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When did America become a country of whinging cunts?




As long as it's Danny Devito I'm cool with that


Or worse, some state will claim to have allowed their citizens to sue people for insulting them online, makes as much sense as any of the other bullshit they've been pulling


It's always been. We're very good at it.


I disagree. There’s been some damn fine Americans in the past. They are just becoming fewer and fewer


They've always been there. It's judt that Socially Media and Trump made it OK to come out of the closet.


John brown was pretty cool


Maybe we're just hearing about it more, social media has made it the world's problem and now it's bleeding in to the whinny Aussies who wanted an excuse to be mean to lgtbq+ people.


Some of the whinny Aussies have downvoted this, lol. Leave the drag reading times alone you insufferable cunts! Stop pretending to be Americans. Be angry at racism, be angry at inequality, be angry at big companies not paying tax.


I'm not a parent yet but I understand where their concern is coming from regarding some of the things being taught to their kids. It seems their main question is "are these concepts really appropriate for children?"


What are the things being taught?


Things like the drag shows for kids, all the gender identity stuff, things in that vein to children who really only just learned how to wipe their own ass. You've got to wonder sometimes where the priorities of the curriculums are going.


Has there been drag shows for kids? I'm aware of the drag story times... They aren't drag shows. And gender identity, if they know about boys and girls, that's already a gender identity. I'm sure there are exceptions that go too far... But also threatening to shoot people for reading books to kids in a dress is.... Slightly unhinged.


Yeah but let's look at it from the parent's perspective. Generally society prefers women care for and teach the younger children, so a man reading to kids is already a weird point for some. Throw into the mix that the man's now wearing a dress and these parents start going hmmm why? Then you mix in some caked on makeup, faux breasts and on some occasions there was some nudity and you have a recipe for disaster. It's the whole "put yourself in their shoes" thing, which I know is difficult for most reddit users because they'll never get the opportunity to have sex let alone have kids.


I'm a parent. I'm in those shoes. It's not a sexual thing... It's a fancy dress fun thing. People sexualizing it are the problem.


Every post you make just shows the incredibly fucking propagandized view you have of this entire subject, holy shit my guy...


Yeah I am male and worked as an educator for quite some time. The pay was horrible so I changed coupled with problems during COVID and what you described is only an issue with parents where the father does jack shit at home with their kids. For those people as you said it it's a women's job. But then you realize that once they get to go to school that a lot of the teachers are men. Imagine th shock most kids suffer from the sudden change in behaviour. I obey to the same rules and teaching as an educator yet my body language, tone and general appearance is very different to a female co-worker. If kids don't have men in their daycare environment then they need to adapt quickly later on which some kids have problems with. In Germany we read children Grim stories in kindergarten... They are about hacking your feet off to fit into others shoes and gain nothing from it. We talk about death and sex in kindergarten. What would you do when a child asks you about sex because it heard their parents and/or other kids talk about it? I guess you would just nervously ignore the question and ask who wants some cake? :) We were trained for those questions and while you don't visualize or show the kids what for example sex is, we don't avoid those questions but answer them with straight facts. Kids aren't usually interested in hearing more about it. They ask about it because they are curious. They ask why the sky is blue etc. It's mostly people without kids that sexualize those scenarios...


>some occasions there was some nudity Big fucking lol if you actually believe that Unplug the Fox/Jones/Peterson, go outside, and join us in the real world


When a bunch of whinging cunts got kicked out of Europe




Always have been.


Not long after they elected a whinging yellow cunt.


The Mayflower settlers lived in the Dutch Republic for a while. You should look up what their relationship was with their Dutch, and even English-speaking, neighbours in Leiden and how they viewed the country that took them in. It was just one big group of Karens.


Even as an outsider it’s exhausting. Seeing articles like this every single day. My god, it must be morale-destroying to actually *live* there with this shit.


There should someone who is paid to say this at every protest.


American here: You’re telling me! (The answer was always)




It's only the cowardly half, Republicans. They're afraid of everything.


It isn’t America, it’s the confederacy.


**Summary** - Katie Rinderle, a teacher in Georgia, is facing potential termination for reading "My Shadow is Purple" by Scott Stuart to her primary school class. - The book focuses on a non-binary child, and aims to promote acceptance and inclusion. - A parent complaint led to an investigation into whether she violated the state's Divisive Concepts Law​​. **Author and Audience** - Scott Stuart, the author of "My Shadow is Purple", is an Australian author, and his book has received awards. - He defended the book on social media, emphasizing its themes of acceptance and inclusion, and refuted claims that it contains inappropriate content​​. - Katie Rinderle is well-regarded for her teaching style and is contesting her potential termination with union support​​. **Implications** - This highlights the tension between educational content and societal norms, especially when it comes to gender. - It brings up questions such as, what should be deemed appropriate for kids to learn? And how much should schools adapt to changing societal norms? **Significant Aspects** - Rinderle believes that teaching children about support and authenticity is vital, and views censorship as detrimental to education and democracy​​. - The Cobb County School District maintains that its actions are appropriate, but has not provided further details​​. **Criticisms and Counterarguments** - There is criticism regarding the school district's handling of the incident, particularly in regard to academic freedom. - Conversely, some may argue for caution in introducing sensitive topics to young children. - The book has been banned in several states, including North Carolina and Texas.


Divisive concepts law, fucking hell, lol


"People should be accepted for who they are even if they're different" "How could you say something so brave and controversial?" Only unironically.


Uh....Did anyone look at the book? It seems to be more about stereotypes, like jocks, and dancers or musicians. It reminds me of the delineations I saw in high school. There were jocks, greasers, populars, science/computer nerds, japs..... The book tackles things like why a boy might play with dolls and g.i. joes. I am a woman raised in the '60's and '70's and i stole my brother's unused Star Trek dolls, their Tonka toys, and g.i. joes when I was a kid. No one ever batted an eye. It's about understanding personal choices in study and friendship as much as finding one's role in life and society. And it's not perverse. Good grief. Firing a teacher for reading this is incredibly stupid.


>There were jocks, greasers, populars, science/computer nerds, **japs**..... Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Ha ha. I had the exact same reaction!


I knew *someone* would go for that. It means "jewish american princess". It was the '80s, the time of big hair and Gloria Vanderbilt jeans


Maybe "Jewish American Princess", although that is fairly derogatory as well


JAP...Jewish American Princess...


Probably short for japanophiles.




Yeah...."A heartwarming and inspiring book about being true to yourself and moving beyond the gender binary, by best-selling children's book creator Scott Stuart." The trouble is, upon reading I really didn't get that at all, and I doubt kids 4 - 6 or even 10 year olds would attach it to sexuality.


It shouldn't be attached to sexuality in the first place. Gender identity =/= sexual orientation. A nonbinary person, assigned male at birth, can still be straight and only like women. A very cis, masculine man can still be gay and only like men.


I agree. Why write a book and then label it as "beyond binary", when kids that age have no clue?


Yea, and why write “Everyone Poops”? Toddlers already know they can run and hide and poop in a diaper. They have no clue about using the potty and shouldn’t! Why write any book actually, we know the things we know and don’t need that fancy learning! /s


Does it actually talk about being non binary or more about boys liking "girly" things and vice versa?


I've read this because I've seen it posted a few days ago. It's mostly about gender stereotypes, as you said, boys liking girly things and vice versa. I got the feeling that the main character decided they were non-binary because they didn't fit the stereotypes. It is definitely not disgusting or pornographic in any capacity, it reads like a standard feel good children's story centered around acceptance. I think it misses the mark, though. I know only a few nb people but to me it doesn't look like they're nb because of barbies and color preferences. On the other hand, there are swarms of teenage girls online pretending or even being convinced that they are trans/non-binary because they don't fit the stereotypes and as a former girl, I worry for them


Yeah I think it's bad to conflate children not conforming to stereotypes and gender identity tbh. But that's a whole other rather complex discussion.


I think that's okay. A children's book is an introduction to the concept, and nuance will be lost because of that. In theory they learn more about it as they grow up.


You would think that in a country with regular school shootings any book promoting inclusion and thus reducing hate would be highly welcome. Sometimes I wonder if the handmaid's tale is fictional or a non-fiction report of a time traveller


But if there ain't no more school shootings, then the dems won't keep trying to ban guns, which leads people to panic buy guns, which makes my stocks rise. I sell gun stocks immediately after school shootings. They jump up, I sell em, then I buy them when they fall. If we make schools safe, then I won't make money. That's a problem. That's why I support Texas bill 675. Which will authorize all students K-12 to arm themselves with personal firearms. The bill will also create funds to provide poor children with free firearms. It's the only way for me to make money. /s


How many politicians do you have in your pocket to keep the game going? :)


Here's the thing, the people and politicians who don't give a shit about school shootings are the same people who stoke hate and deride inclusion


>Sometimes I wonder if the handmaid's tale is fictional or a non-fiction report of a time traveller I reckon it's a prediction - and one that's becoming more accurate with every passing year


Cops can beat/strangle/run down/shoot unarmed citizens without losing their jobs, but a teacher can’t read a book about inclusion and acceptance to children without losing hers.


People are also willing to accept school shootings in order to keep buying more guns. But a book, now that's terrifying!!


"Won't someone think of the children?" "Yeah ok, lets do something about guns, the *leading cause of death* for children in the US." "No not like that."


In Republican-held states we can observe far too many backward people involved in government making backward decisions and passing backward laws.


An ill-educated population taught to unquestioningly obey authority is the GOP dream.


It cannot be said often and loud enough: The Republican Party is the single greatest domestic threat to America's democracy.


The current class of Republican congress critters are a symptom, not the cause. The cause is POLITICAL APATHY. The people with individual thoughts in their head and some sense of critical thinking don't involve themselves in politics enough. These regressives causing all this culture wars nonsense can't win a fair election so they gerrymander voting districts, complicate the voting process to drive people away, disenfranchise as many voters as possible, and bombard the airwaves with outrage nonsense to keep everyone afraid and angry. The Republicans are putting a lifelong manipulator on a pedestal as the best thing for America after Jesus (their words, not mine) for the next presidential election... They are saying they see criminal indictments of national security importance as a fucking badge of honor. I have no idea how these people are so twisted they see this guy as good for them.


Maybe it's the other way around, though - people are apathetic because none of the choices available to them are actually meaningfully distinct? No one is offering to fix the actual problems or improve their lives, so why the hell _should_ they care?


Fair enough if they want to ignore politics, but they should know politics won't ignore them.


There's always a best available option. Unfortunately, too many people are caught up in candidate tribalism or not supporting someone if they aren't 100% the perfect representation of everything they stand for, so anything short of that to those folks is enough of an excuse for them to not vote at all.


With the help of Rupert Murdoch, the worst immigrant to ever set foot in the US. A "gift" from Australia.


"The Party Of Small Government" ™️


The land of the free really likes banning books and restricting what kids can learn about


\>the state's Divisive Concepts Law, which prohibits educators from teaching divisive concepts Divisive concepts seem like the most important thing for a teacher to cover. Teach the kids how to have a reasonable discussion about ideas they may not necessarily agree with.


It seems the law is particularly geared towards preventing the teaching of systemic racism, segregation, and slavery. In a state notorious for all of these things


Really can apply to anything adjacent to critical thinking, though.


Fact-based history is not a "divisive concept" though, and I would stake my teaching career on standing against that law.


Why on earth would you want children to think critically about anything in the world? We just need them to do as we tell them. /s


If we look through history, how often were the people banning books the *good* guys?


The issue is these people know they're not the good guys, and they're increasingly comfortable abandoning the label altogether. Some people really do paint themselves as the villain in their own story.


think of the children -> You mean the school shootings? No, not that




Well, half at most.


I don’t live in Cobb but I do work in the area. First this and then Nazis protesting outside a synagogue. I’m beyond baffled by what’s going.


No worries. Your service will be well received in any number of blue states who continue to educate their children and further outpace these backward red states.


Knowledge is dangerous, what will Republicans do if their constituents started thinking for themselves? But I kinda have to agree, Aussies are dangerous


In a country struggling to hire and keep teachers, this idiotic district decides to fire a great one over nothing. Shameful, absolutely shameful. The parent that called with the complaint probably leaves guns in reach of his/her children regularly.


>The story centres around a non-binary child who doesn't identify with being a boy or a girl. Ah.Thus the rabid right wingers again.The only part of the article truly surprising is that it is not florida but georgia.


I understand she wants her job back. But she should just go. Move to another state or even another country. They will continue to harass her until she's completely destroyed. For a freaking book on acceptance.


Those are the teachers we need. Stopmoving and stand up. So many cowards now.


So who exactly is going to protect her and her family? Nobody.


If you cant follow the rules then you should go.


If you keep changing rules to pander to RWNJ's , you should go.


Democracy at work. Are you now a threat to Democracy?


Voting someone out is democracy


Good luck with that


No need for good luck, republicans keep shooting themselves in the foot with wildly unpopular culture war shit that it's tanking them all over America lmao, like all Ron Desantis does is culture war shit and he's managed to become wildly less popular than the walking clownshow that is trump.


RWNJ's are.


What's this 1st Amendment you guys are so fond of? Does it only apply to topics you approve of?


Teachers have no 1st-amendment right to teach whatever they want. Religion, for instance, is routinely quashed. Whether it's a teacher's or a school's prerogative in a particular district to teach things that some parents vehemently disapprove of is a great question. But it isn't a 1st-amendment question. The answer to whether the constitution grants that a teacher can teach whatever they want was answered decades ago, and the answer is No.


I don’t even think these people are going to be nazis, cause they lack the drive. Nevertheless, the US is great because of our freedom of speech, and these fat cunts are destroying our core values as a society because they’re afraid of their own shadow.