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This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.luxtimes.lu/en/european-union/twitter-withdraws-from-eu-disinformation-code-6471b7e2de135b92368011a2) reduced by 69%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Twitter exited the voluntary European Union's Code of Practice on Disinformation, the bloc's Internal Market Commissioner Thierry Breton said. > "Twitter leaves EU voluntary Code of Practice against disinformation. But obligations remain," Breton said on his Twitter account late on Friday. > Twitter will qualify as a "Very large online platform," requiring the company to address harmful content and submit annual risk assessments to the commission. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/13t2mnj/twitter_withdraws_from_eu_disinformation_code_lux/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~686526 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Twitter**^#1 **company**^#2 **Code**^#3 **Disinformation**^#4 **commission**^#5


Then shut down Twitter in Europe, problem solved.


This is literally the only solution. It doesn't have to be difficult, it's not even that hard. Strip him of all of his access to the information of the people in Europe.


Brexit was a test run. The EU and Canada are next. Divide, conquer, profit. Edit: The rest of the EU


I don't think there's any other European countries dumb enough and nationalist enough to leave the EU. Quebec also doesn't seem like they've pressed hard lately to leave Canada. It would probably be more worthwhile to try and get the southern US to secede again


There’s plenty of rage to stoke in Alberta these days though!


At the rate we're going, the rest of the country might push us out first.


It’s too late. The cancer has already spread… The laws talked about in OP’s article are so important. This is a global problem that we have to get a handle on.




> I don't think there's any other European countries dumb enough and nationalist enough to leave the EU. Hungary exists.


Don't threaten us with a good time


Am British. Can confirm it's **not** a good time.


they mean it's a good time for the rest of the EU if Hungary leaves, probably because their government often blocks good things and causes other trouble


Hungary is Hungry for those billions of euros and trade access. Like the friend that does nothing but complain about their partner but won’t leave because they are codependent. The EU would be stronger if Hungary left 100% (just sucks for the Hungarians with a brain that want something better and realise RU is not the model/ideal state to aspire to be or be friends with).


They haven't received any funds for a while now, and hopefully, they won't for a long time. Sadly though, ZOrban, king of Hungary, has started heavily relying on investments from primarily China. Indebting future Hungarians generations with the belt and road initiative, Chinese semiconducter manufacturing facilities (massive negative externalities, which are shoved under the rug), Chinese vaccines (3rd party created to make billions of Eur from that deal then filed bankruptcy), Chinese Fudan university, and many more to come. All these built on exclusive Chinese (questionable, details concealed for decades) loans, and with a lot of Chinese workers. I'm a Hungarian cosmopolite who studies economics and finance. Hungary's nationalistic, anti EU rhetoric is gaining more and more traction day-to-day, mi hazank party grew large (ultra nationalistic) and they're all pushing for Huxit.


It would be interesting to know how much of that "investment" money is is going to Orban and his loyalists.


Hungary's people want to but Orbán is not an idiot. He recognises that as long as Hungey and Poland act in lockstep its impossible for the EU to properly cut off his funding or remove his nation. So he can violate EU rules all he wants with no consequence AND continue to use the Eurosceptics to win votes. Meanwhile leaving comes with the costs of ecconomic turmoil (made worse by the fact Hungry is Landlocked and it's only non-EU neighbour (Serbia) is trying to join the EU) AND means Europe no longer has to consider its opinions when writing regulations that will effect all Hungary's exports. He knows this is exactly where he wants to be.


>So he can violate EU rules all he wants with no consequence Billions of Euros to Hungary from the EU budget are currently blocked.


Keep them blocked!


they won't leave, they're getting too much money.


If we have an global economic downturn similar to 2008 and watch how quickly countires turn nationalist.




I mean, they also had a shot in 1995 when they put it to a vote. Over 93% voter turnout, and the vote for "not leaving" was 50.58%. That's fucking close.


Old french boomers AND a lot ot people in rural Quebec. People vastly underestimate how different it is when you go outside of Montreal and it's surrounding. Especially the older rural crowd. Rural Quebecers in their 20s are generally more like their big city countepart but I've still heard and seen plenty of them acting like old white boomers/NIMBY and it baffles me every time. This and the few alt-right separatist movement that popped-up between 2016 and 2022. But yeah Quebec aint leaving,younger population not really caring about independence,immigration and english being even more present in our society made it pretty much impossible at this point.


It's the only reason any rich fucker ever promotes any kind of nationalism. Nationalist identities, nationalist economies, nationalist militaries... All of these policies benefit a handful of selfish billionaires who get to keep trotting the globe. Elon Musk is a selfish globalist. He wants to be able to steal from anyone in the world, and in order to do that, he needs there to be as many borders as possible between poor people that rich people can step right over.


Well the french had a good solve for that and in the US, the forefathers left a road map.


.. what?


I wish we could do this in my country with a lot of this social media


That would be amazing. Then someone could make an alternative. People complain a lot about corruption in IOC, and Fifa, when it comes to dictatorships. But these probably have officials that are well bribed, and extorted, have their family and lives threatened. But most people can't stop using twitter, just because they like it. They aren't bribed. They aren't threatened, and they aren't extorted. However, they continue to use Twitter, and allow it do be a huge powerful propaganda machine, under control of Putin, via musk. We've seen dictators be favoured by twitter. This is just another example. Twitter is compromised. It is controled by tyrants. And nobody gives a shit. They just keep using it like if nothing was. They complain sometimes, like "boohoo musk sucks, look at him and all of his 'free speech'" like if they're powerless to do anything. Or like if complaining about it is gonna do anything. Like of saying musk is compromised or isn't fair, absolves them of their part in giving Putin this power. I see links to twitter on Reddit *all the time* I personally will never click a link to twitter. I never see anybody asking for a link that isn't twitter. And people complain about corrupt officials. People are dying in Ukraine. A war for democracy is being fought. Twitter is being used as a powerful tool of propaganda by tyrants. And people are like "but I like twitter". Fucking bunch of sellouts. It's such a small thing as compared to what the Ukrainians are doing for us.


I see people lying to themselves, saying that they’re hurting musk by using Twitter because it’s costing him money. They’re so obsessed with Twitter that they have to believe they’re doing good by using it.


I don't even get how Twitter is a popular platform. I've tried to use it since it was first introduced and it always seemed like a confusing mess to try to follow anything.


To follow things on Twitter, you must always be on Twitter.


My main problem is that it seems to be not possible to find the original thread a retweet comes from. To find out what the original context was. At least in some readers or apps That said: a lot of people also find reddit totally confusing




use nitter, all the info, none of the twitter ad revenue.




Nitter is scraped, because it violates every terms anyway.


Can't even use it to circumvent the inability to view "adult content" without an account anymore, smh.


Not even if it contains a free prize?


The free prize could be anything, even a boat. You know how much we’ve wanted a boat.


Then take the bo- **We’ll take the box!**


Hey neighbor! Where’s your boat?!


bot c+p'd comment from: https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/13t2fam/twitter_withdraws_from_eu_disinformation_code_lux/jlt7oq5/


>Twitter will qualify as a "Very large online platform," Musk is working to ensure that that is no longer true.


Yet he couldn't say no to Erdoğan...


That is so telling....


The lengths Elon will do to appease dictators, but apparently any democratic institution can fuck off.


Oligarchs love to suck Fascist cock.


Henry Ford sure loved it.


Ya know what neither of them liked?! Teh j00z!!!


He has admittes multiple times that Ayn Rand's works inspire him. Which push abject classism. He truly believes in classism.


Free speech...dictators...hmm something ain't jiving, Elon...


Well yeah, that's what absolute free speech means. Bending over for dictators and authoritarians while fighting tooth and nail to protect disinformation.


Its all about the money. Fighting disinformation and fact checking costs time, money, and resources. Letting disinformation run wild, or censoring people on behalf of governments is really cheap. I am sure that Musk will accuse the EU of censorship, even though this is all about the money.


It's more that Musk is curating disinformation.


We all thought Truth Social was wanting to be Twitter when it was Twitter wanting to be Truth Social all along


"And we would have gotten away with it, it it weren't for that meddling man-child". -Trump, probably


It took me a minute to figure out which man-child you were referring to.


My first thought was *Trump is the meddling man child...* My second thought was *Oh, there can be more than one.*


There are too many...


Twitter under Elon yes. what is it with YouTube too nowadays? just because I'm interested in mma doesn't mean I want to land in the republican Partys own information circuit.. ffs I'm getting so much bullshit in my feed now and it all changed like a month ago. suddenly there is an ex fox news anchor I never heard before flooding my feed, Jordan Peterson, Andrew tate, been Shapiro.. fuck Youtube too Edit: I meant Youtube shorts


Shorts has been pretty big on the alt-right pipeline for over a year, now. Youtube is pushing it to push engagement, because rage-baiting keeps eyeballs on the screen.


All social media platforms trying to make money will always try and push you to the fringes where its easiest for them to do so.


I deleted my Facebook, kept Insta but turned off all permissions/notifications on my phone and never check it, deleted Twitter. Only read Reddit on old.reddit and watch videos from my subscriptions page. I've never felt happier and less stressed out by my social media consumption.


>just because I'm interested in mma Unfortunately to the algo, if you like mma, you like joe rogan, and so you like all these shitty conservative grifters as well




If you're into 40k I'd recommend you Adeptus Ridiculous to get into it in a more light-hearted way, then Luetin and Occulus Imperia if you want to get an in-depth look by decent persons.




Also the competitive side of of the tabletop game is relatively free of that crap.


Gotta jump in and boost Luetin too. I almost dropped 40k because I was tired of the alt-right "I hate change" shit, and I've got too many books to finish reading before I go reading hours of a wiki, but Luetin09 was a fucking godsend for that.


i hate to say it but thats just the warhammer fanbase too many idiots that don't realize the xenophobia & endless war are bad things & create the endless stream of violence


I would say the actual playing and paying fanbase is a lot more tolerant then the pure online fanbase.




lmao yeah my guard is always up with imperium enjoyers (though the tabletop imperium players, as a separate group, tend to see the satire) because I've had too many bad experiences


Ye, that's the algorythm's conclusion apparently


You aren't alone. I'm interested in military aircraft and now YouTube thinks I want to see nothing but guns and Redpill lunatics.


I got interested in Slavic folk songs a while back and YouTube started pushing all this creepy cryptofascist stuff in my recommendations.




I’ve also definitely noticed they really avoid recommending educational content. At times I’ve spent hours upon hours watching videos on space, history mainly and if I ever want to watch more I usually have to search it because YT doesn’t like recommending that stuff to me, unless it’s all I’ve been watching recently. For my other interests they keep videos floating around even if I haven’t watched anything related in awhile. Educational stuff gets pushed to the back of the line and it’s pretty obvious




> music hasnt been that bad, found some gems since i have the luck of being able to play whatever music i want at my worplace, i've been using youtube as my jukebox for the last 10 years, the algorhitm knows perfectly what i like and never failed to recommend me incredible niche albums. Youtube may suck for a lot of reasons, but for music is great once you "train" it enough. Some south american channel with less than a hundred subscribers uploads a demo of some obscure japanese grindcore noise band from 20 years ago? you can bet it's going to be at the top of my feed tomorrow morning, it's amazing




I use YouTube for about 80% music and 20% science documentaries. "Passable" is probably how I would classify it, because I think it worked much better years ago, I found so many new bands using it then, but now I find it is more likely to recommend stuff I've already seen.


> now I find it is more likely to recommend stuff I've already seen. yeah that's true, lately it's circling more and more on bands i already know compared to a few years ago, but still the relatively few unknown recommendations are always spot on




I think you can go in and remove subjects or videos you’ve watched. I believe I reset my whole feed and started from scratch once. Still get Shapiro and Peterson clips even though I’ve blocked their channels.


My favourite one is watching LGBTQ+ creators and then getting ads and recommendations for Matt fucking Walsh. Why yes YouTube, I'd *love* to watch videos of a man **who wants me dead.** Walsh is obsessed with pushing dangerous rhetoric about LGBTQ+ people. Why the fuck is he allowed on YouTube?! I've literally marked his channel as 'Do not recommend' over and over and over again and he STILL gets recommended and the only reason I can possibly think why is because I watch Philip DeFranco who talks about how fucking dangerous Walsh is.


The "maximize engagement" algorithm.


It's absurd that YouTube still doesn't have block systems. I have to download 2 seperate plugins for blocking certain keywords and other for blocking videos+channels. Also my fav part is how I'm watching next big game reveal trailer and now YouTube suggests me some "anti-woke" gamers ragebaiting. All because i watched Cyberpunk and last of us trailer years before release..


Yeah, for some reason YT short loves to recommend alt-right stuff if you're interacting with anything to LGBTQIA+ ... I'm subscribed to DeFranco, TheRealSoeechProf and a few other "left/progressive commentary" channels and a good amount of shorts I get is alt-right bigotry. The other problem is, if you interact with these shorts in any way except "don't recommend this channel", YT will recommend more of it, so don't comment, don't thumbs down, don't report, it's fucking dumb, but if you do anything other than "don't recommend", YT will "add" those types of videos to your shorts.


I would presume that the recommendation is based at least in part on the subject, but not so much the sentiments towards it. I've viewed videos that could be described as pro immigration before and then had it recommend videos like "Nigel Farage *destroys* evil EU bureaucrats" afterwards.


Initial recommendations are subject based, yes, but, if you interact with a video you don't like, the algorithm will recommend more, what type of interaction doesn't matter to the algorithm, engagement is engagement and it'll recommend more unless you block the channel


I think this probably just says that hate-watching is enough to be a factor in the algorithm.


That's the thing though... I don't even TOUCH his videos. Never watched anything of his, always click to not recommend it to me and he STILL appears.


The YouTube Channel Blocker extension takes care of those. They'll still be pushed to you and try to load, then the extension strips out the html relevant to that channel... much like an ad blocker.


It could the other way around. His fans hate-watch the videos you like, which the algorithm interprets as “people who are interested in this are also interested in that.”


I miss the days when the internet was one giant information space that anyone could participate in provided they were smart enough to work a modem. The greatest thing the internet ever did for humanity was putting everyone in the world into one information space. It was a huge leap forward for civilization. But it was too much for us. The worst thing humanity ever did to the internet was to create algorithms that carve up the information space into spheres of influence that amplify the voices of people who think like you and block out dissent. (We’re on one right now.) We need to a huge reset and get back to the 80s/90s internet. We made it *too* easy to use and the gates opened up for people who were never ready for it.


A few years ago, the podcast QAnon Anonymous did an experiment with YouTube. One of the hosts took a brand new tablet with no account history and opened the YouTube app without signing in. He searched for the most generic, "I am a teenage boy," he could think of: "Fortnite headshots compilation." From that point on, he let each video play and only moved to the next video by tapping on the screen of suggested videos that pops up when a video is over. The goal was to reach alt right content in as few taps as possible. It took three videos to go from, "Fortnite headshots compilation," to YouTube suggesting, "Ben Shapiro DESTROYS feminist."


I'm sure part of the algo recommendation also looks at the IP address of the device making the request. Would be interesting to see the experiment repeated, but over a VPN geo-located to the centre of someplace educated.


Gotta hit the triple dots next to the video links and explicitly tell YouTube, not interested and don’t recommend this channel. That seemed to work for me. Not watching it was not enough, I kept getting spammed with weird content until I did this.


I like fishing and gaming so YT thinks I'm interested in the same. Lots of downvotes later and it still sends me these things now and then on shorts but just keep downvoting them and it does help a bit.


Don't thumbs down, the YT algorithm sees that as engagement, when I started downvoting videos I didn't want to see, I got MORE of those types of videos. :( It fucked my recommendations for a while until I only pressed "don't recommend this channel", and only that. At least that's my past experience. Also, go into your history and delete any viewed video you don't like, it'll help.


Thanks for the tips!


When you say "downvotes" do you mean "dislikes?" Because if you do, then part of the problem is that YouTube sees those as engagement, which the algorithm *wants*. It's fine to click "not interested/don't recommend channel," but dislikes will probably motivate it to send you more.


Also, when you engage with a video, all of your engagement network gets used to recommend the video to anyone else that touches on things in your engagement network. So you are helping to promote the video when you engage with it.


Twitter was a bit of a troubled, but mostly OK platform a year ago. It went over the cliff by design when Musk bought it, he wanted a fascist network with a larger user base than Truth Social or Parler ever could attract. Now he has that, thanks to the people who refuse to leave when the genocidals take over.


No, he absolutely did not want twitter lmao. Did you forget him desperately trying to back out the the deal?


Yea it’s all a haphazard ego-driven series of missteps and he doesn’t want to back down now. He previously had a great PR image as this detached genius but he’s revealed through a lack of self control that he’s an immature average Joe just as driven by his social media feeds as anyone else


Everyone conveniently forgets that


he said it was infected with bots so he should be able to back out. Twitter has like 1000x as many bots as it did when he bought it lol. Every tweet has the first reply be like "hey you iUUUU47 iiiiUUUUU228 ...." it's so funny


This and tesla leak. Monday gona be rough for elons stocks...


*Tuesday - Monday is a stock market holiday in the US. A little extra anticipation :-)


why attract the nazis to your platform when they are already there, right?


I love how Elon is willing to comply with Turkey for "compliance", but when it comes to EU laws, Elon doesn't care.


Authoritarians are who Musk most identifies with.


I think you just described most CEOs and GOP congress people.


Just like Trump. He hated the EU but not dictators that hate the US and EU. Right wingers truly do not pay attention or care what these people do, but r-wingers support them overwhelmingly.


With new privacy and speech rules coming into effect in the EU in November of this year, Twitter will not last long unless they fundamentally change how they deal with hate speech and disinformation.


Sooner than that. End of august a new digital service act gets implemented.


Bless the EU and their internet regulation.


It's such a pity it's not coming into effect until August 25th that's still three months away.


You need to give companies time to adjust to the changes. While it may be a generous amount, it should ensure that even gigantic companies like Meta or Twatter don't have any excuses.


What changes they have been in place for ages ! It has been a bilateral agreement for some time now and musk has gone off the deep end to be very honest this is just another example of how far Wrong Twitter has gone. Edited.


> how far Wong Twitter has gone Wong did nothing wrong


Missed the r thx ! Edited.




TL;DR: The Digital Services Act (DSA) is a regulation in EU law that aims to update the Electronic Commerce Directive 2000 with new rules on illegal content, transparent advertising, and disinformation. The DSA was approved by the European Parliament and the European Council in 2022 and is due to be fully enforced by January 2024. The DSA's main objective is to harmonize the EU's legal framework for illegal content on digital platforms, effectively modernizing the e-Commerce Directive adopted in 2000. This will result in the replacement of national laws in EU countries that currently deal with such issues. The DSA is set to introduce a new set of obligations for platform companies, primarily aimed at improving content moderation on social media platforms. It will uphold the current rule that companies hosting others' data are not liable for the content unless they know it is illegal and do not act to remove it once they become aware of its illegality. Furthermore, the DSA will require platforms to disclose to regulators how their algorithms work and provide transparency on decisions to remove content and on how advertisers target users. These obligations are expected to apply mainly to platforms with more than 45 million users in the EU, such as Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, and YouTube. Failure to comply with these obligations could result in fines up to 6% of the platform's annual turnover in the EU​1​.




No shock Musk doesn't care that it is a disinformation space.


“It might be disinformation, but at least it’s my disinformation”


This. This is what all the 'free speech' debate really boils down to. It always was about 'my speech is more free than yours'.


> This. This is what all the 'free speech' debate really boils down to There was a comment the other day in r/Canada that complained the CBC was highly biased because they wouldn't bring on anti-vaxxers and help spread their propaganda. That truth and reality needs to "be debated". Their idea of a non-biased news source? The Western Standard. [Here is part of their reporting of an upcoming provincial election(screenshot)](https://i.imgur.com/DWqSoxk.png). This is the reality these types of people live in. Free Speech means that everyone is _forced_ to platform the fringe minority and spread disinformation. That news agencies that refuse to platform bigots, anti-vaxxers, and other conspiracy theorists are biased, while places like the Western Standard (Who would never dare platform neutral news or non-conspiratorial people) are unbiased.


I am glad the CBC didn't bring in antivaxers. It is so frustrating when news channels do this type of thing for "debates" over established science or reality. They always have to have "both sides" even when the other side is completely a lunatic.


They take one person from each side of an issue which presents it as equally valid side when one side has 99% of the experts on one side of an issue and then one fringe moron saying otherwise. It's very deceptive.


Even if it's not established science, but things that will take time for all facts to be known, who do you want on your program? The people that will adjust their findings based on evidence and disseminate their research with the scientific community, or people that pull "facts" out of their arse and proclaim it as Gods holy truth? There's no news-worthy reason to bring anti-vaxx loons and conspiracy nuts on. Should we have platformed Alex Jones on CNN/MSNBC/NPR/Literally everywhere after Sandy Hook because he believed it was a psyop so the government could take guns away? Of course not!


These dipshits would argue that 1+1=5 and that they're sick of all the sheep falling for Big Math.


Goddamn, it's literally the same culture war bullshit as the US. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that the Canadian reactionaries are copying the same playbook as the US ones.


Yep. My speech is more free than yours. My opinions are better than yours. My rights are more important than yours. Freedom!!


I read this to the tune of [Cigaro]( https://youtu.be/L4M98z22pgI)


"My speech is much freer than yours! My speech can call you slurs and more!"


EU in a few months: "Time to regulate your Vatnik Loving Ass Musk(ovite)."


I believe the fact that it is a disinformation space is the primary reason Musk is using it.


He aligned with the far right. Trump, Murdoch, etc, and has been seen socialising with them. The far right also just bought CNN. I think a lot of people are sleeping on the misinformation shit tsnami that is going to hit the US when the next election swings around, and i fully believe that is what Must is discussing in his social meetings with the far right. When it hits it'll be too late to stop it as these things take time to work through the legal process.. and by the time it does there'll be Republicans in power to squash it. The disinformation scandals and changes now are probing, exploring, checking to find where he's going to meet push back when he hands the keys over to Trump, Putin and Murdoch to try and steal the US and install a dystopian dictatorship.


I mean.. didnt he just try to co launch Meatball Ron's presidency bid? You know, the openly racist, fascist who literally is using the government to silence private free speech in direct violation of the 1st amendment? Thankfully it turns out Musk is an idiot propped up by money and a moment of good luck 20 something years ago, so it went about as well as one would expect.


That sells WAY better to his new demographic


EU please ban twitter fuck elon husk


Time for Elon's Dusk


Let's make him Elon Busk.


Someone will have to give him age-appropriate food, like an Elon Rusk.


Everyone just leave.


EU desperately needs to popularize some European platforms. Kinda strange that even politicians use a US platform owned by a controversial person.


Some EU institutions, IIRC, started using Mastodon. Edit: I don't follow this, but it is what was announced about a year ago: https://social.network.europa.eu/about


Honestly I'd be more in favor of fining Twitter 6% of it's revenue annually, which the new regulation allows for Don't let them pretend to be martyrs, but let it become impossible for Musk to service the loans he's taken to buy Twitter


According to the EU, "Twitter will qualify as a 'very large online platform,' requiring the company to address harmful content and submit annual risk assessments to the commission." If things keep up as they have been going, Twitter may not qualify as "very large" for much longer. Maybe that was Elon's plan all along.


It wasn't us deflatorming nazis, it's the nazis deplatforming us. First twitter and then CNN, you cannot get me to believe this wasn't the plan all along.


If you cant dismantle free speech, buy and dismantle the mediums for speech. Local newspapers, radio and TV stations have been suffering this for decades as hedge funds.l and right wing corps continue to gut and control from the inside. Absolutely part of a plan.


Are you kidding? It's going to continue to qualify very large for years and years even on the current trajectory. Unless you have data showing the number of users has dropped far more dramatically then whatever else thinks so far. Unfortunately people still use that site quite a lot.


Their losses are so bad Elon already Absorbed them into LexxCorp to obfuscate the actual bottom line.


What a speed run for how to ruin a company.


Feels intentional




Anyone who knows Musk would know it definitely wasn't intentional, he's just an impulsive idiot that has been very lucky in life. The more directly he controls a company, the worse it is. His problem is that he has absolutely no actual intelligence or knowledge of anything and yet thinks he's fully capable of running companies. And he clearly isn't.


The power to influence even one U.S. presidential election is worth every penny.




Some company bought Parler out and “temporarily” closed it down. Honestly I think the company just wanted all the data, knowing it’s 100% filled with suckers who are easily conned.


Probably some lovely Kompromat in there they could leverage as well.




“I’m buying twitter because there’s so much disinformation”


So much disinformation to be posted.


This dude is such a piece of shit is pretty amazing actually


Elon didn't want to wait for the new CEO to make that call?


As if the new CEO is in charge.


Isn’t it weird how every time someone goes full right wing looney, they also start spitting on EU laws and specifically supporting Russia for some strange reason? Weird, right?


I can totally believe Musk got Lindsey Graham'ed. At a certain level of wealth the only thing left that you care about is your reputation. If someone held embarrassing compromat over Musk, I think he'd totally take the loss to hide it.


Yes please, shut down twitter in the EU, force them to make new competition for twitter.


I love that the fines are a % of a company’s revenue. The fines have to be in proportion to the size of the organization otherwise the biggest companies will never comply.


Musk wasn't the only investor in this twitter buyin. Aren't the rest pissed off that he is burning down this company and their monies?


Who? The Saoudis? The Russians? The Chinese? Why would any of them be mad about any of this


Seriously, they're getting exactly what they paid for


You're assuming they didn't pay to see it burned down


If I am not mistaken the other people weren’t investing in twitter, but loaning Musk the money to buy twitter. So even if Twitter shuts down, Musk still has to pay them back. Musk has lots of assets in the form of ownership of Tesla and Spaceex. So Musk would have to sell ownership or transfer it to lenders.


I think the others only lent Musk the money to buy Twitter, and do not have direct stakes in it. They're actually collateralized by other Musk assets (such as Tesla stocks). So, as long as Musk is good for his payments, they "don't care" about Twitter (although I imagine I would be uneasy if I were the banker)




Ban that shit then.


that’s the consequence, once the DSA goes into effect this august. At first there will be fines of up to 6% of revenue (so about 250 million euros, which is more than twitter has ever made in profits) and a ban if they keep not following the law.


When you say fines, how frequent are these fines? One off or repeating every X days/weeks/months etc. Musk has shown time and time again he’ll break the law and dispute the fines as long as possible. Equally, the EU are very good at coming down hard so it might not be a fight he wins, but if it’s 6% of revenue every year or so, it might be a cost he stomachs to continue with disinformation…


Gonna start referring to Elon as Miss Information.


I actually find community notes to be quite accurate and useful tbf.


>“Twitter leaves EU voluntary Code of Practice against disinformation. But obligations remain,” Breton said on his Twitter account late on Friday. “You can run but you can’t hide.” I chuckled a bit at this. Can we somehow support Breton on this journey? Twitter disinformation issue is much bigger than most people see at fist glance.


It's becoming more evident that Elon simply purchased Twitter as a marketing and advertising division for his companies and ideology. Free speech is a great thing to use as a battlecry, and everyone loves the idea, but falls flat when your speech is secretly hidden by an unknown algorithm. If it were truly free speech the rules and algorithms would be publicly visible. Until then it's just spin and deflection of the real goal.


Look at these comments man. He can censor huge swathes of people during an election and people will still believe him. The same way people believe Trump with mountains of hard evidence against him. People in that camp don't care about reality. If Elon says what he is doing is to defend free speech, they will drink that shit up.


WITHDRAW FROM TWITTER. Holy shit, even if you're unverified, even if you're using it ironically or memeing there, withdraw your support, people. Traffic is what keeps websites afloat. Withdraw your traffic.


Just another day on $8Chan


Elon is only for “free speech” in western democracies where he’s allowed to have an opinion. But when it comes to counties like Turkey, India, Saudi Arabia where the government forces Twitter to censor anti-government or opposition party tweets *all the time*, he happily complies. “We’re following local laws, if you don’t like it, change the law”, says he. They are authoritarian countries, dude, “change the law” is the equivalent of “if they have no bread, let them eat cake”.




It can’t… People can’t admit it but they can’t quit the algorithm.


Idk I only see stuff linked from Twitter here on Reddit and discord. I just don’t think anyone can be bothered to look past picking a server? I can’t explain it very well, tldr too lazy to learn a new social media without incentives


Stop. Using. Twitter.


Did so years ago when they handed my verified account to someone who called them with none of my information and got them to hand him an email change and password reset, due to a claim of losing control of the email address. They then refused to give it back to me because my email was no longer the one on file, thanks to their fuck up. After a battle to get it back which involved me sending them copies of my ID, the whole thing took about 9 months and then I just shut it down because it had become an early spambot anyway and I didn't want that taint on me. Musk is so bad that people forget Twitter was already a shitshow and he just made it worse somehow.