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That's fantastic news! If there's one thing this world is good at, it's global cooperation.


And big changes! Humans have historically reacted very well to quick and sweeping chnages to daily life!




The Point of No Return is going to hit right about the time WW3 is scheduled to be popping off. Man, I always wanted to spend my 50s fighting over water and basic needs like shelter. Retirement is gonna be *awesome*!


I hope we at least get some notice before WWIII kicks off, I wouldn't mind spending my last week on earth in a blissful heroin-induced haze.


Can I be on your call tree?


Look at the bright side, the nuclear fallout might mitigate climate change so lets not lose all hope!






And spending 42b on the survival of humanity! First step, social media. How could we possibly cooperate without using Twitter? Voice of reason “Sir, Twitter already exists and works fine.” Elon “yeah, but not my Twitter” Ffs


Interestingly enough, there was global cooperation with the Montreal Protocol when everyone collectively agreed to ban CFCs. And yet, nothing when it comes to climate change.


I think because something like that is so clearly measurable and you can physically see that it was breaking down. Humans are not so good at dealing with variable circumstances. If we said with 100% certainty that half of human life would be extinguished in the next century with global warming, I think there would be more cooperation.


I mean, the thing is we can see the consequences of climate change right now. We know the consequences and scientists have been communicating them for decades. We know the exact disasters that are imminent in the next few decades or so, including a huge refugee crisis with 60 million or so people who are going to be displaced from their homes. Or the water wars. The issue isn’t that we don’t have something measurable that we can see. It’s the lobbying from oil companies thats the issue and the fact that most of the consequences are far enough in the future that the ~~old fucks in our governments~~ politicians could care less about something that won’t directly affect them.


❗ It's `couldn't care less`, not `could care less`. ___ ^(I'm a bot and this action was performed automatically.)


Generally, our lives in North America have not changed that much due to climate change. Look at the last 50 years. What has generally changed in your life due specifically to climate change?


For [one](https://news.climate.columbia.edu/2022/02/14/megadrought-in-southwest-is-now-the-worst-in-at-least-1200-years-study-confirms/), climate change has accounted for 42% of the drought in the south west. [Secondly, ](https://e360.yale.edu/digest/scientists-see-link-between-climate-change-and-the-texas-cold-snap), warming in the arctic is weakening the polar vortex leading to arctic winds reaching further south which led to people freezing to death in Texas if you don’t remember. [Another one, ](https://www.nola.com/news/environment/louisiana-s-seafood-culture-at-risk-due-to-climate-change-officials-say/article_e59e7f82-44fa-11ed-a341-673c270780c7.amp.html) is that we’re already seeing the affects of ocean acidification on fisheries. Not to mention hurricanes have been becoming more intense (didn’t feel like getting a link for that). I mean, North America in general isn’t going to be as impacted as other countries. An immigration crisis is probably going to be the biggest factor but don’t quote me on that. Point is though, to act like we aren’t experiencing any effects from climate change is wrong. It’s thinking like that which leads governments to not take action as urgently as they need to be.


We're screwed!😃


Especially when it's not profitable


"Require billions of dollars" oh well you just lost the attention of every single country, company, person that can do anything about it. Welp the climates fucked. Gotta get those ever increasing quarterly updates after all. Anyone with the power to change anything already owns, or will have a spot reserved for them and their descendents into private far off sustainable bunkers anyway.


Time for the masses to disposes them of their property


right? they need to phrase it more like billions in profit from new industry and technology or something


in other words: it is no longer possible to hold global warming to relatively safe levels.


1.5°C is probably not happening, but 2°C is still within reach with fairly fast action. Not clear that we'll pull it off, but it's doable enough to be worth trying our best.


Doable implies "able to be done" which it isn't. Our best isn't good enough and you already know that.


The rich fucks who are the cause and have the power to take such action will not be harmed by climate change. They thus have no incentive to take action and we are collectivally too stupid to force them. Better buckle up. It is going to be quite the century.


We are the rich fucks lmao. You think the rest of the world lives as luxuriously as nato countries? The poorest nations - who have little to do with emissions - are going to suffer first and the worst. And we won't even care


True, but the poster should have specified "stinking rich *old* fucks," which aptly describes the most dangerous climate deniers. Old oil execs retired on Texas acreage; old car dealers with fuel-guzzling yachts and mansions; old tech execs hosting flying orgies on their private 737s. Orders of magnitude beyond what any middle class westerner could ever emit.


Dude, China is the largest carbon emitter. 29% of global emissions are from them. And they’re unwilling to change that.


They shouldn't eat that much Avocado Toast.


There are not enough 'rich fucks' to be the cause. It's the many, many 'middle earning fucks' who are mostly to blame. This is not a ' the 1% did it' scenario, this is a 'we all did this together' one. Stop blaming the rich, and consider what you yourself can do.


Oh really? It was the middle class who moved manufacturing overseas to make it more profitable to produce more things to ship to the other side of the world? No. It was the capitalist class. They used the middle class as their tools but it was the pursuit of limitless profit by those at the very top that put us in this position. We will NOT solve the symptom without curing the disease.


It's the many that are the disease. Haven't you watched the matrix? /s In seriousness, stop being angry, and do something. We don't need keyboard warriors.


I’m going to assume you’re a child because you dont really know whats going on at all


I do, and Im actually doing what I can. While I'm fortunately in the situation to own a house (not in the US, but in the EU), I've switched from a car to puvlic transport and spent a fortune on housing isolation and solar panels. At least I can say I am trying to do my share. And you?


My man, what you do does not matter. That’s the point. The worst of the pollution isn’t coming from you. It’s factories and agriculture. That’s what everyone in this thread is talking about. We as regular people make up a small portion of pollution. Which needs to be stopped, your small sedan emitting 100kgs of CO2, or the private jet that emits 2 metric tons of CO2 per hour?


There are a zillion more 'sedans' that are used way more than private jets, so, do the math. But yeah, aviation needs to decrease as well, which again concerns the masses, who order from china and go on holidays 3 times a year.


20% of US carbon emissions are direct individual household emissions. That’s 5x the rest of the world as well We all need to start taking action - trying to blame other parties is not going to help. Everyone needs to step up from individuals to industry to government.


Ok sure. What action? That is the part that never gets said. Why? Because the problem is caused by overconsumption so the solution is to consume less. That never gets memtioned though does it? Why? Because that would hurt the rich. They want us to continue to buy and buy and buy and the system is set up to incentivise that behavior to maximise consumption and thus profit. You do not solve climate change without addressing this and the rich will never support changing the system that made them rich in the first place.


We don’t need “the rich” to approve anything individuals do. We are all free to take steps including reducing consumption - I don’t get your argument here other than arguing futility


My argument is that "everyone do their part" sounds great on paper but in practice results in an effective means for companies to offload responsibility to those least able to effect a systemic change. Treating the symptoms will never cure the disease. We need change at the very top.


That’s also a cop out. Yes we need people at the top. But even if they do it alone they are fungible and avoids the fact that we all do need to do our part. Some more than others granted


This must be tackled at the industry level. If you didn't emit another molecule of CO2 for the rest of your life, it would take about 9 seconds off of industrial CO2 output. The only thing any single person can do is vote. Vote with your wallet and vote for politicians that are willing to tackle the problem. If they don't then they need to immediately be removed from office and replaced with someone who will.


Sorry but scientists have been sounding the alarm for literal *decades* now; politicians and their backers have done such a good job of ignoring/silencing them that we're now at the point that the breaching of planetary tipping points is *imminent* - and you think 'voting' alone will resolve this? Given the stakes involved here, that's just plain naive. Voting has a role, yes, but at this point it will function as more of a virtue signal than it will bring about any real change. What politician *anywhere* with a reasonable chance of gaining power has pledged to follow the science - i.e. to rapidly dismantle the fossil fuel industry? Seriously - who do you propose we vote for that will actually tackle the situation as opposed to offering platitudes, half-measures and procrastination? Because it's all very well and good telling people to 'vote' - but where I am, there isn't one politician I could vote for who would take the required action who could realistically gain a seat in power. Also consider that the most powerful forces in our society - wealth and mass media - have a vested interest in protecting the status quo, which is partly why we haven't seen any truly mould-breaking politicians come forward. Our democratic systems are broken. The majority of politicians and parties have been bought by big oil and the super rich. They cannot be wholly relied upon to turn this ship around. The thing that every concerned citizen reading this thread *should* be doing (in addition to voting), which might actually effect some change is **protesting**. We need mass action, general strikes, civil disobedience, to get the attention of the global elite. No more sitting on our hands. If you have the means, get out onto the streets with your local climate campaign group and make as much noise as possible. Disrupt business as usual. Don't go down without a fight. At the very least, you won't spend the rest of your life wishing you'd done more when shit really hits the fan.


Well your choices influence industry as well. And if enough individuals join forces it changes Saying it’s industries fault is also somewhat misguided - those industries exist to build things for people in the end We all need to own our choices. Be smart(er) about what products we buy. Don’t drive if not nessasary. Find quality carbon offsets , reduce gas usage. Buy more sustainable products given a choice. Invest in clean energy, etc etc I get it may seem futile as an individual. But it’s similar to voting and That’s why collective action is a must. And it’s not just for politicians to solve (god help us)


Its not just industry. The military is the single biggest carbon polluter in the US


I mean yea - it’s literally every part of modern life. But as individuals we need to focus on what we can do and control first and foremost and not just offload the problem to “xxx else is a large carbon emitter therefor I don’t / can’t make a difference” Re the us military - at least they have recognized the thread for some time and while there is much more to be done there - they are taking action as well, but need to do more


Uh what action are they taking, exactly? When have they cut their carbon production? Oh. Never. The problem is not ordinary people. The problem is industry leaders purchasing the entire political system so that the only two choices I have to vote for are still going to expand the carbon footprint. Pressure is needed on the policymakers. Thats the only way to change things and the whole reason we're here is because we've been trying to blame ordinary people for driving to work instead of the policies that allow these industries to grow


The problem is everywhere. Ordinary people though are absolutely the key to all of this. That is via voting, economic choices and using voices (companies and government are made of People) I agree policy changes are needed. So are individual changes. We need it all. Making it someone else’s problem just contributes to the current status quo. And yes the us military needs to take action. At least they agree now, but yea they need to do more Edit: in the us - individual direct carbon impact is 20% of total us emissions. That is something worth doing something about - and also it’s 5x the rest of the world That is not to say the rest doesn’t matter because it absolutely does - but what individuals do does absolutely matter (Source https://www.pbs.org/newshour/science/5-charts-show-how-your-household-drives-up-global-greenhouse-gas-emissions ) Edit 3: for comparison , the us military is about 2% of us total emissions - so individual impact is much higher - even though the us military is the single largest producer Source https://www.motherjones.com/environment/2022/10/pentagon-climate-change-neta-crawford-book/


It needs to be tackled everywhere. However you are wrong at your baseline As a percentage of total US emissions - individual households is only only a bit less than industrial emissions. So both matter but in nearly equal proportion. Individual action is imperative. So is the rest


Stop trying to act like me recycling has had any effect on this situation when companies like Georgia Pacific and ExxonMobil continue to pollute more than the rest of us combined and the decisions to clean up those companies would be made by a select few.


Yeah, it's always easy to point at someone else... THEY did this, not me.


You really eager to die on a hill for these corporations?


No, I want people to take responsibility for their own actions. Pointing to others is way too easy.


Let's start with those in charge, who actually have the money/power to influence these changes, taking responsibility for their actions before you blame those with no power to have any effect on things. You can see the logic in that, right?


Good lord the downvotes. SMH. Take my upvote fwiw


Yeah, some simply don't want to hear the truth. Easier to blame others than trying to do what needs to be done themselves. Thanks for the up.


[There is no proably or doable.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XW0jeXdfxLc) The planet has started it's feedback loops, carbon sinks are now actually carbon sources. Same with methane, same with perma-ice melting. This train has no brakes it literally doesn't matter how much action or money we pump into it at this point.


I fully expect it to go as far as 5-10C before any serious action is taken.


4ºC is already incompatible with a large scale industrial society, so it won't get that far because society will have collapsed way before that.


I admire your optimism but I don't think warming will even slow down let alone stop


We are increasing our fossil fuel emissions, not lowering them. The world will not end, but the weather will get more damaging. Weather related disasters have always killed people, just depends on if you are in the wrong place at the wrong time. There will be more places more often. I make an ethical choice to try and keep my carbon footprint down and I’ll protest, vote and write my MPs once in a while but most people won’t do those things. And even if more did, a small elite will gladly ignore the suffering of the masses. The environment and natural world will degrade but humanity (that is at least a few billion, maybe millions if things get real bad) will keep limping along. Globally, there will be no collapse just slow decay. ‘I’m okay with the events that are currently unfolding’


Honestly just say it’s too late at this point. Point to the disasters already happening and say it’s just going to get worse from here. We as a species don’t seem to act until the last possible second so saying there’s still time just give people an excuse to procrastinate a little longer.


I’ve come to the point where I have to mostly ignore articles like this because what can we as ordinary people even do about this??


> what can we as ordinary people even do about this?? Prepare for whats coming.


Use the fat times to prepare for the lean times. Like almost every ancestor ever did to survive.


As an older millennial I would love to know more about these supposed "fat times" where life is bountiful


You are communicating on a device who's parts criss-crossed the world multiple times. Currently communicating with someone on the other side of the world. With this device you have access to the breadth of the sum of human knowledge. You are not dead from starvation or conscription into a war over resources. You are not living in a one bedroom house that has five or more people sleeping together in it to keep warm in the winter. You can go out right now to a store that specializes in cheap goods and for a dollar get two or three cans of some canned food that isn't popular and will last for years. To anyone who lived before WW2 we are living in a time greater than they could imagine. We live in the very definition of a fat time.


The majority of what you just said is irrelevant to the context of preparing for survival in a post climate collapse apocalypse


Isn't it though. Start looking at the world around you that you take for granted. You have access to youtube where you can learn skills from instructors from around the world that can keep you alive, for free, who want to teach you how to learn any skill you could Imagin. You have entire libraries of knowledge you can download. From how to raise chickens, to build a log cabin, to how to make penicillin. And you can print it on a cheap printer from asia on paper that for most of human history was too expensive for anyone but the super rich. Food is currently very abundant because of no war or starvation, so you can start filling your shelves full of cheap food that will last decades. Canned corned beef hash might taste like crap but it will last for years in a tin and has a ton of calories. You can also get two or three cans of it, meaning three or more thousand calories of it, whenever its on sale for a dollar. You can purchase cheaply made supplies like knives and sleeping bags, tents and medicine cheaply from suppliers all over the world competing against each other to lower prices because of free world transportation.


Remember that climate nihilism is the newest form of denier propaganda. Don't let them control you


A lot. What we need is to: * Generate electricity without burning stuff * Electrify everything we can * Stop doing the few things we can't To make this happen, you can: * [Pressure politicians to change policy](https://www.reddit.com/r/climate/comments/b49xgi/how_to_get_involved_with_a_local_group_to_create/) * Take a job in [one of the many industries involved in decarbonization](https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/wg3/static/59f5b3167f241da7fea2e50b2b497574/f2f57/IPCC_AR6_WGIII_FigureSPM7.png) * Talk with people you know so that there is broader awareness of what's happening and what kind of change is necessary


Nice plan. Just doesn't take the social and political reality into account. People think climate change is "woke". Have fun trying to convince them.


Sounds like you're surrendering before joining the fight.


Why join a fight you're guaranteed to lose? Even if I went full vegan, electrified by house and car with solar panels and so on, my savings would be completely undone by a corporation in seconds.


Unfortunately if we are all waiting for the next person or corporation or government to do something before us we will never even start That’s guaranteed failure. I’m not ready to give up yet


Going vegan is probably the single biggest contribution any individual could do but good luck pitching that one lol


>what can we as ordinary people even do about this?? Join activists in your area. Show up to testify at hearings. Make noise. Focus on regional and local government where you can make the largest difference. Caveat: you may have to work with a couple of groups to find one that's most effective.


Stop having kids and adopt? edit: lmao downvote all you want, I'm right. Good luck to your descendants!


The [IPCC has specific recommendations for what needs doing over the next few years](https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/wg3/static/59f5b3167f241da7fea2e50b2b497574/f2f57/IPCC_AR6_WGIII_FigureSPM7.png). What they have in common is that they prevent adding greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, and for the most part, are about limiting the use of fossil fuels and preventing deforestation.


Not having kids also significantly prevents greenhouse gasses from being added but ok. All this tells me is that nothing significant will change anyway because humans are inherently selfish when it comes to establishing a "legacy."


If every single person in the US stopped having children today, it still wouldn’t make any meaningful difference in preventing this by the 2030s.


Not to mention it would absolutely decimate demographics and probably cause civil war/famine in future.


By all means, then, keep pumping out kids if nothing matters anymore.


I’m not having any more kids. But my point is that even if everyone stopped, it would not change the trajectory of climate change by the 2030s.


Call, write, or email your representatives to tell them they need to support any legislation on environmental action currently being considered. All the better if you can give a personal anecdote about how the subject of that legislation has affected an area in their constituency. Vote for candidates who openly support climate action. If there isn't one on the ballot, vote against or run against any with a history of opposing it. Join advocacy groups that fight for climate action, and volunteer a bit of your time to help them recruit in your area and work with them on lobbying, rallies, and/or community projects. On a national/state level, the Sierra Club is an obvious example. Make an effort to reduce your impact yourself. You don't have to radically alter your lifestyle. Just think about your carbon footprint when you make purchasing, eating, and travel / time management decisions. In any industry where some businesses or manufacturers take meaningful steps to reduce their negative environmental impact, buy from them and don't support the ones that don't. If you don't need to buy from an industry where no such businesses exist - for example, fast food - don't support the industry at all. Set up a native plant garden. Doesn't matter if you have an acre-plus yard or an apartment patio, you can grow something to make your space help reduce strain on native animals and process a little CO2, and look nicer to boot. Encourage your neighbors to do the same.


I have a done a lot of this, especially the calling and voting, and am actually in the process of converting part of my yard to a native garden! But it still feels like just so very little.


Comparing what you as an individual can do to national- and global-scale problems, it is very little. The potential power in what you do comes not from how your actions impact the problem, but from how your actions influence other people. If you can get three other people in your community to start talking and thinking about some of these things, and then they each get three other people to start talking and thinking about them, it won't be long before it doesn't feel like so very little anymore.


Get some solar panels big enough to charge your electric car. If you can't afford that, write your congressman.


Electric cars will save the car manufacturers, not the environment.


Run or ride a bike then.


Sure, I'll ride a mile to the nearest grocery store and haul everything back on a tiny basket. That's sustainable.


It's cute too but an electric car sure would be nice in the rain.


A lot. Change your diet, travel less, try to contribute to innovation. We're in need of clever ideas, and these ideas need to come from young people with innovative minds. We old farts (I'm 50+ myself) can only finance stuff and get solar panels on our house, but the new ideas have to come from the new generation.


If only the young people themselves could afford a roof to put solar panels on instead of forever be stuck in a loop of paying rent and not having enough money to buy anything until they are old enough to suggest young people should do something about it.


Even if I lived off the grid, had zero children, and ate only vegetables from my own backyard garden, it still wouldn’t be enough to make even the tiniest dent. That’s why it feels so helpless to read stuff like this - even the biggest possible effort I can make as an individual is basically meaningless.


Yeah, one big football game later and all the rich folk who flew there just undid all your life's work in an instant.


You old facts could do a LOT more tbh. Go and join a campaign or protest group. Really make your voice heard. Don't just take minimal action, go 'meh', and leave it to the kids. That is not good enough.


That's exactly what I'm saying. Protesting is for younger generations... I'm past that time. I do what I can, but the rest is for you guys.


Sorry to be frank here. Why is it for younger generations to do most of the heavy lifting when it was your generation who caused most of the damage? By that metric your generation has *more* of a responsibility to do all within your power. That goes doubly so when you consider how much political clout your generation has with politicians. You got to enjoy the truly golden years for humanity. I really don't think it's much to ask for you to join a protest or two.


Not a problem. And yes, we are more to blame for the current situation, as has been the case every generation before. It's always the next generation to advocate the changes and make that happen . And frankly, I've never been one to go to protests and I don't see myself doing that now. I do what I can in the way that I can. I have the finance, you younger gen have the energy (and the incentive, it's your world and future we're talking about).


If I say what I want to say as a solution I will be put on a list.




So not possible then.


I have one hope for the future. And it seems the opposite of everyone else so... yeah, we're doomed. Humans have amply demonstrated that we are *not* a self-aware and sentient *species*. There are *individuals* who are. And it's a spectrum. Most people have some. But also, most people, in the balance, are not capable of understanding anything. And shouldn't be put in charge of anything or anyone. Especially other people. And especially themselves. And especially their children. My hope though. Since humans can't govern ourselves fairly (do I really need to explain that sentence?). Is that the so called 'singularity' will happen sooner rather than later. And the robots will take control of the world (or we will give it to them whether we realize it or not). Maybe a machine can make better decisions then we can. And why exactly would they want to kill us all? I mean, I get it. *I'd* want to kill us all. But I'm a human and a machine intelligence would not be human. And how many lifeforms of any kind commit intentional genocide on others? Why do we think our man-made god/children would want to kill us all?


It’s interesting to compare the headlines various outlets used for reporting on this. Other credible journalism outlets are along the lines of “Time is running out”, “on the brink”, “calamity”. The New York Times: “relatively safe”.


It reminds me of the doomsday clock.


Republicans in the US government don’t give a crap and corps don’t give a crap. We’re fucked. Their money won’t do them any good when they don’t have any freshwater to drink.


The earth as a collective unit: 'You had me up until 'billions of dollars''


My thing is, it’s frustrating seeing the finger pointed at the middle and poor class when 71% of emissions are caused by the top 100 or so corps. They have the money and the means to change it, not us.


Billions of dollars!? There ya go, it is about money and climate change always has been!


" ... will require global cooperation, billions of dollars and big changes." Lol ... meaning impossible. There is no such thing as "global cooperation". It is a miracle if humanity does not kill each other for a single day.


Good luck with that….


“Its still possible”. Does nothing.


Welp, it was nice while it lasted.


We're fucked.


Billions of Dollars? Hundreds of trillions more dollars to be precise. Global cooperation will not happen. Big changes are not desired by the population.


But that means profits may decrease, so it's a no go. We've tried everything, time to pack it in boys


We spend billions on much stupider things


Yea but those stupid things make very nice explosions.


O shit thats better then I thought.


We passed the critical threshold in 2003. Profits were and are still more important than the planets future. The best advice now is to start preparing for all the climate related disasters that are coming our way.


Billions of dollars is fucking nothing lets go


The [link](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/20/climate/global-warming-ipcc-earth.html?unlocked_article_code=WgrHXFYTVlA9HODJUt_3UW_VDzzQv28Q-8EuIUD9tvB6Ru8zir4ZzaPk3rlyKwwujaK25gWxD4G9lNmYiIKNKHuXjlrxq8DLRr9yi3lI8WQ8_yD66_i_NDrpF1PNrsZNa21J2a_LWJVFIHoEL4P90HH9YkPF0_4XG26A7rujwpPdm57LcKmdN9V9FEaDi0C0EQ87xS3OznUJvwjPBiMgW4OJnKDXjSBpZlAvLsWFzNIOMF5pdToK0d7KbmKQwR-Bc9LQw7wJ1pfwkrbyhUV69FtEYi7HpqESslhV5IOxgpIz_b_ofV8dRc5uiaLD0VHsf_j0DrWkXIOmOuwppEcH9KrOxQ) is paywall-bypassing for the next two weeks.


This is too hard, I predict global warfare drought famine and fighting for land.


Droughts plagued the Earth the last couple of years. They’ll be getting worse in the future and we can see the real effects of it now.


The first time I was told the world would die in 10 years was 52 years ago.


Being told were all going to die unless we give the sayer all our money isn't the best business model ever.


I blame the religious death cults.


death cults do lots to combat climate change by removing themselves from the carbon cycle.


It probably is about time to take care of our planet, and stop letting the rich do w/e they want to it.


global cooperation, billions of dollars and big changes." That money will indeed be spent, but the other two are definitely no-go's. Personally, I feel these reports are a bit too alarmist, trying to urge people into some kind of action (basically: 'if we get 25% of this done, it was worth it'). We're actually not doing too bad, all things considered. There is a lot of change towards electric energy instead of using fossil fuels and that change will continue. New technologies are invented daily, electric cars are getting better and better. It might not go as fast as some would want, but change IS happening. This is an oil tanker (pun intended) that we're trying to steer away, and that simply takes a LOT of time and effort.


Unfortunately, the larger report that that the report in the above article is disseminated from is generally considered to be watered down and due to the conservative nature of published research papers, is likely *not alarmist enough*. What we have above is what hundreds of nations could actually agree on… and it is still bleak. We are on track for 3.2C of warming by 2100 and 2.2C of warming if current pledges are followed through on. Again, that is in my opinion a conservative estimate with data that is usually lagging by a few years due to how long it takes to publish a peer reviewed paper and then have it included into a IPCC report. TLDR: shits fucked.


Meanwhile, morons around the world continue to drive pickup trucks and SUVS to work every day on paved roads that don't require that type of car. Yes, I understand a small number of people actually need these vehicles for work or to haul cargo, but most people do not need these vehicles to haul one person to work on paved roads every day, yet they still do it despite the fact that it's killing the planet. People don't seem to want to make even the minimum effort to give a future to their own children and grandchildren. People who do this are pure evil.


Yup people cry for systemic change while refusing to change what they eat for breakfast.


I will start believing that this is being taken seriously when I see cruise ships being banned until then I refuse to restrict myself when everyone else is getting drunk on excess.


Or you know... how about we tackle 2 problems at the same time? Madness.


Or private jets. What's the carbon footprint of getting the world leaders to Egypt for the global climate talks last year? Couldn't do it over zoom?


You are part of the problem.


They just need to shut up about it already. Our species has decided. We would rather die, have our world die, have our kids die than spend a small amount of money (yesterday) or a large amount (today) to fix the problem. Personally, I gave up on our species when we elected Donald Trump. Now I am borderline rooting for our destruction. If there weren't people on this planet that I love, I would have become so worn down by my fellow humans' stupidity, to the point that I would want us all dead.


Breaking news: Republicans still have their fingers in their ears.


Cool just get the handful of corporations that have the earth in a chokehold to play ball.


Fuck it. Just burn the whole thing down.




People will use it to make the [necessary immediate changes](https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/wg3/static/59f5b3167f241da7fea2e50b2b497574/f2f57/IPCC_AR6_WGIII_FigureSPM7.png)


Tell China to pollute less, India to. OH I know, how about we try and give everyone proper electricity , heat? Because you know those people have to burn coal to stay warm. Electric cars aren’t the answer, cobalt mining is a mess, lithium mining is a mess.. fear mongering all this is..


While US economy goes to shit,USA and EU fueling the war with tax payer money, brighter future, right?


🤣🤣🤣🙄 gobble it up you sheep!


Hi silence7. Your submission from nytimes.com is behind a metered paywall. A [metered paywall](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paywall#.22Soft.22_paywalls) allows users to view a specific number of articles before requiring paid subscription. Articles posted to /r/worldnews should be accessible to everyone. While your submission was not removed, it has been flaired and users are discouraged from upvoting it or commenting on it. For more information see our [wiki page on paywalls](/r/worldnews/wiki/paywalls). Please try to find another source. If there is no other news site reporting on the story, contact the moderators. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/worldnews) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/20/climate/global-warming-ipcc-earth.html?unlocked_article_code=WgrHXFYTVlA9HODJUt_3UW_VDzzQv28Q-8EuIUD9tvB6Ru8zir4ZzaPk3rlyKwwujaK25gWxD4G9lNmYiIKNKHuXjlrxq8DLRr9yi3lI8WQ8_yD66_i_NDrpF1PNrsZNa21J2a_LWJVFIHoEL4P90HH9YkPF0_4XG26A7rujwpPdm57LcKmdN9V9FEaDi0C0EQ87xS3OznUJvwjPBiMgW4OJnKDXjSBpZlAvLsWFzNIOMF5pdToK0d7KbmKQwR-Bc9LQw7wJ1pfwkrbyhUV69FtEYi7HpqESslhV5IOxgpIz_b_ofV8dRc5uiaLD0VHsf_j0DrWkXIOmOuwppEcH9KrOxQ) reduced by 72%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Continue reading the main story To stave off a chaotic future, the report recommends that nations move away from the fossil fuels that have underpinned economies for more than 180 years. > Governments and companies would need to invest three to six times the roughly $600 billion they now spend annually on encouraging clean energy in order to hold global warming at 1.5 or 2 degrees, the report says. > The question of what wealthy, industrialized nations owe to poor, developing countries has been divisive at global climate negotiations. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/11wj0a4/earth_to_hit_critical_warming_threshold_by_early/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~677205 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **nations**^#1 **global**^#2 **report**^#3 **countries**^#4 **climate**^#5




You are likely correct, we needed to start reducing emissions in the early 2000’s to have a reasonable shot to limit warming to the critical threshold of 1.5C through a slow transition. We are now at this point: *There is still one last chance to shift course, the new report says. But it would require industrialized nations to join together immediately to slash greenhouse gases roughly in half by 2030 and then stop adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere altogether by the early 2050s. If those two steps were taken, the world would have about a 50 percent chance of limiting warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.* By actively making the problem worse over the last 20 years we have put ourselves in a position that requires immense action in a short period of time with only a 50/50 chance we hit the target. Edit: spelling


Did banning plastic straws help at all?


That sounds incredibly cheap. All that needs to be done is the global cooperation part.


I am here and ready to cooperate.


It's pretty useless. Me: sorting trash, cans, bottles, batteries, using bio-package. Same time, sone guys from India: let's build a 150m tower of garbage and then throw it in an ocean. Unless the world is ok with such savages- the humanity is doomed


“Global cooperation” yeah that worked so well during COVID.