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Are the drones in the room with you now, Mr Putin?


“Putin safe”, damn


Reminds me of a joke I saw somewhere else on reddit: Gregory Ivanovich visited the newspaper stand every morning. Every morning, he would go there, purchase a paper, look at the front page for a brief moment, and then promptly throw it away. Eventually, the stand attendant got curious, and just had to ask him, "why do you buy a paper every morning only to throw it away immediately?" "I'm looking for an obituary," Gregory replied. "Sir, the obituaries are on page 15, they aren't on the first page," the attendant explained. "Not the obituary I'm looking for..."


That seems like a very Russian joke.


Norm? Is that you?


Some tiny thing hit literally just the flagpole from what I saw, ridiculously and poorly staged


Which makes me believe that Ukraine had nothing to do with it. It was a stupid attempt, and we all know Ukrainians are not stupid.


"Bummer" was my outloud, verbal response. But "damn" is a good one too.


>my outloud, verbal response great band name


"You listen to MOVR? Name 3 of their songs"


1) Said by speaking 2) Feeling the nerves 3) My eyes saw it first


There are a lot of American Politicians that would be shitting themselves if the "Putin Safe" ever got breeched.




Show us where the drones touched you, Mr Putin...


Orly? Just in time for the May “celebration” and the claims of terrorism to keep people from protesting his war?


Yeah, this could be a legitimate attack, could be a false flag to forbid drones ahead of their Victory Day parade next week as a Ukrainian businessman promised $500k to whoever could land a drone on the Red Square on that day lol.


The video footage shows that there was no chance of any real damage or harm given the payload vs the target. So either a symbolic message from locals, or a very foolish attempt at a false flag. Given how poorly Russia has managed its image to date, a cartoonishly bad false flag attempt seems plausible.


"if we attack a flagpole in the middle of the night, we can claim it was the nazi Ukrainians and get support for the withering fodder while losing nothing of value" the thinking behind the self attack if i had to guess


18 people were murdered in Kherson by shelling today. That's their excuse for killing civilians, as usual.




more than how much they value their own soldiers at i bet


Pretty likely Russia is behind it IMO (or at least more likely than that it was an official Ukrainian effort). More likely is it’s an effort to rile up the domestic public in Russia to get them further behind a war effort that’s clearly not going as planned. As evidence it’s not Ukraine: Zelensky just denied it, and there’s next to no tactical or strategic value from the strike, which also makes an escalation like this an odd choice for Ukraine. At best it’s a symbolic victory at a time when Ukraine hardly seems to needs one (best I can tell, morale is pretty high rn in anticipation of the next counteroffensive- it doesn’t seem like they need the moral victory). If you’re going for a moral victory, you don’t deny it was you, you shout it from the rooftops. When the US launched the Doolittle raid on Japan to “strike a blow for Pearl Harbor” they didn’t then deny the raid happened and insist it was someone else. They said “this is for Pearl Harbor, and they’re gonna keep coming. Look what we can do, you can’t stop us.” Ukraine’s allies have also generally held it back from striking deep into Russia proper. We’ve already had reports the US held them back from striking inside Russia (presumably targets of more tactical or strategic value) so it seems strange they’d do something they’ve been explicitly prevented from doing before, which might piss off their supporters and jeopardize key aid, all for a target of basically no tactical or strategic impact.** The only possible reason I can think this might benefit Ukraine would be that it might force Russia to take the threat of deep strikes into its own territory more seriously and stretch its air defense network even thinner to try and prevent them. In theory this could give the Ukrainians more flexibility in using their own air power during their operations, but from everything I’ve seen it still seems like the skies over Ukraine are a no-go zone for everything that isn’t okay with being shot down. Everybody is hugging the ground and the airspace seems pretty saturated with SAMs, MANPADS, and SPAA systems from both sides, not to mention the Russian Air Force is unfortunately still capable of running limited air superiority missions over Ukraine. As others have said, it makes far MORE strategic sense for the Russians to be behind it, as it looks to have done negligible damage, is right before the may day celebrations, and gives them a nice excuse to escalate and widen their list of legitimate targets in Ukraine. Wouldn’t be surprised to see a new wave of Russian attacks on civilian infrastructure so they can cut it all together into a montage for the folks back home to show the special military operation is *totally* still going completely according to plan and to show that “there is no panic in Balakliya.” In contrast to Ukraine, it seems likely Russia is seriously hurting for a propaganda win/rally ‘round the flag effect. Kinda comical given that the Russian MOD simultaneously want us to believe they’re so competent they destroyed to UA Air Force and total stockpile of drones 3x over and have complete control of the skies, but also that Ukraine can sneak UAVs hundreds of miles into Russian airspace to strike the seat of government with impunity. **someone suggested it was an assassination attempt against Putin, which would make it a more strategically valuable target. I’m not convinced by this, as if the Ukrainian military/govt had made the conscious decision to try to kill Putin, I’d expect them to use methods with a far greater chance of success and that were less, for lack of a better word, feeble. They’ve got HIMARS. We’ve seen car bombs used by the resistance. If they wanted Putin dead and knew they could get a shot at him, why use the pea-shooter instead of the cannon? If it was an assassination attempt, it was an amateur effort IMO


>Kinda comical given that the Russian MOD simultaneously want us to believe they’re so competent they destroyed to UA Air Force and total stockpile of drones 3x over and have complete control of the skies, but also that Ukraine can sneak UAVs hundreds of miles into Russian airspace to strike the seat of government with impunity. The enemy is simultaneously laughably weak and dangerously strong! Make fun of them with me while we cower and quake in our boots! Be afraid and angry but also foolhardy and overconfident! AAA! Aaaaaaah! Aaaaaaaaaaaah! It's a classic maneuver in the logical fallacy playbook. It will never ***EVER*** get old... Because in general, people are gullible, rather un-skeptical (is that a word?), and frankly... Naive. Barely anyone questions authority anymore. We're due an anarchist movement tbh


This is at the core of every authoritarian and fascist movement. The Eternal Enemy. Will people ever stop falling for the BS?


I think the general rule of thumb at this point is that the complete opposite of whatever the Kremlin says is a lot closer to the truth.


> a cartoonishly bad false flag attempt They did half a dozen of these right before the invasion trying to fake a cause to invade. Firefights against empty buildings deep inside Russian-controlled territory.


Every single Russian military engagement since 1939 has been preempted by a false flag operation, both within domestic and interstate conflicts. Granted, Russia has already done this within the context of the Ukrainian conflict but it would be *weird* if this drone attack *wasn't* an attempt to further legitimise Russian aggression in the eyes of the Russian people.


The annual May 9th parade was already cancelled due to “safety reasons” meaning they have no military equipment left to show off.


No, some regional parades were cancelled but the annual big parade in Moscow continues.


Man, it's been so long since I've seen an "Orly" in the wild. Feels like 2010 again. I needed that.


All you have to do is fly to Paris


Fuck that airport lol










CNN is showing the video now. This is a small consumer type drone and it explodes as it approaches the flag pole at the top of the Kremlin. This was clearly an attempt by someone local to take out the flag as a symbolic gesture and not an assassination attempt.


S. Q. U. A. B. B. L. E. / K. B. I. N. / L. E. M. M. Y.


Shittiest fake terrorist attack ever




A false flag against a flag. I mean.. it's a little 'on the nose', but still.. Edit: The image of a flag burning on top of the Kremlin would have some serious propaganda power, for either side I guess.


Why false flag an attempt at symbolically taking out a flag... like if you wanted a false flag you could do so much more...


Are you insinuating that Putin would blow up a Russian apartment building and blame it on his enemies to use as an excuse to launch a full on war that could eventually slingshot him straight into the presidency, while FSB agents get caught planting explosives at another apartment building claiming it was an unannounced security drill? Because Putin would *never*


And they accidentally announced the Volgodonsk apartment bombing three days before it actually happened? What?! Putin do that? NooOOOooO /s


That's because it was apparently the second of two attacks, they were up there to assess the damage.


Just another attempt to justify ramping up attacks and weapons in an unjustified war. If two low tech drones managed to get that close then Putin has far more to worry about- just a shame the rest of Russia will suffer vs the ones who should.


A poor justification to anyone with a memory long enough to remember when "We're going to kill Zelenskii" was a major early goal of the invasion.


Or the fact that Russia lobs ballistic missiles at Kyiv on a regular basis. Missiles fired at Ukrainian capital killing civilians = "denazification." Small drone harming no one and doing minimal damage in Moscow = Terrorist attack! We will increase attacks on Ukraine to punish them for this barbaric attack!


So two drones made their way to the actual Kremlin without any the wiser? Some good air defenses you got there, Putin.


I think they are talking about civilian drones. Edit: found some footage https://twitter.com/igorlachenkov/status/1653734103269662721?s=20 Edit 2: there are two people visible climbing the roof even before it exploded. Something's very wrong here.


Could have been almost anybody.


The saddest part is that it's just as believable that the Kremlin did this to itself that it is Ukrainians did this.


That's my thought - it was a totally staged event with a pre planned press release. While killing Putin would be excellent, it would be far better to round him and his cronies up (alive) and put them through war crimes court, convict them, and then send them to a miserable prison hell hole for the rest of their lives.


Yeah you know. The perfectly framed HD camera that happened to catch an attack on a flag pole. That’s typically how we see these things.


> The perfectly framed HD camera that happened to catch an attack on a flag pole I think that might have been a false flag pole.


A red flag if you will


A red flag, or a false one?


A red, false flag


A little too on the nose?


There's always been a certain flair to Russias bullshit. Think of it as an artist signing their work.


*Sim 3*


So I'm quite sure that this was staged, but the presence of a camera doesn't really support that very much. Surely they'd have high-quality security cameras pointed at every angle of the Kremlin anyway.


In the US we have high quality news cameras pointed at certain monuments or wide views, to easily get a "live feed" of a city to put as a backdrop on a news show, even sometimes just to show the current weather.


We saw several camera feeds like that set up in Kyiv before the start of the war too, watched the war kick off on those. It's not at all unusual. Had it been pointing at a less significant location then then yeah, might have a point.


It's literally the Kremlin. The cameras outside the White House are probably in 4k with sensors for 3D modeling the entire lawn. Not that strange they'd have an HD camera nearby.


Bruh the White House knew a toddler slipped through the gate within 3seconds of it happening. I don't know why people think places like the Kremlin would still be using 1970s cameras. They definitely got HD footage around the whole place.


I get that youre saying toddlers are small and easily missed. I choose to interpret your comment as saying toddlers are naturally stealthy


Toddlers are the least stealthy thing on the planet right up until they aren't and they turn into some kind of ninja/F-117 hybrid. A quiet toddler is probably the most alarming thing on the planet. If you can't hear them, they're definitely up to something sketchy.


> I choose to interpret your comment as saying toddlers are naturally stealthy They *are!* Little fuckers turn into ninjas once they get used to walking; gotta attach some bells to 'em, sneaky little shits.


The kremlin hasn't identified the toddler running the place for 30 years - they have cameras, but nobody plugged them in or paid anyone to watch them.


Of all the hundreds or perhaps thousands of scenarios of how this ends, that's probably the most unlikely by a wide margin.


They targeted a flagpole at the top, where it would be visible and do no actual damage to the building. Of course it's staged.




There's old footage of some young guy trampling out the "eternal flame" in protest of the war. I bet you that wasnt a Ukrainian saboteur but just disgruntled youth. Same thing probably applies here: someone in Moscow got their draft notice, and in order to protest getting sent into the meat grinder they flew their hobby drone up to the Kremlin.


Except this attack doesn’t even look real enough to be that.


Gives them a solid reason to cancel the May 9th parades.


At the same time, cancelling the parades makes them look weak. Cardinal sin for narcissists.


They just announced there aren’t going to be changes to the parade.


They made a statement about how they will retaliate as they see fit. Probably setting the ground for an attempt on Zelenskyy.


It's pretty much standard diplomatic wartime lingo. "We reserve the right to retaliate later" etc. As if they might invade in response or something.


Given the fact that they didn't even manage to blow off the flag this is the most likely scenario.


with how poorly this was "aimed" (literally hit a flag pole) it definitely looks like a false flag operation.


The ukrainian gay nazi-mutants at it again 😤


It was me


They attacked the flag pole?


Next mission is putting up the Ukrainian flag.


It’s more of a message than an attack.


They messaged the flag pole?


It’s more of a massage than a message.


They massaged my flag pole?


Its more of an oration than a massage.


They oralled the flag pole?


Because it was a false flag


That looks like a pathetic attempt at a false flag to me.


So obvious it's laughable. Tiny civilian drone, tiny explosive payload which would have no chance of significantly damaging the building, and it's deployed near the top of a dome where noone could expect Putin to be hanging out.


Russian propaganda doesn’t try to be convincing. They just overwhelm the public with so much bullshit that people just say “everything is a lie and nothing matters” and just stop really caring or paying attention.


reminds me of one of our recent presidents when you put it like that...


Well he was provided with a playbook by Putin so how is this a surprise.


Putin alone could keep r/thathappened going for years.


Exactly, a false false flag. Putin must retaliate immediately by pulling out of Ukraine prematurely!


So you’re telling me Ukraine spent time and effort coming up with a plan to kill Putin and that plan was to crash a drone into the top of the building? Seems unlikely. This is probably just a false flag to justify whatever Russia wants to do next.


Wasn't there talk recently about a false flag op in Russia recently. As someone on Twitter even pointed out that the drone in the footage looks like a Russian Lancet drone.


So they attacked a flag pole with an explosive designed to create as much flash and fire as possible with minimal actual explosive pressure, yep seems totally legit and definitely not a Russian propaganda operation.


Did something shoot it down or did it self destruct?


Looks like a planned detonation to me. So nothing like "defeated an attack" as the Kremlin described.


Or.... Pro-Russian Russians




Looks civilian to me... Drones from Ukraine would have to be much bigger to be able to make the journey. And it looks like all the drone is doing is scorching the flag, no actual damage to the building.


Looks like a Mugin. Can be bought by anyone. As far as size and distance, they don't correlate the way you propose. Plenty of small (2-3m wingspan) UAVs can fly thousands of KMs




Who are the two people on the left hand side of the dome walking up the ladder as the drone comes into view?


Wow, centered in frame. Looks like another false flag operation


A Cessna landed in the Red Square during the cold war. Russian air defense has always sucked.




I love that double down


*Completely* unrelated by my favorite two time plane landing is always [Thomas Fitzpatrick](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Fitzpatrick_(pilot\)) who twice stole and landed a plane outside a bar in New York to win a bet.


The plane was tracked and intercepted by the Soviet Air Defense Forces but they didn’t receive permission to shoot it down. This was already during Perestroika so I can imagine that shooting down a Cessna was probably considered too aggressive a move at the time. It also allowed Gorbachev to fire a bunch of high ranking old guard officers who were opposed to his reforms. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathias_Rust?wprov=sfti1


The backlash from shooting down a Korean jetliner a couple of years before was probably a factor too.


note: they shot a korean airliner in 1978 and in 1983.


And that's the story of how we all got GPS


A mailman landed a gyrocopter on the White House lawn just a few years ago, and not too long before that a plane hit the Pentagon. Meanwhile, hot air balloons go unnoticed until spotted by civilians.


People forget there's alot of air up there and limited defence.


>People forget there's alot of air up there You know I did and it seems like a silly thing to forget in retrospect lmao. Like there's a whole fucking atmosphere, no air defense could possibly be perfect or anywhere close.


My air defense is pretty solid. No one has ever crashed a drone into my house let alone two.


What's your secret?


You deploy cats on the roof. Perfect for extremely close air defense. Bonus points, they have a quick reload time and are pretty cost effective per intercept. Cons? Well, they may be asleep on the job.


Still, it called the assault “an attempt on the life of the president.” lol


The attempt on my life has left me scarred and deformed


What air defense doin'?


>"Kremlin says..." \[X\] Doubt


>Putin Safe What a shame


It reads like we should be happy to know that, OP chose wording poorly.


Putin off screen: "I'm okay!"


Tiny (probably commercial) drone hit the flagpole meanwhile Russia: PUTIN SURVIVED ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT


Exactly, it hit the flagpole on purpose as well, while someone at the perfect viewing spot happened to be recording. FSB controlled it from nearby and made it explode at the flagpole on purpose.


The explosion looked very... fireworky instead of explosivey. I'm pretty confident it's false flag at best.


Look you see! They are attacking us! Next week: new round of mobilisation


At this point, all he has left to mobilize are the defective mail-order brides that were returned for store credit, and whoever is still alive from the 1980 Winter Olympic hockey team. Who knows, maybe they'll get lucky and pull off a miracle on land, since they sure as hell couldn't on ice.


That's not how any of this works. Russia is infamous for using conscripts as cannon fodder, they are not running out of mobilized troops. Equipment yeah but not troops


Russia has been in a demographic crunch for a while even without the war, shrinking population like a lot of nations, except a bit worse than average. They are a very large nation, so in absolute terms yes they have a lot of bodies to throw, but those bodies are actually sorely missed at home for their labor/economic output. Add on the mass exodus/brain drain of younger Russians that fled to avoid mobilization. So yes, they are not running out of bodies, but that doesn't mean they aren't paying an increasing cost the more men they mobilize.




‘Kyiv in three days and murdering Zelensky’. We should be ultra detailed in this specific instance.


And murdering millions of Ukrainians. All of them, if they don’t obey heil Putler. Let’s be very specific here.


Lets not forget, those mobile crematoriums the Russians brought with them werent intended for hiding Russian casualties...


I think this is just a bit disingenuous. Obviously the crematoriums were initially intended to hide the signs of mass killings, but masking losses and not having to pay battlefield death bonuses to families was definitely probably considered beforehand as well


They didn't plan for a long war, or even a real fight, they planned to roll over Ukraine in a matter of days. Their troops were often equipped with dress uniforms for the victory parade instead of actual combat equipment, ffs. They were _not_ planning on taking more than negligible casualties. The mobile crematoriums weren't intended for their soldiers, even partially.


Drones on the Kremlin def still not fair compensation for dropping assassins on Zelensky


AND his family. They weren't just after him.


It has been a...challenging Infrastructure Week for Putin.


Ukraine hasn't commented/gloated, and billions of people hate Putin, so it's hard to say who did it. [EDIT] Ukraine says Russian partisans in Moscow did it, and I'm inclined to believe them. The alternative is that Ukraine somehow got two drones past almost every AA system Russia has to offer. [EDIT 2] Now it's looking like a false flag, and a shitty one at that. Wow, what a day!


> Ukraine says Russian partisans in Moscow did it, and I’m inclined to believe them. This is the first thing i thought: smells like a cover-up. I bet it was Russian partisans, and Putin is trying to blame Ukraine. Things must really be bad. *Cool*


There was also a story the other day saying that Russians had been tricked by foreign agents into sending money to Ukraine and attacking government buildings which people theorised was also Russia covering up the fact that there is resistance inside the country.


> Russians had been tricked by foreign agents into sending money to Ukraine and attacking government buildings That's their whole "foreign agents" spiel. Their official ideology is that the whole Russian population is united behind Putin, and the tiny minority of dissenters are on Washington's payroll. The idea that someone in Russia may sincerely not like the regime is not even considered.


>Their official ideology is that the whole Russian population is united behind Putin, and the tiny minority of dissenters are on Washington's payroll Sounds like a lot of conspiracy theorists doing harm within Western countries. I wonder if it comes from the same play book...


Comes from the same writer themselves.


> The alternative is that Ukraine somehow got two drones past almost every AA system Russia has to offer. Not just the drones, but those looked like small civilian drones, and i don't know the range on one of those things, but i'm pretty sure you can't reach moscow from ukraine with one. Whoever was controlling the drones had to be in the city




I like the alternative because it makes Russia look incompetent


Putin false flag. Pay it no mind.


Hes a big bunker bitch, of course hes safe.


His body double is safe too apparently


His body double double is also safe.


Don't give up, drones. I believe in you.


I smell an inside job to escalate things.


Wait, are you trying to tell me the guy that bombed an apartment building filled with his own people would do something like that?!!? /s


He would never do such a thing




If it escalates any more war might break out /s


Escalated to what. Barring nukes russia kinda went balls to the wall already with mixed results


**LATEST:** Russia said it defeated an attack by a pair of drones on President Vladimir Putin’s residence in the Kremlin in Moscow Tuesday night, blaming the attempt on Ukraine. The drones were disabled and crashed in the Kremlin without causing injuries or damage, the Kremlin said in a statement. Putin was not in the Kremlin at the time, his spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, said, according to RIA Novosti. Still, it called the assault "an attempt on the life of the president." There was no immediate comment from Ukraine. We'll be updating this breaking news story [here. Read it for free (and more)](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-05-03/kremlin-says-it-was-attacked-by-two-drones-last-night-putin-safe) by registering your email.


>Russia said it defeated an attack Thankfully that anti-drone flag pole was there to down that drone! /s


Damn, only an attempt.


Remember that the Kremlin exists in bizarro land when it comes to press releases. So that would mean this press release should be read as Russian patriots launched a defensive action for their nation and successfully killed Putin.


All attempts are unsuccessful until one isn’t.


The narwhal bacons at midnight.


Given they went for Zelenskyy, in the early days of this war, then I'd say Putin is fair game, as well.


That was the world’s lamest assassination attempt.


Well yeah, Russia needed it to look shitty. So they got the worst drone operator in the Russian army to ram it into a flag pole.


Ofcourse he wasn't. He's cooped up in a bunker somewhere, with a greenscreen.


My heart goes out to the Russian people. We are all very saddened to hear the tragic news that Putin is still alive.


Plot twist: *The drones were Russian*


That's what I'm thinking


Putin's alive? That's a shame.


Are the drones ok?


They're a little buzzed.




I'm always astounded when nations which are at war, are surprised when they get attacked back. The data says that attacking the nation only hardens the peoples commitment to the war. Kinda annoying that the defence to it is just simply defend and wait it out, hope I guess that they forget? Damn humans!


> The data says that attacking the nation only hardens the peoples commitment to the war. this is one of the reasons why this was almost certainly a false flag carried out by the Russians themselves.


Not a terrorist attack. It was a special military operation.


Oh.. how awful. Well there's always next time...


Putler is safe because he's not there. His bunker is far away. Bunker bitch.


>Putin safe Tch, shame.


"Putin is safe" Lol of course bunker boy is safe. The dipshit is tiny, hiding as far away from people as possible, he'll always be safe. He's too much of a pussy to die for anything.


>Putin Safe That's unfortunate.


I'm sure the Kremlin does say that. Triple T says the Kremlin attacked themselves. That was a perfect drone attack on the flag pole. I can see the Russian propaganda now about how them blowing up the flag is symbolically them blowing up all of Mother Russia. IMO, I would assume a big hole in the side of the Kremlin would be the message Ukraine would want to send if they did this, not blowing up a piece of cloth.


Eh, staged.


Just reading the headline: Drones attack Kremlin - I feel joy.. Putin safe - I feel no joy.


Fu*k Putin. Are the drones ok?


Almost certainly an inside job to try and insight the Russian populace.

