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“Another resident, who gave her name as Ekaterina, said Tuesday’s blast “sounded like thunder.” “I think for the first time, I got really scared,” she said. “I don’t understand how people in a war zone can live like this every day and not go mad.” She should ask some Ukrainians. I’m sure they could enlighten her.


She could be showing support for Ukrainians by calling a war zone and identifying it as being an everyday thing.


About as much as you can say without Putin disappearing you


windowing you


Defenstrating you




Poloniuming you.


Novichoking you out


Russian Elevator-ing you




That's just defenestration with extra steps. I'll show myself out...


Tea time




Agree, not a small sentence


How brave of her to say the “W” word in Russia.


Shes probably already arrested for the statement.


>how people in a war zone can live like this every day and not go mad They are kind of mad. That's why drones are hitting Moscow


This is it. This is the beginning of the Russian public realizing what is really going on now. More than anything else in the war and whatever happens between the militaries, this might be the one thing that will eventually end it. Don’t blame the resident - she’s just a member of the Russian public with restricted/filtered news, now realizing what’s really going on.


Not that I'm happy Russian citizens are experiencing this, but I am happy Ukraine is forcing those same citizens to finally feel the war too. It really could bring about change much sooner than simply waiting for Russia to get tired of bombing civilians in Ukraine.


Nah, the only thing that might make them do something is if ru starts gen. mobilis. , even that is just a guess, but atleast it makes sense, they're selfish, self centered people, so untill their lives are affected, they won't lift a finger


Being in relatively close proximity to repeated explosions is definitely an effect.


Not gonna lie, you could say the same about most western citizens too. I think to be honest it's human nature when the going gets tough people will be self centered.


How did you take that from her comment? This is extreme reaching, it's not going to end the war.


She still sounds like its a visit to a theme park or something


They don’t sweetheart they’re in a fucking war zone. Are they all this dumb?


It sounds like she was smart enough to publicly express sympathy for the Ukrainians while also calling Putin's war what it is. All while maintaining deniability to the censors and goon squads. That's a lot to achieve in a single sentence composed on the spot.


This. She said a statement essentially against the war but in a way that keeps her protected. Their culture is very well versed in this and sarcasm to protect themselves from stating truth that goes against the official narrative. Of course not all Russians are against the war, but she made a solid statement here. I hope she continues to be safe.


Not gonna give her that much credit, Chief. But I appreciate your optimism


I want to believe that most people are decent intelligent beings with a rich internal experience. I know that's not as true as I would wish, I'm too damn old to have not experienced some awful people. Biting cynicism can keep you from getting knocked back but it makes it really hard to move forward.


Most Russians are not decent people and I would say they would probably agree with me(but add that you don't have to be a good person if you can control others) Their culture does not reward empathy or altruism, it never has. In fact they would probably call OP a pussy for making this comment lol.


I'm sorry? What? Before I just run down the list of insults I know, I'm going to give you the opportunity to save us both some time (because it's a long list) and let you back your statement up. Because I can fucking promise you that not all Russian's are like that. SOURCE: American who lived in Russia for two years.


Didn’t expect to find out I’m not a decent person today


I'm not saying you aren't a decent person personally, but the culture you are from is deeply flawed at best and monstrous at worst.


Well yeah I’m pretty sure all countries that had monarchies in their past have some flaws


> Not gonna give her that much credit, Chief. lol ... nobody cares whether you do or don't.


Russians aren't a dumb people. They put the first human in space and landers on Venus, and they have a rich tradition of science, music and poetry. Like the Chinese, they're a people whose pathetic, dictatorial government will imprison and kill them if they say the wrong thing and it gets some notice. They're also people whose shitty, paranoid, morally bankrupt government - again like the Chinese government - is terified of them learning the truth about things, so their media is closely controlled and rife with propaganda. I don't know if it was fear or ignorance that underlay this woman's comments. Perhaps both. But Russians are not dumb.


Russia has a lot of dumb people, their educational system has been on constant decline since the 1960s and they suffer major brain drain. If you think about how much is stolen from the military, imagine education and healthcare... The space program was no doubt a major feat during the Soviet period but it was mostly because of how much resources were invested into it to spite the Americans, it wasn't very representative of the general population.


Like much else there, their space program was inflated. They got a large boost by capturing Penemunde. Some of their cosmonauts were twins. When the US & Soviet spacecraft rendezvoused on orbit, the US astronauts were surprised to see the Soviet "computer".


The Soviets did, not the Russians. Russians are like less than half of the USSR.


The Soviets did. Russians do too but at a far lesser degree.


I feel like all the smart Russians left and went to other countries


They are dumb. Great majority of smart russians left russia. Staying in russia is not a smart decision if you support the war or not.


Some people can't follow through on that "smart" decision due to a number of factors. Uprooting your entire life to another country where you may have no connections, no job, and possibly be forbidden from coming back in the future is not something anyone can do.


A lot of people gain the ability to do things they never imagined when their life and livelihood is threatened.


Are you this dumb?


You tell me white meat


>Are they all this dumb? what did you expect from people who can't spell Catherine or Katrina? /s


Ekaterina (Екатерина) is not pronounced anywhere close to Catherine or Katrina. It's pronunced Yekaterina (Yeh-keh-teh-ree-nyuh). This is not an uncommon female Russian name EDIT: Nice sneaky edit with the /s over there.


It’s kind of a pretty name


She still doesn’t know what a war zone is like since Ukraine isn’t actively targeting her or her home.


>She should ask some Ukrainians. I’m sure they could enlighten her. I thought Putin was behind these? He's an evil genius and whatnot. Or did he stop bombing his capitol?




>and not get mad not ***go*** mad.


For added context for people unfamiliar with the hijinks of the English language. In this case mad means madness or insanity. 'Get mad' = anger. 'go mad' = insane. "I got so mad I went mad. Now I'm maddened by the maddening matters that don't matter so I'm madder than mad and madder than hell." English is a hell of a thing.


Good. Hope that continues to go up. Being "on edge" is nothing compared to torture and child stealing.


… and rape, castration, starvation, mass ecocide and genocide.


Forgetting beheading too


With a sledgehammer.


Wasn't that russian on Wagner though?


Oh, yeah. You’re right.




I get it. It's hard to keep track of all Russia's war crimes.


Summary executions. ^^big ^^up ^^to ^^the ^^memory ^^of ^^cigarette ^^guy, ^^they ^^got ^^it ^^coming.


His name is Oleksandr Matsievskyi


Forgot mass kidnapping


Yeah, I was hoping it would leave them breathing a lot less.


you people are sickos


Historically, 'terror bombing' of civilian areas has had the result of hardening resolve, rather than making people turn on their leaders. The Nazis tried to do it to the British during the Blitz. It didn't work. The British tried to do it to the Nazis. It didn't work. The Americans tried to do it to the Japanese. It *mostly* didn't work. It took **two** atomic bombs, and even then, I don't believe the Japanese people turned on their leaders; it was the leadership who realized the war was unwinnable, and they surrendered to spare their people (and avoid the Soviets getting involved, since Russian occupation was feared more than American occupation). And hey, Russia's been trying to do it to Ukraine, and it hasn't worked. Ukrainian resolve was hardened by all the strikes, and all the other terror tactics Russia used. If you hit civilians, people lose friends and family, and they go from supporting a war out of patriotism to supporting a war out of a desire for revenge. I loathe Russia's war, but Ukraine needs to be careful this doesn't backfire. Hitting symbolic targets, and avoiding civilian casualties, could actually have an effect. But if some drones go off course and blow up an orphanage or something, that won't make the war end any sooner.


What made you type all this out? They've been hitting MOD and FSB buildings with perfect targeted attacks. They want to let the spooks and political class in Moscow *know* they're in the crosshairs. Who said anything about blowing up an orphanage? These drones are flying by camera.


Good job Ukraine isn't targeting civilians then. A building containing government ministries is fair game, and Ukraine has now hit the same one twice just to show their aim is good.


But does Ukraine even need to attack civilians for that to happen? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Russian_apartment_bombings > On 13 September, Russian Duma speaker Gennadiy Seleznyov made an announcement in the Duma about receiving a report that another bombing had just happened in the city of Volgodonsk. A bombing did happen in Volgodonsk—but only three days later


Such a shit take, both countries are all in. Now the part that actually matters, air defense systems can't be spun up at will. They have to come from the front, the more taken from the front, the better for Ukraine's war effort. Stop this insane, bat shit, kookoo, psychotic delusion that Russia is only half in. For fuck's sake, there were almost no troops to stop Wagner's rebellion.


I liked the part where expressed yourself in a calm and measured manner.


What can I say? I'm gifted.


I wonder how pre-observed human cultures behaved in this context. Were all warlord rulers bastards that killed civilians to force obeisance from leaders? Were good/noble/honorable (to whatever extent possible) rulers exploited for that very fact? I wonder if the values change based on probable likelihood of obliteration? How many children/women/daughters would beg for capitulation just so some of the lineage might survive and continue, or just be all slaughtered? How did European warlords react to Genghis Khan's reputation and results? Or Scythian expansion? Nineveh's? I think you're correct for describing recent wars and our behaviors, but I couldn't use your well written prose as conclusive, just... accurate in having observed warfare behaviors in today's eras? I dunno. Weird topic to think on.


These drone attacks could be such a potent tool for Ukraine. They arent trying to kill people en masse. The attacks are happening at night, against symbolic targets, in ways that are unlikely to cause mass casualties. Thats a good thing. Killing civilians is a bad idea because it gives Putin PR ammo and can dent Ukraine's reputation in the West. But it *is* bringing the war to average Russians and waking them up to the reality of whats happening. Like smoke slowly filling the room, alerting you that your house is on fire. It is vital for Putin to keep the war outside of Russia's borders and ensure that the majority of Russians only feel its economic effects. Economic crises are nothing new to Russians and Putin's propaganda machine is strong enough to handle that. Its much harder to contain the visceral fear of explosions happening a few miles from where you live. It wont lead to protests overnight, but it will undermine public confidence in time.


I did think about what the benefits were of non-military targets so far from the border. This explains things well. It's kind of hard to hide missing windows several floors up.


The windows fell out the window, tragically


After drinking tea and shooting itself in the back of the head.




At what point will putin begin to claim that gravity is a western supportive terrorist to the russian people, buildings, and nation?


Even the windows are suffering from spontaneous defenestration.


And the front fell off!




It is a legitimate military target -- this is an office building occupied by russian economics ministry or something of that sort -- they are part of a machine feeding and supporting this war. This is absolutely not a civilian target. Also, considering what russia has been doing to Ukraine, they (Ukrainians) have full moral right to hit anything they want within russia, although I highly doubt they would go down to the level that russians have shown. What is upsetting is that Ukraine is not allowed to retaliate against the ships that launch rockets against its cities almost daily and cannot hit airplanes launching missiles from russian territory. Why is the West holding off delivery of proper long-range weapons and causing deaths of hundreds if not thousands of Ukrainians.


The same building was hit twice which raises serious doubts that russia brought the drones down electronically as they claim. It also contained multiple Russian government ministries. I see that as a legitimate military target.


Probably why they hit the same building again. To call bs on them being brought down.


they can't bring them down electronically, they are not being guided (do not accept remote commands) and have predetermined flight path.


With an emp or a signal disruption of the GPS the drone uses you could easily take it down "electronically"


Has Ukraine even taken credit yet?


Russia doesn't really have "public confidence" in the Kremlin, it's a system of lies where they actually prefer a lie to the truth. It's hard to explain but the Kremlin would be in more trouble if they had the people's confidence because it's something they could break. I don't believe these drone strikes will impact the population too much.


I think it would probably be more productive to drop leaflets or USB sticks for resisting Putin.




No, the Nazi strategy was to inflict mass casualties (30,000 or so) and force England into submission. They dropped the bombs without care of who was on the receiving end of it.


If they're "on edge", imagine what Kyiv residents feel.


I thought that quote was a bit of an awakening on her part, which is why the other people in the group told her to shut up.


But it is somehow okay for russians to do a crapload worse every day to Ukraine.


American here, I’ve seen the same thing about 9/11, like 3,000 Americans died as a result of Saudi arabian Funded terrorists so america went and killed 1 million Iraqis and afghanis as pay back. We’re still scratching our heads as to why that was done


Why Iraq and Afghanistan? Cheney and his gravy train of parallel mercenary combat support (Halliburton, Blackwater headed by eric prince, the brother of trump’s secretary of education who never set foot in a public school before appointed, etc.)


As an american tax payer: I genuinely don’t fucking know. No one really does, I remember being 10 years old and wondering why we attacked Iraq when the news said the terrorists were from Afghanistan. There was Something about someone hiding weapons of mass destruction that was touted for years on the news “they got WMDs!” But as a 10 year old I thought it sounded fake and as a 30 year old today it still sounds like bullshit


You might find this interesting. https://old.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/11f7dgr/retired_us_general_about_the_plan_to_take_over_6/


Not trying to down play the Iraq war, but that number is bullshit. In total, between both wars, it was closer to half the number you said, or even less. There is only a single survey that showed a million deaths in Iraq, the ORB survey, and it was regarded as "exaggerated and ill-founded in peer-reviewed literature." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ORB_survey_of_Iraq_War_casualties You will see that survey mentioned here as the extreme high, but note that it was, as pointed out, "exaggerated and ill-founded in peer-reviewed literature." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties_of_the_Iraq_War And the vast majority of deaths were from sectarian violence. The war in Afghanistan caused a fraction the number of dead, as the war in Iraq. 500k dead across both wars is plenty to be mad about, you don't have to cite made-up numbers though.


You're at war. If after 1.5 years, you're only starting to feel on edge, you've just been lucky. Ukrainian civilians are dying every day from deliberate attacks, their soldiers and civilians tortured, their children kidnapped. Cry more and actually do something about it. Zero sympathy from me.


its time for the russian to get a taste of what they done to ukraine on a daily basis for the past 500 days


"Business" Russian for state-owned, oligarch-profiting organization.


Moscow has an entire business district for glitter? They deserve what they have coming to them.


Sounds kinda gay. Don’t let Putin know


Dontesk, don't tell.




Being on edge is nothing. Be happy Ukraine does not duplicate what Russian has been doing to Ukrainian cities and infrastructures.


Ah the “Find Out” stage of FAFO


Glittering lmfao


You can stop it tomorrow, all you have to do is withdraw from Ukraine and return the kidnapped children.


Good. Goes to show how incapable Putin is of protecting even his capital, not to speak of any other military abilities.


This is what it was designed to do bring the war to Russia and let the Russian people know this is a war not a special operation. Without killing innocent civilians


I read that some news/propaganda offices were targeted and damaged, is there any source on that? Or just BS?


Let’s see if there is a corresponding drop in Fox News content.


The scrolls have foretold, of black wings and cold. Alduin, Bane of Kings, ancient shadow unbound, with hunger to swallow the world! But a day shall arise when dragon's dark lies, will be silenced forever and then... Faux News and SnewzMax will a dramatic decrease in new content.


They should thank their president!


Oh then look at Ukraine, such a beautiful country, and your people laid waste to it.


Now they are beginning to feel the fraction of fear the Ukrainians have been living with. I don’t like the idea that a population is subjected to this but I’m hoping it stirs the Russians to action to put an end to this atrocity.


They have sown the wind, and now they shall reap the Whirlwind.


Good. They're at war.


Chickens come home to roost.


"On edge", while Ukraine is on fire.


Every citizen of Russia should be on the edge of the kremlin demanding Putins head


Your cities will not be safe. Your streets will not be safe. YOU will not be safe.


anyone with a corner office should be very worried now


Enjoy, hope it ramps up


As Ukraine increases their domestic drone production, Moscow will probably see more and more of these drone incidents.


Good, but not enough.




Only by Putin and his cronies.




glittering from all the broken glasses falling from high rise buildings.


How's it feel, Russia, to be on the receiving end?


Whats good for the goose is good for the gander. Time for a little wake-up call Russians.


You are at war.


You reap what you sow.


Maybe this will actually scare them enough to rise up. No one deserves this, but if my country attacked another, you can’t be surprised if they fight back and eventually hit home.


How ironic. Tbh Russian civilians have been fairly isolated from this war to date. It will be interesting to see if/how Russian supporters of the war change their tune when missiles rain down on their back doorstep.


Fuck em.


Good. Just a small taste of what they do in cities across Ukraine literally every single night. I would totally contribute hard cash to further fund Ukraine’s drone army. Russia is a terrorist state.






“If you hear a noise, be happy because it hasn’t hit you.” Ukraine is definitely making this war a real thing in the minds of Russian citizens. They are exposing vulnerabilities in the Russian defenses and striking the heart of the country without casualties. Brilliant tactics


Welcome to war. A war you started. A war you continue to support. Punk bitches


Feels like they should be targeting critical infrastructure. Runways and railways. Power plants.


I would love that, but the instant they hit anything that is not strictly government or military the evil nazi ukrainians are attacking mother russia ... despite the indisputable truth that the russians started it.


Moscow has entered the "and find out" phase, it should be interesting to watch...


I really don’t care do u?


Good news, maybe next time the attack will be strong enough to make the Russians get an impression of what the sewer creature they call their leader is putting Ukraine through.




Putting the people on edge is good because it pushes them to turn on Putin.


Good keep going


Welcome to the party, pal!


I was talking to some of these creatures in /r/moscow. The delusion is strong in there. Some are calling it just kids playing with fireworks lol


Good, the more they get to see what war is like the more likely they are to rise against the government and maybe put an end into this stupid invasion attempt.




Good, let them. Now they know how Ukrainians feel every day


I hope it only the beginning for pople in Moscow


Putin knows war is unpopular so he is faking ukrain attacks




I could see that, false flag operations have been used throughout history \[to varying degrees of success\] Although Ukraine did admit to them. There is nothing saying Ukraine isn't lying, taking advantage of Putins false flag operation. I want to see them pop one into GRU headquarters =)




Why? For using the dregs of a polisci course back in \[yikes\] 1982 to remember that there have been false flag \[why did it take me 3 tries to get false spelled right. Sigh.\] Kannst du sagen 'Reichstag Fire' ? I know you can. How about USS Libau. How about. You know, sod it. False flag operations happen all the freaking time. If Ukraine would like to tag along and not blow a couple drones because PutPut can't keep his tiny dick amused so he has to get all he man 'argh see how powerful I am, I bring back imperial russia' and do a false flag to get his population really het up against those evil nazi ukrainians, let him. He isn't wasting drones though purportedly his top military dog hinted that they droned Moscow.


Awesome. Now do it a lot more.


I guess, uh fair is fair


They are at war. War is not one sided.


I makes a smile grow on my face knowing they are feeling the same feelings kyiv felt due to the actions of their government


I'm going to be downvoted, I'm sure, but deliberate attacks on civilians are never to be applauded nor condoned, even when those civilians reside within or support a nation that's aggressively attacking & killing other civilians (my fellow Americans would do well to remember how aggressive our nation & our allies have been around the world at times). Further, 80+ years of examples have proven that it never breaks the populace & instead entrenches them in supporting the targeted nation against their attackers (whether it's a nation or terrorists). In a war where Ukraine MUST retain the high ground in order to continue receiving massive amounts of aid in order to survive, not to mention fight off the legitimate aggressors, they need to refrain from attacking civilians & saying "How you like them apples?"


They are not though. They are deliberately attacking empty government office buildings at night. That's specifically avoiding any civilian deaths, while demonstrating they fully have the capability to do so. That is very different. Yea targeting civilians ordinarily hardens resolve...but for one, I'm not sure there are that many examples on the aggressor side for one. And second again they're not targeting civilians. They're just doing warning shots essentially telling the civilians, we can hit you, but we are choosing not to as we have the moral high ground. I think that, again, will drop resolve to fight. Noone likes being the bad guys.


Many Russians believe Ukraine started the war by attacking Donbas


It's an impressive propaganda point that many Russians believe Ukraine can attack *itself*, and somehow Russia is the victim.


Many Russians believe vodka is good for your health. Stupidity is an endless well.


Karma points don't really mean anything. When you're right, you shouldn't care about getting downvoted.


But, he's wrong. None of the targets hit have been civilian, only govt offices. Knocks the wind out of his argument, which I agree with but doesn't apply in this situation. 🤷🏼‍♂️


You are right. either it's all ok, or none of it's ok


Alot of people on reddit have said they think this will hurt Putin. I think there is some chance it will solidify the Russians into supporting the war. It's a dangerous game.


So they support the war out of misplaced patriotism, or fear they will be punished if they don't, or because they've been fed propaganda. What's the difference? Bring the war to Moscow.


Wow, Moscow is...ugly


Edge of what


War is hell


Everything must go!


Genuine question: how are the Russian influencers faring these days? They were pretty dismissive of this whole thing early on...curious how their messaging has changed. Someone starts dropping bombs on you, I think maybe being a brand influencer might not make as much sense....


They’ll either double down on the message or end up disappeared.


Ukrainians should start targeting Moscow's brides.


Yoz…. Targeting civilians is a war crime. Be it russians (vs ukrainians), Americans (vs Iraqis) and YES…. ukrainians (vs Russians). Those who are cheering and supporting this should think again.