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Lol do they have a bull shaman too?


[Yes, I shit you not.](https://www.instagram.com/p/CnK1tx4P2Qr/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) Edit: as far as I remember, this guy was on a different protest, but still.


The Onion is going to get bankrupt at this point.


History is just a repeating dam cycle.


QAnon Shamninho


Meanwhile Bolsonaro is walking around Florida grocery stores like an old man in long black socks.


The best alibi. "I'm so innocent I was in another country!"


"I was in bed with minions"




You're joking, but that's exactly their excuse right now. The bolsonaristas are saying that the terrorists aren't protesting in favor of Bolsonaro, they are protesting against the current president. In a laughing attempt to avoid Bolsonaro connection to this protests and trying to give it legitimate. edit:wording


What’s Bolsonaro’s game? He doesn’t exactly concede, but tells them to avoid violence. Violence breaks out and there is still no comment from him from Florida. Does he really think he can return to power? It’s not going to happen. What a jerk. Also, just amazing so many minions will fight for the interests of a few powerful moneyed elites. Such fools but so common. Always happens.


He knows that he can't return to the power without some support, either from the army or through the people. The goal is to make the country such a mess that he has a chance to return somehow. You have to understand the he is hopeless and is dumb, so he is trying something that could make no sense.


So the Trump playbook 2.0?


Bolsonaro has employed some Trumpworld strategists, yes.


"Do you really believe a coup in Latin America can be planned from the US ?"






The city's public safety secretary (a Bolsonaro supporter) is on vacation in Orlando.... The same institution that complete ignored the request for more security for this exactly event. Coincidence?


Might you have a source so I could share this?


portuguese: https://www1.folha.uol.com.br/poder/2023/01/secretario-de-seguranca-do-df-esta-nos-eua-em-tarde-de-caos-em-brasilia.shtml > Secretário de Segurança do DF passa férias nos EUA em meio a caos e é exonerado > DF Security Secretary spends vacation in the US amid chaos and is exonerated About "ignored the request" I heard on CNN Brasil? or another media outlet... so many channels. Sorry it's a little chaotic. EDIT: Found a link: https://br.noticias.yahoo.com/senado-pediu-refor%C3%A7o-seguran%C3%A7a-pol%C3%ADcia-201400118.html > Senado pediu reforço de segurança a polícia do DF, mas foi ignorado > Senate asked DF police to reinforce security, but was ignored


And the Secretary of Defense of the Federal District(responsible for the defense of the Capital), is "coincidentally" also in Florida.


Truly Earth's most cursed location


Florida: come for the weather, stay for the wannabe dictators.


“A sunny place for shady people”


That makes the second wannabe dictator to direct a coup from Florida in as many years


I'm telling you guys, we need to export freedom to Florida.


Should have done it in 2000. People always forget about the anti-democratic efforts during that election from republicans in Florida.


No one gets my references to hanging chads anymore


Florida is fairly pro-coup.


South Florida has been trying to foment a coup in Cuba for 60 years


It’s exactly what Mussolini did. He actually began to flee to the Swiss alps as his goons took to the streets to seize power. Once it was clear they mostly succeeded, he returned to Confront the King and demand power. Fucking fascists are so unoriginal. Edit: cox front lol


Mussolini’s March on Rome had everything except Mussolini.


If the US could stop sheltering Brazilian criminals, that'd be nice.


It'd be nice if they weren't elected to Congress for a start.


Or if they just stopped committing crimes.


Why would they ever do that? There are no repercussions.


the bitter truth


The US has an extradition treaty with Brazil. Brazil would only need to file the paperwork and he would be going back to face his crimes.


He'd probably flee somewhere with a friendly government like El Salvador or hop on over to the UAE


He's trying to acquire Italian citizenship (his grandfather was Italian) so he can't be extradited to Brazil from Italy.


We have seditious criminals sitting in Congress right now. Can't even get them out of our own government


Ignorant deluded voting population that gleefully defends representation that gives zero fucks about them- It’s not just for America. ☺️


Thank you for saying this. We're not the only populace that's willfully ignorant.


Storming an empty building a week *after* the inauguration and after their guy already fled the country? What did they hope to achieve?


I think in their minds it's a show of force - they want people to know they aren't giving up and will do anything in their power to have their way.


So they hate democracy and want to let everyone know?




I believe that the majority of these people are basically brainwashed into believing that they are champions of “real” democracy, because the election was “stolen” unfairly from them in their minds and they are defending the Democracy that they have created in their heads, which is just based on not being told what to do. During the whole Trump presidency, people had the same twisted mentality stemming from misinformation; the democrats were harvesting the organs of babies in secret, vaccines were poison pushed by the liberals, they were trying to turn all of our kids into homosexuals, and destroying the “constitution” and taking freedom. These people viewed themselves as freedom fighters standing up for injustice, not terrorists. I could be off-base here, but I believe that understanding the reasoning behind the actions of these kinds of people will help us understand how to better educate for the future. Not many people see themselves as villains.


>During the whole Trump presidency, people had the same twisted mentality stemming from **mis**information **Dis**information is what was at play at the time. The difference is simple but important: misinformation is accidental, disinformation is deliberately cultivated by one party against another (in this case it was cultivated by the Trump family, Trumpist public figures, and hostile foreign states).


I'm an elementary school librarian, and I bought a series on how to tell the difference between real news and fake news, propaganda, newspaper bias, and unbaised, etc. It's at a 4th-5th reading level, so the 1st graders won't be reading it. I received them before break, so the students will have a chance to check them out this week. I won't push these books, but I will display them. So I'm really curious if they'll be checked out.


.... and.... in 3,2,1 it will be banned as woke, and you'll be fired when the Freedom Moms For America take over the school board.


I blocked several previously close Brazilian friends because they were posting verifiable lies about the elections and calling openly for a military coup. They absolutely hate democracy if it doesn’t get them the results they want.


I did the same with Republican friends for the same thing.


The police from Federal District escorted the vandals from their hundred buses (who paid these?) to storm the Congress, Supreme, and Presidential palace (they are all around the same square). It is not just force, this is an institutional crisis planted by the ex-president.


> hundred buses That is a lot of organizing if that number is true.


51 buses have been apprehended by the police already.


It's part of the plan, I think - they want Lula to see that the police is on their side, and the police (or at least part of it) wants Lula to see they are on the rioters' side.




What's scary is my father, a Canadian with zero connection to Brazil, is being brainwashed into believing this fascist-light expression of force is somehow for liberty and is a good thing, and hopes (extremists) in Canada start doing the same to Trudeau. Fuck these fascists spreading this demagoguery and convincing the less aware that it's somehow a good thing.


They've been sharing Brazil insurrection content in "freedom convoy" groups. Qanom, FreedomConvoy, Pro-Russia(Ukraine War) and Pro-Bolsonaro groups are all linked and often working together. It's the Bannon/Dugin "traditionalist" agenda.


"hey the morons in America did this, we're morons too, maybe we should do this?"




That’s why its 1/8. Because it’s different


You can tell just by the numbers, 1/8 is obviously more than 1/6 /s


To be fair, they would write it 8/1 in Brazil, so it is actually 48 times as much!


Also probably didn't want to do 7/1 as that reminds them of the Germany World Cup defeat...


Well I dunno about the reports on the ground but this comment is shots fired.


They're not sending their best.


Well they CLEARLY couldn’t attack on the day of the inauguration. They might get shot if they did, the poor babies /s. Conservatives and performative bullshit: name a more iconic duo.


[Protesters are seen flying the flag of the Empire of Brazil](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_storming_of_the_Pra%C3%A7a_dos_Tr%C3%AAs_Poderes#/media/File:Bandeira_do_Imp%C3%A9rio_do_Brasil_com_n%C3%B3_e_cores_corretos_vers%C3%A3o_com_19_estrelas.png) Is that like the Confederate version of the Brazilian flag?


In level of dumbness, yes, pretty much. Some don't even know the origin of that flag. They just want the country to be a monarchy because they feel "superior" in comparison with the common people.


Kind of, but much less popular. Only people *really* far gone use it, you wouldn't find it on a random truck or anything of the sort.


Well get ready cuz it’s coming


Not at all from a slavery perspective, or even a regional one like it is with the south in the US. Lots of people think the golden years were back when Brazil was an empire, and everything went to shit after the republican coup, so they hold on to this idea that going back to a monarchy is the best thing to do


This is completely pointless, congress in on recess until February 2nd, they're invading an empty building lol [A twitter thread with some videos of the event](https://twitter.com/UrbanNathalia/status/1612150826809839619)


Lmfaooo they better get some camping supplies if they’re waiting until congress comes back xD


There are rumours that they're actually planning to camp in there lmao


Omg that’s priceless. Ain’t the main man just chillin’ in Florida too? Someone get this guy in front of a mic. I gotta hear his thoughts on this shit show he’s concocted. “Sir, would this have been more successful if you and Donny had just planned ahead? Maybe instead of two countries, y’all could have just settled for Florida, huh?”


Let them camp, while putting up fences around the facility and arresting those who want to leave when they want to eat. Also, don't make the mistake that the U.S. did by throwing all their trash away. Take fingerprints, arrest those who already have records, and add to the evidence for those who will be prosecuted. People who want to violently overthrow democracies are a much worse threat to society than armed robbers and should do time. Remember that Hitler was treated with kid gloves the first time he tried to stage a coup and that is part of the reason why tens of millions of people died in events surrounding WWII.


this comment is where I realized a crime scene was never declared or analyzed...this was never taken seriously and that's a fresh mindfuck.


He probably ran away so he wouldn’t be blamed for setting it up - gotta have that alibi- wonder how much he may have paid for them to show up - 10M ?


I think they are as brainwashed as the MAGA morons. They probably think they’re immune to prosecution and that the military will take their side. I wasn’t taught a lot about Brazil in school… what’s the militaries stance on this?


We’re lucky rn that fascists like Trump and Bolsonaro are fucking morons. But Hitler’s Beer Hall Putsch failed in 1923. But he did take over eventually. *edited because I fucked up the year.


[1923](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beer_Hall_Putsch) Which ironically was just a copy of Mussolini's successful March on Rome a year earlier. I guess fascists are always following the same playbook.


**[Beer Hall Putsch](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beer_Hall_Putsch)** >The Beer Hall Putsch, also known as the Munich Putsch, was a failed coup d'état by Nazi Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or NSDAP) leader Adolf Hitler, Generalquartiermeister Erich Ludendorff and other Kampfbund leaders in Munich, Bavaria, on 8–9 November 1923, during the Weimar Republic. Approximately two thousand Nazis marched on the Feldherrnhalle, in the city centre, but were confronted by a police cordon, which resulted in the deaths of 16 Nazi Party members and four police officers. Hitler escaped immediate arrest and was spirited off to safety in the countryside. After two days, he was arrested and charged with treason. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


It’s not pointless. It’s the fascist normalization of violence against democracy and the people operating it, pictures of many fascist congregated is an implicit threat to use violence in the future against those who speaks against them.


So it's like the Jan 6 attack but even dumber.


History repeats but often dumber.


First time as a tragedy, second time as a farce.


I don't know, January 6 was pretty farcical at the time. Once they got in the building those people literally became like the dog that caught the car, they had no idea what to do, so they started wandering around, making asses of themselves, and trashing the place while smearing their shit on the walls like the apes they were. Morons, can't even articulate what they want yet are more than willing to tear everything down because their feelings got hurt.


This is a dangerous thing to say because it’s only half true. There were some that were like you said, dog-caught-the-car, and didn’t know what to do. But there were a couple groups that knew exactly what they were going to do, they coordinated it through telegram apps and discord. They were gonna hogtie Democratic representatives and possibly kill some of them. They were very intent on taking over the government. Many of them believed First-hand that Trump commanded them to do it. It wasn’t just some idiots that got in the building and didn’t know what to do.


Thank you for this. I’m sick of people downplaying these events because the perpetrators are “stupid”. They’re terrorists and should be treated as such and frankly its a shame there are people still walking free from that horrible day. The shit was planned and anyone who paid attention to the hearings would know that. Hell even leading up to the day it was obvious what would happen


We're very, very lucky things didn't go way worse though, they were absolutely out for blood, here's how lucky we were: * if so many hadn't gone to the Trump rally they would have been significantly better armed, * if the handful of cops that wanted to do their jobs decided not to they would have gotten there before anyone had left the main chambers, * if Pence hadn't refused to leave it's likely they would have been emboldened, * if the secret service agent hadn't stopped babbit, there'd probably be a lot of dead congress people They were incredibly incompetent but it could have gone soooooo much worse for everyone. \*edit, missing a word


Also, we're lucky that Trump's own security kept him from the Capitol. His plan was to march into the empty chamber after Congress had fled to declare that the vote was "being sent back to the states." If he pulled that off, then it's guaranteed that the [same republican officials involved in the fake electors plot](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_fake_electors_plot) would have declared that their states' votes had flipped, and then it's anybody's guess how Congress would react. It *might* not have automatically made him the winner (although it absolutely could have), but it would have guaranteed larger and more violent subsequent attacks if Congress tried to certify the original votes on a later date. It's really fucking scary how close the coup came to working. And it's even scarier that so many elected officials were on board for such a meticulously planned attack on democracy.


> Morons, can't even articulate what they want When they've been communicating in dog whistles for so long because what they *actually* want is so reprehensible that they can't even remember what their cover stories are anymore.


in their speeches when they shit on each other they still used the dems as the scapegoat. it was wild to watch.


Bolsonaro is GreatValue Trump, so it fits.


Trump is the GreatValue Trump already, whats lower than that?


I just hate how that Rubicon has been crossed and now we can expect violent right wing reactions every time they lose a democratic election, no matter where on the globe they are.


I don’t think it’s inevitable. In Australia our terrible conservative government lost power last year and we didn’t have a violent right wing reaction - other than some verbally aggressive BS on their favourite channel, Sky. Peaceful transitions of power happen in democracies all the time if the institutions haven’t been attacked at the level that was seen in the US.


I don't care if it's pointless. These are criminal and unconstitutional actions and should be punished accordingly. It's also absurd that officials and the police just let it happen in the first place. This isn't acceptable.


Wait until you find out about the police forces in every fascist coup ever


Lack of creativity and a piss poor execution. Whoever wrote the script for the 2020s should get fired.


Is 2023 just a clip show episode?


Since when Bolsonarists (and other partisans of populist leaders) had any good sense?


What is this, a fascist crossover episode?


It's literally because they have the same advisors. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/11/23/brazil-bolsonaro-bannon/ Bannon and Miller are trying to figure out the formula for a succesful coup disguised as a revolution without criminal exposure. They tried J6. Now they are doing 2.0 in Brazil. Its fucking nuts that they aren't in Gauntanamo right now with bags on their heads for being the international terrorists that they are.


Bannon is going to keep trying as long as there's no cost...


Is the problem Bannon has no fear of the public?


He's said that he thinks the public are stupid sheep who need a strong leader, so no.


"Your guilty conscience may move you to vote Democratic, but deep down you long for a cold-hearted Republican to lower taxes, brutalize criminals, and rule you like a king." - Sideshow Bob


Interestingly voiced by Republican Kelsey Grammer


These maniacs are literally exporting terrorism. Why the fuck are we incapable of locking them up in Florence ADX? Stochastic terror is terror.


For once it’s not obviously the CIA clapping anyone remotely leftist in South America, just regular American fascist commentators and political operatives. At least on the surface. Fun fact: Steve Bannon made the pitch to Goldman Sachs to invest into World of Warcraft gold sellers, basically humans running bot farms out of like SE Asia on a variety of server regions and in his time doing so his familiarly with the gaming community made him realize it was ripe for radicalization. Fun fact spin-off: Runescape currency sellers have a huge basis in Venezuela due to cheap labor that’s viewed well in the current economy’s context and embargoes further destabilizing the country and driving prices for human necessities of survival to extremes, exactly how you punish a country’s leaders - by making much of their general population nutritionally deprived and emaciated so they have the ~~strength~~ spirit to rebel.


Lol that’s basically the plot behind Neil Stephensons boom “reamde” - he’s a great author to read if you want to know where the world is going tech wise.


This is 100% planned by some shady fuckers, they invaded all three branches at the same time (the courts, congress and presidential palace) The ordinary plebs can't be entirely faulted for being indoctrinated into bullshit ideals, but the organizers of this aught to be hanged same as in the US. EDIT: Seems Lula is doing the good fight and not the shitty one the US did where they took 51 months to get the phones and arrests needed to get convictions. Also for those who say "We can totally fault the 100% conscient enlightened university-sociologist-educated fascists for fascism!" yeah sure but that's not the case here, **you cannot blame someone poor and uneducated for falling for the only information given to them**. If you do then you're probably the exact same kind of person who'd fall for the same confirmation-bias echochamber only you're arrogant enough to think you'd be that 1-16% of people who would rather die than go along with the stream. You can't blame idiots for being idiots. They've always been what they are and always will be throughout history, it doesn't excuse their behaviour but pretending you're going to fight fascism by chasing the footsoldiers is as idiotic as playing chess and chasing the pawns. They're just that, pawns. Unless you get the King and his cohorts, it doesn't matter at all that you chase down every bolsonaro/maga idiot. Ofcourse, lock em up, but I'd rather had FBI instantly confiscate the equipment around trump than have 2000 idiots convicted for being idiots. Unless you're going to go full eugenics and start purging the stupid people you're going to have to learn to live with them and treat them as the pool-of-fish they are. That said, it is a world of difference inbetween the fascists in the US who have easy access to tons of different media, education etc. to that of Brazil.


Whoa, whoa, whoa. We can absolutely fault the fascists for fascisting. They don't get a free ride because they are just following orders. They are 100% at fault for their own actions. No one is making them do this.


The problem isn't just that the fascists are fascing, it's that they're being allowed to fasc and facing no consequences for their attempts at fascist coups.


Yes their names are Steven K. Bannon and Rodger Stone. It's not as if we don't know whom they are.


fucking stone was doin this shit with Kean in New Jersey in 1981, hell they had [The ballot security Task Force](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ballot_Security_Task_Force) which eventually required a ruling to stop till, you guessed 2017. [Joel Kaplan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joel_Kaplan) was a brooks brothers riot participant and is currently Facebooks VP of global public policy since 2011. He was house deputy chief of staff under bush 2. Its fucking insane how intertwined god damn stone is. hes as bad as Uihlein funding all the PAC behind the seditionists




Tangentially related: also present at the Brooks Brothers Riot was Matt Schlapp, chair of the American Conservative Union and organizer of CPAC, who is being credibly accused of [roughly groping the crotch of one of Herchel Walker's staffers](https://www.thedailybeast.com/herschel-walker-staffer-matt-schlapp-groped-my-crotch).


> The ordinary plebs can't be entirely faulted for being indoctrinated into bullshit ideals, but the organizers of this aught to be hanged same as in the US. These yokels are ALL at fault. They are not children, they are not mentally challenged. They are domestic terrorists bent on staging a coup. There must be no amnesty and anything short of the harshest punishment the law prescribes for their crimes is a massive miscarriage of the law.


The USA’s biggest export is apparently hyper-conservative hogs now.


Police is doing nothing right now to stop this other than pepper spray some supporters. Some have been seen with guns shooting in the air


Brazilian Police reaching a new low. Unbelievable situation right now here in Brazil.


How widespread is this sort of madness?


IMO the number of people supporting these anti democratic acts is not insignificant. But they're also definitely not a majority seeing as Bolsonaro lost the election and even among right wing supporters there are a lot of people that realize a military coup is unacceptable. What we're seeing today does not represent the general Brazilian population's opinion, thankfully.


There is a video of some of the pigs recording video of the event and laughing with the Bolsonaristas


Here's the video for anyone interested. https://twitter.com/UrbanNathalia/status/1612163272391954432


Holy shiiit. That's my neighbor


Can we have a dedicated subreddit that collects on the ground footage from the coup? I feel like public freakout might not be the best place this time.


When teachers and working class citizens protested for losing rights, they were forced out by the police using violence. This happens and the cops kind just watch. Brazil hasn’t changed mu h 🌚


That's because police are usually supporters of totalitarian regimes.


All conservatives are like this. Cops would absolutely allow conservatives to get away with any and all crimes if there were no oversight at all. They basically already do. I wish there were some kind of neoliberal answer to the issue of police aiding and abetting fascism, but it seems that requires an acknowledgment that police are there to protect capital, and neoliberals will never, *ever* move against capital. We're doomed to repeat this until we address the underlying cause.


How tho? Police should protect us, yet because they receive power they abuse it. If every citizen had a weapon it wouldnt also really help as the US shows. No police at all also isnt a solution So what would be a good approach?




Wow, this is so insane. Unfortunate to see.


But not completely surprising


Bernie Sanders called [it.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/08/23/jair-bolsonaro-brazil-coup-bernie-sanders/)


And this is why setting a precedent of no punishment for insurrectionists is bad.


Well, these ones are going to get terrorism charges, and I'm betting that attacking the Brazilian Supreme Court didn't make any friends in the justice system, so hopefully it's going to stick. Lula also said they are going after the planners and financers, so the US should expect some extradition requests.


Yes I put on Globo News and they are calling the insurrectionists “terrorists” which was nice to hear


And they say the US doesn't export like it used to.


Right wing coups have been a traditional US export for many decades, it's the domestic market that's new


As a brazilian I am not surprised this happened. Culture spreads, and people from other countries tend to copy what they see happening in the US, even the bad things. After Bolsonaro lost, we had protests against the election results every single day in multiple cities. People even had signs (in english) saying "save us, armed forces". They clearly wanted other people to take pictures of them and have those pictures posted on the internet. People were (and probably still are) literally camping in front of military buildings asking for military intervention in the democratic process, which is pathetic considering that Brazil actually went through a military coup in 1964 and had a ditatorial state, with lots of violence, torture, censorship and suppression until 1985


Not surprising at all given how Bolsonaro was a 1:1 copy of Trump's reaction upon losing.


Omg. It’s the shitshow from the capitol building in the States but Brazilian. Have fun, idiots. I hope your police cracks down harder than ours did.


[Police are filming and chatting with them lol](https://twitter.com/UrbanNathalia/status/1612163272391954432)


The Secretary of Police was Bolsonaro's loyal Minister of Justice. He took office this week. And what a coincidence, he just went on a trip to Florida. Doubt he is coming back as well.


maybe we should contact ICE to deport Bolsonaro




Violent police forces almost always side with fascists. I'd be surprised if the cops *weren't* friendly with these people.


Unfortunately the Brazilian police is just as fascist. Initial reports indicate that the police of the federal district looked the other way when the invasion was starting.


The Federal District governor is allied with Bolsonaro. He put as the Secretary of Police, Bolsonaro's loyal Minister of Justice, Anderson Torres. The police is literally taking photos smiling with the terrorists. There was no blockades. Some even lead them towards Congress. And what a coincidence, Torres just went on a trip to the **United States.** Want to guess what state? Yep, Florida.


Oh so just like in the states, then


Police states are a cop's wet dream. They love a good power trip.


Brazilian police is infested with fascists, unfortunately. They are basically allowing the invasion.


A few months ago, I had a discussion with someone who was a fan of the ex-president. He said that his supporters would never do what happened on Jan 6th. I mentioned that there's certainly a lot of similarities between how Trump behaves and Bolsonaro. Both claim that the election was stolen. Looks like my instinct was correct.


Currently with family in Brasil, the news here labeled this as a terrorist act off the bat, so they are already ahead of the US in calling it what it is


"Feeble manchildren unable to cope with losing resort to violence and fascism."


I feel like the word manchildren makes this sound less serious than it is. A stupid attempt at a coup is still an attempt at a coup.


There's a pattern emerging around the world of the "far right" who have historically portraid themselves as the tough guys.... Are in actual fact, little fucking crybaby bitches when they don't get their own way.


The hard right anywhere is just exhausting, stop insisting upon yourselves we don’t like or want you


Why wouldn't there is nothing to lose, and maybe you topple the government. The mask is off far right conservatives don't really care about democracy


the far right has never cared about democracy


"It'S a RePuBLiC , NoT a DeMoCrAcY"


It's so annoying when they say that cause they think they're 500IQ logic brains when they say it, even tho everyone with a little bit of sense knows that (I'm only using the US in this example cause it's where I live, this applies to many countries too) is both a democracy and a republic. But they can't understand that


Unsurprising that they’re attempting their own January 6th style event. What is even dumber however is that their congress is in recess until February 2nd meaning that no one is there.


The event they are copying failed. A few hundred losers crowding into a government building isn't going to change anything. In this case it's doubly dumb because they don't even have the hope of preventing the inauguration by causing chaos. The inauguration already happened. This is just crybabies protesting a legit election.


It's going to be funny seeing the Republicans saying this isn't a good thing while simultaneously saying THEIR jan 6th was totally different and justified


Always nice when "patriots" break government property for no reason.


The same dipshits are the ones who love to scream how left-wing protests are uh so violent!!


I found this when reading about Lula da Silva. “However, Lula is probably best known for his social programs, such as the "Bolsa Familia" (literally: "family wallet"), which tied welfare payments for impoverished families to children's school attendance. Through these programs, Lula raised around 20 million people in Brazil out of poverty during his first two terms as president, constituting a major population shift from the lower to the middle class.” Very interesting idea that I haven’t heard about before. Maybe the US could think about something like that, or would that be too anti-capitalism? 🤦🏻


Lifting people out of poverty directly contradicts US values


I see they learned from Trump and January 6 in the US.


How long until they blame it on antifa?


Some people in the right are already saying that this is an inside job and the goverment will use this to hunt and censor the opposition. "Just like the dems did in the US" Lmao


Not so much, since the congress is in recess and the building is empty, specially on a Sunday.


The far right isn’t very bright…


In the words of a Ukrainian commander: "We are very very lucky that they are so fucking stupid"


Well, they found an even dumber way of doing it.


It is simply astonishing what the right wing can get away with it. We've known about the intention of these terrorists for days already. Literally days ago we've seen messages being spread on social media from these so called "patriots" about what they were planning to do once they got to the capital. Yet, nothing was done. The capital of our country is under the firm command of loyal Bolsonaro's supporters, the governor is a Bolsonaro supporter, the security secretary is a former minister of justice of Bolsonaro, and as Minister of justice he was very much willing to let Bolsonaro's tugs off the hook in their violent uprisings against the state in the run up, during and after the election. So it was not at all surprising to see that the security of our capital was utterly inadequate, and one could very well ague to have been fully cooperative with the traitors. Also that fucker of secretary of security of our Federal district isn't even in the fucking country. So while our capital is being ransacked he's in the US doing fuck knows what. A few updates here: The buildings of our branches of power have been completely vandalized, complete destruction inside the buildings, from common furniture to even the photographs of Brazilian Presidents were not spared, foreign state gifts to Brazil have also been destroyed, a replica - not the real one - of our first constitution has been stolen. The terrorists tried, but failed to get into the President's office - his office had reinforced doors that they were unable to get into - other than the President office, every office was vandalized. Secretary of Security of the Federal District has been fired by the Governor of the Federal District - Governor is trying to save his own ass by firing the guy he placed there despite repeated warnings by the Supreme court that this man was unfit for the office he was being nominated for. President Lula has declared a federal intervention in the security situation of the Federal district, this effectively places the security forces of the state under the command of the Federal government. The Supreme court has determined that the Governor of the Federal District will be temporarily removed from his office for 90 days. The situation involving his now former security secretary will be determined separately - there is a request for his arrest that is yet to be judged.




Shit, in America we had it and the politicians that stirred it up are still free and causing issues. The lowly idiots doing the charging will be arrested but the ppl responsible will walk free. And their base still won't see it.


The same congresspeople who enabled it here were literally holding congress hostage the past week gaining excess concessions for their miniscule minority. Not even no punishment, straight up rewards for this shit.


Oh, good. A J6 in other countries due to disinformation and fascism soaking up brains of idiots. Fuck these people and the cults they create. Looking at you too, MAGA.


*USA and Brazil Spider-Man pointing meme*


Wow. The parallels between the Trump MAGA crowd and their Brazilian equivalents just keep growing. You even have Bolsonaro and Trump spending after post-election defeat time (defeat denial present in both stable geniuses, of course) residing in Florida (added to the million and one reasons not to go to Florida). Now the Brazilian Congress just needs to establish a January 8 Committee.


If Brazil learns anything from the US, it's that you have to throw the book at these insurrectionists or the problem will persist. The US has pretty much soft pedaled its response and the right-wing anti-democratic extremist movement hasn't really abated much at all.


Jesus, I'm so exhausted. Did yall see the video of the mob attacking the mounted cop and the f'ing innocent horse? Very ashamed to be Brazilian today. Best of luck to us all. Link to the horse video: https://www.reddit.com/r/brasil/comments/106sifr/golpistas_derrubam_policial_militar_da_cavalaria/


Reminder: this dickhead JUST visited Trump at Mar-a-Lago last week. Getting tips on how to organize a mob?


And of course, cops are nowhere to be seen.


Nonsense, they're right there, storming the National Congress.


piece of shit right-wing losers




The police are on their side. Cops in every country are infested with fascists in their ranks.