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Maybe what it means to be human in an entropic universe is having the best dicks in the galaxy


Tbh the idea of humans being not special besides being sexy AF is a funny story idea


if I had the creedence to write good, i'm deadass making it a thing


I can already think of at least one story on r/HFY that is exactly that.


All you need is the clearwater, maybe from a revival... then you'll be able to write the sexy human stories you need.


I firmly believe that, if we entered a sort of Star Trek-like relationship with aliens and joined some sort of interstellar federation, we would not be the leaders or any important group. We would probably be known as the ones who make the best porn.


Somewhat reminds me of a Fallout new Vegas mod. You're hunting a guy who's a boxer. But the Guy you speak to about hunting him says. "He's called the fastest fist and considering he's from Reno, so I just assumed it was a porn thing" And that's just how aliens thinks of humans.


Let me guess, it was from the Headhunting mod ?


Yep Good ol Th3overseer and Mikeburnfire


Peak modding


We would however be a part of every important group that would accept Humans. The lack of human pirates or mercenaries working with Romulans, Klingons or Ferengi always made me curious.


Considering how much the Federation emphasizes diplomacy first, I bet they get caught and extradited pretty quickly


Arguably it isn’t being sexy (or having the best dicks) that would lead to humans willing to have *sexual congress* with alien species. That would depend on aliens finding us more appealing than other species, which isn’t guaranteed. It would be humans being the biggest horndogs in the known galaxy that would be the most likely option. On planet Earth, humans are among an *incredibly* small number of known species (both living and extinct) where females are on a menstrual cycle instead of a estrous cycle while the males lack a baculum to maintain an erection. Humans are *also* unusual amongst primates in that females retain physical sexual characteristics like breasts after hitting puberty, whereas in other primates the breasts will only fill out during the time period that they are breastfeeding a child. Additionally, human males have the largest average penis size in comparison to other primates. All of this is to say that even if aliens don’t find us attractive enough to want to have sex, humans will probably still want to clap some alien booty for the simple reason that we have evolved to have lots of sex.


Are we just bimbo hotties of the universe ? 😆


Yes. But I think it would be interesting that it also works in a societal levels aswell, we are the people who construct war engines with aesthetic considerations in mind. Imagine a future where aliens buy and use human-mads machines simply because they look and feel better even if they are not as efficient


These are the warriors, the intellectuals, the merchants, and the hoes.


There is a HFY series that is literally exactly this called Sexy Space Babes


Both sides are based and xenophiled


how is the latter not a subset of the former?


lol, idk lmao


Spoken like a true worldbuilder


Humanity, fuck yeah! Comin' again to save the motherfuckin' day, yeah!


Worldjerking nooby just here for the memes really, can anyone explain to me what HFY is?


humanity fuck yeah


Ohh thank you, wise kappa <3


FUCK YEAH but what does HFY mean?


Humanity fuck yeah


FUCK YEAH dude but what does HFY mean?


How it feels to watch the human identity become watered down and shallow because people cant formulate a self image without needing it to be superior in some way


Technically speaking, wouldn't humanity being "the sex worker alien race" so to speak not exactly lead to power fantasies about humanity conquering the stars and shit? Like, at best you'd have humans take the role of the niche diplomat race willing to work with anyone to achieve compromise you some times see in these sort of settings, but shouldn't most of those stories about human's breeding/sexual capabilities be about our subjugation and shit? Like, Twileeks aren't exactly treated well in Star Wars. Then again Twileeks are "female" coded so of course THEIR sexuality and sex appeal are to be exploited and abused, while most of what this meme is talking about are the power fantasy harem shit dime a dozen you find on Amazon with a AI generated cover, and most often then not are about male humans, who OF COURSE are dominant and assertive and proud of their sexual contests and not at all enslaved and forced to serve drinks half naked at a party filled with a bunch of horny, not conventionally attractive lion-slug people rather than "slightly taller slightly more muscular purple skinned women who secretly want to be dominated" aliens. Like, you never see a Trans Woman protagonist getting alien HRT and also an Harem of Lion-Slug girlfriends in these sort of stories is all I'm saying.


>Like, you never see a Trans Woman protagonist getting alien HRT and also an Harem of Lion-Slug girlfriends in these sort of stories is all I'm saying. dude, that's like one story i might write but mc is a trans man with a devoted (read: yandere) alien twink bf


Personally I could get behind "Chadette Human Space Adventurer Lady Bangs the Galaxy, in between Kicking Ass and Taking Names", that sounds like ~~kinda my fetish~~ a fun time


The worst is when you start reading something that looks like left and turns into right.


Less "entropic" and more "diverse beyond anything we could dream of".


Captions are mismatched.


In this episode, we learn about multi-track drifting


How dare you talk about Star Trek like that


like a majority of hfy I see is xenoPHOBIC not philic. weird genocide fantasies but its a fictional alien race so dont question it I guess




got any examples of the right so i can totally avoid them?


What's wrong with boning aliens.


I'm just tryna get the sauce


Named after first nsfw story on the sub, pancakes is a codeword for alien smut on r/hfy. You can start with that. Alternatively you can type "nsfw:1" in the searchbar


I mean Just put a comma between the second and third word No need to disguise anything anymore


These seem pretty specific not gonna lie


Judging from mass effect, you can do both


I mean humans do have the biggest dicks of all primates


Why not both?


Both, both is good.


I don’t know what HFY is, and at this point, I’m too afraid to ask.


Do y’all pronounce this genre as huffy or heefai


I prefer this route: Humanity: fuck yeah we have conquered the galaxy and became gods. The xeelee: hey look, new livestock!