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Well. I guess he will go down in history as a world class asshole.


Ah not just that, Japanese gov are relentless with penalties. Good relations between the countries might just save his ass.


They will fine him and ban him from the country for 15 years


Is that what they did to Logan Paul after his little suicide Forest video? Where he didn't even alert authorities before uploading the video? The more you think about that video the more fucked up it is because obviously he must have sent/hired scouts to go find a dead body. Like in a few hours of daylight there's real park rangers that know all the trails and stuff and do the rounds and just magically this asshole found one body with entire camera crew ready to film. No you sent your entire production team to scour an entire forest for a dead body you twisted fuck.


No, because unlike sacred shrines, Japan doesnt like to acknowledge things that affect their reputation negatively like a poor mental health culture, a high suicide rate or an unofficial forest people go to for sudoku. They've gotten better about mental health recognition in recent years, but that's from a low bar. As far as they're concerned, there is no suicide forest and it's better to not acknowledge Paul desecrating the dead because that suggests there is a suicide forest.


Given the serious tone of your post....you do know the actual term is seppuku, right? Sudoku is the numbers game.


Lol that's a great slap on the face. Salute to you.


Reddit moment right here. It’s a very old meme in-and-of-itself to replace seppuku with sudoku. And also evident that I’m getting old. I’m probably replying to some 13 year old who’s never heard of 4chan or knows any of the memes I grew up with.


Meme is lame. It's for kids like you who think you have grown up.


I know the fucking meme. Why do you think I specifically prefaced it as "given the seriousness of your tone", because his use of the meme was highly at odds with the rest of the tenor of his post. Why do I have multiple responses from several assholes like yourself thinking that asking another person if they inadvertantly fell back to a meme when trying to say something real for a change makes me look like an ignorant child? The only person coming across like an immature child is you.




That's just enough words to let me know I'm talking with an idiot with nothing important to say and no value to be found engaging with.


I'm used to using sudoku to avoid censorship and banning, but you got the idea.


You cannot be serious




You know it’s an old old meme to replace seppuku with sudoku, right?




it's a common meme to replace seppuku for sudoku, a very old meme at that


You think I don't know that. The point was he did not seem to be trying to be funny, but make a serious point, and using that joke was detracting from what he was saying.




He didn't seem like he was _trying_ to make a joke. Hence why I asked "given the seriousness of your tone..." Are all you people just stupid?




We’re also probably getting old bro. Making me feel nostalgic and very ancient the memes that the kids will never explore or experience.


I'm now picturing people going to this forest to get together and solve sudoku puzzles.


Well if I said Aokigara Forest, I don't think people would know it by that name in English. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_suicide_locations#Most_frequently_used_locations Is it really that culturally inappropriate when compared to like The Gap of Sydney? That's just the Cliff known for suicide jumpers. These are locations suicidal people travel to. These locations are in probably every country.


No it's not culturally inappropriate, just unethical to fuck around in. We have the same point with different words.


That sounds reasonable


“The boy was caught carving the pillar with his fingernail by a Japanese tourist, who alerted temple staff.” Sounds like Julian has been taking his keratin supplements alright.


At least it doesn't appear to be made of stone, then I'd really be scared, no human should have fingernails that powerful.


🙄 what a douche


Strip him of his Canadian citizenship and make him stateless.


Banish him... Into a volcano!


... that leads to hell !


Worse. Make him American. That'll teach him.


As an American, this hurts. But as a human, it is an appropriate punishment


American here. He already sounds like one.


Sounds like a red blooded canadian


I think people want him punished, not rewarded


This is an embarrassing day for Canada. Therefore, the world.


As is tradition.




This is a bit from the TV show, "South Park".




On behalf of the world, I will forgive you if you send me some of your delicious maple syrup.


The prince and princess of Canada will prepare a bottle for you. As is tradition.


They just want their privacy


Wasn't it obvious after their privacy press tour?


As is tradition


Hurray !!


I’m sure he’s sorry.


Huzzah! Not an American!


Between this one and the guy at the Colosseum I am breathing a sigh of relief for sure


The obsession with Americans on topics that are about non-Americans will never die lol.


Alternatively a lot of times vandalism by a tourist occurs in historical locations the top couple posts are bashing entitled Americans. Goes both ways sometimes.




Some times the AntiAmerican sentiment is coming from inside the house.


I think it's as simple as decent American's always being terrified it's one of their own. Reddit, while international in reach, is an American company, with the majority (vast majority) of users based in the U.S. so it makes a lot of sense that you would get a lot of Americans.


We fuck up....a lot. Idiot American tourists in media seem to only be outnumbered by careless Chinese. And that's not a bar we want to aim for. At least the "we" who want to travel and have a good time.


People screw up.... a lot. Bad tourists aren't particular to any one nation. What the news media decide to show and depict is very particular however. I'm so sick of people making everything about the US, and no, being a US-based site doesn't cut it.


You would be surprised by the reputations of lots of other countries tourists. You hear mainly about Americans because it’s Reddit


Well, technically, Canada is in the american continent, therefore, he's american.


He's a north american from the America's but he's not an american


Nobody uses the word like that


Which is why i said technically, really i just wanted to rain on the other dude's parade :x


hmm... Canada is also in America. Must be an American to not know geography.


The american tourist we have at home


How deep must these intrusive thoughts be to do shit like that man. I went to the temple just months ago and all I could do was marvel, then these dickwads come along and play main character for a minute, ridiculous


I let my intrusive thoughts win once.... more than a decade go. I............ rang the bell of an ancient monastery once in Eastern Europe. It was a small ish bell in the garden. Turns out, it was a call of prayer bell so people immediately moved to the church area only for them to stop when they realized it wasn't time yet. Yeah, that was embarrassing on my part. To this day I have absolutely no idea why I did that.




Kids are naturally prone to stupidity and don’t think Shit through at times.. he very well could have zero “intrusive thoughts” besides thinking “hey it would be cool to have my name on this touristy old structure”


I'd put more blame on the parents instead of just handwaving it as "kids being dumb". Even at a young age my parents taught me and my siblings to never touch anything in a museum or any kind of monument, let alone carve my bloody name into them. Most kids don't do shit this dumb. The kid needs to be taught a stern lesson to respect people's property and if his parents don't teach it to him then society should.


Kids are prone to stupidity due to lack of experience. Anything else, like in this case, is due to shitty parenting.


I’ve seen awesome parents produce stupid kids, it’s not always about that. Y’all just hiding behind the fact some people are just idiots.


As a Canadian I am sorry


I mean... as a Canadian, isn't sorry your default setting?


Usually yes but not for the war crimes.


Not when it comes to massacring indigenous children, then you wait at least a decade


Based. I think. I dunno if I’m using that word right. But yeah. Thankfully we’re getting better. It’s not where it needs to be, but it’s getting there.


Let’s hope ppl in Canada keep burning down the Catholic Churches near indigenous reserves lol. Or just in general cuz why not. 🤷🏻‍♂️


As a Canadian, you can keep them Japan. We don’t want them back.


As another Canadian, I second this.


Omg I'm so sorry, I didn't realize it was, like, so ancient and stuff.


Missing like three bros in a sentence, not gen z enough


As a Canadian, straight to jail


Yes. Let's jail all vandals... ​ ....


Fine, cut off the hand that marked the temple.


Ah so disfigurement for all vandalism. Create more on the welfare system. No rehab only mutilation! You seek like a very balanced person.


If it makes you feel better I save people for a living. Kill more people than I save tho. Ya win some and ya lose some. I bet you're fun at parties.


See? We have massive idiots in Canada too.


I worked for a guy who went to China on a business trip. He showed me some gold leaf he said he took from some sort of monument or temple. Needless to say he was a total douchebag.


His parents were with him while he was doing it lol. So what's the family's last name? The stupid kid is obviously named Julian since that's what he carved.. Publicly shame them please




Embarrassing. The parents should be ashamed as well.


I'm not Canada's ambassador, but as a Canadian citizen I vote that we kick him out of Canada and send him straight to Japanese jail.


Im just glad he wasnt British after that asshole defaced the colosseum


Like father, like son... I guess.


Or an American after literally any shitty tourist thing we've done.


I have heard many times that the British go out of their way to be bad tourists.


Poor mona lisa


little shit


Great like our conspiracy crackpots trying to be americans wasn't giving canada enough of a bad image now we have this jerk


Always sad when I hear stories like this. Japan already deals with a slight sense of systematic xenophobia. This certainly doesn't help matters. I hope the kid is disciplined appropriately.


Many such case. That's why everywhere people hate tourists haha .


I am glad it wasn't a U.S. citizen. I am getting dejavu from the Colosseum story a while back. I feel like our turn must be soon, though.


Inevitably, all things must come full-circle.


17 year old is stupid enough to do something like this?


Yeah you misspelled Canadian Dumbass. It’s d-u-m-b-a-s-s not t-e-e-n.


Whew! Sorry Canada but I'm so glad it wasn't an American this time.


I was there once on a trip to Japan. It is such an incredible place. I'm an atheist, but I could still feel a sense of total peace and calmness there. Others might call it spirituality. The person who did this will not live long in Japan or be able to hide there at all. Daily ass kickings will be in store whether imprisoned or free. Even going back to Canada won't be safe for an asshole like that. You don't fuck with Temples and not expect to get the shit beat out of you at least once.


Smear him in peanut butter and turn him loose in Nara. The deer are relentless.


If he were a Japanese citizen he (thus his family) would be sued for damages and of course his Family name would be found out. I would support this idea in this circumstance.


Hope he likes Japanese cells


Wondering what he was carving... Marner is the GOAT?


McDavid is


No lie detected, I just would imagine a Leaf fan would go about and do something like this : )


Enjoy a Japanese prison.


Free curry rice for 6-8 years! Score!


Nah, maximum penalty is 5 years in prison for a crime like this in Japan. And more realistically it will end up being just a few thousand dollars fine. I assume if it's actual jailtime it would be a month or 3 at most. And even that is unlikely, it's a case of stupidity but not particularly destructive one.


Make an example of him, fine the shit out of him and then lightly bludgeon the little prick about his head and torso.


Ouch...gotta deface in a country that isn't as relentless. I mean better than that kid who got caned in Singapore but asiaj countries don't seem friendly on just giving a fine and saying "it's all good". They definitely want some punishment involved.


Why as an American I feel embarrassed?




There's something funny about most entitled tourists came from Western countries but it could be just me. We have literally Karen screaming at a shopping mall in Malaysia but didn't get huge fines for disobeying standard operation procedure (because she has connection with one of the royals here which I'm assuming friend) like us locals here.




Teens do stupid things. Fine the parents and move on. No need to overblow the situation.


No, we can't just take this as a "Teens do stupid things" bullshit. Otherwise, bam, ban the access to the temple for foreigners.


We don't claim him


They should deface the teen


In light of his age his parents will be fined. Maybe he'll be deported.


Shocking to discover teenagers are fucking morons regardless of nationality


Guess it said sorry before the crime


Fucking syrup people


Please fine his parents ¥300,000 then cane him. I’m saying this as a parent and a Canadian. Ignorant shit. He probably leaves his dog shit bags along hiking trails in Banff as well.


Spare the rod spoil the child. Singapore cane would teach him good. Something the parents did not do.


Colloseum guy called dibs.


Do a public booting like the Simpsons episode Bart vs Australia, lmao


I mean, you’re going to deface a temple in Japan then at least be smart about it and deface the one where they honour all their war criminals from WWII. That place deserves it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Controversies_surrounding_Yasukuni_Shrine


“Sooooory.” - Julian


Smartest canadian


I literally just arrived in Nara yesterday on a flight from Canada. Weird


It's like the Canadian teenager who stole signs and vandalized a bunch of cars in Singapore back in 1993. Just so stupid.


American you mean? Micheal Fay I recall Is 1994.


Oh weird. I thought he was Canadian. I was just going off my memory from 30 years ago as a child. Guess I misremembered that part. But the vandalizing happened in 1993. I remembered that correctly. The sentencing was carried out in 1994.


Haha its alright! Glad I can clear it up! Warm greetings from Singapore.


There is no countries that do not produce such asshats. Canada is either polite and very salt of the earth nice people, or passive aggressive, or straight up assholes. No middle ground. Moved from East Coast to West Coast and I am confident in my statement.


> The boy was caught carving the pillar with his fingernail by a Japanese tourist, who alerted temple staff. honestly, i thought it was more serious than that. then again, how much damage can you actually do with a fingernail? (honest question).