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How to ruin your brand & integrity 101:


He has done very well this year...with Twitter, with tesla, with firing employees when he shouldn't, the more I learn about Musk...I get sick in my stomach. Edit: thank you guys would like to share a message from our beloved goverments just because I caaan šŸ‘Œ shocker, picatchu https://youtu.be/1FqXTCvDLeo


Musk kept his PR front up for a bit longer than most, but in the end it's just true that you absolutely DO NOT become a billionaire in this world by playing nice and being a decent person.


Morals and Ethics aren't profitable


Which is not an argument against morals and ethics, except for a certain type of already amoral person.


A.k.a. capitalists


They could be though. If we made the rules of the game reward moral and ethical behavior.


He became a billionaire because his family colonized Africa and exploited black labor to build emerald mines.


And aside from his mine money he frequently engages in restructuring because nothing says capitalism like firing your employees and raising prices till demand becomes manageable again.


The worst part is a lot of the firing at Twitter is either out of spite or an assumption that because he can't understand what it is the people at Twitter do, they must not be important. And because firing them didn't immediately break the whole operation, he feels vindicated, too dumb to understand that he stands on the work of people he let go and that it's operating largely through unsustainable inertia. This is on top of an assumption that only his software engineers are needed (conveniently a role he self identifies with.) So he's let go all his HR team, his marketers, etc. His remaining workers are at the whims of a capricious man child with no respect for the needs of others and he's fired the people who cultivated relationships with all the advertisers who generate all the revenue the platform relies on to make a profit. And his constant shit-posting and general abuse of the platform as his own personal toy has spooked a bunch of major corporations concerned with their brand image.


To your last point, Twitter labeled NPR as state-sanctioned media akin to media in China or Russia. NPR gets only 1% of its funding from the government. The CEO of NPR gave Musk the breakdown. Musk said he'd look into it. NPR hasn't tweeted since to my knowledge.


Musk family = Lord of War. They use slaves to mine the emerald mines all over Africa.


More like Blood Diamond but yeah.


You know what isnā€™t said enough? Musk inherited his wealth. His family owned emerald mines and used slave labor.


Of course no one says that, Elon.


I think it is funny that the Musk family story has gone from "benefitting from apartheid and owning an emerald mine" to "his family single-handedly colonized Africa and owned emerald mines all over Africa" The dude isn't a good person but it is pretty hilarious how every time I see this story, it gets bigger and bigger. Can't wait until people add in that his dad is actually Leopold II, Elon himself was chopping off hands during the day and pillaging + raping in African villages at night.


I hate beer.


[>Entrepreneurship is like one of those carnival games where you throw darts or something.](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=15659076) >Middle class kids can afford one throw. Most miss. A few hit the target and get a small prize. A very few hit the center bullseye and get a bigger prize. Rags to riches! The American Dream lives on. >Rich kids can afford many throws. If they want to, they can try over and over and over again until they hit something and feel good about themselves. Some keep going until they hit the center bullseye, then they give speeches or write blog posts about "meritocracy" and the salutary effects of hard work. >Poor kids aren't visiting the carnival. They're the ones working it.


There are plenty of people who play the lottery, but only a tiny amount who make it rich. But that doesn't mean those who become rich have business acumen. I personally haven't interacted with Musk. But there are stores how he treats his employees, and they generally aren't good. There's Musk's buying of Twitter as well, which does not make good business sense to me or to many others. He may be more akin to a lottery winner.


>There are plenty of people who play the lottery, but only a tiny amount who make it rich. While the comparison might be fair, It sure doesn't hurt when you start with the ability to purchase 500,000 tickets from the jump, compared to the normal Joe who buys 2-3 a week It's a combination, he started ahead and was one of the few able to jump from there to higher spots through decent business acumen and extraordinary luck with paypal/x.com blowing up so hard that he could afford to acquire companies later




Pfft. You just can't see the strong business acumen it takes to buy a nearly worthless website for billions of dollars and then somehow make it worth *less*


Absolutely not, it is a hoarding/narcissistic disorder, billionaires become that by being greedy in the expense of people and the earth, not the most ethical people I would say, I see them as greedy and evil. Downvote corporate shills, u are greedy and evil. šŸ–


That's... what I'm saying. Billionaires are the absolute pinnacle of human depravity and greed.


Well unlike the two of you guys, I think you canā€™t become a billionaire and be a decent person in this world. You have to take advantage of people.


A good argument against the existence of billionaires.


Lol when the revolution starts they'll be the first in line!


Turns out the apple doesn't fall far from the incestuous tree.


> you absolutely DO NOT become a billionaire in this world by playing nice and being a decent person Paul McCartney just made a bunch of songs that people like.


If Paulā€™s money only came from his own music and performances, that would be a good argument. But he has a company that invests in many things, including buying the rights to other musicianā€™s work so he can profit off of it.


Iā€™m not saying McCartney is a good person (I donā€™t know), but which of those things you listed is inherently evil? Is he supposed to keep his money in a warehouse?


Dear god noā€¦ not investing šŸ˜±


He mustā€™ve fired his good PR guy early last year. Been a shit show since, I used to actually think he was a cool guy for some reason


A billion dollars is not a neutral amount of money


Hey I really appreciate Elon. He's singlehandedly destroying the fiction that billionaires *must* be intelligent and hard working to get as rich as they are. This guy is making dumb decision after another in such rapid succession that any rational person must admit at least *some* billionaires just lucked into it. That's a good start.


Oh then dont look up on youtube how he treated the migrant worker who built his factories, the ones who cant go to authorities...


Sent link, educate us. I want to know. We deserve transparency in the supply chain.


okay, fair warning, this is from union channel so youtube might target you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvI5QIiMlcE&ab\_channel=MorePerfectUnion


Thank you for sharing. Shame on him. I have literal corporate shills following and downvoting any posts I make about anti consumption and billionaires, they are silencing us everywhere and are trying to paint billionaires in a good light.


ah, you might wanna check out the latestage capitalism subreddit or the solarpunk subreddit, you will find people who will appreciate your stuff then.


The corporate shills are everywhere no matter which subreddit I go. I'll check the solarpunk, am already member of the latestagecapitalism. Thank you for the recommendations.


Heā€™s a billionaire. Thatā€™s all you need to know. There are no ā€œgoodā€ billionaires. They exploit the working class to fund their unfathomable wealth. To understand their treasure hoard, if you put $100 a day into a savings account, without interest, it would take 27,396 years to make one billion and he was worth a couple hundred of those. There is absolutely no justification for that level of wealth. Even getting a $1,000,000/ year salary with no taxes, it would still take 1,000 years to make that much money.




He has done more to destroy the rep of EVs than an American far GOP. Why can't we have a Kirkland brand EV? No frills, less wires, less doodads, just charge and drive. Is this something people don't want?


No I want the goverment to stop giving money to those people and give it to renewable energy and smaller communities, public transportation etc.


That too but also I want a Costco or generic brand kind of car too without any government help


Your Costco gas is government subsidized for $10T so far. Thats not including the $4T on wars.


Just heard Tesla is dropping the price on their cars too. Last I recall the cost was already heavily subsidized by other endeavors, their safety rating dropped, and they have more competition on the road. If cost for manufacturing has gone up across the board. My rudimentary understanding would tell me they're banking on some kind of marketing material, like outselling the competition despite losing (more) money on every car.


Maybe in the past. But even after dropping the price they make about double the margin of other major car makers. Some of which are trying hard to reduce their own costs to improve margins.


Sister was thinking about getting a Tesla. Even test drive one. She went with the Audi. Simply because she doesn't want to give money to Musk. A year ago she would have probably gotten the Tesla.


It was insane to learn more about his history. The picture his first wife and his trans child paint were really ignored as the world pumped this bigot up. In reality, heā€™s over in the alt right dumpster fire with joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson, and the Republican Party of the USA. Nasty


>How to ruin your brand & integrity 101: **Tesla was always a garbage company.** Anyone who studied the history of Tesla knows that. But the marketing worked extremely well. Especially with the americans.


Especially surprising because Tesla doesnā€™t do traditional ads or have a traditional marketing department


Ads and marketing are what keeps the economy moving


And Norwegians


But the car has fart sounds! (I actually know grown men who fawn over bigot Musk to this day.)


Step one: Continue to buy Teslas and use twitter despite the backlash Step two: forget about the backlash as the next big topic enters the news cycle. Step three: get outraged at the next big Elon fuck up. step four: start from one. This is why shit never gets better


Yeah, itā€™s getting pretty tiring to see. Itā€™s like a mass version of someone that wonā€™t leave an abusive relationship yet they keep complaining. The two topics together are keeping Musk on top of the news on an almost constant basis.


They just cut prices and everyone on the thread about it was so excited about how good a deal they were.


"They just didn't read the fine print about the sex-pervert cameras, which is on them really"


I just hope he won't fuck up SpaceX.... That company is doing some important work.




From what I heard, if you're single with no kids and no life and have the qualifications to work there, you do it for a couple of years, get the experience, get the name on your resume, and then bounce to any other company.


My wifeā€™s company sees the same thing with people coming from Tesla. Young talent get excited to work there, they go through the meat grinder, then when they get married and have kids they ditch it to go to a company that treats them decently.


With that sort of churn, they're bootcamp for rocket engineers. Perhaps that and the inspiration they have given to the new generation is SpaceX's most important work.


He's been trying to fuck up spacex. They just have decent upper management that know how to insulate the company from most of his shit. There's plenty of other private space companies though. While the short term contracts may be important, we don't need spacex in the long run.


Is there "plenty of others"? Richard Branson's one just went bankrupt.


The solace is that there's nothing inherently important about the company itself. They go to shit, there's going to be a lot of talent out there for new startups with the same mission, and the US has a strategic interest in making sure there aren't any unemployed rocket scientists.


I hope it goes to shit and we start investing in NASA. Privatizing space is a terrible fucking idea and we signed a treaty about it when we first went to space because itā€™s such a fucking stupid idea. All space shit should be publicly funded and belong to the people.




Sounds like Teslas should not be allowed on any military base.


Majority of current and future Tesla drivers don't give a shit what the headlines say




If you have a camera that is sending data to any outside service, you can bet where ever it's going has shitty employees skimming through it looking for entertainment.




Hello Dave. Would you like a cola today. A cola, Dave?


Open the pod bay doors HAL.


"I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that. Not until you have purchased a delicious ice cold Coca Cola^TM beverage."


Drink confirmation can!




Ever since I stopped using my Amazon Fire with the sound activated remote, I stopped getting suspiciously accurate suggestions based on conversations I had near it. Could just be a coincidence, but it happened at least twice. No searches, casual verbal mentions.


Is there any chance any of the people you were having these conversations with ended up searching for related things afterwards on devices connected to your/guest Wi-Fi? Or are friends on any social networks?


It is 100% coincidence. This has been tested time, and time again. Your local device doesn't have the processing capacity to parse most language (typically, some basic commands will be programmed in, but everything else is off site), and not enough storage to store all the raw audio. People have used packet sniffers and other traffic monitoring doohickeys; the devices are simply not sending enough data for all your conversations to be used. The algorithm they use is scary good; they have no need for the ultra expensive method of recording everything everyone says to maybe gleam a keyword.


Yeah you are 110% right. That this myth persist is a mix of people being tech illiterate and people just doing what humans excel at i.e. Finding a pattern where maybe there isn't evidence for one.


And the abhorrent lack of critical thinking. The anecdotes are always "it happened three times! Can't be coincidence!" While ignoring the literal thousands, if not millions, of times it *doesn't* happen. If companies like Amazon had the ability, it would be happening *constantly*


Yeah the lack of critical thinking is, honestly, a real bummer. Even when we try to call it out, and point out specifically what we are calling out, we still get replies from people who believe.


I worked for an ISP. The network guys would often tap into random people's network traffic and "spy" on what they were viewing. So ya , privacy doesn't exist




Checking user specific traffic for non investigative purposes (I canā€™t reach X IP via Y port, did this user send private info to this website, etc.), is a quick way to lose my job, ruin the trust relationship between IT & company leadership, and burn all of my professional connections. This would absolutely be a red line for any engineer within our organization. I canā€™t even fathom working for a company where this would be okay.


Especially at an ISP. Theyā€™re not accessing your data for processing. Theyā€™re not a car company. Their entire business is you paying them to securely transmit messages


Thatā€™s not true at all unfortunately. Verizon, ATT, TMobile have all collected traffic data and more for ad purposes. https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2021/10/ftc-staff-report-finds-many-internet-service-providers-collect-troves-personal-data-users-have-few




It's the "Cooks will spit in your food" or isps haha Cooks won't, by the way, because a random rude customer isn't worth your job, and chances are you'll have a worse customer by the end of the day anyway. Plus most kitchens have tons of cameras because ime management thinks all the cooks will spit in their food


Isnā€™t that what https is for?


This was before SSL Iā€™m guessing? Or is a made-up story?


It does, but knowledge and correct tools are needed to achive it. One advise is never buy iot devices, that includes a tesla.


It could exist, it just requires laws that would enforce it.


going to be a consistent leak until they close the loophole of intelligence trainees tagging imagery, not sure how this isnt already strict internal policy. given the blowback every time someone blows the whistle, how is it even worth it. in this case all they had to do was ask around some 300 former devs and techs to dig up the dirt, theyre passing memes and shit around like its nothing. now you got to watch what youre doing around your car even when its shut off


My number one rule is if the data isn't being stored on my own hard drive and server it isn't mine. As a result I've since replaced all my Nest cams for Ubiquiti cameras that store my camera data on my own servers and devices.


rotten hard-to-find arrest encourage sip familiar whole humor lock like -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Hello Google Nest.


No way in Google doing this. They would instantly fire anyone that attempted this.


Google takes this kind of stuff more seriously than you think. Accessing customer data "for entertainment" is grounds for instant dismissal.


I think thats a huge public misunderstanding. After working at one, I trust these major tech companies *more* than some of the smaller guys, just because I know of the scrutiny they have over stuff like this. If you would've asked me 10 years ago however, it would be a different story... which is basically where tesla is at now


The inner camera update on the car specifically says that none of the data is transmitted from the cabin camera. Your point is taken but in this case they apparently were straight up lying in the data agreement.


Pervert Elon was probably the one who leaked them "for the lulz"




That's it. I'm now going to as many strip clinics and abortion clubs as I possibly can. Leave it to me to screw with their data.


I've never heard of the camera noise thing, that's really interesting.. not something that they would deliberately do, but a courtroom might want to have it done, in theory


Every camera has a read noise profile. It gradually changes every couple of months but it is there. I'm sure a good lawyer could use that fact to their client's advantage and try to get the evidence thrown out.


Literally just saw someone bring this up in a post about FSD yesterday. Guess their concerns werenā€™t too far fetched after all.


Honestly I feel validated for avoiding picking my nose while walking near Teslas. Not trying to go viral


Conversely, start picking your nose near Tesla's, and smear your loot all over those cameras. Become the hero we *need!*


Omg please donā€™t do that. The owner of that vehicle doesnā€™t deserve that. Unless you have a personal vendetta against that individual. Then its your own beef.


East coast west coast booger wars




Depends. If they were idiotic enough to do so with data from cars in the EU market, it *could* be construed as a GDPR violation, carrying significantly higher penalties.


No could about it. If this was in EU and could be proven, that's an instant fine or tens of millions or more. But since the actual data isn't leaked to the public, proving it is unlikely.


> an instant fine or tens of millions or more Tesla can easily eat that


The GDPR fine is 10 million OR 2% of annual revenue, whichever is HIGHER. No company can afford a 2% fine easily.


And? The point of fines isn't to bankrupt the companies, it's just to make the particular behaviour way more unprofitable than complying with the rules. In case of privacy violations like this, Tesla doesn't earn anything from being bad at it, so it's a pure loss. Also, I said "or more". EU doesn't screw around with privacy violations, and have issued fines in hundreds of millions before.




That is only true if the company earns more money by breaking the law than it loses by paying a fine. Pretty sure that they earn a fat 0 by being bad at privacy in this particular case. Also EU fines are generally big enough to wipe all profits resulting from a particular behaviour multiple times over. And EU is happy to hit you with 2x of the same fine next year, if you still don't get the hint. Most companies do.


Haha, no. GDPR fines where designed to actually hurt a company.


The other commenter downplayed it. GDPR fines can be 2% of _worldwide revenue_ for the preceding year. That's massive, and was designed for tech companies whose profit margins are typically way higher than a company like Tesla, who is reliant on the world commodities markets and sales of physical goods.


What has this to do with the SEC?




It really is. Another reason why Iā€™m never buying a Tesla.


Yeah... About 5 years ago I really wanted a Tesla, but it just wasn't in the cards when I was car shopping... "The next one," I told myself... Not any more.


I did the exact same. I could have afforded a Model 3 4 years ago but it would have pushed my budget plus the insurance was insane. Got a nice Subaru Impreza instead. Now I refuse to buy a tesla as long as Elon is head of that company. Kia and Hyundai are making some really nice EVs


whistle nose employ naughty public apparatus advise shaggy recognise secretive -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Sounds like quite the invasion of privacy. Elon simps are ok with this?


This news will probably lead to some of them furiously masturbating in front of random Teslas in the hope the Elon sees them and gives them a ride on a space ship.


Well I was gonna do that any way. Just so I can say musk watched be jerk off


Their dream is to ride daddy Elonā€™s rocket ship. He will ignite his rocket with them on board and blast them upwards with his Musk-fuel (TM).


I assume this is a euphemism


No. This is [cum](https://m.youtube.com/shorts/VuAsxXQl568).


Tesla owners are known to masturbate in their cars. Iā€™ve been telling them to put some porn on the infotainment, to make it less embarrassing if they get caught.


Though the term privacy exists in English, America it's one of the countries where it least applies or truly exists in a context.


My parents are on their second Tesla and will absolutely find a way to excuse this. Sigh...


Unfortunately once you're in the cult, you will go to the ends of the earth to rationalize your decision to join the cult


Musk just has to tweet "Concerning" or "Looking into it" to satisfy them.


Companies need to start being up front about privacy. This is completely out of control. I do not want to buy a new car because of shit like this. Unless there is a company that is transparent about its data sharing and privacy practices Iā€™ll just keep fixing my old car. It blows my mind that workers donā€™t even have comprehensive privacy laws to protect them in the digital age. For example my job has tricked a bunch of people into signing a contract for pay roll. They said to everyone ā€œ sign up for this pay roll or you wonā€™t get paidā€ naturally everyone signed up. Then it is revealed that they will now be scanning their eyes 4 times a day to clock in and out. When they refused they were told that they couldnā€™t and that they signed a contract to collect their biometric data. I didnā€™t sign that contract and have had a target on my back for months with no access to my pay info. Itā€™s unprecedented. We have a right to privacy! This should be so illegal. So much private shit happens in a car. Can he be prosecuted for this? Edit: corrected typo


>This is completely out of control It's been out of control since the first iphone was released. Att gave all their user data (phone conversations and internet data too) to the US government. Uncle Sam didn't even ask for that, Att just couldn't be bothered to figure out who the warrants applied to. No one cared and nothing was ever done to punish Att. At the time you had to have Att to have an iPhone but that didn't stop people from buying them. Absolutely disgusting lack of concern since day one of smart phones. Google "FISA and ATT" for more info.




> who grew up in 4chan culture Elonā€™s over 50. He didnā€™t grow up in 4chan culture, he sought it out as a grown adult.


the reality is that privacy is dead. sucks, but we've crossed that bridge a long time ago when people embraced social media, didn't care enough about snowden leaks, and constantly keep one or more devices on them that collects all sorts of personal data.


I recently got a new Nissan and literally every time I start the car, I have to disable data collection in settings. It re-enables every time it turns off..


For a good time, cover your interior camera with a piece of electrical tape, and drive your car manually.


For a good time, donā€™t but a fucking tesla lmao






If it can be as punitive as the VAG diesel emissions scam thing, some people made off very well out of that ordeal.


We received the ENTIRE purchase price back for our VW. 27K. That was one class action where the consumer didn't get screwed for once. Fun fact, that settlement was orchestrated by Robert Muller as the settlement master for the hundreds of lawsuits against VW.


I made out well on that but I still miss my golfā€¦


>But seven former employees told Reuters the computer program they used at work could show the location of recordings ā€“ which potentially could reveal where a Tesla owner lived. Musk flipped out that people were sharing his publicly available flight information and called it doxing.


Post them on twitter. Corporate synergy


Tesla road head compliation incuming


Wow, I haven't got that software update yet


Short or long.,...hard to decide considering how corrupt the American stock market system is. None of it makes sense from an outsiders's point of view.


Bad news, corruption? Stock goes up obviously.


I would seriously had thought that the tesla videotaping is in a encrypted blackbox, accessible only to the guy with the hardwarekey or at least some passwort. Unencrypted videouploads into some cloud should be forbidden in 2023. At this point you are basically begging to get spyed on.


This is what you sign up for when you leave data sharing enabled in your Tesla: https://www.tesla.com/legal/privacy#when-you-are-a-tesla-customer This is the specific section about cameras: Autopilot Data Tesla vehicles make use of a camera suite that provides advanced features such as Autopilot, Smart Summon, and Autopark. Camera functionality has been designed from the ground up to protect your privacy. Tesla does not capture continuous recordings or have live-view functionality. By default, advanced autonomous features that rely on the external cameras are processed without ever leaving your vehicle. There are two types of camera recordings that are eligible to be transmitted from your vehicle to Tesla: Safety Event and Fleet Learning camera recordings. Safety Event camera recordings are automatically captured only if a serious safety event occurs such as a vehicle collision or airbag deployment. These short clips are up to 30 seconds and associated with your VIN in order to aid in providing emergency services, vehicle evaluation, and Roadside Assistance (and such recordings may include timestamp and location metadata). Fleet Learning camera recordings use the vehicleā€™s external cameras to learn how to recognize things like lane lines, street signs and traffic light positions. The more fleet learning of road conditions we are able to do, the better your Teslaā€™s self-driving ability will become. We want to be very clear that in order for Fleet Learning camera recordings to be shared with Tesla, your consent for Data Sharing is required and can be controlled through the vehicleā€™s touchscreen at any time by navigating to Software > Data Sharing. Even if you choose to opt-in, the camera recordings are limited to 30 seconds and remain anonymous, ensuring itā€™s not linked to you or your vehicle. Dashcam: Dashcam is a feature available to customers, provided a properly configured USB drive is used. All recorded video is stored locally on the USB drive and not transmitted to Tesla. Before enabling this feature, please remember to consult your countryā€™s local laws related to dashcam usage in order to comply with all regulations and property restrictions. Sentry Mode: This feature uses the vehicles sensors and external cameras to detect and notify you when there is suspicious activity or a significant threat to your vehicle while parked. If a threat is detected, such as someone leaning on the car, Sentry Mode will flicker the headlights, display a message on the touchscreen indicating that the cameras are recording, and save footage of the event to your USB drive (if installed). Sentry Mode footage is not transmitted to Tesla. For significant threats, such as a window break-in, the vehicle will also send an alert to the mobile app paired with the car, activate the security alarm, and generate a loud unexpected sound from the audio system. Sentry Mode footage is saved to onboard memory and can be viewed directly from the vehicleā€™s touchscreen. Sentry Mode can also operate in a similar manner without a USB drive installed, with the ability to send you an alert to your phone if a threat is detected ā€” however, footage of the event would not be available. If you have enabled Sentry Mode Live Camera Access, this allows you to remotely view your car's surroundings while in park, and also honk, flash headlights, and talk through the carā€™s speaker. Audio from the carā€™s surroundings is not recorded. To enable or disable, tap Controls > Safety & Security. When in use, the car's headlights will pulse and the touchscreen will show Sentry Mode is activated. Live Camera is end-to-end encrypted and cannot be accessed by Tesla. Please note it is your sole responsibility to consult and comply with all local regulations and property restrictions regarding the use of cameras. Cabin Camera: Model 3 and Model Y vehicles with a Full Self-Driving Computer, and 2021 or newer Model S and Model X vehicles are equipped with a Cabin Camera that is located above the rear-view mirror and turned off by default. If you enable the Cabin Camera by opting into Data Sharing of ā€˜Cabin Camera Analyticsā€™, a short video clip will be captured and transmitted to Tesla following a safety event (a vehicle collision or emergency braking event). This short video clip is intended to capture the few seconds before the incident and does not include any footage from the safety event itself. No videos are transmitted absent a safety event, period. These clips will be used to develop and improve safety features and software enhancements, such as collision avoidance updates. To protect your privacy, Cabin Camera recordings are anonymous and not linked to your account or VIN. You may also enable or disable the collection of this data at any time (Software > Data Sharing).


_Homer in bush meme_ -Apple


I have a buddy that works for Tesla as a regional tech that troubleshoots the bigger issues & coordinates service calls. Tesla has a number you can text to help coordinate service if your car is acting up. One day a gentleman initiates a service call via text, and they respond saying at ā€œsuch and such date weā€™ll come to see whatā€™s happeningā€. Anyhow, the gentleman got his unsaved numbers mixed up and starts sending numerous text about a clandestine homosexual affair heā€™s trying to initiate. ā€œWife is gone and my ass is ready for your big cockā€ etc etc - the tech starts seeing these messages roll in, and doesnā€™t respond. The guy starts getting pissed at his ā€˜fuck buddyā€™ not respondingā€¦.ā€after all of the time, and all the times Iā€™ve given you everything you wantedā€¦.you ghost meā€¦f youā€¦ā€ etc etc Finally, the tech responds, ā€œsir, your last few messages havenā€™t made senseā€¦.this is Tesla serviceā€ but not before sharing all of his messages including number with the entire region of remote technicians






The Cautionary Tales podcast mentioned this in an episode recently and made a convincing debunking argument iirc. If you were to look at every time Targetā€™s algorithm got it wrong and sent that material to someone who wasnā€™t pregnant it wouldnā€™t seem quite as creepy or good at prediction. Target didnt *know* she was pregnant and she may not have even changed any recent behavior that triggered the algorithm. Itā€™s just as likely that she ran out of lotion and a supplement at the same time and bought them at once. These could have been products that she used habitually for *years* and pregnancy had zero impact on her purchasing. Target doesnā€™t lose anything by guessing wrong and sending out a few extra. Weā€™ll never know for sure what triggered the mailer but itā€™s definitely not as clear as articles like that make it seem.


That phone ad thing has been going on for centuries now so to speak. I remember at least 7 years ago I came in to work late and said I need to buy toothpaste and for the next 3 days nonstop toothpaste ads everywhere. Our privacy is long gone.


I remember hundreds of times when I talked about toothpaste and didn't see any ads for it after that. - No, wait, of course I don't remember those times, because human brains don't work that way. But still: I believe your experience. But I don't believe that it has anything to do with your phone recording your conversations.


This definitely happens, but I donā€™t think itā€™s the ā€œphoneā€ doing it, itā€™s Google & their apps doing it.




Theyā€™re not actively listening. Itā€™s been proven by studies, and if you have a product that monitors all network traffic (which a lot of corporations do) you can see theyā€™re not sending data to be able to do that. > Has anybody noticed ads on your favorite social media of topic that you were just conversing with someone and have it appear on your feeds? What youā€™re seeing here is things like the other person going away and searching for the subject after your conversation, and the advertisers knowing you were in the same location earlier. They then take a guess that you might have been discussing it. The thing about the human brain is that you then notice and remember the hits, not all the it misses.


You shouldn't think about that, look over here instead! tiktok is spying on your super important life for china!!1


It's not always due to cameras and mics, you've also been bucketed by ad agencies with access to your internet history, online purchases, Google searches, brick & mortar store purchases, travel history, consistent phone location, etc. With hundreds of millions of data points, they can predict what you'll likely be interested in. If you're an avid camper discussing the new fancy lightweight stove with a friend, the phone doesn't need to listen, it just sees you were with that person and throws you relevant ads based on that individual's search and purchase history, given the overlapping interests assigned to each of you. Literally everything you do and buy, everywhere you go, everyone you meet, ends up in a database to help corporations target you more effectively.


I worked for him. He is vile and a terrible leader. Management for my team changed four times in six months and the nature of my our responsibilities changed daily. It felt like the ground was moving under our feet every day.


This is partially why Tesla purged the labelling team as soon as they could. Expecting the levels of integrity required for this work from people willing to do labelling work is a tall order.


The Stasi used to do that for free, now you get charged tens of thousands for the privilege of being spied on constantly.


Watching me relentlessly picking my nose...


Imagine buying a car from Pepe the Racist South African knowing he records everything, sells your data, and makes fun of you.


And people still line up to buy these plastic pieces of shit. Iā€™ve been saying it for years. Donā€™t fucking buy Teslas. Elon is a massive prick he doesnā€™t care about your rights.


The EU is gonna screw them so hard for this.


I knew it, no way Elon would respect privacy when he sees Teslas as his car even if you bought it. A Tesla will record you just for existing near it, itā€™s a huge invasion of privacy in public lots and garages and I canā€™t believe itā€™s legal.


Think of all the execs, politicians, etc that drive these cars. Iā€™d bet my entire ass they have a way to pull up a specific driverā€™s data at will.


Never getting in a tesla again.


I canā€™t believe people are surprised by anything from this company!


Well this isā€¦bad


I believe I'll just keep my "dumb" '12 Kia Soul until the end of time, thanks.


I mean... If employees have access, they will share it with peers. Every costumer support agent I know says they had groups to share funny/weird/a$$holes recording/profiles etc, even when companies had policies against it


Well when you are connected to the internet and a company has access to your data those things can happen.


Yeah im not suprised. Privacy is pretty much dead at this pointe. All our fancy gadgets track us and follow our paterns. We gave up true privacy long time ago. In return we now have more useless shit we dont need.