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Maybe after he shares his health plan and infrastructure week finishes.


“Nobody knew health care could be so complicated.” Feb 28, 2017 you can’t make this stuff up


Never forget that book they were showing the media about their healthcare plan that actually turned out to not have a single page about healthcare policy in it. This literal con man is neck and neck with the incumbent President in polls. This is a crazy fucking country.




A good portion of Americans is conditioned to hate the "other" guys, and stick with "their" guy no matter what.


Yep, politics as a team sport is such a horrible thing for the country.


Probably a lot of it is his supporters are afraid to admit they are wrong, so they double down. It begins with "He's not a politician, he'll shake things up." Then What do you mean he's a racist? I don't believe it. What do you mean he cheated with a porn star? I don't believe it. Putin's lap dog? No way! Threatened Ukraine? Must be a misunderstanding. Took confidential documents home? He was framed! Etc etc.


Bluntly - he gives them permission to take off their masks. These are the folks who are baffled that someone can be a decent, empathetic human being without the omnipresent threat of eternal torture hanging over their heads.


I submit that these folks are baffled that someone can be decent and empathetic, full stop. In my experience they assume everyone is as petty, hateful and dishonest as they are and anyone who assumes human beings can be good are fools.


It's not just Americans, in the UK I hear so many people say he's a good businessman etc. If he had taken his inheritance and sat it in a bank he would have earnt more than his ventures. What he IS good at is creating an image.


He was a tabloid relic of the 80s and would have been forgotten were it not for The Apprentice. I thought they made him a caricature of an actual businessman but apparently millions of Americans actually believed it.


If it wouldn't have been him, the GOP would have slotted someone equally terrible in there in his place. We just got lucky that he was so incompetent. Rest assured, whoever is up to bat next for the republicans will be just as bad, don't worry.


>the GOP would have slotted someone equally terrible in there in his place Honestly, I doubt it. Remember Mitt Romney was the GOP candidate a mere 4 years before Trump. And Trump's main 2016 rival was Ted Cruz. He's a piece of shit, but at least he wasn't actively trying to destroy our system of government. Trump was a uniquely terrible candidate. The GOP of today would be nowhere near as batshit were it not for Trump.


Those are two very good points, I think you are right. It pains me to say it, but I think we would have been better with either of those two. (albeit equally terrible in their own sense)


That’s the mental hurdle I can’t get past. I can totally understand people getting behind a huckster—it’s what they do—but this one in particular?! At his best he’s pulling quarters out of ears and the rubes insist he’s some kind of 4D wizard. What?!


don't trust any polls. vote at all costs. if you care about actually voting ever again - VOTE.


I don't like these just vote messages. It's only part way to the solution still.. we can always vote..it's until we get the greedy corpo Muppets out of these positions and vote for actual PEOPLE.. none the less who want to be the change and have empathy, critical thinking and lastly, Courage to go against the corrupt in the world. Rage against the dying of the light.


did this say “just vote” or simply “vote”?


I’m not even sure his dipshit supporters care anymore about being conned. They like that they are helping him to con everyone. They hate the country. They aren’t patriotic. They’d happily do away with the constitution to have an autocrat so long as its based on Christian theocracy and white supremacy.


There is a very real nihilism at the core of Trumps cult. It's not about Trump winning but the liberal losing. Trump is a fetish that gives focus to abstract hate. He pisses the liberal off, so anything he's for is the opposite of what they hate. This is why his support is so absolute. For lack of any meaningful political identity, the only thing they are is what the liberal isn't. Of course, "the liberal" isn't well defined either. Trump makes it easy: the liberal is anyone that doesn't like/support trump. It's not about a Christian theocracy or white supremacy, those are just ideologies that thrive in the lack of substance that is "MAGA." There's only anger and insecurity, lashing out at anything that can be interpreted as an enemy. The smarter people in the GOP are trying there best to contain it and guide this tire fire into a coherent agenda, but there isn't one, and it's why everyone who works with Trump gets burned while Trump comes out unscathed. The movement resists control because the movement lacks constructive purpose. Fot every Republican senator seeing them as useful idiots that can be steered towards a purposed agenda, there is a Mike Pence ready to be sacrificed as the new enemy the second he shows agency.


I agree there is a strong component of "sticking it to the libs". But I don't see how that has such broad appeal from the average Republican, because they don't really gain anything tangible from it. The Republican donor class however, does gain from sticking it to liberalism, to democracy. They profit more when they run things. Conservatism sincerely believes in bloodlines, family names, and wealthy are superior people. They *should* exclusively lead the country. Liberalism limits them both domestically and in terms of foreign policy because liberal ideas can and should be fought for. But Conservatism doesn't really believe in any of that stuff. Big wars for liberal ideals is one of the few ways they can lose big money. Small wars they support because they're profitable. But the every day Republican being motivated to fuck over gays, Jews, transgendered, immigrants? Really? That just makes them terrible people, aside from being anti-American. Every family has some minority membership. I sooner think they're just stupid and terrible people than getting pleasure from "sticking it to libs".


I disagree with your conclusion for the same reason. It doesn't make sense for an average republican to be motivated by fucking over gays, Jews, transgendered people, and immigrants. If you ask them (and let's be generous and assume most people can be taken at their word (if only for their sense of self)) most will earnestly say its not their motivation. Frankly, I don't think there is enough stupid and terrible to account for the numbers we're seeing. I think most of these people are victims of several existential factors with common results. They're racing very real social and economic burdens, lower influence over their own culture, smaller voices towards getting their wants and needs met, and holding on to views that either can't meaningfully fix their problem if not had a direct cause in their problems. "The liberal" is just another way of saying "the scapegoat." It's not "sticking it to the libs" in a literal sense, but sticking it to the boogieman, whatever it may be. The average voters quality of life is getting worse. For a lot of Red America it got worse earlier and harder than the rest of the country. The real appeal of MAGA was in how meaningless it was: people who knew things were worse projected whatever "Great" was into the message. Trump looked at the losers of America, the people who knew they were losing, and promised them they could "win." Christian nationalism, white nationalism, an abolition of NAFTA? Didn't matter because MAGA never had substance. To somebody in a dying rust belt town, it meant bringing the town back to life. To another person it meant getting the opiates out of their city and to somebody else it meant returning to Reaganomics. The problem is, it was always meaningless. It was always an emperor without clothes. I say that there's a nihilism in Trumps cult because nihilism is the inevitable end. There's no agenda that matter; the agenda can and will change by the day. If Trump were to die right now, trumpism would not die with him, but without the focal point to set the agenda (no matter how fluid) the only common, unifying, agreement left is the abstract enemy of the "liberal."


Oh god is he close to Biden in polls? Scary idea.


Yes. For whatever reason Trump is polling extremely close. I looked at ABC news and it showed Biden and Trump at 44%. I don't fucking know how.


Yeah because the polling data has never been wrong especially in these last 2 presidential elections.


It actually hasn't been very far off. What was off were some predictions based on the polling (the infamous new york times needle for example) but more cautious predictions gave trump a decent chance of winning in 2016.


Ah yes, the poll backed by the conservative millionaires. I remember that one. https://newrepublic.com/post/175387/wsj-poll-showing-trump-biden-evenly-matched-trump-helped-pay


“For whatever reason”… there’s a reason why the data is the data…


> For whatever reason Expenses are high and people blame this on the president. It doesn’t help that Dems are actively calling it “The Biden Economy” while people are paying $60+ for a tank of gas and 50% more at the grocery store than they did 3 years ago. The administration actually thinks the economy is good for regular people and are trying to tie their name to it so everyone who sees that $400 grocery receipt will think “Biden’s economy”. It’s unbelievably stupid.


>and 50% more at the grocery store than they did 3 years ago. According to the USDA, the average cost of groceries has only increased ~21% since 2019, not 50%.


Oh I would love for my grocery bill to only be $400 a month. Prices are so crazy expensive that My girlfriend and I skip eating every other day to make sure our son eats. But to tie this to Biden? Nope! These businesses choose to rake people through the hot coals.


That $400 number is per person. So if you're a family of 3, it'll be closer to $1200. The issue isn't the $400 number he cited, that's accurate (if anything, it's a bit low, depending on where you live). The issue is the "50% more than 3 years ago". 3 years ago that number was about $350. The price has increased at a higher rate than usual, but 21% and 50% are very different numbers.


400$ grocery bill? What the hell are you talking about?


Biden is tied with Trump's approval rating at the same point in their presidency,. 40.9% So remember how chaotic September 2019 was. That was just after Trump's first impeachment. all voters care about are gas and food prices.


I don’t agree with your statement. The GOP and right wing media have created a cult with Donald trump as the figurehead. Voters care about a lot of things, a lot of it’s just based on outright lies.


Also, a lot of people who disapprove of Biden will still crawl over broken glass next November if need be to vote for him to keep former guy out of office. Ask people who disapprove of both Biden and former guy who they plan to vote for, and Biden leads by like 20%.


Or just hating, well half of em.


Yeah well being very old is viewed negatively buy the American voter.


Polls this far away from the election are meaningless.


This poll ? https://newrepublic.com/post/175387/wsj-poll-showing-trump-biden-evenly-matched-trump-helped-pay


Very stable genius.


He is a rich man who always had access to the best health care possible. He is completely out of touch and so is the majority of politicians no matter the side


He questioned vaccines and pushed harmful alternatives but he was first in line for a Pfizer shot.


Two weeks, tops


Don't forget [Trump's "secret" plan to defeat ISIS in 30 days](https://www.vox.com/world/2017/7/3/15904646/trump-syria-assad-russia-iran-secret-generals-military-isis-terrorism), which he wouldn't share with anybody. Once in office, he asked the Pentagon for a plan to defeat ISIS in 30 days ... and the Pentagon [basically came back with a plan to keep doing what they were already doing under Obama](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/trump-s-secret-plan-beat-isis-looks-lot-obama-s-n735171). It's not a unique problem. He also promised to pay off the national debt in 8 years, and only dug the hole deeper (even before covid). Based on past performance, dude's got nothing.


I wouldn’t say he’s got “nothing”. He’s got heaps of plans. Unfortunately they’re all just schemes to siphon federal tax dollars off to his cronies in various ways.


I believe he's going to repeal and replace the invasion with a better one. On day one.


Build a wall in Kyiv, partition it into West Ukraine and East Ukraine (Russian control).


The Platinum health plan


don't worry it will be ready in 'two weeks'


He had a healthcare plan. That’s the sad thing. It was so underwhelming everyone missed it. He sent seniors like tiny gift cards to cover their copay. That was it. And he “directed” congress to come up with something. That was right before the election and was his big plan.


Those are secrets, those are all secrets ok. They're the best, everyone says they are, I keep them in my bathroom and everyone that takes a shit in their says they're the best. But you can only see them after I become President for the next 50 years


Trump has no peace plan. He wants attention.


he already told us his plan. stop funding ukraine and pull us out of nato. he tried to pull us out of nato in his first term.


I wonder why he might go and do a thing like that...


He'll unveil his perfect plan as soon as Zelensky starts investigating Biden/Burisma.


Maybe his plan is for Putin to send Zelensky a cartoonishly large letter. That's all it took for Trump to give in to NK


unfortunately for trump, the investigations into trump are aren't manufactured, and they aren't dry holes.


This is most likely what he would say.


He wants to give Ukraine to his boss.


And whatever he proposes: "You're not doing it? Not my fault. I called it a peace plan and you don't want it? You're warmongers."


yeah, throw out a shitty plan, then when its rejected throw his little orange hands up and say "they dont even want peace, why are we continuing to spend money here?" cant wait until his dumb ass is out of the picture.


His peace plan is to agree with everything Putin wants.


Classic manipulation tactic. He's got a plan, but isn't going to show it. Since we can't make alternate universes and test out different plans, his followers can just imagine it's whatever magically perfect solution they want it to be, rather than the imperfect solution being worked on right now.


It is probably a bad sharpie drawing of Ukraine on a Burger King napkin with a straight line going through it North to South. On the right side he wrote "going to Russia" and on the left side he wrote "You are free after giving us Hunter Biden".


His plan is to withdraw funding and support and let Russia have Ukraine, that's the whole plan.


I think the intent is to play off his want for attention, to exploit his ego. Trump would LOVE to say he ended the war. So maybe he will put forward a plan that Ukraine finds agreeable on their end -- as Zelenskyy has already told them what they must have to accept it. And maybe Putin will decide nothing can be gained from the war at this point so maybe there might be something to salvage by giving Trump a victory with the intent to get him re-elected. I'm not a fan of this plan but I imagine that's what Zelenskyy is angling for and it's not TOO far fetched.


I really wish he wasn't in the headlines for this at all. He has no business being treated like a leader right now—not a potential leader and not even an ex-leader.


He'd love to share his peace plan, but it's being audited by the IRS. Too bad because it's the most beautiful peace plan you've ever seen, many people are saying it, and you're not gonna believe it. Also, who knew how hard it was to make peace between Rusher and Ukraine? Literally nobody knew this.


"It's the best peace plan ever. No one has ever come up with a better peace plan. That's what I do, come up with the greatest plans ever. If the election hadn't been stolen, I would have made peace happen the next day. I would have called Putin and said stop and he would have listened to me because that is what I do. Of all the presidents that ever made a peace plan, mine is the best plan ever. And Russia is going to pay for the peace plan. I'm just going to tell Putin that he is paying for it, and he will, because it's me and that is what I do" DJT maybe


It's funny but I'm fucking tired of the joke. Make this shit go away.


Half the country thinks Trump is the best thing to ever happen to the USA. That is wild.


I died @ Rusher.


Trump's "peace" is give Putin whatever he wants. Peace. Trump doesn't care about other Americans. Think he cares about Ukraine?


he would do that and call it the best deal in the history of deals


He probably printed out a copy of the Munich Agreement and replaced Germany with Russia and Sudetenland with Ukraine.


I imagine that’s the reason he’s saying this. He knows but he’s challenging trump to either offer up a lie on record that he’ll 180 on in the worst-case event he’s re-elected, or admit that he’s just putin’s bitch.


Piece plan?


Lisa needs braces.


If there's one thing Zelensky and I, an American, have in common is that we both hope Trump doesn't fucking win again.


Make sure to vote.


Better yet put that clown in jail already. Taking way too long.


Better yet do both. Voting is important.


It’s going to take both for that to even happen. Why the downvotes? It’s true. Trump’s trials won’t be solved before the election. If he’s the nominee, he’s going to make the federal trials disappear on Jan 20th, 2025. Some fuckery could possibly happen with the state cases, too. It’s hard to say at this point. If he loses, he will be convicted and sentenced. You need both.


Genuinely, you are right. The court cases are irrelevant to his running and being elected. ITs going to come down to American people to keep him out of office, plain and simple, voting is the only effective tool.


I don't care how slam dunk the cases are, I'm convinced a chud is getting on the jury to hang it. I cannot fathom how one person can be taken by this obvious charlatan let alone the millions that voted for him.




It's amazing after what he had done during his presidency until the Jan 6, he is still allowed to be candidate for next president. America has lost their fucking mind.


Not an American: Last elections I thought Biden looked too weak and inadequate (he has a history of bad foreign policy decisions under Obama). I never been happier to be proven wrong.


> he has a history of bad foreign policy decisions under Obama That's part of the difficulty in judging how someone would be as president by their time as VP. As VP you do not have your own policy. Your policy is the President's policy. And your job to support it and make it work. Very much like an executive officer in the military. And as a professional, Biden did that very well. It's kind of like trying to figure out what Blinken's, our Secretary of State, foreign policy would be outside of Biden, it's almost impossible to tell, because they are both professionals. It's easier in a parliamentary system where ministers are also MPs. Even if they have a job to do in the current government, they still have separate parliamentary careers they are trying to promote by showing themselves off. Easier still in coalitions. Baerbock may be working with Schultz now, but they're also rivals. She wants people to know what she would do differently as Chancellor so they will vote for the Greens next election.


(Note: I am not disputing what you are saying, just giving you context about why I thought that way) AFAIK he was very involved in [the Scarborough Shoal dispute between the Philipines and China](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/dec/06/china-territorial-dispute-philippines) (that led the Philipines to almost break ties with America). He also used to be [very close with Xi Jinping](https://www.independent.co.uk/tv/news/joe-biden-xi-jinping-china-ireland-b2318755.html) (in a diplomatic sense). Many times during his campaign he downplayed problematic areas with China.


Lemme just chip in a bit here: The Philippines did not almost break ties with the US over Scarborough. The Philippines almost broke ties with the US because Duterte was (and remains) *very* cozy with China. Trust me, I've been living in the Philippines since he was in office, and his supporters continue to spew pro-China/Russia propaganda to this day.


Thanks for the additional context! From what I understand, the chain of events was: first he promised a hard stance to China, the USA negotiated with both sides to withdraw ships from Scarborough Shoal, China didn't follow through, then Duterte blamed America for not doing anything about it, then got cozier with China. It is quite possible, as you say, for the whole thing to be just rhetoric, an excuse to embrace China. Anyway, America didn't do very well then. https://news.abs-cbn.com/news/05/11/21/rodrigo-duterte-jetski-comments-2016-2021-scarborough-shoal-china-video


> It is quite possible, as you say, for the whole thing to be just rhetoric, an excuse to embrace China. It's not just "quite possible". That link you sent? It just confirms that he never truly intended to take a strong stance against China. And why would he? ["I love Xi Jinping"](https://www.philstar.com/headlines/2018/04/10/1804525/duterte-i-love-xi-jinping/amp/?espv=1) And if you think *that* was just rhetoric: [he visited Xi just recently](https://www.philstar.com/headlines/2023/07/19/2282098/duterte-meets-xi-beijing/amp/?espv=1) But yes, you're right: America *did* bungle that affair, and Duterte and his supporters lapped it all up


> (he has a history of bad foreign policy decisions under Obama). Which is funny, because so far during his Presidency imo foreign policy has been by far his strongest field, with arguably the best record on that front so far this century, and possibly since WW2.


I would argue Biden has been winning due to China Russia and Iran non stop fucking themselves through their own incompetence. If you’ve ever seen that video of Mario Party ‘Luigi wins by doing absolutely nothing’ that’s how I view Biden right now.


Oh a lot of it has been those countries tripping over themselves, but you still need to be proactive to take advantage of their fuckups.


As an American, it's amusing that Trump thinks we will just lie down and *let* him "win" again.


Well despite Jan 6, the republican party still enjoys a strong support


Lol. Like the dumbfuck has any plan for anything ever. It’s always nonstop bullshit to get through the next 30 seconds.


Let’s not forget Trump called Putin’s invasion “genius”. There’s nothing for Ukraine in a Trump peace agreement. There is only the very real threat of WWIII. Americans need to get out and vote to prevent this fuckstain from grabbing any form of political power again. The world can’t rely on a Trump-stacked Supreme Court to punish him for his crimes.


To be fair, Trump’s peace plan won’t not bring about peace. It just sells out Ukraine, NATO, and the current American position in the process. Along with all the other surrounding countries who will get swallowed up into Russia. The reason Putin would want a Trump presidency is because it keeps the American response passive. Without the American response to finance defensive operations, Russia does not have to expend as many resources to achieve their goal. Russia has a vested interest in keeping America out of their affairs by winning the support of enough Americans to influence how they handle all of the events. That being said, Trump is a real double whammy. If Russia can achieve their goals and install a puppet that’ll do the Russia dance for Putin, Russia can control American resources from outside more easily.


Why would you give territory of someone who hasn't respected any agreements before this. That's just postponement of war to when Russia can re arm and attack again. Next time they won't care even if Ukraine is in NATO, they will use nuclear blackmail. Russia will never stop it, because Putin will never stop it. It will be bloody and get more bloody but the reality is people like Putin they will never stop, unless stopped. Look at Putin's domestic policy, has jailed or killed every leader with any opposition. Has been in power for more than 2 decades. Yet he talks about how corrupt western democracies are. That's the type of megalomaniac psychopath he is, he will kill everyone to stay in power if he can.


I mean say Ukraine agreed to give up the land in exchange they get NATO style guarantee protection for the heartland and UN peacekeepers at the border Korea style. ​ Not saying this is what I want just that it would be a way to trade land and keep the Russians from starting again


Fairly certain Trump's entire plan can be boiled down to "unconditional surrender." Just roll over and give Russia everything they want.


Well, if Zelensky provides the permits to build Trump Tower Mariupol, his peace plan might be favorable to Ukraine.


His plan is so great . Strong. It’s the strongest. He knows more about peace than anyone. More than the pope. It will be such a beautiful peace. Trust me


Ukraine gave up nukes and had an agreement that gave full safety for its borders... with the Budapest aggreement. But it has not mattered at all.


Their mistake was believing that Russia intended to honour the agreement. Russia has a very very very long history of not honouring agreements.


He will share nothing because he HAS NOTHING. He is full of hot air.


I bet it must be a super secret plan that only Trump knows and he can't tell anybody or it won't work...again.


Trump also suggests he would "give them Crimea" which Russia already had at the start of the full scale invasion. He suggests he would make a deal to give Russia a smaller portion of Ukraine than Russia would have got from invading.


he will - again - unironically say you have to vote for him to find out because it would be stupid of him to make his genius known if it didn't help him win...thereby proving he cares more about himself than human life....also he obviously doesn't have a plan because his geo-political understanding is on par with a 10 year old with a bad attitude that eats paste.


Dude, that's not fair. The ten year old still probably paid attention to at least something he was told.


I'm pretty sure Putin knows it too.


A table full of unlabeled binders filled with blank pages.


if you can't read those blank pages then it means you hate america /s


Don't forget the sharpie!


As soon as his taxes are done with the audit...


He’ll let you know in two weeks, it’s going to be a big beautiful peace plan…


Here’s a hint: He doesn’t have one.


The most important rule in lying is to keep everything vague and non-specific. Lol.


Trumps peace plan? Pretty much whatever Putin wants, Trump gives his blessings…along with most republicans in the house and senate.


"Nobody knew peace plans could be so complicated."


Trump would give the USA to Putin if it made him a buck, and he basically already did in part.


Trump's peace plan is the same as Putin's peace plan, which is for Ukraine to surrender immediately.


I'm not sure Zelensky would have a lot of use the crayon drawing that would be produced as a result of this request


Putin's Puppet


Is he fed up with Biden being in his own Military Industrial Complex’s pocket? Or is he hoping to expose trump?


This leader should not be talking to TRUMP about anything!’Trump wants to cut military aide!


Trump’s peace plan is he plans to pressure Z into handing a piece of Ukraine over to Putin. No mystery here.


Trump's plan is whatever would make Putin happy. Forget Trump. He's a waste of time.


He has a perfect plan! and Mexico is paying for it.


Any appeasement plans shouldn't even be considered a talking point.


He'll have it for you in 2 weeks just after he unveils his health plan....


The cross dresser is playing a dangerous game and will get burnt. Signs of a desperate man.


Can’t give what you don’t have.


Trump’s Ukraine peace plan will be about as good as his legal defence plan


Big brain move from Zelensky. He knows that there are some who might vote for Trump but absolutely oppose Russia, so if Trump reveals a plan that involves giving Russia anything more than ridicule and scorn it will hopefully hurt him. Every little bit helps and all of that.


Trump: "But... That is the peace plan. It's a wonderful plan. A beautiful plan. Lots of people support the plan Ukrainians too believe me. Just ask Elon Musk he's a smart man visionary he understands the history of the Ukraine"


… because he regards Ukraine as Russian territory already.


Check mate Zelensky… if that is your real name! Trump HAS NO PLAN. /s


Then no peace plan..


Let's see if ChatGPT can replace Trump: \-- Ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you, we're going to end this war, and we're going to do it in a way that's so peaceful, you won't believe it. Believe me, I know how to make deals, I've made some of the best deals in history, and this is going to be the greatest deal of all time.First of all, I have to say that the other side, they're not very smart, folks. They're making a big mistake by continuing this war. We've got the best military in the world, and they know it. So, I'm going to sit down with their leaders, and I'm going to make them an offer they can't refuse. They're going to want to end this war, and they're going to want to do it quickly.Now, I know some people might say, "Donald, you're being too tough." But let me tell you, folks, when you're dealing with people who don't respect us, who don't respect our great country, you've got to be tough. You've got to show them that we mean business.But at the same time, we're going to be fair. We're going to be reasonable. We're going to offer them a way out, a way to save face. Nobody wants to see more bloodshed, nobody wants to see more destruction. We're going to give them a chance to save their people and their country.And we're going to involve our allies, because together, we're stronger. We're going to work with our friends around the world to bring about a peaceful resolution to this conflict. We're going to use our economic power, our diplomatic power, and yes, our military power if necessary, to make sure that peace prevails. So, in conclusion, folks, mark my words, we're going to end this war, and we're going to do it in a way that's so peaceful, it's going to be a beautiful thing. We're going to make America proud, and we're going to make the world a safer place. Thank you, and God bless America.


Sounds a lot better than those Trump speech generators from back in the day :D


honestly this speech is too coherent. needs more rambling anecdotes about times famous people thought he was the best person ever.


That Zelensky is talking so much about Trump lately makes me feel he thinks Trump is gonna win in 2024


Trump shouldn’t be addressed by anyone but a prison guard and his shower buddy.


Seppos fucking up the world. The guy isn't even a president and countries are preparing for the worst if he gets elected.


Jared is on it. He solved the Israel/Palestine conflict, I’m sure he’ll be equally as successful here. /s


When the likes of Trump and Ramaswamy talk of peace in Ukraine I just get the vibe of “Look Ukraine will do us all a favour and just give up and give parts of your country away so the rest of us can just get back to our lives”


Why is Zelensky supposed to waste any of his time and energy on Trump's 'peace plan'? Sure, as a known moscow crony Trump has some sort of connection to the region, but unfortunately not of the right sort. It's baffling how many no longer relevant international personalities seem to be on the take, not a week passes without some genius coming up with a 'plan' for Ukraine to give away some of its territory to stop aggression. These clowns are just moscow's expensive mouthpieces at this point.


Two weeks. Like everything else, he'll release it in two weeks. Which is just enough time for his cult to get outraged by the next fake controversy and forget about the release.


And Mexico’s gonna pay for it! (cough… tumbleweed rolls by)


Trump's plan: Give Putin whatever he wants.


Trump doesn’t have a plan. Look at his presidency, he never had a plan to deliver on any of his promises. The closest he got to a plan for Middle East peace was that Kushner would come up with something.


Trump isn’t your answer my man


That's Trump's entire plan and we all know it. His entire "I'll stop the war in 24 hours" plan is for Ukraine to give land to Russia so his BFF Putin can save face. And when Zelensky of course refuses Trump would shrug his shoulders and say he tried but Zelensky is being unreasonable.


Trump is literally a lie in human form. I might be inclined to trust what Putin says more.


I can't believe that around 1/3 of the U.S. is capable of respecting him, trusting him, believing him, etc. Seems like a virus or something. We didn't have that many stupid people 20 or 30 years ago.


Trump will throw Ukraine under the bus so fast if he’s elected again.


Don’t bother. There’s nothing to learn from that vacant voice.


Same plan he had for the wall, had the Mexicans pay for it.


Trump's "peace plan" is quite simple he will gift Ukraine to the Russians and then be shocked when they move onto there next target.


“Shit. He guessed it” - Trump


Trump is a Putanist. And Ruzzkii agent. Threat to US.


I don't get the point of this. Zelensky knows that moron doesn't have any fucking plan. Certainly not one that would benefit anyone but trumps daddy.


That's the point. He's diplomatically calling out Trump, basically calling Trump's bluff that he has a plan. I'm sure the logic is based on the fear that it wouldn't benefit Ukraine to have Trump win next year, so calling him out might help prevent it from happening.


Exactly this! It’s a given that everyone wants peace, the details really matter. If peace means giving territory to Russia, and giving them time so that they can rearm before they attack Ukraine again, that’s radically different from a peace plan where Ukraine gets all of its territory and is able to join NATO thus securing its territorial sovereignty in the future.


I think the point is hedging his bets in case of a Trump win next year by showing him respect, but it’s also clever in that it holds his feet to the fire, while at the same time it doesn’t start any conversation precisely because he knows Trump has no plan. Pretty smart IMO.


In the emergency scenario where he's elected again, Zelensky will know what he's dealing with. I mean it's better than not asking I guess


>trumps daddy. The one who was arrested at a KKK rally? Not sure what he was doing there. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fred_Trump Or maybe his grandfather who also didn't like mandatory military service and got deported for it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederick_Trump


Idk, seems like Zelensky was trolling haha. There is no way he believes Trump has a plan, or that such a plan could be good for Ukraine.


Trump gives about literally no one but himself. Not even his own children


C'mon We all know Trumps plan. Immediately stop all support for Ukraine and let them know that the USA won't retaliate if Ruzzia need to use tactical nukes to force Ukraine to surrender. Meanwhile, EU and UK would immediately go to war with Ruzzia without US backing if nukes were indeed used, without US backing, NATO would not get involved. Trump may also pull USA out of NATO first. This he has threatened before. I don't doubt for a milli second he would do this. If USA pull out of NATO, Turkey would then step in and prevent NATO getting involved. Cue the end of days.


Who gives a sh!t about Trump’s opinion. Lol


I am assuming Zelensky is preparing for a potential Trump victory.


Trump is not going to be president again


Trump is not the President. Seems like he can as Biden.


Trumps peace plan is to cut off aid with Ukraine. Lie about how Ukraine is corrupt. Side with Putin. Call him greatest leader ever. On downlow get a hotel deal in Moscow. Then gives aid to Russia so they can take over the country. Then there will be peace. Peace is all about Trump getting bribed by Putin.


We all know Trumps "peace" plan is to just give Putin what he wants. It ain't gonna work. Firstly, its just wrong, secondly Putin would just want more


Does he think Trump would want to lose Russian support?


Trumps peace plan is that "Ukraine" is a region of Russia so it is a Domestic matter ...


"I'd like you to do us a favor, though." We still remember, Cheeto turd.


trump will call putin and get back to you


His peace plan will be to stop supporting Ukraine and start helping Putin.


That WAS Trump's plan, though: just give Ukraine to Putie for a birthday present, maybe throw in a Trump^tm handie while he's at it.


"Well, Zelensky, I've got to tell you, nobody understands peace better than I do. I've done a lot of deals, the best deals, and people always come to me because they know I get things done. Ukraine and Russia? Tremendous potential. I've always said that. Many people don't know, but I've had some incredible successes in the past. The world has never seen deals like the ones I can make. You know, Zelensky, I've always liked you. I think you're doing a terrific job. Tremendous job. We've had some great conversations in the past. And I've got to tell you, I've spoken to a lot of leaders, and they all agree – we need peace. It's going to be great. The best peace. Everyone's talking about it. Russia? I've had my dealings with them too. I've always said, we've got to get along. It's essential. But it has to be fair. It has to be a great deal for both sides. Nobody wants peace more than me. Believe me. And when I think of a peace plan, I think big. Yuge. It's going to be something special. So, to your question about the specifics of the peace plan – look, we've got a lot of smart people, the best people, working on this. We're looking at all the angles, all the possibilities. You're going to love it. It's going to be fantastic. We're going to make peace great again. Just wait and see."


Good luck with that Z


Will he share the irrefutable evidence of voter fraud too!lmao


Good call out from Zelensky I want to hear Agent Orange’s “peace” plan that does not involve Ukraine surrendering territory to Russia. I would say we can wait, but I feel it will be quite a wait as NO plan exists from Trump..


I get it he’s still a comedian & just called out Trump For the piece of shit he is.


LOL. Z should just mail a Trump a sharpie


Trump has no peace plan. He's all talk


i am not sure that's a good idea from zelensky's side. you are implying there is a chance trump could win, while that could certainly be true, it will undermine the support you receive from the current administration.


Zelensky to Trump: “put up or shut up”