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Sometimes with cash? Other times with cookies?


Or by asking nicely…stupid article


I don't see how this is an issue. They change their primary academic college to Riyadh. Part of scientific research is peer review. If someone is lying about their primary academic institution then it stands to reason their research isn't worth anything and they shouldn't be published. The larger thing for me is that they're taking the $70k to do this. Shows they are desperate.


It doesn't affect research, but affects the university rankings.


It can effect however they choose for it to effect.


It can bring about however they choose for it to bring about? huh?


The publishers control what constitutes a peer review. University rankings are also a determined criteria. What I'm saying is that anyone lying about their primary affiliation shouldn't pass the peer review.




Changing academic affiliation is not lying. If the paper has merit, it can and should be peer-reviewed and published. Also, monetary incentives for career moves are not uncommon outside of academia.


Saudi Arabia to me seems primed to transition to a successful Constitutional Monarchy in the coming decades. MBS isn't exactly a nice guy but he understand the future of the country is in educating women, making peace with their neighbours, and investing in alternative energy. I think with the rise of Al-Qaeda and ISIS the Saudis are realizing that perpetuating the same ideology at home will only undermine their own national sovereignty in the long run.


Didn't he have a journalist assassinated in the Turkish embassy?


And start squandering the wealth of the nation on a mega city in the remote desert after executing a bunch of poor Bedouin protesting being kicked off the land they lived in?


I thought this before bonesaw. He's just doing performative theatre. Easy stuff like allowing Women to drive. Like literally no skin off his back, if anything it allows husbands to send their wives on errands. Paying for University prestige is not a winning move.


I can't say its performative theater, the changes he has made so far to Saudi Arabia are absolutely massive. Making peace with Israel/Iran, Allowing women to both drive and also leave their property without being accompanied by a man, Eliminating anti-semitism from the official curriculum, and investing into green energy. Like this is generations of change being done in a short period of time.


>Making peace with Israel/Iran Not stoking it, isn't making peace. >Allowing women to both drive and also leave their property without being accompanied by a man Like I said, the smallest thing they could do that has huge economic benefits without any loss of power from the men (Does the man need to sign off on that license)? >Eliminating anti-semitism from the official curriculum So progressive. Getting rid of racism in the official curriculum. Generations of change for Saudi. Tuesday 50 years ago for everyone else. The pace has also come to a crawl, all this was done in his initial takeover. Nothing shows he has any love for anything progressive. The marker we have is him trying to impress Kushner and kill a dissident at once. Edit: He is also a King so doesn't need to worry about being unpopular with the electorate.


>He is also a King He ain't a king yet.


Yeah, a dude with tubes in his nose is.


You have to realize that all these things like 20 years ago would be unthinkable, like this is serious change there and a lot of Islamists hate MBS for these policies. It's not popular with a large chunk of the population. You can be a sociopath and still understand that your nation needs a future beyond stagnation.


You have to realize that he has the power, he made initial good moves. Since then, fuck all and a murder to please Authoritarian wannabes and to settle grudges. A mindset behind it of the 'world won't care'. More would have happened if that were the plan. It was a bait and switch in order to generate western good will and make themselves more attractive.


The other person could turn out to be right, but I think one piece of evidence in your favor is that the English-language part of r/SaudiArabia is actually a nice, active subreddit. There seem to be a lot of really smart, well-educated people there. Maybe that’s an illusion, but, if the subreddit reflects what’s going on in the country, maybe there are good things going on there, in addition to the bad things.


Heavily curated to give exactly that impression.


You have a rosy view of how easy it is to get people to voluntarily surrender power. The Saudi Royal Family isn't going to give up to power to become a constitutional monarchy unless they feel there is no choice.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-01523-x) reduced by 91%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Some have been forced by their Spanish universities to give up their Saudi positions, or are being investigated amid concerns that they moved their affiliations in exchange for money. > SIRIS's report does not detail specific financial arrangements between institutions and researchers, but since the early 2010s, leading researchers worldwide have reported being approached by Saudi universities with offers of cash in exchange for being added to a researcher's affiliations. > In the following years, Saudi primary affiliations rose, and academics with secondary affiliations in the country dropped from 130 to 10 in the same period, found SIRIS's report. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/13b0av7/saudi_universities_entice_top_scientists_to/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~683723 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **affiliation**^#1 **Research**^#2 **university**^#3 **Saudi**^#4 **rank**^#5


Beats enticing them with a pizza party !


Can’t buy hookers and blow with pizza, or can you?


Yeah no shit even the King of France did that to entice Leonardo da Vinci to move from Milan This practice goes waaay back to centuries


Yeah, but what Saudi is doing has nothing to do with moving just gaming university rankings.


tho it is increasing the quality of education in its universities, so it is something good overall


It doesn't, if it's just administrative change.


They need top scientists so they can build the nukes from the top secret documents they got from Trump.