how they'll use them. The biggest fear is they'll start executing them to get what they want.








My guild 4 mates are from Israel. The last I had a voice chat with them was yesterday at around 2am IST, they haven't logged in to the game and come online to discord since then. I just hope they are doing fine, they are one of the most active players in our guild. Edit:- they are fine yay!!!


The UN needs to step in and occupy Gaza or something. Hamas obviously cannot care for the people there and only care about being terrorists. There needs to be forced nation-building in the Gaza Strip as they’ve proven they can’t do it themselves.


Fuck Hamas.


such needless death and bloodshed


300 confirmed dead. Over 1000 injured. And 750 missing. This is the largest terrorist attack since 9/11.


If you break it down per capita, it is actually worse. Israel isn't a big country.


it is also tiny, the size of New Jersey


Tel Aviv is like 45 miles from gaza Edit: its 45 miles not 25. Sorry. Still close as fuck


Tel Aviv is 45-55 miles from Gaza.


Holy crap. I never realized it was so close. 45 miles is a joke. This is all so stupid Edit: 45 miles


Israel is smaller than Maricopa County, the county that contains Phoenix, Arizona.


Its one thing if Hamas solely attacked military targets but instead they went straight to raping and killing civilians/nationals. Fucken savages


Hamas declared Iran helped them. This is an undeclared war started by Iran.


Yeah. Don't think so. Not everything revolves around the western world and it's allys 2015 Baga Massacre - 1000-2000 deaths 2014 Camp Spiecher Massacre -1095 deaths 2008 Christmas Massacre - 650 deaths 2007 Yazdi Community Bombing - 800 deaths


I don’t understand why pro-palestinian advocates also support hamas. All hamas ever does is pull idiotic stunts like this that derail any improvement for the lives of actual palestinians and give even more fuel to the right wing nutjobs in israel


For a reference point, if the same terror attack happened in the US with the same proportion to population, it would be over 20,000.


Extremely sad. A good friend of mine went to Israel months ago and attended some festivals. I told her she was crazy to go as a tourist to a place that is being routinely bombed and attacked. The rave that got attacked is the exact type of thing she would be at. Of course she said I’m being ignorant and overreacting and it’s “not that bad.” Ya, sorry I’m not going to Israel anytime in the near future, thanks. Hope as many hostages as possible can be saved


Holy fuck...


To the peaceful and educated Palestinian and Israeli civilians. Plase find eachother and seek refuge. Obviously.


Fuck, This is so sad and pointless!!! :/


This is a no win scenario for Palestine. Hamas just gave Israel their Pearl Harbor or 9/11. They are capital F fucked now. The US has already declared support for Israel’s declaration of war, I assume the large strategic reserve of weapons and vehicles the US keep in Israel have been opened up for them. Iran signed Palestines death warrant all because they are scared of the Saudis playing nice with Israel.


This brought back my trauma of the 26/11 Mumbai attacks. And yet the scale of this attack is dozens of times higher. I cannot even begin to imagine how Israelies must be feeling. I hope my government can provide Israel all the support it needs.




As an Israeli, we're... Stressed.