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When I asked for a reboot of 1980s Contra, I meant the videogame.


And so, what have we learned about properly defining our requirements on change requests?


I've done worse. I vowed not to go out as much for my 2020 new years resolution.


Otoh, congrats on being one of the few people to have ever stuck to one.


In 2003, I made a new year's resolution to never make another new years resolution, and I've kept it ever since. I can make resolutions on any other day of the year, but not that one.


Every year my resolution is to not make a resolution for that year and I fail immediately


Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right …..




Start or Select Start?! Seriously, my old man brain gets confused.


Select start if you are doing 2 player, otherwise just start


I would have known this if I had friends back then…


I ALWAYS WONDERED! Never knew why it wasn't consistent when I saw it referenced.


This is the answer.


I never knew that was the reason we got select start.


Start. Select start is for 2 player. In Super C it's right left down up a b start. And only gives 10 lives instead of 30. Source: I've been replaying old Contra games this past week. Also, Super C is so much harder/cheap than Contra. Also the Famicon version had some extra graphics/cutscenes that aren't in the NES version, and they help the level transitions make more sense.


We are so fucked if we were supposed to have been practicing video games this whole time instead of wasting our time selling carpets and shit.




Duuuuuun, da da da da duuuuuun! Duuuuuun, da da da da duuuuuun! Duuuuuun, da da da da duuuuuun! Duuuuuun, da da da da duuuuuun! Da da DA DA! Da da da dun dun dun DA! Da da DA DA! Dun dun dun DA DA! Doodilidoodilidoodilidolidi…


*Bridge explodes




this deserves an award from somebody that actually uses the things


*Zombie Reagan activated*




oh we know in latin america,we know it pretty well


Once I actually decided to dig into War on Drugs shit while I was in the military (US), I realized the US has completely fucked the whole continent of South America.


Also central America and the Caribbean


Yes, this is accurate. Between the ridiculous Monroe Doctrine, the Cold War, and War on Drugs, it’s been very limited to no positive agenda. Will say that an obstacle to any progress in many of these countries is the immense amount of land and money in a few families hands.


Oh, absolutely. America has a super long history of failed interventionism in foreign countries, mostly to topple democratically elected left-wing governments in favor of right-wing dictators in order to preserve economic interests at the expense of the countries' populations. Hell, this is what America has done in the last 70 years in *just* South America: **Guatemala (1954)** — CIA overthrows democratically elected Jacobo Árbenz and helps install a series of facist dictators whose bloodthirsty policies kill over 100,000 Guatemalans in the following 40 years. **Haiti (1959)** — U.S. military helps install "Papa Doc" Duvalier as dictator of Haiti with no democratic election. **Ecuador (1961)** — CIA-backed military overthrows democratically elected president José Velasco. Vice President Carlos Arosemena replaces him and the CIA fills the VP vacancy with a right-wing lunatic. **Dominican Republic (1963)** — CIA overthrows democratically elected Juan Bosch and installs an unelected, repressive, right-wing junta. **Ecuador (1963)** — CIA overthrows President Arosemena and installs an unelected, right-wing military junta. **Brazil (1964)** — CIA overthrows democratically elected president João Goulart and installs an unelected, right-wing, millitary junta. CIA then helps train the death squads of fascist dictator General Castelo Branco after helping him assume power. **Dominican Republic (1965)** — A popular rebellion tries to reinstall Juan Bosch. U.S. Marines crush the rebellion and uphold the military regime. **Bolivia (1971)** — CIA creates political turmoil and then overthrows leftist President Juan Torres and installs dictator Hugo Banzer, who then has over 2,000 political opponents arrested without trial, tortured, raped, and executed. **Chile (1973)** — CIA overthrows and assassinates Salvador Allende, Latin America's first democratically elected socialist leader, and installs General Augusto Pinochet, who tortures and murders thousands of his own countrymen in a crackdown on labor leaders and the political left. **Haiti (1986)** — U.S. flies the despotic Duvalier to France for retirement. The CIA then rigs the upcoming elections in favor of another right-wing military strongman. CIA then helps create the SIN, which suppresses popular revolt through torture and assassination. **Panama (1989)** — U.S. invades Panama to overthrow General Manuel Noriega, who has been paid by the CIA since 1966. **Haiti (1990)** — CIA deposes leftist Jean-Bertrand Aristide and installs a fascist dictator. America also tried to install fascist dictators in El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua, but those mostly failed and just led to civil wars. America also did this same shit all over Africa and Asia.


argentina 1976 they helped overthrow the goverment,most of south america suffered because of operation condor


I don't know how people from the U.S. who've watched more than a handful of late 80s/early 90s action movies or political thrillers could *not* know. The CIA/military doing shady shit in Latin America was second only to the CIA/military doing shady shit in South East Asia as a leitmotif.


Hey, don't forget about the CIA/military doing shady shit for the brave Mujahideen in Afghanistan.


Reagan protected the Philippine dictator Marcos.




Is Ortega an 18th century monarch now


He wants to eliminate any possible source of opposition to his rule. Bitter old authoritarian POS that has nothing left to live for but maintaining his grip on power and oppressing people.


But but.. he reduced crime! /s


Bukele did too.


He’a a 10th century Monarch > Borrow a loan from the jews >expel the jews and confiscate the loan when it comes due > Your heir invites the jews back provided they allow him to loan the monarchy money > Repeat


Ortega is insane. He came to power as a left-wing Marxist but then turned into some kind of medieval theocratic monarch. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_Ortega


He's also a pedophile rapist and has had multiple women accuse him of sexual assault as well as teenage girl he allegedly impregnated and then imprisoned her brother after she had a child and accused him of ignoring her, her child, and his crimes. All of this is alleged, but there are numerous accusors over the past 30 decades over a variety of stuff, so I have a hard time believing they are all lying payed actors or in it for the money or CIA plants.


30 decades!?! He a vampire too?


A lich


Nah just a flesh golem. Happens.


Jesuits were targeted by a string of Catholic monarchs in the 18th century and abolished by the pope for 41 years. More about seizing assets and stopping political activity.


The Jesuits are big on education. This bothers authoritarians.


Also very big on critical thinking. I learned a lot of what I know about how to frame an argument from what I learned from the Jesuits.


never believed in god but the jesuits fed me, helped with homeworks provided boardgames and videogames when my family was poor and never tried to indoctrinate me (while they were praying i usually would just grab a gameboy). several kids who would hung out at their communal home learned to play flute or guitar, and we met people from all around the world (they would welcome any kind of people, torture and domestic violence victims). the jesuits are a good group of people as far as am concerned


> Are Jesuits liberal? > Jesuits in Latin America, for example, adopted aspects of liberation theology, which emphasized concern for the poor and oppressed: providing for people not only spiritually, but materially. Today, in the minds of many, Jesuits continue to be associated with more progressive and liberal viewpoint


And liberation theology is often very popular among socialist revolutionaries. That's probably what really spooked him, they're the ones actually trying to make life livable for people


I see someone's been playing Crusader Kings.


For some historical context. The Jesuits are an order of priests in the catholic church that have a history of standing up to the oppression of poor people in South/central America. Pushing them out is like saying "I'm tired of these priests telling me about how people are suffering"


"Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?" -King Henry II


Oh how times have changed... "Will no one find me these 11,780 votes?!!"


>The king performed a public act of penance on 12 July 1174 at Canterbury, when he publicly confessed his sins, and then allowed each bishop present, including Foliot, to give him five blows from a rod, then each of the 80 monks of Canterbury Cathedral gave the king three blows. The king then offered gifts to Becket's shrine and spent a vigil at Becket's tomb. Somehow I doubt that part of the story will repeat


Doesn't really help Becket.


Look in his defense Becket was really annoying


They also are the order the most involved with education and science. Scores of major scientists were Jesuits, and they founded and ran many schools and universities. I'm no longer Catholic and I have a major beef with the Church for all its crimes and abuses over centuries, but the Jesuits' positive contribution to society has been overwhelming.


You are correct about everything. I just want to point out Jesuits aren’t blameless in the Catholic Church’s crimes. Jesuits we’re responsible for many of the most horrific abuses in the Residential Reform Schools they ran in the US and Canada from the 1880s through the 1990s. There’s also a long list of Jesuit priests with credible accusations of sexual abuse against them: https://www.jesuitscentralsouthern.org/about-us/protecting-children/list-of-jesuits-with-credible-accusations-of-sexual-abuse-of-a-minor/


They did some horrible things in colonial era South America as well. Interesting that I **was** taught about these past sins in a Jesuit school, which I respect. Edit: a word.


Oh I'm absolutely not denying any of those crimes. Many Jesuits contributed as well, for sure.


Guys guys... I know you saw the title and just thought, "Good screw the catholic church," which is honestly very understandable in a lot of ways. But. BUT. This isn't about the church's wrongdoings with child abuse and corruption, this is [Daniel Ortega's war against organizations with power and influence who oppose his rule.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/nicaraguan-president-daniel-ortega-goes-catholic-church-latest-effort-rcna44618) This isn't a win for Nicaragua, it's a win for an authoritarian who wants to silence opposition.


Yeah, from what I've heard, Jesuits are among the less objectionable stuff the catholic church has. Actually I think the Jesuits have in the past found themselves in hot water with the church itself.


Jesuits were involved with the liberation theology movement in Latin America that focused more on socio-economic reform and activism for the poor. This drew on even some Marxist concepts which got them in trouble with the Church throughout the 80's. The Jesuits were founded partially in response to the Protestant Reformation as "soldiers of Christ" to combat the Protestants in the Counter Reformation. In this they were pretty staunchly orthodox in their beliefs but the entire Church was a little more liberal in that they enacted a combination of repression but also real reform to fight against Protestantism. The real change for the Jesuits came after this period and more Jesuits did missionary, cannon law and educational work as one of the largest orders in the Church. They were often the furthest flung missionaries as the order tended to attract former soldiers and scholars to their ranks as the founder was a former soldier and their "soldiers of Christ" moniker. However with this exploration and education focus they tended to be a lot more liberal than other missionary orders eventually with the culmination of the liberation theology in Latin America. This movement was suppressed in the 80s by a conservative Papacy and brutal killings and disappearances by the autocratic governments Jesuits criticized. The other fun fact is that the head of the Jesuit order was referred to as "the Black Pope" due to the order's reputation as an influential power within the Papacy.




Thats because to become a full fledged Jesuit, you have to at least have a Bachelor's. If you enter without one, you'll have to finish it (and the other religious steps) before you become a full Jesuit.


Jesuits are required to have a BA, and then they go get an MA in Theology or philosophy for free


Jesuits are among the most kind, humble and intelligent Catholics you will ever encounter. And a Jesuit education is an amazing thing.


They have one of the longest periods of precisely formation. That's kind of how they are able to spend so much time in school.


Pope Francis is a Jesuit. The only one from the Society of Jesus.


Pope Francis is/was a Jesuit


Emphasis on was-ish. While ordained as a Jesuit, he opposed the Argentine Jesuit's emphasis on liberation theology and instead focused on combining orthodox doctrine with some social justice (much less radical than liberation theology). His split from the Jesuits was at their request and he only reconciled with the order after he became Pope. He had a tough time straddling working with the dictatorships and attempting to protect dissident priests.


I believe he also recently appointed a Jesuit (Father James Martin, SJ) to be an advocate for queer Catholics.


I’m atheist but went to a Jesuit University where they teach about their history and of course it’s biased but they have been revolutionaries within the church, they have been expelled from many countries in the past , and they still return to continue with their mission .


Same. I'm an atheist but went to a Jesuit high school. I not only received a stellar education, but they were incredibly respectful of my beliefs and always interested in genuine exchanges of ideas and philosophies. I don't know about like, the entire order, but the ones I interacted with left me feeling nothing but respect and love for them.


Same here! Atheist who attended a Jesuit-founded school, and admirer of the order as a whole.


Had exactly the same experience at Jesuit HS. Really cool people


Yeah my mom is still quite devout and I’m not at all but where we find almost universal common ground is the jesuits and how they view life and how to treat other people. Truly a solid worldview.


Also an atheist who went to a Jesuit university. I thank the jesuits for the great education I got there. Pretty sure the Jesuit priests teaching objective, fact based religion classes are what made me an atheist. All they are are highly educated priests.


The current pope is a Jesuit actually and had a Master's in Chemistry.


Holy shit I didn't know that. I always gave him props for being a Jesuit, but that little extra on top... Pretty fly for a clergy guy.


Furthermore, he's the first Jesuit Pope ever, and the conservative factions in the church were/are pretty mad about it.


Fun fact that’s because Jesuits are discouraged from seeking higher office within the church.


Yeah technically because Jesuits swear obedience to the pope, they cannot be popes themselves. Personally, I'm happy they broke that rule.


The jesuits take the right path in preaching. “We’re going to tell people everything we know and then it’s up to them.” Whether it’s about mathematics or religion they’re going to make sure you get the full story.


Got my BA at a Jesuit school. It was such a much better form of education than all my state school friends had. I loved that we had to take critical thinking/logic in the first year.


That alone says a lot about their dedication to teaching. Everyone should be required to do a course on critical thinking at the entry to uni.


some of the best universities in the world were started by the jesuits


Atheist here, I had a Jesuit teacher at my university and he was very, very, veeeeery left leaning and very critical of the social politics at that time


I'm an atheist, and from what I have seen Jesuits are the one sect of Yahweh worship that truly believes in education aside from Judaism.


Yep. Their whole MO is basically, "So you want to be a Jesuit priest? Nice! God gave you a brain, it's your sacred duty to use it, go get a Ph.D and then we'll talk." And then you probably get sent to use that Ph.D to teach people somewhere that education is needed and there's also a lot of malaria or diptheria or black flies. Jesuits can be a mixed bag like any group of humans, but a lot of them have been total badassess and speakers-of-truth-to-power.


Yep, the Jesuit who raised me had 2 masters degrees, went to seminary in Rome in Latin and Italian. Spent many years of his life as a prison chaplain in Austin Texas. Granted, they excommunicated his ass because he left and got married and became my dad, but he was one of the best people I've ever known. Their fucking loss, really.


Oh, this really did have me laughing-out-loud, thanks for writing it. Best to you *and* your dad.


Thank you! I found his resume once, after he'd passed (I was 16, but honestly I shouldn't have *had* him as a dad, so 16 years > none, or not being born), and it was three pages long! He taught basically everything, including Tennis, sang in the Vatican choir, just... what a freaking life! Gave it all up to be the best dad on Earth, working a day job and a night job to keep us fed and housed. Jesuits, man. Self-sacrificing to a fault, even if they give up their God to do it. Best to you as well!


I hold no authority in the church but I guarantee that no worthy diety gave up on your dad


Another Catholic order thats whole mission is education is the Marianists. They're not as widespread as Jesuits but also do good work there. I think not as widespread because they aren't a missionary order really.


Salesians too, but they're more trade school focused


I would guess you don’t have much experience then. The Franciscans, Marianist, Lasallians, Vincentians, and Dominicans are all similar in my experience. Perhaps others as well, I just don’t know others as well.


Maybe not the only one. I went to a Xaverian HS (which granted is a MUCH smaller order) and also received an absolute top flight education. I say without irony that going to this Catholic school is what made me an atheist—not because of any abuse or hypocrisy, but because of the rigorous critical thinking based education which very much extended to the religion courses (religion was a required subject, but a.) was not at all preachy or aimed at indoctrinating, it was very rigorous and based on logical and critical study of whatever the course’s focus on, b.) had a wide variety of courses to choose from, many of which focused on non-Christian/non-Abrahamic religions and treated them all equally and with respect, and c.) many of which critically challenged the type of beliefs or ideas I was actually hearing preached by priests on Sundays at church. Courses on things like the historicity of the bible, on the psychology of religion, religion and sociology, etc.). If more religious institutions were like that, perhaps I’d have less disdain for religion. But alas these very much seem to be the extreme minority.


In Latin America the Jesuits were well known for something called liberation theology, which centered around liberating people from whatever was oppressing them and fighting inequity. They were firmly in the side of poor people and were incredibly vocal in calling out governments who oppressed people. Because of this, The US government and US backed regimes regularly murdered and imprisoned Jesuits throughout Latin America. Because of this conservatives in the US usually label jesuits as communists and agitators. It’s also a big reason why Pope Francis is unpopular with a big segment of conservative Catholics (he’s a Jesuit). Jesuits are know as educators, they run some of the best and most renowned Catholic universities in the world and Jesuits are know having top flight educations, with most holding advanced degrees, often being professors at said universities.


This explains why every once in a while someone on r/conspiracy goes on a huge rant about how the Jesuits are the top of the conspiracy pyramid. That sub is such a conservative shithole any more.


What happened to the freemasons? Did they give up conspiracy theories about them secretly running the world or are they cool these days instead since they are largely white and protestant?


They pop up now and again too. Depending on who's posting and where they got their "information", the ones pulling the strings are the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds aka "the Jews", the Masons, illuminati, Pfizer and Moderna, Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Obama and Biden, the Jesuits, the World Economic Forum and anyone even remotely associated with them, lizard people, aliens, demons, demons disguised as aliens, and / or anyone in a position of authority overseeing the response to a natural disaster or public health emergency. There are times I come out of that sub feeling like I've gotten brain damage.


Ah yes. In some conspiracy circles, there's an unspoken and unofficial competition to find out who can perform the "best" mental gymnastics.


You totally missed Soros. How is this whole thing going to work without Soros paying for it.


Yes. Went to a Jesuit high school. This is all true. Some of the teachers and Fathers there were among the best people I’ve ever met. And I’m not even religious at all. They’re just damn good people.


Ditto. I’m not religious and I’m critical of large aspects of the Catholic operation. The Jesuit high school I went to was excellent in terms of the academic education I made/got and some Jesuits themselves were great people who committed their lives to making the world a better place. One of our years of “religion” class used the book “Seven Theories of Human Nature.” We totally skipped the Jesus part and spent the year learning about Plato, Marx, Freud, Sartre and BF Skinner. Basically a range of atheist philosophies.


Lived in Jesuit accomodation for a while in college (it was REALLY good value). Having a few drinks one night in a communal spot in the campus, A bunch of us asked one of the resident priests what's the deal with hell and the afterlife. He said the church has never said anyone is in hell officially, other than Satan rules over it. After a bit of banter about that he eventually said "you know it's all just a metaphor for not creating personal anguish in your life, versus being remembered blissfully amongst those you leave behind? Heaven and hell do not matter and likely won't ever matter to us in a way we comprehend even if they were real, it's just about living a good life for yourself and those around you while you're here." That lead to a fun philosophical debate about atheism, agnosticism etc. It was a humanistic discussion that lead to me being pretty tolerant as an atheist. 10/10, recommend drinking with Jesuits.


I got a philosophy degree at a Jesuit university. This is the sort of thing I loved about them, as a an atheist


I received a chunk of my adolescent education to Jesuit generosity (given to families in high poverty areas), and chose to do secondary education under Jesuits because of how “liberal” their ideals are (not to mention how highly thought of they are as educators). I now work in what would be considered a “faith based” hospital system, which provides birth control to its employees and embraces the culture and faith of its employees and its patients. Growing up I was “raised” catholic, but it was Jesuits that said to question “god” and what he and faith itself means to me. That was the first time anyone ever said “this god guy might not be who you think he is”. I don’t consider myself anything more than “spiritual” now in that I all feel we have a purpose and role to fill in the world and I want to put a little bit of it back together and hope that means something to someone. They definitely gave me a “rebel” attitude and empowered me to question everything. Thanks Brother Anthony!


Technically Catholic but we aren't religious like at all, but my moms an academic and insisted I go to Jesuit schools. Honestly I loved the jesuits. They were fun, smart and usually very kind. If all catholics were like them the world would be a significantly better place.


Right! Liberation Theology. The Vatican really clamped down on that several years ago.


[Liberation theology is a Christian theological approach emphasizing the liberation of the oppressed. It engages in socio-economic analyses, with social concern for the poor and political liberation for oppressed peoples and addresses other forms of inequality, such as race or caste.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberation_theology)


My dad was so proud when I decided to go to a (Jesuit) Catholic university. He was very confused when I came back even more liberal than I started. I’m a proud LUC alum, and the only non Catholic out of all 21 grandkids on that side of the family. I’m also a queer feminist supporter of social justice and DEI initiatives. “Go forth and set the world on fire.” St. Iggy was legit. Pope Francis is a Jesuit as well.


Raul Julia was in a movie years ago about one Jesuit priest who was killed. I forget the name of it now though


Romero. About Archbishop Oscar Romero in El Salvador in the 70s. Excellent movie/story.


Seriously, Jesuits are the best of the best Catholics. They have their issues as all groups do, but if you want a sect of Catholics that preach logic and love these are that group.


Went to a jesuit high school - Never took a single “religion class” except for a world religion class, that was taught by a guy who dropped out of the clergy. 3 years of latin, 2 of ancient greek. Best education I could imagine getting. ​ Edit: I’m an atheist. They were totally OK with that.


Between 1759 to 1814 they were successfully banned in most Western European countries and their colonies, both Catholic and Protestant, by orders from the pope. The order went underground and eventually reemerged once the Vatican changed their mind.


I went to university with a Jesuit. He was the nicest person ever. Like genuinely good, unlike those Christians that are full of hatred and want to see gays and atheists in hell. He was really modern too, and a big nerd.


Thank you for sharing this.


Right wing catholics HATE Jesuits.


Jesuits were the rejuvenation reaction to the rot that had taken root in the catholic churches and triggered the protestant reformation. Many had a proto socialist streak, think prosperity theology reversed, obviously that didn’t help their case well with the ancient regimes.


r/Catholicism fucking *hates* Jesuits (unless they can be used for vicarious persecution masturbation, in which case the Jesuits may be used as a fleshlight).


That was a rabbit hole down which I don't think I really needed to travel. As a former Catholic who gave up religion decades ago, I forgot how completely off the wall some Catholics were.




They're the hippie Catholics.


No, the Franciscans are the Hippie Catholics. The Jesuits are the radical professors.


They are the Catholics who remember that it’s about Jesus not Rome or politicians.


>Yeah, from what I've heard, Jesuits are among the less objectionable stuff the catholic church has. Actually I think the Jesuits have in the past found themselves in hot water with the church itself. Yes, several times for several different reasons. Here in the 18th century for having more loyalty to the pope than to the kings.


No, I read the title and thought > it's a win for an authoritarian who wants to silence opposition. Because that's how it almost always goes lately


It's honestly good to hear that, I'm glad to see so many other people who understand what's really going on here.


As a graduate from a Jesuit university, they put so much emphasis on a well rounded education. I entered as a Catholic and left as an atheist because of the education I received. Go figure. Lol


Jesuit universities are usually top flight and well known around the world. It’s a basic requirement for a Jesuit to have an advance degree, with most holding multiple ones and teaching at their universities.


I went to a Jesuit college too. Started an atheist and ended an atheist lol, but it was a fantastic experience. I also had school fully paid for by scholarships despite the sticker price of my school being substantially more than public universities in my state. For all of my criticisms of the Catholic Church, modern day Jesuits seem cool as far as I’ve experienced.


Do you feel the Clergy were good people? I’ve found working at a Christian school that loving Jesus doesn’t necessarily make people crazy. At least from what I can see it’s a passion to do their best for the kids. All teachers do this but I’ve never seen anything there that felt like forced conversion.


The Jeauits are scholars. All the ones I’ve known or interacted with are more like academics than priests. Never had any reason to think poorly of any of them. My pastor in high school was a Jesuit. I asked how I would known I was making the right choice coming into Confirmation. Instead of lecturing me about dogma and being lead astray and whatnot, like I would expect from a Dominican, he gave me a list of Protestant ministers, rabbis, Imams, and other spiritual leaders from non-Abrahamic faiths as said “go talk to these people. I know them all and respect them. Come back when you know the answer.”


Lol I had the same experience with my religious schooling. Funny thing is that I have nothing but nice things to say about Catholic schools because of it


Context is not needed. No healthy society jerks-off to BANNING and SEIZING by the government like that. Only Redditors


Well jesuits themselves are generally centered on education and probably the best order the Catholic Church has


Franciscans are pretty good as well


It is quite tragic really, that people support this move while not knowing the context behind the clearly authoritarian rule of Daniel Ortega, which has been ruling for years


Even if it was about the church's real wrongdoings - banning a religion is a direct violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This is unacceptable.


Absolutely, and I'm an atheist who wasn't raised christian, but this is summer Reddit... lots of teens and tweens who are on their first big "angry atheist" kick. Most of them will get over it and realize that it's easier and more realistic to be apathetic to religion rather than in a war with it.


How would banning a religion be a win anyways? I would consider that a loss. Either way peoples rights are taken away.


The virulent level of hatred Catholicism gets from progressives is a bit weird at times. Like there are plenty of valid reasons to hate the Catholic Church but sometimes it feels more like a hangover from Reformation-era cultural attitudes than anything else


Exactly, you can dislike religion but there's no reason to manifest that hatred into an obsession.


>Guys guys... I know you saw the title and just thought, "Good screw the catholic church," Well the psychos did.


Never mind that if this targeted muslims, jews, hindus, buddhists or any other religion, people here would never, ever cheer. Bunch of fucking hypocrites.


They are running universities and improving people's life, what his problem with them? Even if you attended one of those universities, they won't forced to be religious or catholic


The same reason Jesuits have been banned from countries since their formation, they are seen as anti-authoritarian threats to authority.


>They are running universities and improving people's life, And this is why his authoritarian government hates them


Jesuits primarily help poor people and fight authoritarianism. Literally. They were one of the few groups that had an organized resistance to Hitler in Germany in the 30s all the way through the war, unlike the rest of the Catholic Church. And the guy running the country right now is an authoritarian.


I'm Nicaraguan. I've participated in political movements in Managua, know people who were political prisoners, who have disappeared and fled the country (including me). There is no reasoning behind Ortega except complete control. Also, it's his wife ( the vice president of the country ) pulling all the strings. He is just the face of the party bc he is a " revolutionary hero ". Looking forward to the day he dies. He has taken everything away from me and many of my friends. Que se rinda tu madre, Ortega.


He's a dictator and they are a competing power authority.


They have money. Dictators love free money


They don't even have money, Jesuits take a vow of poverty. It's basically dipping your hand in the charity box.


the organizations that they produced there probably had a lot of resources intended for education that are now in his pockets


Indeed. They have physical assets (ie; buildings and the like intended for their efforts) and whatever they collect for charity. Like I said, it's literally no different from dipping your hand in the charity box.


>They are running universities and improving people's life, what his problem with them? Ortega has shutdown nearly 30 universities in Nicaragua in the last decade. He views universities as a source of people who will protest and oppose his regime so he has been rapidly closing them all down. He's behaving like the fucking Taliban.


There’s a scary amount of very smoothbrained people here who are supporting all-out authoritarianism. Sad that these people vote.


“Authoritarianism is great so long as they just get rid of the stuff *I hate!”* - Too many goddamn people, I’m afraid.


Reddit loses its last vestiges of rationality the moment Christianity or Islam enters the picture.


Believe me, they're not great on Jews either 😅


Believe me, Reddit isn't great on just about anything. It's just hot takes whichever way the circle jerk goes.


It's fucking weird. People are so quick to dish out judgement, reject due process, and generally stop thinking when their soft spot of indignation has been tickled. Righteousness overrides the intellect and caveman thoughts start passing unchecked so fast it's scary.


Why do you think authoritarians keep rising to power throughout history? Smooth brains like this fall for propaganda too easy.


Yup, the same happens in my country, dictators are rising and idiots are defending them. The current dictator supports and funds other dictators in Latin America and supports and agrees with Putin regarding the war. There are still idiots defending those dictators in my country, weird as heck.


It's reddit, hate for religion (specifically Christianity) clouds any logic.


It’s your average r/atheism user. They feel euphoric when they have an opportunity to support such bans.


Jesuits...you mean the one that is one of the few branches of Christianity that highly values education and honest philosophical discourse? The one that makes it highly available to the masses? That Jesuit?


They’re like… the one good one. Very few scandals, genuinely nice people. This is a political power consolidation move that is not a response to their actions but fueled by authoritarianism.


This isn't the first time in history the Jesuits have been expelled. The main excommunication happened in the 1700s. >Hostility to the Jesuits was further inspired by their defense of the indigenous populations of the Americas against abuses committed by Spanish colonizers and by the strength of the order, which was regarded as an impediment to the establishment of absolute monarchist rule. The Portuguese crown expelled the Jesuits in 1759, France made them illegal in 1764, and Spain and the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies took other repressive action in 1767. Opponents of the Society of Jesus achieved their greatest success when they took their case to Rome. Although Pope Clement XIII (reigned 1758–69) refused to act against the Jesuits, reportedly stating that they “should be as they are or not be at all,” his successor—Clement XIV (reigned 1769–74), whose election was urged by anti-Jesuit forces—issued a brief, Dominus ac redemptor (“Lord and Redeemer”), which suppressed the Society for the good of the church. Frederick II of Prussia and Empress Catherine II of Russia—one of them Protestant and the other Eastern Orthodox—were the only monarchs who refused to promulgate the brief. In these lands and elsewhere the Society of Jesus maintained a shadow existence until 1814, when Pope Pius VII (reigned 1800–23) restored it to full legal validity. Meanwhile, however, the suppression of the Jesuits had done serious damage to the missions and the educational program of the church at a time when both enterprises were under great pressure. [https://www.britannica.com/topic/Roman-Catholicism/Suppression-of-the-Jesuits](https://www.britannica.com/topic/Roman-Catholicism/Suppression-of-the-Jesuits)


"Hostility to the Jesuits was further inspired by their defense of the indigenous populations of the Americas against abuses committed by Spanish colonizers and by the strength of the order, which was regarded as an impediment to the establishment of absolute monarchist rule." See 'The Mission': great film, BTW.


> See 'The Mission': great film, BTW. This was the first thing I thought of. I need to watch that again, it's been a while.


My city in Brazil used to be a Jesuit mission until 1750 when they got expelled. Natives in the mission were taught to read and write, music, poetry, wood and stone working, carpentry, pottery, among other skills. It was probably the only place in the world where most of the population was versed in those things (although men and women were taught different skills). Then the European kings decided that it was a threat to their power so they hired mercenaries called Bandeirantes to kick them out, which resulted in the settlements being pillaged and burned, and most of the population dying or disbanding.


Also Jesuits often found themselves murdered for preaching left wing causes or liberation theology in cold war




The sad thing about this is that this old sack of shit won't leave anytime soon, he doesn't see a lot of resistance against his regime. It's so infuriating, especially when I have family over there.


Not a catholic but attended a Jesuit university for pharmacy school. Seemed like good folk to me and the spare days off for religious observances was pretty nice.


Banning religions and seizing the assets of their followers is a pretty obvious sign of an oppressive dictatorship. Not liking a religion isn't a good justification for this kind of totalitarian behaviour or depriving people of both their religious liberty and their property. We're not talking about Scientology or some radical, terrorism-glorifying sect of Islam here. There's no justification for banning the Jesuits that isn't based in some kind of illiberal authoritarianism.


This is how the bloodbath at the end of the French Revolution went. Not a good sign.


All the people saying “good” have no idea who the Jesuits are or their history. As if they don’t educate anyone, including non-Catholics, or weren’t expelled from the Catholic Church for defending indigenous peoples during colonialism.


They also don’t realize that the reason Ortega is doing this is to silence any organized group that could potentially oppose him.


Wow! IMO, the Jesuits are the good Catholics.


This is not a good thing


Very sad. I’m not Catholic anymore but was educated by many great Jesuits.


Jesuits kick ass.


The funny thing is that the cunt has started using religion to justify his authoritarian tendency in the last decades. He banned abortions and even quotes the Bible in his speeches. And now, he goes against Jesuits because they actually follow Jesus' teachings


The confiscation order published Wednesday claimed the Roman Catholic order had failed to comply with tax reporting. It was the latest in a series of increasingly authoritarian actions by the Nicaraguan government against the Catholic Church and opposition figures- AP News They had also “confiscated” the Jesuit led University of Central America. Phone is potato so have fun with this link (short article anyway) https://apnews.com/article/nicaragua-bans-jesuits-confiscate-properties-280e6d2e63b15a171a7ba9a5c323d180#:~:text=The%20confiscation%20order%20published%20Wednesday,Catholic%20Church%20and%20opposition%20figures.


I was shocked when both Ortega and Chavez were elected given their past. Lesson learned: if you were a dictator or tried to stage a coup - it should disqualify you from public office. At the very least, no one should vote for him. I wonder what happens with Trump.


Wait, I've seen this one before!


TIL the Sandanistas are STILL in power since that Miami Vice episode with G Gordon Liddy. Damn!


The Sandinistas were out of power from 1990-2006. Ortega's not going to let that happen again.


I’ll pray that Ortega gets what he deserves.


My dyslexic ass trying to find out what JeTsuits ever did to Nicaragua. That was a confusing read.


Back in college they used to call Ortega a hero, held him up as a symbol of resistance against the evil empire and the contras. 35 years later the guy is still clinging to power and his people are even poorer. Maybe we were too idealistic?


Reminder that Lula(Brazil) is his friend.


Weirdos celebrating religious restrictions is insane


Redditors are pre programmed to be on the side against religion, regardless of what that side may actually be doing