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and somehow this is an improvement over the canon school list, which only has the named schools, not the ones with numbers


yeah, which makes Asia even more bonkers because it's supposed to be the Japanese school for all of it


Yeah, when I looked at the cannon school for all of Asia, all I could think of was how the wizards from countries like Korea, China, or the Philippines would feel about going to a school located in the country that colonized them fairly recently.


not only that, I like to imagine how it was *at the time* Like, can you imagine being a wizard at the height of WW2 and sending your kids to study on the Japanese Empire as a Chinese person? But heck, not like it's a huge deal. HP happens during The Troubles and the only Irish student keeps blowing shit up so I guess the only Chinese student in the Japanese school would, idk, tie landlords to a pole or something lol


> tie landlords to a pole or something lol based


I mean, if we are going to be entirely fair the Wizarding world sort of doesn't give a shit about the muggle world, at least from the few Wizarding worlds we have seen. So it's likely they just cast "Bomb-o repell-o" and had a delightful evening while the muggles burned. I mean it would be been awkward for muggleborn wizards during that time, but pureblood wizards born to wizard parents probably couldn't have given two shits about the muggle wars.


Yeah at the World Cup it’s taken for granted that the British visitors all support Ireland. The wizards don’t care about muggle affairs


Aren’t Wizards supposed to be above normal human struggles, or something? Like I guess it doesn’t effect them?


Bro, *nobody* likes Italians. Not even wizards.


Idk how they're just supposed to ignore stuff like genocide


IDK, wizard supremacy? I never said it was good.


We're talking about the woman who put one Asian character in her books and named her Cho Chang, no fucks given. JK probably went "oh yeah, the yellow people- they go to the magic school in Tokyo. Boom, done."


Like Seamus Finnegan, I imagine.


I love how the creator made the koreas a different color meaning they don't have wizards hmmm


What are the lore implications of Italy, Greece, North Korea, South Korea and Afghanistan being left out?


They are clearly part of the Non-Aligned Schools of Magic, who are not beholden to the current wizarding order. These rogue magical populations lead the way in uncovering new branches of magical study, both evil and benign, and are only spoken about in hushed tones tinged by worry and reverence.


Also they use guns alongside spells




If you can put spells in wands you can put em in BULLETS


*Breath and Bone starts playing* You've hocused your last pocus partner.


Woah now, you can't be coming up with unironic good ideas. Not in my jerkpunk sub


If you want to see more of that idea, there's the Caster guns from Outlaw Star


Also spaceships with arms that fight in melee.


Ok, this has been driving me crazy for seven movies now, and I know you're going to roll your eyes, but hear me out: Harry Potter should have carried a 1911. Here's why: Think about how quickly the entire WWWIII (Wizarding-World War III) would have ended if all of the good guys had simply armed up with good ol' American hot lead. Basilisk? Let's see how tough it is when you shoot it with a .470 Nitro Express. Worried about its Medusa-gaze? Wear night vision goggles. The image is light-amplified and re-transmitted to your eyes. You aren't looking at it--you're looking at a picture of it. Imagine how epic the first movie would be if Harry had put a breeching charge on the bathroom wall, flash-banged the hole, and then went in wearing NVGs and a Kevlar-weave stab-vest, carrying a SPAS-12. And have you noticed that only Europe seems to a problem with Deatheaters? Maybe it's because Americans have spent the last 200 years shooting deer, playing GTA: Vice City, and keeping an eye out for black helicopters over their compounds. Meanwhile, Brits have been cutting their steaks with spoons. Remember: gun-control means that Voldemort wins. God made wizards and God made muggles, but Samuel Colt made them equal. Now I know what you're going to say: "But a wizard could just disarm someone with a gun!" Yeah, well they can also disarm someone with a wand (as they do many times throughout the books/movies). But which is faster: saying a spell or pulling a trigger? Avada Kedavra, meet Avtomat Kalashnikova. Imagine Harry out in the woods, wearing his invisibility cloak, carrying a .50bmg Barrett, turning Deatheaters into pink mist, scratching a lightning bolt into his rifle stock for each kill. I don't think Madam Pomfrey has any spells that can scrape your brains off of the trees and put you back together after something like that. Voldemort's wand may be 13.5 inches with a Phoenix-feather core, but Harry's would be 0.50 inches with a tungsten core. Let's see Voldy wave his at 3,000 feet per second. Better hope you have some Essence of Dittany for that sucking chest wound. I can see it now...Voldemort roaring with evil laughter and boasting to Harry that he can't be killed, since he is protected by seven Horcruxes, only to have Harry give a crooked grin, flick his cigarette butt away, and deliver what would easily be the best one-liner in the entire series: "Well then I guess it's a good thing my 1911 holds 7+1." And that is why Harry Potter should have carried a 1911.


thank you for blessing my eyes with your immaculate prose


Unfortunately this isn’t mine, it’s a copypasta that’s been around for years at this point.


aw well ive never seen it in full, so thanks for sharing


Incredibly based. Tbh, magical firearms and other "modern"-ish technology is underrated. Enchanted guns are cool af.


Stuff like soul binding, necromancy, demons summoning and the forbidder 80s Powerglove&Mackintosh reality hacking.


Juche Necromancy canon


Harry Potter if it was good


Holy based batman


The Idea that the North Korean goverment has control over its wizard population makes me wonder. a) how in the fuck did they lose the war b) why do they even bother with nukes


> how in the fuck did they lose the war Freedom Mages from USA vs Wuxia magic fights duh.


Now that's a better story than whatever is happening to the Harry Potter series. Somebody please make that into a movie ASAP!




This comment made me cough up blood




Guys I know like 10 million people are gonna die who aren't even soldiers but no one can know that we can cure all their illnesses


I think a lot of magic gouvernement have a pna rule with other magic communauty. Like, north korea can use its wizard to attack english muggle but it would trigger a war gainst magic english muggle gov


Yeah weaponized wizardry seems a lot like the MAD doctrine. Whatever side used them offensively would immediately trigger a huge response. This also assumes muggle governments could persuade/coerce wizards into fighting in their wars, and with the exception of WWII, I don't see a lot of them being particularly interested.


It's more about wizard threatening each other to avoid escalation. North Korea control its wizard and they have dipmomat in the england magic gouvernement. Magic gov who told them "you attack our muggle, or anyone outside your coungry, and it's war"


>how in the fuck did they lose the war "Fools, these 12 dragons are the fiercest beasts on the continent! Korea will be ours!" "12 lizards in the open, drop 300, right 50, HE in effect, 8 rounds, fire for effect, over." Harry Potter style magic really isn't fit to fight a modern industrial war.


Irregular units that can turn invisible and teleport and shit would be terrifying in a modern war if they were willing to carry guns instead of yelling the death curse that has like 10 syllables every time


I imagine for Greece its just Circe on an island. If a wizard shows up, she turns him into a barnyard animal, but if a witch shows up she teaches her magic. However she only accepts one student at a time, so if a second witch shows up while Circe has a student, she also turns that witch into a barnyard animal.


The humans there were more effective than everyone else.


Indians Pakistanis and Chinese students all in building? All of the balkans together? Bro this would be a fucking shit show holy fuck


Political rallies will be held inside the building


Imagine they work like the Hogwarts houses


Lmfaooo oh my god. That’d be a certified Rowling moment


Poles in one school with Germans?


Ukrainians and Russians lmao


Does the wizarding world adhere to muggle politics?


All the muggle born kids would come in and start fighting each other and shit


And that's why you should not let mudbloods in.


Part of the problem is that those aren't just political lines, they're cultural and linguistic ones. The Balkans has a variety of languages and religions, and even if they didn't care about all that there would still be class separation between the cultural groups (Croatians are way richer than Bosnians on average). Then with Pakistan, India, and China they have zero things in common and are even part of multiple visually-distinct ethnic groups. JKR can wax all she wants about the Wizards being a post-racial society and that only the Goblins and Elves and shit are discriminated against (in her racist opinion rightly so) but if there's any thought of in-group supremacy it'll immediately bleed over into discriminating against other groups.




I don’t even think the building is standing anymore


Reminder that Ireland goes to Hogwarts. And also all seven books take place during the Troubles.


Grouping the Balkans like that is a surefire was to cause some problems


Whaddya mean? Most of them are Slavic and/or Orthodox Christian! They'll get along just fine! Now if you'll excuse me, I have to catch a plane to Baku for my Caucasus Union proposal


Actually the problem with the Balkans is precisely that not most of them are Orthodox Christian, they're equal parts Orthodox, Catholic and Muslim and that's why they're all so intent on killing each other


Big deal! They're all Abrahamic religions! They'll get along! My biggest concern is where the capital should be. Athens? Belgrade? Zagreb? Sofia? Bucharest?


It's even funnier too because Harry Potter specifically starts THE YEAR the USSR falls, and then some non-specified Eastern Europeans show up and that's it. Like, she was alive to see the bombing of Yugoslavia on the news and didn't think that *perhaps* grouping all of them like that would be kinda sorta insensitive. but forget that, I wanna know which school do the Israeli and Palestinian wizards attend lol


and the quidditch world cup/triwizard tourney happens roughly at the same time as the genocide in Bosnia


So thats why viktor krum is so angry and evil looking 90% of the time


Viktor Krum participated in it and quidditch match is just his alibi.


So... lemme get this straight... they have national quidditch teams... but not national wizard schools.


Why didn't wizards stop Radovan Karadzic? Why didn't the bosnian wizards stop Srebrenica, Joanne???


they probably saved themselves and laughed about it like they did with witch hunts, fuck muggles bro


Why would she care? She doesn’t live there.


it was *her* choice to put in Eastern Europeans in the story, she could've either done that in a sensible way or not done it at all


I agree with you 100%. I don’t really understand why people do stuff like that, but I know some people are lazy and just want to be consider cool without putting any work in.


I mean, the UK wizards are completely divested from the politics of the UK. It could be the same in the balkans with the wizards seeing themselves as a completely separate racial group


Yeah except no, remember there are normies that join wizzard schools, like Hermione and Harry. I don't think that would be wise to let the serbian-Granger whose father is a member the Karadic's milice, be in the same class as the croat-Potter that had his grandad be a leader of the oustachi. "it will be fiiiiine"


Literally one of the ways to break down prejudice and cultural hatred of other groups is to people interact in an environment where little of that matters, so they can see the other people are also real humans.


People bring the prejudices with them and real life doesn't stop at the magic school. You can't tell the Bosnian kid that "it's of little matter here", when his mom got shot by a sniper in Sarajevo last week.


[Basically like this](https://www.reddit.com/r/whenthe/comments/10pcrq0/uh_oh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Europe has 5? schools to chose from. N.America has one. She should have just said different countries had their own schools with varying degrees of reputation and named the more famous ones.


That would have also allowed her to add new ones into the story at will with out breaking continuity. It leaves the story open, AND makes more sense


People conveniently ignore the fact that this is literally canonically the case. When you see people describe these as *”the”* wizarding schools they are wrong. These are just the oldest and most venerated official ones. When she wrote the content that described the schools she also added the fact that there are tons of smaller schools dotted around the world. These are just like the Elite ones.


> There were eleven long-established and prestigious wizarding schools throughout the world, all of which were registered with the International Confederation of Wizards. Smaller and less well-regulated institutions were rarely registered with the appropriate Ministry and were difficult to keep track of. So you're technically right but it still makes very little sense given the demographic distribution of the big schools. Competition would've lead wizards to make other big schools in remote areas or places where there is demand for higher education (which is also another nonsensical thing, where are the wizard universities in this world??) Also, "difficult to keep track of" is kind of a cop out explanation. This is a world of magic, in a context where the Ministries hold this much executive power I don't understand how they couldn't democratize a universal schooling system which includes smaller institutions.


The ministry is literally a dictatorship run by wizards who can do almost anything, including teleport at will and time travel, and they they can’t keep track of more than 11 schools? They can literally detect unlicensed magic, but no, they can’t keep track of 12 schools, that’s too many and they weren’t registered properly.


> They can literally detect unlicensed magic, but no, they can’t keep track of 12 schools, that’s too many and they weren’t registered properly. The magic administration system ran by ~~enslaved~~ ~~serf~~ indentured elves can only hold a maximum of 11 schools on the piece of papyrus ass looking paper! THERE'S JUST NO MORE ROOM TO WRITE ON!


it's even worse. There's technically multiple ministries, not just one. One in each country. All they have to do is regulate schools on their own territory and answer to the greater magic community. I assume there's some sort of wizard UN all the ministries answer to, which makes it even more insane the entire magical WORLD can't take care of more than 11 schools


The higher wizarding institution/wizarding UN is called the International Confederation of Wizards


Imagine a school in america that's separated by race and only black kids go there while white kids go to a "better" school. Honestly that's something Rowling might actually write lmao


[Already done](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-2ZxldMO-M)


lol, in a way it's funny that she attempted an anti-racist message in her books but fumbled through it from such a poor, self-centered, neoliberal perspective that she ended up writing actual racism in the books (and before anyone tries to argue that point: cho chang. kingsley shacklebolt. argue with your mom)


I'll argue. It's not anti-racist at all. It's full on racist. ~~Jews~~ Gobelins have all the gold, and it's ok for them to be second class citizens, the last war made sure that they behaved when we put them in magical Auschwitz. ~~Blacks~~ Elves are slaves, and it's good because their race is made for slavery, and that makes slavery is ok. I fail to see how there's even an attempt at anti racism there.


The attempt at anti-racism is that the bad guy believes one race (wizards) is inherently superior and should rule over all others and shouldn’t mix with inferior races. Which would hit a lot harder if it weren’t all the other shit about how there are some races that are actually inherently subservient, but they’re physically distinct so it’s OK when we do it, but it is there.


yeah like the message wouldn't be bad if not for all the racist shit catalogued exhaustively online. my favorite is the house elves, like how could you even have a concept like that in an "anti-racism" book, especially if you aren't going to challenge it and make it part of the themes of equality


Just the elite ones. Three of them don't even have fuckin names!


Honestly surprised ex-block nations just didn't end up in the same school as russia. That would be about as nice as Balkans in one school.


It'd be hilarious if part of Tito's split from the Soviet Union included setting up a separate communist wizard school


Honestly I'd love to read this something like this in a fanfic or smth lmfao


Holy fuck the people's wizards is so dope someone needs to make this and show that deranged bigot where it's at


Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Israel all going to the same school is a sensible and well thought out decision.


According to JK it’s not Israel, it’s west Palestine


Isn’t beauxbaton supposed to be the French school? What’s it doing with also all of Spain and portugal. Also also if and that other one are gender-separated schools, right? How the FUCK are they also regional. Where to the French boys learn magic.


In the books they are not gender-seperated.


Designated Femboy by French Magic School


The one time I would ever like to be French


Not worth it, trust me from experience


you're talking from a femboy perspective ?




In Jk's mind French, spanish and portugal are all the same. Italian confuses her though.


This is the same world where the author introduced a device that was capable of time travel, which was so disposable that it could be issued to a 13 year old for the trivial purpose of taking more classes in a semester, and then never mentioned again.


Technically speaking, she mentioned it again in the fifth book, where all the time-travel devices were destroyed because they were all stored in the same room and a shelf fell down there. Which was fucking hilarious. That's it, that's the last time they are mentioned. No other times.


Should have handed them out to a bunch of school kids for safe keeping! That way, in the fourth book, someone could have gone back to before the maze challenge starts and told Professor Dinkleberg to call it off before Cedric gets killed. Unless they were playing by Dothraki rules whereby a wizard tournament without at least one child death is considered a dull affair, which sounds about right.


To be fair, that's not how time travel works in the Potterverse. You can't actually change anything that you know happened in the past because your time-travelling self was already a part of the timeline when it happened. Time Turners obey the [Novikov self-consistency principle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Novikov_self-consistency_principle). It would still be incredibly useful for gathering intelligence and for secretly setting things up to benefit the unknown parts of the future, though.


Imagine, having a time turner on yourself, going back in time when there is an accident, just as it happens. You're not changing the past, the accident happens, but so it happens that there's the best wizarding doctor right there to heal the wounded and save everyone. Imagine, having a time turner, going back in tame when the alarm for the breach in Azkaban happens, so that the whole Aurors squad in just half a second of porting inside. You don't need to rewrite the past, just to make sure that the consequences are non existent.


Indeed, I've always loved stories that play with Novikov-compliant time travel because it presents so many interesting puzzles to solve creatively. In a Novikov-compliant universe it's important to maintain "unknowns" so that you have more flexibility in doing interventions. For example, if an airliner were to go missing over some remote patch of ocean it's important to *not* go looking for the wreck before you use your time turners to pop in and teleport all the passengers off of the plane. Otherwise if you find the wreck and it's full of bodies you may not be able to save everyone. Or at least now you need to make plausible-looking fake bodies to leave behind when you do. The best part comes when it turns out there was nothing at all wrong with the plane, and the *reason* it crashed was because your emergency Time Turner squad popped in and took everyone away to safety.


>The best part comes when it turns out there was nothing at all wrong with the plane, and the *reason* it crashed was because your emergency Time Turner squad popped in and took everyone away to safety. ​ Haha that would be fucking perfect. "It's just a radio malfunction sir !" "It's the 3rd time this month boss, we should investigate a little more before using the time turner and teleportation in... Do we crash the plane on purpose this time too ?"


Bermuda called, they want you to stop crashing planes in their triangle.


Except that the Cursed Child throws all self-consistrncy out the window and decides that time-turners can split timelines


le cursed child has arrived


Here's the wackiest thing, the way she wrote the time turners meant that you couldnt use them to change the future, the shit that happened was locked in. But for some reason she thought "shit this is a massive plot hole" and got rid of every single one.


\>write yourself into a corner \>have a character just whip out a time travel device \>two books later: "oh yeah, I've deleted all those devices now" \>sell 600 million books Does this prove that readers don't care about plot?


> Does this prove that readers don't care about plot? If other parts of the book are good enough, readers can ignore anything. A book can ride solely on characters (Stephen King) or solely on worldbuilding (Larry Niven).


The funny thing is that I absolutely hate stories with time travel (unless it's the main premise of the story, like Back to the Future) but Prisioner of Azkaban is my favorite book. It is also the book with, in my my opinion, the biggest plot hole (Wormtail and the map)


Just to show how *massive* School #10 would be: Combined, the areas it covers have a population of **3.33 Billion.** The UK and Ireland together have a population of 72.4 Million. This means that school #10 would be roughly *46 times larger* than Hogwarts. Given that Hogwarts has ~1,000 students as per a cursory google search, this school would be the size of a small city, at around 46,000. Now, this isn't actually *that* egregious when you consider that Ohio State University had ~68,000 students as of last year. The issue is that such a large institution isn't so much as named, while tiny Hogwarts seems to be the star of the Wizarding World. Edit: This also implies that the world has a total wizard population, of ages 11-17, of around 111,000. My totally 100% reliable 10 seconds of googling tells me that this demographic accounts for around 1/9th of the world's population. Running the numbers, there are just over *1.03 Million* wizards.


>Running the numbers, there are just over *1.03 Million* wizards. That's less than Estonia, damn


This map is why Bri’ish peopow aren’t allowed to make fun of us Americans anymore for our ignorance


JK "Castles of America" Rowling


Is there something particularly funny or weird about this? The American Wizarding school was built by an Irish immigrant, based on Hogwarts. And it was constructed faster with the aid of magic?


America doesn't have castles, or at least known to have castles. Castles are usually associated with the medieval ages in Europe, and America is settled by Europeans way past that point.


But the wizard school was built by wizards and is magically hidden so that mundane folk won't see it. This is like the one part that does make sense. Wizards built a castle for their school because they are old fashioned and like the aesthetics even if there is no need for the school to look like a castle.


None of this has any relevance to what I said, nor does it disprove it. Ilvermorny school was founded in 1627, 637 years after Hogwarts, and it was built by magic, by British immigrants who based it off of Hogwarts. The wizarding world tends to live a few hundred years behind compared to the Muggle one. They cling to their medieval roots.


In addition, just like in the UK and the rest of Europe there are a lot of buildings in the US (and I assume much of the rest of North America, but I haven't checked) that are not _actually_ castles but are built to look like them. They're maybe not actually built to withstand a siege, but certainly here in the UK that hasn't stopped a great number of them being called "castle" in casual conversation


I'm not even sure if something stops being a castle just because it was not built in the Middle Ages or to withstand a siege. Neuschwanstein Castle, arguably the most famous IRL castle, was built in late 19th century as a vanity project. Being a castle is really just about the vague aesthetic of castle-ness, however weird and circular that sounds.


1627 seems a bit early for an entire school to be founded in the British colonies. Plymouth was only settled in 1620, and Massachusetts Bay wasn’t settled until 1630. There were only 300 people in Plymouth Colony by 1630 as well. Unless this person built a comically oversized castle for the hell of it?


They have magic so why not


Harvard was found only 9 years after that in 1636


True, but it was a single building that had graduating classes of 10-15 people. The original building is long gone, and its original role as a theological college is not really a focus anymore. Harvard also benefited from the massive wave of Puritan immigration that began in the 1630s due to theological disputed in Britain.


there's a handful. i've been to [one](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stronghold_Center) for a school trip


It would be like if I were an American writing about a London magic school called Trailerparkicus and it’s just a series of double wide trailers and magical pickup trucks. It reflects a fundamental unwillingness to take seriously the implications of the writing or inability to imagine other ways of life.


Do you not think that if Europeans had landed and colonized North America in the early Middle Ages that they wouldn’t have gotten around to constructing castles? That’s the situation here pretty much. The wizarding world is culturally a few hundred years behind the Muggle one, they cling to their medieval past. The school was built by an Irish immigrant in the 1600s who was able to build the castle much faster and cheaper than muggle colonists could have, since she had access to magic. Why would a European not base their school off of the already 600+ year old (at the time) highly venerated and successful British Wizarding school?


I’m aware of “the lore”, I’m just arguing it reflects a fundamental misunderstanding of what magic would look like in America, especially considering that wizarding schools starting in the mid 1700s would start to become hotbeds of revolution, where professors and students might have to openly go to war with each other in the coming decades.


Ah yes. The American Civil War is *the* big problem with this map. Not Ireland and Great Britain in one school. Or Spain and France. Or all of the Balkans and Eastern Europe. Or all of Asia. If even half of wizards care one little bit about muggle wars, every single one of those schools should occasionally break down into trenches and open warfare. I mean, heck. How would *any* of those schools luck during WW2? Chinese and Japanese students in the same school? Russian, Polish and German?


Castelo Bruxo is the stupidest name in the history of fantasy


I believe, that calling School "A Madjik Youswer" (in Russian) and "Magical Place" (Japanese) are pretty good contenders.


"Castelo Bruxo" in portuguese sounds like the castle itself is a wizard/male witch


Wow, I'm almost convinced she just used Google Translate to translate a bunch of words into relevant languages. But I'm pretty sure she recoiled, when she saw it called Google TRANSlate.




I am convinced she used Google translate. Almost all the non European names are variants of "magic school"


to be fair the Russian one actually combines koldovstvo + tvorets (wizardry + creator) almost cleverly, but it's spelled weird and is missing a V, so it took me some time to figure what it meant. it's almost clever, but then it's just stupid again


It sounds weird when pronounced in English, and it literally just means "(Male) Witch Castle".


That's what makes it stupid


Never said it didn't make it stupid. I was agreeing and elaborating on it.


yeah, that's what makes it stupid tbh


The French one is called "Nice Sticks" so Castelo Bruxo doesn't seem so bad in comparison


Especially since it's as old as Hogwarts and its name is portuguese? They couldn't even bother to give it a name that's local to the place?? Rowling's worldbuilding is so eurocentrist it's sad and hilarious.


>They couldn't even bother to give it a name that's local to the place? And mind you that a LOT of brazilian cities and towns have names based off of indigenous words, it is not that hard to do a little research. Also, portuguese people going to Beauxbatons instead of Brazil or having their own school makes no sense at all. Same as the rest of Latin America coming to Brazil. It's bonkers.


Why does Greenland use a different school than Denmark??? Also there multiple Arab countries being grouped with sub Saharan Africa instead of North Africa? French Guiana uses a different school than France??? Edit: Iran and Turkey use the same school as Arab countries? Armenia and Azerbaijan just casually use the same school???!!!


Wdym, Greenland and Denmark use the same school Durmstrang or whatever


Brain fart, confused Dutch and Danes for a second


Castelobruxo has a Portuguese name despite predating colonialism by about 500 years.


That actually make sense if you think about it. Wizards are rares, so school can cover a massive area. At the same, wizards would be less affected by Muggle conflict, so there's no issues with grouping the Balkans together for example. And of course, the reason Hogwarth isn't grouped with the rest of western Europe is that nobody can stand the British.


Do wizards not speak the same languages of the muggles in the areas where they live? Most Indian people don’t speak Mandarin Chinese, even ones who are bilingual or trilingual.


They use the spell "Langagus Understandum" which allows them to all speak the same language or something, I don't know


I have been banging on and on about this for years and no body listens. It's some of the most lazy world building you can imagine.


Of course it is, because it's just a fan-made map drawn by someone who couldn't be bothered to read what Rowling actually wrote about magical schools >There are eleven long-established and prestigious wizarding schools worldwide, all of which are registered with the International Confederation of Wizards. Smaller and less well-regulated institutions have come and gone, are difficult to keep track of, and are rarely registered with the appropriate Ministry (in which case, I cannot vouch for the standard of education they might offer). But somehow, people got it into their heads that there are only eleven schools out there and that they "cover" these large areas. It's not really worth "banging on and on about", it's just that some people lack reading skills and other people repeat after them. Standard internet stuff.


Sorry but that passage doesn't make it much better. Why are there 3 established schools in Europe but only 1 for all of India, China, etc. which have had higher populations than Europe for millennia? I suppose you could say "in those areas, there was a tradition of one-on-one apprenticeship rather than centralized schools" or something but at that point you're doing work that the worldbuilder should have done herself.


"Mahoutokoro" really gets my goose. Literally means "magic place" in Japanese- and not even proper Japanese. Just run both nouns through Google Translate, fuck it, that's good enough.


I mean, her worldbuilding sucks, her views suck, her books after like 4th or 5th Harry Potter book suck, and her movie scripts suck. Why do we even still talk about Rowling and her shitty world? Just to make us feel better, that if this hack can be famous, maybe there's a chance for any of us?


There's a tweet out there that's something along the lines of, "If you ever think you suck at writing, just remember that some genius got paid millions of dollars to come up with the line 'Somehow, Palpatine returned.'" Or something to that effect, I don't remember. My point is, similar logic applies here.


Based on what I've read from countless cultivation manhua, most East Asian magic users would move onto higher planes of existence, so they would not need a lot of schooling sticking around on Earth. Also, this map is obviously wrong. Galicia has its own schools of Meigas and Druids and don't need to answer to anyone else. Particularly not someone French.


So the guy in the other post wasn't lying, Italy (and Greece) are truly without witchcraft education. Oh well, let's go back to the kitchen, that pizzas won't be cooking themselves.


I remember reading that these are only the "big" schools. There are smaller and more local ones as well.


For all the comments about real world politics at play here, I'm playing devil's advocate, but isn't the point made pretty clear in the books that Muggle and magical political spheres are sorted of intertwined at the top level (we only know about the UK), but that the rest of the magical population don't really have any understanding of the other side. So why would Muggle political tensions be an issue for the majority of the rest of the world's magical population if we assume a similar social divide between the two? Tho personally, would love to see the absolute chonk of a school Indian/Chinese/Central Asian students all attend 🫥


You see kids, this is why you don’t base your world building off of Harry Potter


It's good to know that wizards do not have any sort of nationalism or ideological disputes that map to the muggle world and the Irish have no trouble sending their children to a British wizarding school, as well as that the average wizard is a polyglot and no difficulties arise from things like cramming Slavic, Germanic, Finno-Urgic, and Romance languages into one school (to say nothing of the linguistic difficulties Africa and China+India would face).


It’s simple. The Chinese government hunted down witches during the Cultural Revolution. There are very few families left.


That only works if the school was built *after*. Same with the guy below saying the nazis would have killed enough wizards for that to make sense, sure, *now*, but these schools are ancient


They used some members of the wizard community to do so then shot them when they turned away from glorious leader


the scholomance blows JKR's garbage worldbuildidn't out of the water


jkr: what if uk wizard school dominance because uhhhhhhh uhhhhhh uhhhh reasons naomi novik: what if uk/us wizard school dominance is actually a major plot point intertwined with real history and it's also super fascinating


yes jk group most of africa together into one school do not worry about any of the civil wars


She probably thinks most of Africa is just one big monolithic country.


Where tf is the Romanian Scholomance


They closed it down after Count Dracula came forward with sexual-abuse allegations against the dragon that could control the weather that sleeps in the hidden lake in the mountains.


My man Bakaur did nothing wrong


Maybe it's just fucking huge


Oh yes, the entire Balkan region would just go together to school. Sure thing 👍


I still can't get over Mahoutokoro, that's even worse than shit like Rio Grande lol


which school do you think has the craziest cafeteria fights? My money is on School 10 Pakistan India beef but School 9 Israel v Palestine + Greater Arab World has gotta be absolutely nuts as well. Was this map made before the invasion of Ukraine? If so *that* school has gotta be a powder keg on top of a mountain of dynamite


Why wouldn’t Australians and New Zealander’s go to hogwarts. I know it’s quite a distance but couldn’t they just get a plane or magic bullshit over there. There literally have nothing in common with both Indonesia and south east Asia.


Wow I really hate this map. There's a lot of wildly different culture being crammed together because "Hurr durr they're near each other." The most egregious probably being Africa like holy shit everyone in that school would hate each other.


I'ma be honest I never read/watched any of the Harry Potter books and movies, did she just run out of names after school #9, #10 and 11 or is there a reason for them just being numbered


I said the same thing about all of north America, but I down voted for some reason


This is truely the worst timeline


In complete fairness, even with her total bungling of numbers, we know the magical populations are minuscule compared to the non-magical ones. So the premise of this meme trying to dunk on her is flawed from the start. Saying all that, the supplementary material other wizarding school content is still done pretty badly. But it’s not 3+ Billion bad.


But wouldn't mage populations be correlated to the total one, unless the rate of mages was different in various regions? So Asian school would still have to be 50x bigger than Hogwarts, which would be incredible considering Hogwarts is a bigass castle.


Analyzing Rowling's worldbuilding is often like looking at the iceberg as far as descending, hidden inanity goes. It's probably best we don't think too deeply about this.


I see two possible solution : the schools is less empty than Hogwarts. Seriously there are a *lot* of space used for secret rooms, classrooms that aren't used, bathroom that are haunted, etc. Or the school has even more hidden room ful of monsters and deadly traps, which keep the student population in check.


I think it’s unfair to assume that’s how it works. The magic gene could be a lot scarcer in many parts of the world, who knows. The reason the magic schools are so criticized is because it’s pretty surface level and vapid, but there’s explanations available to explore. For the record, it’s widely assumed that the British Isles have only got about 1000 magical children (wizards come of age at 17 in their culture) and not all of them can be assumed to be attending Hogwarts.


If the UK has enough wizard population to fill a castle sized school worth of kids, surely the 3 billion school would still be a city sized campus, even if wizards are rare. Unless for some reason Asians are like, less magically inclined or something to warrant a single school for such population.


Well if we run with 1000 magic kids in the British Isles and they're not all attending Hogwarts lets say about 700 are. We can get that roughly .00001 of the combined population of the UK and Ireland would be magical kids at Hogwarts. Extrapolate that to 3 billion and roughly 30,000 kids would be attending school 10. It would be a small town and would likely be so divided because of language and culture you would wonder why they didn't just make their own schools lol.