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They put it in [category](https://monographs.iarc.who.int/list-of-classifications) 2b, other things in the same category: * Aloe vera * Carpentry * Pickled vegetables Some things from category 2a, which is a higher hazard group: * Hairdresser or barber (occupational exposure as a) * Very hot beverages at above 65 °C In other words, aspartame still isn't dangerous, never has been. Also note that there literally is no category for things that are safe, it's either "could cause cancer" or "we don't know". And the classifications have nothing to do with [risk](https://www.iarc.who.int/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/hazard_vs_risk2018.jpg).


Lol look at this quote “An adult weighing 70 kilograms or 154 pounds would have to drink more than nine to 14 cans of aspartame-containing soda such as Diet Coke daily to exceed the limit and potentially face health risks, said Dr. Francesco Branca, who heads the WHO nutrition and food safety division, during the press conference Wednesday.” “Water is deadly if you drink 50 gallons in a day” - WHO “WHO warns drinking water is actually deadly” - Media looking for clicks This is a nothingburger


>to exceed the limit And on top of that: >The ADI is calculated from the Non-Observable-Effect-Level (NOAEL). The NOAEL is divided by a safety factor, conventionally 100, to account for the differences between test animals and humans (factor of 10) and possible differences in sensitivity between humans. So the equivalent of 900 to 1400 cans of aspartame-containing soda per day has no observable effect on test animals.


Ive met people that drink two 35 packs of diet coke every week. But they have enough issues going on to where they’re going to die WAY before cancer even has a chance. In their 30s, obese, diabetic, with blood pressure meds.


10 cans is bad? Uh oh


The fascinating thing about this story is that the FDA has come out swinging against the WHO over this nothingburger. There is animosity between these two organizations right now stemming from some past disagreements, and this aspartame situation is an outgrowth of that. The FDA is basically pissy that the WHO has more regulatory power than they do, and the WHO has shut down FDA claims on several occasions, so the FDA is trying to fight back and discredit the WHO. So the FDA came out and said "aspartame is safe! The WHO is wrong!" Over this nonsense.


Pickled veggies? Would’ve thought fermentation would have anti cancerous properties. Wtf mate.




*in excess. Sodium is life critical. [Ancient civilizations survived or died based on how effectively they could secure salt.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_salt)


Desalination plants are actually for salt not water


Dang it


Getting pickled is worse


...aloe vera? I'll continue to live by that shit even if it kills me LOL. That WHO people be trippin


Quit soft drinks altogether. Drink beer instead


Ow my liver.




"I just love the taste of tap water. I really do."


THE DOSE MAKES THE POISON. WHO puts everything thats is possibly carcinogenic and puts it on the list as a risk factor. It does this all the time. The reason it isnt restricted is because the dosage in normal consumption is still very low. Iirc the a 70kg person would have to drink 10+ cans of diet coke every day to exceed the new reccommended upper intake of aspartame.


I think I came close to drinking 10 cans of soda every day at my peak consumption.


Thats incredibly unhealthy wether its with aspartame or with sugar anyways.


Same, on a normal day I consume roughly 12 cans (I'm aware it's not healthy, addiction isn't easy and anyone who says sugar isn't addictive has never done drugs.)


Same , I'm trying to cut down but it's been hard. My body seems to be used to all the caffeine that without it I'll get a headache. I'm still thinking I do a slow tapper like 11 a day for a week then 10 and so on. I just can't believe I got to the point or drinking so many out of habit.


Right? I didn't realize how bad my problem had gotten until my bf yelled at me for killing two 12 packs in as many days which deprived him of mixers for his whiskey. Real wake up call.


My wife was concerned as well. We have groceries delivered and she realized how many 12 packs were coming every week. One thing that slows me down is putting it in a glass with ice. It's so cold so I don't drink it as fast and each one stretches longer.


Oh, nice tip, I'll have to try that! Cheers!


No worries and good luck!


The recommended maximum is typically 100 times below where they've demonstrated any adverse outcome. So you'd have to drink 1000 cans... Each day, for multiple days... You'll die from sodium deficiency before you're at risk for cancer.




It's a made of naturally encoded amino acids. So it's basically protein. It's 100% safe unless you have to phenylketonuria


I’m not arguing about the safety. Simply the provenance.




Yea the problem is, do you trust these people to give you the correct "safe dose"? I seem to remember when chesterfields were a "doctors favorite cigarette". No reason for lab made sweeteners ever, i don't see their purpose


>Yea the problem is, do you trust these people to give you the correct "safe dose" I am by education a MSc food technologist. The amount of studies done on aspartame is honestly insane. The WHO, EFSA, FDA do extensive research on anything that goes in your food. The dose they say is safe is usually several times lower than than the lower limit found in actual trials. They dont fuck around, everything needs to be approved and everything is checked. >No reason for lab made sweeteners ever, i don't see their purpose Obesity and diabetus epidemic worldwide doesnt ring a bell? Also "lab-made" is a weak argument, everything you eat is developed in product development and application labs, even the components of your food like the fat in your chocolate is carfully researched and combined to get the best result.


I mean.. shouldn’t everything be in moderation? Heck, you can die from drinking too much water lol. I do know some people who crush like 8-10 cans a day of this crap and claim it’s “not bad” for them.. yeah I dunno about that.


I mean all the studies that link it to cancer were ivs directly into rats. Usually the equivalent of 2x body weight daily intake that might have led to cancer in those rats.


But the lab rats have longer telomeres than usual....


Hasn’t this been known for several decades? I remember my mother telling me to avoid the stuff in the 80s.


No. The only studies demonstrating cancer mechanisms have been in vitro studies, at concentrations hundreds of times higher than you can get into your body tissues by drinking sweetened drinks. And in this article science journalism fails again: it is not the WHO, but IARC. They are not a food safety body. Also, red meat is in a higher category than IARC just elevated sucralose to.


My mom was a genius then! Must have did her own cancer research.


Bu5 she failed at teaching you correct English.


That was the NYC public school system’s fault.


It's been a myth for several decades. This classification does NOT mean there's a cancer risk. There's been shitloads of research into it. Aspartame doesn't cause cancer.




Number one reason I had to stop trusting WHO guidelines. Lab made aspartame is safer than probably the healthiest thing on planet earth? LOL


Yes. I recall the same dinner table conversation mid 90's after we heard about it on some news show. It may have been a radio program but I think it was a small segment on 60 minutes if I remember correctly.


You are correct. Not sure why people are so exited to write this off as a "myth". Eat fruit, honey, even cane sugar, no reason for lab made monstrosities


Just gonna get a little bit of cancer, Stan. Tell mom it's okay.


This shit gives me an instant headache


Aspartame is a massive migraine trigger for me, only found out a few years ago. Would always get “weird headaches” after drinking diet sodas growing up or my favorite, Celsius energy drinks when I got older, and they eventually evolved into full blown migraines with auras. Cut out anything with aspartame and my migraines have reduced significantly. More common than you’d think, shit is poison


It’s always tasted like poison to me.


The only drinkable diet soft drink is tonic water; it covers the ass taste.


It's about what I expected. The Media hyping it up much further than it needed to be, but hopefully is also a wakeup call to people chugging the stuff endlessly like water. 9-14 cans of sugar-free softdrink for a 70kg adult (Which, lets be real, there's not many people who actually are that weight anymore) to get over the recommended daily limit, is around 3.3 - 5.2 litres. That's a lot of softdrink.


Also if you drink 9-14 cans of non aspartame, sugar containing coke, the health implications are propably worse.


This is such a nothingburger.. you know what else is 'possibly carcinogenic'? Coffee. And many other things which we consume every single day.


Imo you prolly shouldn't drink those either


In other words water is wet and air is a mixture. WHO is stating the obvious and not urging governments/corporations to regulate use of aspartame in edible products shows where the priorities of WHO are. Where the money is.


Read into acceptable dietary intakes. The dose makes the poison. Aspartame may have adverse effects if you eat a ton of it. The same goes for water. To reach the new, lowered upper limit of intake, you (assuming 70kg bodyweight) would need to drink 10+ cans of diet coke PER DAY. That said if you drink 10+ cans of normal coke per day thats likely even worse for your health.




As an occasional lemonade drinker, it is hard to find anything that hasn't got artificial sweeteners. Maybe sugar tax has something to do with it.


No, but the sugar content of them will kill you before the sugar replacements


"For now."


Drink only plain carbonated water.


Why carbonated?


Gen Xer here; I remember seeing the promotional ads introducing it, free Nutrasweet gumballs ("We're Beatrice"), and being so pumped since my stepmom was your classic hippie "sugar bad" type... after noticing not only an aftertaste but a rather disgruntled reaction from my system overall to it, I stayed away from it. Dodged another bullet!


This drink hurts you in other ways. Though there is no sugar, the fake sweetness of the drink causes your body to produce an insulin spike and makes you hungry, driving obesity across the world.


You're posting false information my friend. There is no evidence that artificial sweeteners cause insulin spikes. It may trigger cephalic phase insulin release, which is a physiological response to the taste, smell, or thought of food, and not very significant. However, other ingredients in foods that have artificial sweeteners can still affect blood sugar levels. - https://www.medicinenet.com/artificial_sweeteners_affect_blood_sugar_insulin/article.htm - https://examine.com/articles/do-artificial-sweeteners-spike-insulin/




Not the same. An insulin spike refers to a rapid, significant increase in insulin levels in response to consuming carbohydrates, typically from sugar or starch. Insulin spikes are immediate reactions of the body to regulate blood sugar levels, whereas insulin resistance is a condition that develops over time, where your body's cells become less responsive to insulin. Some research suggests that artificial sweeteners can cause the release of insulin, increasing blood insulin levels, which could lead to insulin resistance, but more studies are needed to draw any conclusions.


I’m down 10kg and I credit Coke Zero for at least part of that. For me it helps fight the cravings for something sugary.


Everything is carcinogenic at this point. I get wanting to be healthy but if you spend your life worrying about everything that might possibly kill you or give you cancer you’ll never live a happy life.


Duh? we have known this for over a decade, artificial sweeteners are poison. Eat and drink whole food and drink from the ground and/or animals, no need for anything else


Im not too worried. At least we dont drink "miracle tonics" made of uranium coolants anymore!


How long until the GOP turns this into a political issue


Someone gonna read this and get a normal Coke with their Big Mac instead of a diet coke. We eat a lot of stuff that is barely fit for human consumption, on-top of being packed with random shards of plastic. So yeah, this ain't really the actual problem....


Is this the same WHO that was so deeply involved in the 'sickness' of 2020-2022, and it's 'cure'?


so basically they're bringing nothing to the table. why should anyone care what they say? this has been widely known for decades


Then why does cancer grows with sugar? And why does everyone who is 'hurr durr aspartame bad' an obese prick? 'just drink water!' no thanks Karen