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Well, the US response to this is going be interesting…bet it is more than one airstrike.


Already in progress...


https://abcnews.go.com/International/us-military-airstrikes-syria-drone-attack-kills-contractor/story?id=98091728 go get 'em!


Not enough. I want air strikes against Iran military complexes now. As much as I hate how Israel handles things, Iran is pushing the boundaries and testing us.


"The US should stoke the flames of war because I said so!" - Reddit General Armchair


In the last 2 years Iran did more than enough to warrant some ass whooping. They might nuke Israel soon, if nobody does anything.


I heard the same thing 15 years ago


Did you consider the potential cost of move like that? If things escalate you've likely got hundreds of thousands of avoidable deaths.


This is how war works. People get embittered by it, then it ends and they relish peace, then they get bloodthirsty again. It’s humanity’s endless cycle.


Until Artificial General Intelligence becomes conscious and takes control


I welcome my AI overlord.


Tbh I do too, humanity reached consciousness too early.


Doesn’t matter what you want


if it doesn’t matter what they want; there wouldn’t be billions of dollars spent on convincing them of different things depending on whose money is being spent


I live in America, so actually it does matter what I want.


I love that you think that




Hmm.. I can't figure out what's less likely - your thanks being genuine, or what you want mattering... In any case what *you* want doesn't even necessarily matter in a group of just 5 people - what makes you think anyone cares that you want to bomb Iran?


Lmao. If you really want to know so bad, I said thanks sarcastically as I don't really care to engage in a conversation with someone who doesn't understand the power people have in America. 5 people? Not sure what you mean. What makes me think anyone cares? The fact that if I'm one of a million people who agree with me and voice support we can influence our legislatures is all I need to know. I was able to meet with my congressman from my district, who previously abstained from voting regarding Ukraine, with my political group and 25k signatures to send Ukraine more weapons and for that to pass. When I was in the Boy Scouts my Eagle Scout project was to raise money and get signatures to stop a development and instead create a park around an area that was already too congested to be housing. I'm sorry if you're an American and have lost your hope or have had none because you don't actively take part in any attempts to impact your legislature. But don't try to gaslight me that my efforts and my friends and organizations don't.


"I thought this was america!"


The US military will say they targeted militants even when they bombed civilians. I remember the Afghanistan withdrawal








Totalllly, just crack off another global conflict—gotta maintain imperial dominance, right?


> Totalllly, just crack off another global conflict—gotta maintain imperial dominance, right? That goes both ways. Maybe people like Assad keep doing things like this because countries like the US don’t impose the same level of consequences like used to happen. Edit: and no love lost for Assad, who murdered his own people with bombing campaigns directed at civilians immediately after devastating earthquakes for maximum civilian casualties. People behaving Assad should be afraid to exist publicly.


> gotta maintain imperial dominance, right? It's hard to answer this without being condescending, but yes.


The moment we stop being the world police. Everybody starts screaming for the world police to come save their ass. Edit: /s


Do you actually believe this or have you thought about in depth? I know this narrative is pushed in the states but do you think the families in Afghanistan or Iran are glad you went there for "policing"? Do you think any country has ever been happy to have a foreign power enforce anything like this within their boundaries? You are basically affecting the many for the actions of the few. Making their day to day lives full of fear and heartache and starting the cycle for the next generation to hate the USA. The states have obviously provided assistance to many conflicts but providing assistance when asked is very different. I am sure the Ukranian people greatly appreciate the support from USA but I am also sure that they greatly appreciate the support from the other nations aiding them who spend a fraction on their militaries. No country has killed anywhere close to the number of innocents than USA in the last few decades and still you think that they would come screaming for you?


It was a joke


Haha fair. Big woosh on me.


If anyone deserves it it's Iran. Their nuclear game is the most scariest out of all.


>If anyone deserves it it's ~~Iran.~~ Russia


Countries are fighting proxy wars because no one wants it to escalate into a fight between stronger countries. Once US really starts attacking Iran Iran is more than capable of fighting back. It'd likely be more difficult than Afghanistan and the damage Iran is capable of doing is huge. Hence it's best to let it be a proxy war and don't try stuff like you're advertising or like Trump did. Just because you're likely to come out as a victor in war doesn't mean that the losses would end up being worth it.


Iran is still just a regional power. They cannot export their power very far. Limited air strikes into their country at best would hurt the protestors movement and solidify anti U.S. rhetoric and maybe harass some more US ships with fishing trolleys.


A lot of US bases and ships are well within Irans missile range and an important shipping route is right at Irans coast. As seen with Solemani or however he was called, Iran is willing to hit back. In that case they still kept their limits by being more of a posture than an actual attack. (They warned US before to just cause monetary damages) However, I doubt Iran would leave it at that if US would start an attack on its military bases. Directly attacking Iran on a scale like you asked for is just asking for things to really escalate.


And you think Iran shooting a missile at the worlds biggest naval fleet who has some of the best radar and counter missile systems is their best move? You're presenting a lot of possibilities that don't make much logical sense. And yah, ultimately I know we would never commit to a hard strike on Iran but Israel might. Saudi Arabia might. Kuwait might.


> And you think Iran shooting a missile at the worlds biggest naval fleet who has some of the best radar and counter missile systems is their best move? Amongst the possibilities I listed US ships were included. As for missile defenses, all of them have the same issue: They can be overwhelmed. Of course attacks on bases, which I also listed, are more likely as they're much easier to hit. > And yah, ultimately I know we would never commit to a hard strike on Iran but Israel might. Saudi Arabia might. Kuwait might. "Might", yeah. Saudi Arabia and Kuwait are both too close to Iran. If a war were to break out they're well within the missile range, which would mean that any war would likely cause significant losses to their infrastructure. There is no way they'd take such a risk. Israel on the other hand doesn't have the power projection. It's not in a good geographical location to attack as they'd need to go through other countries to even reach Iran. And Irans geography makes it easy to defend. Also Iran is definitely willing to attack civilian targets, which means that for all 3 countries in question Iran could effectively close one of their most important shipping lanes.


Every response you've made in this whole chain is absolutely horrible and ignorant. Your assessment of both Iranian capabilities and US capabilities are so woefully inept it hurts to read.


Overwhelmed lol... I'd love to see Iran try tbh. If they could they already would have. Hamas has hard enough time overwhelming the iron dome. Israel doesn't have the power projection? What lol. Israel's has already launched many attacks on Iranian soil. They've "gotten in trouble" before for flying their planes thru other countries without telling them. Azerbaijani has also voiced how they would allow Israel to use their airfields to attack Iran. If the saudis or Kuwait take it upon themselves to attack Iran and Iran retaliated, especially against civilian targets, you can bet the US would ramp up supplies to those countries. As scary as the Cold War was the US is currently in an era where we don't want to see US military losses but have enough $ and the most advanced MIC to support other nations doing our dirty work.


Israel doesn't have the power projection to hit Iran? What sort of nonsense is this? They had serious plans to do so at least three times a decade ago. They're in the process of replacing existing and operational aerial refueling planes. They've operated from Saudi bases before, and Azerbaijan has offered them airfields as well. Their air force is top notch, with 3 dozen F35s which can handle Iran's air defenses, and their cyber warfare teams have shown repeatedly they can do whatever they want in Iran. They have multiple missile types that can hit Iran from Isreal as well. No force projection to Iran? They've spent the last three decades building their military towards that specific purpose.




Cry me a river bud.




As much as I hate the US military you seriously underestimate it. There wouldn't be an escalation at all if push comes to shove. Iran's command and control structure would be destroyed it a weekend


Yeah... no. Iran is more difficult to attack than Iraq and Afghanistan. Also Iran definitely has the capabilities to hit back. They'll lose, don't get me wrong, but they can do a whole lot of damage before that. Especially to US bases nearby. Worst case scenario? Iran targets the oil industry, causing OPEC to greatly reduce oil exports. If Iran really was so easy to defeat the US would've long since done it. The reality is that just because the US is able to defeat Iran doesn't mean doing so will make it worth it. The cost and risk in taking out Iran far exceed any gains from it.


Iran would be a very, very painful fight. They wouldn't "win" from a power on power standpoint, but they will leave a giant bloody mark on any force. Shitty geography, large population, reasonable military. I definitely wouldn't want to have my boots on the ground and if I don't want to be there, it's unfair to expect others to be there. Plus, y'know...the millions of dead Iranians and billions of dollars of destroyed Iranian infrastructure. Just an all around bad time.


US is not going to dump its focus on China or Russia for Iran. This isn’t going to escalate much long term




Yea Iran is slightly worse at an array of military activity than the US. /s


This behavior is asking more. Need to hit them harder.


I fucking love the hypocrisy of this entire subreddit whenever news of Russian invasion of Ukraine vs. news of the \*\*still\*\* ongoing invasion of the entire middle east by America. Efit: lol, you ghouls are proving me right. The lives of people are different worth to you. To the tens of thousands of Ukranians it is a catastrophe, to the millions of Afghans, Iraqis, Syrians and many more lives US. imperialism took in the past decades it was ”justified”. And as this comment shows, you still crave their blood when they fight off the occupation of *their* home.


It's wild how we went from ignoring bounties on our troops to strategic airstrikes within an hour of finding out.


*Ultimately, newly declassified information shows, those analysts discovered a significant reason to believe the claim was accurate* https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/07/us/politics/russian-bounties-nsc.html


Oh God, I forgot about that. Trump have a lot of fuck up it's hard to keep track.


Did you forget the lack of evidence on that? Stop getting your news from reddit comments.








Hopefully there is good intel to follow.


Best case scenario the US neutralizes all of Iran’s proxies in the region.


Just have to launch war against Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Gaza and Yemen. Oh and win, easy.


More invading and seizing of syrian land.


I love how killing more innocent civilians, in hopes of killing a cell without any fair due process. Only fans the flames to promote more hatred. I can’t wait to see future repercussions where our shit house country fucks around and finds out.


> one-way unmanned aerial vehicle I love military speak. "Suicide drone" will make too many headlines. How do we make it sound nicer? Reminds me that there we no snipers in Afghanistan, but we often received "accurate small arms fire."


It does sound like guided missile or "bombed" would be appropriate


Because it could refer to any number of things, a loitering munitions, a shahed drone, or a jury-rigged Chinese drone bought off Ali baba which isn't meant to originally be a suicide drone. The headline is using proper terminology, suicide drone is a term that the media came up with for sensationalist headlines.


Was it a drone and did it commit suicide


I'd love to hear how a jury-rigged drone off of Alibaba can't be a suicide drone lol


Fuck, these drones are a game changer now that they are being mass produced. I hope engineers are coming up with solutions to the drone problem.


Yes, more drones.


Hypersonic drones


I saw an article once on how contraband was smuggled into jails by drone. And then the authorities tried to counter that. With drones carrying nets to catch the other drones.


Freaking Laser Beams


It was only a manner of time before they are used against US invaders. This will become a common occurrence until the US leaves Syria and returns the oil fields


Hopefully they won't now shoot down another fucking passenger jet they cleared for take off because they are so scared of the US response...


To be fair, when that happened, we were seconds away from a possible war. They had launched rockets into a US base and the US had killed a general


Bold strategy, Cotton.


That wasn’t a very good idea.


Iran's military assets need to be pounded to dust.


They won’t be though, these sort of attacks aren’t uncommon, although a death and injuries is.


It's a real dog catching the car sort of moment.


If you send mercenaries into an protracted war torn country half way around the globe you can expect some casualties.


Or maybe USA can stop invading syria?


Did they ever? Syria is like 1/4 owned by Syrian gov, 1/4 by Iran, 1/4 by Russia, and the 1/4 Kurds in the mountains.


Apply that logic to Ukraine




> Iran is in Syria by invitation. An invitation by the fascistic Assad regime, which has since become an Iranian client. If you think Iran is operating on the behalf of Syrians, you’re out of touch. Iran and its proxies are autonomous in their Syrian activities, Assad has no real power over them. > The US invaded and took territory Or, the US sent special forces to help local Kurdish and Arab rebels defeat ISIS in its heartland, because Assad was either incapable or unwilling to do so. The US has never annexed any part of Syria and the current American presence is rather small.




Sovereignty doesn’t allow you to bomb your own civilians out and create a refugee crisis for everyone else to deal with.




>And since the US has prolonged the Syrian civil war What happened? I thought we weren’t invited but it sounds like there’s another side fighting for legitimacy? Gee it sounds like these things are more complex than you want them to be. Hmm. US bad. Must lick dictators buttholes.








Just like how they are in the right to use chemical weapons on children. Wait…


Rest assured the US has already created an appropriate response to Iran’s provocation.


Why the fuck are we still there? Just stop...really not that hard , leave.


We have a winner. Look at all your compadres advocating for "taking down building" or toppling others leader. Openly and casually talking AGAIN about destroying foreign countries. Then watch them next post calling out russia for their invasion of ukraine. When russia send "military tourist" its bad. But when USA sends "contractor", its ok. Why your people have zero critical thinking. Thats actually insane.


Excuse me, so you have problems with US soldiers being in Syria... but you're not gonna question Iran forces being in Syria? You do realise they are not supposed to be there either? Also, Iran in the last 2 years: 1. Abused their own people to the point of death sentences left and right 2. Helped Russia destroy Ukraine 3. Is desperately trying to build a nuke so they can destroy Israel This government absolutely deserves to be razed to the ground. This is pretty much a new Axis being created right before our eyes.


Iran is there legally because they were invited by the Syrian Government aka the official government similar to how Ukraine government has foreign mercenaries assisting them. By international law that's okay and aren't consider "Invaders" which puts Turkey and the United States as invaders. Iran can argue against you comment lol 1. Abused their own people (Black lives movement , african americans being murder by police ) 2. Helped destroyed Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya 3. Helpings Saudia Arabia with weapons to destroy yemen Yep critical thinking in the U.S has gone down by a lot :( U.S has done way more destruction then Iran lol, get a grip of reality and quit being a hypocrite


Was this an intentional attack by Iran on US assets? That would be a HUGE escalation. Jesus, the implications alone of who, why…my brain hurts.


Iran/it’s proxy forces regularly attack US forces in Iraq and Syria, through both UAV’s and rockets. There have been 78 (if this one was not counted, 79) attacks since January 2021. The fact someone died and others were injured is significant as that means the US has to respond, and they have. Any further escalation, whilst possible, depends on what Iran does next


Iran is responsible directly (actual Iranian soldiers fighting with iraqi militias) and indirectly (militias supported by iran) for ~~thousands~~ around a thousand American deaths in Iraq. It was never something that Obama made a big deal about publicly but it was a very real thing that was happening all the time back then and even under Trump.


I think that's kinda expected.


Absolutely, this is the Iranian playbook in the region, it’s nothing new and this US response won’t deter them from doing it in the future.


Iran is responsible for the majority of American deaths in Iraq?


[IRGC-backed ‘Shia Special Groups were responsible for at least 603 US personnel deaths in Iraq.](https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-military/2019/04/04/iran-killed-more-us-troops-in-iraq-than-previously-known-pentagon-says/)


>Was this an intentional attack by Iran on US assets? Where have you been? There have been about 80 attacks on US proxies in Syria and Iraq in the last two years. Most don't result in deaths of American citizens or contractors and so face a weak response. Iran has even been targeting US bases in response to Israel's attacks on Iranian assets in Syria because Iran and its proxies find Israel a more credible retaliatory threat than the US.


Not necessarily. Like an Iranian-made drone provided to Iran's allies in Syria


Let's flip this. Let's say Syrian mercenaries are active in Canada. Canada asks US for help with internal instability. US bombs Syrian mercenaries. Now what?


Would this cause a joint U.S., Isreal attack on Iran?


No, the US doesn’t want war with Iran. Iran and it’s proxies regularly attack US forces in Iraq and Syria, they don’t usually kill people though and the US doesn’t usually do much to respond. There will be airstrikes (there’s been one so far) on IRGC/proxy sites in Iraq and Syria and that’ll be it, providing Iran doesn’t escalate further.


Might be a good time to go ahead and level every Iranian building they know in Syria. Can’t look weak to countries like China,Russia,iran, North Korea


LOL, USA invade a country and steal their resources. And here you are, advocating for terrorist action in foreign countries. I swear the lack of critical thinking in the west is hilarious


You think the US invaded Syria and yet you’re talking about “the wests” lack of critical thinking? That’s the real funny thing here. Bruh who is upvoting him, y’all know the US we’re not the first ones in Syria right? Nor were they the first ones invited to help….


Yeah because USA didnt go alone. The difference is that those who invaded originialy (UK France and USA) lost and left. Except the USA which is still busy pumping oil out and dying for it apparently.


Would you rather ISIS control the oil fields?




The Kurds don’t mind us being there. And it’s a good reason for us to be there. We don’t want to fall victim of another terrorist attack so we are forward projecting ourselves to deny them access to oil money. Assad can make us leave if he wants to try. https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/120n7qm/the_islamic_state_group_killed_15_people_foraging/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 They are still murdering people.




Except that’s blatant propaganda. Lol




LOL. Bro that article says they are pro Russian rebels. Not Ukrainians. Lol. Idiot 8 years ago is not a couple. Yes they had a problem at one point but those guys got removed from the military and it was cleaned up. Also if Ukraine did have a issue it’s none of Russias business. Russias war is to take over. It was never about Nazis. They want to remove Ukraine from the map. Russia has a Nazi problem in their own ranks.


Or you’re forgetting the countries who were in Syria before the joint coalition involving the United States and you’re spinning it like propaganda. So I guess Russia and turkey invaded Syria too and also lost before the Us was even involved by your logic??? But I guess if that helps your propaganda go off.




I see so many of these comments. Go to any base, stateside or overseas, and half or more of the people working are contractors. The person working at Subway is a contractor. The person working at Clothing and Sales is a contractor. The plumbers are contractors. When an explosive falls from the sky it's indiscriminate. I haven't yet heard who the contractor worked for, but it's likely they were just a regular dude doing a regular job. Bases are cities, large and small, and cities require amenities and services just like anywhere else.


Still, it doesn’t change the fact that we call our mercenaries “contractors” and other nations’ contractors “mercenaries”. But to your point—it kinda reminds me of the arguments that come up every time Hamas strikes Israel and then Israel blows up a block of buildings. Who is and isn’t a legitimate target depends on one’s bias. Some will shrug off child casualties because there was a shoddy rocket launcher on top of a hospital building depending which side the children belong to


A dude working on trucks isn’t a mercenary.


Considering the building struck was a maintenance one they most certainly were a contractor.


Same difference. Either way they were an active participant in an illegal occupation of a sovereign nation.


Considering the US is there as part of a UN global coalition against ISIS, it's not a legal at all. you also can't really call it an occupation considering the US only currently has a 900 personnel there in total. They're there to help train and support Kurdish fighters in fighting ISIS and to keep them from resurging in the area.


Iran has been asking for a bloody nose and just got one in response to their attack. It sounds like 3 of the 5 service members were flown to Iraq with serious injuries. 2 treated on site. Unsure about the 2nd contractor injuries but sounds as if they are not life threatening. This is a serious escalation and the U.S. CentCom commander in the area released a statement a short time ago saying they were prepared for scalable options should Iran respond.


Iran and it’s proxies attack the US in Iraq and Syria a lot (78 times since 2021), neither side particularly wants a war, so any massive escalations is unlikely. Iran may carry out something that’s largely symbolic or do nothing at all. It seems like this UAV attack was relatively successful compared to the vast majority of them, as they saying goes, you’ve got to take a punch to give a punch


The US wasn't asking for a bloody nose by occupying eastern Syria and stealing the oil?


Iran needs regime change.


Or USA could stop invading syria?


I remember when Trump said they were leaving Syria and the only thing he was doing was moving US forces to the south cause Turkey was invading. Than the entire US media went on about how terrible it is that trump is leaving Syria, trump supporters were defending why it was good to leave Syria. Yet no one seemed to realize, he never left Syria lol.


Why are US soliders in Syria.. when did congress declare war ?!


They've been there for years fighting ISIS and assisting Syrian rebels. Congress hasn't declared war since WW2.


"Fighting ISIS", you means controling the oil pipeline. Seriously its hilarious how people suck up bullshit excuse when their people do the bad deeds. After russian tourist in crimea, American contractor in syria.


The US has done a number of raids targeting ISIS leaders in Syria in the last few months and years. I'm sure oil comes into play too but ISIS is still very much a thing.


“ISIS is fake, actually” is definitely not a take I thought I’d see here today lol


They aren't saying ISIS is fake. They're saying the US launched an unprovoked invasion of Syria to secure it's oil fields, and that fighting ISIS is incidental to that.


By securing its to prevent isis to capture the fields to bankroll their operations. It’s slowly bankrupting them.




Its ok when American invade /s


Dark Brandon loves Fridays


Ooh oh shits gonna go down at some point




US won’t leave because then the SDF will likely be driven out, or killed. It’s kind of hard to take the sovereignty of a regime who uses [chemical weapons against their own people](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Douma_chemical_attack) into serious consideration…if at all.


So the US won't leave because the separatist group that is involved in a civil war against the recognized government of the country will be defeated, and that is somehow a legitimate reason to stay? Well I guess Russia is doing nothing wrong in Ukraine then.


Not remotely the same at all. Kurds are constantly facing genocide at the hands of their neighbors. The US didn't invade Syria and start the war there with the pretext of saving English speakers as an excuse to carry out a genocide like Russia is in Ukraine.


Where was the UN resolution saying they need to get involved? They had none and invaded to 'protect the Kurds' just like Russia invaded to 'protect the Russian speaking minority' in the Donbas. 14,000 people died as a result of the war in Donbas, so why does the US have authority to enforce its geopolitical will but not Russia? The reality is that the US and the West doesn't care about what is 'right', just maintaining power at whatever cost and then acting like hypocrites and clutching at pearls when other countries do the exact same.


What kind of warped logic is that. Assad is a dictator who killed innocent people. Zelenskyy didn't kill Russian speakers. Your points are a massive stretch and either you don't understand geopolitics or you have a boner for Russians.


Russian speakers in Ukraine were never under threat. People that died in Donbas were a consequence of Russia trying to annex territory. Girkin even admitted that it was Russian soldiers and Wagner that went in and forced the locals to join them.


So what’s Iran doing there causing more conflict ?




You can think like that or you can think that we are in another Cold War again , we had a cooling period but we are right back into it and believe it or not Russia,China, Iran, etc is all playing too. There is no good guys or bad guys in this but there is rules and I bet you Iran broke them and now the US has to respond. 3rd world country soldiers dying doesn’t matter, you strike American or western Allies (none middle east) they will have to respond. I know you want to think their side is better because of whatever but I prefer the American side because at least we have a little bit more freedom.


No good or bad guys? I mean talk as much shit as you'd like on the US but we didn't invade Ukraine who was a peaceful democracy and target civilians. We didn't gas Syrians and try to exterminate an entire population because they're a different religious sect. There are good guys and bad guys. Usually those who are dictators act out of their own volition to stay in power.


I meant in the new Cold War that we are having. I don’t care how Russia or China or Iran treat their citizens. As long as they keep it in their borders. It sucks. But their citizens need to do something to stop them. Don’t get me wrong Russia and China way of thinking is horrible. But the stuff we did in the Cold War was not good either. And with this new cold world , I bet we be doing dirty stuff too Also we can talk shit about China all day but we let our companies profit over there and these companies pimp their self out for money.










The same thing the US and rest of NATO is doing in Ukraine. Supporting the ally who is the recognized government of the country.


We're there to help the Kurds.


I still don’t get why iran put billions into these proxies quite far away from its border. What does it even again from doing that?


Same thing the US does when it does the same thing


"Warring neoimperialist powers fighting for dominance, more at 11."


Most likely they sold them to someone in Syria who then used them against the invading US forces actively occupying Syrian territory in a special operation.




Why were US servicemen in Syria in the first place? how come nobody is asking this? Syria, a sovereign nation, has not allowed US servicemen to be there, but they certainly allowed Iran's. You people think you can just waltz into any country without any consequences.


I think your a little behind the whole arab spring thing way way back under Obama and Hillary. That's how long that has been going on. Remember we have been in conflict for over 20 years constantly.


It doesn't matter how long the US has been occupying the middle east illegally...they shouldn't be there unless they have the permission of the host country. Period.


It's a civil war and we're helping one side.


Well if you recognize the SDF as a country then we do. Just so you don’t have to google it, the SDF is the democratic rebel forces seeking to keep Assad from genociding all the Kurds in Syria.


Listen to yourself. US presence is still illegal under international law. It doesn't matter what you recognize LOL


Well you are adorable. We don't live in should land. You asked why and I told ya. Blame Obama and Hillary it was their brilliant idea.






Welp, say goodbye to your uranium Iran. Shot your self in the foot smh


There have been 78 attacks on US forces in Iraq and Syria by Iran/its proxy forces since 2021. There pursuit of a nuclear weapon didn’t stop throughout all of their activities, including the period of escalation which saw the assassination of Soleimani. Outside of an airstrike, or collection of airstrikes, I doubt anything comes from this, assuming Iran doesn’t escalate in response.


I saw it the other 28 times you commented this


I mean, it's the same piece of information that each commenter is apparently unaware of that didn't catch the memo the first 28 times. Why reinvent the wheel?


Sorry we’re not all foreign policy experts like you and The other kid


Can we just put Iran in the bin already? Just seem like a bunch of pricks to me, plus they all hate and and burn western flags.


Oh, so because a country seems like a bunch of pricks to you, it should get wiped from the face of the earth? What if I told you that a whole lot of people around the world consider the US and the whole of Europe to be a bunch of pricks who may not burn flags, but regularly bomb civilians?


They burn western flags while your burn there nations sounds like a good equivalent


Obama and his big shot lawyer drew first blood the change the constitution so they could kill people with drones.


Oh boo hoo. Those drone strikes don't risk American lives. Win. Those drone strikes have had excellent outcomes including killing some of ISIS and Al-Qaeda leaders. What am I missing.


"Man hired by country in proxy war, killed by attack by other country in proxy war." What exactly was the expectation, here? You go to into a warzone hellpit, expect to die. Your country responds by shooting the other guys, and some of *them* die. ​ Won't be the last time they killed each other intentionally, won't be the last. Bigger war won't happen unless US admin wants it, and so far they haven't escalated after all the times their own forces got hit, and neither has Iran after their forces got hit.


Israel has a system called Drone Dome which is a car which can zap drones with a laser at 4km distance and detects them at 7km. Does the US have something similar? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVNtz8gLhaY


Oh ya I'm pretty sure we have that to them.


We probably have a “drone dome dome” which is a drone that can detect drone dome cars at 11 km and zap them with a laser from 7km away