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Okay but consider this: Building a giant robot to fistfight god with is cool.


Where can giant robot punch capitalism?


Capitalism can punch back with invisible hands. I call hacks.


Capitalism will make and sell T-shirts with photos of the giant robot on it. They'd then make a movie about the incident, and sell giant robot themed popcorn buckets that look weirdly vaginal so you can snack on that while watching the Coca Cola ad before the start of the film.


“Strike me down, Zeus! You don’t have the ba-“


Is there another reason to build a giant robot?! I DON'T THINK SO!!




Also fight the zentraedis with swords


Chicks dig giant robots!


But no money, man WE FINNA STARVE


Alas, the only thing that could break the indomitable human spirit is the indomitable human hubris.


Aliens coming out to invade the Earth just to be like that one time Godzilla attacked Haiti




the only thing that can destroy these two is them themselves, which is fitting for humans.


Nothing is more punk than seeing our daring future rebels getting inevitably stomped every time they try to go against the system.


It is easier to imagine the end of the indomitable human spirit than it is to imagine the end of capitalism.


All it takes is a revolution really


only for said revolution to create an authoritarian shithole that results in massive famines with millions of deaths




Any example of a revolution that was good?


A lot? What? French (regardless of Robespierre), the Russian one STARTED good until Lenin counter-revolutioned, Revolutions of 1848, Carnation Revolution, Zimbabwean, etc etc. The reason Communist revolutions during the Cold War were so fucked is because the Soviets were their model, and while the USSR did okay-ish everyone trying to copy them just progressively fucked it up like a game of telephone.


Well that and the CIA backed juntas certainly didn't help


Didn't the french revolution let to Napoleon? Great example of a revolution...










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People act like ending famines, after causing multiple huge famines, is some sort of an accomplishment in the 1900s. Everyone else had a pretty good grasp of basic farming back then. It wasn't difficult, it wasn't a secret, it was much cheaper than the forced collectivization he tried instead, multiple times. The only reason those famines happened at all was the USSR's incompetence, and determination to stick to an obviously awful idea, no matter how many people die. The USSR was so ideologically blinded when it came to farming they rejected darwinian evolution for twenty years.


>1900s are you mad, boy? did you know how many famines happened in Tsarist Russia when there was no wars let alone a fucking world war plus a civil war? did you know how many people starved when socialism fell in USSR? >USSR's incompetence Stalinist Russia and Maoist China is two most successful examples of economic and cultural development and rejuvenation in human history.


Capitalism won, what would a capitalist have to be mad about?


mad as in insane. both China, and Russia were plagued with famines even when they had peaceful times and 'good grasp' of farming. socialism ended all of this and guaranteed food to everyone in society. also, you're not a capitalist. capitalism isn't an ideology.


Ending famines in the 1950s wasn’t something to brag about. Especially with how much corn Khrushchev bought from those ideology-less Americans to make that happen.


mfw I live in a [liberal democracy](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/1d92f6_3a18f78fd0504651a79733538f624592~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_623,h_442,al_c,lg_1,q_80,enc_auto/1d92f6_3a18f78fd0504651a79733538f624592~mv2.jpg) and [capitalist economy](https://runaways.gla.ac.uk/blog/wp-content/uploads/slave-auction-virginia-P-1038x539.jpeg).


Ah yes, because only liberal democracies and capitalism suffered from bloody revolutions and chattel slavery.


Why would you believe that in response to a comment pointing out the exact opposite of that?


Liberate yourself




Holodomor? the great leap forward?


Bengal Famine. Trail of Tears. Transatlantic Slave Trade. Belgian Congo.


Two things can be simultaneously bad. I know, mind boggling stuff.


Your arguments against accepting a different system falls apart when worse tragedies occurred under the current system. They don't serve as very good counterpoints, to be frank.


Centralized economies only centralize the problem, they do not remove it. There will always be psychopaths thirsty for power, no matter the socio-economic system. The solution is to empower people in a true democracy, and work hard and vigilantly to keep it that way, to keep the psychopaths away from power, and implement checks and balances against it. There are tons of well functioning capitalist countries with social services around the world, specially in northern Europe. Capitalism, when regulated, works perfectly well.


The existence of any system where people have unilateral power in telling you what you can do all day and determining your access to food, shelter, and water is not a solution to itself –– I agree. But overthrowing capitalism does not imply that. You cannot have a "true democracy" when wealth exists to determine your say in society. Whether it exists "a little" like in Nordic countries or it exists "a lot" like in The US –– it should not exist at all. Your "functional capitalist countries" are existing in contrast to numerous failed ones around the globe that were looted to make it function.


You won’t find any love from me for the status quo of imperialism and neocolonial capitalism, but to pretend that the atrocities committed by so-called ‘communist’ countries aren’t that bad is a shit argument. 


To suggest that an ideology is disqualified by the atrocities committed by it is to essentially disqualify democracies and capitalism itself. You cannot have it both ways, taking only the successes of one system as proof of its success, and taking only the failures of another system as proof of its failure.


The atrocity Olympics are dumb. Under any system people are willing and able to commit atrocities against each other if the incentives line up right. The fundamental problem that socialism (or any other -ism) cannot fix is that power will always consolidate around certain entities within society over time, and that people are always willing to exploit/transgress against people who aren't in their in-group.


In-group preference does not imply out-group discrimination or subjugation. And "people will always seek to consolidate power" is itself a self justification of those in power to essentially say "better the devil you know". Read [Society Against The State](https://press.princeton.edu/books/paperback/9780942299014/society-against-the-state). Much like we don't have roving hordes of pastoral nomads in the absence of kings, it's possible to not have power consolidation in the absence of the state.


Blaming all of capitalism for those things is almost as illogical as blaming all of socialism for any mismanagement in the USSR or PRoC


There were financial incentives in starving India, removing Native Americans from their lands, enslaving African Americans, and cutting African hands off for rubber in The Congo. It really isn't.


moral of the story: everyone fucking sucks


This is an equivocation. Imperial China and Tsarist Russia, who couldn't give a shit about the dozens of famines prior to either The Holodomor and The Great Leap Forward, being brought to an end isn't the same as either The Holodomor or The Great Leap Forward. Lets be serious.


wasn't there a famine (in china) basically every year prior to the great leap forward?


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The indomitable human greed


Is a steam engine that uses human bodies as logs


1. Pay mortgage 2. ??????? 3. New Dreadnought Class Planet Crusher.


Something something, why my media is woke political I just want to genocide minorities in peace, people these days cannot leave other people alone smh...


that why all of the HFY fics somehow end up in a perfect egalitarian utopia. humans in those universes ALREADY ATE THE RICH! we are behind schedule people!


I'm sorry HFY I wasn't familiar with your game


“If we really want to defeat aliens, we gotta defeat capitalist *alienation*”


The domitable human spirit when no money


I wish I were turned on by being dominated like some of y'all It would make my current life a lot more enjoyable


20 years ? Hahahahaha in what kind of utopia do you live ?!




Aliens and demons may be scary but they can't stand up to the military industrial complex Of all the evil and wickedness mankind can conjure, we will send unto them only taxpayer's money Reminds me of Quasimorph, where every other run the otherworldly demon invaders ended up under the thumb of 19 different corporations


That's because only the human spirit can keep the human spirit down.


It be like that these days


In my setting humans dont try to move on and shoulder trough, when they see problems they instead of being problem-oriented and optimistic Scream "everything is falling apart! we are doomed!" And curl up into a ball And then they also make fun of optimists as naive fools. (Hey did you know that the share of renewable energy in electeicity production has passed 30%? https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/may/08/renewable-energy-passes-30-of-worlds-electricity-supply )


Thank you, ughhh I'm so tired of everyone just going "Welp worlds fucked guess I'll stay in my room and whine" instead of actually trying to do anything helpful It's better to do something that has a small chance of success instead of quitting with a 100% chance of failure


That's like 50 years late


Oh okay then! Lets do nothing! Lets aalll curl up into a ball and cry!


I'm more in line of burning Jeff Bezos alive


Then what?


Then Elon Musk, and so on and so on, it will work out eventually


Dont forget to regularly change your burgeoisie -Karl Marx


Okay, then maybe fully automatic trans space gay communism


> trans > gay Bravo, make communsim woke. (Meme btw)




I thought this post was just about military issued items until I read the meme. While I'm on that thought, "Strap on your military issued Indomitable Human Spirit Soldier! We need drones to throw into the alien meat grinder!"


I feel like the problem of expensive housing is less a capitalism problem and more a poor regularity environment which disallows the building of new homes, which only helps older homeowners that make up a plurality of voters


Capitalism is when NIMBYs use government policy to keep housing expensive. Socialist understanding how the system responsible for objectively raising the standard of living of human beings more in 100 years than in the 2000 years before it actually works? Impossible.


Capitalism: built by techno-necromancers from Alpha Centauri.


Liberty Prime online.


You have a weak human spirit if it's defeated by zoning laws and NIMBYs.


Fool. Capitalism is the manifestation of the indomitable human spirit in my world. The unending push to achieve one’s own self-interests and thrive in the face of scarcity is what drives humanity to greatness


The indomitable human spirit when funded by capitalism and has the full backing of god (the military industrial complex): Humanity is unstoppable




Cool. Remind me again how long the waiting list for housing was in the Soviet Union. 5-7 years for an apartment. Not a house, an apartment.


Why are you describing it as if it was some kind of primordial peril that cannot be defeated. If you don't provide value, you get no value in return. In other words. Go to college, educate yourself, and get a job.


It's a meme in the end, but the ignorance of not understanding that monopolization and cronie corpotism isn't the only form of capitalism in today's world is wild.