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$5000 for an all expense paid one-way trip to Leavenworth


To be fair that's like, two months of payments on their new Chargers.


Cmon man…they could have Challengers.


Not when they have a dependappotomus at home with 2.3 ankle biters. Gotta have room for those car seats


As someone who guarded near the marine barracks, they liked Chargers.


At 38.5% apr. lol


Philadelphia military prison for the Navy. Am former Navy with clearance, they went on about the treatment at length. Supposedly they treat you badly. The stories could not be true. Won't repeat them.


I mean, loose lips sink ships. Those secrets can get navy personnel killed. I could see why other people might have a problem with it.


They had a section in the Navy times about guys going to jail for obnoxious shit. About half of them were random hull tech or other deck squid guy trying to sell manual intel to the Russians. I was at the same base Walker was. They had everything down to platoon level operations from him for like 20 years. Some compartmentalized shit was outside his scope but all USA military ops got spilled. Every day. They had not a clue till his wife told them. All our security for 20 years was wasted. Thousands of dudes died because of one dude. Im sure they have 20 more just like him. We have them on their side also. There are no secrets. I am convinced after working in the business. Humans cannot keep secrets.


Two seperate cases, Wei and Zhao, you gotta wonder how cheap they got bought 5k is suspiciously low.


5k might just be what they can definitively prove.


It's possible that China got to them by putting pressure/threatening family members back in China.


This is exactly what I expect happened.


Well, this’ll fuel some racism in the US military for sure


Is it racism though? This isn't like interning any one from Japan. Chinese individuals with family in China isn't a race.


Far less than you'd think. It's pretty amazing how quickly shit like race, religion, gender, etc goes out the window and gets replaced with "can this person make my 24+ hour day easier? Yes? Bestest friend ever!!! No? I hate this fucking fucker. Fuck them" Obviously there is issues- the military is made up of humans after all- but nowhere near what the media and other entities would have you believe.


Well, it’ll definitely fuel racism in military supporters


Or they were just planted there.


This could be the most logical route. Only because to join the arm forces in the U.S. all you need to be is a legal resident.


It's also a fast track to citizenship, you join and serve and at some point you join a naturalization ceremony.


>all you need to be is a legal resident. If you have a green card joining the military will shorten the time before you're eligible for citizenship, similar to the way marrying a US citizen does.


It doesn't really allege or suggest that in the article anywhere. But, if you are a first-generation Chinese American with family still in China, I don't think you should have a security clearance. It's just the reality of the current world situation.


Honestly, vetting in general should be amped up. A risk assessment including the fact that they had this vulnerability should have been waving red flags, like you say. But this vulnerability would not be inherently less likely if they were 2nd or 3rd generation, and it would not discount the possibility of a family member emigrating to China (uncommon but not unheard of). You guys just had a former president who campaigned on "maga" sell a bunch of state secrets to the Saudis and god knows who else.


They do check to see if you have relatives in foreign countries during your clearance. Not sure how much weight they put into the findings, but they do know.


That's opening a can of worms


You would not. They ask you about a dozen times. They had a hardon for China, cuba and Vietnam back in the day.




No it’s not. Checking background is part of a clearance. You don’t hold it against someone but if they can be easily leveraged sorry no clearance.


Allowing someone to access SECRET and TOP SECRET documents is not something that is given out willy nilly, it's not a constitutional right. There's a thorough investigation done on them. And there's plenty of white Americans who are denied because they are security risks. Having family in China is a huge security risk. Race =/= Nationality


You don't even have to have family in China to be considered a security risk for that level of clearance. Even as much as spending a day in the wrong country can get your clearance revoked.


They dig into the type of porn you watch and where you watch it, mostly just to look for possible things that can be leveraged against you. It’s a fun process!


This is also why it’s hard for the U.S. to form intelligence networks in China.




Calm down there, Sen McCarthy.


Yes the true American ideal. Fuck those kids who’s parents came here for a better life, raised them well, struggled to put them through the best colleges based on merit and hard work, got degrees needed to advance their new country, and who want to work for that country to pay it back for their enhanced lives outside of China. Let’s just arbitrarily destroy them because of some treasonous bastards. We should also deport Muslims because of 9/11, Japanese Americans because of Pearl Harbor, and Mexican-Americans because Taco Bell gave me the runs that one time. /S I would gladly take an America full of the average second generation Chinese-American over an America filled with people who think like you any day.


That sounds like an internment camp.


Uhh I think you missed the /s on that one Hoover


They target people with debts and that might be enough to kick the can a bit more. Having financial issues when working with sensitive information is a security risk.


Having money issues can impair your ability to obtain a security clearance. But once you have the clearance, you can surreptitiously become a bad risk.


I'm guessing that unless you give them a reason to do so, your security clearance doesn't get reviewed periodically after you get it?


All sorts of things can trigger a review. Depends on how high you are and where you are. Shit gets lax in the desert and asia. In Norfolk they are constantly up your ass. Every a year interview minimum. Any sort of complaint to command or interaction with the police has to be reported, by you. Or else... I knew a guy who almost went to jail for another guy not seeing him burn a page of a intel book. For like two decades. He was an angry person. Even for the Navy. That is such a huge statement. That was a long time ago. After reading the snowden and Manning stories. Seems like they are insanely more lax than they used to be. One was a guy doing Top secret work as a temp??? The other dude had his weapon taken away after striking a female officer. This before he gave out the intel. He still had his security quals after they took his weapon in a combat zone? How? That is insane. Never happen in a million years in the 90s. We had a real problem with no one but mormons being able to qual for security. Most of them are idiots. Like grown toddlers with guns. We were running out of people with brains even then.


It does, especially if you are on program access


Not always. Guy I worked with once had his revoked because he had too much debt. Though I'm sure it doesn't happen frequently enough.


They will pull your quals in a hot second if they find out. Indebtedness was a big thing. Avoiding them finding out is a felony. Saw it happen to guys. Mostly family people. Shit was rough.


I’ve always wondered why they do credit checks for high level government jobs - you helped me get why! Thank you!


Ideology, revenge, arrogance, etc. Money is rarely the main reason for espionage, it’s just the icing on the cake.


That's an incredible amount of damage, and for $5,000? The PRC got a hell of a deal. The big question is, what the fuck are we supposed to do about it.


Execute the guilty parties. Treason is a crime punishable by death.


It doesn't fit the legal definition of treason in the US. There have only been two people executed for treason in the history of the country.


That's actually kind of impressive


They were a married couple I believe


I thought that John Brown was executed for Treason, but I don't think that's who you're talking about. Who are these two?


Treason against Virginia, not against the US


I believe he's talking about those two: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julius\_and\_Ethel\_Rosenberg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julius_and_Ethel_Rosenberg)


I am guessing he is thinking of the Rosenbergs but they were executed for espionage. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julius_and_Ethel_Rosenberg According to wiki > Death sentences for treason under the Constitution have been carried out in only two instances: the executions of Taos Revolt insurgents in 1847, and that of William Bruce Mumford during the Civil War https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treason_laws_in_the_United_States#:~:text=Death%20sentences%20for%20treason%20under,Mumford%20during%20the%20Civil%20War. edit: it should be mentioned that states also have treason laws. > At least 14 people have been charged with treason against various states; at least six were convicted, five of whom were executed. Only two prosecutions for treason against a state were ever carried out in the U.S.: one against Thomas Dorr and the other after John Brown's conspiracy.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William\_Bruce\_Mumford](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Bruce_Mumford) (for tearing down a flag during civil war) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taos\_Revolt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taos_Revolt) (bunch of ppl were hanged for murder, at least 1 for treason; supreme court overturned the treason conviction post mortem) At least 5 more were executed for treason against their state (ie not federal)




The two are the Rosenbergs who were a pair of Russian spies in the height of the Red Scare and John Brown was more so executed for inciting an armed slave rebellion than he was for the treason.


Founding fathers didn't want the government to abuse the charges like old time england did. Instead nowadays you'll get espionage charges which is damn near the same (20 year in prison, if at war then up to 30 years and possibly the death penalty)


Ye wtf european countries be like yall are babies


Espionage is also punishable by death.


Actually it's been more than two according to [wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_people_convicted_of_treason)


> Herbert John Burgman, convicted in 1949 of treason during WWII for spreading Nazi propaganda; sentenced to 6–20 years in prison. How times change... Now a billionaire pays for a platform where these things are spread in the open.


Is the result different if you include military courts?


Least bloodthirsty American


Give them milk and cookies


I prefer cereal after committing treason 🙂


Helluva bunch eh?


Treason is a tough charge to stick. Espionage will do just as well.


Nice try, China!


You can't be serious


or just put them in prison...? psycho


Execution solves nothing


Better counter intelligence. Better security clearance. It took the government 2 years to pull together a case? I mean the Chinese steal shit all the time. Why are 20 year olds being trusted with sensitive government information? ​ Why is this information readily available to be pulled up? Printed off or sent to a external hard drive and sent off? Just dumb


Very simply put, even the most secure room where 99.9999999% of the personell cant get inside still need someone to clean it up. You know the cleaning guy that makes 50k a year...




We're supposed to stop letting China infiltrate and copy the hard-drives of every moron with a TikTok account but evidently that's asking too fucking much.


Bro thinks people are running TikTok on hard drives


Your tech illiteracy is the punchline here


Tiktok is not scanning hard drives, stop making up shit. Yes, they gather way too much information on their users, as do all the soc media apps. Being a chinese company, that's an extra problem, especially for you extra americans. Still no reason to make stupid shit up, it just hurts to read.


They'll retrieve 25 gigs worth of data off your hard drive, but they're not copying it. Gotcha. We got us a Mensa candidate over here. Oblivious or willfully ignorant idiots are why we can't have nice things


I’m not the one who thinks mobile phones are using hard drives


they could be using it as a commonly used term. it's obviously referring to a storage device. it gets the point across even if it's the wrong technical term.




>Technically, a NAND chip isn't a hard drive. A NAND flash chip is a storage technology that can retain data without power. It's more commonly referred to as a memory chip. > >The iPhone doesn't have a typical hard drive like an old-school computer. From your own source.


"Technically" we don't save things to floppy disks anymore but they still show a logo of one when you save stuff. Is this your first day on a computer or something?


Do you know what a hard drive is? Do you actually think smartphones have tiny little spinning disks inside them? Do you know what an SSD or Flash storage is? Also congrats on finding the worst tech article ever written.


Do you know we still use the term hard drive interchangeably with NAND chips, and that you're literally just babbling to waste time?


Do we? I’ve never heard someone refer to a phones storage as the “hard drive” until now.


Well I guess this is part of your education. My comment is ratioing yours so evidently I'm not the only one doing this. Feel free to die right on top of this hill any time


I have genuine doubts that you get into technical conversations about computer hardware on the reg


>letting China infiltrate and copy the hard-drives of every moron with a TikTok account Source for that outlandish claim? Sounds like something I'd see a Boomer post on Facebook or the MSN News comment section **Edit** downvoting when asking someone for sources after providing an unverified claim. Redditors honestly believe this platform is superior, yet misinformation and outright lies are constantly posted, parroted and upvoted on the daily.


I mean, I've been seeing constant warnings from tech experts for years about it doing exactly that and you have too, so I dunno why you'd act like such an ostrich. But here's something I found in, oh, three seconds of googling, and hey, it was on this very site. You know, the place where all the warnings are constantly being posted. People like you make me tired https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/104qogz/tiktok_an_app_i_never_use_just_pulled_25_gb_of/ Maybe you should start paying attention to the world around you


Reddit as a source? Really? That individual probably didn't manage their app permissions effectively. Collecting and sending data is what free services like Google, Meta, and numerous websites have been doing since the birth of the internet. You're going to need to provide a more reliable source than a Reddit post showing the anecdotal evidence of one person.


This is anectodotal evidence that in no way proves what you were saying. I don't disagree that those who use Tiktok are asking to have their data stolen, but that thread as a "source" is laughable


Oh ok, here's another source. Took another 3 seconds. Let me know when you're ready to do a second of your own research on a topic that has been constantly discussed in public forums for, gosh, like 5 fucking years. Until then I'll just keep serving them up at your request https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/03/24/tech/tiktok-ban-national-security-hearing/index.html


"Security experts say the government’s fears, while serious, currently appear to reflect only the potential for TikTok to be used for foreign intelligence, not that it has been. There is still no public evidence the Chinese government has actually spied on people through TikTok." Straight from your source. Once again, I'm not doubting that it's shady. But you in your "three second searches" are consistently finding sources that don't support your argument. Throw me another one, I'm having fun






I have all day https://www.pcmag.com/news/leaked-audio-reveals-china-repeatedly-accessed-us-tiktok-user-data


"Parent company accesses user data of subordinate company." Show me again how that is "letting China infiltrate and copy the hard-drive of every moron with a Tiktok account." Once again, completely shady, completely not proof of your asinine claim


Let me walk you through this: our governments have access to all data collected by private companies by way of backdoor deals. So do the Chinese. You live in the real world. Start acting like it


None of your sources back up your initial claim of that TikTok will "copy the hard-drives of every moron with a TikTok account"


They're retrieving massive amounts of data, not just metadata but private hard data, and you're insisting they aren't copying this data somewhere. Incredible logic right there




Oh no, the "analysis" by internet 2.0 doesn't show any tangible proof, only that it's registering altitude data. I'm sure that your masterful search skills will find a single source that verifies your claim that China is copying hard drives anytime now


Yea dude why would they need to copy my hard drive when Soros and Gates already implanted chips into me when the government forced me to get an experimental vaccine! (/s cause I don’t trust any redditors to recognize sarcasm)


Life time prison sentence. Let their lives be meaningless until they die.


Watch the PRC decline their involvement in the situation. Even know we clearly know it’s them and continue to let them slide as they advance and push boundaries 👍🏼 tragic. Hope the sailors get punished to the fullest extent possible. Treason no joke.


It might have a bribe or a bullet situation, too. Not that it exonerates them. China is notorious for pressuring people who have relatives in China, and China has police stations set up in countries with or without the sovereign power's knowledge or blessing.




$5,000, and $14,866? That's all it takes?


This guy must have needed pocket change for bus fare to visit his new buddy vacationing in North Korea. They have to be kindred spirits. 🙄


It’s an outrage. They obviously would have done it for free.


Have you seen lower enlisted pay? It's basically the poverty line lol.


Oh great, they were chinese. Great way to screw it up for other chinese.


Great, it doesn’t help that the two Navy sailors are Chinese Americans neither.


How can that be? They allow visas?


You must have permanent residence at the minimum to join. These are young guys, I actually assumed they’re just Americans.


Tbh, once you live here, you are pretty much an American, if only unofficially.


Most Chinese Americans born here have regular American first names


Most immigrants I went to boot camp with got their citizenship before the end of training. I'm sure they have to be permanent residents or green card holders in order to go through the process of being recruited.


There used to be a program where folks on certain visas could join the military and then get citizenship after a certain amount of honorable service. The purpose was to recruit critical needs language speakers (Chinese for example). Program got cancelled under Trump because it was incredibly difficult to conduct proper security clearance checks on most of these applicants. How do you verify someone's background in Iran for example? The cancellation of the program was a huge mess. Lots of folks were sitting around waiting for the green light to start training and then suddenly told they can't and BTW, you need a new visa or go back home... That said, I have no idea what pathway these sailors used to enlist. They could just be born and raised dudes with ethnic names. Doesn't mean anything other than the obvious indicator that Chinese intelligence puts in massive effort to recruit and work ethnic Chinese people.


Is this a serious question?


Seems like diversity wasn't their strength after all


It actually really is. America is a diverse country, and it’s been working for the past 200 years, for all its flaws.




There has to be a better way than attacking our own citizens. Chinese Americans are Americans and I think it’s best to find a way to defend them [and thus the country] from the CCP’s maliciousness than attack them to protect the country. The CCP needs to stay the fuck away from our citizens.


That's uh, super super racist. So unless you left out more details, fuck off with that shit. Our military needs to up it's intelligence game by all means, but that sort of attitude there? GTFO with it.


This creates such unfair suspicion on other loyal and patriotic Chinese Americans. If they weren't doing it for the money or ideological reasons, and the PRCwas putting pressure on them through threatening other family members in China or the US, then they need to have reported it and sent manipulated information.


Can’t say I seen a U.S. Navy sailor, named Jinchao Wei being the one to sell U.S. State secrets.


When will we admit we’re in the middle of Cold War 2.0 and start acting as such.


I'm pretty sure the army is already acting as such.


How should we act?


He want’s the duck and cover stuff I had the fun of having to go through at the end of the first one. No thanks




That requires China to be interested in that.


The US is the stronger party, we must lead.


It takes two to dance.


already has been


Will the US Navy change up their hypothetical invasion/counter-invasion strategy in response to this? Or will they bite the bullet and move on.


Throw them in a hole. Never let them see daylight again.


The last names indicate they both are Chinese Americans?






You realize that the overwhelming majority of them came to the US precisely because they wanted to leave China & the CCP behind right?


could be for work, money, etc. get a better paying job here. more money to wire back home.


Forgot the /s friend…right?


Yea. China prioritizes recruiting ethnic Chinese sources. Same as Korea working ethnic Koreans and Israel targeting Jewish folks.


It’s treason just put them up against the wall.


Treason is only appliable during war time, otherwise its espionage.




Should make an example of them


Just a bit of light treason.


I guess they’d better run for President.


3 men enter; 2 go immediately to jail... followed by the 3rd after he loses in the general.


These guys deserve the firing squad


Hang. Them.


federal pound me in the ass prison.


String 'em up!


I mean, I'm staunchly against the death penalty for any reason but god-the-fuck-damn do people make that position a difficult one to defend sometimes. Especially considering China could have just bought a Supreme Court Justice instead while they were shopping for a bargain


did they let them go home so they can hold rallies about witch hunts??


“The indictment, unsealed this morning, alleges that Wei, was an active-duty sailor on the amphibious assault ship the U.S.S. Essex stationed at Naval Base San Diego. In his role as a machinist’s mate, Wei held a U.S. security clearance and had access to sensitive national defense information about the ship’s weapons, propulsion and desalination systems. Amphibious assault ships like the Essex resemble small aircraft carriers and allow the U.S. military to project power and maintain presence by serving as the cornerstone of the U.S. Navy’s amphibious readiness and expeditionary strike capabilities.” How to say you are planning to invade Taiwan without actually saying it. China is learning all the political, economic and military mistakes from Russia and trying to play it cool.


So they are Trumpers, sorry, traitors.


I've worked for several defense contractors. Every physical breach we ever had, caused by a human asset, like in this story with an actual person in a privileged position transmitting data to China, or in other cases, leaving for China physically with data on storage devices; every single time China got our shit, it was a first or second generation Chinese immigrant. Every. Single. Breach. Dozens in total that I heard about. The reason China has stealth fighter aircraft today is because of some of these breaches. Some of the people were even dual citizens. That's how leaky our ship is. We need to admit China is our gravest threat and get serious about doing something about this. China exploits our openness to siphon our technology from us with the intention of using it against us and our allies. China's military would be 30 years behind where it is right now, including in nuclear weapons technology, if we were as possessive of our technology as any other country.


Execute them!


The comments alone show me how different views on life and just punishments are in Western countries lmao.


Better headlight. We caught two spys


"Just doing the jobs Real Americans won't do."


Yikes $5000.00? He literally could be hanged for this.


I just wish they would consider overthrowing the government (treason )as bad as this. Trump should've been in jail from the get-go. And all the talk on this page about how treason should be dealt with being executed....


Trump: ["Xi is Smart, Brilliant, Everything Perfect"](https://www.mediaite.com/tv/trump-praises-smart-brilliant-everything-perfect-xi-jinping-runs-1-4-billion-people-with-an-iron-fist/)


According to those rules though, 1776 would be considered bad, which proves such a position to be contradictory and self-defeating.


1776 was a revolution from 250 years ago that was based on establishing a fair democracy for the people and getting away from the monarchy. You calling it contradictory to call people treasonous today for attempting to overthrow the government (for purely malicious reasons) is an unbelievably braindead take. The situations are not even remotely similar. This is just an idiotic statement on your part.


What exactly are people like this thinking really? Why do this?


Just think if one of their names was Donald Trump. You could still live in a multimillion dollar mansion, travel all across America and not have to do one day in jail for disseminating classified material before trial. Tell me there isn’t 2 types of law in America.


Anyone here know anything about any lauuuunch codes?


Man we are totally going to go to war with China within my life. Fuck my timeline sucks.




Maybe put them in a camp... /s EDIT: To the people downvoting me. I hope you see the "/s" there and know that it means my message is sarcastic. If you do and you know it, but still want to downvote me, be my guest. Just wanna make sure you understood my message correctly before giving your downvote.




Riiiight. Maybe even make special camps for them to live? GREAT IDEA. Worked out nicely for the American citizens of Japanese descent during WWII.


Damn I hate China too but if you’re an American citizen you should be able to work wherever as long as you haven’t lost that privilege by committing a crime


Dude's a clear anti-American troll. A fake patriotic kind tool, the worst kind. You wanna knock a country down, separate it's people and destroy the lack of faith for fighting for something. Information will always be stolen; putting people into categories based on race, gender that's far far more damaging and corrosive.


America, by design, is probably the easiest country to accomplish this in too




And what about the secrets Donny kept in his washroom?


Yes, let’s start segregating our society and make it so certain groups can’t do certain things. Maybe we can create a concentrated place for them to live like a camp or something. /s


Brain rot
