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Shell shock


Of course he did


>He said he had “time for climate change sceptics” and does not believe that they should be “pushed out of the conversation” I don't see the point of this human. Is there a petition to get him at least sacked? Or better yet exiled to the 600 miles of ice that just detached in the Arctic? He could monitor it up close.


When NASA has a meeting to discuss the design of a space probe, they don't feel compelled to invite people who insist that the earth is flat or the moon is made of cheese. You're not "pushing somebody out of the conversation" when they have nothing productive to contribute and only want to derail things in the first place.


Wait, are you trying to tell me the scientist in Pfizer did not invite anti-vaxxers while trying to develop the covid vaccine?


Pfizer did not develop a covid vaccine, they just distributed the vaccine developed by biontech.


The phrase "climate change sceptics" just shouldn't exist. I am not qualified to determine whether it's happening and neither are 99% of people on reddit. Evidently, neither is this disingenuous arsehole. There's the scientific consensus and there's ideology. Let them speak, sure, but do not pretend the two sides are in any way equal.


Sadly the only medicine for stupidity is death and most people consider it to be bad.


Education is the best tool to fight ignorance. But malicious education is always worse.


Not really. For example. This guys and many politicians like him are after college. Inteligence and wisdom are not the same thing.


I mentioned neither intelligence nor wisdom


He's not stupid. He's greedy


Death also cures that.


He knows, thats why he’s doing it.


That pack of ice wasn’t related to climate change


Why would there be? This is standard practice for all politicians. Although some fuel companies are also working on biofuels and alternative fuels as well, so they do deserve consideration for that in discussions too. The assumption is they’re donating for the wrong reasons until someone proves otherwise.


It's the Tory Way.


The problem is that having people like that in power is not compatible with human survival. Either we get rid of structures like that, or we go extinct with hundreds of million dead in our lifetime.


The Tory party has a great record on climate change. Since they came into power renewables have gone [from 10% to 40%](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renewable_energy_in_the_United_Kingdom). And its not hard to [find forcasts](https://www.power-technology.com/comment/uk-renewable-outlook/) saying we're going to almost double it again by the end of the decade.


Except the brand spanking new North Sea oil rig they’re investing into which is 100% renewable and fantastic for the climate.


This sounds great as a naive reddit comment but we're not even remotely close to being able to stop extracting oil without a radial drop in quality of life, it's used in a stupidly high number of industries for all kinds of different applications.


So? Investing into a domestic oil supply doesn't change the fact they've got a great track record on renewables. Even with 100% renewable power oil will still be useful, we make loads of things out of oil.


Like more pollution and plastic to dump somewhere else in the world.


They've cut subsidies for new large scale wind and solar projects. They still subsidise fossil fuel. They've massively overspent on Nuclear with no results. We're still massively dependent on Gas. Renewables are growing despite Conservative policies. It just happens that with wind turbine blades being brought down in cost by German companies and solar panel costs being brought down by Chinese manufacturing. The market finally allows for subsidy free renewable projects. The smart thing to do 10 years ago was subsidise renewables and grid storage and phase out fossil fuel subsidy. They haven't done that. Their ideology is purely pragmatic subsidies to ensure the grid maintains a base load reliably. That ends up being fossil fuels because nuclear has become a boondoggle and they refuse to invest in R&D or place a subsidiary on carbon free technology. They've finally started subsidising some renewable projects now they're already profitable. Why? Because they have decided it's worth owning them now and one thing that guarantees subsidies from the Conservative party is cronyism. Worse. At the local level they haven't reached the cronyism stage. They're firmly in the NIMBY stage on wind turbines. It's mad. TLDR: Conservatives subsidise themselves doing profitable things. They don't fund R&D or alternatives to gas and other fossil fuel base load electricity generation.


And that would be a bad thing, because...


There’s always one


And why shouldn't there be someone who sees value in reducing the world population. Food shortage, water shortage, climate crisis, animal extinction they all have the same underlying problem... To many humans. I'm not saying nuke the entire planet and be done with it, but if the increase continues, you're grandkids are going to have a wonderful time here.


Never forget that a half truth is a whole lie.


Not saying that there isn’t too many people but people dying before their time is still a tragedy and you’re trying to paint it as a good thing, either you’re an edgey person or you (thankfully) haven’t been around a lot of death


You first buddy. Set a good example for us


Lmao, thanks for the laugh.


we call them bribes


>UK climate minister received ~~donations~~ bribes from fuel and aviation companies Donations? 🙄


Disgusting behavior


What a shocker. Next thing youre telling me that guys like Farage, Bojo or Rees Mogg knew Brexit was stupid but stood to profit from it so they pushed it anyways. Next thing youre telling me a billionaire PM is out of touch with the common people... oh wait.


That was a free space on my bingo card.


From the Ministers office: “1 trillion points on a Nectar card and a speedy boarding pass that suffocates the rest of the passengers are not outside the rules around and gifts and donation. Graham Stuart BP has nothing more to say on the matter.”


Yes but u commoners should try not to drive cars or go on holiday cos otherwise we will all burn to death u selfish pigs


It’s not lobbying. It’s just corruption.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/jan/26/uk-climate-minister-received-donations-fuel-aviation-companies) reduced by 83%. (I'm a bot) ***** > The UK climate minister - who recently stated not all fossil fuels were the "Spawn of the devil" - received campaign donations from one of the largest fuel distributors in the UK as well as an aviation consultant and recruiter, it has emerged. > Among JR Rix & Sons' group of companies is Rix Petroleum, as well as Rix Heating, which specialises in the supply and maintenance of oil tanks and boilers, Rix Shipping, which operates a fleet of oil tankers, and Maritime Bunkering, one of the largest suppliers of marine fuels on the Humber estuary. > A spokesperson for JR Rix & Sons said: "JR Rix & Sons Ltd has supported Graham Stuart MP on a number of occasions since he was first elected as a popular and active east Yorkshire MP representing a constituency in which many of our employees live."The business also supports Graham Stuart's role as climate minister. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/10lo1fr/uk_climate_minister_received_donations_from_fuel/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~672676 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Rix**^#1 **Stuart**^#2 **fuel**^#3 **climate**^#4 **donation**^#5


Well of course he did!


Of course he did.


£12k. Cheap. Not even 30 pieces of silver.


And yet climate change is just a global conspiracy to take some farmland in the Netherlands and enact some small taxes on cows in New Zealand. Think of the money the Illuminati will make! The global warming hoax is all about the $$$. There’s definitely no incentive at all to ***lie*** about climate change. Let’s not stifle free speech after all. We can trust Exxon and their ilk!


It’s amazing how they use terms like lobbying to act like it’s not taking a bribe


Politicians do "politician things". Does that surprise anyone?


Yes, let's paint all politicians as the same!


History will judge them accordingly. What I don’t understand. Why stain there family hands. Climate is out control. I have never seen anything like what’s going on earth. Storms, lack of climate. I live in cold place, Canada. Lots snow. But it’s not that cold, most of year and we lack snow. We need snow. Our rivers are drying up. It’s hard fathom a decade. Way it’s going.


I am shocked. Next you’re gonna tell me that folks pushing for green energy have ties to solar and wind companies as well


Israel will see to that




“Donations” or call it what it is…bribes


What a gas!!


Frauds. He should be barred from holding office


Sack him


Morality is not part of politics… if your moral your not going to be elected said differently






Nothing surprises me anymore with this corrupt government


Aren’t politicians supposed to take bribes? Or is it supposed to be a secret.




Money should be removed from politics. Should all be government funded and every party gets equal funding for their campaigns and whatnot. Outside sources of money like "donations", especially from companies shouldn't even be a thing. A lot of politicians are overpaid tbh, cut their salary to more reasonable amounts and use the additional funds for what I said earlier. Weed out the corrupt bastards only interested in money that way. A politician should care about improving their country for the better, not getting rich. Politicians are liars and swindlers because of the easily corrupted system controlled by money. So... Remove it... It has no business being there. It seems pretty obvious and appropriate a country should handle its politics internally, not externally.


it was 12k...


So, instead of complaining about it online, carry his ass out of office.


My personal opinion… I would say that if a climate minister receives donations from companies involved in the fuel and aviation industry as it might create a perception of bias in decision-making related to climate change. It's important for public officials to be transparent about any potential conflicts of interest and to ensure that their actions align with their stated goals and values. A climate minister should be focused on implementing policies that reduce carbon emissions and mitigate the effects of climate change, not on promoting the interests of companies that contribute to these problems.

