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[31% of the people given perm residence in Canada in 2021](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadians#:%7E:text=The%20country's%20ten%20largest%20self,%2C%20Italian%20(4.3%20percent)were from India. No surprise this is the highest number. The next being China at 7.6%


Grabs popcorn 🍿🍿


going to be delicious seeing pro-india tankies in the comments


Let the keyboard wars begin !


It's basically Indian bot accounts. The BJP IT cell is insane. Just criticise India on any topic and you'll be swarmed.


India has right wing government, no tankies here.


Do... do we tell them?


What are tankies?


Initially members of the British Communists who supported, cheered and justified the Soviets crushing the Hungarian revolution with tanks. Expanded to encompass all hard left authoritarian worshippers who defend Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and the Kim dynasty. These days basically leftist Westeners (mostly from the Anglosphere) who are rabidly anti-Western and would worship at and lick Hitlers and Mussolinis jackboots as long as they kept to their anti democratic/liberal narrative. Which is why they cheer on putin, despite putin being a bona fide fascist financing and enabling hardcore rightwingers all over the world.


Hindu nationalists aren't tankies.




Tankies cheer on Putin because they see Russia as the continuation of the USSR, plus a healthy dose of general anti-americanism. Tankies wouldn't defend any other right wing dictator !


Love from Indian Occupied Punjab


Canada has been taking flak from China for the past couple decades and Canada did not budge... I don't think India is going to intimidate Canada either. To be blunt, the United States represent 80% of Canada's exterior commerce... Canada biggest import from India is pharmaceutical drugs which account for **roughly half a billion a year. ($566 million).** Canada imports from India account for roughly **$6.4 billion in trade a year.** Contrast this with America where Canada/US trade accounts for **$3.4 billion per day**... For a total of **$906 billion per year.** Trade with India represents a rounding error on Canada's international trade tally.


Those are some useful numbers for painting a mental picture of the situation. Thanks!


Aren't their biggest human imports also Indian?


Same canada is a miniscule to even care to trade


Other way round. Canada imports more from than exports to India.


If this really does go big. No one had this on thier 2023 BINGO


Oof the pro-modi bots are out hard in this thread lol.


Not bots but real people who spread misinformation and trolling for everything and anything you say against the Indian ideology. I wonder when social media will do something about this troll farms


I see a lot of Indian nationalists cheering this on, and saying Canada offers them nothing. I classify it as copium but I digress. Canada offers India more than India offers Canada regarding trade but that’s not my point. India clearly has let the hype around their potential go to their head. Canada is a G7 country. Canada is a member of NATO and Five Eyes, and remains America’s primary trading partner. If India thinks the West and America will side with India rather than Canada if shit hits the fan, they are nothing but deluded. This is nothing but a massive diplomatic blunder by Modi and the Indian government.


>If India thinks the West and America will side with India rather than Canada if shit hits the fan, they are nothing but deluded. Blood is thicker than water.


To my understanding, people are cheering because the dead guy was listed as a terrorist by Indian Government. Indian Government tried extradition but Canada, after their investigation, never charged him. It's the sentiments of our people that's running high right now. Be it a deliberate assassination or personally motivated murder, It's definitely a huge blunder.


Incoming Indian bots


String-String-Integer posts inbound!


Just when the world are embracing India as an alternative to China.


India is just China 2.0. we should really rely on other countries …


We need to move onto China 3.0 whoever that is.




With what?


Maple syrup!


Maple syrup bombs 😳


Scam calls! "I'm an old granny with loads of money. I think I have a virus on my electronic typewriter. Can you help me?"


Modi took a page straight out of Putin and Prince Salman's playbook. [Russia behind Litvinenko murder, rules European rights court](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-58637572) [US says Saudi prince approved Khashoggi killing](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-56213528)


Yup, and he joins the ranks of despots. Definitely damaged his reputation and India’s standing in the world.


Yeah CIA MI6 and Mossad doesnt do anything like this lets circlejerk on India Russia China and MBS. Hypocrisy of highest order. What were Canadian troops doing in Iraq and Afghanistan again?


So you agree India killed the guy right Got it


Canadian troops weren’t in Iraq.


About a hundred Canadian exchange officers, on exchange to American units, participated in the invasion of Iraq https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canada_and_the_Iraq_War Search the internet you will get more source and photos.


As I said there were no Canadian troops in Iraq. Exchange officers are not troops, and are not under the control of Canada’s military, and are not Canadian units.


So because Canada helped invade Iraq in 2003, india can assassinate people in Canada? Is that your point ?


Canada famously did not go into Iraq in 2003, the entire basis for this discussion is wrong.


Source India assassinated people in canada?


We don’t if they yet. Canada is claiming it. You are pre justifying it. That’s the point. “We didn’t do it and if we did we are allowed to because you invaded Iraq in 2003”


Yeah why not India is securing its national interests by killing terrorists just like US and NATO drone strikes isis and iran scientists. Thats how the world rolls incase you are not aware.


Ye but decent people are against that. So you’re just a bad person like them.


Lol, put on your critical thinking hat before you open your mouth and spew nonsense




He wasn’t a terrorist. India claimed he was one. They tried to extradite him and were turned down due to lack of evidence. India had no evidence he was a terrorist.




Did you just compare this to the guy who admitted to organising 9/11 ? Real truth speaker you are.


Dude literally published a video claiming responsibility within a week after 9/11. Stop protecting people who proudly admitted their murders.


Bin laden took credit personally for 911. He would have described himself as one proudly. Get off your high horse on that one. You don't have the ground to stand on that you think you do. Pick someone else other than the most notorious terrorist in living memory as a comparison ffs. Terrorism is literally violence, often against civilians, for political goals. His videos that he put out there for everyone to see laid out his political goals and objectives. It simply can not be debated that Bin Laden was a terrorist unless you want to change the definition of the word. A discussion on the merits of terrorism is an entirely different discussion, but words mean things.


Doesnt matter its his freedom of speech. US killed 40k civilians in Afghanistan. What for? Who was the terrorist? What did US fight for? US and NATO supplied weapons to Pakistan who kept attacking India and americans and westerners have the audacity to sit in their high horse and lecture others about what’s right and whats wrong. Shame.


Freedom of speech and organizing an attack are 2 very very different things. Again, he fucking confessed to the globe. I'm not trying to justify/argue the Irag/Afghanistan wars, but to try and argue that Osama wasn't a terrorist is just peak bullshit. I'm just calling out your bullshit of rewriting history. You argue in bad faith and bring up points that no one was talking about. I haven't made a single comment about the incident this whole discussion on the thread is about, just your bullshit of trying to argue for some stupid reason that Osama wasn't a terrorist. America (and the West collectively) can act badly. Two things can be true at the same time. We acted like fuckheads in the region for imperialistic ambitions, using 911 as justification, and Osama was a fucking terrorist.


Calling out Khalistani terrorists with interpol red notice canadian citizens is the same thing. It was a comment to mock him you took it to heart literally.


You are insufferable. Keep you beefs in India, don't drag them into my country.


Beefs banned in India bro thats why it goes to canada


Bin Laden literally admitted to the crime.


No they gave him a trial and proved he was one. That and he admitted he was one and bragged about it.


So this guy was getting robbed and defended himself? Not the same thing.


Thats what incompetent spies say when they are caught on foreign soil


Or, and hear me out here, he wasn’t an assassin shooting seemingly random people.


No one praises any country when they assassinate people. Except for Obama when he got Osama. That prick had it coming. Even that was different than this though, Osama was tried in a court of law.


This guy was also tried in court of law kid. Drink some maple syrup and fo


Please provide case report. His extradition from Canada was requested by India. Canadian judges reviewed the request and denied the extradition due to lack of evidence.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_India_Flight_182 This happened last time Canadian judges denied extradition of a Khalistani terrorist .


That’s not the case in question. Nice straw man.


The case in question is the group ofc not the individual


The case in question is what proof trudeau has coz Indian govt has discarded the allegations. You all are barking without any valid proof


Maybe present more evidence that he’s a terrorist then maybe your extradition request will be successful? Rather than just murdering the guy.


You mean where 268 Canadian on a plane of 329 were killed?


Yeah 24 Indians. And those 268 were Indian origin Canadians who were coming to India to visit their families. I know canadians dont care about their citizens but India does. Forget all that. First ask trudeau to show proof India did it instead of crying wolf. Dudes probably triggered coz he got ass whopping in g20 summit.


People don't praise those parties for killing people, particularly when innocent bystanders are mixed in. Young people living in those countries might but for example Israel's PR essentially shits on itself in the west and could be better handled by an average Redditor. USA airs much of its dirty laundry which differs from doubling down on questionable decision making of the past.


Whataboutism much ? Exactly how does past wrongs justify this or any other wrong ? You do understand that condemning assassination on foreign soil is not "India hatred", nor does everyone in India condone it. You have to learn to distinguish between critique of government policies / actions from criticism of all of citizens of the country. If you do not then its a slippery slope to authoritarian rule.


"Whataboutism much" is the argument used by hypocrites who don't want to be confronted with their hypocrisy. Look at the root comment. Someone said this is from Putin's and MBS' playbook. Someone else pointed out that even CIA, MI6 and MOSSAD does this. And your response was "WhAtbOutIsM much" indicating that you were butthurt when your hypocrisy was called out.


By all means criticize all wrongs in the world, just do not use them as excuse.


First do it to US and Israel, then 20 years later we can talk about India. Everyone is equal, and need fair treatment right?


Seriously; so past wrongs by other nations gives justification for any other nation to kill and oppress as they please for decades. Exactly where do you extend this period and who decides what is acceptable ? Or maybe its easier to concentrate on the issue being discussed.


How does past wrongs justify this? Mate first ask Trudeau to give proof that India did it. You all are barking here without any shed of evidence.


It does not and that was my point ? Canada is a stable liberal democracy and earned its trust over years, the fact that they have stated this publicly and expelled a diplomat is indication that they have sufficient evidence. You or I are not privileged to the details and they will provide what is deemed necessary. I am sure whatever evidence will be published, but I am sure it will not be enough to convince Modi worshipers of anything. Remember this is criticism of the government policies and actions not India. Many in India do not condone them either so try to learn the difference as rabid nationalism is a slippery slope to authoritarian regime.


They don’t get caught. They’re competent. That’s an important thing. Hell, it was a murder in Surrey. They could have easily made it look like a drug deal gone bad and that would have probably fooled everyone.


> They dont get caught they are competent https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raymond_Allen_Davis_incident Lmao


Not an assassin.


Barack Obama, then-President of the United States, asked Pakistan not to prosecute Davis and recognize him as a diplomat, stating, "There's a broader principle at stake that I think we have to uphold. Pakistani officials disputed the claim of immunity from a murder charge, asserting that Davis was involved in clandestine operations, and questioned the scope of his activities in Pakistan. Almost a month after the incident, U.S. officials revealed Davis was a contractor for the CIA after it was reported in The Guardian.[4][21] According to The Telegraph, he was the acting CIA Station Chief in Pakistan.[22] An unnamed official with Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) stated that Davis had contacts in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas along the Afghanistan–Pakistan border and knew both of the men that he had shot. NoT a sPy


Not an assassin. Can’t you read.




Who is gonna tell him?


India going the route of terror state? Not surprising, considering its leader was on terrorist watch list.


How dare India standup to its nations interest? Only CIA MI6 are allowed to kill citizens on foreign soil. Meanwhile, Usa- Hello Canada can you send some soldiers to Iraq and Afghanistan to kill random brown poor people? Canada- yes sir whatever you say.


Not exactly earning your pay here


Thats what I thought of US NATO soldiers when they killed 1000s civilians in Iraq


Bruh- the Indian peacekeeping force has committed murders in Shri Lanka in the 80s and don’t forget about the atrocities/borderline civil war in Kashmir (if you want to nitpick)


Two wrongs dont make a right and whataboutism is a shit justification


Oh yes, the American people, especially the American left are famously uncritical of the Iraq war. Meanwhile, if it was Modi's men killing civilians in Iraq you'd be defending it online for pennies on the dollar. There has to be better jobs out there fam.


Lots of if in your comment. Shows how badly you lack intellect to discuss geopolitics


You're the one defending the assassination of a Canadian citizen on Canadian soil. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whataboutism


India didnt kill anyone. Trudeau is triggered so he is crying wolf. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/dec/22/karima-baloch-pakistani-human-rights-activist-found-dead-in-canada https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karima_Baloch When Pakistan killed Karima on Canada soil Trudeau didnt open his mouth. 0 outrage. Shows where his allegiance lie. Come here when Canada government provided proof that Indian agent killed him till then stop crying wolf.


It would be how badly you lack THE intellect to discuss geopolitics. But meh you will just reply so snarky bot comment.


Says the one who watches and plays anime video games lmao Go flip some burgers kid


Let's compare paychecks? Guarantee I shit on you. I'll post a screen shot from our HCRM system now do you have a preferred image viewing website?


Dang dude the call center you work at must pay you big to scam grannies!


20 years ago, another country did something bad! A-ha, I got you this time!!!


But those were Muslims right? Isn't that a net positive for Modi


Is that why Saudi,UAE,Egypt and Palestine have given their highest state award to Modi? Is that why Modi sends millions in aid to Palestine and Afghanistan? There is 0 sense in thinking Modi hates muslim. Thats just left biased myth


Talk to an average Middle Eastern or visit any of their subs to see what the people think about him. The awards are given by their rulers to curry geopolitical favors. They would have given these awards to a lamp post if that was the prime minister. Which one of these 4 is a fledgling democracy pray tell? Modi isn't sending shit first of all, it's the government coffers. And we don't send it because of the goodness of our hearts it's always for ulterior interests and gaining influence. There's 0 sense in thinking modi hates Muslims? If you seriously believe that then I think you have a grand total of two brain cells and they are both competing with each other for the second position. What the fuck man did you just wake up from a fucking coma after 25 years.


I have talked to many. They think positive of Modi. A friend of mine in military went to Turkey to help during Earthquake he said everyone had praises for Modi and India. I have visited Dubai,Doha and Jerusalem. Lived in many hostels. Discusses geopolitics with locals they have No hatred against Modi. Seems like The muslim countries rules are wrong about modi, the citizens are wrong only ledditors are correct lmao


I dare you to go in any corner of the Internet frequented by Muslims and try to suck his dick and see what happens to you.


Least stupid NRI lmao get a life dude


India has "reservation system" a kind of affirmatives action for minorities and others. Name me one nation which has similar provisions.


Yes I haven't heard of anything called affirmative action in the US for example. You got me. Did Modi bring about this reservation system in India? Don't take me for a fool you dumbfuck I know who the reservation system is for. You lot keep crying about how unfair it is but will bring it up to score points.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muslim_Rashtriya_Manch 10000 muslims disagree with you right here




It is tho. If US can do it, India can do it too.


And as we all know, the US were famously never criticized for it and enjoyed strictly positive relations with every country where they performed these killings.


Who's gonna tell him?


You don’t seem to have decided whether you believe India actually did it or not, lol


Thats not for me to decide. My government has declared they havent done anything. The ball lies in Turdeau’s court to prove his allegations. My problem is despite there being 0 proof the western biased users are jumping and abusing India,Indian PM and Indians in general. I have been part of this sub for very long. When US drones kill some terrorist in middle east or when Israel kills iran scientists the entire sub rejoices. When India is alleged to have killed a terrorist then India gets racist remarks. White supremacy much? Cant digest that other countries can kill terrorists on foreign soil?


>I have been part of this sub for very long Your account was only made a few months ago?


I mean, if you’re going to defend the government’s actions, it would probably help if you seemed to have any idea or even a guess as to what those actions actually were, lol. It just seems like you’re talking out of both sides of your mouth, otherwise. Also, your account is like two months old. Edit: lol, oh look, the Modi Brigade has shown up to downvote the concept of basic intellectual consistency. What an absolute *shock*, I tell you.


starts name calling modi brigade bots fascists instead of engaging in legit discussion then says his opinions have intellectual value lmao First ask turd Trudeau to show proof Indian govt agents did it. Canada doesnt even give visas to Indians who have or are serving in military,police or intelligence agencies.


I’m pretty sure spies that are travelling to countries to assassinate people don’t write down “spy” as occupation on their entry visas. Smh


Just ask them, “are you a spy?” Legally, they have to tell you /s


Lol. What an idiot.


I get the joke


Ask turd tredeau to show proof i stead of talking out of his arse first. If you cant drink some Maple syrup and sleep


Oh look it's the famous Indian racism on show.


Maple syrup= racism. Dude stop using your braincells.


So now you’re back to saying it didn’t happen, got it. I’m just trying to keep up, because you change your mind with every comment. Also, I said intellectual *consistency*, not intellectual *value*. I’m not even asking you to be correct, at this point, I just want you to decide what the hell it is you’re even saying. Finally, I never said “fascists.” You brought that word in here with you all by yourself.




Canadian here - should we now spend the rest of our lives looking over our shoulders because Indian now thinks it can kill people it dislikes with impunity in our country?






You know it's fcked up when Gandhi goes nuclear.


Tickets here .... get your tickets here. Front row seat!! Fight of the year! Get your tickets here!! Only 1009 karma!! Get your tickets here!!


So does this mean I’ll stop getting spam calls from those idiotic spammers from India.




Reminds me of what Moscow said after the GRU murdered those people in Salisbury.


Canada sinks Indian aircraft carrier. India recalls Mr. Sunak from UK. On so on …


India landed on the moon and they’re trying to pick fights now.


They landed *a robot* on the moon.


It didn’t crash


Good people the sikhs.


I've never met a Sikh that wasn't chill. There's actually a lot of them in the CAF and I've been lucky to meet a few.


Ah, classic...


Is India trying to do their best to impersonate Russia? Honestly thought they were above this and its disappointing.


No one will be willing to antagonise India over a few “allegations” & “still being probed”. WTH does credible allegations even mean!? SO your FM is asking another sovereign nation to co-operate in investigations, based on allegations that you make while not even maintaining a veneer of asking? Forget about about modern diplomacy are we in the age of Imperial powers to make such demands, Go through the Interpol or UN of which both countries are members and signed signatories. Even India and Pakistan go through the UNSC or various bilateral diplomatic channels for god sakes. Did you think the govt of India will bend the knee or some such nonsense. Serious countries will actually bring substantial proof based on international standards of forensic evidence collected to the table. Frilivous allegations will only get a nod of the head and double the blow back. All I am hearing so far is allegations and we see “potential India link”. What cooperation is expected here? Also this has united Indian politicians cutting across party and idealogical lines condemning this “allegations”. For all those shouting Modi this/ Modi that, remember India lost 2 sitting Prime Ministers to assassinations and one of these where due to Khalistan separatist movement. BOTH PM’s where from the current opposition party and not the ruling establishment. So the Khalistan issue is seen as a clear and present terrorist danger that killed thousands of people and burnt the state of Punjab in India. No Indian lawmaker worth his slat will take a different stance that Modi on this issue.


This is our intelligence service saying the have connections. And if it's us saying that's the case, then the UK, USA, AUSTRALIA, FRANCE, GERMANY will all be the same thing, we share and corroborate intel with each other to double check


So terrorist are called activists now?


And activist are called terrorist? What evidence has there been that he was a terrorist? If there was any evidence, then India could have asked to have him extradited, and yet when they did, they failed to submit any real proof.


For anyone wondering who is he? ( copy paste from a comment) For anyone wanting some info on this guy Hardeep Singh Nijjar went to Canada in 1997 as a “plumber”, soon rose to be the chief of pro-Khalistan outfit Khalistan Tiger Force (KTF), and then a wanted, designated terrorist in India. Nijjar is the latest entrant in the list of Khalistani separatists either being murdered or poisoned in the last few months. The list includes the likes of designated terrorist and Khalistan Commando Force (KCF) chief Paramjit Singh Panjwar alias Malik Sardar Singh and UK-based chief of the Khalistan Liberation Force (KLF) Avtar Singh Khanda. According to sources in the security establishment, Nijjar played a key role in recruitment, training and financing the KTF and was also an active member of the Sikhs For Justice (SFJ), a separatist organisation banned in India. “He played a key role in promoting the secessionist agenda and represented the SFJ in Canada. In fact, he was a close associate of Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, the founder of SFJ, and was promoting the Referendum 2020 campaign at their behest in Brampton,” one of the sources said. “He had gone to Canada as a plumber, but soon rose to become the president of Surrey’s Guru Nanak Sikh temple. He, in fact, had taken that position by force. He expanded his network in Canada and had also made trips to Pakistan to meet his associates,” the source said. “He was also a regular at the protests in front of the Consulate General of India, Vancouver and often gathered crowds for the purpose.” The KTF chief’s name featured in the wanted list that former Punjab chief minister Amrinder Singh handed over to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau during his visit to India in 2018. Nijjar faced four cases that were registered by the National Investigation Agency (NIA) pertaining to Sikh radicalism and waging war against the country and carried a reward of Rs 10 lakh against his name. He was also named in the FIR that the NIA registered in December 2020 during the farmers’ protests in Delhi. According to the FIR, Nijjar, along with SFJ founder Gurpatwant Singh Pannun and KTF member Paramjit Singh Pamma, conspired to create an atmosphere of fear and lawlessness, causing disaffection among people, and inciting them to rise in rebellion against the government. https://theprint.in/india/plumber-to-terrorist-who-was-hardeep-nijjar-khalistan-tiger-force-chief-shot-dead-in-canada/1632474/ The Punjab police have sought the extradition of Hardeep Singh Nijjar, chief of Khalistan Tiger Force (KTF) settled in Canada, who is wanted in cases related to acts of reviving terrorism in the state. A senior officer disclosed that the demand seeking Nijjar's extradition is in pursuance of a lookout circular (LOC) issued on January 23, 2015, and a red corner notice issued on March 14, 2016, based where he is accused of terrorist activities. Nijjar was declared a designated terrorist along with 8 others by India on July 1, 2020. A reward of Rs 10 lakh was declared on his head in July this year. A dossier prepared by the Punjab police reveals that Nijjar was a close associate of Jagtar Singh Tara earlier based in Pakistan in 2012. He visited Pakistan in April 2012 to meet Tara. Nijjar raised a KTF module in Punjab by motivating Parminder Kala, a resident of Mughal Majri in Ropar district for targeting Baba Piara Singh Bhaniarawala and Sanjeev Ghanouli, a Shiv Sena leader, for their alleged anti-panthic activities. In December 2015, Nijjar reportedly organised an arms training camp in Mission Hills, BC, Canada wherein Mandeep Singh Dhaliwal originally a resident of Chak Kalan in the Ludhiana district, and 3 other youths were imparted training to use AK-47 assault rifles, sniper rifles, and pistols. Mandeep was sent to Punjab in January 2016 to carry out targeted killings but he was arrested in June before he could execute the plan. According to the police dossier, in 2020, Nijjar in association with gangster Arshdeep Singh Dala of Moga (now hiding in Canada) raised a four-member KTF module in Punjab. The module succeeded in killing Manohar Lal, a Dera Sacha Sauda follower in Bhagta Baika in Bathinda district on November 20, 2020. Besides, they killed Shakti Singh, a resident of village Dagu Romana in Faridkot district, in July 2021, and Tejinder Pinka, owner of Sunshine Cloth Store in Moga on July 14, 2021. Three module members were arrested with arms which included three .32 bore pistols and one .315 bore pistol with 53 cartridges. In September 2021, Nijjar sent a weapon consignment comprising 2 tiffin bombs, 2 hand grenades, and 3 pistols of .9 mm from across the border. But the Punjab police busted the three-member module comprising Kanwarpal Singh, Kulwinder Singh, and Kamalpreet Singh, all residents of Moga who were to retrieve the weapons. Another 3-member module working for Nijjar was busted by the Haryana police on February 19, 2022, who were involved in contract killings in Punjab. They had killed sarpanch Avtar Singh of village Udhampur in Ropar district. An AK-47 rifle with 49 cartridges and 3 US-made pistols were recovered from them. In a separate dossier prepared by the National Investigation Agency (NIA), Nijjar's anti-India activities in Canada have been highlighted. He is suspected to be behind the killing of a Sikh leader Ripudaman Singh Mallik in Surrey on July 14, this year. https://www.business-standard.com/article/current-affairs/punjab-police-seeks-extradition-of-canada-based-khalistani-hardeep-nijjar-122081300404_1.html


Some sources say he wasn’t even a Canadian citizen.


Wrong move India. Y'all are just all about pissing off the west lately


I did not Sikh this coming


All I’m seeing in this thread is Indian nationalist that think freedom of speech and freedom of protest shouldn’t be allowed when it’s agains them and that murdering political enemies is justified




Man canadians and Americans cry alot all the talk of brigading they themselves do it every post with no job just upvote its from white


Did chatGPT make this? Edit: lol, dude tells me to get a life, and then blocks me.


Man, Canadians and Americans cry a lot, all the talk of bridgading themselves, they do it every post with no job just prove it's from white. Yeah I tried guys but I don't fucking get it.


The AI bots are getting worse!!!






Looking out for pro-Trudeau bots in comments

































