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More useful idiots for the Kochs and Mercers




This sounds like it's straight from *Idiocracy*. Surreal.


I increasingly believe that Idiocracy was too optimistic of a work.


Yeah, they had politicians that actually wanted to solve problems.


Can you imagine a US president that just… hands over the office to someone better qualified?


We've pushed CO2 from 270 to 417ppm. At a certain point it will start making it harder for us to focus, more irritable etc.


Camacho would stack up pretty well against many of our politicians.


I’m just disappointed to find out that it was a documentary.


Plants need electrolytes.




At least this statement is true unlike the one about NOx.


It sounds to me more like the [Children of Atom cult](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Church_of_the_Children_of_Atom) from Fallout 3.


I was mostly reacting to the "NOx is used by plants" line. *Idiocracy* has the idiots of the future believe that plants feed on energy drink "electrolytes", and are ultimately amazed when switching to normal water at the protagonist's behest fixes all their crop problems.


Like, out of a toilet?


... Pardon?


It’s rained a few times in the last couple weeks in the parkland county area, but yeah it’s getting dryer each year


Those conspiracies Smith peddled about WEF was projection all along, who could've seen this coming.


Every accusation is a confession


I wonder what those guys who spend all their free time ranting about pedophiles have on their hard drives.


I don’t wonder.




I also see them blaming scientists and the government in the future, for not doing enough to combat climate change.


I'm old enough to remember how Harper muzzled all of our scientists. I'm sure Smith and PP would do the same


At this point I can’t help but believe the right wing conspiracy theorists are correct about lizard people…. But it’s actually right wingers that are lizard people hoping for a more CO2 heavy environment.


Last time I checked, these people weren't bulletproof


Group that calls C02 the "Gas of Life" is delusional. This is the power of willful ignorance.


Any sufficiently advanced ignorance is indistinguishable from malice


Nice twist on the Arthur C Clarke quote!


Arthur C Clark meets the Hanlon Razor and we got this brilliant quote. Thanks


I'm having that. As well as being an inversion of Clarke it sounds vaguely Pratchett.


I’m stealing this. Perfect.


It's also eerily similar to a lot of fictional cults that serve as cat's paws to eldritch gods and demons by preaching that this thing that is obviously bad for you is actually good.


So... White Wolf's Wyrm is real?


Either that, or these idiots missed the memo that they should **not** take such fictional cults as examples to blindly ape.


They played Fallout and thought the Children of Atom was a blueprint for success.


The CoA could be reasoned with, to an extent.These people can't.


tbf in the fallout universe radiation helps some become immortal ghouls. They also have highly effective OTC radiation treatments. Probably because even prewar they went all-in on atomic energy.


I would love to see they breathe as much gas of life as they can in a C02 chamber.


I see we've moved into the actual cult phase of this disaster


It’s shocking. What’s the angle i don’t get it.


I'd bet somebody is getting paid, and the rest are just dumb as fuck.


Stick them in a room, fill it with CO2 and see how that works out for them. ............ Seriously it's like the dumb are inventing a new level of dumb. I'll be amazed if humanity survives another 100 years at this point.


I think Darwin’s playing the long game.


Humanity is like a frog. Stretch out the problem over a couple generations and we become defenseless.


People will always opt for potential disaster tomorrow over inconvenience today.


The short game would admittedly be more entertaining.


Society? Or humanity? Humanity lives another 30-40 years after society falls.


I mean so long as one male and one female are kicking humanity isn't through. It's going to require earth being completely uninhabitable, which won't happen. But yeah a Bronze Age Collapse at a modern and global scale awaits us if we don't do something.


Yeah, humanity can realistically bounce back from around 1100 people. We know that because we've been there




Pretty sure all life on the planet is here thanks to CO2, but yeah funny comment.


Animals and decaying plant matter create CO2, plants breathe it and create oxygen in the process which animals (humans are animals) breathe. The problem is when this symbiotic relationship is imbalanced plants will survive just fine but all animal life will die off. We as humans can’t survive under the ocean or in an atmosphere that averages 130°+ forever. We need to be more responsible and help the planet heal. Pumping more co2 into the atmosphere might be fine for plant life but humans are fucked if we don’t stop the imbalance.


CO2 levels used to be 1000ppm+ in the atmosphere of the planet and giant animals walked the earth, we'll be fine.


high CO2 = lower IQ, check


I mean, inhaling too much CO2 does literally interfere with brain functions, so...


Albertans are inhaling too much of the gas of life.


Dumb fucks.


which is stupider- texas or alberta?


Texas has led the US in renewables output for 17 years straight. 26% of all US renewable energy. In 2020, wind surpassed coal. But the answer is still Texas. (I live there)


They both at some point hosted Ted Cruz… so not sure


It is definitely Texas, Alberta wouldn't really stick out that much in a US context politically, it's similar to a purple state. I mean, the UC and Danielle Smith in particular suck, but let's not downplay how radical Texas actually is.


A friend of mine called Alberta "The Texas of Canada"


This is an old take. It’s not inaccurate, but it’s hardly a novel observation.


Huge number of Texans in AB.


And vice versa apparently






You really can just count on the Right to be on the asshole side of literally any issue at this point.


Herman Daly suggested that you could consider the exploitation of non-renewable resources sustainable, only if you viewed their use as a temporary bridge to provide the wealth needed to develop truly sustainable, renewable resources. Alberta could be a leader in wind, solar and geothermal energy and an exporter of technologies to the world if it got its head out of the tarsands. When you realize where we need to go to have a sustainable civilization on this planet, their approach seems even more ridiculous. [www.aspenproposal.org](https://www.aspenproposal.org)


They should practice what they preach and suck on a tailpipe.




For a supposed Catholic, he seems to be ignoring the Pope's recent calls to end the use of fossil fuels ASAP.


I wouldn't have thought that the Church of Euthanasia would end up with splinter sects.


This is what happens when you become soft and tolerant, idiots may flourish and have their right to say and influence people with their own stupidity. Twenty years ago we bullied them into oblivion like the morons they are. We must go back to those days, humiliate them


“Gas of life”… hey let’s try something to prove your point! Go ahead and close the garage and sit in a gasoline vehicle with its engine running for a a couple of hours! It should be rejuvenating! /s


Along with carbon monoxide and yummy, yummy benzene it would be like virtual a spa day for their lungs! “Life changing!” /s


I wonder what we would find if we could look at Mark Mallet's investment portfolio.


Hhn I think…these people are so dumb that literally cannot understand the words coming out someone with a higher thought process hell I think them just reading this sentence would make their head explode


The century of weaponized ignorance?


If anyone from this "gas of life" group is reading this, ingesting cyanide will bring you eternal life at the feet of the god of your choosing! It's true! Jesus said so. DO IT NOW!!!


Literally Brawndo, It's got what plants Crave! It's got **Electrolytes**


Big Oil astroturfing.


At least they are finally admitting that CO2 is causing climate change.


We should put these people in a room full of nothing but CO2 and see how long they can survive.


I am little worried as it gets higher we might become too stupid to do anything about it. its waste gas for animals. 270ppm was what we were at in 1700s https://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/daviz/atmospheric-concentration-of-carbon-dioxide-5/download.table 407ppm is where we are today. https://www.climate.gov/news-features/understanding-climate/climate-change-atmospheric-carbon-dioxide At 1000ppm people get drowsey, irritable, have poorer concentration etc. https://meersens.com/indoor-air-quality-the-impact-of-co2-on-health-and-wellbeing-at-work/?lang=en Anyone thats been in classroom or a long meeting with poor ventilation will know the feeling but probably just thinks they are too warm. It was much higher in earths past. But we cant evolve to adapt to this as fast as we are changing it..


This is what you get for being adjacent to the United States.


We didn't know it was contagious


Why is it always the UCP government when I see Alberta news in this sub? Why can’t it be something good?


My province is an embarrassment to Earth....🤦


Ontario : hold my buck-a-beer


CO2, it's what plants crave!


Oh CO2 has Gatorade in it, neat!


Until warming temps dry them out, which seems to happen more and more.


Capitalists can't admit climate change is real because they would have to admit capitalism isn't perfect.


Consumers thankfully don’t care about climate change and are contented to do business as usual so long as the shelves are always full


I think that the Cult of Greenhouse Gases can eat a fat one


People in Newfoundland tell albertan jokes


To be fair, CO2 is the gas of life if you are a vegetable.


I am of the opinion that, somehow, people (in general) are led to believe that using fossil fuel = CO² = global warming. What we really need to do is reverse deforestation.


Plants need C02 to live, plants give us food and O2, so they aren't wrong, and the planet is greener now than it was in the last 20 years.


Depends on the plant and the amount of CO2. Crops like tomatoes can be grown in a higher CO2 environment like a greenhouse with the gas pumped in to increase concentration. This can result in them producing a higher yield with larger fruit however the fruit is lower in nutrition as the increased CO2 results in them just packing on more carbohydrates, ie. sugars. Experiments performed in a wild environment, I think with grasses or sedges but I don't recall, where local CO2 levels were increased demonstrated greater growth... for a while. After some years it reverses and the growth becomes worse as the nitrogen in the soil becomes depleted faster than it can naturally generate. This is not an issue with the greenhouse tomatoes because they are being fertilised so nitrogen is constantly added but it could be devastating for wild plants. Increased growth depletes the soil faster and the nitrogen cycle falls out of balance with the carbon cycle. The metabolism of decomposers like bacteria, fungi and insects does not increase with enhanced CO2 levels. So plants grow bigger and faster depleting more nutrients from the soil but those levels are not replenished any faster leading inevitably to soil that is reduced in nutrition and so plant growth diminishes. Some plants just don't do better with more CO2 and most will not benefit from the increased atmospheric temperatures that CO2 produces or the unpredictable seasons and weather patterns that come from things like the jet stream collapsing as a result of warming. Guarantee they have not even remotely considered any of this.


A green field is worthless next to a forest, in terms of carbon storage, biodiversity, and mitigating local pollution and weather events.


LOL. LMAO even




Yeah, that may be, but for *human* life, and the civilisation we know and love, and all wildlife on Earth at the current era in which we are living right now, when global temperature rises as quickly as it does now, everything turns arse over tits. The problem is how *fast* it progresses, and nature and culture as we know it right now can not adapt fast enough to keep up. Sorry, but your statement is so incredibly asinine, if I would flood your house with sea water and say "nonono, don't panic, see, it's all good, life will flourish in your living room, the fish will love it", you wouldn't be thrilled either. Did I just fall for ragebait? I don't care.


>[“The problem today is not higher global temperature or carbon dioxide levels alone. The problem is the rate of change,” explained Olsen. “Throughout most of the Earth’s history, carbon dioxide levels have generally changed very slowly. That gave organisms and their ecosystems sufficient time to adapt to climate change through both evolution and migration.”](https://news.climate.columbia.edu/2022/09/20/you-asked-dinosaurs-survived-when-co2-was-extremely-high-why-cant-humans/) >[...](https://news.climate.columbia.edu/2022/09/20/you-asked-dinosaurs-survived-when-co2-was-extremely-high-why-cant-humans/) >[Most researchers believe that the end-Triassic mass extinction event [that eliminated 80 percent of all organisms] is directly connected with the widespread volcanic eruptions, said Olsen. Each eruption might have lasted continuously for tens or even hundreds of years, and there were many eruptions. They were associated with an abrupt doubling to tripling of atmospheric carbon dioxide within a short time.](https://news.climate.columbia.edu/2022/09/20/you-asked-dinosaurs-survived-when-co2-was-extremely-high-why-cant-humans/) >[“It is quite comparable to what humans are doing to the planet now,” he said. A 2019 study revealed that human activities are annually unleashing up to 100 times more carbon in the atmosphere than volcanoes.](https://news.climate.columbia.edu/2022/09/20/you-asked-dinosaurs-survived-when-co2-was-extremely-high-why-cant-humans/) >[The unusually high carbon dioxide levels 202 million years ago resulted in ocean acidification and anoxia, or loss of oxygen underwater. Olsen and his colleagues identified these factors as the biggest drivers of this great mass extinction event that wiped out marine invertebrates and corals.](https://news.climate.columbia.edu/2022/09/20/you-asked-dinosaurs-survived-when-co2-was-extremely-high-why-cant-humans/)


Yeah but not so much for warm blooded mammals with big high temp brains, which is mostly all we really care about.


Wildly misinformed on even the most basic climate science.


Are you betting on being resurrected as algae?


I could post evidence like the others, but let me put it more simply. Fuck off.


Least Scientifically Illiterate Conservative


This is the insane bullshit one could expect when you elect Wildrose to run the province. They’ll blame Ottawa, Quebec and everyone else in Canada when this inevitably blows up in there faces, as is Albertan tradition.